The Enchiridion on Faith Hope and Love (Augustine Series 1)

Augustine of Hippo
    A true catechism from which, throughout the history of the church, other catechisms have drawn and learned including the recent Catechism of the Catholic Church which quotes Augustine extensively. Within the context of the three theological virtues, faith, hope and love, Augustine masterfully covers the faith. He first works his way through the creed and then the Lords prayer as recorded by Matthew, ending with the sacraments. This is a colossal work in one small volume. Augustines Enchiridion On Faith, Hope and Charity, here called The Augustine Catechism, expresses his mature thinking and is an ideal introduction to studying his theologyhis teaching on the Trinity, the Church and the Sacraments, his doctrine of Original Sin and of redemption through Christ. It provides an admirable orientation to understanding his thought. Gerald Bonner Professor Emeritus Durham University Profound and complex in his theological vision, Augustine of Hippo could nonetheless synthesize and simplify when occasion needed. This fresh translation of his handbook of the Catholic faith. along with helpful introduction and commentary, makes accessible to the contemporary reader both the profundity and simplicity of the thought of Augustine of Hippo, revealing once again why he remains a Christian teacher and spiritual guide for all ages. Thomas F. Martin, O.S.A. Villanova University

The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus & the Truth of the Traditional Gospels

Luke Timothy Johnson - 1996
    Drawing on the best biblical and historical scholarship, respected New Testament scholar Luke Timothy Johnson demonstrates that the "real Jesus" is the one experienced in the present through faith rather than the one found in speculative historical reconstructions. A new preface by the author presents his point of view on the most recent rounds of this lively debate.

Pierced for Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution

Steve Jeffery - 2007
    However, with an increasing number of theologians, church leaders, and even popular Christian books and magazines questioning this doctrine, which naysayers have described as a form of "cosmic child abuse," a fresh articulation and affirmation of penal substitution is needed. And Jeffery, Ovey, and Sach have responded here with clear exposition and analysis.They make the case not only that the doctrine is clearly taught in Scripture, but that it has an impeccable pedigree and a central place in Christian theology, and that its neglect has serious consequences. The authors also systematically analyze over twenty specific objections that have been brought against penal substitution and charitably but firmly offer a defining declaration of the doctrine of the cross for any concerned reader.

Early Christian Fathers (Library of Christian Classics)

Cyril Charles Richardson - 1953
    Through these works--each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century--contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries.

From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective

David Gibson - 2013
    Incorporating contributions from a host of respected theologians, From Heaven He Came and Sought Her stands as the first comprehensive resource on definite atonement as it examines the issue from historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspectives.Offering scholarly insights for those seeking a thorough and well-researched discussion, this book will encourage charitable conversations as it winsomely defends this foundational tenet of Reformed theology.

Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts

Craig S. Keener - 2011
    Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have experienced miracles. New Testament scholar Craig Keener argues that it is time to rethink Hume's argument in light of the contemporary evidence available to us. This wide-ranging and meticulously researched two-volume study presents the most thorough current defense of the credibility of the miracle reports in the Gospels and Acts. Drawing on claims from a range of global cultures and taking a multidisciplinary approach to the topic, Keener suggests that many miracle accounts throughout history and from contemporary times are best explained as genuine divine acts, lending credence to the biblical miracle reports.

New Testament History: A Narrative Account

Ben Witherington III - 2001
    Unfortunately, many accounts by historians can leave readers feeling overwhelmed and confused. New Testament History provides a worthy solution to this problem. A well-known expert on the social situation of the New Testament, Ben Witherington offers an engaging look into the world that gave birth to the Christian faith.

The Five Gospels: What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus

Robert W. Funk - 1993
    In 1985 the Jesus Seminar, comprising a distinguished group of biblical scholars, was founded by Robert W. Funk. They embarked on a new translation and assessment of the gospels, including the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas. In pursuit of the historical Jesus, they used their collective expertise to determine the authenticity of more than fifteen hundred sayings attributed to him. Their remarkable findings appear in this book.

The Journey from Texts to Translations: The Origin and Development of the Bible

Paul D. Wegner - 1999
    This book explains how the Bible that we use came to be in its present form. Wegner introduces the Bible and its arrangement, describes how the various books were collected into a single canon, examines how the Bible was passed from one generation to the next, explores how and why early versions were produced, and discusses the myriad of English translations. Numerous charts, photos, and illustrations are included.

Five Views on Law and Gospel

Greg L. Bahnsen - 1987
    Heavily focused on Paul's discussion of the Law.Law as "Gracious Guidance" View – emphasizes the contrasts between the Mosaic law and the Gospel of grace, while still asserting the Law's value.Dispensational View – approaches the Law from a historical perspective to help us understand its presentation, treatment, and recipients.Modified Lutheran View – the Law of Christ as the fulfillment of the Law of Moses.This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to critique and respond to the critiques of the other contributors, allowing you to compare their beliefs in an open forum setting to see where they overlap and where they differ.The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.

The Didache

    Traditionally ascribed to the Twelve Apostles.

The Gospel of Luke

Joel B. Green - 1997
    This highly original commentary, part of the New International Commentary, is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the text of Luke as a wholistic, historical narrative.

The Gospel According to John

Leon L. Morris - 1971
    Written with considerable acumen and a thorough knowledge of the previous scholarly work on the Johannine text, The Gospel according to John is one of the largest and most comprehensive commentaries ever to come out of the evangelical community. This revised edition includes significant modifications and additions made in the light of more recent writings on John's Gospel. While maintaining substantially the same stance taken in his original work, Morris here references important secondary sources and studies that have appeared over the last two decades. The commentary is now also based on the New International Version.

Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus

Michael J. Wilkins - 1995
    Their conclusions have been widely publicized in magazines such as Time and Newsweek. Jesus Under Fire challenges the methodology and findings of the Jesus Seminar, which generally clash with the biblical records. It examines the authenticity of the words, actions, miracles, and resurrection of Jesus, and presents compelling evidence for the traditional biblical teachings. Combining accessibility with scholarly depth, Jesus Under Fire helps readers judge for themselves whether the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of history, and whether the gospels' claim is valid that he is the only way to God.

The Gospel According to John

D.A. Carson - 1990
    The comprehensive introduction treats such matters as the authenticity, authorship, purpose, and structure of the Gospel.