Best of
Be Here Now
Ram Dass - 1971
Illustrated.The book is divided into four sections:Journey: The Transformation: Dr Richard Alpert, PhD into Baba Ram DassFrom Bindu to Ojas: The Core BookCookbook for a Sacred Life: A Manual for Conscious BeingPainted Cakes (Do Not Satisfy Hunger): Books
2150 A.D.
Thea Alexander - 1971
When his mind is in the sleep-state, the forces of the future world reach out to him and show him how things can be. Go with him on his perilous adventure - a mind-expanding exodus from the imperfect today into a better tomorrow. Discover the beauty and the emotional demands such a journey can bring. Explore the system of thought and action that can be achieved in the macro world. This is a novel you can't put down - a philosophy you can begin living with now.
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
Vivekananda - 1971
Here in the following pages are given some quotations from the great Swami for the benefit of those who have not read him or who cannot make time to go through his voluminous writings and speeches, so that they may get at least a partial glimpse of the strength and sublimity of his teachings. These quotations may be helpful even to those who have studied his works. For sometimes one or two words of this great dynamic personality are sufficient to invigorate a drooping spirit, or to awaken one to a new sense of hope and courage when everything seems dark and circumstances appear insurmountable. When one reads the writings of a person like Swami Vivekananda who has touched on so many topics of our individual and national life, one is sure to have one's own choice of his sayings or preference for particular passages. It is but natural. So any selection, however careful, will be found incomplete. The compiler will consider his labour fruitful, if the following selections will create in one a desire to read Swami Vivekananda more thoroughly and find out for oneself what phase of his message appeals to him most. Table of Contents ;PrefaceIntroduction1. Atman or the Self2. Bhakti or the Love of God3. Brahman or the Supreme Reality4. Buddha5. Buddhism6. Christ7. Christianity8. Concentration9. Duty10. Education11. Ethics12. Faith13. Food14. Freedom and Mukti (Salvation)15. Gita16. God17. Guru or the Spiritual Guide18. Happiness19. Hinduism20. Hindus21. The Householder's Life22. Ideal Womanhood23. Image Worship24. Incarnation25. India-cause of Her Degenera-tion26. India-her Characteristics27. India - the Way to her Regene-Ration28. Krishna and Karma-yoga29. Knowledge and Ignorance30. Man31. Maya32. Meditation33. Mind and Thought34. Mohammed and Islam35. Non-injury36. Oneness37. Ramakrishna38. Religion39. Sannyasa or the Monastic Life40. Service41. Strength42. Upanishads43. Vedanta : Its Theory & Practice44. Yoga
True Spirituality: How to Live for Jesus Moment by Moment
Francis A. Schaeffer - 1971
True Spirituality, a twentieth-century spiritual classic, outlines the result of his effort to "start at the beginning" and re-examine his faith. The book is a treasure trove of wisdom for Christians trying to discover what true spirituality looks like in everyday life. Includes a foreword by Chuck Colson and an introduction by Dr. Jerram Barrs, director of the Schaeffer Institute.
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet
Jess Stearn - 1971
The Edgar Cayce story is one of the most compelling in inspirational literature. For more than forty years, the Sleeping Prophet closed his eyes, entered into an altered state of consciousness, and spoke to the very heart and spirit of humankind on subjects such as health, healing, dreams, prophecy, meditation, and reincarnation. His more than 14,000 readings are preserved at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., in Virginia Beach, Virginia.A native of Kentucky with a ninth-grade education, Edgar Cayce accurately predicted two world wars, including the years they began and ended, racial strife in America, the death of John F. Kennedy, and hundreds of other recorded events. He could apparently travel in time and space to treat the ill, and dispensed information that led to innumerable cures where traditional medicine was helpless. The first to introduce many Americans to the concept of reincarnation, Cayce drew on a subconscious Universal Mind for startling information about past and future. In The Sleeping Prophet, Jess Stearn presents the extraordinary story of his life, his healing, his prophecies, and his powerful legacy.
The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1971
What does it mean to be a healer in the modern world? In this hope-filled book, Nouwen offers a radically fresh interpretation of modern ministry.
Play of Consciousness: A Spiritual Autobiography
Muktananda - 1971
Beginning with his spiritual initiation on August 15, 1947, and continuing through his enlightenment nine years later, this is a guide for seekers moving toward the same goal.
Thinkers of the East
Idries Shah - 1971
Distilled from the teachings of more than one hundred sages in three continents, it offers an extraordinary variety of underlying themes, from "the inner significance of outward service" to "real and imagined desire". A book of enormous breath and depth it emphasizes experience over theory and it is this characteristic of Sufic study which provides its impact and vitality. Valuable as it is, this book's publication in the West has only recently become possible, because only recently has the West been able to accept the fluid thinking of the East and to reject the old rigid systems that have only appearance of wisdom. As a master teacher says in these pages, "The wisdom which is invisible but which sustains is a hundred times better than the appearance of wisdom, for that has itself to be sustained."
Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion
Alan W. Watts - 1971
Drawing on his experiences as a former priest, Watts skillfully explains how the intuition of Eastern religion—Zen Buddhism, in particular—can be incorporated into the doctrines of Western Christianity, allowing people of all creeds to enjoy a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the spiritual in our present troubled times.
Secret of the Veda
Sri Aurobindo - 1971
His deeper insight into this came from his own spiritual practices for which he found vivid allegorical descriptions in the Vedas. Sri Aurobindo was able to uncover the mystery of the double meanings, the inner psychological and yogic significance and practices and the consistent, clear sense brought by this psychological view of the Vedic hymns. Finally, the true inner meaning of the Veda and its relevance to the seekking after self-realization and enlightenment is revealed.
The Flight of the Eagle
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1971
Here, in records of talks and dialogues in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Saanen, Switzerland, he speaks on freedom, fragmentation, radical change and more.Chapter titles include: Freedom, Fragmentation, Meditation, Can Man Change?, Why Can’t We Live at Peace?, The Wholeness of Life, Fear, The Transcendental, On Violence, On Radical Change, The Art of Seeing, On Penetrating the Unknown.
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely - 1971
It was discovered in the Vatican library and appears to be a genuine manuscript written at the time of Christ or shortly thereafter. It was translated into English by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The theme of this book. This book is about the healing miracles and general healing work of Jesus of Nazareth and other Essenes, who were a holy order of which Jesus was a part, at least for a while in his lifetime. He studied their methods and learned how to heal people using food, water, air, sunshine and other simple means that were available to the people of the day.I wish this book had been included in the major books of the bible, but it was not. It was found in Palestine and copies elsewhere and is part of what are called the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scientists and theologians disagree on whether it is really just about Jesus, or was about the techniques used by others as well, but the book is a delightful read and the reader will definitely recognize similarities with nutritional balancing science.
Wisdom of the Idiots
Idries Shah - 1971
The material is intended to open up a new world of understanding for the reader.
The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism (Revised)
Henry Corbin - 1971
Suhrawradi, Semnani, Najm alDin Kubra and other Sufis.
The Power of the Blood
H.A. Maxwell Whyte - 1971
A. Maxwell Whyte in this revealing exploration of the blessings to be found in Christ’s blood. As you delve deep into this newly revised and expanded version of Whyte’s classic best seller, you will find out how to…Experience God’s complete forgivenessBecome spiritually empowered, equipped, and energizedBreak the terrifying grip of fear and tormentCreate an atmosphere for miraclesDefeat oppression, addictions, and sickness Astounding results can take place in your life once you learn the value of this vital yet little-wielded weapon in the believer’s arsenal and how God wants us to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. Discover the wonder-working power of the blood for yourself!
Treasures from the Book of Mormon
W. Cleon Skousen - 1971
In-depth Book of Mormon Study Guide.
Contesting: The Name It & Claim It Game: WINeuvers for WISHcraft
Helene Hadsell - 1971
Who says you can’t win’em all?! In Contesting: The Name It & Claim It Game, learn Helene’s dynamic philosophy of successful living through positive thinking, and you too can enjoy rich rewards in terms of spiritual, physical, and material well-being. Contesting: The Name It & Claim It Game includes the following information: -SPEC – what is it and how to use it to win prizes, and in life -Learn WINeuvers for WISHcraft using your WINgenuity-Helene’s Three-Step Process for Success-The Difference Between Desire & Knowing-How Helene Won a Fully Furnished Home-The Nuts & Bolts of Contest Mechanics – the basics-Frequently Asked QuestionsNew: The third edition is Helene Hadsell’s final revised edition of Contesting: The Name It & Claim It Game.Never before told stories, tips, notes plus updates from Carolyn Wilman, aka The Contest Queen.Uncover your destiny. — Learn how to create your own Blueprint.WIN GOLD! Discover Helene’s Fourteen Steps program for being a Gold Medal winner.
Sex, Love & Marriage - A Christian Perspective
Zac Poonen - 1971
The Christian approach to these subjects
The Bible Tells Me So
Victor Paul Wierwille - 1971
"Freedom From Bondage," "What We Believe = What We Are," "Physical and Spiritual Wholeness" and "The Word in Our Minds." Within each part are chapters, each chapter having been researched and originally written as an individual study. By loosely grouping the studies into general topics, a person can get a broader perspective as the parts fit together to make up the larger whole. However, because the chapters were written as individual studies and then put into topical units, occasionally a reader may find that all facets of the topic are not covered; however, they have been covered in other research writings. I know the contents of Volume I of Studies in Abundant Living will not only open up more of God's Word for you, but will also uplift you - mentally and physically and spiritually. Let us put God's Word in our hearts and minds for it alone can give us complete deliverance from the darkness of this world.
The Concept and Reality of Existence
Toshihiko Izutsu - 1971
The Path of Sri Ramana (Part I)
Sri Sadhu Om - 1971
Sadhu Om spent several years with Bhagavan in the 1940s and he was Muruganar’s literary executor. This book also contains a brief biography of Bhagavan and a complete translation of Who am I?, Bhagavan’s own prose presentation of his key teachings."More info, including free legal e-book copy:
Pranayama: The Energetics of Breath
André Van Lysebeth - 1971
According to yogis it is present in the air, in our food, in our water, in our sunlight. It has no chemical or physical form, but it is our true nourishment, for without prana there can be no life. Not only does this energy exist, but it can be stored in the nervous system and through yoga the current of prana can be directed at will.The science of controlling prana is called pranayama (ayama – to curb or master). To interpret pranayama as ‘breathing exercises’ would be severely limiting the scope of the exercises and their true purpose. In this book André van Lysebeth describes the laws and techniques which are necessary for collecting, storing and conscious control of pranic energies within the body.PRANAYAMA is an excellent practical handbook on the yoga of breathing. This art, or science, is little known in the West, but, with discipline anyone can use it to gain great energy and calm in situations of stress.
The Future Evolution of Man: The Divine Life Upon Earth
Sri Aurobindo - 1971
This is the best introduction available to the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.
A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom: An Encyclopedia of Humankind's Spiritual Truth
Whitall N. Perry - 1971
Relevant passages are included, such as Eckhart, Philo, Rumi, the Talmud, Shakespeare, Rama Krishna, Black Elk, The Psalms, the Tao Te Ching, and Milarepa, among countless others.
Something Beautiful for God
Malcolm Muggeridge - 1971
Something Beautiful for God interprets her life through her conversations with Malcolm Muggeridge, the quintessential worldly skeptic who experienced a remarkable conversion to Christianity because of her exemplary influence. He hails her as a "light which could never be extinguished."
Esoteric Astrology: A Treatise On The Seven Rays, Vol. 3
Alice A. Bailey - 1971
This book describes astrology as the science of relationships, a science which deals with those conditioning energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within it.
On the Song of Songs 1 (On the Song of Songs, #1)
Bernard of Clairvaux - 1971
In them the modern reader can catch a glimpse of the genius an entire generation found irresistible.
The Mind Of Light
Sri Aurobindo - 1971
The text includes an added section on The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo as a general overview, as well as an extensive annotated bibliograph and introduction by Dr. Robert McDermott.