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The Compleat Astrologer

Derek Parker - 1971
    "The Compleat Astrologer is the most comprehensive guide to astrology ever published. It is a history of more than 6, 000 years, from the astrologer-priests of Babylon to modern interpreters of the Age of Aquarius...The illustrations-400 in all, 64 in color-are in themselves a pictorial history of civilization told in terms of astrology."

Esoteric Astrology: A Treatise On The Seven Rays, Vol. 3

Alice A. Bailey - 1971
    This book describes astrology as the science of relationships, a science which deals with those conditioning energies and forces which play through and upon the whole field of space and all that is found within it.

Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation

Reinhold Ebertin - 1971
    It contained cases of her own investigations and records. Her son, Reinhold Ebertin, and Georg Hoffman, Elsbeth's coworker, edited the text and added many new sources of information. Like Ptolemy's astronomical handbook, Almagest, this is the basis for much of the current information on fixed stars. Modern astrologers recognized that fixed stars carry an influence into the horoscope if conjunction a natal planet by longitude and even more so if by latitude. A prominent star on the Ascendant or Midheaven is said to be an indication of recognition achieved in the lifetime. The character of the star indicates the kind of influence the aspect will have. This book contains 73 major stars and describes their essential nature.


Reinhold Ebertin - 1971
    Special attention is given to the favorable and unfavorable potential of each aspect to the natal planets. Ebertin also explores the cosmogram, clearly defines transits and their evaluation, and discusses parallels. A chapter is devoted to each planet and Moon's Node, as well as another which focuses on the significance of the Midheaven and Ascendant.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation: Homeopathic Remedies for the Sign Types

George Washington Carey - 1971
    Once this is understood, it is reasonable that the position of the Moon and ascendant in the natal chart and even the position of Saturn may well be indicators of homeopathic remedies that are needed by the physical body. For example, when an Aries is too quick to anger, perhaps a regular does of kali phosphate may even out the temper. Or when Virgo is beginning to feel digestive problems, kali sulphate may help balance out the minerals in the body. Nothing beats going to the doctor when needing a diagnosis/ however, knowing the basics of homeopathy can also be likened to keeping a first aid kit in the house. In Part I, Dr. Carey relates the parts of the body to the biochemical cellsalts (homeopathic remedies) that were espoused by Dr. Schuessler. Part II, by Inez Perry, enlarges upon the symbolism of the sun types and the basics about the homeopathic remedies. She discusses the twelve sign types in relation to Biblical symbolism, and also combines information from the Kabbalah, masonic texts, eastern and western philosophy, to trace the spiritual symbolism of the signs. She then shows how the twelve basic biochemical remedies work with the sign types. According to Carey and Perry, astrology deals with the body (anatomy) of the Grand Man (the universe), and by analogy, with the human body as it relates to astrological symbolism. The authors bring back to contemporary astrology students the ancient symbolism that was once common knowledge to astrologers.