Best of
The Puritan Hope
Iain H. Murray - 1971
A study of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the Christian's hope in this world, in the prospect of the triumph of the gospel.
True Spirituality: How to Live for Jesus Moment by Moment
Francis A. Schaeffer - 1971
True Spirituality, a twentieth-century spiritual classic, outlines the result of his effort to "start at the beginning" and re-examine his faith. The book is a treasure trove of wisdom for Christians trying to discover what true spirituality looks like in everyday life. Includes a foreword by Chuck Colson and an introduction by Dr. Jerram Barrs, director of the Schaeffer Institute.
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics
C.S. Lewis - 1971
S. Lewis. "His whole vision of life was such that the natural and the supernatural seemed inseparably combined."It is precisely this pervasive Christianity which is demonstrated in the forty-eight essays comprising God in the Dock. Here Lewis addresses himself both to theological questions and to those which Hooper terms "semi-theological," or ethical. But whether he is discussing "Evil and God," "Miracles," "The Decline of Religion," or "The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment," his insight and observations are thoroughly and profoundly Christian.Drawn from a variety of sources, the essays were designed to meet a variety of needs, and among other accomplishments they serve to illustrate the many different angles from which we are able to view the Christian religion. They range from relatively popular pieces written for newspapers to more learned defenses of the faith which first appeared in The Socratic Digest. Characterized by Lewis's honesty and realism, his insight and conviction, and above all his thoroughgoing commitments to Christianity, these essays make God in the Dock very much a book for our time.
The Original Revolution: Essays on Christian Pacifism
John Howard Yoder - 1971
Jesus gave his members a new way to deal with offenders, with violence, with money, with leadership, with a corrupt society. He gave them a new pattern of relationships between man and woman, and an enlarged understanding of what it means to be human.This is the original revolution: the creation of a distinct community with its alternate set of values and its coherent way of incarnating them. Such a group is not only a novelty, but is also, if lived faithfully, the most powerful tool of social change.
Treasures from the Book of Mormon
W. Cleon Skousen - 1971
In-depth Book of Mormon Study Guide.
Spiritual Growth
Arthur W. Pink - 1971
Pink:The name which is usually given to our subject by Christian writers is that of "Growth in Grace" which is a scriptural expression, being found 2 Peter 3:18. But it appears to us that, strictly speaking, growing in grace has reference to but a single aspect or branch of our theme: "that your love may abound yet more and more" (Phil. 1:9) treats of another aspect, and "your faith groweth exceedingly" (2 Thess. 1:3), with yet another. It seems then that "spiritual growth" is a more comprehensive and inclusive term and more accurately covers that most important and desirable attainment: "may grow up into him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ" (Eph. 4:15). Let it not be thought from this that we have selected our title in a captious spirit or because we are striving after originality. Not so: we have no criticism to make against those who may prefer some other appellation. We have chosen this simply because it seems more fitly and fully to describe the ground which we hope to cover. Our readers understand clearly what is connoted by "physical growth" or "mental growth," nor should "spiritual growth" be any the less intelligible.
The Upside-Down Kingdom
Donald B. Kraybill - 1971
Donald B. Kraybill says social, religious, and economic practices of the dominant culture usually favor the rich, powerful, prestigious. Jesus, on the other hand, favors those who suffer at society's margins and fall between the cracks. Winner of the National Religious Book Award: Best Religious Book of the Year. Revised and updated.
The Gospel According to John
Leon L. Morris - 1971
Written with considerable acumen and a thorough knowledge of the previous scholarly work on the Johannine text, The Gospel according to John is one of the largest and most comprehensive commentaries ever to come out of the evangelical community. This revised edition includes significant modifications and additions made in the light of more recent writings on John's Gospel. While maintaining substantially the same stance taken in his original work, Morris here references important secondary sources and studies that have appeared over the last two decades. The commentary is now also based on the New International Version.
The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1971
What does it mean to be a healer in the modern world? In this hope-filled book, Nouwen offers a radically fresh interpretation of modern ministry.
Contra Gentes; And, De Incarnatione
Athanasius of Alexandria - 1971
A Dispensational Theology
Charles F. Baker - 1971
Continuous Revival
Norman P. Grubb - 1971
Revival is within reach of everyday people and can be experienced in your heart, home and church. Follow the author as he takes you through his experiences and the effect on his life of brokenness and ongoing personal revival he found as a result of his exposure to the revival movement in Rwanda, Africa, in 1950. Learn the working secret which brought continuous revival to thousands over a period of sixteen years. Not mere theory, but personal experence! Read this book and let the reviver do His work in you.
The One and The Many: Studies in the Philosophy of Order and Ultimacy
Rousas John Rushdoony - 1971
It is easy to see the social implications of allowing priority to fall to either the one or the many. This volume examines in-depth the Christian solution to the problem of the one and the many the Trinitarian God. Only in the godhead is this dilemma resolved. Only in the Trinity does there reside an equal ultimacy of unity and plurality. Rushdoony examines the history of Western thought from the standpoint of the one and the many and demonstrates clearly that the most astute thinkers were unable to resolve this philosophical conflict. What is needed now is a complete return to the Trinitarian view of God and its implications for a Christian social order.
Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible: An Historical and Exegetical Study
R. Laird Harris - 1971
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1971
Written by one of the great theologians and spiritual writers of the twentieth century, Hans Urs von Balthasar, this work feeds both the mind and heart, exploring the substance of Christian life, experience, and faith.Among the topics that von Balthasar addresses are the mystery of God, the role of the saints and the Marian principle, the nature of Tradition and Authority, the Pope, the Priesthood, the nature of religious life, unity among believers, the subject of why remain in the Church, and more. Each of the twenty-five chapters focuses on a particular topic, and together they bear witness to an underlying comprehensive vision on essential spiritual questions for modern believers.
Twelve Sermons on the Passion & Death of Christ
Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1971
His success and popularity were due largely to his natural gift of oratory and his thoroughly biblical expository sermons.
The Interpreter's One Volume Commentary On The Bible: Introd. And Commentary For Each Book Of The Bible Including The Apocrypha, With General Articles
Charles M. Laymon - 1971
Designed for use by laypersons, ministers, librarians, college and seminary professors and students--anyone who enjoys studying the Bible. Features: commentary on each book of the Old and New Testaments of the Apocrypha 43 articles 140 photographs 16 pages of maps special reader helps on chronology and measures and money Index of Scripture references Index of subjects
The Doctrine Of Reconciliation
Arthur W. Pink - 1971
First, a desire to preserve the balance of Truth. Second, because of a felt need of again bringing conspicuously before our readers "the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Third, because it treats of an aspect of the Gospel which receives scant attention in the modern pulpit."What is meant by 'a reconciled God, ' an expression which some of the Lord's children, even great and good men, have made use of? I believe that the Lord Jehovah from all eternity foresaw the fall, and provided means to save those whom He had chosen in Christ, consistent with all His attributes, holiness, justice, etc. Now, as love was the moving cause, how can the word 'reconcile' be correctly used in respect of God? Does it not imply a change? If it does, how can it be correctly used in reference to God?" Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.
The Tabernacle: Camping with God
Stephen F. Olford - 1971
. . . My father would lead family worship at dawn and then conduct a Bible study at dusk. . . . One particular series that I have never forgotten was on the Tabernacle in the wilderness. I can still visualize the scene as we sat, with African carriers, around the campfire outside our tent . . . the 'missionary's tent' served to represent the presence of God—as the Scriptures were unfolded and applied by the Holy Spirit [we had] an experience of camping with God." This book opens modern readers to the world of the children of Israel, helping them to view the Tabernacle as they did. They will see the "tent" in which God camped with His people, revealing His purpose, power, and glory. They will discover that every detail of the Tabernacle points to Christ and will be reminded of the words of Augustine: "The New is in the Old concealed. The Old is by the New revealed."
Connects the Old Testament story to the New Testament
Well-established author with international ministry forum
Highlights one of Scripture's most pervasive topics
This printing revives a highly-referenced and much sought-after resource