Best of
There are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America
Alex Kotlowitz - 1991
This is the moving and powerful account of two remarkable boys struggling to survive in Chicago's Henry Horner Homes, a public housing complex disfigured by crime and neglect.
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Jonathan Kozol - 1991
National Book Award-winning author Jonathan Kozol presents his shocking account of the American educational system in this stunning "New York Times" bestseller, which has sold more than 250,000 hardcover copies."An impassioned book, laced with anger and indignation, about how our public education system scorns so many of our children." -- New York Times Book Review
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
John Taylor Gatto - 1991
This Special Collector's Edition celebrates 100,000 copies or the book in print, and the book's on-going importance and popularity.
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Grace Llewellyn - 1991
This book tells teens how to take control of their lives and get a "real life." Young people can reclaim their natural ability to teach themselves and design a personalized education program. Grace Llewellyn explains the entire process, from making the decision to quit school, to discovering the learning opportunities available.
Ghost Girl
Torey L. Hayden - 1991
She never laughed, or cried, or uttered any sound. Despite efforts to reach her, Jadie remained locked in her own troubled world—until one remarkable teacher persuaded her to break her self-imposed silence. Nothing in all of Torey Hayden's experience could have prepared her for the shock of what Jadie told her—a story too horrendous for Torey's professional colleagues to acknowledge. Yet a little girl was living in a nightmare, and Torey Hayden responded in the only way she knew how—with courage, compassion, and dedication—demonstrating once again the tremendous power of love and the relilience of the human spirit.
Cooperative Learning
Spencer Kagan - 1991
This new book presents today s most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You ll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there s still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, the Kagans have refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class!
Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years: Resources for Teaching about the Impact of the Arrival of Columbus in the Americas
Bill Bigelow - 1991
Columbus is often a child's first lesson about encounters between different cultures and races. The murky legend of a brave adventurer tells children whose version of history to accept, and whose to ignore. It says nothing about the brutality of the European invasion of North America.We need to listen to a wider range of voices. We need to hear from those whose lands and rights were taken away by those who "discovered" them. Their stories, too often suppressed, tell of 500 years of courageous struggle, and the lasting wisdom of native peoples. Understanding what really happened to them in 1492 is key to understanding why people suffer the same injustices today.More than 80 essays, poems, interviews, historical vignettes, and lesson plans reevaluate the myth of Columbus and issues of indigenous rights. Rethinking Columbus is packed with useful teaching ideas for kindergarten through college.
Starbright--Meditations for Children
Maureen Garth - 1991
Starbright is a collection of the stories Garth created as her child grew older. These innovative meditations are simple visualizations parents and teachers can read to their children to help them sleep, develop concentration, awaken creativity, and learn to quiet themselves."Unfortunately, a lot of children have trouble learning these techniques by the time they are seven or eight," writes Garth. "Relaxation and visualization, if taught at an earlier age, could enhance not only children's school work but other areas of their lives. Their concentration would improve; their artistic abilities would develop; they would feel more centered; their daydreaming could not only bring joy, but be constructive."In her engaging, warm, and personal style, Garth teaches parents how to help their children relax, concentrate, and develop artistic and mental abilities, as well as enjoy a good night's sleep.
'I Won't Learn from You': And Other Thoughts on Creative Maladjustment
Herbert R. Kohl - 1991
Available in book form for the first time, "I Won't Learn from You" serves here as a starting point for four new, groundbreaking essays by one of the country's leading thinkers on education. "The Tattooed Man: Confessions of a Hopemonger" is about the importance of teaching hope, and is Kohl's first autobiographical effort to discover in his own ghettoized childhood attitudes that let him recognize "not-learning" when he saw it among his students decades later. "Creative Maladjustment and the Struggle for Public Education" is inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s call for creative maladjustment to an unjust society, and deals with the ways in which one can lead a positive life and learn new ways of maintaining opposition and resistance. "Excellence, Equality, and Equity" explores the relationship between these three crucial - and often confused - concepts. "Uncommon Differences" is about the way in which notions such as political correctness have been used to distract us from the central concerns of public education, including educating the poor, developing cultural diversity within the schools, and undoing the stigmatization of students who do not conform. It is about what public education in America can become. Written in Kohl's hallmark conversational style and employing the case examples that make his writing so compelling, these essays are at the forefront of current thinking on urban education.
The Geography Coloring Book
Wynn Kapit - 1991
Detailed color exercises allow the "artist" to recognize countries by shape as well as location, gain a sense of the relative sizes of nations and states, and visualize the location of a nation within the context of its continent.
Complete Guide to the Toefl Test: IBT/E(Complete Guide to the Toefl Test)
Bruce Rogers - 1991
The instruction and practice in the Complete Guide to the TOEFL iBT closely mirrors the actual test, helping students to master the skills necessary to achieve the best possible score on the TOEFL iBT test and prepare them for success in an academic setting.
Seeking Diversity: Language Arts with Adolescents
Linda Rief - 1991
It is also about a teacher, a learner engaged in the process of coming to know herself as a reader and writer in her own classroom. It is a chronicle of apprenticeship, where the students do astonishing things as readers and writers because their teacher believes they can, because she expects them to, and because she is right there beside them-reading, writing, questioning, thinking, learning, and growing. Linda Rief takes the philosophies and ideas of Atwell, Romano, Graves, Murray, Calkins, and the Goodmans and makes them her own. She adapts them to her classroom, her students, her style, her constraints and invites other teachers to do the same- stretch the ideas, make them theirs, but above all, trust the students.Seeking Diversity is organized chronologically, following Linda and her students from September through June. Teachers will find especially helpful:organization techniques-materials, the room, and expectations ways of using life experiences and literature to immerse the students in meaningful writing and reading evaluation beliefs and techniques that focus on process as well as product and on self-evaluation over outside assessment portfolios from a range of students-what's in them, who chooses, and what they show us a new look at art as an integral part of students' literacy an appendix filled with handouts for both students and parents numerous lists of best-liked books for individualized reading, reading aloud, and reading together.
Understanding the Human Being: The Importance of the First Three Years of Life
Silvana Q. Montanaro - 1991
The Importance of the First Three Years of Life
Songwriting: Essential Guide to Lyric Form and Structure: Tools and Techniques for Writing Better Lyrics
Pat Pattison - 1991
Veteran songwriter Pat Pattison has taught many of Berklee College of Music's best and brightest students how to write truly great lyrics. His helpful guide contains essential information on lyric structures, timing and placement, and exercises to help everyone from beginners to seasoned songwriters say things more effectively and gain a better understanding of their craft. Features examples of famous songs for study, including: Be Still My Beating Heart * Can't Fight This Feeling * It Was a Very Good Year * Tickle Me * and more.
Situated Learning
Jean Lave - 1991
The authors maintain that learning viewed as situated activity has as its central defining characteristic a process they call legitimate peripheral participation. Learners participate in communities of practitioners, moving toward full participation in the sociocultural practices of a community. Legitimate peripheral participation provides a way to speak about crucial relations between newcomers and oldtimers and about their activities, identities, artifacts, knowledge and practice. The communities discussed in the book are midwives, tailors, quartermasters, butchers, and recovering alcoholics, however, the process by which participants in those communities learn can be generalized to other social groups.
Commentaries on Living from the Notebooks of J. Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1991
A s a young man, Jiddu Krishnamurti was "discovered" by the leaders of the Theosophical Society and proclaimed the next World Leader. He went on to live the life of a prophet and influenced, through his speeches and writings, millions. In Commentaries on Living, the author addresses the issues confronting every man and women. In 88 short essays, he address such issues as: Gossip and Worry, The Rich and the Poor, Virtue, Love in Relationship, Belief, Silence, The Self, Fear and much more.
Begin Here: The Forgotten Conditions of Teaching and Learning
Jacques Barzun - 1991
Drawing on a lifetime of distinguished teaching, he issues a clear call to action for improving what goes on in America's classrooms. The result is an extraordinarily fresh, sensible, and practical program for better schools."It is difficult to imagine a more pungent, perceptive or eloquent commentary on contemporary American education than this collection of 15 pieces by Jacques Barzun."—Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post Book World"Mr. Barzun's style is elegant, distinctive, philosophically consistent and much better-humored than that of many contemporary invective-hurlers."—David Alexander, New York Times Book Review
Invitations: Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12
Regie Routman - 1991
The text provides in-depth information, as well as step-by-step demonstration lessons for topics such as: becoming a whole language teacher; shared reading and shared writing for all grades; guided reading - whole class, small group, and individualized; grouping for success; examining a basal story and using it holistically; developing literature extension activities; responding to literature through literature response logs and discussion groups; setting up an independent reading program; journal writing; teaching phonics and skills strategically; letter writing and story writing for authentic purposes; integrating spelling into the reading-writing classroom; getting the publishing process going; integrating the language arts through literature and across the curriculum; understanding and utilizing meaningful evaluation procedures - anecdotal records, grading, and self-evaluation; applying holistic strategies to L.D. and "at-risk" students; organizing and managing the whole language classroom; establishing teacher support groups and other networks. With the Blue Pages bound in, Invitations is the most exhaustive resource available for any teacher interested in professional development and changing his or her teaching.
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning
Douglas Wilson - 1991
Even many within the system admit that it is failing. While many factors contribute, Douglas Wilson lays much blame on the idea that education can take place in a moral vacuum. It is not possible for education to be nonreligious, deliberately excluding the basic questions about life. All education builds on the foundation of someone's worldview. Education deals with fundamental questions that require religious answers. Learning to read and write is simply the process of acquiring the tools to ask and answer such questions.A second reason for the failure of public schools, Wilson feels, is modern teaching methods. He argues for a return to a classical education, firm discipline, and the requirement of hard work.Often educational reforms create new problems that must be solved down the road. This book presents alternatives that have proved workable in experience."Good at diagnosing our educational afflictions, Douglas Wilson is still better at finding remedies. His Logos School provides a model, a practical design, for the restoration in the curriculum of Christian humanism--as contrasted with what Christopher Dawson called secular humanism." --Russell Kirk, D. Litt., editor, The University Bookman
Malcolm X: Speeches at Harvard
Malcolm X - 1991
These speeches document Malcolm's progression from Black nationalism to internationalism, and are key to both understanding his extraordinary life and illuminating his angry yet uplifting cause.
2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics
Seymour Lipschutz - 1991
Each year, thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable guides. Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaum's!If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, use this book to:Brush up before testsStudy quickly and more effectivelyLearn the best strategies for solving tough problems in step-by-step detailReview what you've learned in class by solving thousands of relevant problems that test your skillCompatible with any classroom text, Schaum's Solved Problem Guides let you practice at your own pace and remind you of all the important problem-solving techniques you need to remember--fast! And Schaum's are so complete, they're perfect for preparing for graduate or professional exams.Inside you will find:2,000 solved problems with complete solutions--the largest selection of solved problems yet published on this subjectAn index to help you quickly locate the types of problems you want to solveProblems like those you'll find on your examsTechniques for choosing the correct approach to problemsGuidance toward the quickest, most efficient solutionsIf you want top grades and thorough understanding of discrete mathematics, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have!
When I Am Little Again and The Child's Right to Respect
Janusz Korczak - 1991
In the first, Korczak uses fiction to reveal the joys and sorrows of a child, a ten-year-old, juxtaposing them against the feelings of an adult as they both react to two days of adventure spent together. Two prominent themes in his writing are the exploration of the place of children in an adult world and the examination of the treatment and regard children are accorded in that world. In his second book, Korczak spells out his 'Magna Charta Libertatis' in defense of the child's right to respect, right to be him or herself, and, most importantly, right to respect for the strenuous effort expended in the process of 'growing up.'
Visualizing And Verbalizing: For Language Comprehension And Thinking
Nanci Bell - 1991
Fresh Fire: When you are finally serious about power in the last days.
Mario Murillo - 1991
He is submerging the world as fast as possible in despair, violence and filth. He labors to side track the Spirit-filled movement with everything from a form of godliness that denies the power, to out and out foolishness. This is a book for those who would thrive amid last day insanity. This is for those who cry out from an undivided heart, "God drench me in apathy-killing, fear destroying, devil busting fresh fire."
Parent-Teen Breakthrough: The Relationship Approach
Mira Kirshenbaum - 1991
With many sample dialogues and practical, concrete suggestions, the authors show how parents can offer help and guidance that a teenager will accept, and maintain a loving, non-combative relationship.
In the Mind's Eye: Visual Thinkers, Gifted People with Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties, Computer Images and the Ironies of Creativity
Thomas G. West - 1991
Some of our most original intellects--Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Lewis Carroll, and Winston Churchill--relied heavily on visual modes of thought, processing information in terms of images instead of words or numbers.Thomas G. West examines the learning difficulties experienced by both famous and everyday people, and he explores how recent neurological research shows an association between visual talents and verbal difficulties. In the Mind's Eye probes new data on dyslexics to see how computers enhance the creative potential of visual thinkers, as well as interactive computer applications at all levels of education and work. Updated with a new preface, epilogue, and expanded notes, this volume could be the clarion call for educators and corporations to mine this untapped resource of highly creative talent in our midst.
Games for Learning: Ten Minutes a Day to Help Your Child Do Well in School—From Kindergarten to Third Grade
Peggy Kaye - 1991
The games cover all the important areas of the school curriculum from kindergarten to third grade: reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, logical thinking, even science, history, and geography. There's fun here for both parent and child alike--plus skills that will lead to success in school and enhance any youngster's self-esteem.Games for Learning also includes a "Note to Teachers" which shows how to make these games part of school life.
The Language Of Medicine: A Write In Text Explaining Medical Terms
Davi-Ellen Chabner - 1991
The meanings of these terms are carefully described in the context of how the body works in health and disease. In a workbook format, the first four chapters introduce word analysis and terminology from the body as a whole. Subsequent chapters focus on a body system or medical specialty. Laboratory tests, clinical procedures, medical reports, and practical applications are included throughout the text. Students learn to master the medical language through word analysis and seeing terminology in action. Terminology and complex medical processes are presented in an easy-to-understand manner, readily accessible to students of all levels.
Power and Control: Why Charming Men Can Make Dangerous Lovers
Sandra Horley - 1991
Sandra Horley draws on over 20 years supporting abused women to provide an insight into the reality behind the mask of the charming man. The book's aim is to show women they are not alone and to help them walk away from the confusing, dangerous situation they find themselves in.'This book was a true revelation. Not only did I realise I was not alone but it helped make sense of what I had been experiencing and why. There is no other way to describe this book other than it made me strong enough to change my life' Sheryl Gascoigne'I have no doubt that Power and Control will show thousands of women that they are not alone and encourage them to take the first step' Cherie Booth, QC
Godly Play
Jerome W. Berryman - 1991
Godly Play invites us to consider spiritual development as a process in which the creative spirit is alive in the education of both young and old. Berryman awakens us to new ways of seeing ourselves and helps us to discover "our deep identity as Godly creatures."
The Mind's Ear: Exercises for Improving the Musical Imagination for Performers, Listeners and Composers
Bruce Adolphe - 1991
Using imagination and a sense of humor, The Mind's Ear appeals to a wide variety of readers, from the devoted listener to the advanced conservatory student and teacher. Fun and educational, this book is used by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, New York, in the "Performance Awareness Seminar" created by the author
Coaching Basketball Successfully
Morgan Wootten - 1991
The new material on zone offense, quick-hitting plays off the secondary break, man-to-man and trapping defenses, and situational in-bounds plays is sure to make this second edition even more popular than the original work (which sold more than 75,000 copies). This latest edition includes guidelines for physical conditioning, recommendations for job interviewing, advice on conducting summer camps, and a master plan for handling game situations. And sprinkled throughout the book are many of Wootten's "thought for the day" phrases the coach has found especially effective in motivating and communicating important lessons to athletes.Wootten amassed the most successful high school coaching record ever (1,274-192) during his 46-year career at DeMatha High School in Hyattsville, Maryland. His coaching has been praised by the game's best all-time coaches: John Wooden, Mike Krzyzewski, Bob Knight, Pat Riley, Rick Pitino, Lute Olson, Dean Smith, Chuck Daly, and others.Now, in Coaching Basketball Successfully, Wootten shares the wealth of knowledge that produced a .869 winning percentage, 5 national championships, a National Basketball Hall of Fame induction, and hundreds of high-achieving student-athletes.Just as Wootten is considered the best high school basketball coach, legendary UCLA coach John Wooden is considered the best college basketball coach. So when Wooden states that Wootten's "Coaching Basketball Successfully is as fine a teaching aid on the development of a high school team and program as I have ever read," he speaks with authority on the quality and appeal of this book.This edition of Coaching Basketball Successfully proves that you can improve on a classic. With expanded offensive and defensive tactics and new personal insights from one of the game's greatest coaches ever, this book is sure to be a winner for many years to come.
Common Sense Parenting: Using Your Head as Well as Your Heart to Raise School Age Children
Raymond V. Burke - 1991
The book shows you how to approach discipline as positive teaching rather than punishment of children. As each new parenting technique is introduced, the authors explain each step, provide many clear examples, and give you an action plan for implementing it in your home.
Practice Makes Practice: A Critical Study of Learning to Teach
Deborah P. Britzman - 1991
Drawing upon critical ethnography, this new edition of this best-selling book asks the question, what does learning to teach do and mean to newcomers and to those who surround them? Deborah P. Britzman writes poignantly of the struggle for significance and the contradictory realities of secondary teaching. She offers a theory of difficulty in learning and explores why the blaming of individuals is so prevalent in education. The completely revised introduction presents a refined and further developed theoretical framework and analysis that Britzman provided in the original edition, discussing why we might return to a study of teaching and learning. Also included in this updated edition, is an insightful "hidden chapter" that comments on the methodology of the study and some of the dilemmas the author continues to face as her own thinking develops around the issues of representing teaching and learning for those just entering the profession."
Becoming Literate
Marie M. Clay - 1991
In this book Marie Clay argues that underlying the progress of successful children there is another level of competencies being learned. Successful readers show a gradual control over how readers or writers can work with print even though they learn in very different programs. This inner strategic control is what failing readers do not seem to build.Successful readers begin very early to learn myriad of things which support their independent processing of texts. They do this learning in interaction with parents and teachers, but they gradually come to control ways of working on print which free them to learn independently from literacy encounters.This concept helps us to understand how teachers can bring different children by different routes to similar outcomes. It allows for different children to start literacy learning in different ways. It is widely accepted that preschool children construct a control over oral language that enables them to produce sentences which they have never heard before, and extend their own language systems through conversation. When our observations of readers and writers show that they have developed effective strategies for monitoring their own ways of working on texts, we can be confident that this control will, at a later stage, allow them to work independently as silent readers of unseen texts.The concept that only the child can construct this inner control develops Clay's earlier description of the complex behaviors which support literacy learning.
Can't You Guys Read? Cartoons on Academia
Sidney Harris - 1991
These lighthearted jabs at education and cultural literacy have enlivened the pages of magazines and newspapers.An ideal gift for anyone who reads!
Political Agenda Of Education: A Study Of Colonialist And Nationalist Ideas
Krishan Kumar - 1991
It draws upon biographies and cultural history to highlight the revolutionary context in which girls' education made its reluctant start in the 19th century. In the new section on women's education, the author brings into focus the same set of linkages - between the emerging system of education and its policies, the social structure and ethos - which makes this an innovative study of educational ideas and practices. There are also some important additions to the discussion of caste and identity.
New England Primer
David Barton - 1991
In fact, many of the Founding Fathers and their children learned to read from The New England Primer. This pocket-size edition is an historical reprint of the 1777 version used in many schools during the Founding Era. A great resource for homeschoolers or for use in any classroom.
Ed School Follies: The Miseducation of America's Teachers
Rita Kramer - 1991
Revealing that our teacher-training institutes have reached an all-time low, this scathing expose shows a betrayal of traditional ideals and values and a remarkably low intellectual level throughout the educational establishment.
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice
Barbara J. Kozier - 1991
Fundamentals of Nursing, 7/E presents the fundamentals of nursing care within the framework of the nursing process. Text offers an accessible writing style, a focus on practical application with real-world examples and case studies. The text is supported by a state-of-the art technology package to enhance the learning process.
Three R S-Set of 3 Gr K-3
Ruth Beechick - 1991
The best little teaching aids I have ever read. With my children as proof, these ways are far above other methods we have tried.
A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics: 2
Paul Bamberg - 1991
The course covers principally the theory and physical applications of linear algebra and of the calculus of several variables, particularly the exterior calculus. The authors adopt the 'spiral method' of teaching, covering the same topic several times at increasing levels of sophistication and range of application. Thus the reader develops a deep, intuitive understanding of the subject as a whole, and an appreciation of the natural progression of ideas. Topics covered include many items previously dealt with at a much more advanced level, such as algebraic topology (introduced via the analysis of electrical networks), exterior calculus, Lie derivatives, and star operators (which are applied to Maxwell's equations and optics). This then is a text which breaks new ground in presenting and applying sophisticated mathematics in an elementary setting. Any student, interpreted in the widest sense, with an interest in physics and mathematics, will gain from its study.
Realms of Gold: The Classics in Christian Perspective (Wheaton Literary Series)
Leland Ryken - 1991
These beautifully produced volumes feature prose and poetry of high literary, academic, and artistic merit, written by and about Christian artists of significant stature.
How College Affects Students: Volume 1 - Findings and Insights from Twenty Years of Research
Ernest T. Pascarella - 1991
FeldmanNot since Feldman and Newcomb's 1969 landmark book, TheImpact of College on Students has there been such acomprehensive resource available on what is known about the effectof college on students. In this book, Pascarella and Terenzini takeup where Feldman and Newcomb left off, synthesizing twenty moreyears of empirical research and over 2,600 studies, distilling whatis known about how students change and benefit as a consequence ofattending college.
John Dewey and American Democracy
Robert B. Westbrook - 1991
Widely considered modern America's most important philosopher, Dewey made his views known both through his writings and through such controversial episodes as his leadership of educational reform at the turn of the century; his support of American intervention in World War I and his leading role in the Outlawry of War movement after the war; and his participation in both radical and anti-communist politics in the 1930s and 40s. Robert B. Westbrook reconstructs the evolution of Dewey's thought and practice in this masterful intellectual biography, combining readings of his major works with an engaging account of key chapters in his activism. Westbrook pays particular attention to the impact upon Dewey of conversations and debates with contemporaries from William James and Reinhold Niebuhr to Jane Addams and Leon Trotsky. Countering prevailing interpretations of Dewey's contribution to the ideology of American liberalism, he discovers a more unorthodox Dewey--a deviant within the liberal community who was steadily radicalized by his profound faith in participatory democracy. Anyone concerned with the nature of democracy and the future of liberalism in America--including educators, moral and social philosophers, social scientists, political theorists, and intellectual and cultural historians--will find John Dewey and American Democracy indispensable reading.
Calculus: The Classic Edition
Earl W. Swokowski - 1991
Groundbreaking in every way when first published, this book is a simple, straightforward, direct calculus text. It's popularity is directly due to its broad use of applications, the easy-to-understand writing style, and the wealth of examples and exercises which reinforce conceptualization of the subject matter. The author wrote this text with three objectives in mind. The first was to make the book more student-oriented by expanding discussions and providing more examples and figures to help clarify concepts. To further aid students, guidelines for solving problems were added in many sections of the text. The second objective was to stress the usefulness of calculus by means of modern applications of derivatives and integrals. The third objective, to make the text as accurate and error-free as possible, was accomplished by a careful examination of the exposition, combined with a thorough checking of each example and exercise.
Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain, 1850-1930
Stefan Collini - 1991
It focuses on the role of intellectuals as public moralists and suggests ways in which their more formal political theory rested upon habits of response and evaluation that were deeply embedded in wider social attitudes and aesthetic judgments. Collini examines the characteristic idioms and strategies of argument employed in periodical and polemical writing, and reconstructs the sense of identity and of relation to an audience exhibited by social critics from John Stuart Mill and Matthew Arnold to J.M. Keynes and F.R. Leavis.
Conversations on the Dark Secrets of Physics
Edward Teller - 1991
By simplifying the math and forgoing the often-confusing technical jargon, Teller helps the reader break through physic's bewildering formulas and equations and get to the wonders of our physical universe. A timeless and personal explanation of the importance of physics in our life, Conversations on the Dark Secrets of Physics is certain to become a classic.
The Writing Teacher's Book of Lists: With Ready-To-Use Activities and Worksheets
Gary Robert Muschla - 1991
The Writing Teacher's Book of Lists with Ready-to-Use Activities and Worksheets includes 90 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for elementary and secondary students. In addition, the book includes innovative activities and reproducible black line masters that help students to improve their writing skills, word usage, and vocabulary. For quick access and easy use, all of these lists and activities are organized into seven sections and individually printed in a format that can be photocopied as many times as required for individual or group instruction. This handy resource is filled with helpful lists, activities, teaching suggestions, and reproducible worksheets.
Literacy Con Carino: A Story of Migrant Children's Success
Curtis W. Hayes - 1991
By putting traditional schooling under a microscope, by shifting away from harmful teaching practices, by setting forth on a journey of culturally and developmentally appropriate pedagogy, the authors dispelled the myth that the learner is to blame whenever learning doesn't take place.While the authors' work continues to be guided by the same theoretical and philosophical motivations, in this new edition they offer new critical insight into the process of second language acquisition. Centering their arguments more closely on the work of Paulo Freire, who coauthored the new foreword, they reemphasize their belief that the path to literacy is through a child's first language. They also reinforce the necessity for teachers to create a learning environment that builds on the knowledge and experiences each child brings to the classroom.
What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children
L. Tobin - 1991
What Do You Do With a Child Like This? will take you on a journey inside the world of troubled children to enhance your understanding of the child's total needs. It presents a wide variety of techniques proven effective for helping troubled children change. The wealth of practical suggestions found in this book will invite frequent reading. A great gift for any educator or parent who is confronted by the adventure of working with a troubled children. If you are drawn to education, and if you enjoy a challenge, there is no greater challenge than to walk alongside a troubled child and to help her see a better world. Larry Tobin What Do You Do With A Child Like This?What Others Are Saying: Sensitive, easy to read and easy to understand. The examples you used touch a chord and treat children as people, not as inventory to be labeled, categorized, and organized by dysfunction. [It] helps you understand students' behavior by offering refreshing insights into their thoughts and feelings. Herbert G.W. Bischoff, PhD. Former President International School of Psychology Association This book will motivate, inspire, and inform. Bobby Brice, Behavior Consultant Exciting and sensitive = what insight Tobin has into the world of children!Carol Lane, Educational Resource SpecialistWhat Do You Do With a Child Like This? provides a thoughtful and penetrating view of troubled children - from the outside looking in and, perhaps more importantly, from the inside looking out. It provides practical suggestions and inspirational messages to adults who work with troubled youth. Randy Sprick, PhD, author The Solution Book and Discipline in the Secondary Classroom
How Do You Know It's True?
Hy Ruchlis - 1991
More than 25% of Americans say they believe in astrology. Knocking on wood is an almost universal habit. Are these harmless notions - or dangerous delusions? Unfortunately, "fairy-tale thinking" is still the greatest enemy of progress, and education often bypasses the teaching of cognitive skills young readers can use to think independently.How Do You Know It's True? will provide young readers with an understanding of the basic nature of science, not just as a body of knowledge, but as a way of thinking. Hy Ruchlis addresses the main theme by contrasting the Cinderella fable with the way scientists establish facts; he describes the scientific method and how it has been applied to increase human knowledge. In subsequent chapters, Ruchlis demonstrates the unobservable nature of superstition, illustrates the dangers of magical thinking using the example of the Salem witch trials, explores the contradictions of such elaborate superstitions as astrology, and shows how astonishing events can be analyzed and explained using rational methods.
The Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism After Auschwitz
David H. Hirsch - 1991
The Miseducation of the Black Child -- The Hare Plan: Educate Every Black Man, Woman and Child
Nathan Hare - 1991
The Enlightened Eye: Qualitative Inquiry and the Enhancement of Educational Practice
Elliot W. Eisner - 1991
This benchmark work gives readers a solid understanding of qualitative research and evaluation, and its great promise for evaluating and guiding educational practice. It demonstrates how the same methods used by critics in the arts and humanities, such as observing performance qualities, setting, and interaction patterns, also applies to the classroom practice. Excellent examples are provided to show what this type of research looks like, and how it can be applied to the evaluation of teaching, learning, and the overall school environment.
Boost Your Brain Power: A Total Program to Sharpen Your Thinking and Age-Proof Your Mind
Prevention Magazine - 1991
Boost Your Brain Power is a virtual encyclopedia of mental self-improvement, covering all aspects from memory to brain nutrition.
Action and Knowledge: Breaking the Monopoly with Participatory Action Research
Orlando Fals Borda - 1991
PAR is an innovative approach to economic and social change, which goes beyond usual institutional boundaries in development by actively involving the people in generating knowledge about their own condition and how it can be changed. PAR requires a strong commitment by participating social scientists to deprofessionalize their expertise and share it with the people, while recognizing that the communities directly involved have the critical voice in determining the direction and goals of change as subjects rather than objects. PAR has its origins in the work of Third World social scientists more than three decades ago as they brought new ways to empower the oppressed by helping them to acquire reliable knowledge on which to construct countervailing power. It has since spread throughout the world, as reflected in this book with contributions from Asia, Africa Latin America and North America in the form of case studies of actual experience with the PAR approach. PAR is not static and fixed but dynamic and enduring, as the case studies and the theoretical chapters that precede and follow the case studies amply reveal.
Correction : A Positive Approach to Language Mistakes
Mark Bartram - 1991
It is ideal for pre-service teachers' courses.
Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers
Dick Allwright - 1991
Sometimes the findings show that what happens is not what is expected when lessons are being prepared and taught. Allwright and Bailey set out to define the aims, principles, and objectives of classroom research, to describe the findings and relate these to teaching practice. All teachers will find much that they can relate to their classrooms. It contains points to discuss, suggestions for further reading, and mini-projects, all of which can either be carried out by the individual reader or by teachers working in groups.
Understanding Jamaican Patois: An Introduction to Afro-Jamaican Grammar
L. Emilie Adams - 1991
Most importantly I think the book has an important role to play in helping Jamaicans take pride in their language and see that it is not second-class" (Deborah Pruitt, anthropologist, Berkeley, California). (Foreign Language Studies)
A Do-It-At-Home Retreat: The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola According to the "Nineteenth Annotation"
André Ravier - 1991
It is designed for those who want sincerely to place themselves "face to face" with God so as to order their lives along his loving designs.
Side by Side: Essays on Teaching to Learn
Nancie Atwell - 1991
In two key chapters she reconsiders In the Middle itself, in light of the experiences of other teachers and their correspondence with her, and she proposes some intriguing revisions of the workshop mode. Other topics address in Side by Side include the teaching of poetry, contexts for teaching critical thinking skills, making a place for special education students in writing and reading workshop, the significance of teacher research, and implications of reader response theory for literature-based approaches, and the parallels between the literate behaviors of Nancie's adolescent students and those of her young daughter.
A Letter to Teachers: Reflections on Schooling and the Art of Teaching
Vito Perrone - 1991
Meier, principal, Central Park East Secondary SchoolSimple, elegant and full of common sense, these reflections on the art of teaching address the deepest concerns teachers have for their work with children and young people.
Beethoven's Compositional Process
William Kinderman - 1991
To be published under the joint auspices of the University of Nebraska Press and the Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies, the volumes in the new series will focus on the life and work, milieu and influence of the great composer.The first volume, edited by the noted music scholar and pianist William Kinderman, brings together recent studies by leading scholars on Beethoven’s major orchestral, including the first two piano concertos, the Egmont overture, the Missa Solemnis, and several of the symphonies, especially the Third, Fifth, and Ninth. They devote special attention to Beethoven’s creative process by analyzing, in some instances closely for the first time, his numerous surviving musical sketchbooks and loose sketch-leaves. The issues dealt with include Beethoven’s reinterpretation of the composition models of Haydn and Mozart, his working methods in composition, the structural expansion of his symphonic forms, the design of variation movements in his symphonies, and Beethoven’s musical symbolism. Four introductory essays probe the relation between Beethoven’s sketches and the analysis of his finished works; it is a fascinating and controversial undertaking.The first volume of North American Beethoven Studies illuminates critical issues and challenges traditional interpretations of some of Beethoven’s most celebrated works while avoiding the narrow specialization of some recent scholarship. Future volumes will focus on performance practices, composition, and recording history.
A Legacy Of Learning: A History Of Western Education
Edward J. Power - 1991
It is a superior textbook for courses in the history of western education, tightly organized to cover the territory while developing a strong central theme addressing the continuities of western educational experience. Special attention is given to philosophies of knowledge, the content of instruction, cultural evolution, and educational policy.The history of education can be construed so broadly as to be unmanageable. Power's thoughtful organization and clear story-telling prose delineates and brings to life the watershed epochs in educational history.
Understanding Unreliable Narrators: Reading Between the Lines in the Literature Classroom (Theory and Research Into Practice)
Michael W. Smith - 1991
The Random House Children's Encyclopedia, Revised Edition
Tony Geiss - 1991
ISBN-10: 0394838521 ISBN-13: 9780394838526The Random House Children's Encyclopedia shows you what other books can only tell you! Words and pictures work together in a unique, lively new way in this exciting reference for families of the Information Age.
Robert M. Hutchins: Portrait of an Educator
Mary Ann Dzuback - 1991
To this day, his vision of what the university should be has given shape to twentieth-century debates over the content and function of education in the United States. In her critical biography, the first to focus on Hutchins' University of Chicago decades, Mary Ann Dzuback gives a full and fascinating account of this complex man—his development, his achievements and failures, and finally, his legacy.
Shooting Back
Jim Hubbard - 1991
A collection of black-and-white photographs taken by homeless children in Washington, D.C., showing their view of the world they must live in.
Educating for a Change
Rick Arnold - 1991
Drawing on the author's experiences in facilitating a wide range of workshops, this handbook offers theory and practical tools for consciously applying the principles of democratic practice to daily work.
Pedagogy Of The City
Paulo Freire - 1991
Freire describes the everyday struggles, political as well as administrative, fought in the urban schools of Sao Paulo during Freire's recent 10-year tenure as minister of education.
Blackstone's International Law Documents
Malcolm D. Evans - 1991
Each title is ideal for use throughout the course and in exams providing the student with: - Unparalleled coverage - Unannotated primary and secondary legislation - Detailed table of contents to aid quick and efficient research - Up-to-date and relevant material Online Resource Center Updates Web links This new edition of Blackstone's International Law Documents has been fully revised and updated to include all relevant documents through to May 2007. New to the eighth edition: UN General Assembly Resolution 2006, establishing the Human Rights Council ILC Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection, 2006 ILC Guiding Principles applicable to unilateral declarations of States capable of creating legal obligations, 2006 International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, 2005 Protocol to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, 2005 Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (the Montevideo Convention) 1933
Willy Whitefeather's Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids
Willy Whitefeather - 1991
All ages
Thinking in Education
Matthew Lipman - 1991
It provides methods for integrating emotive experience and thinking into a concerted approach to the improvement of reasoning and judgment. This second edition also shows how the community of inquiry can be utilized for the reduction of violence in the classroom and for the improvement of education of children at risk. The volume's abundant information about the varied approaches in the field of education makes it an invaluable resource for all teachers.
Teaching for Thoughtfulness: Classroom Strategies to Enhance Intellectual Development
John Barell - 1991
Appropriate for courses in thinking and cognition, creativity and gifted education, teaching strategies, and curriculum development, this outstanding text offers real-life examples and applications for the elementary and secondary school teacher. Using an unusually engaging writing style, the text emphasizes an integrative approach to learning that encourages students to think for themselves, become emotionally involved in their studies, and apply what they learn.
How to Train Singers: With Illustrated "Natural" Techniques and Taped Exercises [With Audio Cassette]
Larra Browning Henderson - 1991
It shows how to train singers to use their voices with versatility, freedom, ease, endurance, and without damage or discomfort in the throat.
Minority Status and Schooling: A Comparative Study of Immigrant and Involuntary Minorities (Reference Books in International Education, Vol. 7)
Margaret A. Gibson - 1991
Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts
James Flood - 1991
and the Natl. Council of Teachers of English, the Handbook contains some 70 original articles by authorities in the field of language arts. The articles are organized into five sections: theoretical bases for English language arts teaching, method
Stories Lives Tell: Narrative and Dialogue in Education
Carol Witherell - 1991
The editors have combined a philosophical framework for the centrality of narrative and dialogue in education and human services with lively accounts from practitioners working in a variety of disciplines and fields.
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation and Modelling
Raj Jain - 1991
Highly recommended!" -Dr. Leonard Kleinrock University of California, Los Angeles "An entirely refreshing text which has just the right mixture of theory and real world practice. The book is ideal for both classroom instruction and self-study." -Dr. Raymond L. Pickholtz President, IEEE Communications Society "An extraordinarily comprehensive treatment of both theoretical and practical issues." -Dr. Jeffrey P. Buzen Internationally recognized performance analysis expert ". it is the most thorough book available to date" -Dr. Erol Gelenbe Université René Descartes, Paris ". an extraordinary book.. A worthy addition to the bookshelf of any practicing computer or communications engineer" -Dr. Vinton G. Cer??? Chairman, ACM SIGCOMM "This is an unusual object, a textbook that one wants to sit down and peruse. The prose is clear and fluent, but more important, it is witty." -Allison Mankin The Mitre Washington Networking Center Newsletter
Colorado's Backyard Wildlife: A Natural History, Ecology, & Action Guide to Front Range Urban Wildlife
Carol Ann Moorhead - 1991
Ages 12 and up.
The Academic Acceleration of Gifted Children
W. Thomas Southern - 1991
This book has been written to provide American practitioners with the information they need to make appropriate decisions.
L. Ron Hubbard - 1991
Ron Hubbard's essays on art, including Art in Its Basics, Art and Communication, A Professional, Rhythm, Stage Manners, The Joy of Creating, How to View Art, Artistic Presentation, Message, Color and many more. Also gives diagrams of mood lines and numerous tools any artist can utilize to achieve high quality products in all fields of art from sculpture to photography. This provides the stable data you can use to enhance your communication as an artist, and can be applied to the art of living itself.
Culture and Power in the Classroom: A Critical Foundation for Bicultural Education
Antonia Darder - 1991
Darder confronts the cultural values and practices that serve to marginalize black, Latino, Asian, and other bicultural students, and offers a set of theoretical principles from which to develop a critical practice of bicultural education.By expanding the dialogue with respect to bicultural education, Darder provides classroom teachers with a critical theoretical perspective by which they can evaluate their current practices with bicultural students. The book introduces the principles of a culturally democratic vision of schooling that both challenges the pluralistic notions of multicultural approaches, and also represents something of a political project, dedicated to securing the societal participation of communities and groups that historically have been excluded from the mainstream of American life. The work concludes with a practical study of bicultural education. This unique work will be an important resource for teachers, education students, and educational researchers, as well as a valuable addition to college and university libraries.
Seeking a Center: My Life as a Great Bookie
Otto Bird - 1991
It tells of his involvement with the exciting and influential reforms of Adler and Hutchins at the University of Chicago, his training as mediaevalist under the renowned Etienne Gilson at the Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto, and his founding of the Great Books Program at the University of Notre Dame. Then, in describing a personal philosophical search, Bird shows how, by pursuing the methods introduced by Gilson and Adler, he was able to make sense out of the confusion of philosophers and provides an example in an analysis of the controversy concerning the idea of justice. The center that he sought was found in the philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and in the Roman Catholic church to which he became a convert. Bird's story provides unique insights into the development of the Great Books Movement and its influence upon American college education, to which a large part of his life was devoted by way of teaching, and writing through association from the beginning with the set Great Books of the Western World, published by Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage
Mark F. Beck - 1991
Now in gorgeous full color, filled with hundreds of photos of procedures and techniques Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage, Fourth Edition, truly is the book to have. This highly respected, best-seller covers everything from the history of massage to massage modalities to practical information on how to have a successful, fulfilling career in massage. It provides readers with a solid understanding of the body and its functions, including a thorough but uncomplicated chapter on anatomy and physiology. Readers will learn massage techniques and therapeutic skills, including sports massage, prenatal massage, medical massage, hydrotherapy, lymph massage, massage in a spa setting and much more. Thoughtfully revised, this is the foundational book for the study of massage therapy.
Cases and Materials on International Law
Martin Dixon - 1991
This is a fully revised edition that includes recent materials on: international economic law, such as the responses to the anti-globalization protests; the regulation of the use of force, including actions in Afghanistan; the territorial administrations by the UN, as in East Timor; the increasing developments in international human rights law, such as the coming into force of the International Criminal Court and national human rights legislation; the clear obligations on States under international environmental law; and the role of non-state actors in the international community.
We Are Driven: The Compulsive Behaviors America Applauds
Robert Hemfelt - 1991
The addictions Americans applaud are healed by the proven recovery method used by the clinic for any addictive behavior.
International Management Behavior: Leading with a Global Mindset
Henry W. Lane - 1991
The combination of well-chosen, new and classic cases, as well as a completely revised text, provides excellent exposure to real-life management issues and a field-tested framework for understanding cross-cultural dynamics. Elimination of the readings has provided for greater flexibility and customization. For the sixth edition, the structure of the book has been totally revised and the text thoroughly updated to Reflect the authors' recent experiences. Material in the original chapters has been expanded and there are new chapters on managing change in global organizations and one on managing global teams and networks. The concept of the global mindset is used as the integrating theme that establishes a framework for the book making it applicable at both individual/team and organization levels. This book continues its tradition and orientation about managing people from different cultures and managing global organizations to get effective results.""This is much more than a new edition. It is a huge step forward. The strategy and culture chapters get in much closer to the small, focused details that make such a difference in implementation and that are so difficult to teach. Separating out personal integrity and corporate citizenship allows for a close examination of critical issues that are all too often glossed over. The expanded explanation of the MBI model works well.""Jeanne McNett, Assumption College
Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education
Henry A. Giroux - 1991
With discussions of topics including the struggle over academic canon, the role of popular culture in the curriculum and the cultural war the New Right has waged on schools, Giroux identified the most pressing issues facing critical educators at the turn of the century. In this revised edition, Giroux reflects on the limits and possibilities of border crossings in the 21st century. "Borders" in our post 9/11 world have not been collapsing, he argues, but vigorously rebuilt. In order to have a truly critically engaged citizenry the challenges of these new "borders"- such as the increased militarization of public spaces, the rise of neo-liberalism, and the war in Iraq- must play a vital role in any debate on school and pedagogy.
The Empire of Signs. Semiotic Essays on Japanese Culture. Foundations of Semiotics
Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1991
Like Roland Barthes' well-known book, L'Empire des signes, from which the title of the present collection is taken, this volume contains essays dealing with certain aspects of Japanese culture.
The Mindful School: How to Integrate the Curricula
Robin J. Fogarty - 1991
Ten fully-detailed models are included.
Educating The Virtues: An Essay On The Philosophical Psychology Of Moral Development And Education
David Carr - 1991
Starting from a critical appreciation of past philosophers, and proceeding by way of more recent theorists, the book examines the nature of moral virtues and a number of theses concerning them.
The Peace Corps and More: 175 Ways to Work, Study, and Travel at Home & Abroad
Medea Benjamin - 1991