Best of
Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know about the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History
Joseph Telushkin - 1991
A basic reference work on Judaism discusses the Bible, the Talmud, and other writings; Jewish history; beliefs and rituals; and the Jewish calendar, holidays, and life-cycle ceremonies.
Living a Jewish Life
Anita Diamant - 1991
Living a Jewish Life is your guide to the cultural and spiritual treasures of Judaism, explained in ways that address the choices posed by modern life. From hanging a mezuzah to celebrating a wedding, from lighting Sabbath candles to choosing a synagogue that's right for you and your family, you will find "why-to's" and "how-to's" in these pages, which are tuned to both the realities of the modern world and the timeless, grounding rhythms of Jewish tradition.Spanning the spectrum of liberal Jewish thought -- Conservative, Reconstructionist and Reform, unaffiliated, new age and secular -- this book provides a sensitive and practical introduction to making Judaism a meaningful part of your life.Filled with anecdotes, lore, memorable quotations, history, prayers and ceremonies, Living a Jewish Life celebrates the diversity, joy and fulfillment of Jewish life today. This book is filled with your Jewish choices.
To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service
Hayim Halevy Donin - 1991
Unexcelled for beginners as well as the religiously observant, To Pray as a Jew is intended to show the way, to enlighten, and hopefully to inspire.
Inner Space: Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation and Prophecy
Aryeh Kaplan - 1991
In Part Two, Rabbi Kaplan explores the text of Ezekiel's "Vision of the Chariot". He reveals that all prophecy stems from meditation and details the training a prophet undergoes.(254 Pages)
The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust
Tom Segev - 1991
Drawing on diaries, interviews, and thousands of declassified documents, Segev reconsiders the major struggles and personalities of Israel's past, including Ben-Gurion, Begin, and Nahum Goldmann, and argues that the nation's legacy has, at critical moments - the Exodus affair, the Eichmann trial, the case of John Demjanjuk - have been molded and manipulated in accordance with the ideological requirements of the state. The Seventh Million uncovers a vast and complex story and reveals how the bitter events of decades past continue to shape the experiences not just of individuals but of a nation.
Benevolence and Betrayal: Five Italian Jewish Families Under Fascism
Alexander Stille - 1991
An extraordinary montage that resurrects a forgotten and tragic era.
A Line Out for a Walk: Familiar Essays
Joseph Epstein - 1991
Paul Klee's words on his art, "I take a line out for a walk," describe precisely what the author of these essays does—he takes out such "lines" as gossip, gambling, height (or the lack of it), hats, smoking, fame or compulsive reading and "walks them" in his own discursive style.
Becoming a Jew
Maurice Lamm - 1991
This book describes the odyssey of the convert and charts the traditional approach to conversion that has guided untold hundreds of thousands of people for more than three millennia.
Jacob's Journey
Noah benShea - 1991
Now, once again, Jacob's life is changing. The villagers propose that he give up baking and become their holy man. Instead, Jacob sets out on a journey, alone without destination. What he learns is shared in this treasure of plain-spoken wisdom.
Exodus: The Traditional Hebrew Text With the New Jps Translation (J P S Torah Commentary)
Nahum M. Sarna - 1991
Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field. Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources. Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.
Deborah, Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America
Letty Cottin Pogrebin - 1991
A leading feminist activist, author, and nationally known lecturer writes of her struggle to integrate a feminist head with a Jewish heart.
Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume II
Aryeh Kaplan - 1991
Included in this volume: Jerusalem The Eye Of The Universe What is the significance of Jerusalem? Why is it the most important place on earth? What is its uniqueness? Why is it the only city mentioned in our prayers? What is the source of its holiness? Why can the Temple be located only on this one spot? What is the mystery of its origin? How are Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel connected with it? Why is its status so significant to its friends and enemies? This deep and revealing book contains the answers to these questions and many more. Tzitzith - A Thread Of Light Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan delves deeply into the mystery of the commandment of Tzitzith to reveal the link between Tzitzith and the ability of man to overcome sin and reach towards God. This rewarding book provides insights into the connection between passion, clothes, self - control and the story of the serpent. Tzitzith is the symbol of The God - instilled ability to choose freely and be master of our lives. This masterful book covers every aspect of this important commandment from the practical to the mystical. Sabbath Day of Eternity Why is the Sabbath the only religious observance mentioned in the Ten Commandments? Why does the Talmud call the Sabbath "a taste of the world to come?" Why is the Sabbath gaining adherents in an age of rapidly expanding technology? How can we explain the mysterious hold of the Sabbath over the Jew? What is the connection between the Sabbath, belief in God, affirmation of God as the Creator of all things, the Exodus from Egypt and the coming of the Messiah? Sabbath - Day of Eternity, by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
Judaism: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
Hans Küng - 1991
Ever the Catholic Church's "faithful critic," Kung displays a dazzling breadth of scholarship. Professor of ecumenical theology at the University of Tubingen, he bases his approach on five historical paradigm shifts: Jewish apocalyptic Christianity, early church ecumenism, the Roman system in the medieval papal church, the Reformation, and modern democracy. He notes dominant influences in each, presenting his convictions on the essence of Christianity and moving toward a polycentrism where Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical traditions are not mutually exclusive. Over 30 diagrams and many stimulating "questions for the future" sidebars are included. Not all readers will accept the views of this Vatican II peritus (nor did the Vatican in 1973). But the work is a remarkable achievement for a church always in need of reform and reformers. Recommended for all theology collections.
To Play With Fire: One Woman's Remarkable Odyssey
Tova Mordechai - 1991
Born the daughter of an Egyptian Jewish mother and a British Protestant evangelical father, Tova Mordechai presents the powerful real-life account of her tumultuous journey to Judaism as she grapples with Christianity and finds freedom in her Jewish roots.
And the Bridge Is Love
Faye Moskowitz - 1991
. . . Touching and compelling."—The Washington PostThe Feminist Press brings back into print a literary gem. And the Bridge Is Love is a timeless collection of life stories about growing up in a Jewish family in Detroit during the Depression and becoming a writer in Washington, DC. The essays range from one on a friend who is dying to a hilarious account of binge eating at a wedding. In between these two poles is a world both modern and old-fashioned, vivid, yet vanishing.
Sages and Dreamers
Elie Wiesel - 1991
Twenty-five portraits of figures from the Jewish tradition explore the mysteries of Jewish existence and themes of humility, silence, loyalty, and truth.
Chicken Man
Michelle Edwards - 1991
When he worked in the kibbutz chicken house, he sang so loudly that everyone began to think the chicken house must be the place to work. So Rody was moved to the laundry and Bracha took over the poultry. Can the chickens find a way to bring Rody back to them? Full-color illustrations.
Jewels And Ashes
Arnold Zable - 1991
Zable travels from Australia to the Eastern European countryside of his parents' remembrance to understand the present-the inner lives of those who, like his parents, survived the hatred but lost every trace of family. Winner of top Australian literary awards.
Cry of the Peacock
Gina B. Nahai - 1991
She is the descendant of a three-thousand-year-old tribe of Jews -- the oldest community in diaspora, a people largely unknown to the outside world. He is a singer in the royal court, a wealthy man known for his good looks and his charm. A decade later, she will become the first woman in her ghetto ever to have left her husband. Against the backdrop of two hundred years of history, CRY OF THE PEACOCK traces the story of a Jewish woman caught in the turmoil of twentieth-century Iran. Told in a series of wondrous linked tales that weave a rich and epic tapestry, it is a magical journey inside the Iranian nation and its people. For the first time in any Western language this story of Iranian Jews offers an insider's glimpse into one of the most critical parts of the world today.
The Practical Talmud Dictionary
Yitzhak Frank - 1991
With over 3,500 definitions, appendices, abbreviations, and more. Authoritative, easy-to-use, vowelized Aramaic text with English translation. Revised edition. A publication of the Ariel Institute. 336 pps.
Death of an American Jewish Community
Hillel Levine - 1991
Written by a sociologist and a journalist, the authors believe that their findings may be true for American cities in general. The lessons included in this book are essential for students of ethnic relations and urban affairs.
Robert Graves & the Hebrew Myths
Raphael Patai - 1991
The friendship between Graves and Patai began in 1947 when Graves, having read Patai's book Man and Temple, wrote him a "fan letter" full of remarkable scholarly comments and reflections. It was the beginning of an exchange of letters between the two authors that led to their participation in each other's books and studies, joint public appearances in lectures and interviews, mutual visits, and a lasting friendship. In addition to the nearly two hundred letters they exchanged that are published here for the first time, the book contains the full recorded texts of a long conversation between them about the Hebrew myths, a joint lecture in New York City, and a radio interview. It also includes the lecture Graves gave to the London Hillel Foundation on "Hebrew and European Myths Contrasted," and Patai's long essay on "Myth and Hebrew Myth," originally planned as an introduction to the Hebrew Myths but not published until now. The book discusses other writings produced by Graves and Patai and the reaction of the scholarly and literary world to their joint work and their major separate publications. Patai also allows a glimpse into the private lives of the two authors, including their struggles and successes, their frustrations and achievements. Robert Graves and the Hebrew Myths gives rare insight into the lengthy process of gestation that preceded the writing of the Hebrew Myths; the exchanges that led to the reconciliation of the two authors' different views and approaches; the meticulous care they invested in its planning, construction, and execution; and the production of the terse and dramatic presentation that characterizes the book. This volume is a unique account of a difficult but successful collaboration between two wri
Conquer the Darkness: A Joyous Story of Teenage Triumph Over Adversity
Estie Florans - 1991
A phone call brings Renee Greenberg back to a chapter of her life that had brought pain and fear, but ended in love and laughter.
Hesitant Fire: Selected Prose of Max Jacob
Max Jacob - 1991
His influence on modern French poetry was profound, and his modernist lyrical verse is still widely read. Much of his other work is equally exciting and original, but has waited decades for capable translators. Hesitant Fire makes available for the first time in English some of his best prose. The translators, Moishe Black and Maria Green, have succeeded in catching his gift for linguistic innovation, for mimicry and buffoonery often a millimeter away from melancholy.This anthology displays Jacob’s versatility, for he wrote in a dozen styles. The Story of King Kabul the First and Gawain the Kitchen-Boy is a fable populated by Balibridgians and Bouloulabassians. Excerpts from In Defense of Tartufe reveal the poet’s mysticism and aestheticism. Those from The Flowering Plant offer brilliant social analysis behind a mask of the Absurd. Flim-Flam studies such characters as “The Lawyer Who Meant to Have Two Wives Instead of One” and “The Unmarried Teacher at the High School in Cherbourg.” The Dullard Prince blends autobiography and fiction. Letters to Mrs. Goldencalf and other imaginary members of the bourgeoisie are taken from The Dark Room. Never before published, “The Maid” was inspired by a contemporary murder case. Also included here are portions of The Bouchaballe Property, Jacob’s favorite of his own novels; entries from A Traveler’s Notebook; personal letters; and four religious meditations. For many English-language readers, Hesitant Fire will be in introduction to a writer who was an immediate precursor of Surrealism, who was a close friend of Picasso and Apollinaire, who converted to Catholicism but retained an intensely Jewish outlook, and who produced work that is still vivid nearly a half-century after his death.
Holy Bible: Hebrew-Israel Bible
Anonymous - 1991
Complete Hebrew Bible with Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia 2nd edition Old Testament without critical apparatus and modern Hebrew New Testament (Bible Society in Israel Version, 1991).
Jesus Jewishness
James H. Charlesworth - 1991
Among the contributors are Harvey Cox, James Charlesworth, Hans Kung, John Meier, David Flusser and Alan Segal.
The Juggler & the King
Aharon Feldman - 1991
An exciting expansion of the Vilna Gaon's powerful ideas on the purpose of Creation, the Jewish People and its history and destiny, and the coming of Mashiach.
Selected Poetry and Prose
Abraham Sutzkever - 1991
Sutzkever, one of the major twentieth-century masters of verse and the last of the great Yiddish poets, is presented to the English reader in this banquet of poetry, narrative verse, and poetic fiction. Sutzkever's imposing body of work links images from Israel's present and past with the extinction of the Jews of Europe and with deeply personal reflection on human existence.In Sutzkever's poetry the Yiddish language attains a refinement, richness of sound, and complexity of meaning unknown before. His poetry has been translated into many languages, but this is the most comprehensive presentation of his work in English. Benjamin Harshav provides a biography of the poet and a critical assessment of his writings in the context of his times. The illustrations were originally created for Sutzkever's work by such artists as Marc Chagall, Yosl Bergner, Mane-Katz, Yankl Adler, and Reuven Rubin.
Falsettoland (Vocal Selections)
William Finn - 1991
A Day in Falsettoland * Something Bad Is Happening * What More Can I Say? * Everyone Hates His Parents * The Baseball Game * Holding to the Ground * Unlikely Lovers * What Would I Do * You Gotta Die Sometime.
All the Lights in the Night
Arthur A. Levine - 1991
With only a battered old lamp for comfort--and a single night's worth of oil--they try to keep up their spirits by telling the story of Hanukkah. And, when that night finally comes, they light the old lamp, and hope for a miracle.
The Shabbos Kitchen: A Comprehensive Halachic Guide to the Preparation of Food and Other Kitchen Activities on Shabbos (Artscroll Halachah Series)
Simcha Bunim Cohen - 1991
A comprehensive halachic guide to the preparation of food and other kitchen activities on Shabbos.
A Torah Commentary for Our Times: Exodus and Leviticus (Torah Commentary for Our Times)
Harvey J. Fields - 1991
Perfect for beginning Torah students of all ages and scholars seeking new angles on the text. This volume focuses on Exodus and Leviticus. All three volumes may be bought as a boxed set.
The Warsaw Ghetto: A Photographic Record, 1941-1944
Joe J. Heydecker - 1991
Treasury of Christmas Carols
Jerry Silverman - 1991
Hundreds of color illustrations highlight the beauty and majesty of these beloved carols. To enrich our enjoyment even more the author has given us a brief history of each song. All our favorites are here, from Silent Night, Holy Night to Deck the Halls, and from O Come, O Come Emmanuel to Jingle Bells.