Book picks similar to
Building Classroom Discipline by Carol M. Charles
The Elements of Teaching
James M. Banner Jr. - 1997
Their book is an inspiring guide to current and future school teachers and to college and university professors—indeed to everyone who teaches anything to anyone else. Arguing that teaching is an art, Banner and Cannon help teachers understand its components. They analyze the specific qualities of successful teachers and the ways in which these qualities promote learning and understanding. Throughout, they illustrate their discussion with sharply etched portraits of fictional teachers who exemplify—or fail to exemplify—a particular quality. Neither a how-to book nor a consideration of the philosophy, methods, or activities of teaching, this book, more precisely, assesses what it takes to teach. It encourages teachers to consider how they might strengthen their own level of professional performance.
Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College
Doug Lemov - 2010
In this book, author Doug Lemov offers the essential tools of the teaching craft so that you can unlock the talent ond skill waiting in your students, no matter how many previous classrooms, schools, or teachers have been unsuccessful.
Psychology Applied to Teaching
Jack Snowman - 1971
"Psychology Applied to Teaching "takes complex psychological theories demonstrates how they apply to the everyday experiences of in-service teachers. The Eleventh Edition combines fresh concepts and contemporary research with long standing theory and applications to create a textbook that speaks to today' s teachers and students."New! "Chapter 9: Social Cognitive Theory has been added in response to reviewer suggestions and the many recent developments in cognitive research. No other educational psychology book currently offers a separate chapter on this topic."New! ""Take a Stand!" features give the author an opportunity to spotlight issues such as inclusion, school violence, or high-stakes testing, and encourages debate on critical issues in education. Also accessible on the textbook web site with additional resources and pedagogy and in the Eduspace course with online chats."New! "Coverage of key national standards including PRAXIS and INTASC has been added and referenced throughout the text. A convenient correlation table highlighting text coverage is located on the inside covers for students and professors, with additional suggestions for instructor use in the IRM."Case in Print" exercises in every chapter use recent news articles to demonstrate how basic ideas or techniques are being applied by educators from the primary grades through high school. Each article is followed by several open-ended questions to encourage reflection. This feature can also be found on the textbook Web site."Suggestions for Teaching in YourClassroom" sections include detailed descriptions of how to apply the information and concepts discussed in the chapter to the classroom. These features are intended to be read while the book is used as a text and to serve as a reference for in-service teachers later on.Journal entries help students to prepare and use a Reflective Journal. Entries appear in the margins of the text and encourage readers to consider their own personality, style, and teaching situation in establishing personal guidelines for teaching. A guide for setting up a Reflective Journal is included in Chapter 16--students can use their journals as a reference before and during their teaching experience.Eduspace is a customizable, powerful Interactive platform that provides instructors with text-specific online courses and content in multiple disciplines. Eduspace gives an instructor the ability to create all or part of their course online using the widely recognized tools of Blackboard and quality text-specific content from HMCo. Instructors can quickly and easily assign homework exercises, quizzes, tests, tutorials and supplemental study materials and can modify that content or even add their own.
Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals
Marilyn Friend - 2004
Contemporary concepts and evidence-based practices prepare new teachers for their roles in the education and well-being of students with disabilities and other special needs. Marilyn Friend combines research-informed concepts and skills with practical information for educators working in this challenging age of high standards and accountability, curriculum access, inclusive practices, professional collaboration, and student diversity. The third edition integrates the requirements of the NCLB and IDEA legislation with evidence-based practices so that readers understand the expectations for educators and students, and learn how critical concepts translate into educational practices. Real People, Real Classrooms:"Chapter Opening Vignettes "describe the experiences of three different students of varying ages as they relate to the topics discussed in each chapter and are referenced at key points in the chapter."Firsthand Account"features real life stories from teachers, students, parents, and school professionals sharing their own experiences and perspectives relating to life and learning with special needs."""Speaking from Experience "features capture the insights and advice of experienced teachers on topics ranging from working effectively with colleagues to finding ways to juggle all the responsibilities of being a special educator to addressing a variety of professional challenges, including those related to student behavior and family concerns.Real Research:Instruction in Action highlight teaching application for intensive instruction delivered by special education teachers in various educational settings.Positive Behavioral Supports illustrates the many positive, proactive ways to address students' behavior/social issues as part of overall classroom teaching and learning.Cutting Edge InformationTechnology Notes features showcase fascinating instructional and assistive technology applications for teaching students with exceptional needs in special educational settings as well as links to information that can help beginning teachers plan their lessons, motivate their students, and keep abreast of their rapidly changing field.Professional Edge features describe conceptual materials and cutting edge information that connect theory to practice.
Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction
Frank J. Schmalleger - 1997
Now with a CJ careers feature and learning objectives aligned with end-of-chapter questions, the book provides both a streamlined and up-to-date look at this ever-evolving field. Known for its unifying theme, its unmatched timeliness and its coverage of the newest criminal justice trends and technology, this book has become THE standard by which all other brief texts are judged.
Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional [With Online Access Code and DVD]
Donald P. Kauchak - 2001
Three themes central to teaching today-- professionalism, diversity, and decision-making-- are woven through the text to give students deeper understanding of the teaching profession and to better prepare them for that profession. Two questions frame the text, "Do I want to be a teacher?" and "What kind of teacher do I want to become?." Case studies at the beginnings of chapters provide a frame of reference for understanding chapter content while numerous teaching vignettes throughout the chapters provide vivid examples that increase reader understanding and interest.
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Linda B. Gambrell - 1999
Offering practical guidance for literacy educators, curriculum development specialists, and other education professionals and policy makers, this volume considers how we can most effectively improve the quality and content of reading and writing instruction. Leading researchers and practitioners address the eight principles of best practice, providing the most current information on how to enhance students' ability to construct meaning from text independently, draw upon texts to build conceptual understanding, effectively communicate ideas orally and in writing, and develop an intrinsic desire to read and write. This timely book blends state-of-the-art theory and research with workable suggestions based on extensive hands-on experience in the field.
Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools
Ann P. Turnbull - 1994
Through real-life stories of children and their families, this preeminent book provides students with a comprehensive experience in special education. Long noted for its focus on inclusion, families, and partnerships, Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools, Fifth Edition, presents a realistic look at the workings of special education as future teachers, both general and special education, will need to know. The new fifth edition includes: increased coverage of families and collaboration; a broader range of tips and strategies for teachers and different learning environments; a stronger emphasis on the core standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and PRAXIS; and a brand-new, text-specific DVD of videos highlighting the people in the chapters and adults with disabilities that continues and extends the Turnbull's tradition of learning about special education through the real lives of real people living with disabilities.
How College Affects Students: Volume 2 - A Third Decade of Research
Ernest T. Pascarella - 2005
The authors review their earlier findings and then synthesize what has been learned since 1990 about college's influences on students' learning. The book also discusses the implications of the findings for research, practice, and public policy. This authoritative and comprehensive analysis of the literature on college-impact is required reading for anyone interested in higher education practice, policy, and promise3/4faculty, administrators, researchers, policy analysts, and decision-makers at every level.
The Passionate Teacher: A Practical Guide
Robert L. Fried - 1995
The Passionate Teacher draws on voices, stories, and successes of teachers in urban, suburban, and rural classrooms to help you become, and remain, a passionate teacher despite the obstacles. This edition includes a new chapter for teachers beginning their careers
Units Of Study For Teaching Writing: Grades 3 5
Lucy Calkins
Each "Unit of Study" lays out four to six weeks of instruction. Together the units provide the teaching points, minilessons, strategies, and tools you'll need to jump in and teach writing to your students. Presented sequentially, these units help you teach narrative and expository writing with increasing sophistication.1. Launching the Writing WorkshopThis unit jumpstarts your year by reviewing and teaching the essentials of writingcollecting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In addition to introducing practical strategies for finding topics and generating writing, this unit also helps you foster a community of writers in your classroom and teach students how to work with partners constructively .2. Raising the Quality of Narrative WritingIn this unit students learn how to use emblematic details, images, dialogue, and carefully-chosen words to make a small moment into a compelling story. While developing a personal narrative students learn to create suspense, align story elements into a cohesive whole, and use timelines to link internal thoughts with external plots.3. Breathing Life Into EssaysThis unit guides you in teaching students howto craft thesis-driven essays drawn from their own personal experiences and expertise. Throughout this unit students learn how to develop a thought, organize their thinking with boxes and bullets, and use writing conventions to strengthen their work.4. Story Arcs: Writing Short FictionThis unit helps you expand students' previous learning by helping them use story arcs to create rising action, a conflict, and a resolution. Students learn to use character development, symbolism, and their knowledge of the elements of a story to develop powerful, realistic fiction.5. Writing About LiteratureIn this unit students draw on what they have learned about writing stories to read stories well. They use what they've learned about essays to help them craft essays that analyze and respond to literature.6. Memoir: Putting It All TogetherThis introspective unit on memoir writing is designed to help students draw on all they have learned about the structure and craft of writing. From their experience writing essays, students learn to make points about their lives. From their understandings about personal narratives, students learn to write about memories that illustrate their points in compelling ways.These 6 Units of Study are reinforced by two resources that offer everyday support. A Guide to the Writing Workshop, Grades 35This overview volume equips you to teach a productive, well-managed writing workshop, introduces you to the methods that underlie writing instruction, and helps you plan a yearlong writing curriculum.Resources for Teaching Writing, Grades 35This CD-ROM supports your writing program with samples of student writing, video clips of the authors teaching, and a range of printable reproducibles organized unit-by-unit.In total "Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3-5" contains 7 books and 1 CD-ROM.
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures
Myron W. Lustig - 1993
Blending both the practical and theoretical, the concrete and abstract, this book is both enjoyable to read and thoroughly researched. By clearly explaining different theories and the significance of cultural patterns and having readers practice what they learn via examples in the book, Intercultural Competence better prepares readers to interact in intercultural relationships. The book also provides a discussion of important ethical and social issues relating to intercultural communication. The authors cover U.S. cultures as well as global cultural issues.
Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know
W. James Popham - 1994
This well-written book is grounded in the reality of teaching today to show real-world teachers who want to use assessment in their classroom the latest tools necessary to teach more effectively. The fifth edition of Classroom Assessment addresses the range of assessments that teachers are likely to use in their classrooms. With expanded coverage of problems related to measurement of special education children, a new student website with online activities, and an improved instructor's manual, this book continues to be a cutting-edge and indispensable resource not only for instructors, but also for pre- and in-service teachers. New to This Edition: *Chapter 12 contains new material dealing with formative assessment as well as assessment FOR learning. *The text is committed to fostering readers' realizations regarding the critical link between testing and teaching. Instructional implications are constantly stressed in the text. early childhood assessment throughout the text. *The 5th edition contains a brand-new website providing readers with Extra Electronic Exercises for each chapter, so readers, if they wish, can solidify their understanding of what chapters address (go to *A newly revised Instructor's Resource Manual contains Instructor-to-Instructor suggestions as well as a test for each chapter. It also includes a mid-term and final exam and an effective inventory measuring students' confidence in assessment. Here's what your colleagues have to say about this book: Dr. Popham has done a tremendous job in researching and incorporating current trends throughout the entire text! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the text. It is well-written, and I love the author's sense of humor! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University I LOVE the arrangement of the chapters and the high quality of the self-checks and discussion questions that are provided. Karen E. Eifler, University of Portland
Reading in the Dark: Using Film as a Tool in the English Classroom
John Golden - 2001
Harness the students interest in film to help them engage critically with a range of media including visual and printed texts.
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
Lesley Mandel Morrow - 2003
The field's leading authorities present accessible recommendations for best practices that can be tailored to fit specific classroom circumstances and student populations. Provided are strategies for helping all students succeed—including struggling readers and English language learners—and for teaching each of the major components of literacy. The book also addresses ways to organize instruction and innovative uses of technology. Chapters include concrete examples, Engagement Activities, and resources for further learning. New to This Edition*Incorporates the latest research findings and instructional practices.*Chapters on motivation, content-area teaching, new literacies, and family literacy.*Addresses timely topics such as response to intervention, the new common core standards, English language learning, and policy issues.