Best of
Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart
Jacques Philippe - 1991
This classic work is a short treatise on peace of heart in a world where restlessness and anxiety too often take the place of the confidence and peace which ought to be ours.
The New Testament and the People of God
N.T. Wright - 1991
Part of a five-volume project on the theological questions surrounding the origins of Christianity, this book offers a reappraisal of literary, historical and theological readings of the New Testament, arguing for a form of "critical realism" that facilitates different readings of the text.Provides a historical, theological and literary study of first-century Judaism and Christianity, offering a preliminary discussion of the meaning of the word ‘god’ within those cultures.
The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1991
In his highly-acclaimed book of the same title, he shares the deeply personal meditation that led him to discover the place within which God has chosen to dwell. This Lent course, which has been adapted from the book, helps us to reflect on the meaning of the parable for our own lives. Divided into five sessions, the course moves through the parable exploring our reaction to the story: the younger son's leaving and return, the father's restoration of sonship, the elder son's resentment and the father's compassion. All of us who have experienced loneliness, dejection, jealousy or anger will respond to the persistent themes of homecoming, affirmation and reconciliation.
Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love
Jerry Bridges - 1991
(Practical Life)
In the Eye of the Storm
Max Lucado - 1991
One score is brassy with exuberance -- the next moans with sorrow.Whatever you call it -- call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it "the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior." Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down.Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands.If you've ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center -- a place you can stand when your world gets windy. "The Eye of the Storm."""
How Long, O Lord?: Reflections on Suffering and Evil
D.A. Carson - 1991
Carson brings together a close, careful exposition of key biblical passages with helpful pastoral applications. The second edition has been updated throughout.
Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible
Howard G. Hendricks - 1991
With over 300,000 sold, this revised and expanded edition of Living by the Book will remove the barriers that keep Scripture from transforming your life. In a simple, step-by-step fashion, the authors explain how to glean truth from Scripture. It is practical, readable, and applicable. By following its easy-to-apply principles, you'll soon find yourself drawing great nourishment from the Word—and enjoying the process! The Living by the Book Workbook is the perfect compliment to provide practical application of lessons.
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
David R. Johnson - 1991
In a breakthrough book first published in 1991, the authors address the dynamics in churches that can ensnare people in legalism, guilt, and begrudging service, keeping them from the grace and joy of God's kingdom.Written for both those who feel abused and those who may be causing it, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse shows how people get hooked into abusive systems, the impact of controlling leadership on a congregation, and how the abused believer can find rest and recovery.
Putting Amazing Back into Grace: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel
Michael S. Horton - 1991
This title lays out the scriptural basis for this doctrine.
Possessing the Gates of the Enemy: An Intercessionary Prayer Manual
Cindy Jacobs - 1991
Encouraging readers on how to intercede in prayer against the forces of darkness in this world, this book advises intercessors on how to go about their praying ministry at both individual and church prayer group level, whether they are absolute beginners or experienced in intercession.
Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination
Eugene H. Peterson - 1991
John engages the imagination and awakens the intellect to the vitality and relevance of the last words on scripture, Christ, church, worship, evil, prayer, witness, politics, judgement, salvation, and heaven.
I Come Quietly to Meet You An Intimate Journey in Gods Presence
Amy Carmichael - 1991
Amy Carmichael remained faithful to God through times of material need, physical danger, pain, debilitating illness, disappointment, and attack by friends. From this crucible she guides readers into a deeper friendship with the Father who is always trustworthy. Formerly released as You Are My Hiding Place.
The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's Delight in Being God
John Piper - 1991
It is about the One we were made for—God Himself. In this theological masterpiece—chosen by World Magazine as one of the 20th Century’s top 100 books, John Piper reveals the biblical evidence to help us see and savor what the pleasures of God show us about Him. Then we will be able to drink deeply—and satisfyingly—from the only well that offers living water.What followers of Jesus need now, more than anything else, is to know and love—behold and embrace—the great, glorious, sovereign, happy God of the Bible. “This is a unique and precious book that everybody should read more than once.”J.I. PACKERRegent College, Vancouver, British Columbia Includes a study guide for individual and small-group use.
Bold Love
Dan B. Allender - 1991
Rather, it is disruptive, courageous, and socially unacceptable. In Bold Love, Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman III draw out the aggressive, unrelenting, passionate power of genuine love. Far from helping you "get along" with others, Bold Love introduces the outlandish possibility of making a significant, life-changing impact on family, friends, coworkers--even your enemies. Learn more about forgiveness, maturity, and seeing others through Jesus' eyes.
The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
William Lane Craig - 1991
Provides in-depth and cutting-edge treatment of natural theology's main arguments Includes contributions from first-rate philosophers well known for their work on the relevant topics Updates relevant arguments in light of the most current, state-of-the-art philosophical and scientific discussions Stands in useful contrast and opposition to the arguments of the 'new atheists'
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Donald S. Whitney - 1991
Drawn from a rich heritage, "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines, including:Scripture readingPrayerWorshipScripture meditationEvangelismServingStewardship of time and moneyScripture applicationFastingSilence and solitudeJournalingLearningBy illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity.
Your Faith In God Will Work
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1991
Believers can learn to exercise their faith in God's Word so His promises will come to pass in their lives.
Ordinary Time Weeks 13-23 (In Conversation with God, Vol. 4)
Francisco Fernández-Carvajal - 1991
This work is rich and extensive enough to serve as your spiritual reading for a lifetime, as it helps you relate the particulars of the message of Christ to the ordinary circumstances of your day. Each volume is small enough for you to carry it to Adoration or some other suitable place for meditation. The whole set comes with a handsome slipcase that prevents wear-and-tear on the individual volumes.
Complete Word Study New Testament: KJV Edition
Spiros Zodhiates - 1991
Available currently in the King James Version, the text of Scripture comes alive, as you are able to research important information about each Greek word within each volume
A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, Volume I - The Roots of the Problem and the Person
John P. Meier - 1991
In this definitive book on the real, historical Jesus, one of our foremost biblical scholars meticulously sifts the evidence of 2,000 years to portray neither a rural magician nor a figure of obvious power, but a marginal Jew.
How To Worship Jesus Christ
Joseph S. Carroll - 1991
True worship requires complete commitment of emotions, intellect, and will, but the reward is great. Carroll points the reader into the presence of Christ by teaching practical steps of personal worship. He also draws on the habits and experiences of some of history's greatest saints to serve as examples and guides.This deeply practical and personal book will help you know Jesus more intimately on a daily basis. It will draw readers close to Christ in a real way, to experience His presence, and to worship Him in ways far better than what most imagine to be possible.
You Are My Hiding Place
David Hazard - 1991
from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."Can I trust God in every circumstance? Can I rely on His promises--of protection, security, safety, provision, comfort--when I most need them? Is God always there for me? So many struggle to find confidence in God. Amy Carmichael stepped faithfully into the darkness surrounding her, and found the greatest "refuge" of all--the sheltering love of God, who is with us in all things.When Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) arrived in India, she had no idea the dangerous work ahead--to save young girls from cult prostitution in Hindu temples. Nor could she imagine the times of material need, physical danger, pain and debilitating illness, disappointment and attack by friends. From this crucible, she writes of her uplifting times with God--who calls us all to find safety in Him, to live honestly before Him, and to receive peace as we live in His presence.
God's Final Word: Understanding Revelation
Ray C. Stedman - 1991
Ray Stedman guides you on a verse-by-verse exploration of the book of Revelation, bringing to life the mysteries of this highly symbolic book of the Bible. God's Final Word encompasses and brings into brilliant focus the entire scope of human history—of eternity itself.
Prodigals and Those Who Love Them
Ruth Bell Graham - 1991
Beloved author Ruth Bell Graham knew about prodigals--two of her five children were spiritual wanderers. In this time-tested classic, she offers encouragement to those who anxiously wait.This is not a "how to" book that dispenses advice on ways to win back a prodigal. Instead, it is a collection of readings one woman turned to for comfort when her children wandered from God. It shows how Graham's faith persevered and grew regardless of the outcome of her prodigals' stories. In Part One, Graham introduces you to five prodigals who "returned to the father." In Part Two, she offers comfort and encouragement through Scripture, poems, hymns, prayers, and more. You will be touched by the honest feelings of pain, frustration, and uncertainty Graham expresses so eloquently. And you will share in the lessons she learned about God's sovereignty and ultimate peace. Now beautifully repackaged, Prodigals and Those Who Love Them brings peace and hope to all parents of "wayward" children.
Drinking from a Dry Well
Thomas H. Green - 1991
Green returns to the "dry well" to explore the dryness and help readers discover how to live gracefully while "drinking from a dry well of prayer."
Signs in the Heavens
Chuck Missler - 1991
The Long Day of Joshua The recent insights from celestial mechanics, including orbital resonance, may shed new light on the famous Biblical Battle of Beth-Horon (Joshua Chapter 10) and suggest the possibility that the Planet Mars may have been a fearsome participant. Implications on ancient calendars and other events are also addressed.
Shadow of Calvary
Hugh Martin - 1991
He interprets these events in the light of the fulfilment of the Scriptures and subsequent fruit of Christ's suffering.
Living with Wisdom: A Life of Thomas Merton
Jim Forest - 1991
Traces the life of the Trappist monk and influential writer, and briefly describes his views on prayer, war, civil rights, and the religious traditions of the East.
The Prisoner in the Third Cell
Gene Edwards - 1991
Imprisoned by Herod, John the Baptist struggles to understand a Lord who did not meet his expectations; a dramatic account offering insight into the ways of God.
The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholar's Version
Robert J. Miller - 1991
The new Scholars Version translation captures the full spirit and vitality of the original texts. This gospel picture of early traditions and Christian origins gives the reader a fresh and exciting glimpse into the world of Jesus and his followers. Informative and highly-readable introductions, essays, notes, and annotations make this work a remarkably comprehensive one-volume library of all gospel texts.
By This Standard: The Authority of God's Law Today
Greg L. Bahnsen - 1991
This is where any discussion of God's law ultimately arrives: the issue of dominion. Ask yourself: Who is to rule on earth, Christ or Satan? Whose followers have the ethically acceptable tool of dominion, Christ's or Satan's? What is this tool of dominion, the Biblically revealed law of God, or the law of self-proclaimed autonomous man? Whose word is sovereign, God's or man's?Millions of Christians, sadly, have not recognized the continuing authority of God's law or its many applications to modern society. They have thereby reaped the whirlwind of cultural and intellectual impotence. They implicitly denied the power of the death and resurrection of Christ. They have served as footstools for the enemies of God. But humanism's free ride is coming to an end. This book serves as an introduction to this woefully neglected topic.
Elements of Faith: An Introduction to Orthodox Theology
Christos Yannaras - 1991
A clear and concise introduction to Orthodox theology.
3:16 - Bible Texts Illuminated
Donald Ervin Knuth - 1991
Donald E. Knuth so loved the Bible that he dedicated five years of his life to creating this masterpiece. With it, you will learn about each 3:16 verse of the Bible, how it came to be written, and how it contributes to the wholeness of the Bible.
Fresh Fire: When you are finally serious about power in the last days.
Mario Murillo - 1991
He is submerging the world as fast as possible in despair, violence and filth. He labors to side track the Spirit-filled movement with everything from a form of godliness that denies the power, to out and out foolishness. This is a book for those who would thrive amid last day insanity. This is for those who cry out from an undivided heart, "God drench me in apathy-killing, fear destroying, devil busting fresh fire."
The Passover Parable
Larry D. Harper - 1991
Yet few today can find any reference to Jesus Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures because they don’t understand that God has used parables since the time of Moses to speak concerning His Son. The Passover Parable is at the heart of God’s message concerning His Firstborn Son, Jesus Christ. That message can be seen in the carefully orchestrated parabolic pantomime that God directed Corporate Israel, His Firstborn Son (Ex. 4:22), to enact during the Exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt.
Saviour of the World
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield - 1991
The result is a book of the highest order - biblically instructive and spiritually engaging.
Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology
Roch A. Kereszty - 1991
In dialogue with contemporary concerns and controversies, it presents a penetrating and integral approach to the mystery of Christ, with broad appeal to Roman Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians alike. In it they will find an articulation of their common faith in Jesus, the Christ, true God and true man. Though written as a Christology text on the graduate level, the book should interest any educated reader who seeks to know Jesus.
Amazing Grace
John Newton - 1991
Judy Collins recounts the dramatic story behind the hymn and its miraculous influence on her life.This edition presents the complete lyrics, keyed line-by-line to the music, and is beautifully illustrated with inspirational photographs.
The Christian Book of Mystical Verse: A Collection of Poems, Hymns, and Prayers for Devotional Reading
A.W. Tozer - 1991
some of the best devotional verse the English language affords..."
While the term "mystic" may have connotations that reach beyond traditional Christian thinking, it actually refers to a common spiritual experience that unites anyone who has fellowship with God.
The poems in this book were hand-picked by Tozer and follow a logical pattern, going in line with the very nature of salvation itself and the death of Jesus on the cross, man's contemplation of his own sin, redemption, communion with God, awaiting the return of Christ, and celebrations of eternal fellowship with God in Heaven.
Both intimate and exhilarating, The Christian Book of Mystical Verse is a book for anyone who seeks to worship God the Father, and who finds the rich language of Christians of old a great help in that endeavor.
Bold as a Lamb: Pastor Samuel Lamb and the Underground Church of China
Ken Anderson - 1991
In 1950 China's Christians numbered about a million. Today, estimates range between 30 and 70 million! How did this body of believers grow so rapidly under atheism and materialism? Bold as a Lamb is the true story of Pastor Samuel Lamb. Imprisoned for more than twenty years for preaching the Gospel, he became the beloved secret pastor to hundreds of fellow inmates. After his release in 1978, he built a phenomenal "house church" congregation of more than a thousand. Soon, however, he became the special target of those determined to destroy the mushrooming house church movement in China. His church was closed and his ministry tools were confiscated. Yet this man remains undaunted, standing boldly -- and with spiritual grace, against fierce opposition. This is the fascinating, eye-opening account of one of China's best-known pastors, his dauntless congregation, and how they found joy and optimism in the face of relentless persecution.
Common Ground: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity for the American Christian
Jordan Bajis - 1991
I (the author) make no attempt to persuade the reader that a proper understanding of these things is essential. I assume you already believe this. ( If you did not believe this, I don't think you would have bought the book.) But before many can penetrate to the core of the Christian Faith, they will have to hurdle the tall, and wide obstacle that presses in on them at every step: the biases of their own culture.The reader should be aware that this book has many limitations. First, this book is not a thorough exposition on Eastern Christianity but only a sketch of its vision. Second, I purposely do not outline every Evangelical and Catholic position Again, my main purpose is to describe the Eastern vision of Christianity, not offer a comparative review of it against every stream of the faith. And third, although the perspectives represented in this book are sympathetic to those of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, I confine my comments to that denomination's theology, not to its present government or practices (many of which ignore its own teachings.)
The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple
Ishwar Sharan - 1991
Thomas in India legend―its origin, history and communal ramifications―and is named after the main, 24-chapter essay by Ishwar Sharan. The book also includes many independent, penetrating articles by senior journalists and scholars. The book exposes the vicious blood libel against Hindus perpetrated by Christians for centuries regarding the harassment and execution of St. Thomas during his alleged Mylapore sojourn. A chapter documents the pronounced pro-Christian bias of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and popular on-line reference portal Wikipedia. Both encyclopedias carry fanciful, non-factual entries for St. Thomas the Apostle in India that they refuse to correct or change.And last but not least, the book documents the destruction of the original Kapaleeshwara Shiva Temple by the Portuguese and its replacement by the San Thome Cathedral Basilica on the Mylapore beach in Chennai.With references and comprehensive bibliography.
Come Follow to You: Reflections on Jesus of Nazareth Vol 2
Osho - 1991
That is, he speaks on Christ, not on Christianity. The Christ that Osho speaks about is alive, vital. As Osho comments on the sayings of Jesus, suddenly what Jesus was trying to impart becomes luminously clear, startlingly relevant. In addition, Osho answers questions from his listeners such as: How does consciousness relate to God? Did Jesus manipulate the High Priests to bring about his martyrdom?
Overeating: A Dialogue : An Application of the Principles of a Course in Miracles
Kenneth Wapnick - 1991
In a discussion with three students of A Course in Miracles, Kenneth points out the ego dynamics involved, and how forgiveness and the choice to accept the Holy Spirit's purpose of experiencing the peace of God, rather than the ego's purpose of fostering guilt can be applied to the issues raised.
Life In Christ: A Guide For Daily Living
John R.W. Stott - 1991
John Stott draws from his profound experience and his scholarly knowledge of the New Testament to present the different aspects of Christ's power in the Christian's life.
The School Of Prayer: An Introduction to the Divine Office for All Christians
John Brook - 1991
Here is a clear, simple, and complete introduction that will guide anyone wishing to take up morning, evening, and night prayer from the Divine Office.The basic principle of the Office is explained, and the method of putting the principle into practice is detailed. With the Office providing both the words and the discipline, a consistent prayer life based on the Divine Office can be built. Pocket-sized, with ribbon marker.
Searching for Shalom: Resources for Creative Worship
Ann Weems - 1991
It is more than the absence of stress and much more than peace. It is a peace that surpasses understanding; it is a promised gift. This book of eloquent poems, monologues, and worship resources is about the search for shalom.
The Foundations of Mysticism : Origins to the Fifth Century
Bernard McGinn - 1991
In Part 2, McGinn discusses Western Christian mysticism proper, with special attention to Augustine of Hippo. Of special interest is the now-influential appendix, which reviews various theoretical approaches to mysticism.
Commentary on Isaiah
Franz Delitzsch - 1991
He is best remembered today for his Old Testament Commentary series, a collaboration with Johann Friedrich Karl Keil.
Simplicity: The Art of Living
Richard Rohr - 1991
The ancient call of Saint Francis to the simple life is sounded once again by America's foremost Franciscan, Richard Rohr, in "Simplicity: The Art of Living."
Up From The Rubble
Peter J. Dyck - 1991
Readers can re-live those incredible days following World War II when the Dycks helped Mennonite refugees escape from war-torn Europe and to find new homes in South America and Canada. In addition to the epic story, the book contains many photos.Read a tribute to Peter Dyck.
On the Nature and Existence of God
Richard M. Gale - 1991
New versions of cosmological, ontological, and religious experience arguments are critically evaluated, along with pragmatic arguments to justify faith on the grounds of its prudential or moral benefits. In considering arguments for and against the existence of God, Gale is able to clarify many important philosophical concepts including exploration, time, free will, personhood, actuality, and the objectivity of experience.
Austin Farrer: The Essential Sermons
Austin Farrer - 1991
An insightful collection of sermons from Austin Farrer, Warden of Keble College, Oxford from 1960 until his death in 1968.
Salvation: The Bible and Roman Catholicism
William Webster - 1991
In doing so he appleals both to authoritative Roman Catholic documents and to the Bible. William Webster brings a special qualification to his study - although now a Protestant, he was educated as a Roman Catholic.
Jesus, Man of Joy
Sherwood Eliot Wirt - 1991
Readers catch a glimpse of the passion, playfulness, and excitement of the Lord, and are reminded to enjoy life to the fullest.
Homilies on the Gospel Book One - Advent to Lent
Bede - 1991
His influence was enormous. Yet modern readers associate this remarkable scholar-monk only with his History of the English Church and Nation and ignore the works he saw as his chief accomplishment.
The Interlinear KJV-NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek & English
Alfred Marshall - 1991
The marginal text is the 21st edition of Eberhard Nestle's Novum Testamentum Graece..
The Promise: A Celebration of Christ's Birth
Michael Card - 1991
Michael card leads us on a journey through the world as it awaited Jesus at his first coming.
John Wesley's Sermons: An Introduction
Albert Cook Outler - 1991
Outler's widely acclaimed introduction to Volume 1 of The Works of John Wesley in a single inexpensive paperback. No student of John Wesley will need to be reminded of Albert Outler's stature, or the significance of his contribution to twentieth-century Wesleyan studies. Contents A Career in Retrospect The Preacher and His Preaching The Sermon Corpus Theological Method and the Problems of development Wesley and His Sources On Reading Wesley's Sermons
Favorite Prayers To Our Lady: The Most Beautiful Prayers Found In The Liturgy Tradition Of The Church
Anthony M. Buono - 1991
Compiled and edited by Anthony M. Buono, this book offers prayers from the Church\'s Liturgy and Tradition including Novenas, Devotions, and prayers for a variety of occasions. A wonderful year-round resource, Favorite Prayers to Our Lady contains prayers for every day of the week and every month of the year. With a lovely illustrated front cover, this 150-page, large print volume is printed and illustrated in two colors. This edition has been updated in accord with the Roman Missal.
The Wounded Heart of God: The Asian Concept of Han and the Christian Doctrine of Sin
Andrew Sung Park - 1991
Andrew Sung Park addresses the relational consequence of sin--the pervasive reality of victims' suffering and the scar from the sins of others who have wronged them. He asserts that one cannot grasp the full meaning of the sin and guilt of siners until one has looked at the concept han or the shame of the victims. If reconciliation with God and with other humans is to take place, not only must one's sin be repented and one's guilt forgiven, but the han of those who have been wronged must be healed.
The Strategic Grasp of the Bible: Studies in the Structural and Dispensational Characteristics of the Bible
J. Sidlow Baxter - 1991