Best of
The Sufi Path Of Knowledge: Ibn Al ʻarabi's Metaphysics Of Imagination
William C. Chittick - 1989
Born in Muslim Spain, he has become famous in the West as the greatest mystical thinker of Islamic civilization. He was a great philosopher, theologian, and poet.William Chittick takes a major step toward exposing the breadth and depth of Ibn al-'Arabi's vision. The book offers his view of spiritual perfection and explains his theology, ontology, epistemology, hermeneutics, and soteriology. The clear language, unencumbered by methodological jargon, makes it accessible to those familiar with other spiritual traditions, while its scholarly precision will appeal to specialists.Beginning with a survey of Ibn al-'Arabi's major teachings, the book gradually introduces the most important facets of his thought, devoting attention to definitions of his basic terminology. His teachings are illustrated with many translated passages introducing readers to fascinating byways of spiritual life that would not ordinarily be encountered in an account of a thinker's ideas. Ibn al-'Arabi is allowed to describe in detail the visionary world from which his knowledge derives and to express his teachings in his own words.More than 600 passages from his major work, al-Futuhat al-Makkivva, are translated here, practically for the first time. These alone provide twice the text of the Fusus al-hikam. The exhaustive indexes make the work an invaluable reference tool for research in Sufism and Islamic thought in general.
Heart of the Enlightened
Anthony de Mello - 1989
Even if the cage is removed, we keep pacing in the same timid limits. We are afraid to get out. And we think that the only way out is by endless striving and thinking. But this profound healer and spiritual master shows us another way. The Heart of the Enlightened, the sequel to the highly successful Taking Flight, contains more than two hundred of de Mello's favorite stories. Whether Buddhist tales, Hindu fables, Islamic sayings, or Christian parables, the stories de Mello has chosen are sure to seep through to the heart. They touch on relationships, human nature, service, spirituality, and enlightenment. These are stories to be read slowly and savored. They are the key to liberating us from all that would pen us in.
The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order: An Interpretation of the Rosicrucian Allegory An Explanation of the Ten Rosicrucian Grades
Paul Foster Case - 1989
Paul Foster Case. He explains that Rosicrucianism is based upon earthly organizations, but on personal unflodment, and clearly describes the distinctive marks of a Rosicrucian. The treatise is divided into two main parts by Dr. Case. The first is a careful examination and interpretation of the principle Rosicrucian maneifestos, the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis. The second part is an explanation of the Rosicrucian Grade system, as applied to the diagram of the Tree of Life and Tarot attributions. By participating in the outlined procedures, aspirants are put on the right track of preparing themselves for union with the Higher Self, which may or may not include group work with an outer order or fraternity. The first editions of 1927, 1928 and 1933 were of limited publication. The fourth and most complete expansion of the text by Paul Case ws finished in 1937, revised by him in 1953 just before his death , and published in by Weiser in 1985. It represents the full maturity of his thought on this subject.
The Inner Smile: Increasing Chi through the Cultivation of Joy
Mantak Chia - 1989
In Taoism negative emotions--anger, sadness, depression, fear, and worry--are seen as low-grade energy that causes chronic disease and steals our major life force by creating energy blockages. Master Mantak Chia shows that the internal awareness produced by the simple yet powerful Inner Smile meditation practice flushes the organs of poisonous negative energy that may be blocking chi energy flow in order to nourish the entire body. Just as a genuine outer smile transmits positive energy and has the power to warm and heal, an inner smile produces a high grade of energy that promotes powerful internal healing, deep relaxation, happiness, and longevity. Smiling to the organs and thanking them for the work they do helps to reawaken the intelligence of the body, which, once activated, can dissipate emotional imbalances and inner disharmony before serious illness manifests.
Alchemical Mandala: A Survey of the Mandala in the Western Esoteric Traditions
Adam McLean - 1989
Though various Western traditions possess such contemplative tools, they have not often not been recognized as such, except by those deeply schooled in Western esotericism. Adam McLean remedies this situation by presenting, and analyzing in great depth, over forty beautiful engravings, reproduced as fullpage illustrations, from alchemical, kabbalistic, magical, Rosicrucian and Hermetic sources.This is the first book exclusively dedicated to the mandala tradition in the West and is an extremely valuable sourcework on account of the illustrations and commentaries. Not only is The Alchemical Mandala a comprehensive guide on how to "read" the cosmological and spiritual symbolism of alchemical engravings, it also outlines three ways for working practically with these mandalas in meditation.
Magic: The Principles of Higher Knowledge
Karl von Eckartshausen - 1989
Not too many books have that kind of staying power. The word "magic" in the title may be a deterrent to some, however contemporary practitioners have given the word magic another meaning. Magic is the highest knowledge that exists on our planet, because it teaches the metaphysical as well as the metapsychical laws on every plane of existence. In order to attain the necessary maturity it first requires a very particular preparatory training. This book belongs to the preparatory category of magic, giving the reader a wonderful insight into the symbols of magic, as understood by the heart, not the intellect. Numbers are one of the symbol forms bearing the truths of metaphysics; these explanations are found beginning on page 260. North American students of metaphysics often suffer from a lack of historical background, just as many contemporary students do in regards to politics and history. This is potentially damaging in spirituality as in any other arena of the world. This book contains a concept of history as well as spiritual insight. It is important to see that what you have to grapple with spiritually is not new at all to humans, and is at best only tinted by the socio-political climate. Throughout this book clear explanations are given, and a very honest critique of man is also presented. Of great interest is this critique of man, which is no less applicable two hundred years ago. Nothing changes, but things are relative. To get a sense of past thinking which falls under the present umbrella of "New Age," and to reach such material without modern-day jargon, is an eye-opening experience. It will change your impressions about the spiritual path which most people currently share. The author's clarity makes the confusing issues of our chaotic world melt away, reminding us that "Great Secrets will reveal themselves to you. . . All we have to do is ask!" Eckartshausen challenges the readers to find personal and divine meaning among the myriad of meaningless symbols cluttering their lives. This book is an excellent treatise on Western Magic, which speak refreshingly of the nature of material reality. Eckartshausen states that imagination is indeed reality, but it is reality that needs more attention to be manifested. He warns of charlatans, of evil and of misusing an elite knowledge gained through one's exploration. More importantly, he points the way to the path of a greater understanding of Nature and gives viable insights into miracles, energy, and universal laws.
A Treatise on Angel Magic: Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks
Adam McLean - 1989
This volume is an exact and complete transcription of the original rare manuscript Harley 6482, considered one of the most important occult manuscripts in the British Library. Harley 6482 is one of six volumes in a collection described as "The Treatises of Dr. Rudd." Rudd, a Hebrew scholar, seemed to have had available a broad spectrum of primary sources and a secret tradition about the Enochian Tables of John Dee. In his writing on Angels, Rudd exposes himself as a practicing magician as well as a scholar of esoteric material. He was deeply immersed in the dualistic picture of the spiritual world, which is of great importance in esotericism. McLean has transcribed the text of Harley 6482 (on Angel Magic) in its entirety, modernizing the spelling in places but remaining as loyal as possible to the style of Dr. Rudd. McLean believes this Treatise was written by Rudd for use by a group of practicing occultists centered around him. A Treatise on Angel Magic includes detailed sections on the Schemhamphoras, the 72 Angels that bear the name of God; the hierarchies of the fallen angels; rapturous Images of the Mansions of the Moon; evocation of the Natura Spirits; and John Dee's Enochian system of Angel conjuration. It concludes with Dr. Rudd's Treatise on the Nine Hierarchies of Angels and their conjuration to visible appearance. A Treatise on Angel Magic is an outstandingly complex source work on Angel Magic, and a resource that brings together several seminal texts not available anywhere else. Essential for scholars and students of the occult, the book offers not merely one viewpoint on western esoterica but instead encompasses all of the important thinking on these topics present in Medieval and Renaissance times.
Time And Eternity
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy - 1989
If one thinks more deeply, it will be seen that time which appears to be measurable is beyond measurement and nothing is everlasting. Save the supreme principle that guides life, there is nothing which is immeasurable and external. Thus time and eternity, being associated with the supreme principle, attracted the attention of great religious thinkers. Here in this book, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy has dealt with these two concepts as discussed by Hindu, Buddhist, Greek, Christian and Islamic Philosophers.
Cosmic Music: Musical Keys to the Interpretation of Reality
Joscelyn Godwin - 1989
In this book, Joscelyn Godwin brings together three contemporary German thinkers who exemplify this tradition in its modern variants: Marius Schneider, Rudolf Haase, and Hans Erhard Lauer. The selections draw on ancient Indian sources and mythology; Kepler's Platonic vision of a musical, geometric universe; and the evolution of the tone systems of music. While every music lover senses the power and truth that reside in music, very few actually approach music as a path to cosmic knowledge. Godwin takes literally Beethoven's assertion that "Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom or philosophy." Godwin writes, ". . .to penetrate the mysteries of music is to prepare for initiation into those fathomless mysteries of man and cosmos."
Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation
Mantak Chia - 1989
In the practice of Chi Massage, internal energy, or Chi, is manipulated to strengthen and rejuvenate the sense organs--eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, and skin--and the internal organs. The Taoist techniques in this practice are more than 5,000 years old and, until very recently, were closely guarded secrets passed down from master to student with each master often knowing only a small part of the complete method. In Chi Self-Massage Master Mantak Chia pieces together the entire system of Chi Massage into a logical routine, revealing the methods used by Taoist masters to maintain their youthfulness. He explains the energetic theory behind Chi Massage and how negative emotions affect the organs and nervous system. By practicing the exercises outlined and following the daily routine that requires only 5 to 10 minutes to complete, readers can strengthen their senses--most notably vision, hearing, and taste--detoxify their internal organs and glands, help control negative emotions, relieve stress and constipation, and improve their complexion, teeth and gums, and overall stamina.
Advanced Magical Arts
R.J. Stewart - 1989
Only a generation ago much of the material in this book would have been regarded as 'secret', for private group use only. Much of it has been developed by small groups of dedicated people during the last decade - a particularly fruitful period of growth in the magical arts. In "Advanced Magical Arts," the author draws upon the coherent, mature and enduring systems of magic, long preserved in our Western culture. With beautiful illustrations by Miranda Gray, he offers a series of fundamental aspects of the magical arts, which he supports with practical examples of visualizations and rituals. R.J. Stewart is a highly respected Scottish author and composer who has worked, researched and written extensively on music, folklore and the Western Esoteric Tradition. He is the founder and organizer of the annual Merlin Conference.
Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions
Mantak Chia - 1989
It is a series of meditations designed to locate and dissolve negative energies trapped inside the body by making a connection between the five outer senses (experienced through the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and tongue) and the five major negative emotions (anger, hate, worry, sadness, and fear). When the body is cleared of negative energy, universal chi energy flows freely and productively, nourishing both body and soul. The practice is divided into two parts. The first works with controlling the forces of the five elements on the five major organs of the body by learning the elements’ effects upon each other and how to balance and utilize these energies properly. The advanced Fusion exercises then show how to channel the greater energies of the stars and planets to strengthen internal weaknesses and crystallize positive energy. By “fusing” all the different kinds of energy together, a harmonious whole is created--the key to manifesting an Immortal existence.