Best of
"Stand Back," Said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze!"
Patricia Thomas - 1971
Knowing the havoc it will cause, all the animals try to prevent the elephant from sneezing.
Christina Katerina & the Box
Patricia Lee Gauch - 1971
In it they swear undying friendship, wage furious battles
The Sleeping Beauty
Trina Schart Hyman - 1971
How could everyone in a castle - even the flies on the walls - sleep for a century and then wake up? This magical, beautifully illustrated tale begins when the king excludes the most difficult fairy of the kingdom from a feast celebrating the birth of his beautiful daughter Briar Rose. Furious, the fairy storms in and curses the baby, pronouncing that on her fifteenth birthday she will be pricked by a distaff (from a spinning wheel) and fall down dead. The youngest fairy softens the curse to a century-long sleep. Despite the fact that the king burns all the spinning wheels in the kingdom, 15-year-old Briar Rose finds herself in the tower where the evil fairy and her fate await her. The drama of the spell unfurls as she and the other inhabitants of the castle fall instantly asleep, from courtiers to kitchen maids. Thorny briars - moodily captured by Trina Schart Hyman's masterful paintbrush - grow up around the castle. Hyman depicts those who died attempting to break through the maze of thorns to reach the legendary sleeping beauty in a nightmarish illustration. But goodness and true love prevail when the perfect prince does finally find his way through the thick vines.Hyman won a Caldecott Medal for her work in Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges, and her version of The Sleeping Beauty makes us believe in the magic of the spell. The scenes inside the castle are alive with color and movement and rich with details that children will devour eagerly. Moods and expressions are rendered exquisitely, especially those of the wild, red-haired beauty Briar Rose. This wonderful read-aloud classic is one of Hyman's best.
Cranberry Thanksgiving
Wende Devlin - 1971
The cooking was done and her famous cranberry bread was cooling on the wooden board. Every year Grandmother invited a guest for dinner and allowed Maggie to do the same. "Ask someone poor or lonely," she always said.She wasn't happy upon learning that Maggie had invited the unsavory Mr. Whiskers to dinner. Would her secret cranberry bread recipe be safe with him in the house?After a long absence this delightful 1971 classic is back and so is the secret recipe for Grandmother's Famous Cranberry Bread!
How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head
Bill Peet - 1971
Kids will love the surprising, funny solution to keep Droofus safe from harm and will delight in the illustrations.
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney
Judith Viorst - 1971
I was very sad. My mother said we could have a funeral for him, and I should think of ten good things about Barney so I could tell them...But the small boy who loved Barney can only think of nine. Later, while talking with his father, he discovers the tenth—and he begins to understand.
Leo the Late Bloomer
Robert Kraus - 1971
But Leo's mother isn't. She knows her son will do all those things, and more, when he's ready.With its message of patience and humor, Leo the Late Bloomer is more timely than ever. As Children's Books and Their Creators commented: "Leo's reassuring 'I made it!' at the end delights young listeners who may have been scrutinized for early blooming by well-intentioned moms and dads. Deserves space on any parenting shelf."
The Fat Cat
Jack Kent - 1971
A cat grows fatter and fatter as he eats everyone he meets.
Over in the Meadow
Olive A. Wadsworth - 1971
Keats's collage-style illustrations perfectly complement this classic Appalachian counting rhyme, which is also a popular song for toddlers.
The Caboose Who Got Loose
Bill Peet - 1971
Katy Caboose is tired of being last, and one day an accident allows her to realize her dream of peace and solitude.
Corgiville Fair
Tasha Tudor - 1971
And the most exciting thing at the Corgiville Fair is the goat race! Caleb Corgi has spent months training his goat, Josephine, for the big event. But Edgar Tomcat's goat is fast, too, and Caleb knows that Edgar is not above indulging in some dirty tricks in order to win.The sights, smells, and all the fun and excitement of a typical small-town fair are captured with humor and affection in Tasha Tudor's text and marvelously detailed watercolor paintings.
Through Grandpa's Eyes
Patricia MacLachlan - 1971
Grandpa is blind, and so when John visits him he gets to see things from a new perspective. If he closes his eyes, everything comes alive through sound and touch. This house is the place where John gets to experience the special way Grandpa sees and moves in the world.
Cheese, Peas and Chocolate Pudding
Betty Van Witsen - 1971
The Queen Always Wanted To Dance
Mercer Mayer - 1971
To put a stop to his wife's unqueenly behavior, the king makes singing and dancing illegal, only to find the queen is willing to sing and dance in jail with the rest of the kingdom.
Carter is a Painter's Cat
Carolyn Sloan - 1971
Being a painter's cat can be quite a trial, especially when your forgetful master paints you blue or too thin or even invisible.
The Legend Of The Orange Princess
Mehlli Gobhai - 1971
Emerging from her peeling each evening at sunset, she becomes a lovely maiden and is predictably espied, then married, by a prince. They enjoy "many years" of happy nights which end when "each morning, before the sun rose, she returned to the orange." One night, however, the prince lies ill in the jungle and the princess, preoccupied with healing him, exposes herself to the rising sun -- and disappears. But "on the spot where she had vanished, there now stood an orange tree, glowing and shimmering in the sun." The tale's romantic theme is unexceptional, but Gobhai's highly flavored pictures make the most of the variations.
The Magic Ringlet
Konstantin Paustovsky - 1971
A little Russian girl is desolate when she loses a reputedly magic ring in the snow."
A Jolly Christmas at the Patterprints
Vera Nyce - 1971
The Patterprints' household has an unusual Christmas eve when Santa falls into the soup cooking in the fireplace.
Princess Rosetta and the Popcorn Man
Ellin Greene - 1971
Wilkins Retold by Ellin GreenePopcorn is the secret weapon that restores a kidnapped princess to the royal household.
Wonder-Fish from the Sea
Josef Guggenmos - 1971
Yearning to see some of the world they have heard the birds talk about, the leaves fall into the water and become fish.
Crabapple Night
Jan Wahl - 1971
Three children seek revenge on a grouchy lady they believe poisoned their dog.
Bunya the Witch
Robert Kraus - 1971
Strange things occur when the old lady living on the edge of town discovers her magical powers.
The Ogre And His Bride
Nami Kishi - 1971
The poor farmer and his wife find a way to retrieve their youngest daughter from the ogre she married.
Robber Raccoon
Thomas Lawrence - 1971
dinner outside the window for the raccoon. Now the garbage is left alone and the raccoon watches T.V. through the window while he eats.
They Lived Like This in Ancient Mexico
Marie Neurath - 1971
Describes the history and culture of the Aztecs who flourished in the Valley of Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish.
Cheli Durán Ryan - 1971
His children were christened with French names because their last name was Spanish. They spoke both languages and alternated their church-going between the two countries. All went well until France and Spain declared war on each other. Clearly Balthazar and his family were faced with a dilemma. The shooting had already begun when they hit upon a solution that not only solved their own problem but had some far-reaching and decidedly unexpected results.
The Making of Joshua Cobb
Margaret Hodges - 1971
Joshua Cobb's mother told him boarding school would be the making of him, but after the first few weeks Josh felt it might well be his undoing.
Please, Don't Eat My Cabin
Jean Merrill - 1971
Adam's aunt accepts the other animals he tames but hesitates about the baby porcupine because porcupines have been eating parts of her cabin.
Theodore's Rival
Edward Ormondroyd - 1971
Theodore is jealous of the new "bear" in the house until he finds out it's really a panda.
Anywhere You Wander; Discovering The Pleasures Of Travel
Dean Walley - 1971
Sir Addlepate and the Unicorn
Dahlov Ipcar - 1971
So when she said, "What I should like is a unicorn," Sir Addlepate buckled on his armor, and ordered his white mare, Alabaster saddled. Then, with his trusty bestiary tucked under one arm, he went in search of a unicorn. He met all kinds of strange monsters before he reached home again and children will find his wild adventures delightfully entertaining. Dahlov Ipcar's classic illustrations bring the story vividly to life.
The Giant from the Little Island
Walter Kreye - 1971
When a storm destroys his island home, a kindly giant goes out into the world and finds it a very unfriendly place.
The Nutcracker
Magoichi Kushida - 1971
The Flight Of The Animals
Claudine - 1971
ABC of Cars and Trucks
Anne Alexander - 1971
A fun read.
Guleesh: A Picture Story from Ireland
William Stobbs - 1971
A handsome peasant boy marries a beautiful princess after rescuing her from a cruel fate.