Best of
Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know about the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History
Joseph Telushkin - 1991
A basic reference work on Judaism discusses the Bible, the Talmud, and other writings; Jewish history; beliefs and rituals; and the Jewish calendar, holidays, and life-cycle ceremonies.
To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service
Hayim Halevy Donin - 1991
Unexcelled for beginners as well as the religiously observant, To Pray as a Jew is intended to show the way, to enlighten, and hopefully to inspire.
Living a Jewish Life
Anita Diamant - 1991
Living a Jewish Life is your guide to the cultural and spiritual treasures of Judaism, explained in ways that address the choices posed by modern life. From hanging a mezuzah to celebrating a wedding, from lighting Sabbath candles to choosing a synagogue that's right for you and your family, you will find "why-to's" and "how-to's" in these pages, which are tuned to both the realities of the modern world and the timeless, grounding rhythms of Jewish tradition.Spanning the spectrum of liberal Jewish thought -- Conservative, Reconstructionist and Reform, unaffiliated, new age and secular -- this book provides a sensitive and practical introduction to making Judaism a meaningful part of your life.Filled with anecdotes, lore, memorable quotations, history, prayers and ceremonies, Living a Jewish Life celebrates the diversity, joy and fulfillment of Jewish life today. This book is filled with your Jewish choices.
Inner Space: Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation and Prophecy
Aryeh Kaplan - 1991
In Part Two, Rabbi Kaplan explores the text of Ezekiel's "Vision of the Chariot". He reveals that all prophecy stems from meditation and details the training a prophet undergoes.(254 Pages)
The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust
Tom Segev - 1991
Drawing on diaries, interviews, and thousands of declassified documents, Segev reconsiders the major struggles and personalities of Israel's past, including Ben-Gurion, Begin, and Nahum Goldmann, and argues that the nation's legacy has, at critical moments - the Exodus affair, the Eichmann trial, the case of John Demjanjuk - have been molded and manipulated in accordance with the ideological requirements of the state. The Seventh Million uncovers a vast and complex story and reveals how the bitter events of decades past continue to shape the experiences not just of individuals but of a nation.
The Works of Philo
Philo of Alexandria - 1991
Now the translation of the eminent classicist C. D. Yonge is available in an affordable, easy-to-read edition, with a new foreword and newly translated passages, and containing supposed fragments of Philo's writings from ancient authors such as John of Damascus. The title and arrangement of the writings have been standardized according to scholarly conventions.A contemporary of Paul and Jesus, Philo Judaeus, of Alexandria, Egypt, is unquestionably among the most important writers for historians and students of Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity. Although Philo does not explicitly mention Jesus, or Paul, or any of the followers of Jesus, Philo lived in their world. It is from Philo, for example, that we learn about how, like the Gospel of John, Jews (and Greeks) in the Greco-Roman world spoke of the creative force of God as God's "Logos." Philo, too, employs interpretive strategies that parallel those of the author of Hebrews. Most scholars would agree that Philo and the author of Hebrews are drawing from the same, or at least similar, traditions of Hellenistic Judaism. With these kind of connections to the world of Judaism and early Christianity, Philo cannot be ignored.
To Vanquish the Dragon
Pearl Benisch - 1991
"To Vanquish the Dragon": "Armed with faith and lovingkindness the duaghters of Beth Jacob battle the Nazi scourge"
Desire for a Beginning Dread of One Single End
Edmond Jabès - 1991
In a series of short aphorisms, Jabès continues his lifelong interrogation of "The Book" both within the Jewish cultural tradition and twentieth-century modernism. Jabès' life work is driven in part by Mallarmè's concept of the limit, of the space beyond limits, and the space defined by such a limit. His work is pervaded by a sense of melancholy and loss, and never so much as in Desire for a Beginning/Dread of One Single End, as its title would suggest. Even in his last work, Jabès continues to struggle admirably with questions of being and not-being, of life and art, displaying the intelligence and passion of a great writer.
Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE-66 CE
E.P. Sanders - 1991
In this important new book Professor Sanders, whose Paul and Palestinian Judaism changed the course of Pauline studies, again argues against the prevailing views. He believes that flaws in method have produced a false impression of the Judaism of the period, for example, that the Pharisees were all-important and actually ran Jewish Palestine or that the Mishnah offers a description of general practice. In contrast, through thorough examination of the sources and by means of case studies, Sanders shows that what was important was 'common Judaism', the people and their observances, daily, weekly, seasonal and annual practices and the beliefs that bore directly on them. Early rabbinic legal material should be seen not as a set of rules, but as debates to be set within the context of real life, and parties such as the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes must be seen in proper relation to the Judaism of ordinary priests and people. Here then is a remarkably comprehensive presentation of Judaism as a functioning religion: the temple and its routine and festivals; questions of purity, sacrifices, tithes and taxes; common theology and hopes for the future; and descriptions of the various parties and groups culminating in an examination of the question 'who ran what?'. No other work offers such a detailed, clear and well argued account of all aspects of Jewish religion of the time. Written in a style easily accessible to any interested reader as well as to scholars, this book provides the major resource for study of Palestinian Judaism, whether by Jews or Christians, for years to come.
Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed
Benjamin Blech - 1991
When the Jewish people accepted God's covenant, they committed themselves first to obedience and practice, and then to striving to understand the message implicit in the Torah. In Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed, a perfect textbook for independent and classroom study, Rabbi Benjamin Blech presents a comprehensive explication of the Jewish faith. What does it meant to be a Jew? How does religion affect the ways in which Jewish people think and act? What are the basic concepts of Judaism? This volume answers these vital questions.
Becoming a Jew
Maurice Lamm - 1991
This book describes the odyssey of the convert and charts the traditional approach to conversion that has guided untold hundreds of thousands of people for more than three millennia.
Exodus: The Traditional Hebrew Text With the New Jps Translation (J P S Torah Commentary)
Nahum M. Sarna - 1991
Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.
Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume II
Aryeh Kaplan - 1991
Included in this volume: Jerusalem The Eye Of The Universe What is the significance of Jerusalem? Why is it the most important place on earth? What is its uniqueness? Why is it the only city mentioned in our prayers? What is the source of its holiness? Why can the Temple be located only on this one spot? What is the mystery of its origin? How are Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel connected with it? Why is its status so significant to its friends and enemies? This deep and revealing book contains the answers to these questions and many more. Tzitzith - A Thread Of Light Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan delves deeply into the mystery of the commandment of Tzitzith to reveal the link between Tzitzith and the ability of man to overcome sin and reach towards God. This rewarding book provides insights into the connection between passion, clothes, self - control and the story of the serpent. Tzitzith is the symbol of The God - instilled ability to choose freely and be master of our lives. This masterful book covers every aspect of this important commandment from the practical to the mystical. Sabbath Day of Eternity Why is the Sabbath the only religious observance mentioned in the Ten Commandments? Why does the Talmud call the Sabbath "a taste of the world to come?" Why is the Sabbath gaining adherents in an age of rapidly expanding technology? How can we explain the mysterious hold of the Sabbath over the Jew? What is the connection between the Sabbath, belief in God, affirmation of God as the Creator of all things, the Exodus from Egypt and the coming of the Messiah? Sabbath - Day of Eternity, by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
Hans Küng - 1991
Ever the Catholic Church's "faithful critic," Kung displays a dazzling breadth of scholarship. Professor of ecumenical theology at the University of Tubingen, he bases his approach on five historical paradigm shifts: Jewish apocalyptic Christianity, early church ecumenism, the Roman system in the medieval papal church, the Reformation, and modern democracy. He notes dominant influences in each, presenting his convictions on the essence of Christianity and moving toward a polycentrism where Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical traditions are not mutually exclusive. Over 30 diagrams and many stimulating "questions for the future" sidebars are included. Not all readers will accept the views of this Vatican II peritus (nor did the Vatican in 1973). But the work is a remarkable achievement for a church always in need of reform and reformers. Recommended for all theology collections.
Deborah, Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America
Letty Cottin Pogrebin - 1991
A leading feminist activist, author, and nationally known lecturer writes of her struggle to integrate a feminist head with a Jewish heart.
The JPS Torah Commentary: Exodus
Nahum M. Sarna - 1991
Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.
Jewels And Ashes
Arnold Zable - 1991
Zable travels from Australia to the Eastern European countryside of his parents' remembrance to understand the present-the inner lives of those who, like his parents, survived the hatred but lost every trace of family. Winner of top Australian literary awards.
Psychology and Kabbalah
Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi - 1991
Includes issue encountered by the developing individual, as well as those of madness and pure mystical experience. Formerly titled KABBALAH AND PSYCHOLOGY.
Sages and Dreamers
Elie Wiesel - 1991
Twenty-five portraits of figures from the Jewish tradition explore the mysteries of Jewish existence and themes of humility, silence, loyalty, and truth.
Jesus Jewishness
James H. Charlesworth - 1991
Among the contributors are Harvey Cox, James Charlesworth, Hans Kung, John Meier, David Flusser and Alan Segal.
Maimonides: A Guide for Today's Perplexed
Kenneth Seeskin - 1991
Seeskin addresses these questions in a modern context, making the philosophy and teachings of Maimonides accessible to everyone. Kenneth Seeskin is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Northwestern University and holds the position of Director of the Jewish Studies Program.
The Juggler & the King
Aharon Feldman - 1991
An exciting expansion of the Vilna Gaon's powerful ideas on the purpose of Creation, the Jewish People and its history and destiny, and the coming of Mashiach.
A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust
David A. Rausch - 1991