Best of
Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art
Madeleine L'Engle - 1980
In this classic book, Madeleine L'Engle addresses the questions, What makes art Christian? What does it mean to be a Christian artist? What is the relationship between faith and art? Through L'Engle's beautiful and insightful essay, readers will find themselves called to what the author views as the prime tasks of an artist: to listen, to remain aware, and to respond to creation through one's own art.
Make Every Word Count
Gary Provost - 1980
Gary Provost has a light-hearted style, but his message is clear and strong: Make Every Word Count.
Objective Communication: Writing, Speaking and Arguing
Leonard Peikoff - 1980
Here, Leonard Peikoff—Rand’s heir—explains how you can communicate philosophical ideas with conviction, logic, and, most of all, reason. Based on a series of lectures presented by Peikoff, Objective Communication shows how to apply Objectivist principles to the problem of achieving clarity both in thought and in communication. Peikoff teaches readers how to write, speak, and argue on the subject of philosophical ideas—ideas pertaining to profoundly important issues ranging from the question of the existence of God to the nature and proper limits of government power. Including enlightening discussions of a wide range of Objectivist topics—such as the primacy of consciousness, the pitfalls of rationalistic thinking, and the true meaning of the word “altruism,” as well as in-depth analysis of some of Ayn Rand’s own writings—Peikoff’s Objective Communication is essential reading for anyone interested in Ayn Rand’s philosophy.
Secrets of the World's Best-Selling Writer: The Storytelling Techniques of Erle Stanley Gardner
Francis L. Fugate - 1980
Words on Words: A Dictionary for Writers and Others Who Care about Words
John B. Bremner - 1980
Lists words and terms, useful to journalists and students of the English language, including etymology, usage, and interesting facts.
Practice of Process Meditation: Intensive Journal Way to Spiritual Experience
Ira Progoff - 1980
It provides a unique way to awaken and renew spiritual experience in the very midst of your life. It opens a path to the depth beyond the doctrines, whatever the doctrines of your beliefs may currently be. Within the framework of your religious background, or your personal evolving philosophy, Process Meditation provides an ongoing spiritual discipline.
Selected Writing: Net Work
Daphne Marlatt - 1980
This volume includes work from each of Daphne Marlatt’s earlier books of poetry: Frames of a Story, leaf leaf/s, Rings, Vancouver Poems, Steveston and Our Lives; from the forthcoming What Matters; the prose work Zócalo; magazine selections from Imago and The Capilano Review and unpublished work.
American Myth, American Reality
James Oliver Robertson - 1980
Historical commentary focusing on how myths in our culture, like any other, shape how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.
An Alternate Style: Options In Composition
Winston Weathers - 1980