Best of
A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Gilles Deleuze - 1980
He is a key figure in poststructuralism, and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Felix Guattari (1930-1992) was a psychoanalyst at the la Borde Clinic, as well as being a major social theorist and radical activist. A Thousand Plateaus is part of Deleuze and Guattari's landmark philosophical project, Capitalism and Schizophrenia - a project that still sets the terms of contemporary philosophical debate. A Thousand Plateaus provides a compelling analysis of social phenomena and offers fresh alternatives for thinking about philosophy and culture. Its radical perspective provides a toolbox for nomadic thought and has had a galvanizing influence on today's anti-capitalist movement.Translated by Brian Massumi
The Practice of Everyday Life
Michel de Certeau - 1980
In exploring the public meaning of ingeniously defended private meanings, de Certeau draws brilliantly on an immense theoretical literature in analytic philosophy, linguistics, sociology, semiology, and anthropology--to speak of an apposite use of imaginative literature.
Metaphors We Live By
George Lakoff - 1980
Metaphor, the authors explain, is a fundamental mechanism of mind, one that allows us to use what we know about our physical and social experience to provide understanding of countless other subjects. Because such metaphors structure our most basic understandings of our experience, they are "metaphors we live by", metaphors that can shape our perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them.In this updated edition of Lakoff and Johnson's influential book, the authors supply an afterword surveying how their theory of metaphor has developed within the cognitive sciences to become central to the contemporary understanding of how we think and how we express our thoughts in language.
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century
John Boswell - 1980
The historical breadth of Boswell's research (from the Greeks to Aquinas) and the variety of sources consulted (legal, literary, theological, artistic, and scientific) make this one of the most extensive treatments of any single aspect of Western social history. The product of ten years of research and analysis of records in a dozen languages, this book opens up a new area of historical inquiry and helps elucidate the origins and operations of intolerance as a social force.
Principles of Marketing
Philip Kotler - 1980
The 11th edition of this text continues to build on four major marketing themes: building and managing profitable customer relationships, building and managing strong brands to create brand equity, harnessing new marketing technologies in the digital age, and marketing in a socially responsible way around the globe.
Understanding Wood
R. Bruce Hoadley - 1980
Bruce Hoadley explains everything from how trees grow to how best to cut, season, machine, join, bend, and finish wood. Why do miters open and glue joints loosen? How do you get a really sharp edge? Examples of problems and solutions help woodworkers puzzle through their own projects, while full-color photos and helpful tables illustrate key points.
Projection and Re-collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul
Marie-Louise von Franz - 1980
Von Franz skillfully brings theory to life as she builds on and further develops C.G. Jung's research on projection". -- Julia Jewett Jungian Analyst"The book is stimulating in going to the core of psychotherapeutic work, and invites a response from psychotherapists in general and from Jungian analysts in particular". -- San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Howard Anton - 1980
This popular student textbook has been revised and updated in order to provide clear explanations of the subject matter, permitting more classroom time to be spent in problem solving, applications or explanations of the most difficult points.
Sonata Forms
Charles Rosen - 1980
Charles Rosen says of sonata form#58; "[It] is not a definite form like a minuet, a da capo aria, or a French overture; it is, like the fugue, a way of writing, a feeling for proportion, direction, and texture rather than a pattern."
Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley
John Gaventa - 1980
Explains to outsiders the conflicts between the financial interests of the coal and land companies, and the moral rights of the vulnerable mountaineers.
Handbook of Local Anesthesia
Stanley F. Malamed - 1980
Basic concepts for the safe and effective practice of local anesthesia in dentistry today are emphasized, along with the most current advances in science, technology, and pain control techniques.Basic concepts for the safe and effective practice of local anesthesia in dentistry are emphasized.Recent advances in science, technology, and pain control techniques are presented.Clear instructions for administering local anesthetics are accompanied by high-quality photographs and drawings to enhance the reader's understanding.Numerous boxes and tables are presented throughout to provide a quick reference and comparison of techniques, drugs, and dosages.In-depth discussions are provided on the anesthetic agents used in dentistry, along with their clinical actions.Dosage charts, injection techniques, information on duration of action, and contraindications for local anesthetics are included at the end of the book for quick reference.Step-by-step procedures and instructions for administering local anesthetics are provided.The proper care and handling of equipment are thoroughly covered, along with the problems that may be encountered.Information is provided on the requirements for pain control and local anesthesia within various dental specialties that require particular attention.Coverage includes electronic dental anesthesia and ultrasonics, as alternatives to the injection of drugs.A chapter on Legal Considerations mentions foreseeable complications related to the administration of local anesthetics and discusses the standard of care with regard to appropriate prevention and treatment.An all-new, full-color design includes vibrant illustrations and drawings.Comprehensive information is provided on Articaine, a highly debated local anesthetic recently approved by the FDA, that is gaining widespread use in the United States.Discussions of the armamentarium needed to succeed in local anesthesia delivery have been updated to reflect the latest available drugs and devices.Updated instructions for administering the various techniques of intraoral anesthesia are presented in consistent, step-by-step procedures.The New 2003 CDC Hand Hygiene Guidelines are provided to keep readers up to date on the latest standards of practice.
Weapons: An International Encyclopedia From 5000 B.C. to 2000 A.D.
The Diagram Group - 1980
This definitive guide covers the entire history of weapons, from the earliest, most primitive instruments up to remarkable advances in modern defense and warfare, including:Riot-control devicesElectrified nightsticksInfantry weaponsMultiple-launch rocketsFiber-optic misslesWire-guided torpedoes"Stealth" technology
Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review
John Hart Ely - 1980
Written for layman and scholar alike, the book addresses one of the most important issues facing Americans today: within what guidelines shall the Supreme Court apply the strictures of the Constitution to the complexities of modern life?Until now legal experts have proposed two basic approaches to the Constitution. The first, "interpretivism," maintains that we should stick as closely as possible to what is explicit in the document itself. The second, predominant in recent academic theorizing, argues that the courts should be guided by what they see as the fundamental values of American society. John Hart Ely demonstrates that both of these approaches are inherently incomplete and inadequate. Democracy and Distrust sets forth a new and persuasive basis for determining the role of the Supreme Court today.Ely's proposal is centered on the view that the Court should devote itself to assuring majority governance while protecting minority rights. "The Constitution," he writes, "has proceeded from the sensible assumption that an effective majority will not unreasonably threaten its own rights, and has sought to assure that such a majority not systematically treat others less well than it treats itself. It has done so by structuring decision processes at all levels in an attempt to ensure, first, that everyone's interests will be represented when decisions are made, and second, that the application of those decisions will not be manipulated so as to reintroduce in practice the sort of discrimination that is impermissible in theory."Thus, Ely's emphasis is on the procedural side of due process, on the preservation of governmental structure rather than on the recognition of elusive social values. At the same time, his approach is free of interpretivism's rigidity because it is fully responsive to the changing wishes of a popular majority. Consequently, his book will have a profound impact on legal opinion at all levels--from experts in constitutional law, to lawyers with general practices, to concerned citizens watching the bewildering changes in American law.
Man Made Language
Dale Spender - 1980
Often imitated, never replaced, Man-Made Language has become a cornerstone of modern feminist thought.
Real Presences
George Steiner - 1980
. . . All the virtues of the author's astounding intelligence and compelling rhetoric are evident from the first sentence onward."—Anthony C. Yu, Journal of Religion
Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection
Julia Kristeva - 1980
. . Powers of Horror is an excellent introduction to an aspect of contemporary French literature which has been allowed to become somewhat neglected in the current emphasis on paraphilosophical modes of discourse. The sections on Céline, for example, are indispensable reading for those interested in this writer and place him within a context that is both illuminating and of general interest." -Paul de Man
Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance
William D. McArdle - 1980
Make sure your students get the power and authority of McArdle, Katch and Katch, world class specialists in exercise, energy and nutrition in this new edition of Exercise Physiology . The extensive revision of this masterpiece combines the strengths of previous editions with content updates necessary for today's students. The Fifth Edition is a must for building a healthy foundation in nutrition, energy transfer, and exercise training. Exceptional full-colour illustrations have always been a hallmark of Exercise Physiology, and the new Fifth Edition has the most exquisite art program yet. The numerous high-quality figures, charts, tables and photographs enhance your students' understanding of important topics and reinforce key concepts. Now every copy of Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance, Fifth Edition is packaged with a new three-dimensional anatomy CD-ROM from Primal Pictures. This CD-ROM is the world's first complete 3D computer graphic model of the human body. Primal's imagery delivers a level of detail, cla
Culture′s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations
Geert Hofstede - 1980
The book is structured around five major dimensions: power distance; uncertainty avoidance; individualism versus collectivism; masculinity versus femininity; and long term versus short-term orientation.
Devavāṇīpraveśikā: An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language
Robert P. Goldman - 1980
The author has tried throughout the work to introduce, explain and illustrate the most significant features of the language and through verses, quotations, and readings. To these ends the grammar has been, in several areas, simplified to prevent the beginner from being more hampered than is absolutely necessary by relatively insignificant paradigms, rules and exceptions. Upon completion of this course, students should have a real working knowledge of the major outlines of Sanskrit sentences with some facility and read, with the help of dictionary, approximately five to ten verses of the Valmiki Ramayana or a similar text in an hour.
The Logic of Practice
Pierre Bourdieu - 1980
In fact, the author argues, the relationship between the anthropologist and his object of study is a particular instance of the relationship between knowing and doing, interpreting and using, symbolic mastery and practical mastery—or between logical logic, armed with all the accumulated instruments of objectification, and the universally pre-logical logic of practice.In this, his fullest statement of a theory of practice, Bourdieu both sets out what might be involved in incorporating one's own standpoint into an investigation and develops his understanding of the powers inherent in the second member of many oppositional pairs—that is, he explicates how the practical concerns of daily life condition the transmission and functioning of social or cultural forms.The first part of the book, "Critique of Theoretical Reason," covers more general questions, such as the objectivization of the generic relationship between social scientific observers and their objects of study, the need to overcome the gulf between subjectivism and objectivism, the interplay between structure and practice (a phenomenon Bourdieu describes via his concept of the habitus), the place of the body, the manipulation of time, varieties of symbolic capital, and modes of domination.The second part of the book, "Practical Logics," develops detailed case studies based on Bourdieu's ethnographic fieldwork in Algeria. These examples touch on kinship patterns, the social construction of domestic space, social categories of perception and classification, and ritualized actions and exchanges.This book develops in full detail the theoretical positions sketched in Bourdieu's Outline of a Theory of Practice. It will be especially useful to readers seeking to grasp the subtle concepts central to Bourdieu's theory, to theorists interested in his points of departure from structuralism (especially fom Lévi-Strauss), and to critics eager to understand what role his theory gives to human agency. It also reveals Bourdieu to be an anthropological theorist of considerable originality and power.
Origins of Modern Japanese Literature
Kōjin Karatani - 1980
Against a history of relative inattention on the part of Western translators to modern Asian critical theory, this first English publication is sure to have a profound effect on current cultural criticism in the West. It is both the boldest critique of modern Japanese literary history to appear in the post-war era and a major theoretical intervention, which calls into question the idea of modernity that informs Western consciousness.In a sweeping reinterpretation of nineteenth-and twentieth-century Japanese literature, Karatani Kojin forces a reconsideration of the very assumptions underlying our concepts of modernity. In his analysis, such familiar terms as origin, modern, literature, and the state reveal themselves to be ideological constructs. Karatani weaves many separate strands into an argument that exposes what has been hidden in both Japanese and Western accounts of the development of modern culture. Among these strands are: the "discovery" of landscape in painting and literature and its relation to the inwardness of individual consciousness; the similar "discovery" in Japanese drama of the naked face as another kind of landscape produced by interiority; the challenge to the dominance of Chinese characters in writing; the emergence of confessional literature as an outgrowth of the repression of sexuality and the body; the conversion of the samurai class to Christianity; the mythologizing of tuberculosis, cancer, and illness in general as a producer of meaning; and the "discovery" of "the child" as an independent category of human being.A work that will be important beyond the confines of literary studies, Karatani's analysis challenges basic Western presumptions of theoretical centrality and originality and disturbs the binary opposition of the "West" to its so-called "other." Origins of Modern Japanese Literature should be read by all those with an interest in the development of cultural concepts and in the interrelating factors that have determined modernity.
A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Awareness, Courage, Love, and Behaviorism
Mavis Tsai - 1980
And clients with disorders as varied as depression, PTSD, and fibromyalgia have benefited from its nuanced, curative power. In A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, originators Robert Kohlenberg and Mavis Tsai join with other FAP practitioners to present a clinical framework, addressing points of convergence and divergence with other behavior therapies. Tracing FAP's emerging evidence base, it takes readers through the deep complexities and possibilities of the therapeutic bond. And the attention to mindfulness and the self makes maximum clinical use of the uniqueness of every client--and every therapist.Highlights of the Guide:The five core principles of therapeutic technique.Empirical basis of FAP alone or in combination with other therapiesCase studies and transcripts of assessment procedures and therapy sessions.Demonstration of the course of FAP, from the initial session to the end of therapy.Therapist self-development and supervision issues.Inspiring clients to help the larger society: the practice of "green FAP."Appendix of questionnaires, feedback forms, and other essential FAP tools.As this transformative therapy continues to grow in influence, A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy will be a vital, practice-enhancing reference for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and graduate-level students in their training.
Chaucer's Knight
Terry Jones - 1980
Jones questions the accepted view of the Knight as a paragon of Christian chivalry, and argues that he is in fact no more than a professional mercenary who has spent his life in the service of petty despots and tyrants around the world. This edition includes astonishing new evidence from Jones, who argues that the character of the Knight was actually based on Sir John Hawkwood (d.1394), a marauding English freebooter and mercenary who pillaged his way across northern Italy during the 14th century, running protection rackets on the Italian Dukes and creating a vast fortune in the process.
Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato
Hans-Georg Gadamer - 1980
The book contains translations of eight of Gadamer’s best known essays on Plato….These studies, spanning a period of almost fifty years, are important not only for what they have to say concerning Plato, but also for what they reveal about the development and insightfulness of Gadamer’s hermeneutical theory of interpretation….[He] aims at dialogue with Plato and achieves it.”—Jeremiah P. Conway, International Philosophical Quarterly“A remarkable felicitous set of translations.”—Martin Warner, Times Higher Education Supplement“Gadamer is among the most eminent followers of Heidegger and rather more accessible that most. It is therefore a service to have these eight essays on Plato, dating from 1934 to 1974, translated competently into English.”—Choice“May be the best introduction to Gadamer yet published in this country.”—W.G. Regier, Modern Language Notes
Islamic Renaissance - The Real Task Ahead
Israr Ahmad - 1980
I have also discussed the nature of various movements working for the renaissance of Islam, their achievements and their shortcomings. On the positive side, my own prognosis for fruitful revivalist work has been expressed schematically.On the basis of my analysis, I have also suggested a basic programme. As an immediate concrete step towards the realization of an Islamic revival, the plan for the establishment of a Qur’an Academy has been presented in detail.
Dictionary of the Theatre
Patrice Pavis - 1980
Dictionary of the Theatre is an English translation of Pavis's acclaimed Dictionnaire du th tre, now in its second printing in France.This encyclopedic dictionary includes theoretical, technical, and semiotic terms and concepts. Alphabetical entries range from 'absurd' to 'word scenery' and treat the reader to a vast panoply of theatre and theory. The extended discussions are supported by useful examples drawn from the international repertoire of plays and playwrights, both classic and contemporary. The Foreword is by Marvin Carlson.This dictionary is remarkably well integrated, partly because of its excellent system of cross-referencing, but also because it represents the vision and scholarship of a single, recognized authority. There is no other source like it available and it will be warmly welcomed by the English-language theatre world.
Autonomia: Post-Political Politics
Sylvère LotringerLucio Castellano - 1980
The movement itself was broken when Autonomia members were falsely accused of (and prosecuted for) being the intellectual masterminds of the Red Brigades; but even after the end of Autonomia, this book remains a crucial testimony of the way this creative, futuristic, neo-anarchistic, postideological, and nonrepresentative political movement of young workers and intellectuals anticipated issues that are now confronting us in the wake of Empire.
Instrumentation and Orchestration (Casebound)
Alfred Blatter - 1980
Clear explanations, vivid descriptions of various instruments, expert advice, and numerous musical examples to maximize the student's understanding of concepts being presented. A valuable resource and reference for students in their future professional endeavors, this text maximizes its usefulness beyond the classroom.
Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior
Icek Ajzen - 1980
Explains "theory and reasoned action" model and then applies the model to various cases.
Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light
Max Born - 1980
This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, with new material covering the CAT scan, interference with broad-band light and the so-called Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction theory. This edition also details scattering from inhomogeneous media and presents an account of the principles of diffraction tomography to which Emil Wolf has made a basic contribution. Several new appendices are also included. This new edition will be invaluable to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers working in most areas of optics.
Practice of Everyday Life: Volume 2: Living and Cooking
Michel de Certeau - 1980
The second volume of the work delves even deeper than did the first into the subtle tactics of resistance and private practices that make living a subversive art. Michel de Certeau, Luce Giard, and Pierre Mayol develop a social history of “making do” based on microhistories that move from the private sphere (of dwelling, cooking, and homemaking) to the public (the experience of living in a neighborhood). A series of interviews—mostly with women—allows us to follow the subjects’ individual routines, composed of the habits, constraints, and inventive strategies by which the speakers negotiate daily life. Through these accounts the speakers, “ordinary” people all, are revealed to be anything but passive consumers. Amid these experiences and voices, the ephemeral inventions of the “obscure heroes” of the everyday, we watch the art of making do become the art of living.This long-awaited second volume of de Certeau’s masterwork, updated and revised in this first English edition, completes the picture begun in volume 1, drawing to the last detail the collective practices that define the texture, substance, and importance of the everyday.Michel de Certeau (1925-1986) wrote numerous books that have been translated into English, including Heterologies (1986), The Capture of Speech (1998), and Culture in the Plural (1998), all published by Minnesota. Luce Giard is senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and is affiliated with the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. She is visiting professor of history and history of science at the University of California, San Diego. Pierre Mayol is a researcher in the French Ministry of Culture in Paris.Timothy J. Tomasik is a freelance translator pursuing a Ph.D. in French literature at Harvard University.
Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles
Asım O. Barut - 1980
This graduate-level text was written by a distinguished theoretical physicist. It deftly reveals the classical underpinnings of modern quantum field theory with explorations of space-time, Lorentz transformations, conservation laws, equations of motion, Green’s functions, and action-at-a-distance electrodynamics. 1964 edition.
Islands and Beaches: Discourse on a Silent Land: Marquesas, 1774-1880
Greg Dening - 1980
Roots of Resistance: A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - 1980
At the core of these persistent cultural identities is each group’s historical relationship to the others and to the land, a connection that changed dramatically when the United States wrested control of the region from Mexico in 1848.In Roots of Resistance—now offered in an updated paperback edition—Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz provides a history of land ownership in northern New Mexico from 1680 to the present. She shows how indigenous and Mexican farming communities adapted and preserved their fundamental democratic social and economic institutions, despite losing control of their land to capitalist entrepreneurs and becoming part of a low-wage labor force.In a new final chapter, Dunbar-Ortiz applies the lessons of this history to recent conflicts in New Mexico over ownership and use of land and control of minerals, timber, and water.
The Sceptical Feminist: A Philosophical Enquiry
Janet Radcliffe Richards - 1980
Her analysis leads her to considerable criticism of many commonly-held feminist views, but from it emerges the outline of a new feminism which sacrifices neither rationality nor radicalism.
Solutions manual to accompany Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer
Robert Siegel - 1980
Retaining the salient features and fundamental coverage that have made it popular, Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, Fifth Edition has been carefully streamlined to omit superfluous material, yet enhanced to update information with extensive references.Includes four new chapters on Inverse Methods, Electromagnetic Theory, Scattering and Absorption by Particles, and Near-Field Radiative TransferKeeping pace with significant developments, this book begins by addressing the radiative properties of blackbody and opaque materials, and how they are predicted using electromagnetic theory and obtained through measurements. It discusses radiative exchange in enclosures without any radiating medium between the surfaces and where heat conduction is included within the boundaries. The book also covers the radiative properties of gases and addresses energy exchange when gases and other materials interact with radiative energy, as occurs in furnaces.To make this challenging subject matter easily understandable for students, the authors have revised and reorganized this textbook to produce a streamlined, practical learning tool that:Applies the common nomenclature adopted by the major heat transfer journalsConsolidates past material, reincorporating much of the previous text into appendicesProvides an updated, expanded, and alphabetized collection of references, assembling them in one appendixOffers a helpful list of symbolsWith worked-out examples, chapter-end homework problems, and other useful learning features, such as concluding remarks and historical notes, this new edition continues its tradition of serving both as a comprehensive textbook for those studying and applying radiative transfer, and as a repository of vital literary references for the serious researcher.
The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson on Hypnosis, Vol. 4: Innovative Hypnotherapy
Milton H. Erickson - 1980
Conversations with Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget - 1980
. . . This book presents Piaget's work and his person better than anything else that I know about."—David Elkind, Tufts University"The tone is one of constant movement from the most ordinary to the most abstruse. There are 14 conversations with 'le Patron,' some in 1969, some in 1975, and several more with co-workers in various fields. . . . In Mr. Bringuier's book, in a pleasant informal way, we see a sophisticated non-scientist exploring Piaget's domain with the master. Some of Piaget's best-known findings about children as explained along the way, but Mr. Bringuier has ways of bringing out the relation of this psychological work to the whole of Piaget's enterprise, and we get a good sense of the man and his work."—Howard E. Gruber, New York Times Book Review
Noh Theater: Principles and Perspectives
Kunio Komparu - 1980
Originating in dance and music performed at sacred rituals and festivals, it was developed and brought to maturity in the 14th and 15th centuries by Kan'ami Kiyotsugu and his son, Zeami Motokiyo, two great dramatists who distilled the crude entertainments of the open fields into a predominately tragic drama of illusion played upon an empty stage. This volume, first published in 1983 and long out of print, is the first work in either English or Japanese to offer a comprehensive explanation and analysis of the principles of the Noh theater. The author was an active practitioner of the art, representing the 22nd generation in a direct line of Noh performers. His book painstakingly outlines both physical and intellectual aspects of Noh-its technical principles and its philosophical perspectives-on a scope hitherto unknown. An invaluable tool for the student of any aspect of drama, it offers as well deeper insights into Japanese history and culture.
The Native Trees of New Zealand
John Tenison Salmon - 1980
Never before has such a detailed coverage in photographs been assembled in book from. Here is the essence - and the reality - of our native forests. There are more than 220 species of indigenous New Zealand tree, and they are all covered in this book; its scope is complete. Most tree species are described and illustrated in detail; the full tree specimen, the leaf shapes (most at natural size), the bark, the flowers, the fruits. The major trees, such as kahikatea, totara, rimu and kauri, receive special attention; the great tree specimens are reproduced in superb large photographs and some of the fascinating natural cycles - such as the development of flowers and fruits - are recorded in detailed sequences. The Native Trees of New Zealand represents many years of work by Prof. John Salmon, who has tramped to some of the country's most remote corners, often many times over in all seasons of the year, to record the more rare species. The 1,500 colour photographs are the result of that labour. But this book is more than a botanical record. An outstanding introductory section examines the role of the tree in the harmony of nature, in the many natural cycles taking place inside the living forest. The types of New Zealand forest are examined; the origins of species in remote antiquity are explained. The Native Trees of New Zealand will have a place in the home of every nature lover - as an essential reference for identifying and understanding New Zealand's trees, and as a work of art in its own right. This revised edition incorporates extensive changes of nomenclature, including 29 newly recognised scientific names.
Terpsichore in Sneakers: Post-Modern Dance
Sally Banes - 1980
With a sure grasp of shifting cultural dynamics, Banes shows how postmodern dance is integrally connected to other oppositional, often marginalized strands of dance culture, and considers how certain kinds of dance move from the margins to the mainstream.Banes begins by considering the act of dance criticism itself, exploring its modes, methods, and underlying assumptions and examining the work of other critics. She traces the development of contemporary dance from the early work of such influential figures as Merce Cunningham and George Balanchine to such contemporary choreographers as Molissa Fenley, Karole Armitage, and Michael Clark. She analyzes the contributions of the Judson Dance Theatre and the Workers' Dance League, the emergence of Latin postmodern dance in New York, and the impact of black jazz in Russia. In addition, Banes explores such untraditional performance modes as breakdancing and the "drunk dancing" of Fred Astaire.
Pachomian Koinonia 1: The Life Of Saint Pachomius
Armand Veilleux - 1980
A translation of all existing documents from the cenobitic monasteries of Pachomius (292-346).
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
John J. Uicker Jr. - 1980
The authors present the background, notation, and nomenclature essential for students to understand the various independent technical approaches that exist in the field of mechanisms, kinematics, and dynamics. Now fully revised in its fourth edition, this text is ideal for senior undergraduate or graduate students in mechanical engineering who are taking a course in kinematics and/or machine dynamics. New to the Fourth Edition * Includes more worked examples throughout, and many new and updated end-of-chapter homework problems* Coverage of helical gears, bevel gears, worms, and worm gears is now integrated into a single chapter* Material on planar and spatial dynamic force analysis is now integrateded into a single chapter* A completely new chapter has been added on multi-degree-of-freedom planar linkage analysis* The chapter on kinematic synthesis has been markedly expanded, and now includes three and four accuracy position graphical methods* The chapter on static force analysis has been expanded to included coverage of buckling of axially-loaded two-force members under compression Supplements * In-text CD includes Working Model animations of many figures from the text to help students visualize and comprehend their movement * A companion website for instructors ( provides additional information and resources, including PowerPoint-based slides of figures from the text
Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art
Julia Kristeva - 1980
But the essays of Julia Kristeva in this volume, though they often deal with literature and art, do not amount to either "literary criticism" or "art criticism." Their concern, writes Kristeva, "remains intratheoretical: they are based on art and literature in order to subvert the very theoretical, philosophical, or semiological apparatus."Probing beyond the discoveries of Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Roman Jakobson, and others, Julia Kristeva proposes and tests theories centered on the nature and development of the novel, and on what she has defined as a signifying practice in poetic language and pictural works. Desire in Language fully shows what Roman Jakobson has called Kristeva's "genuine gift of questioning generally adopted 'axioms, ' and her contrary gift of releasing various 'damned questions' from their traditional question marks."
Social Change
Steven Vago - 1980
It is concerned with the questions of how society changes, in what direction, and by what forces this change occurs.Using exciting real-life case examples, this book draws attention to the characteristics, processes, and perspectives of social change in the United States and cross-culturally. It covers theories, patterns, spheres, duration, reactions, the impact, the costs, the strategies, and the assessment of social change.Because of its current and timely material, this is an excellent reader for social workers, counselors, and sociologists.
Death in the Forest: The Story of the Katyn Forest Massacre
Janusz Kazimierz Zawodny - 1980
Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince: A Study of the Years 1340-1365
Stella Mary Newton - 1980
Stella Mary Newton broke new ground with this detailed study, which discusses fourteenth-century costume in detail. She draws on surviving accounts from the Royal courts, the evidence of chronicles and poetry (often from unpublished manuscripts), and representations in painting, sculpture andmanuscript illumination. Her exploration of aspects of chivalry, particularly the choice of mottoes and devices worn at tournaments, and of the exchange of gifts of clothing between reigning monarchs, offers new insights into thesocial history of the times, and she has much to say that is relevant to the study of illuminated manuscripts of the fourteenth century.STELLA MARY NEWTON's lifelong interest in costume has been the mainspring of her work, from early days as a stage and costume designer (including designing the costumes for the first production of T.S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral) to her later work at the National Gallery advising on the implications ofcostume for the purpose of dating, and at the Courtauld Institute where she set up the department for the study of the history of dress.
Critical Teaching and Everyday Life
Ira Shor - 1980
Drawing on the work of Paulo Freire, he offers the first practical and theoretical guide to Freirean methods for American classrooms. Central to his method is a commitment to learning through dialogue and to exploring themes from everyday life. He poses alienation and mass culture as key obstacles to learning, and establishes critical literacy as a foundation for studying any subject.
Clio's Cosmetics: Three Studies in Greco-Roman Literature
T.P. Wiseman - 1980
Peter Wiseman's influential book, first published in 1979 and now for the first time in paperback, concerns the writing of history during the first century BCE, when Rome was in process of becoming the centre of the Greek, as much as her own, literary world. Historians, trained in the schools of rhetoric, prized elegant plausibility above the empirical objectivity we expect of them today. Legend and history intermingled; history and poetry overlapped. This study divides into three distinct parts. The first treats the problems that arise from reading first century history as if it were written by modern, non-rhetorical standards. The second examines the pseudo-history of the gens Claudia, fabricated during the first century and transmitted to us by Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus. The third discusses Catullus' dedication of his poetry to the historian Cornelius Nepos against the background of the two authors' common intellectual heritage. The book represents a significant contribution towards an appreciation of ancient historiography and Roman culture. History is viewed here as rhetoric, as myth-making, and as poetry.
Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology
Bryan Kolb - 1980
It is a remarkable text that makes an extraordinary amount of recent scholarship accessible and compelling. And with its dramatic new art program, new case studies and pedagogy, and new companion Web site, the Fifth Edition provides both the most up-to-date understanding of the field and the most effective ways to teach and learn it.
Alexander the Great: King, Commander and Statesman
N.G.L. Hammond - 1980
Each age produces its own interpretations of him. Alexander remains a fascinating subject for specialists, and this study is very able. The author is a historian of note, an Honorary Fellow of Cambridge University, and a lifelong student of his subject. "This book has been eagerly awaited. It presents Alexander as he functioned. The hero-worship came later." (B-O-T Editorial Review Board)
Ethnic Soldiers: State Security in Divided Societies
Cynthia Enloe - 1980
Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers
Max Stone Peters - 1980
There are new chapters on process synthesis, computer-aided design, and design of chemical reactors. A traditionally strong feature of the text, economic analysis, has been revamped and updated. Another strength, equipment sizing and cost estimation, is updated and expanded as well. These improvements also reflect changes in equipment availability. The numerous real examples throughout the book include computer or hand solutions, and often both. There is a new increased emphasis on computer use in design, economic evaluation, and optimization. Concepts, strategies, and approaches to computer use are featured. These concepts are not tied to particular software programs and therefore apply to wide a range of applications software, of both current and future release.This widely used text is now more useful than ever, providing a "one-stop" guide to chemical process design and evaluation.
The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History
Paul Mendes-Flohr - 1980
Marked by such profound events as the Holocaust and the establishment of the state of Israel, Judaism's long journey through the modern age has been a complex and tumultuous one, leading many Jews to ask themselves not only where they have been and where they are going, but what it means to be a Jew in today's world. Tracing the Jewish experience in the modern period and illustrating the transformation of Jewish religion, culture, and identity from the 17th century to 1948, the updated edition of this critically acclaimed volume of primary materials remains the most complete sourcebook on modern Jewish history. Now expanded to supplement the most vital documents of the first edition, The Jew in the Modern World features hitherto unpublished and inaccessible sources concerning the Jewish experience in Eastern Europe, women in Jewish history, American Jewish life, the Holocaust, and Zionism and the nascent Jewish community in Palestine on the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel. The documents are arranged chronologically in each of eleven chapters and are meticulously and extensively annotated and cross-referenced in order to provide the student with ready access to a wide variety of issues, key historical figures, and events. Complete with some twenty useful tables detailing Jewish demographic trends, this is a unique resource for any course in Jewish history, Zionism and Israel, the Holocaust, or European and American history.
A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research: Tools and Techniques
Robert Sommer - 1980
It expands the fourth edition's coverage of computer-related research methods and employs an international perspective, presenting general principles and their practical applications. Like previous editions, A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research, 5/e, covers the four major approaches to behavioral research (experimentation, observation, questionnaire, interview) and examines other important methods, including attitude and rating scales, the case study, semantic differential, unobtrusive measures, and the use of personal documents. It provides particularly strong treatment of observational approaches, behavior and cognitive mapping, electronic searches and Internet research, and action research. This revision includes two new chapters stimulated by student interest: Chapter 14, "Action Research," addresses the gap between doing research and having it applied; Chapter 15, "The Big Fuzzies," describes techniques for researching important concepts that are difficult to define and measure.Written in an accessible, colloquial style, this popular book encourages students to actually do research instead of just learning the concepts and language. Clear descriptions and concrete examples of abstract concepts demystify research and help students think about research procedures in a variety of settings, not just in the laboratory. Ideal for undergraduates in research methods classes, A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research, 5/e, is an invaluable reference for students of communications, education, nursing, design, and business. It is also a useful resource for readers who need reliable information or anyone interested in behavioral studies.The authors maintain a useful companion website at http: //
Klaus Jänich - 1980
- Fundamental Concepts. - Topological Vector Spaces.- The Quotient Topology. - Completion of Metric Spaces. - Homotopy. - The Two Countability Axioms. - CW-Complexes. - Construction of Continuous Functions on Topological Spaces. - Covering Spaces. - The Theorem of Tychonoff. - Set Theory (by T. Br-cker). - References. - Table of Symbols. -Index.
Shakespeare as Political Thinker
John E. Alvis - 1980
Well-known thinkers discuss Shakespeare's understanding of politics, the idea of the best polity, the relationship between character and political life, and the interpenetration of poetry, politics, religion, and philosophy.
Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique
Edith Diehl - 1980
The author examines many national styles and the work of Jean Grolier, Thomas Mahieu, Le Gascon, Samuel Mearne and others. 93 plates, 242 figures.
The Methodology Of Economics
Mark Blaug - 1980
The author introduces current thinking in the philosophy of science and reviews the literature on methodology. He looks at the status of welfare economics, and also provides a series of case studies of leading economic controversies, showing how they may be illuminated by paying attention to questions of methodology. A final chapter draws the strands together and gives the author's view of what is wrong with modern economics. This book is a revised and updated edition of a classic work on the methodology of economics.
Nature and Culture: American Landscape and Painting, 1825-1875
Barbara Novak - 1980
Between 1825 and 1875, allkinds of Americans--artists, writers, scientists, as well as everyday citizens--believed that God in Nature could resolve human contradictions, and that nature itself confirmed the American destiny. Using diaries and letters of the artists as well as quotes from literary texts, journals, andperiodicals, Novak illuminates the range of ideas projected onto the American landscape by painters such as Thomas Cole, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Edwin Church, Asher B. Durand, Fitz H. Lane, and Martin J. Heade, and writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Frederich Wilhelmvon Schelling. Now with a new preface, this spectacular volume captures a vast cultural panorama. It beautifully demonstrates how the idea of nature served, not only as a vehicle for artistic creation, but as its ideal form.An impressive achievement. --Barbara Rose, The New York Times Book ReviewAn admirable blend of ambition, elan, and hard research. Not just an art book, it bears on some of the deepest fantasies of American culture as a whole. --Robert Hughes, Time Magazine
The Learned Tales of Medieval Ireland
Proinsias Mac Cana - 1980
Tamil Temple Myths: Sacrifice and Divine Tradition
David Dean Shulman - 1980
As one of the first Western scholars to explore this tradition in detail, David Shulman brings together the stories associated with these sacred sites and places them in the context of the greater Hindu religious tradition.Originally published in 1980.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These paperback editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Company Image and Reality
David Bernstein - 1980
Not only the obvious external ones, corporate ads and corporate identity, but also the equally important usually neglected areas of staff and community relations.
Judgement and Choice
Robin M. Hogarth - 1980
Formal decision-making methods are discussed, although the emphasis is on the unstructured, natural way people make judgements and exercise choice. The major goal of the book is to help people make better decisions, and the author's psychological point of view differs from the standard texts on the subject, which stress decision-making methodology, statistical decision theory and related subjects. The author observes how people are generally unaware of how they make decisions and, often, why they prefer one alternative to others. A notable theme of this book is that intuition can be both studied and educated. Chapters cover the nature of human judgement, randomness and the probabilistic environment, the role of memory in judgement, creativity, imagination, choice, and more. Appendices.
History of the Yiddish Language: Volumes 1 and 2
Max Weinreich - 1980
A monumental, definitive work, History of the Yiddish Language demonstrates the integrity of Yiddish as a language, its evolution from other languages, its unique properties, and its versatility and range in both spoken and written form. Originally published in 1973 in Yiddish by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and partially translated in 1980, it is now being published in full in English for the first time. In addition to his text, Weinreich’s copious references and footnotes are also included in this two-volume set.