Best of
Free to Choose: A Personal Statement
Milton Friedman - 1980
In this classic discussion, Milton and Rose Friedman explain how our freedom has been eroded and our affluence undermined through the explosion of laws, regulations, agencies, and spending in Washington. This important analysis reveals what has gone wrong in America in the past and what is necessary for our economic health to flourish.
Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
William R. Catton Jr. - 1980
Even utility and oil companies now promote conservation in the face of demands for dwindling energy reserves. And for years some biologists have warned us of the direct correlation between scarcity and population growth. These scientists see an appalling future riding the tidal wave of a worldwide growth of population and technology.A calm but unflinching realist, Catton suggests that we cannot stop this wave - for we have already overshot the Earth's capacity to support so huge a load. He contradicts those scientists, engineers, and technocrats who continue to write optimistically about energy alternatives. Catton asserts that the technological panaceas proposed by those who would harvest from the seas, harness the winds, and farm the deserts are ignoring the fundamental premise that "the principals of ecology apply to all living things." These principles tell us that, within a finite system, economic expansion is not irreversible and population growth cannot continue indefinitely. If we disregard these facts, our sagging American Dream will soon shatter completely.
The Kingdom of Moltz
Irwin A. Schiff - 1980
As the leaders of the kingdom of Moltz seek ways to solve its financial problems, they discuss the relationship of inflation, taxation, and money.
Human Scale
Kirkpatrick Sale - 1980
Kirkpatrick Sale examines a nation in the grips of growthmania and presents the ways to shape a more efficient and livable society built to the human scale."--Cover.
Systems One: An Introduction to Systems Thinking
Draper L. Kauffman - 1980
Peasant Life In China: A Field Study Of Country Life In The Yangtze Valley
Fei Xiaotong - 1980
Fugitive Essays: Selected Writings
Frank Chodorov - 1980
These essays have been assembled for the first time from Chodorov's writings in magazines, newspapers, books, and pamphlets. They sparkle with his individualistic perspective on politics, human rights, socialism, capitalism, education, and foreign affairs.
The Energy Non Crisis
Clifford A. Wilson - 1980
C. was a lie,'" "[After proving the find at Gull Island an ARCO executive] went on to say, 'Chaplain, America has just become energy independent!'...The energy crisis had just come to a screeching halt-this ought to hit the front page of every newspaper in America...but before an announcement was made the government forced them to cap it and seal the records which documented the find...WHY!?"
Contested Terrain
Richard C. Edwards - 1980
The controversial study by a young radical economist of the transformation of the workplace-- where today impersonal bureaucracies legitimate hierarchies and enhance the employer's control over the worker.
A Theory Of Price Control
John Kenneth Galbraith - 1980
In nontechnical language, Galbraith supplies the underlying economic ideas which will help readers understand how particular controls affect the general operation of the economy. He shows why price controls during World War II worked as well as they did and he analyzes the criteria for effective price control both under a fully mobilized economy and under limited mobilization.
A Discourse on Property: John Locke and His Adversaries
James H. Tully - 1980
In this book James Tully uses an hermeneutical and analytical approach to offer a revolutionary revision of early modern theories of property, focusing particularly on that of Locke. Setting his analysis within the intellectual context of the seventeenth century, Professor Tully overturns the standard interpretations of Locke's theory, showing that it is not a justification of private property. Instead he shows it to be a theory of individual use rights within a framework of inclusive claim rights. He links Locke's conception of rights not merely to his ethical theory, but to the central arguments of his epistemology, and illuminates the way in which Locke's theory is tied to his metaphysical views of God and man, his theory of revolution and his account of a legitimate polity.
Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory
Allan M. Feldman - 1980
Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory, 2nd Edition, include models of economic exchange and production, uncertainty, optimality, public goods, social improvement criteria, life and death choices, majority voting, Arrow’s theorem, and theories of implementation and mechanism design.Our goal is to make value judgments about economic and political mechanisms: For instance, does the competitive market produce distributions of products and services that are good or bad for society? Does majority voting produce good or bad outcomes? How can we design tax mechanisms that result in efficient amounts of public goods being produced? We have attempted, in this book, to minimize mathematical obstacles, and to make this field accessible to undergraduate and graduate students and the interested non-expert.
Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers
Max Stone Peters - 1980
There are new chapters on process synthesis, computer-aided design, and design of chemical reactors. A traditionally strong feature of the text, economic analysis, has been revamped and updated. Another strength, equipment sizing and cost estimation, is updated and expanded as well. These improvements also reflect changes in equipment availability. The numerous real examples throughout the book include computer or hand solutions, and often both. There is a new increased emphasis on computer use in design, economic evaluation, and optimization. Concepts, strategies, and approaches to computer use are featured. These concepts are not tied to particular software programs and therefore apply to wide a range of applications software, of both current and future release.This widely used text is now more useful than ever, providing a "one-stop" guide to chemical process design and evaluation.
Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism
Michael Burawoy - 1980
Manufacturing Consent is unique among studies of this kind because Burawoy has been able to analyze his own experiences in relation to those of Donald Roy, who studied the same factory thirty years earlier. Burawoy traces the technical, political, and ideological changes in factory life to the transformations of the market relations of the plant (it is now part of a multinational corporation) and to broader movements, since World War II, in industrial relations.
Value: The Representation of Labour in Capitalism
Diane Elson - 1980
This republication of a long out-of-print collection of essays, first published in 1979, focuses on the elusive concept of “value.” The field of study surrounding the theory of value remains comparatively sparse in Anglophone circles, and the essays here aim to answer the question, “Why is Marx’s theory of value important?”From the Trade Paperback edition.
Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product/50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue
Walter A. Shewhart - 1980
Shewhart (the father of modern quality control) described his book as indication of the direction in which future developments may be expected to take place, could he have forseen its enormous impact? This monumental work laid the foundation for this modern quality control discipline, and it remains as current today as ever. It began as an attempt to develop a scientific basis for attaining economic control of quality through the establishment of control limits to indicate when the quality of product is varying more than is economically desirable. In his search for better knowledge of economy in manufacture, Shewhart touches upon all aspects of statistical quality control. The book includes a presentation of the fundamental concepts and advantages of statistical control; ways of expressing quality of product (a section containing a discourse that has been described as a masterpiece on the meaning of quality); the basis for specification of quality control; sampling fluctuations in quality; allowable variability in quality (which contains the first fully developed use of control charts); and quality control in practice. This is required reading for anyone seriously interested in the study of quality control. About the Author: The father of modern quality control, Walter A. Shewhart brought together the disciplines of statistics, engineering, and economics in a simple but highly effective tool: the control chart. This technique, and the principles behind it, have played key roles in economic developments from the 1940's through to the present day. Most of Shewhart's professional career was spent at Western Electric as an engineer from 1918 to 1924 and at Bell Telephone Laboratories from 1925 until his retirement in 1956. In addition, he served for more than 20 years as the first editor of the Mathematical Statistics Series published by John Wiley & Sons.
The Methodology Of Economics
Mark Blaug - 1980
The author introduces current thinking in the philosophy of science and reviews the literature on methodology. He looks at the status of welfare economics, and also provides a series of case studies of leading economic controversies, showing how they may be illuminated by paying attention to questions of methodology. A final chapter draws the strands together and gives the author's view of what is wrong with modern economics. This book is a revised and updated edition of a classic work on the methodology of economics.
Wealth Addiction
Philip Slater - 1980
In fact, our addiction to money is a national malaise that not only impoverishes our individual lives but also has brought our nation to the economic crisis we face today. Fortunately, our addiction to money is curable. Slater shows how to recognize wealth addiction in our own behavior and how to kick the habit - not by denying ourselves, but through a process of joyous self-fulfillment. Philip Slater's insightful examinations of contemporary culture have challenges and entertained readers for more than 20 yearsAn abridgment and adaptation of the book by the same title.
Strange World of Ivan Ivanov
G. Warren Nutter - 1980
The only safeguard of liberty is the restraint of power itself.”~G. Warren NutterEconomist G. Warren Nutter provided one of the lone dissenting voices to challenge what had become a matter of conventional wisdom among Sovietologists.Whereas others perceived vibrancy and vitality in the socialist society’s industrial growth, Nutter recognized its long-term economic decline concealed behind a politically crafted veneer of propaganda about socialist industrial prowess.From 1956 until its first publication in 1969, he labored on providing a statistical corrective that painted a picture of a society gradually succumbing to the weight of its own central planning in The Strange World of Ivan Ivanov.Though generally well-received in the Cold War environment of its publication, Ivan Ivanov, drifted from memory along with its own Soviet subject matter.In this new edition, the text is accessible again—both as a record of the daily personal hardships experienced under an actual Marxian-socialist state and a warning for a time when socialism’s reputation has become detached from its own track record.The poverty, fear, and coerced subordination of Ivan Ivanov’s life were not aberrations of a socialist revolution gone astray—they were the entirely predictable results of that same socialist system. And as its human toll stretches from the Eastern Bloc to China to Cuba to Venezuela, they continue to repeat with alarming certainty whenever and wherever socialism is attempted.The American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, was founded in 1933 as the first independent voice for sound economics in the United States. Today it publishes ongoing research, hosts educational programs, publishes books, sponsors interns and scholars, and is home to the world-renowned Bastiat Society and the highly respected Sound Money Project. The American Institute for Economic Research is a 501c3 public charity.
The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Threat
Alan Wolfe - 1980
The Theory of the Growth of the Firm
Edith T. Penrose - 1980
The Theory of the Growth of the Firm is a rich and pioneering work that addresses these questions and laid the foundation for this approach often referred to as the resource based view of the firm. Edith Penrose analyzes managerial activities and decisions, organizational routines, and knowledge creation within the company and argues that they are critical to the ability of a firm to grow.
Lectures on Public Economics: Updated Edition
Anthony B. Atkinson - 1980
First published in 1980, Lectures on Public Economics still tops reading lists at many leading universities despite the fact that the book has been out of print for years. This new edition makes it readily available again to a new generation of students and practitioners in public economics.The lectures presented here examine the behavioral responses of households and firms to tax changes. Topics include the effects of taxation on labor supply, savings, risk-taking, the firm, debt, and economic growth. The book then delves into normative questions such as the design of tax systems, optimal taxation, public sector pricing, and public goods, including local public goods.Written by two of the world's preeminent economists, this edition of Lectures on Public Economics features a new introduction by Anthony Atkinson and Joseph Stiglitz that discusses the latest developments in the field and areas for future research.The definitive advanced-level textbook on public economicsExamines the effects of taxation on households and firmsCovers tax system design, optimal taxation, public sector pricing, and moreIncludes suggestions for further readingAdditional resources available online
Capitalism or Worker Control?
David Schweickart - 1980
Schweickart's primary areas of research are social & political philosophy, philosophy, economics & Marxism. He also has major interests in feminist theory, existentialism, critical theory, race & racism. He's published extensively on these topics. His work has been translated into Spanish, Catalan, French & Chinese. His book publications include: After Capitalism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002) with a Chinese translation forthcoming by the Social Science Documentation Publ. House, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing; Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists (Routledge, 1998), coauthored with B. Ollman, J. Lawler & H. Ticktin, with a Chinese translation in 2000 by Xinhua Publ. House; Against Capitalism (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993, & Westview Press, 1996), with a Spanish translation Mas alla del capitalismo, in 1997, & with a Chinese translation in 2003 by Renmin Univ. Press in Beijing; Capitalism or Worker Control? An Ethical & Economic Appraisal (Praeger, 1980)....
Essays on Economic Stability and Growth: Collected Economic Essays
Nicholas Kaldor - 1980
Women and Colonization: Anthropological Perspectives
Mona Etienne - 1980
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 1980
Sterling M. McMurrin - 1980
The Crisis Of Soviet Industrialization: Selected Essays
Yevgeni Preobrazhensky - 1980