Best of
The Holy Temple
Boyd K. Packer - 1980
It examines in appropriate detail the doctrines and practices which surround that holy building, and particularly their implications for the individual Church member.Part one offers the Lord's invitation: "Come to the temple." It sets forth the requirements for attendance- basically, preparation through worthiness- and the attitude and behavior appropriate for those attending that holy place on the first and all subsequent occasions. Part two deals in brief fashion with the ancient temples then turns to the central human figure in the work of the temple- Elijah the Prophet, who anciently held the keys relative to the sealing power of the priesthood. Malachi's prophecy and the human tradition about Elijah's return in the latter days are impressively set forth.Elijah's return and all that it means for the happiness and salvation of mankind are the themes of parts three and four. Following early Restoration scenes, here is the Kirtland Temple built at great personal sacrifice. Dedicated, it fulfills a major purpose in the glorious visions of April 3, 1836, the Savior himself introducing three heavenly beings who then convey priesthood keys. One of these is Elijah. Thereafter the revelations progressively develop the doctrine of temple work for both the living and the dead; under divine direction temple ceremonies are introduced and participants eagerly flock to the Nauvoo Temple; through President Wilford Woodruff the supporting work of lineage linking is clarified by revelation; and the spirit of Elijah is manifest both in and out of the Church as genealogical research and temple work blossom, temples multiply, and those beyond the veil assist those involved in the work here.The endowment with its sacred covenants and its elevating symbolic instruction, the sealing ordinance, and the other temple ceremonies are discussed sensitively and authoritatively.
Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen - 1980
Sheen, the preeminent teacher, preacher, and pastor of American Catholicism.Called “the Great Communicator” by Billy Graham and “a prophet of the times” by Pope Pius XII, Sheen was the voice of American Catholicism for nearly fifty years. In addition to his prolific writings, Sheen dominated the airwaves, first in radio, and later television, with his signature program “Life is Worth Living,” drawing an average of 30 million viewers a week in the 1950s. Sheen had the ears of everyone from presidents to the common men, women, and children in the pews, and his uplifting message of faith, hope, and love shaped generations of Catholics. Here in Sheen’s own words are reflections from his childhood, his years in seminary, his academic career, his media stardom, his pastoral work, his extensive travels, and much more. Readers already familiar with Sheen and as well as those coming to him for the first time will find a fascinating glimpse into the Catholic world Sheen inhabited, and will find inspiration in Sheen’s heartfelt recollections. Treasure in Clay is a classic book and a lasting testament to a life that was worth living.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Paul W. Brand - 1980
The miracle of the skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles . . .your physical being is knit according to a pattern of incredible purpose. In Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, renowned surgeon Dr. Paul Brand and best-selling writer Philip Yancey explore the human body. Join them in a remarkable journey through inner space -- a spellbinding world of cells, systems, and chemistry that bears the impress of a still deeper, unseen reality. This Gold medallion Award-winning book uncovers eternal statements that God has made in the very structure of our bodies, presenting captivating insights into the Body of Christ.
Our Heritage: A Brief History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1980
Joseph Smith, the first prophet of this dispensation, taught:“The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”Every prophet who has succeeded Joseph Smith has added his personal witness of the divine mission of the Savior. The First Presidency affirmed:“As those who are called and ordained to bear witness of Jesus Christ to all the world, we testify that He was resurrected on that Easter morning nearly two thousand years ago, and that He lives today. He has a glorified, immortal body of flesh and bones. He is the Savior, the Light and Life of the world.”Millions of faithful Saints have also had testimonies of the divinity of Jesus Christ. This knowledge has motivated them to make the sacrifices necessary to build The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the kingdom of God on the earth. The story of the establishment of the Church is one of faith, consecration, and joy. It is the story of living prophets who taught the truths of God to the modern world. It is the story of men and women from all walks of life who sought for the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, upon finding it, were willing to pay the price of becoming the Savior’s disciples. These stalwart Saints pressed on through sufferings and hardships, witnessing even in their darkest hours of the goodness of God and the joy of his love. They have left a legacy of faith, courage, obedience, and sacrifice.The heritage of faith continues today. Latter-day Saints throughout the world are modern pioneers in their own homelands, where they live with faith and courage in a time fraught with new challenges and opportunities. There are pages of history yet to be written. We each have an opportunity to leave a heritage for generations to follow that will help them understand the joy of living and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.As we learn more about the faith of those who have gone before us, we can better understand those with whom we have joined hands in bearing witness of the Savior and helping to establish his kingdom. We can determine to live more righteously as faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eternity in Their Hearts: Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World
Don Richardson - 1980
Fascinating accounts of how God enabled the people of different pagan cultures to understand the meaning of the Gospel.
The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You, a Revelatory Commentary on the Original Teachings of Jesus
Paramahansa Yogananda - 1980
Verse by verse, he illumines the universal path to oneness with God taught by Jesus to his immediate disciples, dispelling centuries-old misconceptions and dogma. This monumental work transcends divisive sectarianism to reveal a unifying harmony underlying all religions. This beautifully bound two-volume hardcover edition features 52 high-quality color illustrations.
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society
Eugene H. Peterson - 1980
If anything, email and the Internet may have intensified our quest for the quick fix. But Peterson's time-tested prescription for discipleship remains the same--a long obedience in the same direction. Tucked away in the Hebrew Psalter, Peterson discovered "an old dog-eared songbook," the Songs of Ascents that were sung by pilgrims on their way up to worship in Jerusalem. In these songs (Psalms 120-134) Peterson finds encouragement for modern pilgrims as we learn to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community and blessing. This 20th anniversary edition of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction features these Psalms in Peterson's widely acclaimed paraphrase, The Message. He also includes an epilogue in which he reflects on the themes of this book and his ministry during the twenty years since its original publication.
Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism
Valentin Tomberg - 1980
Written anonymously and published posthumously, as was the author's wish, the intention of this work is for the reader to find a relationship with the author in the spiritual dimensions of existence. The author wanted not to be thought of as a personality who lived from 1900 to 1973, but as a friend who is communicating with us from beyond the boundaries of ordinary life.
The Violence of Love
Oscar A. Romero - 1980
Three short years transformed Romero, archbishop of San Salvador, from a conservative defender of the status quo into one of the church's most outspoken voices of the oppressed. Though silenced by an assassin's bullet, his spirit and the challenge of his life lives on.
The Christ Commission
Og Mandino - 1980
. . if he were given just one week back in ancient Jerusalem.That night author Matt Lawrence got his wish.A knock-out punch took him right out of this world and landed him in Biblical Judea in 26 A.D., just six years after the execution of Jesus at Golgotha.In relentless pursuit of his investigation, Lawrence walked the same streets Jesus walked, visited the same places . . . and found himself facing the same dangers.Eyewitness reports might lead him to a discovery that would shake the world--but will he live long enough to tell the 30th century that he just solved the greatest mystery of all time?"
New Testament Stories
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1980
These stories are taken from a book that is sacred. As you read these stories, remember they are about real people who lived long ago.Read the stories over and over until you know them well. You will also want to read them from the Bible. Under each picture you will see where you can find that story in the Bible. Have your father, mother, teacher, or friend help you.If you do not know a word, look it up in “Words to Know” at the back of the book. If you do not know a person or place, look it up in “People to Know” or “Places to Know” at the back of the book.To Parents and TeachersThis book will help you teach the scriptures. The “Words to Know,” “People to Know,” and “Places to Know” sections will help you teach the meanings of words in this book and the identity of New Testament people and places. Other helps in this book include the maps, which will also help you to help those whom you teach.As you teach, share your testimony of the Bible. Encourage those whom you teach to seek prayerfully their own testimonies. Their understanding will grow when you read to them their favorite stories from the Bible itself.
Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art
Madeleine L'Engle - 1980
In this classic book, Madeleine L'Engle addresses the questions, What makes art Christian? What does it mean to be a Christian artist? What is the relationship between faith and art? Through L'Engle's beautiful and insightful essay, readers will find themselves called to what the author views as the prime tasks of an artist: to listen, to remain aware, and to respond to creation through one's own art.
The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-Greek-English
Jay Patrick Green Sr. - 1980
Featuring the complete Hebrew and Greek texts with a direct English rendering below each word, it also includes "The Literal Translation of the Bible" in the outside column. But what truly sets this resource apart are the Strong's numbers printed directly above the Hebrew and Greek words. Strong's numbers enable even those with no prior knowledge of Greek or Hebrew to easily access a wealth of language reference works keyed to Strong's--Greek/Hebrew dictionaries, analytical lexicons, concordances, word studies, and more.The Hebrew is based on the Masoretic Text and the Greek is from the Textus Receptus. The sources of the texts are documented in the preface, and are essentially the same (with some minor variations) to the Hebrew and Greek texts used by the KJV translators.Only a small minority of Bible students ever achieve the ability to read the original biblical languages. This resource offers a non-threatening tool for those lacking language training to begin exploring the languages of Scripture.- Conveniently includes the entire Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible in one place- Offering a concise, literal translation of each Greek and Hebrew word, it's a great jumping off point for in-depth Bible study and text analysis.FAQ- How large is the type?--5-point
Old Testament Stories
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1980
Each picture within the stories includes a caption with corresponding scripture reference. The book also includes glossaries of important words, places (with map), and people, and a timeline of Old Testament events.
Mary: The Church at the Source
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1980
Ratzinger and von Balthasar show that Mary is both the embodiment of the Church, and the mother who co-operates in giving birth to the Church in the souls of believers.At once profound and yet readily accessible, Mary: The Church at the Source offers a theologically balanced and biblically grounded presentation of traditional and contemporary thought on Marian doctrine and spirituality.
The Concept of Education in Islam: A Framework for an Islamic Philosophy of Education
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas - 1980
This is the keynote address delivered by Professor Naquib al-Attas at the “First World Conference on Muslim Education” held in Makkah al-Mukarramah in March 1977.
Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda - 1980
In answering the questions of those who turned to him for guidance, Yogananda expressed himself with candor, spontaneity, and insight. He knew when to relieve a somber situation with a flash of wit, and was able to transform philosophical truths into simple precepts for everyday living.
The Lady of Guadalupe
Tomie dePaola - 1980
The patron saint of Mexico who appeared to a poor Indian in 1531.
Stan Telchin - 1980
When Stan Telchin's daughter accepts Jesus as her Messiah, she makes a touching plea for him to search out the truth for himself. Intending to prove her wrong, Telchin sets out on a vigorous and critical examination of the claims of Jesus Christ. He is astonished at what he learns and finds himself facing a wrenching and life-changing decision.As readers travel with Telchin, they too will discover a deeper, fuller awareness of both Judaism and Christianity, as well as how God can heal wounds from the bitterest conflicts. Even more, readers will discover the inexorable power of the gospel. This new edition includes an update from the author and wisdom-filled words on Jewish identity.
Decision Making and the Will of God: A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View
Garry Friesen - 1980
This new edition includes these helpful resources: • Study guide for small groups • Responses to Frequently Asked Questions • Guide to painless Scripture memorization Friesen tackles the very practical issues of choosing a mate, picking a career, and giving in this fresh and liberating approach to decision making and the will of God. Story Behind the BookMost Christians have been taught how to find God’s will, yet many are still unsure whether they’ve found it. God does guide His people, but the question is, “How does He guide?” After “putting out a fleece” to decide which college to attend, Garry Friesen began pondering why it was so hard to find God’s will when he had so sincerely sought it. Was he the only one who did not have 100 percent clarity for every decision? Then a new possibility struck—perhaps his understanding of the nature of God’s will was biblically deficient. Maybe there was a better way to understand HOW God guides.
Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century
John Boswell - 1980
The historical breadth of Boswell's research (from the Greeks to Aquinas) and the variety of sources consulted (legal, literary, theological, artistic, and scientific) make this one of the most extensive treatments of any single aspect of Western social history. The product of ten years of research and analysis of records in a dozen languages, this book opens up a new area of historical inquiry and helps elucidate the origins and operations of intolerance as a social force.
Conversation With Christ: The Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila about Personal Prayer
Peter-Thomas Rohrbach - 1980
Teresa's teaching about mental prayer shines through in this wonderful synopsis of her writings about it–something she said "the whole world could not purchase." Learn how we should pray, in order to grow in the spiritual life. Impr. 184 pgs, PB
The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila. Volume 2: The Way of Perfection, Meditations on the Song of Songs, The Interior Castle
Teresa de Jesús - 1980
The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief
Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz - 1980
In this classic work, world-renowned scholar Adin Steinsaltz answers the major questions asked by modern Jews about the nature of existence in God's universe. The title The Thirteen Petalled Rose is taken from the opening of the classic Jewish text on mysticism, the Zohar, and refers to the "collective souls of the Jewish people," which scholars have likened to the fullness of a rose and its thirteen petals. Along with a new preface by the author, this edition contains a new chapter on prayer that provides the most up-to-date account of the Kabbalistic view of devotion. Another new chapter recounts and interprets the prophet Elijah's Introduction to the Zohar. "Steinsaltz possesses a mind of the quality that occurs perhaps once or twice in a generation, or several generations... In [The Thirteen Petalled Rose] one can encounter the classical Jewish mystical view of reality, delineated lucidly, concisely, profoundly and, what is so rare, believingly. It is an utterly authentic expression of Judaism yet so unknown even among the well-informed and therefore so necessary, so welcome." (Herbert Weiner, Oxford University)
Redeemed from Poverty, Sickness, and Spiritual Death
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1980
Believers have been redeemed from the curse of the law to enjoy the blessings of Abraham!
Meaningful to Behold: The Bodhisattva's Way of Life
Kelsang Gyatso - 1980
Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but few understand how to make this wish effective in daily life. In this explanation of the Buddhist classic Guide to Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Gelshe Kelsang shows how we can develop and maintain the supremely compassionate motivation of a Bodhisattva, and how we can then engage in the actual practices that provide the greatest benefits to others and lead to the attainment of full enlightenment.
The Words Of Joseph Smith
Andrew F. Ehat - 1980
The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph
The Mahabharata, Volume 1: Book 1: The Book of the Beginning
J.A.B. Van Buitenen - 1980
The core of this great work is the epic struggle between five heroic brothers, the Pandavas, and their one hundred contentious cousins for rule of the land. This is the first volume in what will ultimately become a multi volume edition encompassing all eighteen books.
Camilla, a Biography of Camilla Eyring Kimball
Caroline Eyring Miner - 1980
At seventeen she fled with her family from the dangers of revolution and was sent alone to Utah to finish high school and earn her own way into the world. Camilla tells her story, often in her own words, recounting her heritage, her high-spirited youth, and her struggles and triumphs as wife, mother, citizen, and individual. The book is packed with human interest: her childhood fear that she was going insane; her father's plural marriage; flight from Mexican revolutionaries; the insecurities of a poor but proud teenage girl; a whirlwind courtship and marriage; the terror of having a child stricken with polio; the frightening responsibility of wife of a General Authority; the exhilaration of travel; the anguish of watching her husband suffer through numerous physical infirmities. The woman who emerges is shy but warm, highly intelligent, refreshingly candid, deeply faithful, independent to a fault, unswervingly loyal, and reassuringly human.
Loved by God (Six Pillars From Ephesians Book #1): The Spiritual Wealth of the Believer
T.D. Jakes - 1980
This book covers the spiritual wealth of the believer, helping Christians discover the rich themes in the book of Ephesians. The studies are practical, challenging, and revealing and will empower readers to live at a new level of spiritual maturity. Students of the Word will want the complete set of six volumes.
The Positive Power of Jesus Christ: Life-Changing Adventures in Faith
Norman Vincent Peale - 1980
One of the most inspirational and influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century, minister and bestselling author Norman Vincent Peale transformed the lives of millions worldwide with his groundbreaking book, The Power of Positive Thinking. In The Positive Power of Jesus Christ, the revered pastor of the world-famous Marble Collegiate Church proclaims his unshakable faith in Christ the Savior with inspiring stories of healing and hope, of the ways in which his life and the lives of others were profoundly touched by the holy hand of God’s Son. In this beautiful, everlasting work, Dr. Peale contends that, “positive thinking really means a faith attitude . . . [and] only faith can turn the life around.” In sharing these thrilling true accounts of people from all walks of life who have experienced the positive saving power of Christ—including his own powerful witnessing of the Savior’s work—Peale offers a humble tribute to our blessed Lord, demonstrating the many ways in which His love can truly change the world.
Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You
Muktananda - 1980
This invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for both beginning and experienced meditators sparks enthusiasm for pursuing this practice and its highest goal, self-realization.
Spiritual Theology
Jordan Aumann - 1980
He reminds us that “the real purpose of the study of the spiritual life is not to produce scholars but to form holy Christians.”Basing much of his work on St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa, Father Aumann proves that Christian perfection consists especially in charity, a charity richly rewarded in spiritual graces.He presents the most complete and systematic treatment of spiritual theology since Vatican II. Comprehensive in scope, it meets the needs of seminarians, professors of spiritual theology, spiritual directors, and retreat masters. This classic will also appeal to the educated reader seeking a richer and fuller spiritual life.
Light and Peace: Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Allay Their Fears
Carlo Giuseppe Quadrupani - 1980
By far, the most telling feature of this little book is its immense common sense and good advice. LIGHT AND PEACE shows that perfecting one's self is not a complicated task, but one which requires good, practical thinking and a knowledge of the task at hand in short, Light on the path which is what this book is. Thereafter, the result of one s knowing where he is going spiritually and how best to achieve this end is Peace, that peace which Our Lord promised and which the world cannot give.LIGHT AND PEACE is a classic in Catholic spirituality. First written in 1795 in Italian, this work has passed through innumerable editions in Italian, French, German and English, the present one alone being the tenth in this format. In short, it is a summary of spiritual guidance for earnest Christians in the ordinary duties of life in the world.
I Say Unto You: Talks on the Sayings of Jesus
Osho - 1980
Osho convincingly makes the case that the stories of Jesus' life were never meant to be a factual record of history, but rather are teaching parables designed to provide ongoing spiritual guidance for generations to come.I Say Unto You introduces us to a dynamic, compassionate, intelligent, loving Jesus, who speaks in a plain and simple way that everyone can understand. This is not the long-faced, sad and tortured man often depicted down the centuries.Osho looks with a crystal-clear perception at Jesus’ work, inviting us to see the parables and miracles as metaphors of the inner world. He gives insight into Jesus’ own search, and his journeys to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Kashmir, and Tibet that transformed him into one of the most evolved masters of the paths of love and meditation, with insights that are still relevant for today's world.
Why I Believe
D. James Kennedy - 1980
For new believers and seasoned Christians alike, this book will strengthen their faith by answering that all consuming question, "Why?"
Azusa Street: An Eyewitness Account to the Birth of the Pentecostal Revival
Frank Bartleman - 1980
Then you will know how to be an instrument of God's love and healing to others, change your life from ordinary to extraordinary, conquer fears that have defeated you, experience the presence of God for yourself, and become as effective as the early Christians. Your prayer life will be unbelievably transformed as you experience God's moving in your life.
Islam, Beliefs and Teachings
Ghulam Sarwar - 1980
This edition saw a number of corrections and amendments to the text. It is one of the best-selling childrens' and adult books on Islam in the world (196,000 copies printed), giving a comprehensive introduction to the religion in an affordably priced and well-produced volume. It is ideal for young Muslims, new Muslims and non-Muslims who want an easy-to-read overview of the final revealed religion. Many schools and Islamic centers now use Islam: Beliefs and Teachings as a standard text.
Shaman's Daughter
Nan F. Salerno - 1980
But only one man could bring her the happiness she longed for.SHAMAN'S DAUGHTER--Supaya watched her children abandon their sacred heritage. But she survived, returning to the old ways...seeking the one who could inherit her priceless gift of knowledge.
My Prayer Book
Concordia Publishing House - 1980
Includes presentation page and a section on key chapters and stories of the Bible.
An Exhaustive Ellen G. White Commentary on Daniel and Revelation
Ellen G. White - 1980
Temple and Contemplation
Henry Corbin - 1980
Henry Corbin himself outlined the plan for this book, whose title implies a common centre for these diverse studies. The two essays that open this collection might appear out of place in the perspective of the Temple; yet Corbin included them precisely to point out that Shiite hermeneutics necessarily leads to a theosophy of the Temple -just as the Temple itself has no meaning, if we have not the method and ontology to lead us there. From a consideration of the philosophy of colours in Islam, followed by a study of the metaphysical and mystical foundation of the science of correspondences, "The Science of the Balance", the author proceeds to reflect on the role of the heavenly Temple, or the archetype of the Temple, in the spiritual traditions of the Religions of the Book. No other work of Corbin brings out more clearly the hermeneutic correspondences among spiritual visions belonging to these religions. Thus we understand why Corbin wished to link the themes of "Temple" and "Contemplation": the theory of visionary perception allows for the emergence of the Temple, but the processes of visionary knowing are themselves based on the eternal presence of the Imago Templi.
Outpouring of the Soul
Nachman of Breslov - 1980
When every bush of the field begins to return to life and grow, they all yearn to be included in your prayer." Rebbe Nachman emphasized the greatness of spontaneous, improvised prayer uttered in one's own language and springing from the heart -- hitbodedut. This handbook of his teachings on prayer includes Rabbi Kaplan's scholarly introduction setting hitbodedut in its context in the history of Jewish prayer and meditation.
Happiness: How to Find It
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society - 1980
But that need not be true in your case. The experience of persons around the globe proves that contentment and rewarding life are within your reach. We publish this book to make available the valuable information you need to find happiness. -The Publishers
The Principles of State and Government in Islam
Muhammad Asad - 1980
This book is an attempt to keep that discussion alive.
Essential Christianity
Walter Ralston Martin - 1980
In this highly readable explanation of the most important Christian teachings, Walter Martin answers such vital questions as - Is the Bible completely true? - How can God be three in one? - Is Christ really God and man? - Who will be saved in the end? ... plus dozens more crucially important questions about God, man and the universe. Essential Christianity will give you the answers you need in our confusing world of cults, half-truths, and religious confusion.
Real Presences
George Steiner - 1980
. . . All the virtues of the author's astounding intelligence and compelling rhetoric are evident from the first sentence onward."—Anthony C. Yu, Journal of Religion
Masters of Wisdom
J.G. Bennett - 1980
G. Bennett, philosopher, mathematician and outstanding practical interpreter of the ideas of G. I. Gurdjieff, examines in this, his last book, evidence for one of the most persistent of human beliefs - that throughout history a hidden group of men has existed which, with wisdom beyond normal human understanding, has periodically intervened in troubled world affairs to restore harmony and inject a new spiritual potential for human evolution. John Bennett died on the day he had decided to write the last chapter of The Master of Wisdom. The book is here published just as Bennett left the manuscript. His unique study of unconventional; history offers detailed evidence in support of a powerful and unifying hypothesis of a guiding Demiurgic intelligence and contains a message that is vital for the survival of mankind. --- from book's back cover
Defender of the Faith: The B. H. Roberts Story
Truman G. Madsen - 1980
Roberts, a man well recognized in the church and the author of many beloved books, was one that could fill countless pages. The son of a “ne’er-do-well,” his life in England reads as if it were straight from a Charles Dickens novel. His family was torn apart when his mother joined the Church and emigrated to America. Left to struggle alone in England with his sister, his life was one of severe trials. Finally, they were able to emigrate and join the other saints gathering in Utah.His tremendous impact in the church comes through his voluminous writings on Church subjects. Interestingly, he was eleven years old before he learned to read, and the discovery of what lies within printed words opened a deep love for knowledge. This passion eventually led to him becoming one of the foremost scholars, writers and religious leaders in the Church.For both the general reader as well as the specialist, this biography of B.H. Roberts will fill a long-standing gap as they come to better know this outstanding man.
Reaching for Rainbows: Resources for Creative Worship
Ann Weems - 1980
They offer pastors fresh worship and sermon material covering such specific events as Christmas, weddings, Pentecost, and Communion. Also included are seven complete services of worship plus a section of helpful hints for worship planning committees.
The Perfect Relationship: The Guru and the Disciple
Muktananda - 1980
The inner dynamics of the author's personal Guru-disciple relationship are described through references to scripture, the poetry of saints, and his own relationship with Guru Bhagawan Nityananda.
The Cistercian Way
André Louf - 1980
Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, IrelandFirst published in English as The Cistercian Alternative by Gill and Macmillan Ltd., Goldenbridge, Inchicore, Dublin, Ireland, 1983. Copyright 1983 by the Irish Cistercian Abbots. All rights reserved.p.11 - Introduction by Dom Celsus Kelly, Abbot of Bethlehem Abbey, Portglenonep.15 - Translator's Prefacep. 143 - ReferencesAppendix A: Basic Texts1. Cistercian Beginnings - Exordium Cistercii2. Cistercian Life Today - A Declaration on Cistercian Life by the 1969 General Chapter of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (O.C.S.O.)3. Statute on Unity and Pluralism of the 1969 General Chapter O.C.S.O.Appendix B: Cistercian Monasteries TodayLists monasteries in or near English-speaking areas.Ending pages list the works that make up the Cistercian Studies series
I say unto you Vol 2
Osho - 1980
1, and 9 chapters in Vol. 2.The second edition has 8 chapters in Vol. 1, and 11 chapters in Vol. 2.Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Lettersfrom Nov 2, 1977 to Nov 10, 1977Number of Discourses/Chapters9
Praying Our Experiences
Joseph F. Schmidt - 1980
The classic, best-selling guide to prayer.Over ninety thousand copies soldWith a new look, a new foreword, and an updated bibliography"Praying our experiences" is the practice of reflecting on and entering honestly into the day-to-day events of our life to become aware of God's word in them and to offer ourselves to God through these events.Noted by some as one of the best introductions to prayer ever written, this book is helpful for developing your personal prayer life, as a guide for sharing in groups, or as a gift for someone who desires to live a more prayer-filled life.
Prevailing Prayer to Peace: 26 Lessons on Prayer
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1980
studying the weekly lessons and memory texts, and putting the lessons into action will help every believer who wants to establish an effective prayer life.
Geography of Holiness: The Photography of Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton - 1980
A prolific writer, Merton communicated his remarkable insights through poetry, essays, journals, and books. Merton was also a skilled and gifted photographer. Although his serious involvement with photography began late in his life and spanned only a few years, Merton's photographs express great sensitivity and precision. Geography of Holiness presents a selection of one hundered of Merton's photographs taken in such disparate locales as New Mexico, Alaska, India, Thailand, and Kentucky. In his photography, as in his writings, Merton conveys a profound understanding of being. The subjects of his photographs are as diverse as all of life. He captures the smooth, innocent faces of youth, the wise, expressive faces of the aged, the pristine simplicity of an adobe wall, and the peaceful majesty of the sea. Never intrusive or contrived, Merton's photographs evoke the spirit of the people he met and the places he visited. They give us a rare sense of the holiness of all created things. Selections from Merton's writings accompany the photographs to underscore the mood and feeling of the images. A descriptive list of plates and a chronology of Merton's life are included."
Cry of the People: United States Involvement in the Rise of Fascism, Torture and Murder and the Persecution of the Catholic Church in Latin America
Penny Lernoux - 1980
InterventionThe AwakeningAppendixNotesGlossaryIndexMaps
Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?
David Wilkkerson - 1980
But what happens when grief and depression seem so overwhelming that we feel like simply giving up?This encouraging book from bestselling author and longtime pastor David Wilkerson show you how to· trust God to bring you through hard times· wait on God’s answers to prayer· lay down your guilt· and much moreOnly God can heal your wounds. With powerful true stories and wisdom drawn from a lifetime of ministering to hurting people, Wilkerson gently guides you in giving it over to God, believing that he will work miracles in your life.
The Easter Moment
John Shelby Spong - 1980
Spong is willing to ask tough and searching questions and to come up with startling and significant answers to what happened after death that first fateful Easter, and what that means for thinking about life after death today.
Renewed Day by Day
A.W. Tozer - 1980
Tozer, gleaned in his lifelong pursuit of God. Tozer writes for those who want spiritual muscle. His summons is to put aside the playthings of the material world and thirst for God.
A Secular Humanist Declaration
Paul Kurtz - 1980
At a time when religious fundamentalism is gaining adherents worldwide, the Declaration defends the separation of church and state, skepticism about supernatural claims, and the conviction that ethics can be developed independently of belief in God.Its publication, reported on the front page of the New York Times and featured in newspapers and magazines throughout the world, has provoked intense controversy and debate.Some Excerpts:The first principle of democratic secular humanism is its commitment tofree inquiry . . .Countless millions of thoughtful persons have espoused secular humanistideals . . . and have contributed to the building of a more humane anddemocratic world . . .We deplore the growth of intolerant sectarian creeds that foster hatred . . .We do not believe that any one church should impose its views on moral virtue and sin, sexual conduct, marriage, divorce, birth control, or abortion, or legislate them for the rest of society . . .We do not think it is moral to baptize infants, to confirm adolescents, or to impose a religious creed on young people before they are able to consent . . .We deplore the efforts by fundamentalists . . . to invade the science classrooms, requiring that creationist theory be taught to students . . .The media . . . are inordinately dominated by a pro-religious bias. The views of preachers, faith healers, and religious hucksters go largely unchallenged . . .
To Reach Even Unto You
James E. Faust - 1980
The ultimate goal of the Church, the one to which all programs and meetings point, is that of "reaching the one," reaching into the heart of each individual member. To Reach Even Unto You deals with many aspects of this most important goal. It provides insight and advice on reaching family members, associates, and oneself. "As we plan to reach, involve, and serve the one," says Elder James E. Faust of the Council of the Twelve, "the principles to be kept before us . . . are the commandments of the Savior, of loving and serving God, and loving and serving our fellowman." Elder Faust's own experience in working with the Saints at all levels of Church activity has given him an extra sensitivity in implementing these two great commandments. He shares this sensitivity with the reader in stories, examples, and timely counsel. Unless each individual has his own personal testimony and conviction of the truth of the gospel, there is no purpose to any of the programs and activities offered by the Church. But as each member strives to reach into the lives of the important individuals within his sphere of influence, everything within the Church takes on new meaning and greater significance. To Reach Even Unto You helps point the way.
Gentling the Bull: The Ten Bull Pictures, a Spiritual Journey
Myokyo-Ni - 1980
In Gentling the Bull she offers an insightful explanation of the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures, showing how they are a metaphor of both one's Zen training and spiritual journey. The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures, also known as the Ten Bull Pictures, are believed to have been drawn by Kakuan, a twelfth-century Chinese Zen master, but became widely used as a means of Zen study in fifteenth-century Japan. They are used in formal Zen training to this day to show the stages of one's realization of enlightenment. Each of the ten pictures is presented here with a preface and general foreword to the series by Chi-Yuan, a monk in the direct line of Kakuan. Myokyo-ni provides a lucid introduction that sets the pictures in their historical context and shows their relevance to modern Zen training. In her own comments on each picture, she discusses how they are representative of our own search for "oneness"spiritual fulfillment.
Heartbeat of the Absolute
Osho - 1980
Passed down orally from generation to generation of initiated seekers, these words of Upanishadic wisdom have lost much of their original meaning and context, and in this book a 20th-century Indian mystic sets out to explain the truths hidden in the Ishavasya Upanishad. He also describes practical meditation techniques for the modern man who finds it difficult to silence his mind, and explains the science behind his own dynamic meditation.
The End of Christendom
Malcolm Muggeridge - 1980
Christendom, according to Malcolm Muggeridge, is something quite different than Christianity. Christ said his kingdom was not of this world; Christendom, on the other hand, is of this world and, like every other human creation, subject to decay and eventual desolation. In this book, Muggeridge perceptively explores the downfall of Christendom, indicating some of the contributing factors to its collapse.
Invitation to Ahmadiyyat: Being a Statement of Beliefs, a Rationale of Claims, and an Invitation, on Behalf of the Ahmadiyya Movement for the Pr
Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad - 1980
Authority in Three Worlds
Charles Capps - 1980
He has given back to man that which Satan stole from Adam.
The Ground and Grammar of Theology: Consonance Between Theology and Science
Thomas F. Torrance - 1980
The author eplores the question of whether the theologian will ever be reconciled with the scientist? Topics include the transformation of natural theology, creation and science and the basic grammar of theology.
Understanding the I Ching: The Wilhelm Lectures on the Book of Changes
Hellmut Wilhelm - 1980
For him and for his son, Hellmut Wilhelm, the Book of Changes represented not just a mysterious book of oracles or a notable source of the Taoist and Confucian philosophies. In their hands, it emerges, as it did for C. G. Jung, as a vital key to humanity's age-old collective unconscious. Here the observations of the Wilhelms are combined in a volume that will reward specialists and aficionados with its treatment of historical context--and that will serve also as an introduction to the I Ching and the meaning of its famous hexagrams.
Sources of Renewal: The Implementation of the Second Vatican Council
Pope John Paul II - 1980
Modern Catholic Dictionary
John A. Hardon - 1980
It contains over 5,000 terms dealing directly and indirectly with Catholic faith, worship, morals, history and spirituality. It defines Catholic terms in clear, concise understandable language. Author: Fr. John A HardonFormat: 636 pages, PaperbackPublisher: Eternal Life
The Bible Almanac
J.I. Packer - 1980
The Ancient World 2. Bible History 3. Bible Chronology 4. Text and Translations 5. Archaeology 6. Pagan Religions and Cultures 7. The Egyptians 8. The Babylonians and Assyrians 9. Ugarit and the Canaanites 10. The Persians 11. The Greeks and Hellenism 12. The Romans 13. The Geography of Palestine 14. The Minerals and Gems of Palestine 15. The Animals and Insects of Palestine 16. Plants and Herbs 17. Agriculture 18. Tools and Implements 19. Trade 20. Transportation 21. Warfare and Weapons 22. Forms of Government 23. Money and Economics 24. Languages and Writings 25. The Literature of the Bible 26. The Poetry of the Bible 27. Laws and Statutes 28. Worship Rituals 29. Family Relationships 30. Women and Womanhood 31. Marriage and Divorce 32. Birth and Infancy 33. Childhood and Adolescence 34. Diseases and Healing 35. Food and Eating Habits 36. Clothing Cosmetics 37. Architecture and Furniture 38. Music 39. Jews in New Testament Times 40. Jesus Christ 41. The Apostles 42. The Early Church 43. Paul and His Journeys 44. Outline of the Books of the Bible 45. All the People of the Bible 46. All the Places of the Bible
Anant Pai - 1980
Strangely, no cry came from him when he was born over 8,000 years ago. Instead, the baby Zarathushtra smiled, and it was predicted - correctly - that he would preach love and justice to the world, but would have a hard time convincing vengeful rivals. Strong in their faith, his followers are known today as Zoroastrians; also known as Paris in India.
Written By the Finger of God: A Testimony of Joseph Smith's Translations
Joe Sampson - 1980
detailed descriptions of Joseph Smith's translations and methods.
Catholicism: New Study Edition--Completely Revised and Updated
Richard P. McBrien - 1980
A new study edition of the classic that has sold over 150,000 copies.
Total Presence: The Language of Jesus and the Language of Today
Thomas J.J. Altizer - 1980
It is limited to the high points of these worlds. Altizer is often asked if one is to read only one book of his which one should it be and he is now tempted to answer, Total Presence. He feels this may well be his best book, “surely my best presentation of Jesus and the Kingdom of God, and it also embraces a larger arena than any of my other books . . . .” This small book contains a full systematic theology, covering all of the points that are fundamental in his theology.
Lost Christiantiy
Jacob Needleman - 1980
Philosopher and bestselling author Jacob Needleman has sought out the ancient texts and modern practitioners of essential Christianity, whose message speaks directly to contemporary seekers.
Revelation of the Secrets of the Birds and Flowers
'Izz al-Din al-Muqaddasi - 1980
The rare Sufi classic of seven hundred years ago in a bilingual English and Arabic text.
Sermons in Stones
Osho - 1980
Also included is his point-by-point critique of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and his own formulation of human rights for a new humanity.SubjectWorld TourTranslated fromNotesChapters 1-5 later published as "Freedom from the Mind".Chapters 6-10 later published as "Life: A Song, A Dance".Chapters 11-15 later published as "Laughter is My Message".Chapters 21-25 later published as "A Taste of the Divine".Chapters 26-30 later published as "One Earth One Humanity".Time Period of Osho's original Discourses/Talks/Lettersfrom Nov 5, 1986 to Dec 29, 1986Number of Discourses/Chapters30
Getting To Know Jesus
George MacDonald - 1980
MacDonald stressed the necessity of salvation and the importance of combining Christian faith with obedience to Jesus' teachings. He also believed that God's universal grace would eventually save everyone. Though written in the mid-nineteenth century, these sermons, including "Mirrors of Christ," "Glorified through Trouble, "Salvation from Sin," and "The Giver of Rest," continue to provide contemporary followers with the spiritual guidance they seek. For those who wish to know Jesus better, this is a book you will want to hear.
The Gospel of Matthew
Daniel J. Harrington - 1980
It is with sensitivity to this perspective that Father Harrington undertakes this commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.After an introduction, he provides a literal translation of each section in Matthew's Gospel and explains the textual problems, philological difficulties, and other matters in the notes. He then presents a literary analysis of each text (content, form, use of sources, structure), examines the text against its Jewish background, situates it in the context of Matthew's debate with other first-century Jews, and reflects on its significance for Christian theology and Christian-Jewish relations. Includes an updated bibliography and appendix.
Christ, The Experience Of Jesus As Lord
Edward Schillebeeckx - 1980
Few books of its kind written in the past two decades seem so sure of respectful attention from anyone who sseeks to understand, and to reconcile, Christological thinking with the lives we lead.
Christianity: A Religion for Sheep
Ralph Perier - 1980
The Rosy Cross Unveiled: History, Mythology And Rituals Of An Occult Order
Christopher McIntosh - 1980
The Christian Frame of Mind: Reason, Order, and Openness in Theology and Natural Science
Thomas F. Torrance - 1980
Torrance's life-long work of integrating Judeo-Christian theology and natural science, illuminates the distinctive contribution of the Christian frame of mind to human life and thought particularly in the rise of modern science.
Gustavo Gutiérrez: An Introduction to Liberation Theology
Robert McAfee Brown - 1980
The Experience of Praying
Sean Caulfield - 1980
It is a sometimes-funny, sometimes-painful account of a Trappist monk's struggle to come closer to God and more in touch with his own hidden, real self. In a series of brief chapters, Father Caulfield touches on basic themes of the spiritual life - self-sacrifice, poverty in Christ, solitude, work, watching and listening, and the times and spaces of prayer. He sees these in terms of his own life and in the lives of his brother monks. The result is a book that will move our hearts and that will give us some help for deepening our own prayer lives.