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Following Christ: The Parable of the Divers and More Good News
Stephen E. Robinson - 1995
Now, in Following Christ: The Parable of the Divers and More Good News, Brother Robinson explains what happens after we have entered the gospel covenant. He writes, "Where Believing Christ dealt with entering the covenant, this book will focus on staying in the covenant. If being truly converted is to accept Christ as Lord and to make Him the Lord of our lives, then this must somehow be reflected in our lives -- but how? How does being born again translate into behavior after our conversion?" pIn the same clear, readable style of his first book, Brother Robinson explains what is means to be a member of Christ's kingdom, the relationship between faith and works, what it means to endure to the end (it does not mean "being perfect"), the nature of mortality, hazards we may encounter as we seek to endure in the Lord's service, and, finally, the importance of serving others in love. p bAbout the Author/bp iStephen E. Robinson/i is a professor of ancient scripture in Religious Education at Brigham Young University. He received a B.A. in English literature from the university and a Ph.D. in Biblical studies from Duke University.p Dr. Robinson has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, Hampden-Sydney College, and Lycoming College, as well as serving as department chair in religion at Lycoming College.p Dr. Robinson is the author of iBelieving Christ and Are Mormons Christian?/i He is also the coauthor of a four-volume commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants. His articles have appeared in iJournal for the Study of Judaism, the Ensign, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha/i, and the iEncyclopedia of Mormonism/i.p He and his wife, Janet Bowen Robinson, are the parents of six children.
House of Glory: Finding Personal Meaning in the Temple
S. Michael Wilcox - 1995
Michael Wilcox explains the eternal significanceof temple work, and, more than that, he explains he blessings that temple work brings to our ordinary, everyday lives.He discusses the temple as a house of learning, "the Lord's university, where we can understand the most powerful principles of the gospel and receive inspiration for ourselves and our families. He also explains how to understand the symbolic teaching in the Lord's house and how we can individually hear the voice of the Spirit through those symbols.He discusses the temple as a house of refuge, where we can go to escape the trials and troubles of the world.He discusses the temple as a house of order, where we learn the covenants of the Lord, how to keep them, and how we are blessed as we do so.He discusses the temple as a house of glory, describing the wonderful spiritual experiences that come to those who serve there, and especially to those who labor for their kindred dead.Finally, he discusses the temple as a house of thanksgiving, where we come to appreciate the importance and power of the blessings we receive there.President Howard W. Hunter directed the Saints to "establish the temple of the Lord as the great symbol of their membership and the supernal setting for their most sacred covenants."House of Glory explains how we can make the temple the focus for every aspect of our lives, how we can find greater joy and meaning in the house of the Lord.
The Gateway We Call Death
Russell M. Nelson - 1995
Nelson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Our ultimate and highest destiny is to return to our heavenly home. When that time comes, it can be as momentous as the time of birth. Birth is the gateway to mortal life; death is the gateway to immortality and eternal life." In The Gateway We Call Death, Elder Nelson, a surgeon by profession and now a special witness of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, approaches the subject of death from both a medical and a theological point of view to discuss such topics as these: - The purpose of life and of death - The purpose of mourning - When death comes without warning - Factors of choice, such as suicide, euthanasia, and use of mechanical means to extend life - Life after death "As I have come to comprehend more about life in all of its phases," Elder Nelson writes, "I no longer feel that death is always that foe to be feared. Instead, I view it as a potential friend to be understood." The Gateway We Call Death provides reassurance and comfort for all who seek such understanding.
LDS - The Family: A Proclamation to the World
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1995
It was first announced by church president Gordon B. Hinckley at the worldwide General Relief Society Meeting on September 23, 1995.Doctrinal assertions * All human beings are created in God's image. * Gender is an essential part of human identity before, during, and after life on Earth. * "In the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshiped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan..." * "Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples [of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally."Items of counsel * Sex is sacred and must only take place between a married man and woman. * Parents have a serious responsibility "to love and care for each other and for their children." * Happiness and success come through following the teachings of Jesus and through "faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." * "...fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." * "Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children." * "...fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."Warnings * Those who commit adultery or "abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God." * Disintegration of the family will bring "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets".For more information, visit our website at:
Boyd K. Packer: A Watchman on the Tower
Lucile C. Tate - 1995
Packer's life and ministry the gospel principles this outstanding teacher has taught and practiced come through with striking clarity. The book itself will thus be a powerful teacher to its readers"
Critique of Modern Youth Ministry
Christopher Schlect - 1995
This need not and should not be so. This essay discusses the reasons behind the problem and proposes some biblical solutions.
The Power of His Presence
Adrian Rogers - 1995
The Power of His Presence is aimed at helping you integrate this grand truth into your life so you can start fully enjoying your true identity in Christ. This book is a rich feast for the hungry soul. If Christians understood the profound truth that we are God's temple--His very dwelling-place--surely our lives would be different. Adrian Rogers has unfolded this truth with straightforward, practical, biblical wisdom. --John MacArthur To read The Power of His Presence with an open mind and obedient heart will transform the life and bless the home, the church, and the world. Adrian Rogers expounds the message of the power of God's presence with truth, clarity, and passion. --Stephen F. Olford Adrian Rogers brings inspiring clarity to one of the most profound but neglected truths of God's Word--God's indwelling presence. This book is must reading for any believer. --Bill Bright
Heroes from the Book of Mormon
Gordon B. HinckleyF. Burton Howard - 1995
Book of Heroes in the book of mormon
Here We Stand
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 1995
To downplay them—indeed, to fail to emphasize them—is to undermine the very foundation of our faith.Within the pages of this book, Brother McConkietestifies of the reality of the Prophet Joseph's spiritual manifestations andexplains why a restoration rather than a reformation was necessary to reestablish Christ's churchpoints out the inconsistency of accepting ancient prophets while denying the divinely appointed mission of Joseph Smithshows the proper role of the Bible in declaring the message of the Restorationillustrates the spiritual power involved in answering questions from the revelations of the Restorationexplains how to avoid the war of words and the tumult of opinion and to stand instead in the light of revelationBrother McConkie confirms the importance of declaring all that we have received, beginning with the First Vision: "Such is the message that we have been commissioned to take to the earth. To be faithful in that labor brings with it the promise of honor, glory, immortality, and eternal life; conversely, failure to be true to that divine commission places us under condemnation."That gets to the heart of the matter as it disarms critics and avoids the spirit of contention. Brother McConkie encourages members of the Church to appreciate the strength of the Church's claim and to teach it more boldly:"The way we answer questions about our faith ought to be by finding the quickest and most direct route to the Sacred Grove. That is our ground. It is sacred ground. And it is here we stand."
Meetings with Mary
Janice T. Connell - 1995
In this exquisite and inspiring volume, Janice T. Connell chronicles authenticated Marian apparitions and messages Mary has brought from God--as mother, comforter, Queen of Angels, and Prophet of the Apocalypse.Drawn from scripture, legend, and never-before-published eyewitness accounts, these are personal stories--the author's own, and her interviews with other visionaries--filled with beauty, wonder, and joy. Meetings with Mary ranges from Elijah's vision of Mary eight hundred years before her birth to the world-famous children of Medjugorje in Bosnia, whose encounters with her began in 1981 and continue daily. Here also are lesser-known, deeply touching encounters with the Mother, from an office worker in Holland to a Japanese nun, from a Jewish banker in Rome to an awestruck crowd of visionaries, few of them Christians or of any other faith, in Egypt.Meetings with Mary asks also: as the millennium draws near, shadowed by disasters, disease, and brutal civil warfare, are Mary's frequent appearances a signal to the faithful? Perhaps she is calling us all to join her now on a voyage toward the eternal shores of peace, joy, and abiding love. . . . "[Connell is] passionate about prayer and sharing her love of Jesus'mother. . . . She has a way of simplifying complex theology."--Rocky Mountain News
Revival Fire
Wesley L. Duewel - 1995
So begins a spiritual awakening, the kindling of a revival fire still burning today. Beginning with Elijah and God's tremendous one-day revival of Israel, Wesley Duewel tells stories of revivals spanning the globe from America to China to Africa, all brought by obedience and heartfelt prayer. He illustrates how God has used revival fire through the centuries to revive the church and reveal the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit.
The High Peak of the Vision and the Reality of the Body of Christ
Witness Lee - 1995
Making Peace: Personal Essays
Eugene England - 1995
Using his hallmark literary forms of personal essay and autobiographical short story, he draws examples from his own life to illustrate the complexities people face at home, in their neighborhoods, at work, and in the pews. Admitting to no easy answers, he shows through plot and metaphor of well developed stories, and through the penetrating view of his unrelenting mind, the dangers and advantages of various options.He takes readers on road trips to present the Christian ethic in a new and seductive light. He recounts the times when inner tranquility and outward peace have come to his own family and community in unusual ways. Whether traipsing through Utah's trout streams, visiting strife-torn Los Angeles, or sorting out the cultural maze he encountered on a church mission to American Samoa, England proposes paths people might follow to reconcile ambiguities in maintaining a caring, purposeful existence in the 1990s and beyond.
Toward Holy Ground: Spiritual Directions for the Second Half of Life
Margaret Guenther - 1995
This part of life has a depth and spirituality all its own--a need for structure and rule, a tolerance of ambiguity, an exploration of limitation and mortality, and the deep work of discipline and detachment. Margaret Guenther brings her insights as a spiritual director to the gifts and opportunities of those of us who are on this journey to "holy ground." In each chapter, Toward Holy Ground explores the practical aspects of spirituality in midlife: intercessory prayer, a sense of community, a rule of life, lightheartedness, detachment, and stripping down, preparing for "a good death." A final chapter discusses practical aspects of ministry to the frail aged.
The Portraits of Christ in Genesis
Martin R. Dehaan - 1995
R. DeHaan, presents these devotional commentaries on Bible books and topics that will be appreciated by lay readers as well as pastors and teachers.
The Contemporary Challenge of John of the Cross: An Introduction to His Life and Teaching
Leonard Doohan - 1995
Here, for the first time, he gathers together material presented over many years in his workshops on John of the Cross. The Contemporary Challenge of John of the Cross offers a clear and simple introduction to the life, writings, and message of the Mystical Doctor, stressing always the practical applications of his teaching and example for today's Christians. 'This excellent work,' writes Ernest Larkin, O.Carm., 'opens the treasures of John of the Cross for our contemporaries.'
My Father's House: Temple Worship and Symbolism in the New Testament
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel - 1995
The Mission: Inside the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Matthew Naythons - 1995
This lavishly illustrated and informative book--the only one of its kind--captures the spirit, humor, and diversity of this fascinating sect. 300 photos.
In Good Company: The Church as Polis
Stanley Hauerwas - 1995
By exposing a different account of politics—the church as polis and "counterstory" to the world's politics—Stanley Hauerwas helps Christians to recognize the unifying beliefs and practices that make them a political entity apart from the rest of the world.
On Becoming a Disciple-Scholar
Henry B. Eyring - 1995
Maeser Building, the oldest building on the Brigham Young University campus. An additional lecture presented at the annual Honors Program banquet is also included. The primary goal of the BYU Honors Program is to model the compatibility of rigorous scholarship with deep devotion to the faith, including institutional aspects of the faith. The lecturers in the Discipline and Discipleship lecture series were invited to explore the relationship between secular studies in the various academic disciplines and the personal development of religious commitment requisite to true discipleship. What emerged from the lectures was a portrait of the disciple-scholar, students or scholars who seek to prepare to serve God through their studies. It is hoped that these lectures will prove useful to Latter-day Saint students wherever they may be, as well as to students of other faiths who seek to enrich their secular studies through their religious commitment.
The Eastern Christian Churches: A Brief Survey
Ronald G. Roberson - 1995
Whatever Became of Holiness
Steve Deneff - 1995
The sanctified-by-intimidation demeanor of the past has left a sour taste in our mouths. And for years we wanted nothing to do with the doctrine of holiness. But at last we have begun to separate the gift from its vendors, and now we want it again. Only we want the real thing. We have learned that much of the "touch not, taste not, handle not" paraphernalia associated with sanctification has precious little, in reality, to do with the Holy Spirit who allegedly inspired it. So with or without the rules; with or without the circus of emotion; with or without the fire-breathing evangelists; and with or without the made-for-television testimonies, the sons of this modern age, like their godly predecessors who were honest with themselves, desire a life wholly devoted to the glory of God alone. We want sanctified careers and marriages too. We want pure minds that meditate, more than covet or lust. We want hearts without carnal ambitions. And we want temples suited for the dwelling of Christ. But we are not so interested in how high one jumps at the altar, as in how he walks when he finally comes down.
Jacob Hamblin: His Life in His Own Words
Jacob Hamblin - 1995
His migrations from Ohio to Utah with life-and-death adventures at every turn keep the reader spellbound in this unabridged, autobiographical account of the Old West's most unusual adventurer among Native Americans.
Can Fallen Pastors Be Restored?: The Church's Response To Sexual Misconduct
John H. Armstrong - 1995
Armstrong tackles a tough issue with biblical principles, presenting and evaluating three common views: immediate restoration to pastoral office, future restoration, and personal restoration without restoring to office.
Sarah's Quest
Carol Lynch Williams - 1995
When Sarah was a baby, her mother died; now she thinks her father needs a new wife, and in their search, they discover both a wife and the Mormon Church.
Building High Commitment in a Low-Commitment World
Bill Hull - 1995
Shows pastors how to build high commitment within their churches despite the cultural tendency to avoid commitment.
Free Indeed: Heroes Of Black Christian History
Mark Sidwell - 1995
The Cappadocians
Anthony Meredith - 1995
In the final third of the fourth century the three great Cappadocian Fathers were at the centre of this exciting encounter. Their leader was St Basil, an ecclesiastical statesman, social reformer and monastic founder as well as a theologian. His friend St Gregory of Nazianzus was a brilliant preacher and sensitive poet who gave classic expression to the theology and spirituality of the Holy Trinity in luminous prose and verse. Basil's brother St Gregory of Nyssa was renowned for the depth of his speculative theology and mystical spirituality. Though they collaborated and shared many common perspectives, each had a unique gift and personality.This book is the first general treatment in English to bring together the three Cappadocians. It introduces the reader to their fascinating lives and writings and shows their connections with the Greco-Roman culture of their age.