Book picks similar to
Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction by Heidi McHugh Pendleton
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
Carolyn Kisner - 1990
It covers isokinetics, soft tissue injury repair, surgical procedures, exercise rehabilitation, post-operative management and posture.
Theater: The Lively Art
Edwin Wilson - 1995
Created for Theater Appreciation courses that cover both history and elements, Theater: The Lively Art, 6/e remains a comprehensive introductory theater text: an introduction to the audience's experience of theater, an investigation of the elements of theater, and a study of the important developments in the history of theater.
Calculus: The Classic Edition
Earl W. Swokowski - 1991
Groundbreaking in every way when first published, this book is a simple, straightforward, direct calculus text. It's popularity is directly due to its broad use of applications, the easy-to-understand writing style, and the wealth of examples and exercises which reinforce conceptualization of the subject matter. The author wrote this text with three objectives in mind. The first was to make the book more student-oriented by expanding discussions and providing more examples and figures to help clarify concepts. To further aid students, guidelines for solving problems were added in many sections of the text. The second objective was to stress the usefulness of calculus by means of modern applications of derivatives and integrals. The third objective, to make the text as accurate and error-free as possible, was accomplished by a careful examination of the exposition, combined with a thorough checking of each example and exercise.
An Introduction to Islam
Frederick Mathewson Denny - 1985
An Introduction to Islam, Third Edition, provides students with a thorough and unified topical introduction to the global religious community of Islam. It places Islam within a cultural, political, social, and religious context and examines its connections with Judeo-Christian morals. The text's integration of the doctrinal and devotional elements of Islam enables students to see how Muslims think and live--engendering understanding and breaking down stereotypes. An Introduction to Islam, Third Edition also reviews pre-Islamic history so students can see how Islam developed historically.
Organization Development: The Process Of Leading Organizational Change
Donald L. Anderson - 2009
Incorporating OD ethics and values into each chapter, Donald L. Anderson provides discussion of the real-world application of these theoretical ideas. In-depth case studies that follow major content chapters allow students to immediately apply what they have learned. In today's challenging environment of increased globalization, rapidly changing technologies, economic pressures, and expectations in the contemporary workforce, this book is an essential tool.
Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach
Elizabeth M. Varcarolis - 1990
Its practical, clinical perspective and user-friendly writing style engage the reader in a learning process that both informs and enlightens. Clinical chapters progress consistently and logically from theory to application. Specific psychobiological disorders are organized from moderate to severe along the mental health continuum. The nursing process is the strong, visible framework throughout.User-friendly writing style and a full-color design make psychiatric nursing content come alive! Case studies and personal stories show a compassion and understanding unique among psychiatric nursing texts. Special features are easily located and identified.Nursing process framework provides a strong underpinning for all clinical chapters. A sixth step, Outcome Criteria, identifies specific patient outcomes, then justifies the subsequent nursing interventions based on results.Assessment Guidelines boxes provide summary points for client assessment.Spiritual assessment is found in Assessment Strategies and the Nursing Process and Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve.Biologic Basis for Understanding Psychotropic Drugs lays the foundation for the study of psychotropic drug therapy to treat psychobiologic disorders.Care for the Dying and for Those Who Grieve chapter provides holistic nursing interventions related to end-of-life care for clients and families.Case Studies and Nursing Care Plans present individualized histories of clients with specific psychiatric disorders, and include interventions with rationales and evaluation statements for each client goal.Vignettes offer brief, descriptive characterizations of clients with specific psychiatric disorders.A Nurse Speaks spotlights individual psychiatric nurses and their personal stories.Key Terms and Concepts with page number references allow for quick review.Critical Thinking and Chapter Review sections offer scenario-based critical thinking problems and NCLEX-style multiple-choice questions, allowing students to test themselves on the chapter content.Nurse, Client, and Family Resources lists are provided on the book's Evolve website.A dynamic author team offers a breadth of experience in nursing education and practice.Tear-out Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment Card is a valuable tool for students to use in clinicals.Completely revised Culturally Relevant Mental Health Nursing: A Global Perspective provides basic information on culture, worldviews, and what is necessary for culturally competent care.Psychiatric Forensic Nursing discusses this new and expanding specialty involving nursing, forensics, and the criminal justice system.Forensic Highlights boxes focus on the nurse's role in dealing with sexual assault, family violence, and incarcerated persons.Evidence-Based Practice boxes demonstrate how research findings affect psychiatric nursing practice and standards of care.Integrative Therapy boxes discuss the increasing popularity and significance of complementary and alternative therapies.Culturally Speaking boxes reinforce the importance of culturally competent care.A Client Speaks and A Family Speaks bring to life disorders and their effects on clients, their families, and those who care for them.Back by popular demand: communication tables in The Clinical Interview and Communication Skills.Key Points to Remember appear at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential information.
Teachers, Schools, and Society
Myra Pollack Sadker - 1991
It provides in-depth commentary on educational history, philosophy, and governance, while giving special attention to current critical topics such as the changing federal role in educational finance.
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Karen C. Timberlake - 1976
Now in it's tenth edition, this text makes chemistry exciting to students by showing them why important concepts are relevant to their lives and future careers.
Business Communication Today
Courtland L. Bovée - 1989
The field's leading text for more than two decades, Business Communication Today continues to provide cutting-edge coverage students can count on to prepare them for real business practice. Thoroughly revised, updated, and streamlined, the succinct new ninth edition encompasses every medium that students will be expected to use on the job-from conventional printed documents and formal reports to e-mail and instant messages to blogs, podcasts, and wikis.
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
Frederick J. Gravetter - 2002
Gravetter, and co-author Lori-Ann B. Forzano have written a text for research methods that helps you see how interesting and exciting experimental and non-experimental research can be. Inviting and conversational, RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Third Edition, leads you through the research process from start to finish. The text opens with tips and strategies for generating research ideas, moves to selecting measures and participants, and then offers an examination of research strategy and design. This step-by-step approach emphasizes the decisions researchers must make at each stage of the process. The authors avoid a "cookbook" approach to the facts by linking terminology with applied concepts; their "lecture in a book" style emphasizes discussion and explanation of topics. Each chapter ends with a set of exercises and activities.
Substance Abuse Counseling: Theory and Practice
Patricia Stevens - 2000
It educates prospective clinicians and counselors by guiding them, step-by-step, through the process of working with substance-abuse clients. Chapter content builds in sequence; however, each chapter can be taken as a stand-alone source of valuable information. Individual chapters on special populations add substantial depth to the text's treatment of its subject.
America the Unusual
John W. Kingdon - 1998
It invites both introductory and advanced students to appreciate the roots and limits of American exceptionalism, and to recognize the profound importance of current debates over the government's role in our everyday lives.
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition [With Access Code]
Donald A. Ball - 1990
Enriched with maps, photos, and the most up-to-date world data, this text boasts the collective expertise of four authors with firsthand international business experience, specializing in international management, finance, law, global strategy, and marketing - a claim no other text can make. In addition, each new copy of International Business, 12e includes access to CESIM - an interactive IB simulation developed for industry professionals. Ball, et. al. is the only textbook on the market which features access to CESIM. Only Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett can offer a complete view of International Business as diverse as the backgrounds of business students.
Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice
Denise F. Polit - 2009
The Seventh Edition has been updated with stronger coverage of evidence-based practice, including content on how to read, interpret, and critique systematic reviews, which are considered by many to be a cornerstone of evidence-based practice. Also included in the Seventh Edition: a more balanced presentation of medical and social science methods and nomenclature; enhanced coverage of qualitative research; and more!
Electronic Commerce
Gary P. Schneider - 1999
ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, EIGHTH EDITION covers emerging online technologies and trends and their influence on the electronic commerce marketplace.