World of Warcrafta Official Strategy Guide
Michael Lummis - 2004
It features maps of each city and region, with call outs for characters, quest locations and dungeons. It also includes quest data - contacts, quest type, item rewards and more.
Warhammer 40,000
Games Workshop - 2017
No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war.The Dark Millenium takes a horrific toll upon Mankind's realm, for the galaxy is beset by the flames of war. In this nightmare future, Humanity faces utter damnation. The galaxy has split along its length, torn by apocalyptic acts of violence to disgorge the horrors of the warp. Every one of the Imperium's million worlds is beset by Chaos incarnate. Scenting blood, warmongering alien races descend to conquer even as the enemy within rises up, utter disaster stayed only by the daily sacrifice of untold billions. Only the armies of the Immortal Emperor stand between Humanity and midnight-black oblivion. Foremost amongst them are the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes, dauntless champions forged anew as the ultimate protectors of Mankind.You can enter this universe of horrors, today, if you dare. But remember this is a a more terrible era than ever before, and there is no peace amongst the stars...The Games Workshop hobby allows you to collect, build, paint and play within worlds of boundless creativity and imagination. Warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop game for two or more players, where you control an army of Citadel Miniatures representing the Imperium of Man or one of its many enemies. As well as telling the story of the Dark Millenium, this books provides all the rules you need to fight a variety of battles in this dystopian setting, and has essential information about collecting, painting and gaming with Citadel Miniatures.(publisher's description)
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch: Prima Official Game Guide
Howard Grossman - 2013
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Prima Official Game Guide includes: • Gain access to the Gold Hurley Familiar DLC with the purchase of the guide • Detailed spoiler-free walkthrough for the entire game, including all errands and bounty hunts • Complete charts showing all information and metamorphous of each familiar • Breakdown for all spells, alchemy formulas, and items • Solve every puzzle, defeat every boss, and find all hidden treasures • Features a hard cover with unique treatments for collectability.
The Vampire Player's Guide
Andrew Greenberg - 1991
A large portion of the book's text is reprinted, updated, and revised from the previous version of the Players Guide to fit the Second Edition's rules and formatting style. Notable among the new content in this edition of the Players Guide is the introduction of two new bloodlines, the Daughters of Cacophony and the Samedi, along with their respective signature Disciplines.
Unity 3.X Game Development Essentials
Will Goldstone - 2009
With no prior knowledge of game development or 3D required, you will learn from scratch, taking each concept at a time working up to a full 3D mini-game. You'll learn scripting with C# or JavaScript and master the Unity development environment with easy-to-follow stepwise tasks. If you're a designer or animator who wishes to take their first steps into game development or prototyping, or if you've simply spent many hours sitting in front of video games, with ideas bubbling away in the back of your mind, Unity and this book should be your starting point. No prior knowledge of game production is required, inviting you to simply bring with you a passion for making great games.
Guide to the Technocracy
Phil Brucato - 1999
We influence every aspect of human society. We protect the Earth from the aliens without and the deviants within. Through order, science and technology, our conventions shape the course of the furure and catalog the wonders of the cosmos. We are there whenever someone uses a tool. We create the advancements that protect and comfort humanity. We decide how tomorrow improves beyond today. If you are ready to shape the world and willing to sacrifice yourself for humanity, you can be one of us.One World, One UnionAll the information needed to run a Technocracy - based Chronicle: Technocracy characters, new Abilities, Devices and Procedures, Technocratic organization and more. Explore the defenses of Technocratic bases, their corridors of political power and their hopes for the future. Discover how they deal with supernatural threats and what wonders they uncover. Learn the Union's beliefs and goals, and how it plans to empower all of humanity.
Don't Rest Your Head
Fred Hicks - 2006
days? Or is it weeks now? It's hard to remember. You've been so busy with... well, whatever it is that's been keeping you awake. Then one night you're walking down the block toward your apartment, when you realize there's a new building on your street. A new building, somehow... in between two buildings that used to be side by side... that's impossible, isn't it? You pause to take a closer look. It's a bar. The sign says "Serious Moonlight", and a bright white moon blinks through the phases from new to full and back again, waxing and waning with the buzz of neon. It's been a stressful week. Or is it month now? It's hard to remember. But you could sure use a drink. So you cross the street and step inside.The citizens of The City welcome you with open arms. After all, you're one of them now. With all the gifts and curses that come with being Awake in a world of sleepers.Just be careful. The Nightmares you've been dodging haven't forgotten about you. They're waiting, just around the corner; waiting for you to nod off- and then they'll have you.They won't wait much longer.Whatever you do... don't rest your head.
Dogs in the Vineyard
D. Vincent Baker - 2004
Sometimes, Dog, sometimes you have to cut off the arm to save the life.Does the sinner deserve mercy?Do the wicked deserve judgement?They're in your hands.DOGS IN THE VINEYARDRoleplaying God's Watchdogsin a West that never quite was.
XDM X-Treme Dungeon Mastery
Tracy Hickman - 2009
(Do-it-yourself secret initiation rites included.)Master the secrets of designing adventures that tell stories.Create magic illusions that can even make your players disappear!Use actual fire in your game properly.Hijack the game as a player, and how to deal with a player revolution as an XDM.Plus loads more!If I could go back in time and rewrite Dragonlance, it would be this book...only with more dragons in it. --Tracy HickmanI can say without any shame or bias, that this is one of the best books ever written and should be in every hotel room next to the bible. --Curtis HickmanPossessed by the spirits of Da Vinci, Van Gogh, and Jack Fred, I illustrated a book that you should buy two to read and one to hang on your wall.--Howard Tayler
Fate Core System
Leonard Balsera - 2013
Fate Core is that engine.
Fate Core is the latest evolution of the award-winning Fate roleplaying game system from Evil Hat Productions. We’ve streamlined and clarified the rules while maintaining the system’s trademark flexibility. Name your game; Fate Core can make it happen.
Inside, you’ll discover:
Easy-to-follow rules for character and world creation.
Rock-solid storytelling advice for players and GMs to produce the best play experience.
Clearly-defined systems to guide players both new and old.
New and improved approaches to character actions, aspects, compels... and more!
Exploitative Play in Live Poker: How to Manipulate your Opponents into Making Mistakes
Alexander Fitzgerald - 2018
Nevertheless, there are numerous situations where even very experienced players behave in predictable ways. These deeply-ingrained habits lead them to make mistakes. The problem is that these situations won’t often arise at the table by chance – you have to make them happen. Exploitative Play in Live Poker is a ground-breaking work that teaches you how to create the circumstances where your opponents will be likely to blunder and how to exploit them when they do. To achieve this you will need to put to one side starting hand charts, balance and GTO (Game Theory Optimal) play. Instead you will incorporate new concepts that may well place you outside your comfort zone. However, your style will now be forcing the other players at the table outside of their comfort zone and, unlike you, they won’t know how to adapt. Learn how to: * Counter the auto-continuation-bettor * Develop a powerful donk-betting strategy * Use the overbet, the check-raise and the three-barrel effectively * As well as being a highly successful player, Alex Fitzgerald runs a poker consultancy that serves more than 1,000 professional poker players in 60 countries. As part of this work, he has very likely trawled through more hand history databases than anyone else. This gives him a unique insight into how players really play, especially when placed under pressure and forced into unfamiliar situations.
Unknown Armies
Greg Stolze - 1999
Completely reorganized, largely rewritten, and jam-packed with new art, the second edition of Unknown Armies isn't just better. It kicks metaphysical ass! We've remixed the book based on the level of campaign you want to play: Street, Global, or Cosmic. At street level, you're outsiders to the secret world of magick, ordinary people entering a land of mystery and peril. At global level, you're mojo-wielding cabalists in the occult underground, pursuing your arcane agendas and plotting against your rivals. At cosmic level, you're in tune with the cosmos itself, fighting to shape the next incarnation of reality. Background material is divided up as well, so new players in a street-level campaign only read what the GM wants them to know. But the beats don't stop there: Much more information for new players, to get them into the mindset of the game and help them make better characters and stronger campaigns. * New character-creation options, including Trigger Events, Paradigm Skills, and power levels scaled to match the level of campaign you're playing. * Numerous rules tweaks, including a new initiative system, Fuzzy Logic skill checks, player-directed combat modifiers, amped-up martial arts rules, a new experience system, and more, all dedicated to upgrading UA's innovative percentile system into a lean and precise tool for fast play and player empowerment. * More magick for non-adepts: Authentic Thaumaturgy, new rituals and artifacts, and revised versions of Proxy Magick and Tilts allow the freewheeling use of symbolic, sympathetic magick by anyone with the will to make it happen. * Twelve schools of magick (up from seven in UA1) for obsessed adepts, including revised versions of published schools (Bibliomancy, Personamancy, and Urbanomancy) and two new schools (Videomancy and Narcotic Alchemy). * Fourteen avatars (up from eight in UA1) for archetypalists, including revised versions of published avatars (The Messenger, The Mother, The Mystic Hermaphrodite, and the True King) and two new avatars (The MVP and The Warrior). * More resources for the GM, including specific guidance on combat, wounds, skill checks, campaign building, and other critical issues. * New cover art and design, new interior art and design, and a hardcover binding to keep this game in line.
Eberron Campaign Guide: A 4th Edition D&D Supplement
James WyattScott Fitzgerald Gray - 2009
This exciting world is complete with soaring cities, viscious wars, and a gritty mean-streets style that harkens back to the traditions of film noir.The Eberron campaign setting is updated into the 4th edition D&D family with the Eberron Campaign Guide. Featuring all of the character elements from the core rulebooks, this updated version of the Eberron world is a must for any gamer that likes the magic-as-technology, film noir, high-adventure campaign setting that was chosen from over 15,000 game submissions.