Book picks similar to
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases by O.C. Ferrell
Managerial Accounting
Ray H. Garrison - 1976
This book focuses on three qualities: relevance, balance and clarity.
Exploring Psychology in Modules
David G. Myers - 1990
Exploring Psychology, Sixth Edition, in Modules includes all the features and up-to-date content of the current edition of Exploring Psychology organized into 45 modules. It is accompanied by its own expansive variety of media and supplements similar to the Exploring Psychology package, also reorganized to match the modular format. This is NOT a brief version of Psychology, Seventh Edition, in Modules. Rather, this text is a MODULARIZED version of Exploring Psychology, Sixth Edition.
Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to Help Entrepreneurs Launch Successful New Ventures
William Aulet - 2013
Many believe that it cannot be taught, and those who are successful in starting a business are born with something others do not have. Innovation-based entrepreneurship can be broken down into discreet behaviors and processes that can be taught to the intelligent, hardworking, people using this book.Eric Ries and Steve Blank were wrong; the road to a successful start-up is not just four steps. "Innovation Driven"" Entrepreneurship "breaks it down into 24 steps which include: Market segmentationQuantify the value propositionDefine your coreMap the process to acquire a paying costumerTest key assumptionsDevelop a product plan, and more.
Strategic Management: Text and Cases
Gregory G. Dess - 1995
The text is rounded off by rich, relevant, and teachable cases. This text's accessible writing style and wealth of new and updated illustrations, which clarify the most difficult topics, make this text the best resource for your students. The new case selections emphasize variety, currency, and familiar company names. The cases are up-to-date in terms of both financial data and strategic issues. This group of cases gives both instructors and students unparalleled quality and variety. Based on consistent reviewer feedback, these selections combine comprehensive and shorter length cases about well known companies.
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases
Manuel G. Velasquez - 1982
The ethical landscape of business is constantly changing, and the new edition of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases has been revised to keep pace with those changes most effecting business: accelerating globalization, constant technological updates, proliferating of business scandals. Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases introduces the reader to the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business; imparts the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions; identifies moral issues specific to a business; provides an understanding of the social, technological, and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise; and supplies case studies of actual moral conflicts faced by businesses. Teaching and Learning Experience Improve Critical Thinking - Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases provides summaries of basic ideas discussed within the text in its margins; presents conceptual materials first, and then offers discussion cases second through standardized chapters; all providing students the chance to critically think about the material they are learning. Engage Students - Study questions at the beginning of each chapter, definitions of key terms in the margins, a glossary, chapter-end study and discussion questions, end-of-chapter web resources, and chapter-opening concrete examples / cases all ensure students' complete understanding of the material. Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier! You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor's Manual, Electronic "MyTest" Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides.
Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues
Henry R. Cheeseman - 1992
Visually engaging, enticing and current examples with an overall focus on business.Legal Environment of Business and E-Commerce; Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property; Contracts and E-Commerce; Domestic and International Sales and Lease Contracts; Negotiable Instruments and E-Money; Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy; Agency and Employment; Business Organizations and Ethics; Government Regulation; Property; Special Topics; Global EnvironmentMARKET Business Law continues its dedication to being the most engaging text for readers by featuring a visually appealing format with enticing and current examples while maintaining its focus on business.
Introduction to Public Health
Mary Jane Schneider - 1999
Key Features: The Author Uses A Reader-Friendly, Narrative Style Making The Text Engaging And Accessible To A Broad Range Of Students. The Text Illustrates The Multidisciplinary Nature Of Public Health And The Complex Ethical And Political Issues Central To It. It Includes Discussions Of Epidemiological Investigation, Biomedical Research, Environmental Assessment, Analyses Of Individual And Group Behavior, Massive Data Collection Efforts, And Policy Developments. New To This Edition: New Discussions About U.S. Health Care Reform New Discussions Of The Globalization Of National Economies And Its Effect On The Health Of Populations Expanded Discussions On Health Disparities New Analysis Of What Went Wrong Just After Hurricane Katrina Updated Discussions Of Developments In Topics Such Are H1N1 Swine Flu, Hormone Replacement Therapy, FDA Regulation, HPV Vaccine Controversy Planning For Healthy People 2020 And Much More.
Essentials of Management Information Systems
Kenneth C. Laudon - 1994
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Daniel C. Harris - 1982
Dan Harris's Quantitative Chemical Analysis continues to be the most widely used textbook for analytical chemistry. It offers consistently modern portrait of the tools and techniques of chemical analysis, incorporating real data, spreadsheets, and a wealth of applications, all presented in a witty, personable style that engages students without compromising the principles and depth necessary for a thorough and practical understanding.
Understanding Art
Lois Fichner-Rathus - 1986
This is all done through stimulating discussions on the elements, media, methods, content, composition, and style of art.Along with discussions on the purpose of art (Ch. 1-9), a separate Chapter (18) takes a look at art beyond Europe and the U.S. and examines art from all around the world. The history of art is contained chronologically in the second part of the book, (Ch. 10-17).
Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases
Arthur A. Thompson Jr. - 2004
The newest member of the author team, Margie Peteraf, led a thorough re-examination of every paragraph on every page of the 17th edition chapters. The overriding objectives were to inject new perspectives and the best academic thinking, strengthen linkages to the latest research findings, modify the coverage and exposition as needed to ensure squarely on-target content, and give every chapter a major facelift. While this 18th edition retains the same 12-chapter structure of the prior edition, every chapter has been totally refreshed. And the chapter content continues to be solidly mainstream and balanced, mirroring both the best academic thinking and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management. Known for its cases and teaching notes, this edition provides an "unparalleled case line up" of 28 cases. (1) 25 of the 28 cases are brand new or extensively updated for this edition, (2) The selection of cases is diverse, timely, and thoughtfully-crafted and complements the text presentation pushing students to apply the concepts and analytical tools they have read about. (3) Many cases involve high-profile companies. (4) And there's a comprehensive package of support materials that are a breeze to use, highly effective, and flexible enough to fit most any course design. Thompson 18e, your best case scenario!
BUSN 6 [with CourseMate Access Code]
Marcella Kelly - 2010
Readers discover the energy and excitement found in business today within the engaging and accessible presentation found in BUSN6. Designed specifically for today's learner, BUSN's streamlined, riveting design presents the entire core Introduction to Business topics in only seventeen succinct chapters, including a unique chapter on Business Communication. BUSN6 directly connects readers with what's happening in business today and how it will affect them. The book focuses on business principles most important to the learner's success with less reading, more visuals, and manageable chunks of information. Memorable examples relate business topics to everyday life and career success, while tightly integrated resources, such as CourseMate, an interactive teaching and learning solution, and the latest news feeds, help sharpen business, study, and communication skills. CenageNOW is now offered with BUSN 6e.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
Joseph Gibaldi - 1977
For over half a century, the MLA Handbook is the guide millions of writers have relied on.The seventh edition is a comprehensive, up-to-date guide to research and writing in the online environment. It provides an authoritative update of MLA documentation style for use in student writing, including simplified guidelines for citing works published on the Web and new recommendations for citing several kinds of works, such as digital files and graphic narratives.Every copy of the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook comes with a code for accessing the accompanying Web site. New to this edition, the Web site provides- the full text of the print volume of the MLA Handbook- over two hundred additional examples- several research-project narratives--stories, with sample papers, that illustrate the steps successful students take in researching and writing papers- searching of the entire site, including the full text of the MLA Handbook- continuous access throughout the life of the seventh edition of the MLA Handbook
Discovering the Universe [with CD-ROM]
Neil F. Comins - 1984
The accompanying CD-ROM features a special student version of the award-winning virtual planetarium software Starry Night plus software animations and videos, all illustrations from the text, interactive Q&A and exercises, and supplementary resources. Material can be updated periodically from the Freeman Web site. There is an online study guide offering a CD-Web guide, chapter objectives, key terms, review questions, Starry Night observations exercises and online tutorials.
Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures
Myron W. Lustig - 1993
Blending both the practical and theoretical, the concrete and abstract, this book is both enjoyable to read and thoroughly researched. By clearly explaining different theories and the significance of cultural patterns and having readers practice what they learn via examples in the book, Intercultural Competence better prepares readers to interact in intercultural relationships. The book also provides a discussion of important ethical and social issues relating to intercultural communication. The authors cover U.S. cultures as well as global cultural issues.