Book picks similar to
Art of Vampire: The Masquerade by Ken Cliffe
Clanbook: Followers of Set Revised
Dean Shomshak - 2001
The Followers of Set are scattered all over the world, seducing mortals into cults and enslaving other Kindred through their own vices. Yet the Setites do not exist for excess alone: They gather secrets from the darkness that spawned them, secrets that can be yours for a price.Blasphemies and DebasementAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Setite takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
Clanbook: Tremere Revised
Jess Heinig - 2000
Bound not only by the traditions of the Camarilla but by those of her clan, the Tremere must find a place for herself in her own hierarchy and in the deadly world of vampires. Learn the magic of the Tremere and the rigors of earning status in the clan.The Ways of WarlocksAs part of the revised lineup of clanbooks, Tremere takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
Clanbook: Assamite
Graeme Davis - 1995
Once hunted, these vampire assassins are now sought out by the Kindred to dispose of their enemies. Fearful tales are told of their skill in hunting the most dangerous prey, their bravery in combat, and their fierce loyalty to their clan. Yet the tellers of these tales do not guess at the truth: the millennia of warfare, the roots of the Jyhad, and the clan mysteries which no outsider has ever seen.Clanbook: Assamite includes:* The history of the clan, frmo the First City to the present day;* The clan's treasure, beliefs and internal culture; and* New Skills, Quitus powers and advanced combat rules.
Clanbook: Gangrel
Brad Freeman - 1995
Now learn the secrets of these enigmatic vampires - their history and legends, their allies and enemies, and the truth of their relationship with the fearsome Lupine. There is good reason why they stand at the forefront of every vampiric war: none can stand against them.Clanbook: Gangrel includes:* The history of the clan and its unique view of the world;* 10 sample characters suitable for players and storytellers, and;* How the Gangrel run with the werewolves and the powers they gain.
The Vampire Player's Guide
Andrew Greenberg - 1991
A large portion of the book's text is reprinted, updated, and revised from the previous version of the Players Guide to fit the Second Edition's rules and formatting style. Notable among the new content in this edition of the Players Guide is the introduction of two new bloodlines, the Daughters of Cacophony and the Samedi, along with their respective signature Disciplines.
Clanbook: Malkavian
Daniel Greenberg - 1995
No they don't. Madness is often only a step away from enlightenment and, for some, is a step beyond. No it isn't. Now learn how the Malkavians twist the world for their benefit. You won't learn a thing. Discover the truth of their madness. It's too late for that. Clanbook: Malkavian includes: * The history of the clan and the true depth of its member's insanities;* 10 sample characters suitable for players and Storytellers; and* ιφ ψου χαν ρεαδ τηισ, ψου αρε οφφιχιαλλψ τραγιχαλλψ ηιπ.
Clanbook: Toreador Revised
Heather Grove - 2000
More than any other Kindred, they feel the damnation of the Embrace, as it extinguishes the flame of creativity for which they long. But what passions inspire the Toreador after they receive the Embrace?The Undead Find Their MuseAs part of the revised lineup of clanbooks, Toreador takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
Clanbook: Malkavian Revised
Ethan Skemp - 2000
From emotionless sociopaths to raving lunatics and everything in between, the Malkavians nonetheless command startling insight. Does what they know drive them to madness or does their insanity allow them too peer into a world the rest of us fear to see?The Method of MadnessAs part of the revised lineup of clanbooks, Malkavian takes one of the classic sourcebooks for the game and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each 32 pages longer than the first-edition series) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.
Revelations of the Dark Mother
Phil Brucato - 1998
She is Lilith, the Dark Queen, the Harlot of the Damned. It was she, some whisper, who taught Caine his shadowed gifts. And it is she, the legends continue, who will rise to herald the Final Nights, the great Gehenna.Come, childer, and hear the Dark Mothers tale.Embraces Her Children for the Final NightsA Book of Nod-style tome of vampire myths and history, Revelations of the Dark Mother explores the heretofore ignored legends of Lilith, the Dark Queen. Learn of the hidden Lilith-cults that have existed down through the ages. Discover a new telling of the Vampire creation myth, and guess at what is yet to come in the night.
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Ronni Radner - 1997
It seems so easy. Just a sip, a taste, and you're better than all the rest. You can suck up a bullet wound to the gut. You can knock your enemies through walls with a shove. You can have all the night has to offer without sacrificing your body and soul to it. This deal is too good to be true. Yeah. That's what Faust said. And now the Damned want their due. ...You Know You Want It! Ghouls: Fatal Addiction is a Vampire: The Masquerade sourcebook detailing the half-human servants of the Kindred. Whether you need a few new whipping boys or just want to taste the lash yourself, this book has everything you need to create ghouls as player or Storyteller characters. Watch out, though. This book just might make Renfield wake up and smell his fix...and the master who lives by blood might die by it, too. Ghouls: Fatal Addiction includes:* Rules for creating vassal, independent and revenant characters.* New Merits, Flaws, Derangements and other Traits to help you roleplay a codependent blood-slave.* Secret societies, ghoul "games," and clan-specific information on how vampires treat their servitors.
Gehenna: the Final Night
Ari Marmell - 2004
Legends say the undead descend from Caine, the first murderer portrayed in the Bible, who passed on his curse through his blood. Those same legends speak of a final reckoning, when Caine and his mad children will rise from slumber and consume all the undead. Vampires call this time Gehenna. For the vampire Beckett, a researcher among the undead, it means one last shot at understanding the mysteries of the get of Caine — and at outrunning his own sins. Vampire: Gehenna, the Final Night is the first act of the Time of Judgment, telling the story of a wide-ranging Armageddon among the supernatural entities of the World of Darkness.
Clan Novel Saga, Volume 1: The Fall of Atlanta
Stewart Wieck - 2003
Now, the entire epic is represented in four beautiful trade-format volumes. The Clan Novel Saga reorganizes the chapters from all 13 novels (and the Clan Novel Anthology) in strict chronological order, showing the progress of the epic night by night and minute by minute.The Fall of AtlantaVolume One features a variety of prologue material and the dramatic events of June 1999. The vampires of the Sabbat move into the Camarilla city of Atlanta, and the dreaded relic called the Eye of Hazimel makes its appearance on the scene.With a Foreword by Stewart Wieck and an All-New Story by Philippe Boulle
Dark Ages Vampire
Mark Rein-Hagen - 2002
The vampires of this bygone age ride the dark as lords, play their games with the crowned heads of Europe, and travel to the mysterious lands of the East as they wage their ages-old war.The diablerie of saulot, the waking of Mithras, the destruction of Michael the patriarch, the return of the Dracon -- it all means the time of reflection is over. The Inquisition stirs and the time to act is now. Across Europe, monarchs of the night set princes and barons at each other's undying throats. Young vampires take to the field ready to claim their domain and become powerful lords in their own right. Blood calls to blood.The Dark Medieval is a very different time than the modern Final Nights. Cainites group in clans high and low, swear fealty to ancient vampiric monarchs and follow their roads of enlightenment in the same way mortals do religions. Ashen priests and princes face off in a violent world lit only by torches and fear. Dark Ages: Vampire Revised Edition is your complete guide to this time.
The Book of Nod
Sam Chupp - 1993
Others have heard tales, but know better than to believe them. The wise speak of The Book of Nod, but none have seen this fabled book of ancient lore.These are their tales...Their stories begin with the Chronicle of Caine and the earliest nights of the vampire. The Chronicles of Shadows reveals Caine's hidden teachings. Finally, the Chronicle of Secrets unveils the deepest mysteries of the Damned, including the coming of dread Gehenna.
The Beast Within
Stewart WieckBill Bridges - 2000
The Kindred Move Among UsNot merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dangerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures is as rich with wonders and as rife with conflict as any ever known among men.This collection of stories concerning the Kindred of the World of Darkness serves as both an introduction to their nature and an expose of the danger they pose. Collected within this second edition are favourites of the first edition, including stories by S.P. Somtow and Mathew J. Costello, as well as two all-new stories from Gherbod Flemming and Eric Griffin, two authors of the bestselling Vampire Clan Novel series.