Best of
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Jonathan Kozol - 1991
National Book Award-winning author Jonathan Kozol presents his shocking account of the American educational system in this stunning "New York Times" bestseller, which has sold more than 250,000 hardcover copies."An impassioned book, laced with anger and indignation, about how our public education system scorns so many of our children." -- New York Times Book Review
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Grace Llewellyn - 1991
This book tells teens how to take control of their lives and get a "real life." Young people can reclaim their natural ability to teach themselves and design a personalized education program. Grace Llewellyn explains the entire process, from making the decision to quit school, to discovering the learning opportunities available.
Bible Faith Study Course
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1991
Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on the vital subjects of faith, prayer, the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and healing will show you how to live a life of victory and abundance!Hebrews 11:6 says, But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]. . . . If God demands that we have faith when it is impossible for us to have faith, then we have a right to challenge His justice. But since He places within our hands the means whereby faith can be produced, then we must take responsibility for whether or not we have faith.The Bible Faith Study Course takes you through the Word of God to teach you how faith is produced and how to turn your faith loose in every area of your life. These principles will enable you to please God and live victoriously in this life!Chapter titles include: -- What Faith Is-- How Faith Comes-- How To Turn Your Faith Loose-- What It Means To Believe With the Heart-- Six Big Hindrances to Faith-- The God-Kind of Faith
Cooperative Learning
Spencer Kagan - 1991
This new book presents today s most successful cooperative learning methods. The Kagans make it easier than ever to boost engagement and achievement. You ll still find all the practical and proven Kagan Structures, including Numbered Heads Together, RoundTable, and Three-Step Interview direct from the man who invented cooperative learning structures. And there s still plenty of ready-to-do teambuilding and classbuilding activities to make your class click. But in this expanded edition, you will find new step-by-step structures, hundreds of helpful management tips, many more teacher-friendly activities and forms, and up-to-date research on proven methods. You hear how schools have used Kagan Cooperative Learning to boost academics, close the achievement gap, improve student relations, and create a more kind and caring school community. After decades of training and working with hundreds of thousands of teachers, the Kagans have refined and perfected the most widely used and respected form of cooperative learning ever. The Kagans make it easy for you to dramatically increase engagement and achievement in your class!
Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years: Resources for Teaching about the Impact of the Arrival of Columbus in the Americas
Bill Bigelow - 1991
Columbus is often a child's first lesson about encounters between different cultures and races. The murky legend of a brave adventurer tells children whose version of history to accept, and whose to ignore. It says nothing about the brutality of the European invasion of North America.We need to listen to a wider range of voices. We need to hear from those whose lands and rights were taken away by those who "discovered" them. Their stories, too often suppressed, tell of 500 years of courageous struggle, and the lasting wisdom of native peoples. Understanding what really happened to them in 1492 is key to understanding why people suffer the same injustices today.More than 80 essays, poems, interviews, historical vignettes, and lesson plans reevaluate the myth of Columbus and issues of indigenous rights. Rethinking Columbus is packed with useful teaching ideas for kindergarten through college.
'I Won't Learn from You': And Other Thoughts on Creative Maladjustment
Herbert R. Kohl - 1991
Available in book form for the first time, "I Won't Learn from You" serves here as a starting point for four new, groundbreaking essays by one of the country's leading thinkers on education. "The Tattooed Man: Confessions of a Hopemonger" is about the importance of teaching hope, and is Kohl's first autobiographical effort to discover in his own ghettoized childhood attitudes that let him recognize "not-learning" when he saw it among his students decades later. "Creative Maladjustment and the Struggle for Public Education" is inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s call for creative maladjustment to an unjust society, and deals with the ways in which one can lead a positive life and learn new ways of maintaining opposition and resistance. "Excellence, Equality, and Equity" explores the relationship between these three crucial - and often confused - concepts. "Uncommon Differences" is about the way in which notions such as political correctness have been used to distract us from the central concerns of public education, including educating the poor, developing cultural diversity within the schools, and undoing the stigmatization of students who do not conform. It is about what public education in America can become. Written in Kohl's hallmark conversational style and employing the case examples that make his writing so compelling, these essays are at the forefront of current thinking on urban education.
Seeking Diversity: Language Arts with Adolescents
Linda Rief - 1991
It is also about a teacher, a learner engaged in the process of coming to know herself as a reader and writer in her own classroom. It is a chronicle of apprenticeship, where the students do astonishing things as readers and writers because their teacher believes they can, because she expects them to, and because she is right there beside them-reading, writing, questioning, thinking, learning, and growing. Linda Rief takes the philosophies and ideas of Atwell, Romano, Graves, Murray, Calkins, and the Goodmans and makes them her own. She adapts them to her classroom, her students, her style, her constraints and invites other teachers to do the same- stretch the ideas, make them theirs, but above all, trust the students.Seeking Diversity is organized chronologically, following Linda and her students from September through June. Teachers will find especially helpful:organization techniques-materials, the room, and expectations ways of using life experiences and literature to immerse the students in meaningful writing and reading evaluation beliefs and techniques that focus on process as well as product and on self-evaluation over outside assessment portfolios from a range of students-what's in them, who chooses, and what they show us a new look at art as an integral part of students' literacy an appendix filled with handouts for both students and parents numerous lists of best-liked books for individualized reading, reading aloud, and reading together.
Invitations: Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12
Regie Routman - 1991
The text provides in-depth information, as well as step-by-step demonstration lessons for topics such as: becoming a whole language teacher; shared reading and shared writing for all grades; guided reading - whole class, small group, and individualized; grouping for success; examining a basal story and using it holistically; developing literature extension activities; responding to literature through literature response logs and discussion groups; setting up an independent reading program; journal writing; teaching phonics and skills strategically; letter writing and story writing for authentic purposes; integrating spelling into the reading-writing classroom; getting the publishing process going; integrating the language arts through literature and across the curriculum; understanding and utilizing meaningful evaluation procedures - anecdotal records, grading, and self-evaluation; applying holistic strategies to L.D. and "at-risk" students; organizing and managing the whole language classroom; establishing teacher support groups and other networks. With the Blue Pages bound in, Invitations is the most exhaustive resource available for any teacher interested in professional development and changing his or her teaching.
Visualizing And Verbalizing: For Language Comprehension And Thinking
Nanci Bell - 1991
Situated Learning
Jean Lave - 1991
The authors maintain that learning viewed as situated activity has as its central defining characteristic a process they call legitimate peripheral participation. Learners participate in communities of practitioners, moving toward full participation in the sociocultural practices of a community. Legitimate peripheral participation provides a way to speak about crucial relations between newcomers and oldtimers and about their activities, identities, artifacts, knowledge and practice. The communities discussed in the book are midwives, tailors, quartermasters, butchers, and recovering alcoholics, however, the process by which participants in those communities learn can be generalized to other social groups.
Heroes in Disguise
Linda Pastan - 1991
"Let the eye enlarge with all it beholds," she says in the opening poem; she becomes a seer, as the San Francisco Review of Books has said, “returning to the role of the poet as it served the human race for centuries: to fuel our thinking, show us our world in new ways, and to get us to feel more intensely.”
Games for Learning: Ten Minutes a Day to Help Your Child Do Well in School—From Kindergarten to Third Grade
Peggy Kaye - 1991
The games cover all the important areas of the school curriculum from kindergarten to third grade: reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, logical thinking, even science, history, and geography. There's fun here for both parent and child alike--plus skills that will lead to success in school and enhance any youngster's self-esteem.Games for Learning also includes a "Note to Teachers" which shows how to make these games part of school life.
Remembering Heaven's Face: A Story of Rescue in Wartime Vietnam
John Balaban - 1991
. . . While most of these events took place in the midst of the war, this is not exactly a story about the war, but a story of rescue. Most of the children I helped save--scalped, burned, blasted, or shot when I found them--are now adults, parents or even grandparents themselves. . . . And while many of my funny, wise, reckless, young American friends of those days are dead, what they did and what they learned is not. It is as if all of us were being watched, all of us journeying under a brilliant blue sky that is the face of heaven.--from the preface
Alfred's Basic Piano Library Notespeller, Bk 1a
Gayle Kowalchyk - 1991
Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Political Agenda Of Education: A Study Of Colonialist And Nationalist Ideas
Krishan Kumar - 1991
It draws upon biographies and cultural history to highlight the revolutionary context in which girls' education made its reluctant start in the 19th century. In the new section on women's education, the author brings into focus the same set of linkages - between the emerging system of education and its policies, the social structure and ethos - which makes this an innovative study of educational ideas and practices. There are also some important additions to the discussion of caste and identity.
Becoming Literate
Marie M. Clay - 1991
In this book Marie Clay argues that underlying the progress of successful children there is another level of competencies being learned. Successful readers show a gradual control over how readers or writers can work with print even though they learn in very different programs. This inner strategic control is what failing readers do not seem to build.Successful readers begin very early to learn myriad of things which support their independent processing of texts. They do this learning in interaction with parents and teachers, but they gradually come to control ways of working on print which free them to learn independently from literacy encounters.This concept helps us to understand how teachers can bring different children by different routes to similar outcomes. It allows for different children to start literacy learning in different ways. It is widely accepted that preschool children construct a control over oral language that enables them to produce sentences which they have never heard before, and extend their own language systems through conversation. When our observations of readers and writers show that they have developed effective strategies for monitoring their own ways of working on texts, we can be confident that this control will, at a later stage, allow them to work independently as silent readers of unseen texts.The concept that only the child can construct this inner control develops Clay's earlier description of the complex behaviors which support literacy learning.
Complete Little Orphan Annie, 1933
Gary Groth - 1991
A tough, Dickensian melodrama with sharp, political voice, Gray's Annie is gritty, atmospheric, suspenseful and more proletarian in its depiction of the working class than anything since.
How College Affects Students: Volume 1 - Findings and Insights from Twenty Years of Research
Ernest T. Pascarella - 1991
FeldmanNot since Feldman and Newcomb's 1969 landmark book, TheImpact of College on Students has there been such acomprehensive resource available on what is known about the effectof college on students. In this book, Pascarella and Terenzini takeup where Feldman and Newcomb left off, synthesizing twenty moreyears of empirical research and over 2,600 studies, distilling whatis known about how students change and benefit as a consequence ofattending college.
Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children
Judy Sierra - 1991
Renowned authors and storytellers Judy Sierra and Robert Kaminski have collected 25 folktales representing the peoples and cultures of North America (including Hispanic and African American stories), Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. The authors share their years of storytelling experience and techniques and recommend other helpful publications for additional information and suggestions. These distinguished and popular authors have also included full-sized traceable figures for you to use in creating flannel board characters and puppets!Introduction --pt. 1. Storytelling techniques and materials: Storytelling --Telling stories with the flannel board --Telling stories with puppets. --pt. 2. Folktales for children two-and-a-half to five: The three little kittens (United States) --Anna Mariah (Anglo-American) --The elegant rooster (El gallo elegante, Spain) --The three bears (England) --The cat and the mouse (England) --The goat in the chile patch (El cabrito en la hortaliza de los chiles, United States-Hispanic) --Anansi and the rock (West Africa) --La Hormiguita (Mexico) --Teeny-tiny (England) --The hungry cat (Norway) --See for yourself (Tibet) --The great tug-o-war (African American) --The knee-high man (African American) --In a dark, dark wood (Anglo-American) --pt. 3. Folktales for children five to seven: The lion and the mouse (Greece) --The travels of a fox (England) --Roly-poly rice ball (Japan) --The wonderful pot (Denmark) --Buchettino (Italy) --Don't let the tiger get you! (Korea) --The stonecutter (China) --Drakes-tail (France) --Lazy Jack (England) --Why do monkeys live in trees? (West Africa) --Stone soup (Belgium) --pt. 4. Resources for storytelling
The Maidu Indian Myths and Stories of Hanc'ibyjim
William Shipley - 1991
A stunning combination of master storytelling and deft translation, with a foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder.
The Tact of Teaching: The Meaning of Pedagogical Thoughtfulness
Max Van Manen - 1991
The author defines pedagogical reflection as the endeavor to influence the good effect that teachers may have on children; pedagogical thoughtfulness is the way that educators grow, change, and deepen their sense of self as the result of reflecting on living with children; and pedagogical tactfulness is the increased sensitivity that educators demonstrate as they deal with young people in everyday educational situations.
The Writing Teacher's Book of Lists: With Ready-To-Use Activities and Worksheets
Gary Robert Muschla - 1991
The Writing Teacher's Book of Lists with Ready-to-Use Activities and Worksheets includes 90 useful lists for developing instructional materials and planning lessons for elementary and secondary students. In addition, the book includes innovative activities and reproducible black line masters that help students to improve their writing skills, word usage, and vocabulary. For quick access and easy use, all of these lists and activities are organized into seven sections and individually printed in a format that can be photocopied as many times as required for individual or group instruction. This handy resource is filled with helpful lists, activities, teaching suggestions, and reproducible worksheets.
I Am a Little Monkey (Little Animals Stories (Barron))
François Crozat - 1991
Author-artist Francois Crozat was 1994 winner of the coveted Critici in Erba prize at the international Bologna Children's Book Fair for his illustrations in I Am a Little Panda.Book Details:
Format: Hardcover
Publication Date: 2/13/1991
Pages: 26
Reading Level: Age 2 and Up
Teacher's Handbook: Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek: Book II
Maurice Balme - 1991
The "Athenaze" course aims to promote the fluent reading of ancient Greek through a series of exercises, grammatical explanations and essays on culture and history.
I Am A Little Pig
François Crozat - 1991
On board pages.
What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children
L. Tobin - 1991
What Do You Do With a Child Like This? will take you on a journey inside the world of troubled children to enhance your understanding of the child's total needs. It presents a wide variety of techniques proven effective for helping troubled children change. The wealth of practical suggestions found in this book will invite frequent reading. A great gift for any educator or parent who is confronted by the adventure of working with a troubled children. If you are drawn to education, and if you enjoy a challenge, there is no greater challenge than to walk alongside a troubled child and to help her see a better world. Larry Tobin What Do You Do With A Child Like This?What Others Are Saying: Sensitive, easy to read and easy to understand. The examples you used touch a chord and treat children as people, not as inventory to be labeled, categorized, and organized by dysfunction. [It] helps you understand students' behavior by offering refreshing insights into their thoughts and feelings. Herbert G.W. Bischoff, PhD. Former President International School of Psychology Association This book will motivate, inspire, and inform. Bobby Brice, Behavior Consultant Exciting and sensitive = what insight Tobin has into the world of children!Carol Lane, Educational Resource SpecialistWhat Do You Do With a Child Like This? provides a thoughtful and penetrating view of troubled children - from the outside looking in and, perhaps more importantly, from the inside looking out. It provides practical suggestions and inspirational messages to adults who work with troubled youth. Randy Sprick, PhD, author The Solution Book and Discipline in the Secondary Classroom
From Play to Art
George Szekely - 1991
Children are naturally avant-garde artists: they're interested in the latest trend, perform with environmental materials, and re always willing to explore and collect new media and dream up new approaches. By observing children at play, teachers can build on and direct their energy and self-initiated discoveries. By using props that are familiar to children, teachers can create imaginative play setting that inspire a new kind of art-art that truly comes from the child's own imagination.How can ingenious play ideas or unusual play objects be delicately transplanted into a school setting? How can players flourish in class? How can play be initiated, led and joined by everyone? George Szekely, parent, artist, and art educator, answers these questions and shares his many records of exciting hours of play in which children discover their own art in their own ways.Throughout this book, Szekely provides specific, practical techniques for developing productive and valuable classroom ideas that will be welcomed by the classroom teacher as well as the art specialist.
The Random House Children's Encyclopedia, Revised Edition
Tony Geiss - 1991
ISBN-10: 0394838521 ISBN-13: 9780394838526The Random House Children's Encyclopedia shows you what other books can only tell you! Words and pictures work together in a unique, lively new way in this exciting reference for families of the Information Age.
Side by Side: Essays on Teaching to Learn
Nancie Atwell - 1991
In two key chapters she reconsiders In the Middle itself, in light of the experiences of other teachers and their correspondence with her, and she proposes some intriguing revisions of the workshop mode. Other topics address in Side by Side include the teaching of poetry, contexts for teaching critical thinking skills, making a place for special education students in writing and reading workshop, the significance of teacher research, and implications of reader response theory for literature-based approaches, and the parallels between the literate behaviors of Nancie's adolescent students and those of her young daughter.
A Letter to Teachers: Reflections on Schooling and the Art of Teaching
Vito Perrone - 1991
Meier, principal, Central Park East Secondary SchoolSimple, elegant and full of common sense, these reflections on the art of teaching address the deepest concerns teachers have for their work with children and young people.
The Exploratorium Science Snackbook: Cook Up Over 100 Hands-On Science Exhibits from Everyday Materials
The Exploratorium - 1991
The snacks, designed by science teachers, can be used as demonstrations, labs, or as student science projects and all 100 projects are easy to build from common materials. The Exploratorium, a renowned hands-on science museum founded by physicist and educator Frank Oppenheimer, is noted for its interactive exhibits that richly illustrate scientific concepts and stimulate learning.Offers a step-by-step guide for building dynamic science projects and exhibits Includes tips for creating projects made from easy-to-assembly items Thoroughly revised and updated, including new snacks, images, and references
The Wordwatcher's Guide to Good Writing & Grammar
Morton S. Freeman - 1991
"Quick answers to pesky grammar and usuage problems"--Cover subtitle.
Teaching for Thoughtfulness: Classroom Strategies to Enhance Intellectual Development
John Barell - 1991
Appropriate for courses in thinking and cognition, creativity and gifted education, teaching strategies, and curriculum development, this outstanding text offers real-life examples and applications for the elementary and secondary school teacher. Using an unusually engaging writing style, the text emphasizes an integrative approach to learning that encourages students to think for themselves, become emotionally involved in their studies, and apply what they learn.
Minority Status and Schooling: A Comparative Study of Immigrant and Involuntary Minorities (Reference Books in International Education, Vol. 7)
Margaret A. Gibson - 1991
Stories Lives Tell: Narrative and Dialogue in Education
Carol Witherell - 1991
The editors have combined a philosophical framework for the centrality of narrative and dialogue in education and human services with lively accounts from practitioners working in a variety of disciplines and fields.
The Life of a Text: Performing the Ramcaritmanas of Tulsidas
Philip Lutgendorf - 1991
Anthropologists, historians of religion, and readers interested in the culture of North India and the performance arts will find breadth of subject, careful scholarship, and engaging presentation in this unique and beautifully illustrated examination of Hindi culture.The most popular and influential text of Hindi-speaking North India, the epic Ramcaritmanas is a sixteenth century retelling of the Ramayana story by the poet Tulsidas. This masterpiece of pre-modern Hindi literature has always reached its largely illiterate audiences primarily through oral performance including ceremonial recitation, folksinging, oral exegesis, and theatrical representation. Drawing on fieldwork in Banaras, Lutgendorf breaks new ground by capturing the range of performance techniques in vivid detail and tracing the impact of the epic in its contemporary cultural context.
Awakening the Hidden Storyteller: How to Build a Storytelling Tradition in Your Family
Robin Moore - 1991
Starting with this simple idea, storyteller Robin Moore guides parents and children in creating, telling, and listening to stories - an activity the whole family can enjoy, using skills they already possess. Through guided exercises, commentary, and telling stories of his own, he demonstrates step by step how to put together and deliver stories drawn from the imagination as well as from personal memories. Robin Moore has been a professional storyteller since 1981. He has presented more than 2,000 storytelling programs at schools, museums, and festivals, and on radio and television. Read by the author.
Thinking in Education
Matthew Lipman - 1991
It provides methods for integrating emotive experience and thinking into a concerted approach to the improvement of reasoning and judgment. This second edition also shows how the community of inquiry can be utilized for the reduction of violence in the classroom and for the improvement of education of children at risk. The volume's abundant information about the varied approaches in the field of education makes it an invaluable resource for all teachers.