Best of
Automotive Engines
William H. Crouse - 1971
It also contains subject matter included on tests given by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for engine repair and engine machinists.
Pedagogy of the Heart
Paulo Freire - 1971
Pedagogy of the Heart is filled with Freire's reminiscences of his early life and meditations "under my mango tree." These meditations include discussions of solitude and community, the limit of the Right, neoliberals and progressives, lessons from exile, the Lefts and the Right, dialogism, and faith and hope. Many of these subjects will be familiar to those who have read Freire before. For those coming to Freire for the first time, Pedagogy of the Heart will open new doors to the interrelations of education and political struggle. Further enhancing the text are substantive notes by Ana Maria Aranjo Freire.
A Class Divided: Then and Now
William Peters - 1971
was killed, Jane Elliott, a third-grade teacher in Riceville, Iowa, gave her pupils a unique lesson in discrimination. The first day, brown-eyed children were declared “superior,” given special privileges, and encouraged to discriminate against their suddenly “inferior” blue-eyed classmates. The next day, roles were reversed. What happened astonished both students and teacher. On both days, children labeled “inferior” took on the look and behavior of genuinely inferior students; they did inferior work. “Superior” students excelled in their work and delighted in discriminating against their erstwhile friends. Jane Elliott repeated the exercise with succeeding classes, and the third year, it was filmed for an award-winning television documentary, “The Eye of the Storm.” The original edition of A Class Divided, written by William Peters, the producer-director-writer of the documentary, expanded on the story revealed in the television program.This new edition of A Class Divided continues the story of Jane Elliott and her sixteen third-graders of 1970, eleven of whom returned to Riceville in 1984 for a reunion with their former teacher. In the new chapters, Peters reports on that meeting and its evidence that the long-ago lesson has had a profound and enduring effect on the students’ lives and attitudes—indeed, on the way they are raising their own children. Peters also relates the surprising reactions of employees of the Iowa Department of Corrections and other adults to the same exercise.The students’ reunion and the session with adult Corrections workers were covered in Peters’ recent Emmy-Award winning documentary, “A Class Divided.” This new edition of A Class Divided expands significantly on the material covered in both documentaries.
The Geranium on the Windowsill Just Died, But Teacher You Went Right on
Albert Cullum - 1971
a nice paperback with illustrators from ages 8 to 63 book having 64 pages
How to Survive in Your Native Land
James Herndon - 1971
This is a compelling vision of what really goes on in school and how the conventional school structure actually affects teaching and learning. The realities may be hard, but Herndon's humorous touch makes this book easy to read.
No More Lies
Dick Gregory - 1971
The African-American comedian and civil rights activist offers his views on American history and race relations in the United States.
The Freedom Ship of Robert Smalls
Louise Meriwether - 1971
A brief biography of the slave who escaped to freedom with his family and other runaway slaves on a captured Confederate gunboat.
Beyond the Stable State
Donald A. Schön - 1971
Wad Ja Get? The Grading Game In American Education
Howard Kirschenbaum - 1971
Essential Idioms in English: Phrasal Verbs and Collocations
Robert James Dixson - 1971
The latest edition of "Essential Idioms in English" remains the resource of choice for mastering more than 500 common English idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocations. "Essential Idioms in English "thoroughly defines and illustrates each idiom, then reinforces its meaning and usage with multiple-choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and matching exercises.
Educational Evaluation & Decision Making
Daniel L. Stufflebeam - 1971
PDK-backed studies of evaluation.
How Two Gerbils, Twenty Goldfish, Two Hundred Games, Two Thousand Books, and I Taught Them How to Read
Steven Daniels - 1971
The Recovery of Man in Childhood
A.C. Harwood - 1971
A survey of child development and the educational system that best balances the education of intellect, intuition, and initiative--the classic work on Waldorf education.
Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education
Michael F.D. Young - 1971
Creative Movement for the Developing Child: A Nursery School Handbook for Non-Musicians
Clare Cherry - 1971
The Culture of the School and the Problem of Change
Seymour B. Sarason - 1971
PSSC Physics
Uri Haber-Schaim - 1971
In this 5th edition, "we decided to further streamline the course....The most prominent example of such change is greater emphasis on the particle nature of light and the energetics of light relative to the wave motion of light"--Preface.
The Killings at Kent State: How Murder Went Unpunished
I.F. Stone - 1971
Education and the State: A Study in Political Economy
E.G. West - 1971
In the thirty years that followed, the questions this book raised concerning state-run education have grown immeasurably in urgency and intensity. Education and the State re-examines the role of government in education and challenges the fundamental statist assumption that the state is best able to provide an education for the general population.West explores the views on education of the nineteenth-century British reformers and classical economists who argued the necessity of state education. He demonstrates that by the Foster Act of 1870 the state system of education was superimposed upon successful private efforts, thereby suppressing an emerging and increasingly robust structure of private, voluntary, and competitive education funded by families, churches, and philanthropies.This new and expanded edition of Education and the State addresses the American situation in education, applying the lessons learned from the study of British institutions. It also broadens their application from education to the conduct of democracy as a political system.Edwin G. West was Professor Emeritus of Economics at Carleton University, Ottawa.
The Chosen People
John Marco Allegro - 1971
It tells the history of the Jews from the conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 587BCE to the 2nd Jewish Revolt of 132CE. John bases his account on traditional texts–-books of the Old Testament, Josephus, Philo Judaeus, Dio Cassius etc-–& sets out the complicated parade of plots, counterplots, betrayals & insurrections in a brisk & readable sequence. His main theme is how the conception of the Jewish nation as a divinely chosen race was planted as a political ambition among the exiled Jews. Bringing together old customs & stories, the idea was fired by the longing of the Babylonian Jews for their traditional homeland. Many of them grew prosperous outside Palestine & their wealthy communities manipulated the wish for identity into the idea of an exclusive Judaism embodied as a political state & fighting for autonomy against local & imperial neighbors–-more dream than fact. He wrote: "When the ‘new Judaism’ came to be hammered out after the return from captivity, it was around these ancient customs & a historicized mythology that it was fashioned. & the mainspring for this romantic movement came not from the bleak, desolated Jerusalem of reality, but from the emotions of Babylonian Jews feeding their imaginations on unhistorical traditions about their origins & paying fervent homage to an exclusive religious cult very largely of their own devising." (p.39) The Chosen People was published by:Hodder & Stoughton, London, '71-Hardcover 1st EditionDoubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, '72-Hardcover 1st US EditionPanther Books, St Albans, UK, '73-Paper
Rhythm and Movement: Applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Elsa Findlay - 1971
Such is the first sentence of this book on use of the body to express musical rhythm. Elsa Findlay is eminently qualified to write on this subject, having been a student of Emile-Jaques Dalcroze, the master himself, and also from her own experience in a variety of teaching situations. These included schools of dance and theater, colleges and universities, and The Cleveland Institute of Music, one of the first to offer a BMus degree with a major in eurhythmics. Each chapter concentrates on a different phase of rhythm: tempo, dynamics, duration, metrical patterns, speech and rhythm patterns, phrase and form, pitch and melody, and creative expression. Activities for each phase are outlined in detail and illustrated by charming drawings and photos. Appendices furnish further suggestions for exercises, games, action songs, and suitable music.