Best of
Me and My Big Mouth!: Your Answer Is Right Under Your Nose
Joyce Meyer - 1996
You can take hold of the words you speak and make them work for you!Me and My Big Mouth will show you how to train your mouth to speak words that will help you accomplish all God wants for you in this life. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer emphasizes that speaking the Word of God must be coupled with living a life of complete obedience to the Word of God in order to see the full power of God flowing in your life.By applying the biblical truths outlined in this book, you will learn:The effect of your words on your lifeHow to speak God's languageHow to break the chains of the pastHow to cross over to victoryPlus much more!Bring your mouth into agreement with God . . . and begin to walk in victory!
The Attributes of God: A Journey Into the Father's Heart
A.W. Tozer - 1996
Tozer, there is no question more important. In fact, Tozer's desire to know God and His fullness consumed his entire life and ministry.Originally preached as sermons at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, this first volume of The Attributes of God examines ten attributes of God. A study guide has been added for an in depth look at each attribute. This all important book deals with the most important subject matter of God's traits. We should esteem Him stricken, smitten and afflicted, yet see Him as our Creator and King in awe, wonder, and fear with righteousness and amazement. How can we even be allowed to have a glimpse of His beauty, compassion, and grace?
Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven & Earth
Dutch Sheets - 1996
Prayer and fasting are changing the lives of Christians everywhere! Have these books prominently displayed and ready for your customers when they come searching for insight and inspiration about these hot new movements in the Church!
A Heart Like His: Intimate Reflections on the Life of David
Beth Moore - 1996
This is not a reality we experience alone, but is one that a man after God’s heart experienced as well. From shepherd, to refugee, to king of Israel, David exhibited the purest virtues and the most heinous sinfulness, but through it all his relationship with the Lord continued to grow. A Heart Like His looks at this bond of mutual love and admiration between a man who was not unlike any of us and the one true God who is all good and all powerful. Beth Moore walks us through an exploration of David’s incredible life, drawing spiritual insights from a man who boldly fulfilled his divine destiny not merely by what he did, but who he loved and served. Bringing lessons from David’s life to bear on your own, this picture of a man who loved and followed God will help you to serve with a heart focused on Him no matter the circumstance. Available here for the first time in trade paper, this new edition also features an excerpt from Moore’s David: Seeking a Heart Like His Bible study.
The Power of a Praying Wife
Stormie Omartian - 1996
This uplifting resource is packed with practical advice on praying for specific areas of your husband's life, including his decision-making fears spiritual strength role as father, leader faith and future.If you desire a closer relationship with your spouse, you will appreciate the life illustrations, encouraging Bible verses, and the assurances of God's promises and power for your marriage.
The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus
Brennan Manning - 1996
Through poignant and unforgettable stories and challenging observations, Manning helps you stretch your mind and reject simplistic explanations of who God really is. With rich insights you'll see how God can at once be a roaring lion, pacing the globe and seeking you out; and simultaneously a tender lamb, there to comfort you in any time of need.A unique experience, this book will forever change the way you think about God.
Heaven: Close Encounters of the God Kind
Jesse Duplantis - 1996
It has often been pictured as a place where everyone sits on fluffy clouds and plays a harp for eternity. According to the Word of God, however, this picture is far from the truth. So what is heaven really like?In this book, Jesse Duplantis shares several events that have happened to him in his relationship with God--events he calls close encounters of the God kind. One of these events is his trip to heaven in 1988. He tells of the wonderful things the Lord has in store for us, both in heaven and on earth."I believe that if people could see the treasures that God has stored up for them in heaven, they wouldn't have such a hard time understanding God's will to prosper and heal them while they are on earth . . . . Anything that you can think of, anything you could want on earth has already been given to you there." --Jesse DuplantisAs you read this book, you will discover the depth of the compassion and love God has for you. Your faith will be strengthened and encouraged as Jesse reveals answers too many questions about this wonderful place:* What is Paradise?* Are there children in heaven?* Will I recognize family members?* Will I really have my own mansion there?* What is God's great Throne Room like?* Plus much more!It is God's desire that everyone spends eternity in heaven. So enjoy these close encounters of the God kind for yourself and join Jesse Duplantis in spreading the wonderful message that Jesus is coming again soon!
The One Year Bible: Arranged in 365 Daily Readings, New Living Translation
Anonymous - 1996
The One Year Bible guides readers through God's Word with daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.
Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1996
From the delicate interplay of human experience to the surrender to Christ and the embrace of Christian community, that journey of Christian spirituality is explored and celebrated here in each eloquent, thought–provoking passage,"The table is one of the most intimate places in our lives. It is there that we give ourselves to one another. When we say, 'Take some more, let me serve you another plate, let me pour you another glass, don't be shy, enjoy it,' we say a lot more than our words express. We invite our friends to become part of our lives. We want them to be nurtured by the same food and drink that nurture us. We desire communion.... Every breakfast, lunch, or dinner can become a time of growing communion with one another."Intimately personal and inspiring, Bread for the Journey is a daily feast of fresh insight into the challenges and deep joys of a life lived in close communion with God. Nouwen is a wise, loving companion who invites us along as he finds joy in the community of loss, true freedom in forgiveness of others, and hope in surprising places. Each daily meditation is a stepping–stone along a path of private discovery, offering Nouwen's seasoned yet fresh ideas on kindness, love, suffering, and prayer, the Church as God's people, and the importance of Jesus in one's life–reflecting, as a whole, Nouwen's own 'personal creed.' Bread for the Journey brims with daily nourishment and guidance for devoted followers and new friends alike –– food for thought on a yearlong journey of discovery and faith.
The Inner Voice of Love
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1996
Although he experienced excruciating anguish and despair, he was still able to keep a journal in which he wrote a spiritual imperative to himself each day that emerged from his conversations with friends and supporters.For more than eight years, Henri Nouwen felt that what he wrote was too raw and private to share with others. Instead, he published The Return of the Prodigal Son, in which he expressed some of the insights gained during his mental and spiritual crisis. But then friends asked him, "Why keep your anguish hidden from the many people who have been nurtured by your writing? Wouldn't it be of consolation for many to know about the fierce inner battle that lies underneath so many of your spiritual insights?"For the countless men and women who have to live through the pain of broken relationships, or who suffer from the loss of a loved one, this book about the inner voice of love offers new courage, new hope, even new life.
Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation
Miroslav Volf - 1996
Otherness, the simple fact of being different in some way, has come to be defined as in and of itself evil. Miroslav Volf contends that if the healing word of the gospel is to be heard today, Christian theology must find ways of speaking that address the hatred of the other. Reaching back to the New Testament metaphor of salvation as reconciliation, Volf proposes the idea of embrace as a theological response to the problem of exclusion.Increasingly we see that exclusion has become the primary sin, skewing our perceptions of reality and causing us to react out of fear and anger to all those who are not within our (ever-narrowing) circle. In light of this, Christians must learn that salvation comes, not only as we are reconciled to God, and not only as we "learn to live with one another," but as we take the dangerous and costly step of opening ourselves to the other, of enfolding him or her in the same embrace with which we have been enfolded by God.Is there any hope of embracing our enemies? Of opening the door to reconciliation? Miroslav Volf, a Yale University theologian, has won the 2002 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for his book, Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation (Abingdon, 1996). Volf argues that exclusion of people who are alien or different is among the most intractable problems in the world today. He writes, It may not be too much to claim that the future of our world will depend on how we deal with identity and difference. The issue is urgent. The ghettos and battlefields throughout the world in the living rooms, in inner cities, or on the mountain ranges testify indisputably to its importance. A Croatian by birth, Volf takes as a starting point for his analysis the recent civil war and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, but he readily finds other examples of cultural, ethnic, and racial conflict to illustrate his points. And, since September 11, one can scarcely help but plug the new world players into his incisive descriptions of the dynamics of interethnic and international strife.Exclusion happens, Volf argues, wherever impenetrable barriers are set up that prevent a creative encounter with the other. It is easy to assume that exclusion is the problem or practice of barbarians who live over there, but Volf persuades us that exclusion is all too often our practice here as well. Modern western societies, including American society, typically recite their histories as narratives of inclusion, and Volf celebrates the truth in these narratives. But he points out that these narratives conveniently omit certain groups who disturb the integrity of their happy ending plots. Therefore such narratives of inclusion invite long and gruesome counter-narratives of exclusion the brutal histories of slavery and of the decimation of Native American populations come readily to mind, but more current examples could also be found.Most proposed solutions to the problem of exclusion have focused on social arrangements what kind of society ought we to create in order to accommodate individual or communal difference? Volf focuses, rather, on what kind of selves we need to be in order to live in harmony with others. In addressing the topic, Volf stresses the social implications of divine self-giving. The Christian scriptures attest that God does not abandon the godless to their evil, but gives of Godself to bring them into communion. We are called to do likewise whoever our enemies and whoever we may be. The divine mandate to embrace as God has embraced is summarized in Paul’s injunction to the Romans: Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you (Romans 15:7).Susan R. Garrett, Coordinator of the Religion Award, said that the Grawemeyer selection committee praised Volf s book on many counts. These included its profound interpretation of certain pivotal passages of Scripture and its brilliant engagement with contemporary theology, philosophy, critical theory, and feminist theory. Volf s focus is not on social strategies or programs but, rather, on showing us new ways to understand ourselves and our relation to our enemies. He helps us to imagine new possibilities for living against violence, injustice, and deception. Garrett added that, although addressed primarily to Christians, Volf's theological statement opens itself to religious pluralism by upholding the importance of different religious and cultural traditions for the formation of personal and group identity. The call to embrace the other is never a call to remake the other into one s own image. Volf who had just delivered a lecture on the topic of Exclusion and Embrace at a prayer breakfast for the United Nations when the first hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center will present a lecture and receive his award in Louisville during the first week of April, 2002.The annual Religion Award, which includes a cash prize of $200,000, is given jointly by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the University of Louisville to the authors or originators of creative works that contribute significantly to an understanding of the relationship between human beings and the divine, and ways in which this relationship may inspire or empower human beings to attain wholeness, integrity, or meaning, either individually or in community. The Grawemeyer awards given also by the University of Louisville in the fields of musical composition, education, psychology, and world order honor the virtue of accessibility: works chosen for the awards must be comprehensible to thinking persons who are not specialists in the various fields."
The Two Kinds of Righteousness
E.W. Kenyon - 1996
Every Christian should read this book.The church has been very strong in teaching man his need of Righteousness, his weakness and his inability to please God. The average Christian has been kept under condemnation, as the church has never caught what we are in Christ, nor who we are in Christ... has never taught that all that Christ did for us is available to us NOW. We do not have to wait until we get to Heaven to enter into what Christ did for us... it is ours to enter into and enjoy NOW! God Himself is our very Righteousness... we are the Righteousness of God in Him. We are partakers of the Divine Nature the moment we accept Christ and come into the Family of God. If you live the life of weakness and defeat, it is because you do not know what you are in Christ. The supreme need of the church at this hour is to know what we are in Christ, and how the Father Himself looks upon us. Righteousness means the ability to stand in the presence of the Father God without the sense of guilt or inferiority. Unless you know who you are, and what you are in Christ, you cannot live a victorious life... Satan, sin and disease will be your masters. The instant that you know you are the Righteousness of God in Christ, and understand what this Righteousness means, Satan is defeated. This important book should be read by every sincere Christian. It will change your live as it has changed the lives of multitudes.
Mother Teresa: In My Own Words
Mother Teresa - 1996
Her words and actions have inspired millions of people from every race and religion and country to help the poor and needy, a legacy that is her gift to all mankind for generations to come.From 1950, when she founded the order of Missionaries of Charity, to winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, and then, in 1985, being awarded the Medal of Freedom—the United States' highest civilian award—to her final days, Mother Teresa served the world as a beacon shedding the light of hope, comfort, and peace on all.Mother Teresa: In My Own Words is a timeless testament to the power of her words. Here are the same quotes, stories, and prayers that helped strengthen and inspire the poor, the dying, the suffering, and the doubting who she met during her lifetime, and that will continue to strengthen and inspire all who read them.
Smith Wigglesworth on Healing
Smith Wigglesworth - 1996
Through Smith Wigglesworth’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…Walk in divine health and wholenessOvercome the power of evilExperience God’s power in your lifeDo the miracles that Christ didSee the “incurable” healedLead the lost to ChristMinister in God’s anointingHere you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others, just as He did through Smith Wigglesworth. Christ’s transforming power and grace will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary.
The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV
Randy Frazee - 1996
There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.Simple, accessible, and easy to use, churches are finding The Story a powerful way to engage their people in Bible reading like never before. As The Story brings the Bible to life, the broad scope of God’s message will penetrate hearts. People of all ages will be swept up in the story of God’s love and God’s plan for their lives.God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about: the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the clear, accessible text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption; and this story’s true! “This book tells the grandest, most compelling story of all time: the story of a true God who loves his children, who established for them a way of salvation and provided a route to eternity. Each story in these 31 chapters reveals the God of grace---the God who speaks; the God who acts; the God who listens; the God whose love for his people culminated in his sacrifice of Jesus, his only Son, to atone for the sins of humanity.”
Daddy Loves His Girls
T.D. Jakes - 1996
Jakes explores the fatherly love God has for His daughters. It offers healing for women with painful pasts, and it gives men the courage to speak the healing power of love to their daughters.
Let Nothing Disturb You
Teresa de Jesús - 1996
Teresa of Avila, first woman Doctor of the Church, in an easily accessible format. In Let Nothing Disturb You, selections from Teresa's writings have been carefully chosen and arranged for morning and evening meditation.Each book in the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity's most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic's writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one's thoughts as the day ends. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.
In the Grip of Grace: You Can't Fall Beyond His Love
Max Lucado - 1996
This is a book about one of life's sweetest words--grace.
The New Human Revolution, Volume 3 (The New Human Revolution, #3)
Daisaku Ikeda - 1996
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic
David B. Currie - 1996
Currie's whole upbringing was immersed in the life of fundamentalist Protestantism - theology professors, seminary presidents and founders of evangelical mission agencies were frequent guests at his family dinner table. Currie received a degree from Trinity International University and studied in the Masters of Divinity program. This book was written as an explanation to his fundamentalist and evangelical friends and family about why he became a Roman Catholic. Currie presents a very lucid, systematic and intelligible account of the reasons for his conversion to the ancient Church that Christ founded. He gives a detailed discussion of the important theological and doctrinal beliefs Catholic and evangelicals hold in common, as well as the key doctrines that separate us, particularly the Eucharist, the Pope, and Mary.
Through the Eyes of Jesus: A Trilogy
Carver Alan Ames - 1996
A book that has and continues to move hearts.
Can You Drink the Cup?
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1996
With stories from his family life and his life with people with mental disabilities, the author challenges us to drink our cup to the bottom, thereby letting it become the cup of our salvation.
No More Excuses: Be the Man God Made You to Be
Tony Evans - 1996
We respect the fighter who picks himself up off the canvas after a knock-out punch and hangs in until the final bell. The quarterback who gets blindsided but doesn't fumble the ball earns our approval. Physical toughness like this is admirable, but it takes more than guts to become the men God made us to be, especially when the struggles we face are personal and close to the heart.The difficulty of emotional pain and spiritual setbacks is of a much different sort than any physical challenge. Many of us men are not comfortable or well-equipped to grapple with them. Tony Evans gives us the kind of advice and inspiration we need to battle on through the most difficult circumstances.Drawing from the lives of Moses, David, Joseph, Jonah, and other biblical men who faced the worst, Evans pulls men out of their brokenness and declares, "No more!" No more falling short of being the man God desires you to be for any reason. Evans shows that the struggles faced yesterday and today are the very same tools God is using to make us better men for tomorrow.
Living Water: The Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Life
Chuck Smith - 1996
Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and bring to their remembrance all the things that He had commanded them. In his warm personal style, Pastor Chuck Smith, a bible teacher for over 50 years, paints an intimate picture of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. He is to conform you into the image of Christ. He is to come alongside of you to help you in your walk. He is to teach you all things. He is to give you an understanding of spiritual things. He is to give you the power to be a witness of Jesus Christ. There is a vast difference between being filled with the Holy Spirit and having the Holy Spirit flow forth out of your life like a torrent of living water. Pastor Smith will lead you step by step into this rich and intimate relationship with God which is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit. You will experience the refreshing streams of living water filling your life then flowing forth from your life unto a thirsty world.
Holy Bible: Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible NIV
Anonymous - 1996
Add to this the benefits of a completely new numbering system, developed by Goodrick and Kohlenberger, and you have a study Bible for every student of the Word of God.-- Book Introductions-- Footnotes on Key Passages-- Red Letter Edition-- NIV Center-column Reference System-- Key Words in the English Text Identified by Goodrick/Kohlenberger Numbering-- Codes in the New Testament Text Identify Grammatical Structure of Key Greek Words-- Notations Explain the Significance of the Grammatical Codes-- Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Word Studies-- NIV Concordance-- Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries by John Kohlenberger III
When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change
M. Craig Barnes - 1996
It's hard to keep up, to keep our balance. It's hard to keep trusting in God. And it's especially difficult when the changes we're faced with are unwanted: the death of a loved one, a child leaving home, an illness, a frustrated dream. Craig Barnes knows the dark side of change. As a pastor, he has counseled many Christians through tough times of transition. And he has been challenged by unwanted changes--interruptions--in his own life. At times it seems as though God has moved far, far away. But Barnes has discovered that just the opposite is true: during times of change and seeming abandonment, God is right at our side offering to lead us in a new direction, offering us new life. He writes, A young widow can outlive her grief and decide her life may never be the same but is far from over. A lost job can become the beginning of a new vocation. Here is the book for all who have known disappointment, bereavement or the shattering of faith, a book all the more valuable because it promises hope without denying despair. In When God Interrupts a sensitive, insightful pastor shows us how we can be found by God in the middle of unwanted change.
God's Promises for Every Day
Word Publishing - 1996
When you live with God's promises in your life, you will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.
Filled With The Spirit, Understanding Gods Power in your life
Joyce Meyer - 1996
This book gives you the understanding of Experiencing a deeper level in the Lord, and see life changing results by learning how to welcome the Holy Spirit's abiding presence and power into your life!
The New Human Revolution, Volume 4 (The New Human Revolution, #4)
Daisaku Ikeda - 1996
Enjoying the Presence of God: Discovering Intimacy with God in the Daily Rhythms of Life
Jan Johnson - 1996
This book gives you the opportunity to surrender to God's presence and enjoy just being with Him.Find contentment, peace, and encouragement from practicing spiritual disciplines, and learn simple, tangible insights into practicing God’s presence in everyday life.
Between the Dreaming and the Coming True: The Road Home to God
Robert Benson - 1996
For those who have questioned their Christian faith, Robert Benson offers an account of his sojourn in a season of trouble and his journey back to God. In this spiritual self-portrait, Benson's experiences--battling depression and re-examining the deep Christian faith in which he has been immersed since childhood--become poignant testament of one believer's struggle with the mysteries of faith's road.
Works of Love Are Works of Peace: Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity
Michael Collopy - 1996
Destined to serve as an important historical record, this "illustrated prayer book" vividly portrays the peace and joy that can come when "small things" are done with great love. The more than 180 fine art quality tri-tone photographs, along with spiritual counsel from Mother Teresa, will provide a lifetime of rich material for prayer and meditation. Also included and published for the first time ever, with Mother Teresa's special permission, is an appendix containing the contents of the Missionaries of Charity daily prayer book as well as a most personal and profound letter on the interior life written by Mother Teresa during Holy Week of 1993 and addressed to her entire order. Though meant originally as an instruction and appeal to those in her order, this "I Thirst" letter is certain to become a source of spiritual light and encouragement, drawing innumerable hearts and souls closer to God. Michael Collopy is one of the preeminent portrait photographers of our time, well known for his commissioned portraits of a variety of world figures ranging from Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher to Frank Sinatra and Placido Domingo. A student of such luminaries as Ansel Adams and Richard Avedon, Collopy's work has been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and on record and CD covers worldwide.
The Rivers of Judah
Catherine Farnes - 1996
Rebekah gradually learns how two different rivers play significant roles in the life of her friend, Judah, and in her own need to believe God's promises.
Smith Wigglesworth: Complete Collection of His Life Teachings
Smith Wigglesworth - 1996
This books is one of the top ten Biblical reference books, endorsed by the Wigglesworth family, includes never before seen photos, and has topical and alphabetical indexes. This complete collection of his powerful sermons is sure to be a classic treasure for countless generations.
Becoming a Woman of Prayer
Cynthia Heald - 1996
He has taken the initiative and prayer is His gift to us. Prayer is our response to the One who has called out to us and desires to be in a relationship with us.In Becoming a Woman of Prayer, a topical Bible study written for women by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald, you will be encouraged to respond to God's invitation to deeper intimacy with Him.• Personal study between meetings• 11 sessions
Job and the Mystery of Suffering: Spiritual Reflections
Richard Rohr - 1996
Rohr strips Christian faith down to the essentials, beyond glib answers and a "hand-me-down" experience of God, and points the way to true knowing. In this invigorating exploration, the tension between suffering and faith becomes a powerful means to an authentic, open connection with the divine.
Manual on Children's Deliverance (Spiritual Warfare (Impact Christian))
Frank Hammond - 1996
Learn the basics of how to effectively minister deliverance to children. Learn also how to help your child grow in spirit and in health. The Hammonds explore such topics as: Jesus' Ministry to Children, When the Womb is Unsafe, Methods of Deliverance for Children, A Child's Imagination, Occult Infiltration and more. There is a special section on the dangers inherent in the influences of toys, games, music and Television. Learn how to help your child grow in the spirit and in health!
By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
Mark P. Shea - 1996
With the breathless excitement of a detective novel, a former Protestant fundamentalist discovers that evangelical Protestantism is itself based on shaky modern traditions.
When the Hurt Runs Deep: Healing and Hope for Life's Desperate Moments
Kay Arthur - 1996
With candor, grace, and vulnerability, she invites you to join her on a journey toward wholeness as you exchange your fears and frustrations, hurts and disappointments for a hope that will never disappoint.
On Prayer
Sophrony Sakharov - 1996
A moving testimony to the relevance of Christ, who, for Archimandrite Sophrony, is "all, and in all, the beginning and the ending" of all things.
Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah Angha - 1996
The aim of Sufism is the development of inner knowledge and awareness through the heart. This leads to cognition, expansion and a deeper understanding of one's true identity and the Divine.
Walking with the Savior
Max Lucado - 1996
Arranged in five different topical sections--Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy, Worship and Praise, Encouragement and Comfort, and Prayer--each thought-provoking quote is accompanied by a favorite Bible passage. The four-color photography and presentation page make "Walking with the Savior" a great gift to give to loved ones.
My Spirit Rejoices
Elisabeth Leseur - 1996
Page after page revealed to him the life of Christian simplicity she had lived amid the swirl of Parisian society. Elisabeth had used her frequent illnesses and Felix's constant efforts to destroy her faith as means to grow in love for him and for God. His eyes opened, Felix became a Catholic and later a priest. This beautiful diary charts a path to holiness all of us can follow.
A Harmony of the Four Gospels: The New International Version
Orville E. Daniel - 1996
This easy-to-use, authentic harmony (not a synopsis or parallel) of the four Gospels features one main story line in bold type.
Claiming the Spirit Within: A Sourcebook of Women's Poetry
Marilyn Sewell - 1996
One hundred and fifty-eight poets celebrate the sacredness of women's lives: the experiences that have shaped them; the relationships that sustain them; the gift they give to others; the legacy they leave for the future; relationships with parents and siblings; the self and the body: conception, miscarriage and birth, and much, much more.
Holiness: A Guide for Beginners
Hubert Van Zeller - 1996
These pages reveal all you need to know to get started.
Grace Works
Dudley Hall - 1996
But religion alone will never satisfy the human need for God's acceptance. Only by drinking deeply of grace can we find life that is simple, meaningful, and satisfying-a life in which we can find rest and cease our constant striving to be accepted, affirmed, and appreciated. Dudley Hall, author and president of Successful Christian Living Ministries, points the way to meaningful existence in this new release of his powerful Grace Works.
Relying on the Holy Spirit (Life Principles Study Series)
Charles F. Stanley - 1996
Stanley's Life Principles Bible or for use on their own. They are a unique approach to Bible study, incorporating biblical truth, personal insights, emotional responses, and a call to action. Whether you use a study in a group or as an individual, it will help you get in touch with the Bible, God, and yourself.
The Life of Faith
C. Nuzum - 1996
Nuzum shares from her experiences and God’s Word to help others endure temptation, find strength, experience God’s will, and attain the fullness of life.
T. D. Jakes Speaks to Men: Loose That Man and Let Him Go/So You Call Yourself a Man/T.D. Jakes Speaks to Men
T.D. Jakes - 1996
Jakes exhorts and encourages men to face the life issues that keep them from reaching their potential so that they can accomplish all God intends for them. This volume combines three Jakes books into one.
Approaching God: Accepting the Invitation to Stand in the Presence of God
Steve Brown - 1996
A spiritual guide on how to pray cites the importance of focusing on God rather than on oneself, while it defines the basic theology of prayer and addresses such issues as unanswered prayers.
Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 1996
v)"I hope that you [studying the scriptures] will become something far more enjoyable than a duty; that, rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God. I promise you that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted." Gordon B. Hinckley
The Boy Who Cried Abba
Brennan Manning - 1996
The Boy Who Cried Abba is the heartwarming parable of Willie Juan, orphaned, physically disabled, and friendless. Into his lonely life comes Jesus in the guise of the wise and mysterious Medicine Man, and Willie Juan is changed forever. Through his friendship with the Medicine Man, Willie Juan learns of acceptance and unconditional love. Here is a charming retelling of the ancient gospel story--the good news of forgiveness, acceptance and joy in the friendship with God through Christ.
Promises to Keep: Daily Devotions for Men of Integrity
Nick Harrison - 1996
They are "sharpening" one another's understanding of what it means to be a man today.The first book of daily meditations created expressly for men in search of spirituality, Promises to Keep draws together the words of hundreds of prominent Christian authors and leaders. Offering inspiration and motivation, this little treasure provides the spiritual dimensions lacking in the lives of so many and proves that men can be strong and tender, can lead without tyranny, can be authoritative without arrogance, and can have relationships with each other that are full of meaning, insight, and even love.
Kenneth Copeland Reference Bible
Kenneth Copeland Ministries - 1996
The outlines included in this reference edition are those thoughts and messages exactly as I received them. Most of my preaching and all of my teaching have been from these outlines". -- Kenneth Copeland, from the introduction to The Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible
Coffee Break with God
David C. Cook - 1996
Each one is short enough to read on your most hectic days, powerful enough to renew your energy, refocus your concentration, and encourage you to do your best. The invigorating devotionals in Coffee Break With God include powerful scriptures, inspiring stories, and endearing quotes that are guaranteed to give you a quick pick-me-up at a moment's notice. They'll jolt you out of stale routine and give you dozens of creative ideas for time management, decision making, problem solving, and much more! When you want to make the most of your ten-minute break, don't grab a donut! Take a powerful Coffee Break with God where you'll rediscover refreshment that truly perks you up!
Soul at Rest: Journey Into Contemplative Prayer
Tricia McCary Rhodes - 1996
Another Look at Faith
Kenneth Hagin Jr. - 1996
Another Look at Faith focuses on what faith is not and answers common misunderstandings of what it means to live by faith.
Loving God's Way
Gary DeLashmutt - 1996
Examines the balanced and mature pattern for healthy relationships that are found in the New Testament's various one another commands.