Best of
In the Fullness of Time: A Historian Looks at Christmas, Easter & the Early Church
Paul L. Maier - 1991
Full-color photographs and illustrations help recreate the world, the mood, the people and the events of the early years of faith.
Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton
Jim Forest - 1991
Traces the life of the Trappist monk and influential writer, and briefly describes his views on prayer, war, civil rights, and the religious traditions of the East.
Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams in America
Edwin S. Gaustad - 1991
Gaustad skillfully tells the story of Roger Williams: founder of Rhode Island, a defender of religious liberty, and a man of deep religious and political convictions.
When You Lose Someone You Love: Comfort for Those Who Grieve
Richard Exley - 1991
And whether it comes suddenly and unexpectedly, or at the end of a long and painful illness, every death is experienced anew, a shocking loss that takes our breath away and leaves us disoriented and lost. Grief is mysterious, misunderstood, and experienced differently from individual to individual, yet there are certain universal elements. In this compassionate epistolary handbook on grief, a pastor offers comfort and understanding to a man suffering a profound loss, showing grief as a healthy process that God can use to mend broken hearts. Revised and updated, this twentieth-anniversary edition features prayers and scripture meditation, as well as a new introduction and epilogue. Simple, profound, personal, compassionate … When You Lose Someone You Love tenderly walks the grief-stricken through sorrow to peace and, eventually, renewed joy.
Dark Angel
Robert Kirby - 1991
She's all tomboy and wonder -- wonder about becoming a woman, as her older sister is already. She is the colorfully outspoken daughter of a Mormon Bishop in 1869 Utah Territory. Everything around her cannot escape her critical eye and mouth. She is a typical child, girl or boy, at the brink of adulthood. Her life is changed forever when a stranger, a man no one seems to know, saves her and her older sister from the unwanted attentions of several lecherous army deserters (and Mormon haters) by killing them before too much harm comes to the girls. This novel is rough and fast and funny as only Robert Kirby can write it. This is a book about Mormons, by a Mormon, but not exclusively for Mormons. If it was a movie it would be rated PG or a soft PG-13 due to some language and a situation or two. A great read! 15 out of 17 Amazon readers agree! You will too!
Gospel Fear
Jeremiah Burroughs - 1991
Gospel fear, or, The heart trembling at the word of God evidences a blessed frame of spirit : delivered in several sermons from Isaiah 66:2 and 2 Kings 22:19
The Foundations of Mysticism : Origins to the Fifth Century
Bernard McGinn - 1991
In Part 2, McGinn discusses Western Christian mysticism proper, with special attention to Augustine of Hippo. Of special interest is the now-influential appendix, which reviews various theoretical approaches to mysticism.
A Prophet with Honor: The Billy Graham Story
William C. Martin - 1991
From this engaging and comprehensive book, both religious and secular readers will gain better understanding of the most successful evangelist in Christian history and the movement he has led for four decades.
Up From The Rubble
Peter J. Dyck - 1991
Readers can re-live those incredible days following World War II when the Dycks helped Mennonite refugees escape from war-torn Europe and to find new homes in South America and Canada. In addition to the epic story, the book contains many photos.Read a tribute to Peter Dyck.
God, Creation, and Providence in the Thought of Jacob Arminius: Sources and Directions of Scholastic Protestantism in the Era of Early Orthodoxy
Richard A. Muller - 1991
Restoring the Original Bible
Ernest L. Martin - 1991
Female Piety in Puritan New England: The Emergence of Religious Humanism
Amanda Porterfield - 1991
She finds that by conflating marriage as a trope of grace with marriage as a social construct, Puritan ministers invested relationships between husbands and wives with religious meaning. Images of female piety represented the humility that Puritans believed led all Christians to self-control and, ultimately, to love. But while images of female piety were important for men primarily as aids to controlling aggression and ambition, they were primarily attractive to women as aids to exercising indirect influence over men and obtaining public recognition and status.
Power Points: Your Action Plan to Hear God's Voice, Believe God's Word, Seek the Father, Submit to Christ, Take Up the Cross, Depend
John Wimber - 1991
John Wesley and Christian Antiquity: Religious Vision and Cultural Change
Ted A. Campbell - 1991
Campbell argues that Christian Antiquity functioned for Wesley as an alternative cultural vision for religious renewal, much in the same way that classical antiquity served as a cultural model for secular Enlightenment thinkers.
The Star That Astonished the World: Star of Bethlehem
Ernest L. Martin - 1991
This is not religious book. It is a book of science and history to demonstrate what was the star that led the Wise Men to Bethlehem. The new evidence that is given will make the story of the Nativity a much more reasonable and interesting account than most historical narratives have provided up to now. ...Since the introduction of computers in the study of astronomical phenomena that occurred within past history, great strides have been made in the past twenty years in determining the actual chronology of those historical events of the past. These facilities were not available to earlier historians and theologians trying to determine what the Star of Bethlehem really was. That is why this new evidence, that comes from up-to-date scientific evaluations, has made it much easier to find the "star" that led the Wise Men to the infant Jesus. The identification of the Bethlehem Star is an event that astronomy can provide. This book gives the historical and biblical evidence (along with the astronomical) that makes the identification possible.There is one thing for certain. The astronomical and historical information given in this book make the period of Jesus' nativity come alive as never before. Whether people today wish to view these planetary/stellar events (that I present in this book) from the early Roman, Mesopotamian or a Palestinian perspective, or even from a modern secular one, we now have clean evidence that there was once (at the very beginning of our era) a unique appearance of a magnificent "Star that Astonished the World.""
The Hope of the Early Church: A Handbook of Patristic Eschatology
Brian E. Daley - 1991
Rooted in a firm faith in Jesus crucified and risen, Christian eschatological hope has proved remarkably resilient, expecting the Lord to return very soon, and wavering little when the wait has been prolonged. This comprehensive survey, based on Christian texts in the Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, and Armenian traditions from the second century through Gregory the Great and John of Damascus, is already well known to biblical scholars, church historians, theologians, and other students of the history of Christian thought. Appearing in an affordable, paperback edition, it is now available to students and to contemporary believers, whose hope it aims to nourish and stir up by acquainting them with the faith of their forebears in Christ.
Interpreting Faith for the Modern Era (Making of Modern Theology)
Rudolf Karl Bultmann - 1991
Together with Karl Barth, Bultmann broke with liberal theology, but his often misunderstood program of demythologization took him in a radically different direction from Barth. In many respects Bultmann set the agenda for biblical theology in the decades following World War II. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bultmann's thought. It presents the essential Bultmann for students and the general reader. Roger Johnson's introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Bultmann in his historical context, chart the development of his thought, and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole. Substantial selections from Bultmann's work illustrate key themes: God as "Wholly Other" Jesus and the Eschatological Kingdom Existentialist interpretation Kerygma Faith and Modernity in conflict Demythologizing: controversial slogan and theological focus
The Anglican Tradition: A Handbook of Sources
G.R. Evans - 1991
The book includes documents from c.96 up to 1989.