Best of
The Attributes of God: A Journey Into the Father's Heart
A.W. Tozer - 1996
Tozer, there is no question more important. In fact, Tozer's desire to know God and His fullness consumed his entire life and ministry.Originally preached as sermons at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, this first volume of The Attributes of God examines ten attributes of God. A study guide has been added for an in depth look at each attribute. This all important book deals with the most important subject matter of God's traits. We should esteem Him stricken, smitten and afflicted, yet see Him as our Creator and King in awe, wonder, and fear with righteousness and amazement. How can we even be allowed to have a glimpse of His beauty, compassion, and grace?
The Epistle to the Romans
Douglas J. Moo - 1996
Prepared by some of the world's leading scholars, the series provides an exposition of the New Testament books that is thorough and fully abreast of modern scholarship yet faithful to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.
Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation
Miroslav Volf - 1996
Otherness, the simple fact of being different in some way, has come to be defined as in and of itself evil. Miroslav Volf contends that if the healing word of the gospel is to be heard today, Christian theology must find ways of speaking that address the hatred of the other. Reaching back to the New Testament metaphor of salvation as reconciliation, Volf proposes the idea of embrace as a theological response to the problem of exclusion.Increasingly we see that exclusion has become the primary sin, skewing our perceptions of reality and causing us to react out of fear and anger to all those who are not within our (ever-narrowing) circle. In light of this, Christians must learn that salvation comes, not only as we are reconciled to God, and not only as we "learn to live with one another," but as we take the dangerous and costly step of opening ourselves to the other, of enfolding him or her in the same embrace with which we have been enfolded by God.Is there any hope of embracing our enemies? Of opening the door to reconciliation? Miroslav Volf, a Yale University theologian, has won the 2002 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book, Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation (Abingdon, 1996). Volf argues that exclusion of people who are alien or different is among the most intractable problems in the world today. He writes, It may not be too much to claim that the future of our world will depend on how we deal with identity and difference. The issue is urgent. The ghettos and battlefields throughout the world in the living rooms, in inner cities, or on the mountain ranges testify indisputably to its importance. A Croatian by birth, Volf takes as a starting point for his analysis the recent civil war and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, but he readily finds other examples of cultural, ethnic, and racial conflict to illustrate his points. And, since September 11, one can scarcely help but plug the new world players into his incisive descriptions of the dynamics of interethnic and international strife.Exclusion happens, Volf argues, wherever impenetrable barriers are set up that prevent a creative encounter with the other. It is easy to assume that exclusion is the problem or practice of barbarians who live over there, but Volf persuades us that exclusion is all too often our practice here as well. Modern western societies, including American society, typically recite their histories as narratives of inclusion, and Volf celebrates the truth in these narratives. But he points out that these narratives conveniently omit certain groups who disturb the integrity of their happy ending plots. Therefore such narratives of inclusion invite long and gruesome counter-narratives of exclusion the brutal histories of slavery and of the decimation of Native American populations come readily to mind, but more current examples could also be found.Most proposed solutions to the problem of exclusion have focused on social arrangements what kind of society ought we to create in order to accommodate individual or communal difference? Volf focuses, rather, on what kind of selves we need to be in order to live in harmony with others. In addressing the topic, Volf stresses the social implications of divine self-giving. The Christian scriptures attest that God does not abandon the godless to their evil, but gives of Godself to bring them into communion. We are called to do likewise whoever our enemies and whoever we may be. The divine mandate to embrace as God has embraced is summarized in Paul’s injunction to the Romans: Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you (Romans 15:7).Susan R. Garrett, Coordinator of the Religion Award, said that the Grawemeyer selection committee praised Volf s book on many counts. These included its profound interpretation of certain pivotal passages of Scripture and its brilliant engagement with contemporary theology, philosophy, critical theory, and feminist theory. Volf s focus is not on social strategies or programs but, rather, on showing us new ways to understand ourselves and our relation to our enemies. He helps us to imagine new possibilities for living against violence, injustice, and deception. Garrett added that, although addressed primarily to Christians, Volf's theological statement opens itself to religious pluralism by upholding the importance of different religious and cultural traditions for the formation of personal and group identity. The call to embrace the other is never a call to remake the other into one s own image. Volf who had just delivered a lecture on the topic of Exclusion and Embrace at a prayer breakfast for the United Nations when the first hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center will present a lecture and receive his award in Louisville during the first week of April, 2002.The annual Religion Award, which includes a cash prize of $200,000, is given jointly by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the University of Louisville to the authors or originators of creative works that contribute significantly to an understanding of the relationship between human beings and the divine, and ways in which this relationship may inspire or empower human beings to attain wholeness, integrity, or meaning, either individually or in community. The Grawemeyer awards given also by the University of Louisville in the fields of musical composition, education, psychology, and world order honor the virtue of accessibility: works chosen for the awards must be comprehensible to thinking persons who are not specialists in the various fields."
The Cross He Bore: Meditations on the Sufferings of the Redeemer
Frederick S. Leahy - 1996
A series of meditative studies on the Passion of Jesus Christ, tracing his experience from the agony of the Garden Of Gethsemane to the darkness in which he died on Calvary.
Salt of the Earth: The Church at the End of the Millennium - An Interview With Peter Seewald
Benedict XVI - 1996
Similar to his best-selling book interview in 1985, The Ratzinger Report, he responds with candor and insight, giving answers that are often surprising and always thought-provoking on a series of wide-ranging topics regarding the present and future state of Christianity. Ratzinger begins by discussing his own life, including his family life, being a theology professor and writer, becoming a Bishop, Cardinal and the Pope's top authority on doctrine. He then discusses the problems of the Catholic Church today and talks about the challenges and hopes of the future of Church and the world at the beginning of the Third Millennium.
Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity: Essays
Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1996
This first collection of Heschel's essays - compiled, edited and with an introduction by his daughter Susannah Heschel, is a stunning reminder of the virtuosity of one of the most well respected minds in Judaic studies.
The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics
Richard B. Hays - 1996
Richard Hays shows how the New Testament provides moral guidance on the most troubling ethical issues of our time, including violence, divorce, homosexuality and abortion.
Called to Communion: Understanding the Church Today
Benedict XVI - 1996
The need of the Papal Primacy to ensure Christian unity; the true meaning of the Priesthood as a sacrament and not a mere ministry; the necessity of the Eucharist as the Sacrifice of the Savior now offering Himself on our altars; the role of the Bishops as successors of the Apostles, united with the successor of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome; the value of suffering in union with Christ crucified; the indispensable service of the laity in the apostolate - all these themes receive from Cardinal Ratzinger new clarity and depth.
Always Ready: Directions For Defending The Faith
Greg L. Bahnsen - 1996
Greg Bahnsen's published works on Christian apologetics, including his Apologetics syllabus, articles on practical apologetic problems (like the problem of evil, the problem of miracles, etc.), and an exposition of Acts 17.
Can You Drink the Cup?
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1996
With stories from his family life and his life with people with mental disabilities, the author challenges us to drink our cup to the bottom, thereby letting it become the cup of our salvation.
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
Seraphim Rose - 1996
The religious phenomena of today are symptoms of a new religious consciousness that is preparing the world religion of the future. Phenomena such as Yoga, Zen, Tantra, Transcendental Meditation, Maharaj-ji, Hare Krishna, UFOs, the Charismatic Movement and Jonestown are presented in contrast to the Orthodox Patristic standard of spiritual life, without the understanding of which, in the coming time of antichrist, it will scarcely be possible for Christians to be saved. This work is a concise and unequivocal Orthodox statement on contemporary trends its urgent message rings loud and clear. Viewed from a foundation based in Patristic teachings, the spiritual movements of the day are clearly various spiritual deceptions that have existed since the beginning of the Church, rather than the achievements of a new religious consciousness. Addressing soberly and directly the trends of pseudo-spirituality which loom enticingly today, ORTHODOXY AND THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE provides a beacon of discernment in these times of widespread spiritual deception. The book examines a broad spectrum of issues facing modern Christians-each from the perspective of the early Church Fathers. As the New Age is becoming a household concept and is moving into wider acceptance by mainstream society, the new religious consciousness can be seen progressing precisely along the lines described by the late Fr. Seraphim
When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change
M. Craig Barnes - 1996
It's hard to keep up, to keep our balance. It's hard to keep trusting in God. And it's especially difficult when the changes we're faced with are unwanted: the death of a loved one, a child leaving home, an illness, a frustrated dream. Craig Barnes knows the dark side of change. As a pastor, he has counseled many Christians through tough times of transition. And he has been challenged by unwanted changes--interruptions--in his own life. At times it seems as though God has moved far, far away. But Barnes has discovered that just the opposite is true: during times of change and seeming abandonment, God is right at our side offering to lead us in a new direction, offering us new life. He writes, A young widow can outlive her grief and decide her life may never be the same but is far from over. A lost job can become the beginning of a new vocation. Here is the book for all who have known disappointment, bereavement or the shattering of faith, a book all the more valuable because it promises hope without denying despair. In When God Interrupts a sensitive, insightful pastor shows us how we can be found by God in the middle of unwanted change.
Holy Spirit Power
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1996
From the Scriptures, Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Advocate. The miraculous life the early Christians lived amazed the world and "turned it upside down." Today, many are experiencing the same healing, miracles, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit, along with the love, joy, and peace that He freely gives. Discover how you can walk daily in the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience His miracle-working power in your own life.
The Power in Prayer
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1996
Charles Spurgeon's classic writings tackle the fears and questions that arise as we learn to pray. His time-tested, hard-hitting teachings will clear the way for you to experience true faith and the power of answered prayer. Spurgeon discusses God's promise to hear our prayers, the humility of pleading prayer, and our position before God's throne of grace. Every believer can, and should, have a life marked by answered prayer. Charles Spurgeon will lead you to the place where life begins--a place of true communion with God.
Our Saviour Has Arrived
Elijah Muhammad - 1996
It eloquently delves into the subject of form and spirit in the simplest terms. The relationship of Jesus, Joseph and Mary is given a critical analysis as it relates to blacks in America. Dynamic emphasis on the deep theological aspects of the Supreme Wisdom.Our Saviour Has Arrived is not merely a great title for this book, nor should it be taken lighly as a volley over the bow. For thousands of years the people of most religions have been looking for the appearance of God and now, Messenger Elijah Muhammad hearlds that Our Saviour has Arrived and proceeds to prove it in theological, spiritual, metaphysical and historical terms.In the past it was simply a knee, jerk response to write the messenger of such a statement off and call it a day, but that type of day is over; for the level of wisdom contained in this book will not let that small time approach be tolerated.You must either bring your best arguments and "proofs" of thow in your hats or crowns!
Christianity and Culture
J. Gresham Machen - 1996
The categories that one received from one's culture either enabled or disabled the understanding of biblical Christianity. Consequently, culture was far too vital simply to be ignored, and it could not be de-stroyed without doing injustice to our humanity. On the other hand, culture was not simply to be given the final word. Where culture enabled a right understanding of Christianity, it had to be nourished and fostered. Where culture challenged Christianity, its claims had to be faced squarely. If Christianity was to maintain its plausibility, then the possibility of its claims had to be vindicated.
Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance
David Pawson - 1996
But is it safe to assume that once we are saved, we are saved for always?David Pawson investigated this through biblical evidence, historical figures such as Augustine, Luther and Wesley, and evangelical assumptions about grace and justification, divine sovereignty and human responsibility. He asks whether something more than being born again is required so that our inheritance is not lost. This book helps us to deicde whether 'once saved, always saved' is real assurance or a misleading assumption. The answer will have profound effects on the way we live and disciple others.
The Holy Spirit Handbook
Mike Murdock - 1996
Learn The Life-Changing Facts About Your Daily Companion, The Person of The Holy Spirit / His Greatest Weapon / 3 Ways He Speaks To You. This Book Could Be The Turning Point of Your Life. A Master Handbook. Also Available in Spanish and Portuguese
God and Evil: The Problem Solved (Trinity Paper No. 46)
Gordon H. Clark - 1996
Either God is good or he is all-powerful, but he cannot be both. Either way, the God of the Bible is disproved. For centuries Christian theologians have attempted to refute this argument, and they have failed. Now, one American Christian philosopher has succeeded - brilliantly. God and Evil is a masterful solution to the problem of evil.
The Silence of the Heart (Reflections of the Christ Mind, Part 2)
Paul Ferrini - 1996
John Bradshaw says: "with deep insight and sparkling clarity, this book demonstrates that the roots of all abuse are to be found in our own self-betrayal. Paul Ferrini leads us skilfully and courageously beyond shame, blame, and attachment to our wounds into the depths of self-forgiveness...a must read for all people who are ready to take responsibility for their own healing".
Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way
Pope John Paul II - 1996
Following the success of the international bestseller Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Pope John Paul II provides the world with a glimpse into his past in Rise, Let Us Be On Our Way. Chronicling the years he spent as a bishop and later archbishop in Krakow, Poland through his election as the first Polish Pope in 1978, he recounts everything from communist efforts to suppress the church in Poland to his efforts to adopt a new and more open style of pastoral ministry. With recollections on his life as well as his thoughts on the issues facing the world now, Pope John Paul II offers words of wisdom in this book that will appeal to people of any faith looking to strengthen their spirituality.
Thomas Aquinas: Spiritual Master
Robert Barron - 1996
The life and spiritual teachings of the Catholic Church's greatest classical theologian as seen through the eyes of a contemporary theologian. Robert Barron examines the life and work of Catholicism's premier scholar and discovers a saintly deep in love with Jesus Christ.
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
John R. Cross - 1996
Cross ,John R DATA 2003
Job and the Mystery of Suffering: Spiritual Reflections
Richard Rohr - 1996
Rohr strips Christian faith down to the essentials, beyond glib answers and a "hand-me-down" experience of God, and points the way to true knowing. In this invigorating exploration, the tension between suffering and faith becomes a powerful means to an authentic, open connection with the divine.
By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
Mark P. Shea - 1996
With the breathless excitement of a detective novel, a former Protestant fundamentalist discovers that evangelical Protestantism is itself based on shaky modern traditions.
Exposition of the Divine Principle
Sun Myung Moon - 1996
Newly translated from the original Korean, this reveals provocative new insight into God's principles of the created world, the deeper nature of the Fall, the nature of salvation, the mission of Jesus and the Second Coming of Christ.
Always We Begin Again
John McQuiston II - 1996
Benedict's timeless wisdom--incorporates time for work, friendship, growth of the mind and nurturing of the spirit through meditation and prayerfulness.
In Defense of the Faith
Dave Hunt - 1996
Drawing from the most-asked questions of his years in ministry, noted cult and prophecy expert Dave Hunt addresses the toughest questions that Christians and non-Christians ask.
Persons: The Difference Between `Someone' and `Something'
Robert Spaemann - 1996
Persons takes issue with major contemporary philosophers, especially in the English-speaking world (such as Parfit and Singer), who have contributed to the eclipse of the idea, and traces the debate back to the foundations of modern philosophy in Descartes and Locke. Robert Spaemann offers extended discussions of the sources of the idea in Christian theology and its development in Western philosophy. He also provides anumber of pointed discussions of pressing practical questions--for example, our treatment of the severely disabled human and the moral status of intelligent non-human animals. The book covers a great deal of ground before coming to a focused conclusion: all human beings are persons.
The Work of The Pastor
William T. Still - 1996
Gain an insight into the work of the pastor. It is based on the thesis that the pastor, being the shepherd of the flock, feeds the flock upon God?'s Word; the bulk of pastoral work is therefore through the ministry of the Word. This edition includes biographical information by Frank Lyall.
The Disciple's Cross
Avery T. Willis Jr. - 1996
MasterLife 1: Disciple's Cross - Member Book is a Bible study that helps you experience life in Christ through practicing six identified biblical disciplines: spending time with the Master, living in the Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, witnessing to the world, and ministering to others.
Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons
Thomas F. Torrance - 1996
F. Torrance aims to clarify understanding of that most profound article of the Christian faith, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.Adopting a holistic approach, he explains the inter-relatedness of the three Persons--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and their dynamic Communion with the Being and Nature of God.Combining immense academic range with new theological perspectives, Professor Torrance builds a significant theological bridge between ancient and modern, and Roman and Protestant theology.
Raising Abel: The Recovery of the Eschatological Imagination
James Alison - 1996
Making use of the thought of Rene Girard, the author shows how the God who was revealed by Jesus subverted the violent language, imagery and expectations of the early Christians.
On Prayer
Sophrony Sakharov - 1996
A moving testimony to the relevance of Christ, who, for Archimandrite Sophrony, is "all, and in all, the beginning and the ending" of all things.
Glory of Heaven
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1996
For example: We know angels will be there. But thanks to TV, we think of them as being gorgeous, white-robed beings with enormous wings. We know we will be given new bodies, but books have convinced us that that means we will we end up with a set of wings ourselves. And cartoons, movies, and modern music have portrayed those who have gone to heaven as having full knowledge of what's happening to their loved ones on earth.But if heaven is in your future, a Hollywood scriptwriter's interpretation or some artist's rendering of it just won't do. You need to know the truth, which, ironically, is far better than anything our creative minds can imagine.The only One who knows the glorious truth about heaven is God. And the only place to find that truth is in His Word.In this book, pastor John MacArthur takes you through those very Scriptures and opens your heart to the realities of heaven, angels, and eternal life. It's a joyous study of every Christian's future. A future that you can and should anticipate.Come along with this best-selling author for an in-depth look at where you'll spend eternity. Open up The Glory of Heaven and catch a glimpse of Home.
Christ Crucified: A Puritan's View of the Atonement
Stephen Charnock - 1996
He particularly illustrates the importance of the Passover, and opens up our understanding of the differences which characterise the New Testament Church era. He shows that Jesus willingly submitted to the pain he knew he would go through, in order to bring us the blessings of a new covenant with God.The Puritans were brought up on the Bible; for a Puritan mind a clear text from the Bible settled all controversy. It is this discipline and clear sightedness which makes their work so valuable to today's generation.
The New God Image
Edward F. Edinger - 1996
An in-depth analysis of the evolutionary leap of the Western image of God.
Iota Unum: A Study of Changes in the Catholic Church in the Twentieth Century
Romano Amerio - 1996
New low-cost paperback version.
Celebration of Faith, vol. III: The Virgin Mary
Alexander Schmemann - 1996
The "Theotokos," as Mary is usually referred to among the Orthodox, figures prominently in Byzantine liturgical worship. While no single service is without one or more references to her, Eastern Orthodox theological manuals have little to say about Mary beyond repeating the primarily Christological titles affirmed by the Third Ecumenical Council "Theotokos," "Birthgiver of God." It is to the Eastern liturgical tradition, then, that one must turn for a more developed Mariology. Eastern hymnographers, drawing on Scripture, the early Christian Apocrypha and on a rich theological tradition, went far beyond the laconic definition of the Third Ecumenical Council. Fr Schmemann draws on all these to explain Mariology to a modern audience.
Earthen Vessels: The Practice of Personal Prayer According to the Patristic Tradition
Gabriel Bunge - 1996
Today, western Christianity in a special way, needs to rediscover the intimate union which must exist--in prayer just as in any aspect of Christian life--between theory and practice, between contemplation and practical exercise. One learns how to pray by praying, and the whole of our being is called to participate in this work: the mind, the heart, but also the body, the gaze, the senses.Fr. Gabriel Bunge, a hermit with great spiritual discernment and profound knowledge of the Fathers of the desert, presents with masterly coherence this important unity between what one believes and what one expresses in the practice of prayer: a fascinating rediscovery of the valuable treasure contained in the teachings of the Church Fathers on the practice of personal prayer.
The Disciple's Personality
Avery T. Willis Jr. - 1996
In this six-week study disciples will learn how to share their personal testimonies. Topics include: doing God's will, renewing the mind, mastering the emotions, presenting the body, and being filled with the spirit. Additional available resources include leader helps and video.
The Power of the Cross of Christ
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1996
The subject matter of these books has been carefully researched and compiled from his legacy of 3,561 sermons. This series offers an intimate view into the life of Christ and what specific areas of His life mean for us.
Holiness: A Guide for Beginners
Hubert Van Zeller - 1996
These pages reveal all you need to know to get started.
On Secular Education
Robert Lewis Dabney - 1996
It is the one business for which the earth exists. To it all politics, all war, all literature, all money-making, ought to be subordinated; and every parent especially ought to feel, every hour of the day, that, next to making his own calling and election sure, this is the end for which he is kept alive by God—this is his task on earth." -R.L. Dabney
Say to This Mountain: Mark's Story of Discipleship
Ched Myers - 1996
Walter Wink called the best-selling Binding the Strong Man "quite simply the most important commentary on a book of scripture since Barth's Romans." Now, "Say to this Mountain" makes the powerful insights of that challenging commentary accessible and at the same time explores the connections between Mark's "handbook of discipleship" and the demands of our contemporary world. In "Say to this Mountain" Myers is joined by a team of authors, Catholic and Protestant, committed to the work of justice and peace, the renewal of the church, and to Christian discipleship. With Myers they share in the conviction that Mark's story has transforming power only as it intersects with our own life-stories and the broader story of the times in which we live. Together, this team has designed a process for reading the Gospel of Mark in which each of the three circles of story informs the other. Carefully organized in reading units for easy study each section includes two parts: "The Text in Context" looks briefly at the themes raised by each episode in Mark's Gospel. "The Word in Our World" draws out one common thread and reflects upon it in light of our contemporary situation. Throughout the book meditations and practical suggestions emphasize the connections between reflective prayer and concerted action.
The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism
D.A. Carson - 1996
A great majority of social commentators attempting to define modern Western culture land on a common characteristic: pluralism. This isn't unique to secular culture. Many modern approaches to Christian hermeneutics, or biblical interpretation, have given credence to contemporary pluralism. What began as a refreshing restraint and humility in modern theology has fallen more and more into irresoluteness.It's no secret that the contemporary challenges to Christianity are complex and serious. Yet, far from simple fear-mongering, or cultural warmongering, The Gagging of God takes a hard look at the background and intricacy—of pluralism, postmodernity, and hermeneutics—and equips thoughtful Christians to have intelligent, culturally sensitive, and passionate fidelity to the gospel of Jesus Christ.In his contemplative, even-handed approach, Carson provides a structure of Christian thought capable of facing the philosophies of today and piercing their surface. It invites Christians to grapple responsibly with urgent questions of biblically-grounded theology, spirituality, and the defining lines of Christianity, along with its range of challenges from without and within. The Gagging of God offers an in-depth look at the big picture, shows how the many ramifications of pluralism are all parts of a whole, and provides a systematic Christian response.
My Conversion
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1996
That day was full of glory and gladness and indescribably joy for him. As Spurgeon shares his personal journey, you will experience the Holy Spirit's convicting power that leads from death unto eternal life.
Unspoken Sermons, Third Series (Sunrise Centenary Edition)
George MacDonald - 1996
If thereupon any precious result of meaning should follow, the change would not merely be justifiable--seeing that points are of no authority with anyone accustomed to the vagaries of scribes, editors, and printers--but one for which to give thanks to God. And I found the change did unfold such a truth as showed the rhetoric itself in accordance with the highest thought of the apostle. So glad was I, that it added little to my satisfaction to find the change supported by the best manuscripts and versions. It could add none to learn that the passage had been, in respect of the two readings, a cause of much disputation: the ground of argument on the side of the common reading, seemed to me worse than worthless.
The Chronological Life of Christ: Volumes 1
Mark E. Moore - 1996
For the student or teacher who wants to be true to the Word, The Chronological Life of Christ is a dependable resource
The Five Points of Calvinism: A Study Guide
Edwin H. Palmer - 1996
Using the Scriptures from which they are drawn, Edwin H. Palmer analyzes each point and explains them in accessible language. Helpful discussion questions follow each chapter, making this book ideal for classes or study groups. This important resource also includes a new foreword by Michael Horton and relevant historic catechisms and confessions.
The Word In Life Study Bible-NKJ: Discover the Truths of God's Word for You and Your World
Anonymous - 1996
The Word In Life Study Bible uses a highly visual format and interactive, user-friendly features to help you dig deeper without slowing you down.
Look To The Rock: An Old Testament Background To Our Understanding Of Christ
J. Alec Motyer - 1996
This is a clear and helpful study of Christ's presence throughout the Old Testament.
The Mystical Rose: Thoughts on the Blessed Virgin from the Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman
John Henry Newman - 1996
Newman examines the New Testament and the writings of the Church Fathers to show that this devotion is on a firm apostolic foundation. Then he explains the doctrinal bases of the titles given to Our Lady in the Litany of Loreto: Mystical Rose, House of Gold, Mirror of Justice, Queen of Angels, Tower of Ivory, Singular Vessel of Devotion, Queen of Martyrs, and more. Newman's deep insights into Our Lady will deepen your love for the Mother of God.
Dake Annotated Reference Bible-KJV
Dake Publishing - 1996
No other Study Bible gives you as much information in a single volume. The Dake Bible includes:Complete Concordance lists every word in the Bible35,000 Commentary Notes500,000 Cross References9,000 Headings dividing text8,000 Sermon OutlinesKey Hebrew and Greek Words DefinedSummary at the end of each book of the BibleAncient Customs ExplainedWord's of Christ in RED
Gift and Mystery: On the fifteth anniversary of my priestly ordination
Pope John Paul II - 1996
In concluding Gift and Mystery, the pope writes to his brother priests, 'Learn to see in your priesthood the Gospel treasure for which it is worth giving up everything.' Surely in the life of this pope we see an extraordinary example of someone who has treasured the gift of his priestly ministry for more than fifty years."- From the foreword of Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus
Religion and Rational Theology
Immanuel Kant - 1996
These works were written during a period of conflict between Kant and the Prussian authorities over his religious teachings. The historical context and progression of this conflict are charted in the general introduction to the volume and in the translators' introductions to particular texts. All the translations are new with the exception of The Conflict of the Faculties, where the translation has been revised and redited to conform to the guidelines of the Cambridge Edition.
The Mystery of Romans
Mark D. Nanos - 1996
Arguing against those who think Paul was an apostate from Judaism, Nanos maintains Paul's continuity with his Jewish heritage. Several key arguments here are: Those addressed in Paul's letter were still an integral part of the Roman synagogue communities. The "weak" are non- Christian Jews, while the "strong" included both Jewish and gentile converts to belief in Jesus. Paul as a practicing devout Jew insists on the rules of behavior for "the righteous gentiles." Christian subordination to authorities (Romans 13:1-7) is intended to enforce submission to leaders of the synagogues, not Roman government officials. Paul behaves in a way to confirm the very Jewish portrait of him in Acts: going first to the synagogues.
The Open Road: Walt Whitman on Death and Dying
Walt Whitman - 1996
This volume of selected Whitman poetry speaks to an inner wisdom that is only strengthened as death draws near. Comforting and intimate, Whitman's words are collected here to help ease the journey that we all will take. An Allen Ginsberg essay addresses Walt Whitman's heroic contribution to the heart and soul of American thought.Twenty duotone photographs that reflect the movement and the mystery of life illustrate Whitman's poems. Some of this century's most brilliant photographers are represented here, including W. Eugene Smith, Ernst Haas, Linda Conner, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Garnett and Wynn Bullock. Their black and white imagery captures the stark contrasts, the gentle graying, and the paradox that is our life and death.
Basics for Believers
D.A. Carson - 1996
An exposition of Philippians that considers Paul's instruction on consistent integrity and the cross as the center of life.
The Roman Catholic Controversy
James R. White - 1996
They are joining across denominational boundaries in renewal movements. And many evangelicals are finding the history, tradition, and grandeur of the Roman Catholic Church appealing. This newfound rapport has caused many evangelical leaders and laypeople to question the age-old disagreements that have divided Protestants and Catholics: Aren't we all saying the same thing in different language?The Roman Catholic Controversy is an absorbing look at current views of tradition and Scripture, the Papacy, the Mass, Purgatory, indulgences, and Marian doctrine. James White affirms that evangelicals and Catholics share common ground on some points. Yet there are crucial differences that remain regarding the Christian life--and the heart of the Gospel itself--that cannot be ignored.
Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte
Dennis D. Martin - 1996
Theology Today In one series, the original writings of the universally acknowledged teachers of the Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic traditions have been critically selected, translated and introduced by internationally recognized scholars and spiritual leaders. Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte translated and introduced by Dennis D. Martin preface by John Van Engen The third step is the human spirit's yearning, unitive clinging in which she gently burns for God, knowing experientially that one who clings to God in this way is one spirit with him...With love growing from her own fervor she opens herself to receive and in receiving is set on fire. Then with great longing she gazes wide-mouthed at celestial things and in some wondrous way tastes what she seeks to have. This tasting, moreover, is the clinging, the union, through which the pious spirit enjoys god, in whom she blissfully reposes. Guigo de Ponte, On Contemplation, Book Two, Chapter Ten In the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, the Carthusians filled the role played in the tenth and eleventh centuries by the Cluniac network, in the twelfth century by the Cistercians, and in the thirteenth century by the Franciscans and Dominicans: Western Christendom's most outstanding professional intercessors before God's throne. Founded in the late eleventh century, a few years before the Cistercians, the Carthusians grew very slowly during their first two centuries but were highly respected from the beginning. They inspired, among others, Bernard of Clairvaux, William of St. Thierry, Aelred of Rievaulx, and Peter the Venerable. The two authors whose writings make up this volume are situated at the end of the thirteenth century, just before the order's flourishing growth of the fourteenth century. The mysterious author known as Hugh of Balma may have influenced the fourteenth-century Cloud of Unknowing and certainly had a great impact on Catholic spirituality in the sixteenth and following centuries, especially, but not exclusively, in Spain. Guigo de Ponte's writings, by indirect route, influenced Ignatius of Loyola.
The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-Day Adventists: An Evangelical Resource and an Appeal to Adventists
Dale Ratzlaff - 1996
Book by Dale Ratzlaff
Gods That Fail: Modern Idolatry & Christian Mission
Vinoth Ramachandra - 1996
Idols such as science, reason and irrationality stand tall across the landscape. Ramachandra shows how they enslave their devotees and too often wreak chaos inside as well as outside the church.Gods That Fail combines lively social criticism with fresh biblical exposition, It will prove illuminating and helpful to any Christian who wants to see through the forces that block effective mission in today's world.
Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace
James B. Torrance - 1996
In a day when refinement of method and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable who of worship, the triune God of grace. Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion with the Father, writes Torrance. This book explodes the notion that the doctrine of the Trinity may be indispensable for the creed but remote from life and worship. Firmly rooted in Scripture and theology, alive with pastoral counsel and anecdote, Torrance's work shows us just why real trinitarian theology is the very fiber of Christian confession.
On the Mystical Life: The Ethical Discourses : On Virtue and Christian Life Vol. 2
Symeon the New Theologian - 1996
He was also perhaps the most remarkable and certainly the most forceful advocate of the mystical experience of God in the history of the Byzantine Church. Though they were on occasion suppressed by ecclesiastical authorities wary of his fierce enthusiasm, as well as his claims to charismatic authority, St Symeon's writings survived in theEastern Church and continued to play a vital role in the several renewals of spiritual life and prayer which has sustained the Church in its often difficult history over the past millennium. The treatises on the mystical life, usually rendered as The Ethical Discourses, comprise St Symeon's most extensive treatment of the experience of God. They are also appearing here, in this and two following volumes, for the first time in
A Retreat with St. Therese
Louis Liagre - 1996
Therese, known as the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood. It contains the very essence of St. Theres’s teaching expressed in the simplest manner possible, and is therefore excellent material either for our own meditation or for teaching the Little Way to others. This book will be found to be a useful summary of the main lines of St. Therese’s teaching. It expounds them simply and shows how they must be at the basis of every truly spiritual life.
The JPS Torah Commentary Series, 5-volume set
Jewish Publication Society - 1996
Utilizing the latest research to enhance our understanding of the biblical text, it takes its place as one of the most authoritative yet accessible Bible commentaries of our day.This JPS Torah Commentary series guides readers through the words and ideas of the Torah. Each volume is the work of a scholar who stands at the pinnacle of his field.Every page contains the complete traditional Hebrew text, with cantillation notes, the JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures, aliyot breaks, Masoretic notes, and commentary by a distinguished Hebrew Bible scholar, integrating classical and modern sources.Each volume also contains supplementary essays that elaborate upon key words and themes, a glossary of commentators and sources, extensive bibliographic notes, and maps.
God of Israel and Christian Theology
R. Kendall Soulen - 1996
Along with this first full-scale critique of Christian supersessionism, Soulen's own constructive proposal regraps the narrative unity of Christian identity and the canon through an original and important insight into the divine-human covenant, the election of Israel, and the meaning of history.
Power in the Blood
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1996
Cleansing, healing, purifying--these are the effects of sin's cure. Charles Spurgeon discusses how to be accepted in Christ, start a whole new life, receive help when tempted, rid your church of strife, and share the Gospel with others. You will gain spiritual wisdom as you explore God's Word with Spurgeon and apply it to your life.
Rome, Constantinople, Moscow: Historical and Theological Studies
John Meyendorff - 1996
It incluudes studies of various historical and theological issues which have arisen between East and West, and discusses the problems related to the Fall of Byzantium and the rise of Russia as a major centre of Orthodox mission and thought.
Two Bears
J.C. Ryle - 1996
Ryle. This devout minister was one of the most beloved figures of 19th-century England, and never was there a clearer or more gifted communicator of the truths of the Bible. Ryle used to bring an occasional sermon just for the little children of his church. This is a collection of those sermons - delivered with an ease of style, so that the message still can't be missed as your children red them today. Simple, but never shallow. Ryle takes a child by the hand and guides them into deep and great truths in ways that few adults know how to do today.
Protection from Deception
Derek Prince - 1996
But what can we do? In Protection from Deception, renowned Bible scholar Derek Prince will equip you to:Test the source of supernatural signs and wondersDiscern truth from falsehoodBreak free from pride, a stronghold of SatanPowerfully share the gospelResist the schemes of Satan and share in God’s triumph You, too, can uncover the enemy’s strategies, effectively engage in spiritual battles—and win!
God the Father, God the Son
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1996
This book was compiled for people who want to understand the essentials of Christian doctrine so that they can test the teachings offered by the world.
John Newton and the English Evangelical Tradition: Between the Conversions of Wesley and Wilberforce
D. Bruce Hindmarsh - 1996
In addition, he uses the theme of Newton as a 'sort of middle man' to explore the religious understanding of a whole generation who knew themselves as 'evangelical' although this was different from those who later adopted the term as a badge of partisan loyalty. The author shows how Newton is related to other Church of England evangelicals, Methodists, and various Dissenting bodies, and how his life sheds light on little explored aspects of the Evangelical Revival which contribute to an understanding and reassessment of the eighteenth-century church. In addition to discussion of themes in historical theology, pastoralia, and spirituality, an analysis of conversion narrative, the familiar letter, and hymnody contribute to an understanding of the relationship between religion and culture more generally.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Volume 1: The Person and his Work
Jean-Pierre Torrell - 1996
The appendix consists of additions to the text, the catalog of Aquinas's works, and the chronology. Each item in the appendix is called out in the original part of the book with an asterisk in the margin."This is the introduction to Thomas: presenting all the known facts of his life and work, tracing the themes of his writing out of his juvenilia, and following the influence of his thought in the years immediately after his death."--First Things"The most up-to-date biography available."--Choice
Gregory of Nazianzus: Autobiographical Poems
Gregory of Nazianzus - 1996
This book contains Greek text and facing English translation of a selection from his one hundred or so surviving poems. Gregory is best known for the five orations he gave in Constantinople. Except for the poem De Vita Sua, his work can only be read in a nineteenth-century edition and has never before been translated into English.
Living the Truth in Love: A Biblical Introduction of Moral Theology
Benedict M. Ashley - 1996
An exhaustive presentation of Roman Catholic moral teaching by an acknowledged expert.
Assumptions That Affect Our Lives: How Worldviews Determine Values That Influence Behavior and Shape Culture
Christian Overman - 1996
A clash and contrast between Greek philosophy and Hebrew wisdom and their role in shaping Western Christianity.
I Am the Truth: Toward a Philosophy of Christianity
Michel Henry - 1996
In the process, Henry inevitably argues against the concept of truth that dominates modern thought and determines, in its multiple implications, the world in which we live.Henry argues that Christ undoes “the truth of the world,” that He is an access to the infinity of self-love, to a radical subjectivity that admits no outside, to the immanence of affective life found beyond the despair fatally attached to all objectifying thought. The Kingdom of God accomplishes itself in the here and now through the love of Christ in what Henry calls “the auto-affection of Life.” In this condition, he argues, all problems of lack, ambivalence, and false projection are resolved.
The Problem of Suffering: A Father's Thoughts on the Suffering, Death, and Life of His Children
Gregory Schulz - 1996
The Timeless Writings of C.S. Lewis: The Pilgrim's Regress, Christian Reflections, & God in the Dock
C.S. Lewis - 1996
Lewis's writings are prized for their genius at communicating the philosophical and theological rationale of Christianity in simple, everyday language. Now this inspired collection of three Lewis bestsellers--complete in one volume--allows you to sample some of the best ideas and arguments of this engaging Christian writer.The first book Lewis wrote after his conversion, The Pilgrim's Regress is the Bunyanesque allegory of John and his pursuit of a mysterious, sweet desire that leads him through adventures with Mr. Enlightenment, Mr. Mammon, Mother Kirk, and others. You'll trace Lewis's own journey to faith in this semi-autobiographical account of a modern man's consuming search for spiritual fulfillment.In two collections of shorter essays and letters, Christian Reflections and God in the Dock, you'll discover the wide scope of Lewis's interests--literature, science, theology, war, prayer, capital punishment, culture, and much, much more. Some of these pieces were written specifically for periodicals, others were read to societies in Oxford and Cambridge, still others were originally prepared as talks to diverse audiences. All, however, share Lewis's uniquely effective style and his tireless concern to relate basic--or "mere"--Christianity to every area of life.
Black Man's Religion
Glenn Usry - 1996
Keener contend that racism is not inherent in Christianity. It is true that there is a long and ugly history of abuse of African-Americans at the hands of Anglo Christians. Afrocentric interpretations of history often point to slavery, lynchings and the like as proof that Christianity is inherently antiblack. But Craig Keener and Glen Usry contend that Christianity can be Afrocentric. In this massively researched book, they show that racism is not unique to Christianity. More important, they show how "world history is also our history and the Bible is also our book." This book is one of the first of its kind, a pro-Christian reading of religion and history from a black perspective. Fascinating and compelling, it is must reading for all concerned for African-American culture and issues of faith.
Theology in Reconciliation: Essays Towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West
Thomas F. Torrance - 1996
The Truth And Meaning Of Human Sexuality
Pontifical Council For The Family - 1996
Guidelines for education within the family.
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan: The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation
Kilian McDonnell - 1996
The synoptics mention Jesus' baptism in the Jordan, and John's Gospel gives a report of it, indicating its importance. The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, a systematic study, isolates those themes (Trinitarian, cosmic, sinlessness, liturgical, messianic, divinization, orientation to a future paradise, descent into Sheol/hell, institution of the sacrament of baptism) with which the early Church proclaimed and celebrated the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Drawing on Latin, Greek, and Syrian sources, Father McDonnell shows the Jordan event as the dominant paradigm of Christian baptism in the earliest centuries, and also presents its relation to growing interest in the Pauline death and resurrection themes in the fourth century. Because it was widely looked upon as the institution of Christian baptism, this history is relevant to contemporary theology and to the liturgical celebration of Christian baptism. The way the early Church used the baptism of Jesus to communicate the central truths of the faith, especially proclaiming the call to holiness the vocation to participate in the divine life is still valuable today. Liturgists and systematic theologians teaching the sacraments will be particularly interested in this patristic, systematic work. Chapters are: "The Beginning of the Gospel: The Scriptures," "Sinlessness and Liturgy," "An Article of the Creed and the Ordo of Salvation," "The Cosmic Baptism," "'Come to Me by My Road: Put on Poverty and Freedom' Asceticism," "The Lukan Variant and the Jordan as Birth Event," "The Jordan as Womb and the Great Fire/Light," "The Messianic Anointing of Jesus with the Spirit," "Taking the Robe of Glory from the Jordan Divinization," "The Cosmic Jordan and the Robe of Glory Eschatology," and "The Descent into the Jordan and the Descent into Hell," "Contemplation and Initiation Institution of Christian Baptism," "The Principle: Jesus' Baptism Constitutes our Baptism Institution," "Calvary Threatens the Dominance of Jordan Institution," and " The Threat of Sacramental Imagination and the Jordan's Tenacity Institution." Includes chapter summaries.
How Can I Help?: Final Selections by the Legendary Writer, Teacher, and Humanitarian
Lowell L. Bennion - 1996
St. Bonaventure's on the Reduction of the Arts to Theology
Bonaventure - 1996
Bonaventure deals with the relation of the finite to the infinite, of the natural to the supernatural, in a way which well establishes his preeminence as a mystic, a philosopher and a theologian. This English translation (from Latin) and commentary brings to the modern day reader an appreciation of the return of all created things to God.This volume is reprinted with a revised translation, introduction and commentary by Zachary Hayes, OFM, from the original by Emma Therese Healy, CSJ, in 1955.
Earth Community, Earth Ethics
Larry L. Rasmussen - 1996
With environmental ethics as its primary focus, Larry Rasmussen brings together insights from diverse sources on the state of the environment -- and what can be done, now, to halt the degradation of life.Larry Rasmussen first scans our global situation and the threats to life posed by the modern world. Next, he turns to the realms of religious faith and human symbolism, gleaning from them the resources for a "conversion to earth" needed for global survival. Finally, Rasmussen offers a constructive ethic, a program of "Earth Action" that can shape a global movement toward sustainable community.For all those concerned with the environment, religion, and society, Earth Community, Earth Ethics provides a deeply nuanced and brilliantly illuminating vision of where we are, and where we must go from here.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Robert Royal - 1996
It aims to clarify and modify previous research conclusions on Aquinas's life and works.
Weeks Gateway to the Old Testament
Noel Weeks - 1996
An introduction to the literature and message of the Old Testament and a more detailed study of the three foundational books - Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy - on which the rest of the Bible stands.
Things Which Become Sound Doctrine: Doctrinal Studies of Fourteen Crucial Words of Faith
J. Dwight Pentecost - 1996
Those doctrines include grace, repentance, sanctification, security, and predestination.
Free To Disagree
John Wecks - 1996
(Foreword by Howard Hendricks)A look at how believers can maintain unity, purity, and freedom when they disagree on practices and behaviors that aren't specifically addressed in the Bible.
Maximus the Confessor
Andrew Louth - 1996
This book introduces the reader to the times and upheavals during which Maximus lived. It discusses his cosmic vision of humanity and the role of the church. The study makes available a selection of Maximus' theological treaties many of them translated for the first time. The translations are accompanied by a lucid and informed introduction.
Homesick for Eden: A Soul's Journey to Joy
Gary W. Moon - 1996
Homesick for Eden will stretch your thinking about the Kingdom of God.
When The Time Was Fulfilled: Christmas Meditations
Eberhard Arnold - 1996
But joy is more than merriment. For those who only want to have a good time or a feeling of togetherness, Christmas brings a temporary feeling of cheer. But for those who feel bankrupt, without real meaning or hope - either for themselves or for the world - Christmas can be genuinely life-changing.
With a Shepherd's Heart: Reclaiming the Pastoral Office of Elder
John R. Sittema - 1996
A practical guide for the office of elder, giving elders a fresh and thoroughly Biblical perspective on their work as shepherds in the church.