Best of
Rosanne Bittner - 1995
He joins the army purposely to fight Indians – any Indians. Iris Gray is a colonel’s daughter, who joins her father in America’s Northwest Territory and tries to bring peace between settlers and the Nez Perce Nation. Circumstances bring Iris and Zack together in a memorable love story as Iris struggles to help Zack find peace in his own heart. An unlikely friendship forms between these two and a Nez Perce warrior, Strong Runner, and his wife, Morning Star, teaching all four characters about cultural tolerance. CHASE THE SUN is the true story of the last flight of the Nez Perce to Canada in 1876, and a stunning depiction of the reasons for war and misunderstandings in a land deeply torn by its own unstoppable growth. A memorable tale of real history, abiding love, and a Nation’s unique struggle through tragedy and triumph.
Pride And Prejudice (Macmillan Readers)
Margaret Tarner - 1995
Bound in genuine leather w/gilt edges. Illustrations by C.E. and H.M. Brock. From the book "This book is printed on archival quality paper especially milled for this edition. It is acid-neutral and conforms to all guidelines established for permanence and durability by the Council of Library Resources and the American National Standards Institute." The copyright is 1996 by The Easton Press (MBI, Inc.).
Naked and Other Screenplays
Mike Leigh - 1995
Naked presents a bleak picture of urban society, Life is Sweet is a gentle comedy in which the pain of everyday life is borne with a wry smile, and High Hopes is a comedy of class-ridden life in contemporary Britain.
Models of the Universe: An Anthology of the Prose Poem
Stuart Friebert - 1995
This strange sub-genre encompasses the history of modern poetry, from its beginnings in romanticism (Bertrand, Turgenev, Baudelaire), its adolescence in Symbolism (Mallarme, Rimbaud, Trakl), its maturity in high modernism (Stein, Williams, Kafka, Montale, Follain, Char, Vallejo, H.D., and others), and its middle age in post-modernism (Cortazar, Bishop, Ashbery, Simic, Edson, Bly...) up to the present.
Middle Egyptian Grammar
James E. Hoch - 1995
Unlike Alan Gardiner's monumental Egyptian Grammar, this is not intended as a reference work, and it is designed to be as user-friendly as possible by, for example, presenting simplified forms of genuine texts rather than diving straight into the originals. It is suggested the the 16 lessons be spread over about 30 weeks study. The book is widely used in North American courses.
CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design
Sung-Mo Kang - 1995
Appropriate for electrical engineering and computer science, this book starts with CMOS processing, and then covers MOS transistor models, basic CMOS gates, interconnect effects, dynamic circuits, memory circuits, BiCMOS circuits, I/O circuits, VLSI design methodologies, low-power design techniques, design for manufacturability and design for testability. This book provides rigorous treatment of basic design concepts with detailed examples. It typically addresses both the computer-aided analysis issues and the design issues for most of the circuit examples. Numerous SPICE simulation results are also provided for illustration of basic concepts. Through rigorous analysis of CMOS circuits in this text, students will be able to learn the fundamentals of CMOS VLSI design, which is the driving force behind the development of advanced computer hardware.
Textbook of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine
Sally V. Rudmann - 1995
It begins with the basics of genetics and immunology, and then progresses to the technical aspects of blood banking and transfusion. Chapters are divided into sections on: Basic Science Review; Blood Group Serology; Donation, Preparation, and Storage; Pretransfusion Testing; Transfusion Therapy; Clinical Considerations; and Safety, Quality Assurance, and Data Management. Developed specifically for medical technologists, blood bank specialists, and residents, the new edition conforms to the most current standards of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB).Expert Opinion essays, written by well-known, frequently published experts, discuss interesting topics of research or new advances in the field.Important terms are defined in the margins of the pages on which they appear, enabling readers to easily check the meaning of an unfamiliar term where it appears in context.Margin notes highlight important concepts and points, remind readers of previously discussed topics, offer an alternative perspective, or refer readers to other sources for further information.Material conforms to the most recent AABB standards for the most accurate, up-to-date information on immunohematology.Advanced concepts, beyond what is required for entry-level practice, are set apart from the rest of the text so readers can easily differentiate between basic and advanced information.A new chapter on Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Cellular Therapy (chapter 19) provides cutting-edge coverage of cellular therapy and its relevance to blood-banking.New content has been added on molecular genetics, component therapy, and International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) nomenclature, as well as the latest information on HIV, hepatitis, quality assurance, and information systems.Coverage of new technologies, such as nucleic acid technology and gel technology, keeps readers current with advances in the field.
Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious
Michael Billig - 1995
Billig suggests that language is both expressive and repressive; he examines some of Freud's classic case histories and Freud's own life to show that even Freud himself can be seen to be repressing. Freud and Repression also offers new insights on the current debate about recovered memories and the ideological background to psychoanalysis, which will guarantee its interdisciplinary appeal.
The Camera Assistant: A Complete Professional Handbook
Douglas Hart - 1995
Whether it is feature films, episodic television, documentaries, commercials, or music videos, The Camera Assistant: A Complete Professional Handbook explains both the practice and theory behind it with a concentration on technique rather than equipment. In addition, personal anecdotes from the author's years behind and beside the camera provide insight into this demanding field.Key topics include film formats and aspect ratios, testing lenses and camera equipment, focus theory, film loading and labeling, scene blocking, marking actors, shooting tips, slating, paperwork, equipment maintenance, set etiquette, and finding work. This is not a camera equipment handbook; it is a comprehensive procedures manual which describes and explains the most important responsibilities of the camera assistant on the set, the theory behind the practice, and the methods that get the job done properly and keep the assistant frequently employed.Douglas C. Hart has been a freelance first-camera assistant on feature films, documentaries, television shows, and commercials for more than 20 years, including 10 years (and 10 films) as first-camera assistant to Gordon Willis, ASC, as well as work in 42 states and 26 foreign countries. His work includes Presumed Innocent, Hannah and Her Sisters, The Cosby Mysteries, and CBS's Central Park West. He is a member and former president of the International Photographers Local 644, IATSE, and teaches the Camera Assistant Workshops at the International Film and Television Workshops in Rockport, Maine.
Great German Poems of the Romantic Era
Stanley Appelbaum - 1995
Although strictly defined as flourishing from 1798 to 1835, Romanticism is not timebound and German Romantic poetry was written both before and after these dates. Indeed, the 131 poems in this volume range in date from 1770 to 1903.Collected here are great romantic poems by 23 poets: Goethe, Schiller, Hiilderlin, Novalis, Tieck, Brentano, Ruckert, Heine, Miirike, Storm, Nietzsche, and 12 more. Stanley Appelbaum has provided excellent new literal English translations of the poems on facing pages, along with an informative introduction and concise evaluations of each poet. This is a wonderful opportunity for any student of German or lover of poetry to enjoy a rich sampling from one of the world’s great poetic traditions.
Langston Hughes and the *Chicago Defender*: Essays on Race, Politics, and Culture, 1942-62
Langston Hughes - 1995
He has been referred to as the "Dean of Black Letters" and the "poet low-rate of Harlem." But it was as a columnist for the famous African-American newspaper the Chicago Defender that Hughes chronicled the hopes and despair of his people. For twenty years, he wrote forcefully about international race relations, Jim Crow, the South, white supremacy, imperialism and fascism, segregation in the armed forces, the Soviet Union and communism, and African-American art and culture. None of the racial hypocrisies of American life escaped his searing, ironic prose. This is the first collection of Hughes's nonfiction journalistic writings. For readers new to Hughes, it is an excellent introduction; for those familiar with him, it gives new insights into his poems and fiction.
The Unruly Woman: Gender and the Genres of Laughter
Kathleen Rowe - 1995
In this groundbreaking work, Kathleen Rowe explores how the unruly woman—often a voluptuous, noisy, joke-making rebel or "woman on top"—uses humor and excess to undermine patriarchal norms and authority.At the heart of the book are detailed analyses of two highly successful unruly women—the comedian Roseanne Arnold and the Muppet Miss Piggy. Putting these two figures in a deeper cultural perspective, Rowe also examines the evolution of romantic film comedy from the classical Hollywood period to the present, showing how the comedic roles of actresses such as Katharine Hepburn, Barbara Stanwyck, and Marilyn Monroe offered an alternative, empowered image of women that differed sharply from the "suffering heroine" portrayed in classical melodramas.
Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications
Richard J. Blakely - 1995
Introductory chapters discuss potential theory with emphasis on those aspects particularly important to earth scientists, such as Laplace's equation, Newtonian potential, magnetic and electrostatic fields, conduction of heat, and spherical harmonic analysis. Later chapters apply these theoretical concepts specifically to the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies, with emphasis on anomalies caused by crustal and lithospheric sources. The book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in applied geophysics.
An Introduction to Social Constructionism
Vivien Burr - 1995
Focusing on the challenge to psychology that social constructionism poses, Viven Burr examines the notion of 'personality' to illustrate the rejection of essentialism by social constructionists. This questions psychology's traditional understanding of the person. She then shows how the study of language can be used as a focus for our understanding of human behaviour and experience. This is continued by examining 'discourses' and their role in constructing social phenomena, and the relationship between discourse and power. However, the problems associated with these analyses are also clearly outlined.Many people believe that one of the aims of social science should be to bring about social change. Viven Burr analyses what possibilities there might be for change in social constructionist accounts. She also addresses what social constructionism means in practice to research in the social sciences, and includes some guidelines on undertaking discourse analysis.Introduction to Social Constructionism is an invaluable and clear guide for all perplexed students who want to begin to understand this difficult area.
Two Ears of Corn: A Guide to People-Centered Agricultural Improvement
Roland Bunch - 1995
This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment
Roger S. Gottlieb - 1995
Updated with nearly forty new selections to reflect the tremendous growth and transformation of scholarly, theological, and activist religious environmentalism, the second edition of This Sacred Earth is an unparalleled resource for the study of religion's complex relationship to the environment.
When Wars Were Won
Hugh Aaron - 1995
Trying to recapture that experience, he writes this story, vividly portraying members of the battalion who impacted his life. Searching for his own identity, he finds it in the warm, rich culture of a small Filipino village where love and dignity thrive among a people who have suffered under the Japanese yoke.
Women, Men and Politeness
Janet Holmes - 1995
Data provided on interactional strategies, 'hedges and boosters', compliments and apologies, demonstrates ways in which women's politeness patterns differ from men's, with the implications of these different patterns explored, for women in particular, in the areas of education and professional careers.
The Voyage Of Discovery: A Historical Introduction To Philosophy
William F. Lawhead - 1995
Lawhead helps students retrace the philosopher's intellectual journey rather than simply giving a report of the results so that the students see how the problems arose. Thus the philosopher's problem becomes a puzzle which the student has to face. Lawhead uses metaphors, analogies, vivid images, concrete examples, common experiences, and diagrams to bring the abstract issues down to earth and show the practical implications and contemporary relevance of positions.
All Is Never Said: The Story of Odette Harper Hines
Judith Rollins - 1995
Recorded by the author over eight years, this narrative is a collaboration between two African American women who represent two generations of civil rights activists.
The College Woman's Handbook
Rachel Dobkin - 1995
From managing everyday expenses, to health, sexuality and birth control, to career issues, it addresses the hundreds of specific needs, questions and concerns that college women have. Written by two recent Barnard graduates, Rachel Dobkin and Shana Sippy, here are thirty-one chapters to help college women educate themselves in and out of the classroom. There are chapters on Academics--how to choose a major and find a mentor, manage study time, and counter sexism in the classroom where male students are called on as much as 12 times more often then female students. On Money. On Living Spaces. On Travel and Study Abroad. On Wellness-common campus illnesses, body image and eating disorders. Plus religion, personal safety, activism and volunteerism, and more. Sidebars provide instant information to dozens of topics--government loans, dietary supplements, issues of campus confidentiality. And throughout, quotes from college women around the country enrich and enliven each subject.54,000 copies in print.
Reforming Sex: The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950
Atina Grossmann - 1995
Relying on a broad range of sources--from police reports, films and personal interviews to sex manuals unearthed from library basements and secondhand bookstores--the book analyzes a remarkable mass mobilization during the turbulent and innovative Weimar years of doctors and laypeople for women's right to abortion and public access to birth control and sex education.
Understanding Primo Levi
Nicholas Patruno - 1995
Patruno (Italian, Bryn Mawr College) analyzes Levi's novels, short stories, and essays to reveal a writer who never came to term
Student Solutions Manual for Stewarts Calculus
James Stewart - 1995
With an early introduction to vectors and vector functions, the approach is ideal for engineering students who use vectors early in their curriculum. Stewart begins by introducing vectors in Chapter 1, along with their basic operations, such as addition, scalar multiplication, and dot product. The definition of vector functions and parametric curves is given at the end of Chapter 1 using a two-dimensional trajectory of a projectile as motivation. Limits, derivatives, and integrals of vector functions are interwoven throughout the subsequent chapters. As with the other texts in his Calculus series, in Early Vectors Stewart makes us of heuristic examples to reveal calculus to students. His examples stand out because they are not just models for problem solving or a means of demonstrating techniques - they also encourage students to develop an analytic view of the subject. This heuristic or discovery approach in the examples give students an intuitive feeling for analysis.
A Rivalry of Genius
Marc Hirshman - 1995
Rival interpretations of the early Church and the Midrash are set against the backdrop of the pagan critique of these religions and the gnostic threat that grew within both Christianity and Judaism. The comparison of the exegetical works of Christianity and Judaism illuminates the later development of the two religions and offers fresh insight into the Bible itself.
The Beatles
Allan Kozinn - 1995
Follows the extraordinary development of the four self-taught musicians from Liverpool from their beginnings until the break-up in 1970
Legends Series: Leyendas latinoamericanas (Leyendas)
Genevieve Barlow - 1995
This reader is softcover, 6" 9," and 178 pages in length.
Democracy on Trial: The Japanese American Evacuation and Relocation in World War II
Page Smith - 1995
This detailed, comprehensive history brings to life the experiences of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, and provides a fresh perspective on one of the most wrenching and least understood episodes in contemporary American history. Photos.
The Best of What We Are: Reflections on the Nicaraguan Revolution
John Brentlinger - 1995
Combining the insights of a philosopher with the experiences of a participant-observer, he interprets the Sandinista period as a people's struggle for self-realization in work, culture, politics, and community. The book alternates between journal and essay chapters, weaving descriptions of personal experiences together with interviews and analysis.
Nature, Culture, Imperialism: Essays on the Environmental History of South Asia
David Arnold - 1995
This volume collects a set of pioneering essays on the environmental history of South Asia from a distinguished international group of historians.
Fundamentals of Conservation Biology
Malcolm L. Hunter Jr. - 1995
Starting with a succinct look at conservation and biodiversity, this book progresses to contend with some of the subject's most complex topics, such as mass extinctions, ecosystem degradation, and over exploitation. Discusses social, political, and economic aspects of conservation biology. Thoroughly revised with over six hundred new references and web links to many of the organizations involved in conservation biology, striking photographs and maps. Artwork from the book is available to instructors online at and by request on CD-ROM.
Interior Lighting for Designers
Gary Gordon - 1995
And, for years, this excellent reference has guided architects and designers in the achievement of lighting artistry. Enhanced with more than one hundred new illustrations, Interior Lighting for Designers, 4th Edition takes readers step-by-step through the lighting design process as it covers lighting terminology, perception, general design strategies, and much more. Revised to address recent advances in lighting technology and practice, this edition also covers new equipment as well as revised specifications for existing equipment. Color photos of various design applications beautifully illustrate project concepts. Little wonder that this work has been identified as one of the "key preparation references" for design professionals facing their Lighting Certified examination.
Genocide and the Politics of Memory: Studying Death to Preserve Life
Herbert Hirsch - 1995
Herbert Hirsch studies repetitions of large-scale human violence in order to ascertain why people in every historical epoch seem so willing to kill each other. He argues that the primal passions unleashed in the cause of genocide are tied to the manipulation of memory for political purposes. According to Hirsch, leaders often invoke or create memories of real or fictitious past injustices to motivate their followers to kill for political gain or other reasons. Generations pass on their particular versions of events, which then become history. If we understand how cultural memory is created, Hirsch says, we may then begin to understand how and why episodes of mass murder occur and will be able to act to prevent them. In order to revise the politics of memory, Hirsch proposes essential reforms in both the modern political state and in systems of education.
The Brief Holt Handbook: MLA Update
Laurie G. Kirszner - 1995
Distinct from the competition, this easy-to-use reference covers critical thinking and reading and also addresses the use of computers and the Internet in every stage of writing and research.
Women Singing in the Snow: A Cultural Analysis of Chicana Literature
Tey Diana Rebolledo - 1995
Rebolledo discusses major writers' works, important myths and archetypes, and key theoretical issues; she then shows the ways in which Chicana writers explore subjectivity and identity in their writing, the struggle Chicana writers have faced in finding their voices and developing a strong and ethnically tagged language, and the ways they have broken taboos by transgressing into traditionally male spaces.
Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam: A Book of Essays
John Tolan - 1995
These fifteen original essays focus on unfamiliar texts that reflect the wide range of medieval Christianity's preoccupation with Islam, treating works from many different periods and in a wide range of genres and languages.
Rediscovering the Missing Jewel: Volume II
Robert E. Webber - 1995
For years the church has emphasized evangelism, teaching, fellowship, missions, and service while neglecting the very source of its power--worship. Recently, however, many churches are experiencing a Spirit-led renewal in their understanding and practice of the praise and worship of God. Rediscovering the Missing Jewel is a small-group course of study designed around thirteen easy-to-understand sessions. Part One, The Biblical foundations of Christian Worship, explores worship in two sessions--one for the Old Testament and one for the New. Part Two, Worship from the Time of the Early Church through the Nineteenth Century, consists of six sessions that trace important developments from Justin Martyr to the congregations of African-American slaves in North America. Along the way, sessions are devoted to Eastern Orthodox, medieval Catholic, Reformation, and Protestant free church worship. Part Three, Worship Renewal in the Twentieth Century, traces strands of Christian experience that directly influenced worship in many congregations today: Pentecostalism and the charismatic renewal, liturgical renewal stemming from Vatican II, the "praise and worship" movement, and a more recent approach that deliberately blends newer and older elements of the Christian worship tradition.
The Abandoned Generation: Rethinking Higher Education
William H. Willimon - 1995
This critical yet constructive assessment of the current state of higher education in America exposes the disconcerting causes and effects of failed campus life while posing real solutions for reforming today's colleges and universities. Convinced that America's institutions of higher learning now face a crisis — that they are not meeting the educational needs of their students, that faculty members can do better — William H. Willimon and Thomas H. Naylor here propose bold changes in the nation's undergraduate educational system. By looking at academic life from the students' point of view — the text is filled with real-life situations, reflections from students, and poignant illustrations — The Abandoned Generation evaluates American colleges and universities on the basis of the quality of the lives that they are now producing. Willimon and Naylor take an honest look at three realities of student life — substance abuse, indolence, and excessive careerism. They then evaluate the underlying causes — the sense of meaninglessness in student life and the absence of community. Finally, they build a provocative four-tier strategy for change — restructuring the academy, teachers who actually teach, curriculum reform, and the creation of learning communities.
Israel: Splendors of the Holy Land
Sarah Kochav - 1995
From the desert sands to the shadowy depths of the caves overlooking the Dead Sea to the buried cities whose splendor has been dimmed by the centuries, it is truly a cradle of civilization and a setting of incomparable beauty.This spectacular book journeys along the valley of the River Jordan and among the hills of Galilee, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the sands of the Negev. Some of the finest photographs ever taken of Israel are brought together for the first time: stunning aerial views of the land; treasures from Israel's museums and archaeological sites; portraits and scenes of everyday life; the walls, gates, and buildings of the Old City of Jerusalem. An informative and wide-ranging text comments on the images and provides a wealth of historical detail on a land that has endured for millennia.
Making Environmental Policy
Daniel J. Fiorino - 1995
A committed environmental advocate, he takes readers from theory to practice, demonstrating how laws and institutions address environmental needs and balance them against other political pressures.Drawing on the academic literature and his own familiarity with current trends and controversies, Fiorino offers a lucid view of the institutional and analytic aspects of environmental policymaking. A chapter on analytic methods describes policymakers' attempts to apply objective standards to complex environmental decisions. The book also examines how the law, the courts, political tensions, and international environmental agencies have shaped environmental issues. Fiorino grounds his discussion with references to numerous specific cases, including radon, global warming, lead, and hazardous wastes. Timely and necessary, this is an invaluable handbook for students, activists, and anyone wanting to unravel contemporary American environmental politics.
Enter His Courts with Praise: Volume IV
Robert E. Webber - 1995
For years, the church has emphasized evangelism, teaching, fellowship, missions, and service while neglecting the very source of its power--worship."Enter His Courts with Praise, " a course for small-group or individual study, consists of thirteen easy-to-understand sessions. Part One, "Music in Worship, " explores the purpose of music in worship, the way in which musical praise can express our relationship to God, the varieties of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and the role of instruments. Two sessions study contemporary praise music and a worship style that blends this newer music with more traditional forms. Part Two, "The Arts in Worship, " studies the physical and ceremonial settings of worship and the use in worship of drama and dance. A final session encourages reflection on the future of Christian worship.