Best of
Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life
Pope John Paul II - 1995
Lovingly received day by the Church, it is to be preached with dauntless fidelity as good news to the people of every age and culture.
The Philokalia, Volume 4: The Complete Text
G.E.H. Palmer - 1995
First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God.Compiled by Bishop Kallistos WareThe fourth volume of The PhilokaliaVolumes I through III are also available.
The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust the Modern Translations?
James R. White - 1995
One group claims that the King James Version is the only Bible that Christians should be using. Appealing with both emotional fervor and scholastic debate, churches have divided over this issue, and believers are left in confusion.
Doing the Truth in Love: Conversations about God, Relationships and Service
Michael J. Himes - 1995
Reforming Marriage
Douglas Wilson - 1995
Douglas Wilson points to the need for obedient hearts on the part of both husbands and wives. Godly marriages proceed from obedient hearts, and the greatest desire of an obedient heart is the glory of God. "You'll never be able to think of marriage in the same way again." -J.K. Walker, Homelife
Free at Last?: The Gospel in the African American Experience
Carl F. Ellis Jr. - 1995
shouted those words to a crowd gathered in Washington, D.C. His speech, "I Have a Dream," is now familiar, even famous. But has his dream been realized? In Free at Last? Carl Ellis offers an in-depth assessment of the state of African-American freedom and dignity within American culture today. Updating and expanding his examination (previously published as Beyond Liberation) for a new generation of readers, Ellis stresses how important it is for African-Americans to know who they are and where they have been. So he begins by tracing the growth of Black consciousness from the days of slavery to the present, noting especially the contributions of King and Malcolm X. He also pays particular attention to traces of a "theological soul dynamic," an authentic manifestation of Christianity in Black culture, which runs through American history. It is this dynamic faith, says Ellis, that promises true freedom--the realization of King's dream--for African-Americans today.
Virginity: A Positive Approach to Celibacy for the Sake of the Kingdom of Heaven
Raniero Cantalamessa - 1995
This book is about virginity and celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, not only for those taking lifelong vows, but for those who have not yet made definitive decisions in regard to life vocations and who need divine guidance to make those decisions.
The Sources of Christian Ethics
Servais Pinckaers - 1995
Already its acclaim has warranted translations into Spanish, Italian, and Polish. Now it is available for the first time in an English translation, which includes a new preface.Writing in a tone that is reconciliatory rather than polemical, Servais Pinckaers returns Christian ethics to its sources, the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. After discussing the complementary domains of morality and the behavioral and natural sciences, he traces the scriptural themes--particularly in the Sermon on the Mount and the writings of St. Paul--that most influence moral instruction. He then examines in depth the history of moral theology from the patristic period to the present day. This history includes a discussion of the relation of Protestant and Catholic views of Christian ethics.The unique feature of Pinckaers's contemporary Thomistic view is its emphasis on the virtues, gifts, and evangelical Beatitudes as the heart of the Christian moral life. His approach to morality results in what he calls the freedom for excellence, a notion of freedom that he contrasts with the nominalist concept of the freedom of indifference, which has dominated moral theology since the fourteenth century.As a complete handbook of moral theology, this book will serve the needs of both beginning and advanced students in seminary and university courses in moral theology and ethics. For Catholic readers in particular, it will provide the background and perspective needed to achieve a fuller understanding of the moral teaching of the Catechism and of the encyclical Veritatis splendor.Servais Pinckaers, O.P., is professor of moral theology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. His most recent books include L'Evangile et la Morale (1989) and La Morale Catholique (1991).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Pinckaers' wonderful book is characterized by a return to the centrality of the virtues for how one thinks about the moral life. . . ."--First Things""This work provides a succinct overview of the history of moral theology, written with a sureness of touch developed by long years of research. . . . There is no comparable single work in English which explains what moral theology is and what it is about."--Brian V. Johnstone, C.Ss.R., Alphonsian Academy, Rome"A very readable translation of Pinckaers's award-winning work in foundational ethics...."--Religious Studies Review"
God Is for Us
C. Baxter Kruger - 1995
Anderson Professor of Theology and Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary "When I picked up "God is for Us" I read it through in one sitting, in an hour. I could not tear myself away from the sheer goodness of the triune God that Baxter Kruger conveys in this short book. But then I had to go back and read it carefully through again, in order to allow the deep truths to penetrate my life afresh. Here is a clearly presented exposition of the profound truth that we are created to be with God forever " - Graham Buxton Senior Lecturer and Head of Ministry, Tabor College, South Australia ""God is for Us" is a must read for those working with damaged people. As flowers open up to the sun, so wounded souls open to the light of God's goodness. Many mentally unwell patients have been transformed by the reality of God's goodness to us in Jesus Christ as laid out in this little book." -Dr. Bruce Wauchope Medical Practioner, Bedford Clinic, Adelaide, Australia C. Baxter Kruger is the Director of Perichoresis, an international ministry sharing the good news of our adoption in Christ with the world. He and his wife Beth have been married for 25 years and have four children. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree under Professor James B. Torrance in Aberdeen, Scotland. Baxter is the author of seven books, including "The Great Dance" and "Across All Worlds," and teaches across the United States, Canada and Australia. He is an avid outdoorsman and holds two United States patents for his fishing lure designs. He is the founder and President of Mediator Lures.
Greater Community Spirituality: A New Revelation
Marshall Vian Summers - 1995
A prophetic new understanding of human spirituality that transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language and opens the way to a greater experience of God.
Faith Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification
R.C. Sproul - 1995
And justifying faith, a work of God's grace and individual merit, gives saving faith, adds the Roman Catholic Church. "No." shout Martin Luther and his theological descendants. "Christians are justified by faith through God's mercy alone. To add our merit to God's grace destroys the gospel." R. C. Sproul solemnly warns Evangelicals to again hear that cry. Some Evangelical and Catholic leaders ignored the central issue of justification by faith in the document "Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium." That document is only one indicator, says Sproul, that Protestants are increasingly unaware of or unconcerned about this vital distinctive. After decades of scurrilous caricatures and misinformation, Roman Catholics and Protestants are finally speaking to each other, and this is revealing a greater variety of viewpoints within both camps. It is also revealing (a) how little most Protestants know about their own convictions and (b) with what great ease they find the concerns raised by the Reformation to be simply irrelevant. How can this be? Has Rome's position changed? In fact is has not. The Vatican II documents as well as the new Catechism of the Catholic Church reinvoke the theological position of the Council of Trent, condemning the gospel of justification by an imputed righteousness. If it is not Rome that has altered its position in favor of the gospel, then it must be the other partner that has moved from its earlier position.
The Nature and Mission of Theology: Essays to Orient Theology in Today's Debates
Benedict XVI - 1995
Ratzinger states: "To do theology-as the Magisterium understands theology-it is not sufficient merely to calculate how much religion can reasonably be expected of man and to utilize bits and pieces of the Christian tradition accordingly. Theology is born when the arbitrary judgment of reason encounters a limit, in that we discover something which we have not excogitated ourselves but which has been revealed to us. For this reason, not every religious theory has the right to label itself as Christian or Catholic theology simply because it wishes to do so; whoever would lay claim to this title is obligated to accept as meaningful the prior given which goes along with it."
A Cup of Trembling: Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy
Dave Hunt - 1995
Hunt explores Jerusalem's past and future roles in God's plan.
Critique of Modern Youth Ministry
Christopher Schlect - 1995
This need not and should not be so. This essay discusses the reasons behind the problem and proposes some biblical solutions.
Katie's Canon: Womanism and the Soul of the Black Community
Katie Geneva Cannon - 1995
--The Presbyterian Outlook Cannon moves easily from the passion of folklore and legend to the conceptually rich...language of ethics and womanist theology. Her role 'is to speak as "one of the canonical boys" and as the "non-canonical other" at one and the same time.' In this, she most assuredly succeeds. --Library Journal Every theologian, student, and lay person should have a copy of Katie's Canon to measure the breadth and depth of their theological commitment. I strongly recommend it. --James H. Cone
Lessons on Faith
Alonzo T. Jones - 1995
A popular best seller for years, this is one of the finest books on victorious Christian living available. It gives the "how-to" of overcoming, and explains many hard-to-understand passages in the Book of Galatians. Find out firsthand what the 1888 message really is!
The Oracles of God
Richard Wurmbrand - 1995
Oracles of God explores God’s wisdom about life, enabling you to become His mouthpiece.
The Power of His Presence
Adrian Rogers - 1995
The Power of His Presence is aimed at helping you integrate this grand truth into your life so you can start fully enjoying your true identity in Christ. This book is a rich feast for the hungry soul. If Christians understood the profound truth that we are God's temple--His very dwelling-place--surely our lives would be different. Adrian Rogers has unfolded this truth with straightforward, practical, biblical wisdom. --John MacArthur To read The Power of His Presence with an open mind and obedient heart will transform the life and bless the home, the church, and the world. Adrian Rogers expounds the message of the power of God's presence with truth, clarity, and passion. --Stephen F. Olford Adrian Rogers brings inspiring clarity to one of the most profound but neglected truths of God's Word--God's indwelling presence. This book is must reading for any believer. --Bill Bright
Wood of the Cradle, Wood of the Cross
Caryll Houselander - 1995
Caryll Houselander, author of the classic The Reed of God, explains in these beautiful pages how the infant Christ shows us a "little way to holiness." It's the art of making oneself small before the loving majesty of God, and it leads readers straight to His heart.
These Are the Sacraments
Fulton J. Sheen - 1995
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen is responsible for this memorable and dramatic book which defines the meanings of the Sacraments to man, their power, and their application.Bishop Sheen first analyzes the necessity for the Sacraments and gives an explanation of their origin. Then he delves into each, beginning with the rebirth of the Christian at Baptism, continuing on with the strength received at Confirmation, the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion, the forgiveness of sins in Penance, the anointing of the body in the Last Sacrament, the power of Consecration granted the men receiving Holy Orders, and the nuptial blessing obtained by those who receive Matrimony. In his text, Bishop Sheen skillfully describes the elements particular to each Sacrament, defining the matter and form necessary for valid administration. The world-famous photographer Yousuf Karsh artistically illustrates the text with superb black-and-white photographs which not only complement the flow of work, but the work a sense of reverent dignity and poetic beauty.
Politics of Guilt and Pity
Rousas John Rushdoony - 1995
I pray that the entire book will not only instruct you in the method and content of a Biblical worldview, but actually bring you further into the glorious freedom of the children of God. Those who walk in wisdom's ways become immune to the politics of guilt and pity.
Ray of Darkness
Rowan Williams - 1995
In this collection of pastoral sermons and addresses, Williams shows how the faith of the creeds can still equip Christians for a vigorous and critical engagement with the world of today. In his often poetic, sometimes scholarly, and always thoughtful and engaging style, Williams reflects with wisdom and empathy on the gospel connections to issues of peace, war, justice, sexuality, wholeness, suffering, loneliness, vocation, and mission. Sermons from the church year and practical matters of Christian spirituality such as intercessory prayer and Bible study are also included; still others celebrate great Christian figures across the centuries, from the Anglo-Saxon saints to Michael Ramsey and T. S. Eliot. Also, published for the first time are Williams's addresses on Mission and Spirituality delivered at Yale in 1991, a sharp but sympathetic perspective on evangelism in the church today.
Lewis Sperry Chafer - 1995
The text is extensively indexed by subject and Scripture reference.
The Strait Gate - Great Difficulty of Going to Heaven
John Bunyan - 1995
"Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."- Matthew 7:13, 14
On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses : The Church and the Last Things Vol. 1
Symeon the New Theologian - 1995
He addresses such themes as predestination, the knowledge of the saints in the world to come, the day of judgment as the "day of the Lord, " and the experience of the sacraments. Includes index.
On Evil
Thomas Aquinas - 1995
In it he examines the full range of questions associated with evil: its origin, its nature, its relation to good, and its compatibility with the existence of an omnipotent, benevolent God.Contents:On evil On sins On the cause of sin On original sin On the punishment of original sinOn human choiceOn venial sinOn the capital vicesOn vaingloryOn envyOn acediaOn angerOn avariceOn gluttonyOn lustOn the demons
On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses: Life, Times and Theology Vol. 3
Symeon the New Theologian - 1995
The first two volumes translated St Symeon's Ethical Discourses, while this book seeks to place the teaching of the discourses in their proper context, both among Symeon's other writings and with regard to his sources in the Tradition. Included thus is a sketch of Symeon's life and times, together with an extensive discussion of his thought, particularly against the background in the ascetical, mystical, and theological literature of the Christian East prior to the tenth century. Just as he always insisted he was, the New Theologian emerges as a thoroughly traditional representative of central themes in Greek patristic thought, in particular of the doctrine of deification (theosis) as summing up the Christian hope. Even his claims to charismatic authority emerge as fully within monastic tradition dating back at least to the fourth century. These claims appear most clearly in his Letter on Confession which is appended to the present work.
Concerning the Inner Life
Evelyn Underhill - 1995
Based on a series of informal talks, these three essays, which touch on such key spiritual issues as prayer, contemplation, love and service, offer practical and uplifting advice to anyone who wants to underpin their lives with a rich and fulfilled spiritual existence.
Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology: Its Genesis and Development 1909-1936
Bruce L. McCormack - 1995
McCormack offers the first full-scale revision of the well-known theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar's seminal interpretation of Barth, which was first published in 1951. Drawing on a wealth of material, much of it unpublished during Barth's lifetime, as well as a thorough acquaintance with the best of recent German scholarship, McCormack demonstrates that the fundamental decision that would control the whole of Barth's development--the turn to a new, critically realistic form of theological objectivism--was already made during the years in which Barth was at work on his first commentary on Romans. He further argues that the most significant decisions--both material and methodological--were made in Barth's G�ttingen Dogmatics of 1924/5, and not later in the 1931 book on Anselm, as has often been alleged. This unique and important work provides not simply a fresh interpretation of Barth's development, but a new paradigm for understanding the whole of Barth's theology.
Old Testament Evangelisic Sermons
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1995
There is an extended introduction by Iain H. Murray, on 'The Evangelistic Use of the Old Testament in the Preaching of Dr Lloyd-Jones'.
The Power of Christ's Prayer Life
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1995
The subject matter of these books has been carefully researched and compiled from his legacy of 3,561 sermons. This series offers an intimate view into the life of Christ and what specific areas of His life mean for us.
Romanism And The Reformation: From The Standpoint Of Prophecy
Henry Grattan Guinness - 1995
Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
This Sunrise of Wonder: Letters for the Journey
Michael Mayne - 1995
It is, in Ronald Blythe's words 'an inventory of his joy'.Written in a candid autobiographical fashion, the book is a passionate plea to the reader to pass through their one earthly life with a trained and watching eye.It is a confession of how he came to unify his outer and inner worlds, the ordinariness and yet the extraordinariness of everything...'This keenly argued book confronts today's fashionable cynicism and despair, and thus has a message for the current moment when the experience of ageing, or the environment, or of those complex skills and emotions which go into the creation of poetry or stories or music, are all distorted or ignored in favour of what is called "reality", but where the highest thought and achievement are concerned, is not at all real.' Ronald Blythe, from the Foreword
Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God
Jonathan Edwards - 1995
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind. Now for the first time these high-quality digital copies of original 18th century manuscripts are available in print, making them highly accessible to libraries, undergraduate students, and independent scholars.The Age of Enlightenment profoundly enriched religious and philosophical understanding and continues to influence present-day thinking. Works collected here include masterpieces by David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as well as religious sermons and moral debates on the issues of the day, such as the slave trade. The Age of Reason saw conflict between Protestantism and Catholicism transformed into one between faith and logic -- a debate that continues in the twenty-first century.++++The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to insure edition identification: ++++British LibraryT034703London: printed by Henry Cock; and sold at the Foundery, near Upper Moor-fields, by T. Trye; and by R. Akenhead, Newcastle, 1755. 48p.; 12
The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church's Response
Pamela Cooper-White - 1995
She describes specific forms of such violence and outlines appropriate pastoral responses. The second edition of this groundbreaking work is thoroughly updated and examines not only where the church has made progress since 1995 but also where women remain at unchanged or even greater risk of violence.
The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will
Thomas R. Schreiner - 1995
Baugh, Jerry Bridges, Edmund Clowney, Wayne Grudem, John Piper, C. Samuel Storms, Robert Yarbrough and other leading Reformation scholars address issues raised in current esoterical debate, their chief purpose being to present a fresh exegesis of biblical texts in the Old Testament in general, the Gospel of John, the Pauline corpus, and Romans 9.
Psalms and Life of Faith
Walter Brueggemann - 1995
Everyone who is familiar with his work knows the power of his speech about doxological, polemical, political, subversive, evangelical faith: and about the ways such faith is enacted in the praise of ancient Israel and in the church.Readers of this book will find fresh insight into:the Psalms as prayer and praisethe categories of the Psalmsthe social context in which psalms were prayed and sungthe theology of the Psalmsthe dialogical character of the Psalmsjustice and injustice in the Psalmsthe study and use of the Psalms by the churchpraise as an act of basic trust and abandonmentthe impossible wonders of God's activity that overturn conventional ways of thinking and acting
Augustine and the Catechumenate
William Harmless - 1995
Augustine is best known as a theologian whose views and controversies powerfully shaped the course of Christianity in the West. But he was also a struggling North African pastor who had a flair for teaching and who meditated deeply on the complexities of the human heart. This study examines a little-known side of Augustine: his work as a teacher of candidates for baptism. It reconstructs in vivid detail the experience of the ancient catechumenate for the better clarification and implementation of the present process.Beginning with a look at the present rite - what it says and does not say about catechesis and the catechumenate - Father Harmless uses Augustine as a case study." Augustine's treatises on the subject and his numerous sermons to candidates, catechumens, and neophytes form the basis of a portrait of the initiation process from a pastoral as well as a theological perspective. The portrait's structure parallels the four periods of the initiation process. This portrait will be of interest and relevance to al those involved with the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults: pastors, DREs, catechists, and liturgists.William Harmless, SJ, has focused his teaching on the history and theology of the early Church. He completed his doctorate at Boston College in 1990 and teaches at Spring Hill College in Mobile.
Road to the Heart
Frithjof Schuon - 1995
Poetry that is both metaphysical and mystical, drawing on many religious traditions and the rich, universal symbolism of nature.
Manna and Mercy: A Brief History of God's Unfolding Promise to Mend the Entire Universe
Daniel Erlander - 1995
With imagination, clarity, humor, and cartoons, Erlander retells the Bible's story.
God Owes Us Nothing: A Brief Remark on Pascal's Religion and on the Spirit of Jansenism
Leszek Kołakowski - 1995
Leszek Kolakowski approaches this paradox as both an exercise in theology and in revisionist Christian history based on philosophical analysis. Kolakowski's unorthodox interpretation of the history of modern Christianity provokes renewed discussion about the historical, intellectual, and cultural omnipotence of neo-Augustinianism."Several books a year wrestle with that hoary conundrum, but few so dazzlingly as the Polish philosopher's latest."—Carlin Romano, Washington Post Book World"Kolakowski's fascinating book and its debatable thesis raise intriguing historical and theological questions well worth pursuing."—Stephen J. Duffy, Theological Studies"Kolakowski's elegant meditation is a masterpiece of cultural and religious criticism."—Henry Carrigan, Cleveland Plain Dealer
The Unknown God: Negative Theology in the Platonic Tradition: Plato to Eriugena
Deirdre Carabine - 1995
One of its greatest strengths, perhaps the greatest, is that the author makes clear that none of the persons concerned, Hellenic, Jewish or Christian, was engaged in the pursuit of a philosophical abstraction, or the heaping of rhetorical superlatives on God. They were rather concerned to present the origin of the universe as an intimately present living reality which infinitely transcends our thought and speech. This, combined with careful attention to the varieties of negative theology and its relations with positive, and the particular difficulties experienced by the members of the various traditions involved, makes the book the best introduction to the negative theology available."" -A. H. Armstrong, Emeritus Professor of Greek, University of Liverpool, England. Emeritus Professor of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Senior Fellow of the British Academy. Irish academic Deirdre Carabine has lived and taught in Uganda for more than twenty years. She has recently been founder Vice-Chancellor at the Virtual University of Uganda (VUU), the first fully online university in Sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to that she set up International Health Sciences University in Kampala. She has taught at Queen's Belfast, University College Dublin, and Uganda Martyrs University. Currently, she is Director of Programmes at VUU. She attended the Queen's University of Belfast where she graduated with a PhD in philosophy, and University College Dublin where, as one of the first Newman Scholars, she gained a second PhD in Classics. She is also author of John Scottus Eriugena in the Great Medieval Thinkers Series (2000).
Spiritual Parenting
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1995
Charles H. Spurgeon shows how to:Impact the world one child at a time--your child can make a difference!Train your children to make good choices.Discipline with God’s loving hand.Love them when you hate their behavior.Teach them to be givers, not takers.Build a compassionate heart in them.Help them discover their new best friend, Jesus.Encourage their leadership and ministry skills.Build strong, healthy, happy families.From the depths of his God-given wisdom, Spurgeon offers encouragement and advice to parents and teachers on guiding the spiritual development of children from infancy through young adulthood.
Saints for Young Readers for Every Day - Volume 1
Susan Helen Wallace - 1995
These books offer stories of a wonderful array of saints and blesseds: women and men, teenagers and children, of every ethnicity, age, and situation of life imaginable. Young readers ages 9 to 11 will thrill to awe-inspiring tales of faith, courage, and love for Godand will vastly enjoy making a new friend every day!
Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism
Iain H. Murray - 1995
Spurgeon (1834-1892) is best-remembered today for the remarkable ministry he exercised in London during the Victorian era. His influence was incalculable. Thousands listened to his preaching every week, while hundreds of thousands throughout the world later read his sermons in published form. A man of great natural gifts, charm and wit, Spurgeons master passion was evident in everything he did to preach Jesus Christ to all as the only Saviour. But as early as 1855 this brought him into a serious and prolonged doctrinal controversy with Hyper-Calvinism. By tracing this conflict, exploring the issues involved in it and showing what was at stake in them.
The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ
James S. Stewart - 1995
He left nothing in writing at all. He committed himself and his teaching simply to the hearts and memories of the men who knew and loved him. And they did not fail him. The four little books that we call Gospels are our primary and practically our only sources of information about the life and the words that have changed the world. We may wish the story had been told with greater fullness and detail; but we know that, short as it is, it is enough. It has given Christ to every race and age. (excerpt from Chapter 1: The Making of the Gospels)
Daily Readings with Soren Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaard - 1995
These pocket size books are 4 1/4" x 7" and contain 96 pages.
Proper Confidence: Faith, Doubt, and Certainty in Christian Discipleship
Lesslie Newbigin - 1995
What results is a perspective that allows Christians to confidently affirm the gospel as public truth in our pluralistic world.
Power Through Weakness
Timothy B. Savage - 1995
Since this is the exact antithesis of his own perspective, Paul can only resort to paradox by way of defense.
Pastoral Care Under the Cross: God in the Midst of Suffering
Richard Eyer - 1995
Identifies the counseling needs of the sick, dying, and grieving, including AIDS patients and their families.
The New Hiscox Guide for Baptist Churches
Edward Thurston Hiscox - 1995
Supplying a text that gives pastors and church leaders the most useable information possible, Goodwin captures the essence of Hiscox's thought and style while addressing the concerns of today's churches.
Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought
John M. Frame - 1995
Both warm and incisive, it promotes appreciation of Van Til and refinement of his ideas.
At Home in the World: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether
Mary Tardiff - 1995
This spirited and provocative correspondence provides a rare glimpse into how two committed Christians struggled with the questions and uncertainties of their times.
Supremacy of Christ
Ajith Fernando - 1995
But can you effectively respond to them?What do you say to New Agers, Muslims, Buddhists, Jehovah's Witnesses, or pluralists when their theology clashes with what you know to be the truth? This book, by a man whose work has allowed him to discuss religion with people all over the world, gives solid answers.After more than two decades of listening to questions about Jesus' claims and objections to Christian doctrine, author Ajith Fernando responds to the arguments with Jesus' own words and miracles and the biblical accounts about Him. But rather than just offering proof texts, he stands Christ--and Christianity--face to face with those competing idealogies and shows the truth. In doing so, he forges an apologetic that proves the legitimacy of our faith and validates the absolutism of Christianity.
Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici, Or, the Divine Right of Church-Government
David W. Hall - 1995
The Name of My Beloved: Verses of the Sikh Gurus
Nikky Guninder - 1995
Translated into English, this gender-neutral work reflects the rich and inclusive tone of this esoteric Sikh literature.
Romans (The Analyzed Bible)
G. Campbell Morgan - 1995
A unique monument to the author's lifetime of Bible study and exposition, this work presents an outline of every book of the Bible and a summary of each book's total message and meaning.
Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter with Hellenism
Jaroslav Pelikan - 1995
In this erudite and informative book, a distinguished scholar provides the first coherent account of the lives and writings of these so-called Cappadocians, showing how they managed to be Greek and Christian at the same time.
Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons
Ron Rhodes - 1995
How can you effectively communicate to the Mormons that their gospel does not match up with the Bible? One of the best ways is to ask penetrating questions.Cult experts Ron Rhodes and Marian Bodine will help you understand the main points of Mormonism and discover where it falls short of God’s truth. They then equip you to ask strategic questions that challenge…the Mormon claim to be the only true churchthe reliability of Mormon prophetsthe authenticity of the Book of MormonJesus’ supposed visit to ancient Americathe Mormon view of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spiritand much moreYou’ll find Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons a valuable guide to responding to Mormons with confidence!
Seven Colors of the Rainbow
Yirmeyahu Bindman - 1995
A presentation of the concepts behind the seven laws of Noah that provide the keys to a civilized world and the precepts of universal morality.
Anxious for Armageddon: A Call to Partnership for Middle Eastern and Western Christians
Donald E. Wagner - 1995
Wagner's personal experience with the Middle East and calls Western Christians to work with Middle East Christians in healing the pain of Jews and Palestinians.Wagner grippingly tells of his early involvement with streams of Christianity that treat Israel's possession of the Holy Land as fulfillment of a divine plan that will result in the apocalyptic battle of Armageddon.
God's Whisper, Creation's Thunder: Echoes of Ultimate Reality in the New Physics
Brian Hines - 1995
Most books which deal with that blurring line look at spirituality from the standpoint of cutting-edge science -- God's Whisper, Creation's Thunder looks at science from the standpoint of cutting-edge spirituality Brian Hines envisions a time when religion will be less a matter of faith than of direct evidence that ultimate reality is indeed One, and nonmaterial. Well-reasoned and insightful, this book points toward a new perception of the reality we all share.
Hagar's Daughters: Womanist Ways of Being in the World
Diana L. Hayes - 1995
A spiritual manifesto for Black women in their role as healers of church and society.
The Darkness of God: Negativity in Christian Mysticism
Denys Turner - 1995
This meeting with God is beyond all knowing and beyond all experiencing. Mysticisms of the modern period, on the contrary, place mystical experience at the center, and contemporary readers are inclined to misunderstand the medieval tradition in experientialist terms. Denys Turner argues that the distinctiveness and contemporary relevance of medieval mysticism lies precisely in its rejection of mystical experience, and locates the mystical firmly within the grasp of the ordinary and the everyday. The argument covers some central authorities in the period from Augustine to John of the Cross.
The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism
Richard P. McBrien - 1995
Yet many facets of this varied and dynamic tradition remain unknown or poorly understood. Now The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism offers a one-volume comprehensive and authoritative guide to the people, doctrines, history, worship, art, spirituality, literature, theological developments, and changes that have shaped the Church over nearly two millennia.Led by general editor Richard P. McBrien, bestselling author of Catholicism, an editorial team drawn almost entirely from the University of Notre Dame has collected more than 4,200 entries written by 280 leading experts from around the world and across the theological spectrum, including Benedict Ashley, Gerald O'Collins, Sandra B. Schneiders, Hans Küng, Walter H. Principe, Elizabeth Johnson, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Virgilio Elizondo, Catherine Mowry LaCugna, Robert F. Taft, Peter Hebblethwaite, Dermot A. Lane, Francis A. Sullivan, Robert F. Trisco, and John Strynkowski. A concise reference for understanding Catholic terms such as vigil light and maniple, The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism also offers superb feature-length entries on subjects ranging from the seven sacraments, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Peter, Paul, Augustine, and Aquinas to prayer and Christian spirituality, Catholicism in the United States, women in the Church, and Vatican II.Treating Catholicism as a unique tradition, community, and way of life, the encyclopedia defines and describes topics such as Eastern Catholicism, canon law, devotions, religious orders and lay organizations, and saints, angels, and archangels. Also included are tables of the liturgical calendar, ecumenical councils, and a list of all the popes, complete with a brief biography of each.A convenient and reliable source of information regarding every aspect of Catholicism, past and present, The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism covers the controversy and dissent within the Church as well as its teachings and beliefs, providing a balanced and unparalleled resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Catholic life.
Love So Amazing: Expositions of Colossians I
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1995
Lloyd-Jones's commentary on Colossians explores the fullness of belonging to Christ. The result is a vital message on faith and faithfulness for the pulpit, the Bible study group, or the one wanting to understand what Christianity is about.
In Good Company: The Church as Polis
Stanley Hauerwas - 1995
By exposing a different account of politics—the church as polis and "counterstory" to the world's politics—Stanley Hauerwas helps Christians to recognize the unifying beliefs and practices that make them a political entity apart from the rest of the world.
The Grain of Wheat: Aphorisms
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1995
Balthasar's style-intimate, lucid, precise and yet poetic, along with the intensity of his contemplative vision-invites every reader to meditate deeply on the fullness and dynamism of Christian truths in all their splendor. In addition to his own meditations, Balthasar also includes quotes and thoughts from some 30 saints and spiritual writers including Augustine, Francis de Sales, John of the Cross, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Teresa of Avila, Fenelon, Therese of Lisieux and more. These rich, thought-provoking gems provide wonderful meditations for laity by one of the masters of the spiritual life. "Every careful reader of Hans Urs von Balthasar will discover that the precious alchemy of his thought results from the deeply fruitful marriage he achieves between keen intelligence and ardent piety, which is the very heart of the Christian intellectual endeavor. Balthasar proves to be one of the scant few thoroughly reliable teachers and pathfinders in the thicket of late-twentieth-century life because he himself exemplifies the truth of his own aphorism that only the one whose eyes can encompass much may be said to have an integrated vision." -Dr. Erasmo Leiva, From the Foreword
In the Steps of the Apostle Paul
F.F. Bruce - 1995
Bruce provides commentary on the history of eleven of the ancient world's most prominent places.
Heaven: It's Not the End of the World
David Lawrence - 1995
A fascinating read. In the wake of the disastrous events of September 11th, many people are asking questions and searching for answers about heaven and eternal life. Scripture Union have therefore reprinted this excellent, thought-provoking book which gives a trustworthy summary of the Bible's teaching on heaven, and the promise of a new earth. It provides a counter-view to traditional ideas of wispy spirits, clutching harps and singing the Hallelujah Chorus! With biblical foundations and visions of life on the new earth, readers are asked to consider what it may really be like. The final chapter explores the contemporary implications. With a brand new jacket to bring it right up to date; you may well find that this is just the book your customers are seeking in the present climate.
Rules For Discerning The Spirits
Ludovic-Marie Barrielle - 1995
This booklet distills the wisdom of the 30-day retreat into 20 principles so you can discern the spiritual influences in your life that are from God from those that are from the devil. Father writes from 40 years of experience as a retreat master.
Lent: The Daily Readings: Stories and Reflections
Megan McKenna - 1995
They provide practical advice to keep readers' feet on God's path and to accept God's challenge to them to become reconcilers and peacemakers.
Israel's Divine Healer
Michael L. Brown - 1995
Israel's Divine Healer begins with a study of various Hebrew words on healing. It then explores, within the larger context of the Ancient Near Eastern religions, the roles of medicine, magic, and the physician-priest together with their possible influences upon Israel's beliefs and practices regarding healing. Against this background, the remaining chapters examine, from the Torah to the Gospels, how Yahweh progressively revealed himself as Divine Healer to Israel and ultimately, through Jesus, to the whole of humanity.
Peace Behind Bars: A Peacemaking Priest's Journey from Jail
John Dear - 1995
This journal, taken when John Dear was in jail for eight months after a disarmament action, allows you to enter into the world of prisoners and a committed peacemaker.
Steps for Guidance
Peter Masters - 1995
Some say it comes by dreams, visions, and words of knowledge. Others say that God does not have a specific plan for His people, but allows them to take their own decisions as long as they do so in a wise and moral way. By contrast with these ideas, this book presents from Scripture the time-honoured view that Christians must seek God's will in all the major decisions of life. The author outlines six biblical steps for finding God's will, giving special attention to key areas such as courtship and marriage, possessions and leisure activities. Under what circumstances may Christians seek advancement in career and wealth? Does the Lord determine which church fellowship a believer should join? When is it wrong to leave a church, and when is it right? Clear biblical answers are given.
Circle of Mysteries: The Woman's Rosary Book Including the Mysteries of Light
Christin Lore Weber - 1995
This book offers a compelling look at the centuries-old prayer of the Rosary with its Mysteries of Light and a glimpse into the heart of Mary, mother of Jesus, who for women represents the power of life itself.
God, Father and Creator
Pope John Paul II - 1995
John Paul II presents the mystery of God in a fresh, modern persepctive that can meet the contemporary challenges of atheism and unbelief.
Friendship and Resistance: Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Eberhard Bethge - 1995
Friendship & Resistance - Essays on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Becoming Good, Becoming Holy: On the Relationship of Christian Ethics and Spirituality
Mark O'Keefe - 1995
A suggestive and original discussion of various aspects of the relationship between Christian spirituality and ethics that demonstrates that the spiritual effort to become holy is inseparable from the moral effort to become good.
Edge of the Sacred: Transformation in Australia
David J. Tacey - 1995
The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi
M.A. Schumacher - 1995
Traditional, edifying pictures. The Stabat Mater is given in Latin and English.
Why Not Be a Mystic?
Frank X. Tuoti - 1995
A presentation of the traditional teachings of mysticism presented in a fresh way so that each of us can open ourselves to an experience of the presence of God—here and now.
Isaac of Nineveh (Isaac the Syrian): The Second Part, Chapters 4-41
Sebastian Brock - 1995
The first part of his writings was translated into Greek in the ninth century at the monastery of St Saba in Palestine, and thence it found its way into many other languages (including in the twentieth century, Japanese). In 1983 a complete manuscript of the second part, hitherto only partially known, was discovered in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and chapters IV-XLI of these new texts are edited and translated here for the first time. The remaining chapters I-III, which include four sets of Kephalaia on spiritual knowledge, will be published subsequently in CSCO by P. Bettiolo.
Believing in Jesus: A Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith
L. Foley - 1995
It captures the Christian's continuing journey of faith, ever new, ever alive - yet always founded on God's steadfast love for us. It provides a usable text for those being introduced to the faith as well as for those seeking a deepter understanding of the faith they profess.t
Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of Change
Hannah Ward - 1995
The subjects covered are wide-ranging: blessings for relationships, including same-sex relationships; prayers for occasions like miscarriage or still birth; divorce and separation; blessings for babies and adoptions; healing services; and many more.
Laying on Hands (Foundation Series Book V) - Derek Prince (Paperback)
Derek Prince - 1995
Lectures on Job (17th Century Presbyterians)
James Durham - 1995
The Lectures on Job are perhaps one of the rarest and hardest to obtain of the many Puritan works of that time.
Orthodox Apologetic Theology
I.M. Andreyev - 1995
Especially lacking is the Christian's ability to present a cohesive integrated world-view, which inspires and moves the hearts of men. The many inroads against Christianity in our modern society are most often due to the inability of Christians to defend their faith through articulating the biblical and patristic Christian cosmology. ORTHODOX APOLOGETIC THEOLOGY is a timely treasure. Through it, I. M. Andreyev clearly explains the function of Apologetics for the Christian faith. Then he sets forth the basic elements of patristic Christian cosmology. It is evident that Christ has transformed his own heart and that he speaks from his love for Truth. ORTHODOX APOLOGETIC THEOLOGY enables one to bypass the desert of modern theological academia and drink deeply of that ancient Orthodox cosmology which has converted nations and inspired apostles, martyrs and saints.
Theology of Jürgen Moltmann
Richard Bauckham - 1995
The most comprehensive study available of one of the most influential of German Protestant theologians.
Urgings of the Heart: A Spirituality of Integration
Wilkie Au - 1995
A Crisis of Saints: The Call to Heroic Faith in an Unheroic World
George William Rutler - 1995
In a witty but soundly reasoned manner, the moral weakness that epitomizes the contemporary era is berated. Examples from the lives of figures from early and recent church history serve as parables for current cultural crises, and the voices of frustrated parishioners around the world give these situations immediacy. Each chapter vividly demonstrates that the moral dangers of post-Vatican II life are often disguised as mere alternatives rather than threats to the soul. This proposal offers an authentically Catholic way of responding to these ethical challenges and exhorts the faithful to move beyond romanticism about Vatican II and strive for lives of virtue that respond to the Church’s call for effective evangelization.
The Black Presence in the Bible: Discovering the Black and African Identity of Biblical Persons and Nations
Walter Arthur McCray - 1995
Will greatly aid pastors and educators in communicating this message to their students. (Black Light Fellowship)
Daughters of Anowa: African Women and Patriarchy
Mercy Amba Oduyoye - 1995
It is a study of the influence of culture and religion—particularly of traditional African cultures and Christianity—on African women's lives. Mercy Amba Oduyoye illustrates how myths, proverbs, and folk tales (called "folktalk") operate in the socialization of young women, working to preserve the norms of the community. Daughters of Anowa reveals how global patriarchy manifests itself in these social structures, in both patrilineal and matrilineal communities.Organized as a narrative in three cycles, Daughters of Anowa demonstrates how folktalk alienates women from power, discourages individuality and encourages conformity. It also considers the possibilities for the future. Oduyoye posits that change will come about only when the daughters of Anowa (the mythic representative of Africa itself) confront the realities of culture and religion in perpetuating patriarchal oppression and work to realize the goal of a new woman in a new Africa.
Gods Of The Word: Archetypes In The Consonants
Margaret Magnus - 1995
This book is a non-technical introduction to an expanded understanding of how the form of a word -- its sound -- affects its meaning. Each vowel and each consonant in a language has a meaning which is very broad, yet distinct from that of every other vowel and consonant. There are two levels of sound-meaning -- the iconic, and the phonesthetic. The phonesthetic dimension of a consonant's meaning is archetypal in nature. And each consonant and vowel infuses every word that contains it with this meaning. This book introduces the reader to the nature of the phenomenon, and outlines some experiments that the reader can perform with a pencil and sheet of paper, by means of which they can veridy for themselves that the phenomenon is real.