Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom: A Financial Planning Guide for Latter-day Saint Families

Devin D. Thorpe - 2012
    The book provides simple answers to questions like:How much should I be saving each month for my son's mission?How much should I be saving each month for my children's college education?How can I save enough to be able to retire while I'm healthy enough to serve a mission?Avoiding tips on pinching pennies, the book focuses on opportunities to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars by making smart moves with big decisions, like home and car purchases. Mormon families will appreciate the gospel-centered, scripture-based focus on putting tithing at the center of a financial plan. Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom will help prepare families to enjoy the benefits of their labor while simultaneously contributing to the growth of Church.About the Author:Devin D. Thorpe brings a broad perspective to financial planning, having owned and operated an investment-banking firm, which included an investment advisory business, a mortgage brokerage and having served in a variety of corporate finance positions. Presently, Devin serves as a business professor at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China on behalf of Brigham Young University’s Kennedy Center China Teachers program. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for the multinational company MonaVie, listed in Inc. Magazine’s 2009 Inc. 500 as the 18th fastest growing company in America and, at $834 million in revenue, the third largest company on the list. Prior experience includes two years working on the staff of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee during Utah Senator Jake Garn’s tenure. He also served briefly in Utah State Government, working at USTAR under Governor Jon Huntsman.He earned an MBA with focus in Finance and Accounting from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. He completed his undergraduate degree in finance at the University of Utah, where he later worked as an adjunct professor of finance. In 2006, Devin was recognized by the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah as a Distinguished Alum.

Guerrilla Marketing for the Home-Based Business

Jay Conrad Levinson - 1991
    Corporations, re-engineering themselves to compete in the new global marketplace, lay off millions of employees, then outsource the services they performed, often to the former employees themselves. Disillusioned employees are voluntarily leaving the corporate nest in record numbers to set up small businesses of their own. Technological advances make these tiny operations not only competitive but often the optimal provider of services for the next century. These forces have led to an exponential growth of home-based businesses. Generally, these new entrepreneurs already possess the skills necessary to bring their products and services to life. What most lack is practical knowledge of how to position and market themselves. Understandably, most do not want to be marketers; many have a downright aversion to this crucial activity. And many will fail - not because of their product, but because of failure to promote it effectively. This book can help to change that.

Steve Jobs: His Own Words and Wisdom (Steve Jobs Biography)

Steve Jobs - 2011
    Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ... Stay hungry. Stay foolish."DESCRIPTIONA remarkable collection of quotations by one of the most influential visionaries of our time. Given up for adoption by his biological parents, and never having graduated from university, Steve Jobs subsequently became the most admired businessperson of his generation. A man who invented or revolutionized five major global industries (personal computer, music, film, mobile phone, and tablet computers), Steve Jobs was a brilliant, enigmatic, and flawed individual, whose personal contradictions were often overshadowed by his public persona.For the first time, his own words have been collected and edited by the Cupertino Silicon Valley Press in a special exclusive Kindle Edition.TABLE OF CONTENTSABILITY TO CHANGEACCEPTANCEADJUSTING WITH DIFFICULTIESADOBE FLASH MISTAKEANDROIDANTI-PORN APPSAPPLE INNOVATIONAPPLE LEGACYAPPLE SUPREMACYAPPLE'S BUSINESS STRATEGIESAPPLE'S DOWNFALLAPPRECIATIONAPPRECIATION OF LIFEBEING THE BESTBEING FRANKBEING UBIQUITOUSBEST FOR APPLEBETTER EXPERIENCEBORROWING IDEASBUILDING THE BESTBUSINESS IDEASBUSINESS SUCCESS IDEASBUSINESS TRANSITIONSBUYING MUSICCALLIGRAPHYCHALLENGE TO MICROSOFTCHANGECOMMUNICATING WITH FEELINGCOMPETITIONCOMPUTER AS SERVANT, GUIDE, AND AGENTCOMPUTER EFFICIENCYCOMPUTER LITERACYCOMPUTERSCONFIDENCE IN APPLE AS A COMPANYCONSUMERS AS THE USERCONTENTMENT AND ADVENTURECOOPERATIONCOURAGECREATING SOFTWARECREATIVITYCUSTOMER SATISFACTIONDEATHDESIGNING PRODUCTSDESKTOP METAPHORDETERMINATIONDISCIPLINEDISNEY'S SEQUELSDOING GREAT WORKDOING SOMETHING INSANELY GREATDROPPING OUTEDUCATIONEFFICIENCY THROUGH PROCESSEMPLOYMENTENCOURAGEMENTENTHUSIASMEXCELLENCEEXPOSUREFAITH IN PEOPLEFAITHFAMILY RELATIONSHIPFEDEX PACKAGE-TRACKING SYSTEMFOCUSFOLLOWING YOUR INSTINCTSFRIENDSHIPFUTURE PRODUCTSGETTING OLDGLOBAL ISSUESGOOD CONTENTGOOGLE RIVALRYHARD WORKH

Blockchain for Everyone: How I Learned the Secrets of the New Millionaire Class (And You Can, Too)

John Hargrave - 2019
    When John Hargrave first invested in cryptocurrency, the price of a single bitcoin was about $125; a few years later, that same bitcoin was worth $20,000. He wasn’t alone: this flood of new money is like the early days of the Internet, creating a new breed of “blockchain billionaires.” Sir John has unlocked their secrets. In Blockchain for Everyone, Sir John reveals the formula for investing in bitcoin and blockchain, using real-life stories, easy-to-understand examples, and a healthy helping of humor. Packed with illustrations, Blockchain for Everyone explains how (and when) to buy bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain assets, with step-by-step instructions. Blockchain for Everyone is the first blockchain investing book written for the layperson: a guide that helps everyone understand how to build wealth wisely. It’s the new investing manifesto!

Principles: Summary

Ray Dalio - 2011
    Part 1 is about the purpose and importance of having principles in general, having nothing to do with mine. Part 2 explains my most fundamental life principles that apply to everything I do. Part 3, explains my management principles as they are being lived out at Bridgewater. Since my management principles are simply my most fundamental life principles applied to management, reading Part 2 will help you to better understand Part 3, but it’s not required—you can go directly to Part 3 to see what my management principles are and how Bridgewater has been run. One day I’d like to write a Part 4 on my investment principles. If you are looking to get the most bang for your buck (i.e., understanding for the effort), I suggest that you read Parts 1 and 2, and the beginning of Part 3 (through the Summary and Table of Principles) which will give you nearly the whole picture. It’s only about 55 pages of a normal size book. Above all else, I want you to think for yourself—to decide 1) what you want, 2) what is true and 3) what to do about it. I want you to do that in a clear-headed thoughtful way, so that you get what you want. I wrote this book to help you do that. I am going to ask only two things of you—1) that you be open-minded and 2) that you honestly answer some questions about what you want, what is true and what you want to do about it. If you do these things, I believe that you will get a lot out of this book. If you can’t do these things, you should reflect on why that is, because you probably have discovered one of your greatest impediments to getting what you want out of life.

ABM is B2B.: Why B2B Marketing and Sales is Broken and How to Fix it

Sangram Vajre - 2019
    As a business, how can you break that trend and achieve client fidelity? In this book we reveal the secrets behind the framework that will sell and retain your customers. Did you know that less than one percent of all leads become customers? It is a true and shocking stat, but there is a way to stop the waste and flip this around. In this highly anticipated book, we reveal the secrets behind our signature TEAM - Target, Engage, Activate, and Measure - framework to transform your approach to market, increase sales, and retain your ideal customers. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is the new B2B. It‘s time to challenge the status quo of B2B Marketing and Sales, and transition to what the business arena already expects as the updated B2B model. A transformation like this can only happen through an account-based approach that unites marketing, sales, and customer success teams (go-to-market teams) as #OneTeam. In summary, the TEAM framework coupled with the account-based approach enables your company to focus on the target accounts, engage them in a meaningful way, activate the sales team with top tier accounts proactively, and finally measure success based on business outcomes over vanity metrics. It's time to take the lead and transition your business to ABM. The process is simple when you have the right book - ABM is B2B. What are you waiting for?

Ripples from the Zambezi: Passion, Entrepreneurship, and the Rebirth of Local Economies

Ernesto Sirolli - 1995
    Through "Enterprise Facilitation," depressed communities can build lasting hope and prosperity by first helping individuals recognize their talents and their business passion, and then provide the skills necessary to transform their dreams into meaningful and rewarding work.

The 4-Hour Workweek

Timothy Ferriss - 2007
    Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: "I race motorcycles in Europe." "I ski in the Andes." "I scuba dive in Panama." "I dance tango in Buenos Aires." He has spent more than five years learning the secrets of the New Rich, a fast-growing subculture who has abandoned the "deferred-life plan" and instead mastered the new currencies-time and mobility-to create luxury lifestyles in the here and now. Whether you are an overworked employee or an entrepreneur trapped in your own business, this book is the compass for a new and revolutionary world.Join Tim Ferriss as he teaches you:- How to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want?- How blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs?- How to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist?- How to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and freuent "mini-retirements"?- What the crucial difference is between absolute and relative income?- How to train your boss to value performance over presence, or kill your job (or company) if it's beyond repair?- What automated cash-flow "muses" are and how to create one in 2 to 4 weeks?- How to cultivate selective ignorance-and create time-with a low-information diet?- What the management secrets of Remote Control CEOs are?- How to get free housing worldwide and airfare at 50-80% off?- How to fill the void and create a meaningful life after removing work and the office

Keys to a Successful Retirement: Staying Happy, Active, and Productive in Your Retired Years

Fritz Gilbert - 2020

Maro Up: The Secret to Success Begins with Arigato: Wisdom from the “Warren Buffet of Japan”

Janet Bray Attwood - 2015
    By learning about maro through the example of Wahei’s life, you can also become financially successful—and profoundly happy to boot.Often called “the Warren Buffet of Japan,” Wahei Takeda is the most successful investor in the country, and no doubt he’s the happiest one, too! My success is a direct result of listening and applying Wahei’s philosophy of “Maro Up!” to my own life and business. We know from personal experience, that if you take what you learn in this ebook and apply it to yourself, you too, will see success blossom in your life.


Anniki Sommerville - 2019
     Rebecca is 42, has a beautiful child and a wonderful husband. But she just hasn’t been feeling herself recently… Rebecca thinks a great night out should involve a packet of Marlboro’s, six double vodkas and snogging a colleague. Not gormlessly drinking a zero-alcohol No-hito while Instagramming a vegan chicken wing. Rebecca wants to ride on a Harley Davidson, to crowd surf till dawn, then collapse in a heap after swigging from a bottle of Jack Daniels . . . not sit in a soul-destroying meeting surrounded by 'blue sky thinking' and men half her age who interrupt all the time.She's had enough of commuting to an office that is so cold people have to wear blankets all day. And she can't help asking herself why her adorable daughter must spend all week in a containment zone for pre-schoolers.Rebecca wants to feel that there's MORE coming her way, rather than less . . .In short – Rebecca wants out.But where to?

Leap of Faith: Quit Your Job and Live on a Boat

Ed Robinson - 2013
    This is a story about one couple who made that dream come true. The author shares what it feels like to experience ultimate freedom, and outlines the steps they took to get there. The story includes tales from their travels, social commentary on the state of today's American society, and a simple financial plan that will benefit anyone, regardless of their future goals. Throughout the narrative the reader is treated to dolphins and manatees, pelicans and osprey, blue skies, blue water and white sand beaches. Tropical music plays a role as well. Read how music inspired them to execute their plan. Follow along as they transform from everyday working drones to carefree boat bums and beachcombers. This book will make you rethink how you look at life, and money.

The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Jack Canfield - 2004
     The Success Principlesâ„¢ will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history. Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will transform your life beyond your wildest dreams! Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEOs, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, The Success Principlesâ„¢ will give you the proven blueprint you need to achieve any goal you desire.

Short-Term Rental, Long-Term Wealth: Your Guide to Analyzing, Buying, and Managing Vacation Properties

Avery Carl - 2021
    Avery Carl, CEO and Founder of the Short Term Shop, will show you how to identify, acquire, and manage a short-term rental from anywhere in the country, plus how to avoid common pitfalls and overcome limitations that keep many would-be investors from ever getting started!In this book, you’ll learn how to:• Identify the best markets for short-term rental investing• Analyze the potential income and profitability of a short-term rental property• Self-manage a short-term rental right from your smartphone• Build a local boots-on-the-ground team for an out-of-state investment• Automate your self-management systems• Use the income from short-term rentals to scale your investment portfolio