Wilderness Survival Guide

Kim Mohan - 1986
    Opportunities and challenges await characters brave enough and hardy enough to take on the biggest "monster" of all --the wilderness!

Dragonlance: Adventures

Tracy Hickman - 1987
    The backgrounds for Knights of Solamnia, the wizards of High Sorcery, tinker gnomes, kender, and much more are detailed along with their AD&D game system rules. The struggle for the fate of Krynn awaits

Dark Sun: Campaign Setting

Timothy B. Brown - 1991
    This box contains several booklets:Rules Book - 96 pagesThe Wanderer's Journal - 96 pagesthe adventure 'A Little Knowledge', consisting off:A Little Knowledge - 16 pages fiction written by Jerry OltionSpiral bound Dungeon Master's Book - 24 pagesSpiral bound Player's Aid Cards book - 24 pages

Player's Handbook: Core Rulebook 1

Jonathan Tweet - 2000
    Each revision integrates user feedback received since the original product release so as to address the specific wants and needs of the player and Dungeon Master audiences. The overall rules system remains intact, with changes targeted specifically at elements of game play that were considered under-powered or incomplete. These revised editions also contain bonus content, such as new feats, that are exclusive to these editions. In addition, the new and revised content instructs players on how to take full advantage of the tie-in D&D miniatures line planned to release in Fall 2003 from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Overall changes to all the titles include making complex combat easier to understand and provide more information on interacting with and summoning monsters. Specific changes include the following: the Player's Handbook received revisions to character classes to make them more balanced, and there are revisions and additions to spell lists. Amazon.com ReviewThe Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Player's Handbook contains all the rules you need to create characters and begin adventuring with the world's most popular role-playing game. Newcomers to the game will appreciate this book's clear explanations, effective examples, pleasing layout, elegant rules, and brilliant art. It's never been easier to create and role-play a heroic human ranger, cunning elf wizard, or any other fantasy character from the game's 7 races and 11 classes.Old-school players will likewise be pleased, as the outdated AD&D rules system has been given a thorough overhaul. Gone are almost all the old restrictions on race and alignment. Halfling sorcerers, half-orc paladins, dwarf barbarians, and gnome monks are now possible. THACO, negative armor class, funky saving throws, inflated ability scores, heat-based infravision, and just about every other needlessly complex rule has been reworked into a faster, more consistent, and more fun system. Players can choose unique special abilities for their characters as they gain levels, which means that even two fighters of the same race and class can have very different abilities. The end result of all these changes is a dynamic game with more customized characters.Almost every page has some form of new artwork, and the art almost always serves to explain a concept or illustrate a point. The book is filled with example montages that help to show the difference between human, half-elf, and elf, or relative size differences between creatures, or what the various levels of cover and concealment look like. These illustrations make the rules much more clear. The style of the artwork is consistent throughout the book and is a definite departure from older editions of AD&D. Instead of the classic medieval artwork of Larry Elmore, the new book has the spiky, leathery, Mad Max-meets-Renaissance look of the Magic: The Gathering card game.We would have preferred less radical artistic changes, but we love everything else that Wizards of the Coast has done with Dungeons & Dragons. The rules are fast and clear, and the characters--including the new sorcerer class and the return of the monk, barbarian, and half-orc--are fabulous. If you're new to the D&D game, then this rule book is the perfect introduction. And if you're an old-school gamer who played D&D back in the day, then welcome to the new era of D&D.

Complete Ninja's Handbook

Aaron Allston - 1995
    This 128-page accessory gives you all the information you need to role-play exotic ninja, lone wolf operatives, and other character types - new character kits, special rules, and descriptions of the ninja's unique weapons and equipment. The Complete Ninja's Handbook brings life to these shadowy figures of myth and legend.

Complete Divine

David Noonan - 2004
    There is a rundown of new gods in the D&D pantheon, in addition to new feats, spells, prestige classes, and magic items. In addition, this title adds new and revised base classes to a player's character choices, and clerics in particular are provided with many new and updated spell domains and spells.This title also contains a wealth of material for non-cleric characters, so the tips and data provided will assist all class types, including those classes not typically associated with garnering divine power.

Deities and Demigods

Rich RedmanJeff Easley - 2002
    With abilities that reach nearly beyond the scope of mortal imagination, the splendor of the gods humbles even the greatest of heroes.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to create and call upon the most powerful beings in your campaign. Included are descriptions and statistics for over seventy gods from four fully detailed pantheons. Along with suggestions for creating your own gods, Deities and Demigods also includes information on advancing characters to godhood.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.

Dragonlance Campaign Setting

Margaret Weis - 2003
    Like those great champions, you will band together with brave companions to set forth on daring adventures. The tales of those bold deeds will become the newest legends in the world of Dragonlance. From Solamnic Knights and Dragon Riders to kender, tinker gnomes, and draconians, the rich tapestry of the Dragonlance world comes alive in this campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. With historical content covering eras from the War of the Lance to the War of Souls, along with expanded rules for aerial combat, the "Dragonlance ""Campaign Setting "provides the charcter races, prestige classes, feats, spells, monsters, and maps you need to fully explore the world of Dragonlance.

Cityscape (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement, v 3.5)

Ari Marmell - 2006
    The game material is completely compatible with the D&D core rulebooks and includes timesaving tools and tips for any urban campaign. The material in this supplement is appropriate for both D&D players and Dungeon Masters and includes content that appeals to both

Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins

Rich Redman - 2001
    It's packed with ways to customize cleric and paladin characters, including: New feats, prestige classes, weapons, and equipment. More uses for turning checks, and new magic items and spells designed specially for clerics and paladins. Information about special organizations such as the Laughing Knives and the Stargazers. Detailed maps of temples that players and Dungeon Masters can use as bases of operation or as enemy structures that must be brought down. Indispensable to both players and Dungeon Masters, this book adds excitement to any campaign.

The Complete Psionics Handbook

Steve Winter - 1991
    The psionicist is a completely new character class for AD&D games, both for player characters and NPCs. Explore inner space! Now you can really put mind over matter with The Complete Psionics Handbook.

Monster Manual V (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)

David NoonanWil Upchurch - 2007
    This D&D supplement presents a fully illustrated hoard of new monsters, as well as ready-to-play variations of previously existing monsters. In addition, this supplement features maps of monster lairs, sample encounters, and tactics sections to help Dungeon Masters run the more complex creatures. Additionally, many entries contain information about where monsters are likely to appear in the Forgotten Realms and Eberron compaign settings.

Monstrous Manual

Doug Stewart - 1993
    This will be the perfect, easy-to-use replacement for the bulkier compendiums of the past. Illustrations, some in color.

Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic

Matt Sernett - 2006
    These magic subsystems function alongside the existing D&D ® magic system and offer new game mechanics, character options, and adventure possibilities. Within this tome you'll find three new standard classes -- one for each new kind of magic -- as well as new spells, feats, prestige classes, monsters, and magic items tied thematically to each.Pact MagicPowerful entities known as vestiges exist beyond the boundaries of life, death, and undeath. The binder uses pact magic -- a combination of symbols and secret rituals -- to summon these entities, strike bargains with them, and gain their formidable and sometimes bizarre supernatural powers.Shadow MagicThe Plane of Shadow is a dark, twisted reflection of the real world. The shadowcaster, by understanding the fundamental properties of the plane and unlocking its magical mysteries, learns to harness and channel its umbral gloom, shaping the darkness to serve her whim.Truename MagicEvery creature has a truename -- the word of its creation. The truenamer knows the primal language of the universe -- the language of Truespeech -- and learns the truenames of creatures and objects to gain control over them, transform them, or destroy them.

Martial Power: A 4th Edition D&D Supplement

Rob Heinsoo - 2008
    This book provides new archetypal builds for the fighter, ranger, rogue, and warlord classes, including new character powers, feats, paragon paths, and epic destinies.Martial Power is the first of a line of player-friendly supplements offering hundreds of new options for D&D characters.