Best of
The Development Dictionary: A Guide to Knowledge as Power
Wolfgang Sachs - 1991
Exposing their historical obsolescence and intellectual sterility, the authors call for a bidding farewell to the whole Eurocentric development idea. This is urgently needed, they argue, in order to liberate people’s minds - in both North and South - for bold responses to the environmental and ethical challenges now confronting humanity.These essays are an invitation to experts, grassroots movements and students of development to recognize the tainted glasses they put on whenever they participate in the development discourse.
The World As Design
Otl Aicher - 1991
In moving through the history of thought and design, building and construction, he assures us of the possibilities of arranging existence in a humane fashion. As ever he is concerned with the question of the conditions needed to produce a civilised culture. These conditions have to be fought for against apparent factual or material constraints and spiritual and intellectual substitutes on offer.Otl Aicher likes a dispute. For this reason, the volume contains polemical statements on cultural and political subjects as well as practical reports and historical exposition. He fights with productive obstinacy, above all for the renewal of Modernism, which he claims has largely exhausted itself in aesthetic visions; he insists the ordinary working day is still more important than the "cultural Sunday."
Philosophical Papers, Volume 2: Essays on Heidegger and Others
Richard Rorty - 1991
His four essays on Heidegger include "Philosophy as Science, as Metaphor and as Politics" and "Heidegger, Kundera, and Dickens;" three essays on Derrida (including "Deconstruction and Circumvention" and "Is Derrida a Transcendental Philosopher?") are followed by a discussion of the uses to which Paul de Man and his followers have put certain Derridean ideas. Rorty's concluding essays broaden outward with an essay on "Freud and Moral Deliberation" and essays discussing the social theories and political attitudes of various contemporary figures--Foucault, Lyotard, Habermas, Unger, and Castoriadis.
Art in the Light of Conscience: Eight Essays on Poetry
Marina Tsvetaeva - 1991
Overnight sensation and oft-times pariah, Tsvetaeva was a poet of extraordinary intensity whose work continues to be discovered by new readers. Yet, while she is considered to be one of the major influences on modern Soviet poetry, few know of her consummate gifts as a writer of prose. These select essays, most of which have never been available in translation before, display the dazzlingly original prose style and the powerful, dialogic voice of a poet who would like to make art's mystery accessible without diminishing it. The essays provide incomparable insight on poetry, the poetic process, and what it means to be a poet. The volume offers, among many fascinating topics, a celebration of the poetry of Pasternak and reflections on the lives and works of other Russian poets, such as Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, and Zhukovsky. Included in this richly diverse collection are the essays The Poet on the Critic, which earned Tsvetaeva the enmity of many, Art in the Light of Conscience, a spirited defense of poetry, and The Poet and Time, seen by many scholars as providing the key to understanding Tsvetaeva's work. The immense power and originality of Tsvetaeva's language, captured by Angela Livingstone's superb translation of the essays along with twelve of Tsvetaeva's poems on related themes, is testimony to why the Tsvetaev revival in the Soviet Union and interest in the West continue to gain momentum as the centenary of her birth approaches. The volume is made complete by the addition of an elegantintroduction by the translator, a chronology of Tsvetaeva's life, and an index of contemporary poets and writers mentioned in the essays.
On Justification: Economies of Worth
Luc Boltanski - 1991
Individuals, however, often misread situations, and many disagreements can be explained by people appealing, knowingly and unknowingly, to different principles. On Justification is the first English translation of Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot’s ambitious theoretical examination of these phenomena, a book that has already had a huge impact on French sociology and is likely to have a similar influence in the English-speaking world.In this foundational work of post-Bourdieu sociology, the authors examine a wide range of situations where people justify their actions. The authors argue that justifications fall into six main logics exemplified by six authors: civic (Rousseau), market (Adam Smith), industrial (Saint-Simon), domestic (Bossuet), inspiration (Augustine), and fame (Hobbes). The authors show how these justifications conflict, as people compete to legitimize their views of a situation.On Justification is likely to spark important debates across the social sciences.
Mosby's Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests
Kathleen Deska Pagana - 1991
The chapters are organized by test type and each chapter begins with a list of the tests covered within the test type, as well as an overview of that category including specimen collection techniques. The tests are presented in a consistent format that includes normal findings, indications, contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, procedure and patient care, test results and clinical significance, and related tests. This full-color book is easy to use and covers virtually every clinically significant test, including more than 50 new to this edition.
Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion
Philip Hill - 1991
The book also demonstrates how these fundamental principles can lead directly to useful quantitative assessments of performance as well as possibilities for improvement. The second edition provides a wide range of new illustrative material on modern aircraft and rocket engines. The author s have also improved their explanations of pertinent physical phenomena and have introduced preliminary design procedures in this edition.
Peter O. Gray - 1991
Peter Gray's Psychology has become a favorite of instructors with its exploration of psychology's major theories, and the evidence that supports and refutes these theories. Each edition incorporates an exceptional amount of contemporary research, encouraging students to probe for the purposes and biological origins of behavior--the "whys" and "hows" of human psychology. Peter Gray's engaging, readable writing style makes the science of psychology, and its interactions with biology, accessible and meaningful. With the new edition, Gray has taken care to ensure that his comprehensive, thought-provoking, and contemporary coverage is well-attuned to the needs and interests of today's students.
Sappho's Lyre: Archaic Lyric and Women Poets of Ancient Greece
Diane J. Rayor - 1991
Throughout the Greek world, her contemporaries composed lyric poetry full of passion, and in the centuries that followed the golden age of archaic lyric, new forms of poetry emerged. In this unique anthology, today's reader can enjoy the works of seventeen poets, including a selection of archaic lyric and the complete surviving works of the ancient Greek women poets—the latter appearing together in one volume for the first time.Sappho's Lyre is a combination of diligent research and poetic artistry. The translations are based on the most recent discoveries of papyri (including "new" Archilochos and Stesichoros) and the latest editions and scholarship. The introduction and notes provide historical and literary contexts that make this ancient poetry more accessible to modern readers.Although this book is primarily aimed at the reader who does not know Greek, it would be a splendid supplement to a Greek language course. It will also have wide appeal for readers of' ancient literature, women's studies, mythology, and lovers of poetry.
Pride Against Prejudice: A Personal Politics of Disability
Jenny Morris - 1991
Among the topics she covers are: current and historical debates on the quality of disabled peoples lives; the way disability is represented within Western culture; institutionalization and independence; feminist research and community care; and the politics of the disability movement. She asserts that, for too long, non-disabled people have not only defined the experience of disability but have had control over disabled peoples lives. This important book has grown out of an emerging organization of disabled people who are part of a powerful new culture. Jenny Morris is the author of Encounters with Strangers: Feminism and Disability, Able Lives: Womens Experience of Paralysis, and Alone Together: Voices of Single Mothers.
Dark Ladies: Conjure Wife/Our Lady of Darkness
Fritz Leiber - 1991
Norman Saylor considered it nothing but superstition, until he learned that his own wife was a practicing sorceress. Even still, he refuses to accept the truth that every woman knows...that in the secret occult warfare that governs our lives, witchcraft is a matter of life and death.Our Lady of DarknessMiddle-aged San Francisco horror writer Franz Westen is rediscovering ordinary life following a long alcoholic binge. The one day, peering at his apartment window from a top a nearby hill, he sees a pale, brown thing lean out his window...and wave.This encounter sends Westen on a quest through ancient books and modern streets, for the dark forces and paramental entities that thrive amidst the towering skyscrapers...and, meanwhile, the entities are also looking for him.
When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics
Trinh T. Minh-ha - 1991
In one essay, taking off from ideas raised earlier by Zora Neale Hurston, Trinh considers with astonishment the search by Western "experts" for the hidden values of a person or culture, a process of legitimized voyeurism that, she argues, ultimately equates psychological conflicts with depth, while inner experience is reduced to mere personal feeling.When the Moon Waxes Red is an extended argument against reductive analyses, even those that appear politically adroit. Feminist struggle is heterogeneous. The multiply-hyphenated peoples of color are not simply placed in a duality between two cultural heritages; throughout, Trinh describes the predicament of having to live "a difference that has no name and too many names already." She argues for multicultural revision of knowledge so that a new politics can transform reality rather than merely ideologize it. By rewriting the always emerging, already distorted place of struggle, such work seeks to "beat the master at his own game."
Art and Discontent
Thomas McEvilley - 1991
Thomas McEvilley confronts, in these six straightforward essays, the ideas and philosophies which have exalted art above constructive involvement in the world for two centuries. The formalist aesthetics of Clive Bell, Roger Fry, Clement Greenberg, and Susan Sontag are specifically criticized, revealing their buried assumptions and agenda. The persistence of the Romantic idea of Self is discovered at the heart of Modernism along with ideas of Spirit secretly enshrined in the distinction between abstraction and representation. Mr. McEvilley goes on to shed new light on the roots of Modernism, the collapse of the idea of history, and the subsequent development of a global discourse. He brings to Art & Discontent a commanding knowledge of Greek and Egyptian art, Western and non-Western philosophies, and the most avant garde of contemporary art and artists. In explaining why our Modernism was not unique and why it is being superseded, McEvilley suggests the functions that art can perform in a post-Modern culture and offers compelling reasons why the history of art needs to be rewritten from a thoroughly renewed perspective.
The Idea of Latin America
Walter D. Mignolo - 1991
The Idea of Latin America is a geo-political manifesto which insists on the need to leave behind an idea which belonged to the nation-building mentality of nineteenth-century Europe.Charts the history of the concept of Latin America from its emergence in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century through various permutations to the present day.Asks what is at stake in the survival of an idea which subdivides the Americas.Reinstates the indigenous peoples and migrations excluded by the image of a homogenous Latin America with defined borders.Insists on the pressing need to leave behind an idea which belonged to the nation-building mentality of nineteenth-century Europe.
The Inner Child Workbook: What to Do with Your Past When It Just Won't Go Away
Cathryn L. Taylor - 1991
Using written and verbal exercises, guided imagery, journaling, drawing, mirror work, and rituals, you can change your experience of the past.For each of the seven stages of childhood, you will follow six steps: - Identify your pain.- Research its childhood roots.- Re-experience the pain.- Separate from it.- Grieve the losses of each stage.- Ritually release the pain and reclaim the joy of each inner child.In the end, you will reap the rewards of the wisdom of your true self.This easy-to-follow six-step formula helps you contact true spirituality through ritual and imagery, while healing your inner children. The book is brilliant, and serves as a bridge between the psychological and the spiritual.--Laurel King, Author of Women of Power and coauthor of Living in the Light Cathryn Taylor takes the next step: for her, the inner child is a palpable and real force in life. Methodically she applies a healing formula for each stage of growth and development, offering each of us valuable help in completing the child's unfinished business.--Jeremiah Abrams, Editor of Reclaiming the Inner Child
Design of Machinery
Robert L. Norton - 1991
Norton provides a solid conceptual foundation of kinematics and dynamics of machinery, presented in the context of what a design engineer needs to work with. The new 3/e has revised and expanded chapter problem set- 231 new problems have been added. 88 project assignments are also included to give readers an in-depth look at mechanism design and analysis procedures in a realistic format. Coverage of compliant mechanisms and MEMS has been added in Chapter 2; a section entitled Some Useful Mechanisms is now in Chapter 3; treatment of cams in Chapters 8 has been condensed and modernized. Information on transmissions and engine dynamics has been enhanced and expanded as well. The third edition comes with a bound-in Student Resources CD-ROM, with Norton's own student-version programs, an extensive group of Working Model and Visual NASTRAN 4-D simulations and movie clips (by Sid Wang, North Carolina A&T University), additional Working Model examples, and a demonstration version of the Working Model 2-D software (which does not allow for saving or exporting files). A new Book Website includes additional instructor and student resources, scripted MATLAB simulations, and a set of interactive FE Exam questions for machine dynamics and kinematics. All chapter problem solutions are available, with password protection, on the site, and separate solutions files in Mathcad are also given.
Hipparchia's Choice: An Essay Concerning Women, Philosophy, Etc.
Michèle Le Dœuff - 1991
A feminist is a woman who does not allow anyone to think in her place."-from Hipparchia's ChoiceA work of rare insight and irreverence, Hipparchia's Choice boldly recasts the history of philosophy from the pre-Socratics to the post-Derrideans as one of masculine texts and male problems. The position of women, therefore, is less the result of a hypothetical "femininity" and more the fault of exclusion by men. Nevertheless, women have been and continue to be drawn to "the exercise of thought." So how does a female philosopher become a conceptually adventurous woman? Focusing on the work of Sartre and Beauvoir (specifically, his sexism and her relation to it), Mich�le Le Doeuff shows how women philosophers can reclaim a place for feminist concerns. Is The Second Sex a work of philosophy, and, if so, what can it teach us about the relation of philosophy to experience? Now with a new epilogue, Hipparchia's Choice points the way toward a discipline that is accountable to history, feminism, and society.
Gary Snyder: Dimensions of a Life
Jon Halper - 1991
Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education
Henry A. Giroux - 1991
With discussions of topics including the struggle over academic canon, the role of popular culture in the curriculum and the cultural war the New Right has waged on schools, Giroux identified the most pressing issues facing critical educators at the turn of the century. In this revised edition, Giroux reflects on the limits and possibilities of border crossings in the 21st century. "Borders" in our post 9/11 world have not been collapsing, he argues, but vigorously rebuilt. In order to have a truly critically engaged citizenry the challenges of these new "borders"- such as the increased militarization of public spaces, the rise of neo-liberalism, and the war in Iraq- must play a vital role in any debate on school and pedagogy.
Feminism Confronts Technology
Judy Wajcman - 1991
Wajcman argues that the identification between men and machines is not immutable but is the result of ideological and cultural processes. She surveys sociological and feminist literature on technology, highlighting the male bias in the way technology is defined as well as developed.Over the last two decades feminists have identified men's monopoly on technology as an important source of their power, women's lack of technological skills as an important element in their dependence on men. During this period, women's efforts to control their fertility have extended from abortion and contraception to mobilizing around the new reproductive technologies. At the same time there has been a proliferation of new technologies in the home and in the workplace. The political struggles emerging around reproductive technology, as well as the technologies affecting domestic work, paid labor, and the built environment, are the focus of this book.
Religion in the Andes: Vision and Imagination in Early Colonial Peru
Sabine MacCormack - 1991
Addressing problems of objectivity and authenticity, Sabine MacCormack reconstructs how Andean religion was understood by the Spanish in light of seventeenth-century European theological and philosophical movements, and by Andean writers trying to find in it antecedents to their new Christian faith.
The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India
Gyanendra Pandey - 1991
This new edition containing a preface and afterword, is a part of a larger exercise aimed at understanding the construction of Indian society, and politics as a whole in recent times by challenging the conventional analysis of communalism and providing alternative theoretical cues to grasp its nature and dynamics.
Irish Dictionary and Phrasebook: Irish-English/English-Irish (Language Dictionaries Series)
Mladen Davidovic - 1991
This title covers phrases such as travel, sightseeing, shopping, and recreation, and provides notes on grammar, pronunciation, and dialect.
Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture
Jonathan Crary - 1991
It argues that the ways in which we intently look at or listen to anything result from crucial changes in the nature of perception that can be traced back to the second half of the nineteenth century.Focusing on the period from about 1880 to 1905, Jonathan Crary examines the connections between the modernization of subjectivity and the dramatic expansion and industrialization of visual/auditory culture. At the core of his project is the paradoxical nature of modern attention, which was both a fundamental condition of individual freedom, creativity, and experience and a central element in the efficient functioning of economic and disciplinary institutions as well as the emerging spaces of mass consumption and spectacle.Crary approaches these issues through multiple analyses of single works by three key modernist painters -- Manet, Seurat, and Cezanne -- who each engaged in a singular confrontation with the disruptions, vacancies, and rifts within a perceptual field. Each in his own way discovered that sustained attentiveness, rather than fixing or securing the world, led to perceptual disintegration and loss of presence, and each used this discovery as the basis for a reinvention of representational practices."Suspensions of Perception" decisively relocates the problem of aesthetic contemplation within a broader collective encounter with the unstable nature of perception -- in psychology, philosophy, neurology, early cinema, and photography. In doing so, it provides a historical framework for understanding the current social crisis of attention amid the accelerating metamorphoses of our contemporary technological culture.
The Body Bilingual: Translation as a Re-Writing in the Feminine
Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood - 1991
In Re-Belle et Infidele/The Body Bilingual, Susanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood explores the complex terrain of translating the writing of feminists who use language innovation to create feminized space in language. Written in both French and English. "A delight for translators, writers, billinguals, ad/or feminists." - Canadian Book Review Annual
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation and Modelling
Raj Jain - 1991
Highly recommended!" -Dr. Leonard Kleinrock University of California, Los Angeles "An entirely refreshing text which has just the right mixture of theory and real world practice. The book is ideal for both classroom instruction and self-study." -Dr. Raymond L. Pickholtz President, IEEE Communications Society "An extraordinarily comprehensive treatment of both theoretical and practical issues." -Dr. Jeffrey P. Buzen Internationally recognized performance analysis expert ". it is the most thorough book available to date" -Dr. Erol Gelenbe Université René Descartes, Paris ". an extraordinary book.. A worthy addition to the bookshelf of any practicing computer or communications engineer" -Dr. Vinton G. Cer??? Chairman, ACM SIGCOMM "This is an unusual object, a textbook that one wants to sit down and peruse. The prose is clear and fluent, but more important, it is witty." -Allison Mankin The Mitre Washington Networking Center Newsletter
The English Police
Clive Emsley - 1991
Clive Emsley addresses all the major issues of debate; he explores the impact of legislation and policy at both national and local levels, and considers the claim that the English police were non-political and free from political control. In the final section, he looks at the changing experience of police life. Established as a standard introduction to the subject on its first appearance, the Second Edition has been substantially revised and is now published under the Longman imprint for the first time.
A History of the University in Europe, Volume 1: Universities in the Middle Ages
Hilde de Ridder-Symoens - 1991
No other up-to-date, comprehensive history of this type exists: its originality lies in focusing on a number of major themes viewed from a European perspective, and in its interdisciplinary, collaborative and transnational character. Volume I, covering the Middle Ages, places the medieval European universities in their social and political context. After explaining the number and types of universities from their origins in the twelfth century to around 1500, it examines the inner workings as an institution and paints a general picture of medieval student life.
Blacks in the White Establishment? A Study of Race & Class in America
Richard L. Zweigenhaft - 1991
The text is not only an account of this innovative attempt to transcend racial barriers but also a contribution to the ongoing controversy about the relative importance of race and class in American society.