Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology

Tamara L. Callahan - 1997
    This popular Blueprints book has been refined and updated while keeping the concise, organized style and clinical high-yield content of previous editions. Features include USMLE-style questions and answers with full explanations; Key Points in every section; and a color-enhanced design that increases the usefulness of figures and tables.This edition's completely revised art program includes many additional illustrations. Each chapter in this edition ends with evidence-based references (journals) for students to do additional reading/research.

Teachers, Schools, and Society

Myra Pollack Sadker - 1991
    It provides in-depth commentary on educational history, philosophy, and governance, while giving special attention to current critical topics such as the changing federal role in educational finance.

Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others

Steven A. Beebe - 1996
    Fueled by the authors' conviction that skills inform principles; principles inform skills, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others maintains a careful balance between theoretical and skills-oriented material. This book integrates a key emphasis on diversity with examples drawn from a variety of age and ethnic groups and special boxes that focus on gender and diversity issues. A chapter on intercultural communication supplements this integral material by relating it to the other-oriented approach

Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices

Denise M. Harmening - 2005
    Building from a review of the basic science to the how and why of clinical practice, this text is thorough guide to immunohematology and transfusion practices. It begins with six color plates of which Plate 2 - standardized grading of macroscopic red cell antigen-antibody reactions - is extraordinarily useful. These are actual photomicrographs of immediate spin reactions and at a glance, will automatically assure standardized reporting of the reactions. Chapter on medicolegal and ethical aspects of providing blood collection and transfusion service is simply fascinating reveting reading. An added bonus is the table of blood group characteri stics (antigen, ISBT number, frequency in different ethnicities, expression during life, etc.) on the inside covers at the front and back of the book. Nothing like having a quick complete reference when you need it! This is a great book. Valerie L. Ng, PhD, MD, University of California, San Francisco, California for Doody Review Service.

The Educator's Guide to Texas School Law

Jim Walsh - 1985
    In this new seventh edition, the authors have streamlined the discussion by pruning older material and weaving in new developments. The result is an authoritative source on all major dimensions of Texas school law that is both well integrated and easy to read.Intended for Texas school personnel, school board members, interested attorneys, and taxpayers, the seventh edition explains what the law is and what the implications are for effective school operations. It is designed to help professional educators avoid expensive and time-consuming lawsuits by taking effective preventive action. It is an especially valuable resource for school law courses and staff development sessions.The seventh edition begins with a review of the legal structure of the Texas school system. Successive chapters address attendance and the instructional program, the education of children with special needs, employment and personnel, expression and associational rights, the role of religion in public schools, student discipline, open meetings and records, privacy, search and seizure, and legal liability under both federal and Texas law. In addition to state law, the book addresses the growing role of the federal government in school operation through such major federal legislation as the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the No Child Left Behind Act.

Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Karen C. Timberlake - 1976
    Now in it's tenth edition, this text makes chemistry exciting to students by showing them why important concepts are relevant to their lives and future careers.

An Introduction to Theories of Personality

B.R. Hergenhahn - 1980
    Thus, seminal theories representing the psychoanalytic, sociocultural, trait, learning, sociological and existential-humanistic paradigms are offered as different - yet equally valid - ways of approaching the study of personality. This approach - together with student-tested experiential exercises - not only introduces students to the rich history of psychology but to practical information that helps them understand theier own lives and their relationships with other people.

BRS Pathology

Arthur S. Schneider - 1992
    Chapters parallel most standard pathology texts and each chapter ends with a review test. Topics covered include general and basic pathology, major concepts of disease processes, and systemic pathology surveying principal disorders of each organ system. A comprehensive examination at the end of the book contains 500 USMLE-format questions. USMLE questions have all been updated to current USMLE format.The text is written in outline format for effective review. Icons indicate high-yield information that correlates with key pathology concepts.

DSM-5 Overview (Quick Study Academic)

BarCharts, Inc. - 2009
    Disorders are summarized to be useful for students and professionals as a handy reference to support the study of the DSM-5 manual or its use in practice. Topics summarized include: Neurodevelopmental Disorders Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Bipolar and Related Disorders Depressive Disorders Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Anxiety Disorders Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders Dissociative Disorders Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Elimination Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders Neurocognitive Disorders Personality Disorders Paraphilic Disorders Other Mental Disorders Other Conditions That May be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know

W. James Popham - 1994
    This well-written book is grounded in the reality of teaching today to show real-world teachers who want to use assessment in their classroom the latest tools necessary to teach more effectively. The fifth edition of Classroom Assessment addresses the range of assessments that teachers are likely to use in their classrooms. With expanded coverage of problems related to measurement of special education children, a new student website with online activities, and an improved instructor's manual, this book continues to be a cutting-edge and indispensable resource not only for instructors, but also for pre- and in-service teachers. New to This Edition: *Chapter 12 contains new material dealing with formative assessment as well as assessment FOR learning. *The text is committed to fostering readers' realizations regarding the critical link between testing and teaching. Instructional implications are constantly stressed in the text. early childhood assessment throughout the text. *The 5th edition contains a brand-new website providing readers with Extra Electronic Exercises for each chapter, so readers, if they wish, can solidify their understanding of what chapters address (go to *A newly revised Instructor's Resource Manual contains Instructor-to-Instructor suggestions as well as a test for each chapter. It also includes a mid-term and final exam and an effective inventory measuring students' confidence in assessment. Here's what your colleagues have to say about this book: Dr. Popham has done a tremendous job in researching and incorporating current trends throughout the entire text! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the text. It is well-written, and I love the author's sense of humor! Terry H. Stepka, Arkansas State University I LOVE the arrangement of the chapters and the high quality of the self-checks and discussion questions that are provided. Karen E. Eifler, University of Portland

The Psychology of Women [With Free 4-Month Subscription to Online Library]

Margaret W. Matlin - 1986
    Appropriate for students from a wide variety of backgrounds, this comprehensive book captures women's own experiences through direct quotations and an emphasis on empirical research. Known for her balance of scholarship and readability, as well as for her inclusion of women from diverse backgrounds, Margaret Matlin continues to lead the way for the Psychology of Women course. Matlin has meticulously updated this edition to reflect the most current research, and continues to exhibit a genuine interest in and understanding of the students for whom the book is written. Her text includes a chapter on old age, and discussions of topics such as welfare issues, pregnancy and women's retirement, which are central in many women's lives, but not consistently covered in other texts.

Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases

Manuel G. Velasquez - 1982
     The ethical landscape of business is constantly changing, and the new edition of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases has been revised to keep pace with those changes most effecting business: accelerating globalization, constant technological updates, proliferating of business scandals. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases introduces the reader to the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business; imparts the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions; identifies moral issues specific to a business; provides an understanding of the social, technological, and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise; and supplies case studies of actual moral conflicts faced by businesses. Teaching and Learning Experience Improve Critical Thinking - Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases provides summaries of basic ideas discussed within the text in its margins; presents conceptual materials first, and then offers discussion cases second through standardized chapters; all providing students the chance to critically think about the material they are learning. Engage Students - Study questions at the beginning of each chapter, definitions of key terms in the margins, a glossary, chapter-end study and discussion questions, end-of-chapter web resources, and chapter-opening concrete examples / cases all ensure students' complete understanding of the material. Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier! You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor's Manual, Electronic "MyTest" Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides.

School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders

Nathan L. Essex - 1999
    today. An essential reference for all teachers, educational leaders, and policymakers at all levels, the book is organized and written in a style that is accessible to all, even those with little or no knowledge of the legal issues in education.

Literature: The Human Experience

Richard Abcarian - 1973
    The arrangement by both theme and genre encourages students to think deeply about crucial topics while they learn about the four main genres of literature. The new edition provides a broader selection of works -- including many from non-Western traditions -- and more help for reading literature.

Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide

A.H. Studenmund - 1987
    "Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide "provides readers with a practical introduction that combines single-equation linear regression analysis with real-world examples and exercises. This text also avoids complex matrix algebra and calculus, making it an ideal text for beginners. New problem sets and added support make "Using Econometrics" modern and easier to use.