Best of
The Erotic Mind: Unlocking the Inner Sources of Passion and Fulfillment
Jack Morin - 1995
Nationally known sex therapist Dr. Jack Morin offers a bold new perspective that celebrates the joys of Eros without denying its risks.Based on an in-depth analysis of over 1,000 provocative stories of peak sexual experiences, The Erotic Mind offers clear, accessible guidance on how anyone can utilize his or her own peak encounters and fantasies as powerful tools of self-discovery.The Erotic Mind explains the many paradoxes of erotic life, such as: why we're most excited when we must overcome obstacles; how anxiety, guilt, and anger—generally thought to have a negative impact on sexual arousal—often turn out to be aphrodisiacs; how we use unresolved issues from our early lives to intensify passion; and why the best sex is dynamic and unpredictable, rather than static and safe.These and other insights, combined with concrete suggestions for increasing our enjoyment, overcoming our problems, and revitalizing our relationships, will change forever the way we think about our eroticism.
Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth and the Politics of the Body
Riane Eisler - 1995
Riane Eisler shows us how history has consistently promoted the link between sex and violence—and how we can sever this link and move to a politics of partnership rather than domination in all our relations.
Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest
Anne McClintock - 1995
Spanning the century between Victorian Britain and the current struggle for power in South Africa, the book takes up the complex relationships between race and sexuality, fetishism and money, gender and violence, domesticity and the imperial market, and the gendering of nationalism within the zones of imperial and anti-imperial power.
Virginity: A Positive Approach to Celibacy for the Sake of the Kingdom of Heaven
Raniero Cantalamessa - 1995
This book is about virginity and celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, not only for those taking lifelong vows, but for those who have not yet made definitive decisions in regard to life vocations and who need divine guidance to make those decisions.
Intimate Communion: Awakening Your Sexual Essence
David Deida - 1995
Learn how to keep your relationships growing--beyond the sexually neutralized roles so typical of today--and create a relationship that is spiritually erotic, sexually deep and passionately committed to love.
Discovering the Mind of a Woman: The Key to Becoming a Strong and Irresistable Husband is...
Ken Nair - 1995
From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result.Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple's lives as well.
The Spider Garden: Book One
Michael Manning - 1995
Will she survive the attentions of her multi-sexed Mastress, the punishments of cruel dominatrix Natsu, ravishment by Tengu beast-men, and the schemes of snake-tongued Squamata Serpentine?
Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present
Neil Miller - 1995
Miller accompanies his narrative with essays and excerpts from contemporary and historical writings, and the text is illustrated with photos and line drawings.Neil Miller is the author of Sex-Crime Panic and winner of the 2003 Randy Shilts Award for nonfiction and an American Library Association Stonewall Honor Book. He is also the author of In Search of Gay America, winner of the 1990 American Library Association prize for gay and lesbian literature. He teaches journalism and nonfiction writing at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.
Tom of Finland
Tom of Finland - 1995
Graphic illustrations by Tom of Finland with text in English, German and French.
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
Gary P. Leupp - 1995
Few scholars have seriously studied the subject, and until now none have satisfactorily explained the origins of the tradition or elucidated how its conventions reflected class structure and gender roles. Gary P. Leupp fills the gap with a dynamic examination of the origins and nature of the tradition. Based on a wealth of literary and historical documentation, this study places Tokugawa homosexuality in a global context, exploring its implications for contemporary debates on the historical construction of sexual desire.Combing through popular fiction, law codes, religious works, medical treatises, biographical material, and artistic treatments, Leupp traces the origins of pre-Tokugawa homosexual traditions among monks and samurai, then describes the emergence of homosexual practices among commoners in Tokugawa cities. He argues that it was "nurture" rather than "nature" that accounted for such conspicuous male/male sexuality and that bisexuality was more prevalent than homosexuality. Detailed, thorough, and very readable, this study is the first in English or Japanese to address so comprehensively one of the most complex and intriguing aspects of Japanese history.
1000 Nudes: A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939
Uwe Scheid - 1995
TASCHEN's 25th anniversary - Special edition! "Fascinating for what it tells us about the history of body images and social codes." -The Independent, London
Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography
David M. Halperin - 1995
Thus did Harriet Beecher Stowe announce her decision to beginwork on what would become one of the most influential novels ever written. The subject she had hesitated to meddle with was slavery, and the novel, of course, was Uncle Tom's Cabin. Still debated today for its portrayal of African Americans and its unresolved place in the literary canon, Stowe'sbest-known work was first published in weekly installments from June 5, 1851 to April 1, 1852. It caused such a stir in both the North and South, and even in Great Britain, that when Stowe met President Lincoln in 1862 he is said to have greeted her with the words, So you are the little woman whowrote the book that created this great war! In this landmark book, the first full-scale biography of Harriet Beecher Stowe in over fifty years, Joan D. Hedrick tells the absorbing story of this gifted, complex, and contradictory woman. Hedrick takes readers into the multilayered world of nineteenth century morals and mores, exploring theinfluence of then-popular ideas of true womanhood on Stowe's upbringing as a member of the outspoken Beecher clan, and her eventful life as a writer and shaper of public opinion who was also a mother of seven. It offers a lively record of the flourishing parlor societies that launched andsustained Stowe throughout the 44 years of her career, and the harsh physical realities that governed so many women's lives. The epidemics, high infant mortality, and often disastrous medical practices of the day are portrayed in moving detail, against the backdrop of western expansion, and thegreat social upheaval accompanying the abolitionist movement and the entry of women into public life. Here are Stowe's public triumphs, both before and after the Civil War, and the private tragedies that included the death of her adored eighteen month old son, the drowning of another son, and the alcohol and morphine addictions of two of her other children. The daughter, sister, and wife ofprominent ministers, Stowe channeled her anguish and her ambition into a socially acceptable anger on behalf of others, transforming her private experience into powerful narratives that moved a nation. Magisterial in its breadth and rich in detail, this definitive portrait explores the full measure of Harriet Beecher Stowe's life, and her contribution to American literature. Perceptive and engaging, it illuminates the career of a major writer during the transition of literature from anamateur pastime to a profession, and offers a fascinating look at the pains, pleasures, and accomplishments of women's lives in the last century.
Sex, Priests, and Power: Anatomy of a Crisis
A.W. Richard Sipe - 1995
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Exhibitionism for the Shy
Carol Queen - 1995
Founder and Publisher Emerita Joani Blank, then working as a sex educator and counselor, started writing her own books about sexuality at her clients' and other therapists' behest.The press currently has a list of eighteen sexual self-awareness titles, including innovative and practical non-fiction with non-judgmental techniques for strengthening sexual communication. Down There Press also publishes lively literary and photographic erotica.
The Alchemy of Love and Sex
Lee Lozowick - 1995
Lozowick provides straightforward but not always comfortable or polite advice for those seeking clarity in their spiritual exploration. This nonfiction consciousness-expanding book may reveal to you just how liberal you are--or aren't--about your sexuality. Far more than a sex manual, Lee Lozowick's eye-opening text discusses such tangential issues as having passion for all aspects of life, the elements of a truly sacred marriage, and the balance of the Masculine and the Feminine in each individual, among other subjects. But be prepared: the author goes after common Western notions of sexuality with an axe! You may love this book or hate it, challenge it or be challenged, but either way, you will take a new look at the old story of love.
Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault's History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things
Ann Laura Stoler - 1995
It has had an enormous impact on cultural studies and work across many disciplines on gender, sexuality, and the body. Bringing a new set of questions to this key work, Ann Laura Stoler examines volume one of History of Sexuality in an unexplored light. She asks why there has been such a muted engagement with this work among students of colonialism for whom issues of sexuality and power are so essential. Why is the colonial context absent from Foucault’s history of a European sexual discourse that for him defined the bourgeois self? In Race and the Education of Desire, Stoler challenges Foucault’s tunnel vision of the West and his marginalization of empire. She also argues that this first volume of History of Sexuality contains a suggestive if not studied treatment of race.Drawing on Foucault’s little-known 1976 College de France lectures, Stoler addresses his treatment of the relationship between biopower, bourgeois sexuality, and what he identified as “racisms of the state.” In this critical and historically grounded analysis based on cultural theory and her own extensive research in Dutch and French colonial archives, Stoler suggests how Foucault’s insights have in the past constrained—and in the future may help shape—the ways we trace the genealogies of race.Race and the Education of Desire will revise current notions of the connections between European and colonial historiography and between the European bourgeois order and the colonial treatment of sexuality. Arguing that a history of European nineteenth-century sexuality must also be a history of race, it will change the way we think about Foucault.
Love's Journey
Michael Gurian - 1995
And the wisdom they offer is strikingly similar across cultures: a relationship must ultimately look beyond itself and be consciously accepted as a spiritual path. Gurian has drawn on a range of spiritual and mythic traditions to create the new model for relationship that he presents in his popular workshops. This model, called the "Lover's Journey," consists of four distinct "seasons": 1. The Season of Enchantment: the springtime of falling in love 2. The Season of Awakening: the summertime, when the euphoria of romance is past and we learn independent co-existence 3. The Season of Partnership: the autumn of maturity, when the fruits of our joint efforts can be enjoyed 4. The Season of Nonattachment: the winter of companionship, quietude, and the letting-go of old age
Identification Papers: Readings on Psychoanalysis, Sexuality, and Culture
Diana Fuss - 1995
Identification Papers is the first book to track the evolution of identification's emergence in psychoanalytic theory. Diana Fuss seeks to understand where this notion of identification has come from, and why it has emerged as one of the most difficult problems in contemporary theory and politics.Identification Papers situates the recent critical interest in identification in the intellectual tradition that first gave the idea its theoretical relevance: psychoanalysis. Fuss begins from the assumption that identification has a history, and that the term carries with it a host of theoretical problems, conceptual difficulties, and ideological complications. By tracking the evolution of identification in Freud's work over a forty year period, Fuss demonstrates how the concept of identification is neither a theoretically neutral notion nor a politically innocent one.Identification Papers closely examines the three principal figures -- gravity, ingestion, and infection -- that psychoanalysis invokes to theorize identification. Fuss then deconstructs the psychoanalytic theory of identification in order to open up the possibility of more innovative rethinkings of the political.Drawing on literature, film, and Freud's own case histories, and engaging with a wide range of disciplines -- including critical theory, philosophy, film theory, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, and feminism -- Identification Papers will be a necessary starting point in any future theoretical project that seeks to mobilize the concept of identification for a feminist politics.
Pleasures Taken: Performances of Sexuality and Loss in Victorian Photographs
Carol Mavor - 1995
Reading these settings performatively, Carol Mavor shifts the focus toward the subjectivity of these girls and women, and toward herself as a writer.Mavor’s original approach to these photographs emphatically sees sexuality where it has been previously rendered invisible. She insists that the sexuality of the girls in Carroll’s pictures is not only present, but deserves recognition, respect, and scrutiny. Similarly, she sees in Cameron’s photographs of sensual Madonnas surprising visions of motherhood that outstrip both Victorian and contemporary understandings of the maternal as untouchable and inviolate, without sexuality. Finally she shows how Hannah Cullwick, posing in various masquerades for her secret paramour, emerges as a subject with desires rather than simply a victim of her upper-class partner. Even when confronting the darker areas of these photographs, Mavor perseveres in her insistence on the pleasures taken—by the viewer, the photographer, and often by the model herself—in the act of imagining these sexualities. Inspired by Roland Barthes, and drawing on other theorists such as Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray, Mavor creates a text that is at once interdisciplinary, personal, and profoundly pleasurable.
Secrets of Great Sex: Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
John Gray - 1995
Gray tells listeners how to ask for what they want in foreplay and afterplay and how to understand the needs of their partners.
Some Women
Laura AntoniouPhoenix Flora - 1995
Professional mistresses, lifestyle leather-dykes, whipmakers, titleholders--women from every conceivable walk of life lay bare their true feelings about issues as explosive as feminism, abuse, pleasure and public image. An indispensible volume for all interested or involved in this increasingly visible community.
AIDS TV: Identity, Community, and Alternative Video
Alexandra Juhasz - 1995
As Alexandra Juhasz looks at this phenomenon—why and how video has become the medium for so much AIDS activism—she also tries to make sense of the bigger picture: How is this work different from mainstream television? How does it alter what we think of the media’s form and function? The result is an eloquent and vital assessment of the role media activism plays in the development of community identity and self-empowerment. An AIDS videomaker herself, Juhasz writes from the standpoint of an AIDS activist and blends feminist film critique with her own experience. She offers a detailed description of alternative AIDS video, including her own work on the Women’s AIDS Video Enterprise (WAVE). Along with WAVE, Juhasz discusses amateur video tapes of ACT UP demonstrations, safer sex videos produced by Gay Men’s Health Crisis, public access programming, and PBS documentaries, as well as network television productions. From its close-up look at camcorder AIDS activism to its critical account of mainstream representations, AIDS TV offers a better understanding of the media, politics, identity, and community in the face of AIDS. It will challenge and encourage those who hope to change the course of this crisis both in the ‘real world’ and in the world of representation.
Sex In Question: French Materialist Feminism
Diana Leonard - 1995
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taboo: Sex, Identity and Erotic Subjectivity in Anthropological Fieldwork
Don Kulick - 1995
How does the sexual identity that anthropologists have in their home society affect the kind of sexuality they are allowed to express in other cultures? How is the anthropologists' sexuality perceived by the people with whom he or she does research? How common is sexual violence and intimidation in the field and why is its existence virtually unmentioned in anthropology? These are but a few of the questions to be confronted, exploring from differing perspectives the depth of the influence this tabooed topic has on the entire practice and production of anthropology.A long-overdue text for all students and lecturers of anthropology, many post-fieldwork readers will find a resonance of issues they have previously faced (or tried to avoid) and those who are still to undertake fieldwork will find articles that refer to other kinds of personal and professional experience as well as providing invaluable preparations for coping in the field.
From Flappers to Flivvers--: We Helped Make the '20s Roar!
Bettina Miller - 1995
Heavenly Sex: Sexuality in the Jewish Tradition
Ruth Westheimer - 1995
Ruth K. Westheimer and Jonathan Mark team up to reveal how, contrary to popular wisdom, the Jewish tradition is much more progressive in many regards than one might think. Applying Dr. Ruth's unique brand of "couples therapy" to such Biblical relationships as those of Abraham and Sarah, and Joseph and Potiphar's wife, the authors enlist Biblical lore to cover such topics as surrogacy, incest, and arranged marriages. They offer a clearer understanding of the intertwining relationships among sexuality, spirituality, and sexual roles through a look at the latter books of the Bible--the Song of Songs, Ruth, Proverbs, Psalms, and some of the bawdier tales of the Prophets. One chapter provides a provocative metaphorical perspective on the Sabbath as a weekly revival, highlighting not only its spiritual but its marital and sexual aspects as well.
En Travesti: Women, Gender Subversion, Opera
Corinne E. Blackmer - 1995
Opera, long viewed as strictly an establishment tradition, has in particular been given a second look by gender theorists. Can opera - an antiquated, Eurocentric bastion of high culture - in fact be subverting patriarchal authority in some fundamental way?
Plaisirs d'Amour: Erotic Guide to the Senses, An
Elizabeth Nash - 1995
A sensuous king-size Pillow Book for sophisticated lovers of literary erotica--this sumptuous anthology of erotic art and prose will arouse and tantalize all five senses simultaneously!
Case Studies in Sex Therapy
Raymond C. Rosen - 1995
With simple cases of premature ejaculation or anorgasmia becoming increasingly rare, clinicians are now utilizing a sophisticated array of multidisciplinary approaches to treat a complex variety of challenging problems and patient populations. Bringing together, under one cover, case studies and clinical discussions by the very authorities whose work is changing the field, Case Studies in Sex Therapy provides a state-of-the-art guide to current clinical practice. Presenting a comprehensive overview of treatment models, the case studies cover each of the major categories of sexual dysfunction. The first section focuses on cases of sexual desire disorders, a major area of sex therapy in recent years. Issues explored include desire disparity between partners, clinical interventions in marital and sex therapy, the interplay of low and excessive desire disorders in couples, biological aspects of inhibited sexual desire, treatment considerations with a homosexual couple, the application of integrative therapy for treating secondary low sex desire, and the many factors that may contribute to sexual avoidance. Illustrating the trend toward a richer, postmodern understanding of the instances and sources of adult sexual dysfunction, chapters also examine the interaction of therapy and politics as well as the effects of childhood sexual trauma or physical abuse on sexual desire later in adulthood. Focusing on sexual performance problems, chapters in the next section demonstrate both the opportunities and the complex challenges posed to the clinician by the array of new medical, surgical, and pharmacological therapies. With an emphasis on the integration of medical and psychological approaches, these cases focus on the treatment of problems such as male erectile disorder and chronic genital pain. Reflecting the importance of social and cultural factors, the third section addresses the growing interest in the field in sexual addiction and compulsion. Case studies cover such contemporary and controversial issues as the treatment of a sexually addictive client and the treatment implications when a client has been sexually exploited by another therapist.A major addition to the clinical literature, this indispensable resource will be of value to a wide range of mental health and medical professionals, including marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, family physicians, and psychiatric nurses. Bringing the issues to life with case studies that are sure to stimulate classroom discussion, the book also serves as a teaching text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Haunted Marriage: Overcoming the Ghosts of Your Spouse's Childhood Abuse
Clark E. Barshinger - 1995
But in this book counselors Clark Barshinger and Lojan La Rowe and journalist Andrs Tapia focus on the emotional, spiritual and practical challenges faced by the spouse of one who has been abused.
Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially Constructed Self
Kira Hall - 1995
Refuting apolitical, essentialist perspectives on language and gender, the essays presented here examine a range of cultures, languages and settings. They explicitly connect feminist theory to language research.Some of the most distinguished scholars working in the field of language and gender today discuss such topics as Japanese women's appropriation of men's language, the literary representation of lesbian discourse, the silencing of women on the Internet, cultural mediation and Spanish use at New Mexican weddings and the uses of silence in the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings.
A Walk on the Wild Side
Jeanette Jones - 1995
Here is a look into a world far removed from ordinary life. It is a world where some of the most beautiful women are men, and they wear an extravagant collection of outfits as they dress up, parade and live out their fantasies. When" Amber Rose" introduced Jones to London's Madame Jo-Jo's, the legendary drag nightclub, she quickly won the trust of the regulars. She photographed the Barbettes, the nightclub's "Girls" -- a first in photographic history. Jones describes how she was educated into this life-style; "Ambrose ('Amber Rose') explained the meaning of the different sides of drag. Cross-dressers aren't necessarily gay - women wear trousers, so why can't men wear skirts? Transvestites like wearing women's clothes for sexual pleasure. Transsexuals are men who have had sex-change surgery and lead lives as women - or vice versa." Jones has become a trusted and respected among transsexuals and cross-dressers, and they have taken her into their confidence. In her role as reportage photographer, she carries her camera to record all main drag events.
The Facts of Life: The Creation of Sexual Knowledge in Britain, 1650-1950
Roy Porter - 1995
Surveying the period between the mid-seventeenth and the mid-twentieth centuries, it examines the major texts which established and authorised sexual knowledge and sexual practices. Porter and Hall then explore the various kinds of backgroundssexual, moral, religious, scientific, medical, domestic, social and cultural - without which these texts are unintelligible. And they examine their authors (some famous, some obscure, some anonymous), their careers, and the motives for involvement in medico-moral campaigns that were often thought unsavoury and commonly led to criticism and censure. The Facts of Life also assesses the wider impact of the publication of sexual knowledge and especially of sex advice literature, and explores the interplay between expertise, therapy, social mores and behaviour. Chapters on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries discuss prostitution, contagious diseases and gender relations, and consider debates on sexual issues and associated revelations of personal experience.
Reforming Sex: The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950
Atina Grossmann - 1995
Relying on a broad range of sources--from police reports, films and personal interviews to sex manuals unearthed from library basements and secondhand bookstores--the book analyzes a remarkable mass mobilization during the turbulent and innovative Weimar years of doctors and laypeople for women's right to abortion and public access to birth control and sex education.
Sacred Sexuality
A.T. Mann - 1995
Lust originally meant a religious joy experienced as unity with the godhead. This gift book explores the origins and practices of religious sexuality in many cultures worldwide. Included are the erotic sculpture and paintings of ancient Greece and Rome, illustrations from Japanese pillow books, Asian temple art, erotic Indian and Persian miniatures, as well as the work of well-known European artists from the Classical, Renaissance and Romantic periods.
Banishing the Beast: Feminism, Sex and Morality
Lucy Bland - 1995
Now available again in paperback, Lucy Bland's richly textured book vividly details the private and public debates, campaigns, and struggles among feminists to resolve the key areas of sexual politics, encompassing marriage, prostitution, birth control, and sex education.
De Los Otros: Intimacy and Homosexuality Among Mexican Men
Joseph Carrier - 1995
A detailed description of sexual practices and bonds among Latino males in Guadalajara, Mexico using a combination of ethnographic techniques and participant observations.