Best of
Mage: The Ascension
Phil Brucato - 1995
From countless ages we have dreamed, from endless worlds we have beckoned, from infinite choices we have suffered. The world chokes under stifling conformity, hopes crumble in the fire of mediocrity, heroes die in the snare of pride. Armageddon is at hand. Reality is a lie. The truth is magic.Open your eyes and Awaken.
Robin D. Laws - 1995
At other times I dream of being devoured from the inside out, my skin only minutes from crumbling away to reveal my true self as a Horror ...--Adesian Skoln, from "Regarding the Horrors, Their Origins, and Their Nature"Horrors offers a chilling, intimate view of the astral-spawned creatures that ravaged the world of Earthdawn during the Scourge. Presented as a compilation of documents recording what is known of Horrors both great and small, this book provides players and gamemasters with a unique perspective on these abominations: what they are, what they do, and how and why they continue to attack the inhabitants of Barsaive.This sourcebook describes more than twenty Horrors, including fifteen of the most powerful and dangerous of their kind. Horrors also offers new Horror powers and abilities, clarifications of existing Horror powers, a new Discipline, the Horror Stalker, and guidelines for using Horrors and their deadly spawn in adventures and campaigns.
Encyclopedia Magica (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), Vol. 4: S-Z & Index Access
Dale Henson - 1995
The War-Torn Kingdom
Dave Morris - 1995
The book is open-ended and provides an almost unlimited number of plot lines. You can be a warrior, explorer, priest, wizard, thief or bard. The books in the series are inter-connected, allowing you to travel all across the Fabled Lands.
Miskatonic University: Dire Secrets & Campus Life
Sam Johnson - 1995
Filled with data on various University departments and professors, this book weaves the details drawn from Lovecraft's Mythos tales with the Call of Cthulhu game background to create an indispensible sourcebook.
Encyclopedia Magica (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), Vol. 3: P-S
TSR Inc. - 1995
lots of interesting magic items for dnd.
Mike Pondsmith - 1995
Raised on danger and deception, forged in the fires of a mysterious nanotech plague that has ravaged the 21st century, this handful of angry juvegangers now wield incredible powers that defy both science and cybertech.The are the CYBERGENERATIONThe ISA wants them under its thumb -- or dead. But these kids have other plans. And they know that the real Revolution has just begun...This Second Edition of Cybergeneration is a Complete Roleplaying Game in the Cyberpunk tradition, featuring:•18 New "Yogang" Character Roles, including Gogangers, Megaviolents, Streetfighters, & EcoRaiders!•Amazing Nanotech Abilities & Powers!•"Edgerunner" Character Roles to chaperone the Cyberevolved!• A complete Netrunning and Combat System!• A Guide to the 21st Century Weapons, Netware and Street-Tech!• The Adversaries & Allies of a Corporate-Controlled America!• Background on the New Nation under Corporate Rule!• More Roleplaying Action!CYBERGENERATION: The Final Battle for the CYBERPUNK future starts here.
Alliance Intelligence Reports (Star Wars RPG)
C. Robert Carey - 1995
This collection of villains details some of the Alliance's most dangerous foes, providing a perfect selection of enemies for any Rebel team. Each entry has background information and game statistics, including numerous new droids, vehicles and aliens for use in any Star Wars roleplaying adventure.
The Nightmare Lands: Ravenloft Accessory:
Shane Lacy Hensley - 1995
In the unique domain called the Nightmare Lands, darkness offers not blissful slumber, but ultimate terror. Heroes enter this realm at the bidding of the night, drawn from their dreaming bodies and captured by an enigmatic figure known only as the Nightmare Man. Trapped in this region of psychological fear, heroes face their worst nightmare in strange, surrealistic terrain. If they escape the treacherous clutches of dark slumber, they'll be safe - at least until the next time sleep overtakes them....This boxed set contains everything necessary to adventure among dark dreamscapes and twisted nightmares, including:* The Journal of Dr. Illhousen: 32 pages of notes and information on the Nightmare Lands, compiled by the chief physician of Nova Vaasa's infamous Clinic for the Mentally Distressed.* Rules of Dreams and Nightmares: 64 pages full of rules dealing with adventuring in dreams and nightmares, setting up nightmare scenarios, and translating player characters into dreamscape versions of themselves.* Book of Nightmares: 64 pages of ready-to-play nightmares that incorporates all of the information in this campaign expansion into one full-length adventure.* New Monsters: 16 pages of never-before-seen creatures unique to the Nightmare Lands and the dimensions of dreams.* Poster Maps: Two full-color, poster-sized maps of the Nightmare Landss and other locations described herein.Format: 2 64-page books, 32-page book, 16-page book, 2 fold-out maps
Guildbook: Artificers Sourcebook (Wraith: The Oblivion)
Richard Dansky - 1995
Do you have what it takes to place another in the flames of soulfire? Can you bring the hammer down and close you ears to the screams? Or even now, are the Legionnaires bringing you to the forges in chains? One way or another, the Artificers' Guild is waiting for you. Guildbook: Artificers is the first in the series of Guildbooks for Wraith: The Oblivion. Revealing the secrets of the Eldest Guild, it will take you from the desolation of the Labyrinth to the silican nerves of the Information Age.
Rolemaster Standard Rules
S. Coleman Charlton - 1995
Experience the ultimate in fantasy role playing, Rolemaster.The Rolemaster Standard Rules provide:• A wide range of character creation choices—20 professions, 16 cultures & races, and 36 training packages (spy, loremaster, diplomat, scout, etc.).• Material for unique character back-grounds, including: a wide variety of background options, a comprehensive system of talents and flaws, and a system of role traits.• A system of temporary and potential stats determined by using both assigned and random elements.• A skill development system that allows a character to develop ability in skills without absolute restrictions. Each skill is grouped with, similar skills in a skill category. In addition to developing individual skills, each skill category can be developed, improving all of the skills in that category.• Complete, consolidated guidelines for resolving actions: moving maneuvers, static maneuvers (a table for each skill category), extraordinary spell casting attempts, and attacks (melee, missile, and spell).• Action sequencing based on how fast a character attempts to perform an action: as a snap action (quick with a penalty), as a normal action, or as a deliberate action (slow with a bonus).Get Real,Get Rolemaster!
Terry Pratchett's Discworld: The Official Strategy Guide (Secrets of the Games Series.)
Glen Edridge - 1995
But when a nasty dragon shows up bent on disrupting the peaceful decrepitude of Ankh-Morpork, humble wizard Rincewind has no choice but to rely on sheer wit and action. Gathering the objects needed to assemble the magical dragon's lair detector won't be easy -- Rincewind needs help!... In this book you'll find an abundance of hints, clues, nods, murmurs, nudges, prods, and even outright solutions to those bewitching Discworld puzzles that can stump the most proficient dragon hunter.
Creatures & Monsters
Iron Crown Enterprises - 1995
Many are culled from myth, others are staples of fantasy fiction, and many more are completely original—unlike anything you have ever seen in a role playing game before! Creatures & Monsters includes monsters that fly, swim, and terrorize the land. You'll also find many pages devoted to animals of all types, ranging from those that characters can protect and befriend to those that can threaten their very lives,Creatures and Monsters includes:• Over 300 pages of animals, monsters, and races with detailed information regarding appearance, lifestyle, combat statistics, and background.• Dragons,-Fell Beasts, Elementals, Constructs, Other Planar Creatures, Undead, Shapechangers, Prehistoric Animals, Dangerous Plants, Giants, Tolls, the Fairy Folk, and more.• Extensive random encounter tables regarding Nvater`sources, terrain, vegetation, and special features.• Guidelines for how to create your own Rolemaster creatures.• A complete index.Get Real,Get Rolemaster!
Gamemaster Law
Jason O. Hawkins - 1995
How many players should I try to handle at a time? Will my game be more successful if I focus on political intrigue or on simple adventuring? How can I pull the characters from the jaws of death without it seeming contrived? How can I keep the "power" in my game from getting out of hand? ~ Gamemaster Law answers these questions.
The Adept's Way
Robin D. Laws - 1995
The magical Disciplines they follow grant them fantastic powers and shape the way they see the world. A warriors sees life as a battlefield, and wields sword and shield with magical brilliance. A troubadour see the world as a tapestry of tales, and uses his magic to spin stories and songs that sway the heart. An archer divides the world into missiles and targets, and powers her bow with her Discipline's magic. Through their Disciplines, adepts forge a bond between the world, powerful magic, and their own innermost selves.The Adept's Way offers players and gamemasters an inside look at being an adept in Earthdawn. This sourcebook fully describes each of the 15 magical Disciplines most often practiced in Barsaive, from the point of view of an adept of that Discipline. The Adept's Way also includes extensive new rules for using Disciplines in Earthdawn adventures, acquiring multiple Disiplines, and roleplaying suggestions for adepts.
Coming Full Circle
John H. Crowe III - 1995
Yet it not only dwells — it thrives. The ghosts of the past and the horrors of the present rub shoulders with honest citizens and innocent children, feeding on the isolation and naïveté of theresidents. The circle of life, the circle of love, the circle of friends, the circle of family: all are encompassed within a much larger sphere...the circle of death. Its arc is slow and somber, but when the ends are joined all hell will break loose. The legends of New England rise wild.Coming Full Circle is a campaign for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. It contains four scenarios set from 1929 through 1939. This is a non-Mythos campaign featuring threats drawn from New England folklore and superstition, and includes rules for creating psychics and mediums as investigators and using "the Gift" in play.
Mage Tarot Deck
Nicky Rea - 1995
The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.
Heike Kubasch - 1995
These sinister wanderers oversee the slaves, soldiery, and Orcish tribes who serve the master of Carn Dûm. Fear is their whip-handle and shadow their wake. The sunshine of Angmar is thin: the bitterness of the climate lodges deep in both the land and its inhabitants. The Iron-home's chill darkness threatens not only neighboring Arthedain, successor kingdom of Arnor but all all the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.Angmar is a reprint of the 1989 ICE campaign module titled Empire of the Witch-King. This reprint as a realm piece features the excellence of the previous bestseller along with a plethora of exquisite new illustrations. Angmar includes stats for MERP, the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game, and Rolemaster.
Official Guide To Command & Conquer (Official Strategy Guides)
Mike Fay - 1995
The book highlights complete battle scenarios, and provides insight into military politics and foreign negotiations. Covers PC and Macintosh.
Spell Law
S. Coleman Charlton - 1995
A must for your favorite characters, be they Magicians, Clerics, or Mentalists!Spell Law provides:• Over 2,000 spell descriptions on 183 different spell lists based upon three realms of power and 1 S professions.• Critical strike tables for Heat, Cold, Impact, Electricity, and spells against Large and Super Large Creatures.• Tables for resistance rolls, basic spell attacks, and expanded spell failures.• Optional rules providing further depth and detail for a campaign.• Extensive guidelines for using these tables with other FRP games.,Get Real,Get Rolemaster!
The Evil Eye: Ravenloft Adventure:
Steve Kurtz - 1995
Gabrielle has learned too late the truth of her mother's prophecy.The Evil Eye is a series of six scenarios involving the Vistani and their most hated nemesis, the legendary Dukkar. The adventures uncover the hidden secrets of Karina, the largest town in Invidia and home to the most terrifying festival in Ravenloft. The heroes will arrive to see a town in the throes of Carnival—a time when ghosts and madmen, werewolves and gypsies all mingle under the waxing moon.Inside this package is a 64-page book containing all the information need to run The Evil Eye, plus a full-color mapsheet showing the land of Invidia. Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani and Van Richten's Guide to Fiends are helpful sources of information to expand and enrich these adventures, but are not necessary for play.