Best of
Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart
Jacques Philippe - 1991
This classic work is a short treatise on peace of heart in a world where restlessness and anxiety too often take the place of the confidence and peace which ought to be ours.
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1991
In his highly-acclaimed book of the same title, he shares the deeply personal meditation that led him to discover the place within which God has chosen to dwell. This Lent course, which has been adapted from the book, helps us to reflect on the meaning of the parable for our own lives. Divided into five sessions, the course moves through the parable exploring our reaction to the story: the younger son's leaving and return, the father's restoration of sonship, the elder son's resentment and the father's compassion. All of us who have experienced loneliness, dejection, jealousy or anger will respond to the persistent themes of homecoming, affirmation and reconciliation.
Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love
Jerry Bridges - 1991
(Practical Life)
In the Eye of the Storm
Max Lucado - 1991
One score is brassy with exuberance -- the next moans with sorrow.Whatever you call it -- call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it "the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior." Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down.Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands.If you've ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center -- a place you can stand when your world gets windy. "The Eye of the Storm."""
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
David R. Johnson - 1991
In a breakthrough book first published in 1991, the authors address the dynamics in churches that can ensnare people in legalism, guilt, and begrudging service, keeping them from the grace and joy of God's kingdom.Written for both those who feel abused and those who may be causing it, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse shows how people get hooked into abusive systems, the impact of controlling leadership on a congregation, and how the abused believer can find rest and recovery.
Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible
Howard G. Hendricks - 1991
With over 300,000 sold, this revised and expanded edition of Living by the Book will remove the barriers that keep Scripture from transforming your life. In a simple, step-by-step fashion, the authors explain how to glean truth from Scripture. It is practical, readable, and applicable. By following its easy-to-apply principles, you'll soon find yourself drawing great nourishment from the Word—and enjoying the process! The Living by the Book Workbook is the perfect compliment to provide practical application of lessons.
Telling Secrets
Frederick Buechner - 1991
He traces the influence of these events on his life as a son, father, husband, and minister, and explores the healing, hope and love to be found in revealing what has long been hidden.
Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel
Michael S. Horton - 1991
This title lays out the scriptural basis for this doctrine.
Bible Faith Study Course
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1991
Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on the vital subjects of faith, prayer, the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and healing will show you how to live a life of victory and abundance!Hebrews 11:6 says, But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]. . . . If God demands that we have faith when it is impossible for us to have faith, then we have a right to challenge His justice. But since He places within our hands the means whereby faith can be produced, then we must take responsibility for whether or not we have faith.The Bible Faith Study Course takes you through the Word of God to teach you how faith is produced and how to turn your faith loose in every area of your life. These principles will enable you to please God and live victoriously in this life!Chapter titles include: -- What Faith Is-- How Faith Comes-- How To Turn Your Faith Loose-- What It Means To Believe With the Heart-- Six Big Hindrances to Faith-- The God-Kind of Faith
Hardness of Heart
Andrew Wommack - 1991
A hard heart is simply a heart that is more sensitive to other things than to God. It is caused by what we focus our attention on, and it dictates the level of unbelief in our lives.
I Come Quietly to Meet You An Intimate Journey in Gods Presence
Amy Carmichael - 1991
Amy Carmichael remained faithful to God through times of material need, physical danger, pain, debilitating illness, disappointment, and attack by friends. From this crucible she guides readers into a deeper friendship with the Father who is always trustworthy. Formerly released as You Are My Hiding Place.
Bold Love
Dan B. Allender - 1991
Rather, it is disruptive, courageous, and socially unacceptable. In Bold Love, Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman III draw out the aggressive, unrelenting, passionate power of genuine love. Far from helping you "get along" with others, Bold Love introduces the outlandish possibility of making a significant, life-changing impact on family, friends, coworkers--even your enemies. Learn more about forgiveness, maturity, and seeing others through Jesus' eyes.
Eucharistic Miracles: And Eucharistic Phenomenon in the Lives of the Saints
Joan Carroll Cruz - 1991
In her book, Eucharistic Miracles, Joan Carroll Cruz documents 36 such miracles which occurred from 800 AD to the present day. This book tells of consecrated Hosts which have visibly turned to human flesh, have bled, levitated, and which have become hard as flint when received by a person in mortal sin. It details the official investigations that have been made into these miracles by scientists throughout the world, and where some can still be venerated today. Eucharistic Miracles also recounts miraculous Eucharistic phenomena in the lives of saints: saints who lived with only the Eucharist for sustenance, received Communication miraculously, or experienced raptures, ecstasies, levitations, visions, locutions, and more. Pictures and photographs of the miracles, the churches they took place in, and the people involved are also included, adding the final touch to a comprehensive, detailed, and extraordinary overview of these miraculous happenings.Eucharistic Miracles is a superb compilation of God's visible testimony of the truth of the Catholic Faith, proving the reality of one of its loftiest mysteries — the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. (352 pgs., PB.)
Your Faith In God Will Work
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1991
Believers can learn to exercise their faith in God's Word so His promises will come to pass in their lives.
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Acts of the Apostles
Scott Hahn - 1991
Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes make explicit what Acts often assumes. They provide rich historical, cultural, or theological information pertinent to the Gospel. The Ignatius Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. Each page also includes an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section. Study Questions are provided for each chapter of the Gospel that can deepen your personal study of God's Holy Word. There is also an introductory essay covering questions of authorship, date, destination, structure and themes. An outline of The Book of Acts and several maps are also included.
The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's Delight in Being God
John Piper - 1991
It is about the One we were made for—God Himself. In this theological masterpiece—chosen by World Magazine as one of the 20th Century’s top 100 books, John Piper reveals the biblical evidence to help us see and savor what the pleasures of God show us about Him. Then we will be able to drink deeply—and satisfyingly—from the only well that offers living water.What followers of Jesus need now, more than anything else, is to know and love—behold and embrace—the great, glorious, sovereign, happy God of the Bible. “This is a unique and precious book that everybody should read more than once.”J.I. PACKERRegent College, Vancouver, British Columbia Includes a study guide for individual and small-group use.
Ordinary Time Weeks 13-23 (In Conversation with God, Vol. 4)
Francisco Fernández-Carvajal - 1991
This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day. Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation. The whole set comes with a handsome slipcase that prevents wear-and-tear on the individual volumes.
Prayer Portions
Sylvia Gunter - 1991
It is a resource/training manual for all who are seeking the Father's heart and asking "Lord, teach me to pray." The book is broken down into sections so you can easily find just the portion you need for the moment. Praise - 20 portions 365 Names Of God The Father Heart Of God Inner Court Ministry To God Repentance - 19 portions "Little Foxes" Of Sin Let Me Know Your Ways Desperation For Revival Heart-Searching For Personal Revival Warfare - 30 portions Praise As Warfare Lift High The Lord Our Banner The Jezebel Controlling Spirit The Saul Controlling Spirit Personal - 28 portions Set The Captives Free Guide To Falling In Love With Jesus Who You Are In Christ Intercession - 56 portions Prayer That Hits The Mark Revival Praying When You Don't Know What To Pray Taking Our Cities For God Seven Blessings For Families Amen - 5 portions Sit, Soak, And Sour Prayer Portions represents several years of experience in God's School of Prayer. These are rich, lifelong resources for developing a lifestyle of praying without ceasing. Since Prayer Portions was published, the positive feedback has been more than overwhelming about the blessing of new intimacy with God and more power in prayer. When God meets His children in His Word, it becomes the inspiration and language of their prayers. God will use Prayer Portions to help you see, understand, believe, receive, and enter into His kingdom designs through prayer with deeper commitment. Prayer Portions includes sections entitled Praise, Repentance, Warfare, Personal, Intercession, and Amen.
I Will Die Free
Nobel Alexander - 1991
From a place where death is often preferred to life comes a stunning testimony of persecution and faith that will awe and inspire all who read it.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Donald S. Whitney - 1991
Drawn from a rich heritage, "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines, including:Scripture readingPrayerWorshipScripture meditationEvangelismServingStewardship of time and moneyScripture applicationFastingSilence and solitudeJournalingLearningBy illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity.
You Are My Hiding Place
David Hazard - 1991
from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."Can I trust God in every circumstance? Can I rely on His promises--of protection, security, safety, provision, comfort--when I most need them? Is God always there for me? So many struggle to find confidence in God. Amy Carmichael stepped faithfully into the darkness surrounding her, and found the greatest "refuge" of all--the sheltering love of God, who is with us in all things.When Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) arrived in India, she had no idea the dangerous work ahead--to save young girls from cult prostitution in Hindu temples. Nor could she imagine the times of material need, physical danger, pain and debilitating illness, disappointment and attack by friends. From this crucible, she writes of her uplifting times with God--who calls us all to find safety in Him, to live honestly before Him, and to receive peace as we live in His presence.
Seasons of Your Heart: Prayers and Reflections, Revised and Expanded
Macrina Wiederkehr - 1991
Using biblical passages, poetry, and excerpts from her journal, Wiederkehr provides meditative ideas and prayers as "postures" for realizing and approaching the holy in our daily lives.These reflections and prayers, then, have grown out of a daily listening to God in the changing seasons of my spiritual life, "writes the author. "These reflections have grown out of my conviction that our God is not some Almighty Being beyond us, but a Mystery within."
In the Fullness of Time: A Historian Looks at Christmas, Easter & the Early Church
Paul L. Maier - 1991
Full-color photographs and illustrations help recreate the world, the mood, the people and the events of the early years of faith.
God's Final Word: Understanding Revelation
Ray C. Stedman - 1991
Ray Stedman guides you on a verse-by-verse exploration of the book of Revelation, bringing to life the mysteries of this highly symbolic book of the Bible. God's Final Word encompasses and brings into brilliant focus the entire scope of human history—of eternity itself.
Drinking from a Dry Well
Thomas H. Green - 1991
Green returns to the "dry well" to explore the dryness and help readers discover how to live gracefully while "drinking from a dry well of prayer."
Miracle Hour: A Method Of Prayer That Will Change Your Life
Linda Schubert - 1991
Spending just 5 minutes on one or more of the 12 sections, such as praise, thanksgiving, surrender, repentance, or forgiveness, with an attitude of openness and expectancy can be a time of deeper consecration and growth in understanding the ways of God. Miracle Hour is a very balanced and effective approach to prayer, not only for beginners but also for those in a mature walk with the Lord who struggle with their prayer time.
Shadow of Calvary
Hugh Martin - 1991
He interprets these events in the light of the fulfilment of the Scriptures and subsequent fruit of Christ's suffering.
Letters to a Mormon Elder
James R. White - 1991
Originally published in 1990, this volume has gone through different editions and printings, but is presently unavailable. In typically thorough White-style brother James sends 17 Letters to a fictitious Mormon Elder addresses such topics as the following: WHAT IS TRUTH? ERRORS IN GOD'S WORD? THE DOCTRINE OF GOD: ONE GOD OR MANY? ELOHIM AND JEHOVAH: ONE GOD LATTER-DAY REVELATION? FURTHER TESTS OF JOSEPH SMITH, THE "PROPHET" MEET THE AWESOME GOD OF THE BIBLE
The Pilgrim's Progress
Cheryl Ford - 1991
This edition by Cheryl Ford provides a fresh, modern rendering as biblical truths are weaved into a simple yet profound story that reveals the treacheries of the human heart and the power of conquering faith. Many modern translations of this Christian classic leave out significant parts or add passages not included in John Bunyan's original. But this translation is different. First, in contemporary English it faithfully presents the complete text (including the pilgrimages of Christian and Christiana). Second, more than 150 one-color calligraphy pieces by Timothy R. Botts enhance this beloved story. Additional features include comprehensive Scripture cross-references and an index to all the people, places, and spiritual symbols. Questions for group discussion and personal application strengthen the impact of this timeless story of Christian life.
Praying God's Will for My Daughter
Lee Roberts - 1991
Praying God's Will for My Husband, Praying God's Will for My Daughter, and Praying God's Will for My Son help readers pray specifically and effectively for their family and loved ones. These attractively designed books are perfect for personal use or gift giving.
St. Jerome And The Lion
Margaret Hodges - 1991
An illustrated retelling of the legend of Saint Jerome and the lion that he sheltered in his monastery.
The Trial and Triumph of Faith
Samuel Rutherford - 1991
The account also gives us a vivid picture of what true faith in Christ is and how it acts. In Rutherford's words, 'To any seeking Jesus Christ, this text cries, "Come and see".'In twenty-seven eloquent sermons, Rutherford expounds the incident. What he sees in it most of all is the free grace of God: 'Christ, for this cause especially, left the bosom of God, and was clothed with flesh and our nature, that he might be…a sea and boundless river of visible, living, and breathing grace, swelling up to the highest banks…' Rutherford would have us observe here 'a flower planted and watered by Christ's own hand-a strong faith in a tried woman.'To encourage us to persist in seeking such grace, Rutherford explains both the trial and the triumph of saving faith.
Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth
Lesslie Newbigin - 1991
In emphasizing the Christian gospel as the truth that calls for radical conversion, Lesslie Newbigin runs counter to the prevailing subjectivism and skepticism in our society regarding the possibility of knowing ultimate truth. Societies like ours that have undergone "modernization" tend to regard the world's religions as agencies for the cultivation of privately held religious opinions -- agencies that can be studied with the tools of sociology, psychology, and other secular disciplines. But, says Newbigin, the Christian church is not simply an agency that stands for good personal values. In three pointed chapters -- "Believing and Knowing the Truth," "Affirming the Truth in the Church," and "Speaking the Truth to Caesar" -- Newbigin develops the argument that the Christian gospel is a statement of objective, historical truth, and all other modes of thought are to be evaluated in the light of the gospel truth. Directed especially to ministers and concerned laypeople, Truth To Tell consists of the Osterhaven lectures delivered by Newbigin at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.
From Bondage to Bonding: Escaping Codependency, Embracing Biblical Love
Nancy Groom - 1991
In this thorough, nontechnical guide to assessment of and recovery from codependency, author Nancy Groom takes you beyond simply escaping codependency to helping you tackle the tough questions you’ll face as you emerge from destructive relationships.Men and women who are dealing with grief, anger, and feelings of shame from codependency will learn how to bond to God.
My Father's Names
Elmer L. Towns - 1991
This inspiring study explores how each name describes the important aspects of God's nature.
Seeking God: My Journey of Prayer and Praise
Joni Eareckson Tada - 1991