Best of
Receiving Answers to Our Prayers
Gene R. Cook - 1991
In Receiving Answers to Our Prayers, Elder Cook examines some of the most important principles and practices of prayer, which the Lord has taught us through scripture and through living prophets. By illustrating those principles through examples and many true-life stories, he shows that the Lord does answer prayers and suggests ways we can become more receptive to the answers the Lord sends. Elder Cook focuses on the difficult question of why answers do not always come in ways we expect and what we can do then to increase our faith.
The Lord's Way
Dallin H. Oaks - 1991
Elder Oaks contrasts the Lord's way and the world's way
Dark Angel
Robert Kirby - 1991
She's all tomboy and wonder -- wonder about becoming a woman, as her older sister is already. She is the colorfully outspoken daughter of a Mormon Bishop in 1869 Utah Territory. Everything around her cannot escape her critical eye and mouth. She is a typical child, girl or boy, at the brink of adulthood. Her life is changed forever when a stranger, a man no one seems to know, saves her and her older sister from the unwanted attentions of several lecherous army deserters (and Mormon haters) by killing them before too much harm comes to the girls. This novel is rough and fast and funny as only Robert Kirby can write it. This is a book about Mormons, by a Mormon, but not exclusively for Mormons. If it was a movie it would be rated PG or a soft PG-13 due to some language and a situation or two. A great read! 15 out of 17 Amazon readers agree! You will too!
Spiritual Plateaus
Glenn L. Pace - 1991
Sometimes we stay on one plateau thinking that is all we need to do, but if we can move forward toward the next plateau we would find that there is more to learn and more to do.
Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-Day Saints in American Religion
Philip L. Barlow - 1991
In this study, Barlow analyzes the approaches taken to the Bible by key Mormon leaders, from founder Joseph Smith up to the present day. He shows that Mormon attitudes toward the Bible comprise an extraordinary mix of conservative, liberal, and radical ingredients: an almost fundamentalist adherence to the King James Version of the Bible coexists with belief in the possibility of new revelation and surprising ideas on the limits of human language. Exploring this unique Mormon stance on scripture, Barlow takes important steps toward unraveling the mystery of this quintessential American religious phenomenon.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Gene R. Cook - 1991
But do we fully understand that that means? What exactly is faith? Gene R. Cook uses key scriptures, personal testimony and insights from prophets and apostles to provide answers to those important doctrinal questions.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Boyd K. Packer - 1991
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Perhaps this message of hope and love was never more needed than in today's troubled world. Latter-day Saints have the advantage of receiving regularly from the Master's inspired earthly representatives counsel that reaffirms His teachings and helpfully relates them to modern circumstances. One such is Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Council of the Twelve, thirty of whose addresses appear in this book. Given in various forums- in general conference, in area conferences, at graduation exercises, to educators and other specialist groups, and in other settings- they all deal with principles that, when applied, help to bring peace to the soul. The headings of the six parts to the book- Direction, Inspiration, Caution, Admonition, Understanding, Assurance- signal the mode of their respective contents. The chapters they embrace are alive with stimulating inspiring concepts: The effort-intense production and the immense spiritual value of the new editions of Latter-day Saint scriptures. The essence of education- not knowledge well stored but knowledge well directed in service to others. The patriotism and just the common decency of common citizens in America's early days, and the implications for us today. The only-true-church challenge- we must affirm this doctrine despite others' accusations of arrogance. Maintaining the steady course of faith and trust in God, however rough the waters. One's responsibility to give, having been given much. How we really can know God lives and loves us. How, indeed, "beneath His watchful eye His Saints securely dwell." These are a few of the gospel-rich ideas clearly and expressively set forth in this book. Six pencil drawings represent, in various situations, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world- our only source of lasting peace and comfort. These pages abound with sound advice and comforting counsel. Varied in style and tone depending on the occasion, the talks set out gospel principles with a clarity and facility of expression that the author's hearers have come to love and admire. They are illuminated by a wealth of personal experiences and here and there by one of his original parables. Best of all, they firmly encourage and strengthen the reader as they reaffirm the author's apostolic testimony of and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His unique power to bring us peace.
Encyclopedia Of Mormonism
Daniel H. Ludlow - 1991
It aims to help readers understand the dynamic growth and vitality of the LDS community. Entries include complete biographies of the prophets and church leaders, as well as articles on practice, scripture and church organization.
Doctrinal Commentary On The Book Of Mormon, V3: Alma Through Helaman
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 1991
Naturally, it is read with varying degrees of comprehension, and many of us need assistance to deepen our understanding. This four-volume commentary focuses on the most significant aspect of this standard work — doctrine. Dividing the material into convenient topical sections, each volume quotes the Book of Mormon verses and gives detailed commentary that reflects not only the authors' own considerable scholarship and research but also the insights of other scriptures and modern prophets. This invaluable commentary will help readers draw nearer to God by enhancing their study of His sacred word.
13 Lines Of Defense
Gene R. Cook - 1991
Explains what it means to live a morally clean life and, more importantly, why it matters. -- container.
Jesus Christ, Key to the Plan of Salvation
Gerald N. Lund - 1991
Lund. In Jesus Christ, Key to the Plan of Salvation, Gerald Lund draws upon over a quarter century of teaching experience in the Church Educational System and a thorough knowledge of the Holy Land and the scriptures. He examines both the ministry of the Savior and the critical elements in the Father's plan. How did the Savior define the purpose of his ministry? Why was the Fall necessary? How does the Old Testament prefigure the Messiah? What does the Atonement do for God's children? What names and titles of the Savior reflect his Godhood and his work? How do grace, faith, and works fit into the plan? How can we keep the Savior's commandment to be perfect? These are just some of the questions Brother Lund answers. "He it was who stepped forward in the Great Council in heaven," Brother Lund writes, "and offered his life as ransom for all. (See Moses 4:1-2.) He it was who, under the direction of the Father, created worlds without number. (See Moses 1:32-33.) He it was who directed men as Jehovah, God of the Old Testament. . . . He it was who put aside his godly glory, thinking it not unseemly to take upon himself the frail and corruptible body of mortality. (See Philip. 2:6-8.) He it was who sweat blood for us in a garden of olive trees; . . . who endured the lacerating pain of a Roman scourging and the unspeakable horror of death by crucifixion-all that he might save us from the results of our foolishness and rebellion. . . . He it is who will overthrow Babylon and make the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ. (See Rev. 11:15.) He it is who will come again in such resplendent glory that the mountains will flow down at his presence and the sun will hide its face in shame." Jesus Christ, Key to the Plan of Salvation is a clear and incisive look at the work and gifts of our Redeemer as they relate to our exaltation.