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Lessons in Truth
H. Emilie Cady - 1989
All books in the Unity Classic Library series feature hardcover binding with gold engraving, colorful endpapers, library nameplate page, author photograph, and biography. The series makes a beautiful display on a library shelf, and each book is a respected addition to any metaphysical collection.Cady simplifies metaphysics and practical Christianity from the perspective of her personal experiences.
How to Handle Adversity
Charles F. Stanley - 1989
Your son ran away. A loved one just died from cancer. Your best friend is getting a divorce. The list is endless.Adversity is a reality that no one can avoid. Everyone asks why when adversity strikes. Yet Dr. Stanley contends, "As much as we all want to know the answer to the why question, it is really not the most significant question. The real question each of us needs to ask is, 'How should I respond?'"How to Handle Adversity helps you learn toAsk the right questions about adversityBecome a comfort to othersRediscover the faithfulness of GodDeal with pride and weaknessLook at adversity from God's perspectiveGlorify God in your adversityIf you are a child of God whose heart's desire is to see God glorified through you, adversity will not put you down for the count. There will be those initial moments of shock and confusion. But the man or woman who has God's perspective on this life and the life to come will always emerge victorious! ?Charles Stanley
In Conversation with God: Ordinary Time, Weeks 1-12 v.3: Meditations for Each Day of the Year: Ordinary Time: Weeks 1-12 Vol 3
Francisco Fernández-Carvajal - 1989
This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day. Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation. The whole set comes with a handsome slipcase that prevents wear-and-tear on the individual volumes.
Gnosis: Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy (Book One: Exoteric Cycle)
Boris Mouravieff - 1989
The Experience of God:: Revelation and Knowledge of the Triune God (Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, Volume 1 : Revelation and Knowledge of the Triune God)
Dumitru Stăniloae - 1989
It is the theologian's task to make manifest the link between dogma and personal spirituality, to show how every dogma responds to a deep need and longing in the human heart, and how it has practical consequences for society. Dogmas, he is convinced, do not enslave but liberate; theology is essentially freedom.' Kallistos Ware>
Discovering the Character of God
George MacDonald - 1989
Profound spiritual insight into God's wondrously loving character from one of history's most important writers.