Best of
Man & Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Pope John Paul II - 1985
A Preface by Cardinal Schönborn, a Foreword by Christopher West, a comprehensive index of words and phrases, a Scriptural index, and a reference table for other versions of the papal texts are included. Recipient of a CPA Award!
However Long & Hard the Road
Jeffrey R. Holland - 1985
We may have no idea what the final cost in suffering or sacrifice may be, but we can vow never to give up. In doing so we will learn that there is no worthy task so great nor burden so heavy that will not yield to our perseverance. We can make it...however long and hard the road." So writes Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy in The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints. The chapters in this volume, messages of hope and comfort, have been adapted from addresses given and essays written by Elder Holland during the time he served as president of Brigham Young University. "All of my professional life has been spent with young people," he explains, "and universally they (like the rest of us) have needed support, encouragement, reassurance, and confidence. They have, in short, needed hope--that incentive to keep moving, keep trying, and keep believing until hope's siter virtues of faith and charity can also work their miracles." Elder Holland illustrates his messages with examples from classical and current literature, from the lives of individuals in the scriptures and in church history, and especially from the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. He explains how others have overcome temptations and feelings of inadequacy and, through repentance, have obtained forgiveness and strength--and how we too may find success in our own searchings...however long and hard the road.
Islam and the Destiny of Man
Charles Le Gai Eaton - 1985
The author, a former member of the British Diplomatic Service, was brought up as an agnostic and embraced Islam at an early age after writing a book (commissioned by T.S. Eliot) on Eastern religions and their influence upon Western thinkers. As a Muslim he has retained his adherence to the perennial philosophy which, he maintains, underlies the teachings of all the great religions.The aim of this book is to explore what it means to be a Muslim, a member of a community which embraces a quarter of the world's population and to describe the forces which have shaped the hearts and the minds of Islamic people. After considering the historic confrontation between Islam and Christendom and analysing the difference between the three monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), the author describes the two poles of Muslim belief in terms of 'Truth' and 'Mercy'--the unitarian truth which is the basis of the Muslim's faith and the mercy inherent in this truth. In the second part of the book he explains the significance of the Qur'an and tells the dramatic story of Muhammad's life and of the early Caliphate. Lastly, the author considers the Muslim view of man's destiny, the social structure of Islam, the role of art and mysticism and the inner meaning of Islamic teaching concerning the hereafter.Throughout this book the author is concerned not with the religion of Islam in isolation, but with the very nature of religious faith, its spiritual and intellectual foundations, and the light it casts upon the mysteries and paradoxes of the human condition.
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior: Experiencing the Truth of the Cross
Max Lucado - 1985
Like a compelling diamond ...Its tragedy summons all the sufferers ...Its absurdity attracts all cynics ...Its hope lures all searchers.Far more than a gold-plated symbol of religious belief, the cross is the centerpiece of the Christian faith -- the meeting place of time and eternity. Where God and man encounter each other.Max Lucado takes you through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ -- bringing to life Peter's denial, Pilate's hesitancy, and John's loyalty. Relive the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion, from the foggy garden of Gethsemane to the incandescent room of the resurrection."No Wonder They Call Him the Savior" leads you up the hill of mankind's highest hope and reminds you why he deserves to be called our Savior.
How to Listen to God
Charles F. Stanley - 1985
Bestselling author Dr. Charles Stanley shares the lessons he's learned on his own journey to listening to the God who wants to communicate personally with you, including:How God gets your attentionFour ways God speaks to youThe importance of your own spiritual mindsetScriptural guidelines for recognizing God's voiceThe joys and fruits from listening to GodTen hindrances to hearing GodAlong the way, you'll learn firsthand that just a few minutes of sitting before the God who speaks can transform a life, refocus a mind, and reset purpose and direction for eternity. The sad heart is cheered, the confused mind is ordered, the pessimistic outlook is eliminated, the lonely spirit is befriended, the rebellious will is subdued, and the drifting seeker is made steadfast.Join Dr. Stanley as he shows us that we've never been more equipped to confidently hear from God. How to Listen to God will teach you that God's voice waits to be heard and, when we've finally heard it, we're launched into the greatest, most exciting adventure we could ever imagine.
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals
Luisah Teish - 1985
A Marvelous Blend of Memoir, Folk Wisdom, and Afro-American Beliefs.Actress, storyteller, and priestess Luisah Teish dramatically re-creates centuries-old African-American traditions with music, memoir, and folk wisdom.
A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah
Ajahn Chah - 1985
This remarkable book reflects his simple and powerful message as well as the quiet, joyful Buddhist practice of dhudanga, or "everyday mindfulness," with profound insights for the West.
Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen
DōgenLew Richmond - 1985
Moon in a Dewdrop contains the key essays of the great master, as well as extensive background materials that will help Western readers to approach this significant work. There is also a selection of Dogen's poetry, most of which has not appeared in English translation before.Dogen's thought runs counter to conventional logic, employing paradoxical language and startling imagery. It illuminates such fundamental concerns as the nature of time, existence, life, death, the self, and what is beyond self.
Becoming a Woman of Excellence
Cynthia Heald - 1985
Written by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald, this Bible study explores what your identity in Christ is and how you can best serve Him.• Personal study between meetings• 11 sessions
The Hungering Dark
Frederick Buechner - 1985
The Hungering Dark towers as one of Fredrick Buechner's best statements on contemporary belief challenged by doubt.Drawing on texts from the Old and New Testaments, The Hungering Dark invites us to discover the hidden face of God, the manifestation of his grace, revealed in stillness, in unexpected places, often "through a glass, darkly." It invites us to say yes to "the possibility of God", and to recover "this fantastic hope that the future belongs to God...that holiness will return to our world."
The New Jerusalem Bible
Anonymous - 1985
Using the same translation that has been hailed as "truly magnificent" (Journal of Bible Literature), the Standard Edition has a completely redesigned interior, set in a two-column format for easy reading. With all the best features of much more cumbersome and costly versions, this Bible is a must-have for home, church, and school.
The Founding of Christendom
Warren H. Carroll - 1985
How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.
The Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom
Alexander Schmemann - 1985
The crowning achievement of Fr Schmemann's work, reflecting his entire life experience as well as his thoughts on the Divine Liturgy.
Open Letter to Confused Catholics
Marcel Lefebvre - 1985
Covers the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc., and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands; certain to become a classic.
On the Anvil
Max Lucado - 1985
Through inspirational anecdotes and observations of life, Lucado compares the lives of Christians to blacksmith's tools in various stages of usefulness.
Holy Bible: NASB New American Standard New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs
Anonymous - 1985
Discover the truth in the inspired Word of God by reading the New American Standard Bible. The updated edition continues the NASB's commitment to accuracy while increasing clarity and readability. Vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure have been carefully updated for greater understanding and smoother reading. The NASB remains the most literally accurate Bible in the English language.
The Magus of Strovolos: The Extraordinary World of a Spiritual Healer
Kyriacos C. Markides - 1985
In what appears at first to be an exercise in fantasy, we see Daskalos draw on seemingly unlimited mixture of esoteric teachings, psychology, reincarnation, demonology, cosmology and mysticism, from both eastern and western traditions. But Daskalos is first and foremost a healer, whose work is firmly rooted in a belied in 'Holyspirit' or absolute love, and whose aim is the expansion of reason and spiritual evolution.
Ratzinger Report: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church
Benedict XVI - 1985
Cardinal Ratzinger speaks candidly and forcefully about the challenges of the Church in the Post-Vatican II era.Here is the complete text of a meeting many have called a "historical turnabout" in the Church. The roots of the crisis that has troubled Catholics in the twenty years since the Council are analyzed with forthright clarity by one of the most authoritative voices in the Vatican. This is a clear and uncompromising report on the dangers that threaten the Faith, from one who every day receives the most reliable information from every continent.Yet Ratzinger's observations are as hopeful and balanced as they are clear-sighted, forcefully re-affirming the immense and positive work of Vatican II, whose genuine fruits this book provides a guideline for achieving.
Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide
Aryeh Kaplan - 1985
This practical guide covers such topics as mantra meditation, contemplation, and visualization within a Jewish context. It shows us how to use meditative techniques to enhance prayer using the traditional liturgy—the Amidah and the Shema. Through simple exercises and clear explanations of theory, Rabbi Kaplan gives us the tools to develop our spiritual potential through an authentically Jewish meditative practice.
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
Edwin H. Friedman - 1985
Edwin H. Friedman shows how the same understanding of family process that can aid clergy in their pastoral role also has important ramifications for negotiating congregational dynamics and functioning as an effective leader. Clergy from diverse denominations, as well as family therapists and counselors, have found that this book directly addresses the dilemmas and crises they encounter daily. It is widely used as a text in courses on pastoral care, leadership, and family systems.
Be Victorious (Revelation): In Christ You Are an Overcomer
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1985
3:21). The Book of Revelation is the book of the throne. Its message is that the Lamb has conquered and all who trust Him are overcomers. No matter how dark the day, no matter how sever the opposition, God's people can BE VICTORIOUS! In this expository survey of Revelation, Warren Wiersbe clearly illustrates that prophecy is practical. The Apostle John wrote this New Testament book to encourage suffering saints, not only in his own day, but in every era of church history. It's time to start living in the light of Christ's return and BE VICTORIOUS
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household
Blu Greenberg - 1985
It provides practical advice on how to manage a Jewish home in the traditional way and offers fascinating accounts of the history behind the tradition. In a warm, personal style, Blu Greenberg shows that, contrary to popular belief, the home, and not the synagogue, is the most important institution in Jewish life. Divided into three large sections—"The Jewish Way," "Special Stages of Life," and "Celebration and Remembering"—this book educates the uninitiated and reminds the already observant Jew of how Judaism approaches daily life. Topics include prayer, dress, holidays, food preparation, marriage, birth, death, parenthood, and many others. This description of the modern-yet-traditional Jewish household will earn special regard among the many American Jews who are re-exploring their ties to Jewish tradition. Such Jews will find this book a flexible guide that provides a knowledge of the requirements of traditional Judaism without advocating immediate and complete compliance. How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household will also appeal to observant Jews, providing them with helpful tips on how to manage their homes and special insights into the most minute details and procedures in a traditional household. Herself a traditional Jew, Blu Greenberg is nevertheless quite sympathetic to feminist views on the role of women in Jewish observance. How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household therefore speaks intimately to women who are struggling to reconcile their identities as modern women with their commitments to traditional Judaism.
One Year Bible: The Living Bible
Anonymous - 1985
For each day there is a portion of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs."LOC 85-51313ISBN 0842324283
Be As You Are
Ramana Maharshi - 1985
This recent collection of conversations between him and the many seekers who came to his ashram for guidance contains the essence of his teaching. His concern throughout his long life of imparting his experience to others was to convince his listeners that self-realisation – or enlightenment – is not an alien or mysterious state, but the natural condition of man. This state can be easily discovered by undertaking the self-investigation clearly described in these talks. The lucid instructions to each section provide further illumination of this greater seer’s message.
A New Witness for the Articles of Faith
Bruce R. McConkie - 1985
McConkie examines each article in great, inspiring detail. He sheds new light on many subjects, including faith and belief, the nature of the Father and the Son, the mission of the Holy Ghost, the Atonement, spiritual gifts, and more.
Anthony de Mello - 1985
Wellsprings is intended to guide us to a deeper appreciation of the physical and mystical realms within us.In these pages, numerous aspects of self-awareness are explored that for many people are often left uncultivated in the rapid pace of modern life. In the tradition of the great spiritual leaders of the past, de Mello directs the whole person toward a state of harmony and grace -- in heart and mind, body and soul. This book's great insights into our universal spiritual yearnings have had tremendous resonance the world over, and its simple lessons of the spirit have touched the lives of millions.Wellsprings is indeed a book for everyone who thirsts for inner growth -- regardless of age, religion, or cultural background. If read carefully, its exercises will lead from mind to body, from thought to fantasy and feeling. It is then that we are both freed and empowered, awakened to reality and our real selves. For, as the teacher explains, "in solitude your self is given back to you."
Holy Bible: From the Ancient Eastern Text
George M. Lamsa - 1985
This handsome new edition of the authoritative English translation of the Aramaic (Syriac) Old and New Testaments--the language of Jesus--clarifies difficult passages and offers fresh insight on the Bible's message.
Ten Fingers for God: The Life and Work of Dr. Paul Brand
Dorothy Clarke Wilson - 1985
Reasoning From The Scriptures
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society - 1985
God Of Surprises
Gerard W. Hughes - 1985
It is a lovely, wise and lucid book of deep humanity. Above all, it is a useful book - a book to be read by those who find it hard to forgive themselves: the stumblers and agnostics who hardly dare believe that God is within them.
Walking Meditation [With CD and DVD]
Nguyen Anh-Huong - 1985
Presented in a unique format that combines a book with a DVD and audio CD, Walking Meditation features esteemed Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh along with one of his principle students, Anh-Huong Nguyen, as they together illuminate the central tenets of this powerful art, including: -- How to recognize the miracle in simply walking, not as a means to an end, but as the opportunity to touch the fullness of life; -- Reversing "habit energy" through the unification of body and mind; -- Using walking meditation to work with difficult emotions such as anger and anxiety, and much more.
The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way
Anonymous - 1985
Readers follow this anonymous pilgrim as he treks over the Steppes in search of the answer to the one compelling question: How does one pray constantly? Through his journeys, and under the tutelage of a spiritual father, he becomes gradually more open to the promptings of God, and sees joy and plenty wherever he goes. Ultimately, he discovers the different meanings and methods of prayer as he travels to his ultimate destination, Jerusalem.The Way of a Pilgrim is a humble story ripe for renewed appreciation today. The recent changes in Russia have revealed the great religious traditions of that land, and this work, freshly translated for modern times, is among the finest examples of those centuries-old traditions.
The Christian Priest Today
Arthur Michael Ramsey - 1985
In this essential classic the Archbishop offers counsel on ordination and ministry in the life of the church.
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 2: Expansions of the "Old Testament" and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works
James H. Charlesworth - 1985
In attempting to understand the Scriptures, scholars of the last three hundred years have intensively studied both these sacred texts and other related ancient writings. A cursory examination reveals that their authors depended on other sources, some of which are lost and some of which have recently come to light. Part of these extant sources are the pseudepigrapha. Though the meaning of the word can be disputed by scholars, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha is a collection of those writings which are, for the most part, Jewish or Christian and are often attributed to ideal figures in Israel’s past.The publication of Volume 2 now completes this landmark work. Together with Volume 1, Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments, these new translations present important documents, many for the first time in English, for all those “People of the Book” to study, contemplate, and understand.This second volume contains: Expansions of the “Old Testament” and Legends Clarifications, enrichments, expansions, and retellings of biblical narratives. The primary focus is upon God’s story in history, the ongoing drama in which the author claims to participate. Wisdom and Philosophical Literature Various collections of wise sayings and philosophical maxims of the Israelites. Prayers, Psalms and Odes Until recently, the Davidic psalms were considered to be the only significant group of psalms known by the Jews. This is no longer true. This section presents other collections of hymns, expressions of praise, songs of joy and sorrow, and prayers of petition that were important in the period 100 b.c. to a.d. 200. Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works After the Babylonian exile, Judaism increasingly began to reflect ideas associated with the Persians, Greeks, and Romans, often filtered through the cultures of Syria and Egypt. These fragments are examples of how this mix of cultures influenced Jewish writings.Together, both volumes of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha present literature that shows the ongoing development of Judaism and the roots from which the Christian religion took its beliefs. Using the very latest techniques in biblical scholarship, this international team of recognized scholars has put together a monumental work that will enhance the study of Western religious heritage for years to come.
Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad-Gita
Swami Rama - 1985
In Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita, Swami Rama makes this classic scripture accessible to all students by vividly drawing out the psychological concepts found within. The teachings in this book are based on the understanding that the outside world can be mastered only when one's inner potentials are systematically explored and realized.With the guidance and commentary of Himalayan Master Swami Rama, you can explore the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, which allows one to be vibrant and creative in the external world while maintaining a state of inner tranquility. This commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is a unique opportunity to see the Gita through the perspective of a master yogi, and is an excellent version for practitioners of yoga meditation. Spiritual seekers, psychotherapists, and students of Eastern studies will all find a storehouse of wisdom in this volume.
Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament and New Testament
John F. Walvoord - 1985
Now with updated contemporary covers, this classic series will reach a new generation of readers. With maps, charts, cross-references, bibliographies, book introductions, and helpful historical background, The Bible Knowledge Commentary Series addresses readers’ deepest questions as it draws them into the truth and power of Scripture.
Holy Bible: NIV & KJV Parallel Bible
Anonymous - 1985
It sets the two most popular translations side-by-side: the readability and accuracy of the New International Version and the time-honored tradition of the King James Version. Verses from the two versions are aligned on double-column pages for ease of study. Each translation offers insight on different facets of meaning in the text, giving you the benefit of the work of different groups of scholars to help you understand and interpret the Bible for yourself. A valuable resource for gaining insight into scriptural truths, the NIV/KJV Parallel Bible helps you compare translations at a glance.When you want to study the Bible in depth, comparing different Bible translations helps you discover the different shades of meaning in the text. The translation committees for each Bible version chose different ways of translating the original Scripture texts into English. By comparing them, you can get a more complete understanding of the intended meaning of the original writers. Abridged concordances for each translation help you find key words and verses.The balance of word-for-word and thought-for-thought translation of the NIV communicates the meaning more clearly. To modern readers, while the word-for-word translation of the KJV lets you see an English rendering of early Bible manuscripts.From the easy-to-understand modern language of the New International Version to the poetic majesty of the King James Version, the NIV/KJV Parallel Bible has two distinctive translations in clear, easy-to-read print.NIV/KJB Parallel Bible includes:• New International Version – A beautiful, accurate, and clear translation, the New International Version (NIV) is today’s most popular and most trusted English Bible translation. Since its release in 1973, the NIV has sold over 160 million copies. The goal of the NIV translation team was to produce a contemporary translation whose accuracy, clarity, and literary quality would make it ideal for public and private reading, teaching, preaching, memorizing, and liturgical use. Today the NIV is accepted by over 60 denominations—more than any other translation—and is supported by a library of reference resources unmatched by any other translation.• King James Version – The classic King James Version (KJV), beloved by generations of Bible readers, was first published in England in 1611. Commissioned by King James I, it was the achievement of nearly fifty translators, who over four years revised the Bishop’s Bible in the light of available Greek and Hebrew documents as well as other contemporary European translations. The result was the first Authorized Version, known as to Americans as the King James Version. Subsequent editions corrected early misprints, modernized some spellings, and standardized features such as punctuation and italicization. The most famous revisions include the Cambridge edition of 1762, the Oxford edition of 1769, and Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener’s Cambridge Paragraph Bible of 1873. Zondervan uses the Scrivener edition for its KJV Bibles.The NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION is today’s best-supported translation. For even greater understanding of your NIV Bible, look for NIV concordances, NIV dictionaries, and NIV commentaries.One Message. Two Ways of Translating It.The NIV/KJV Parallel Bible does more than combine the readability and accuracy of the best-selling New International Version (NIV) with the poetic beauty and dignity of the King James Version (KJV). It lets you access the strengths of the two most trusted translation approaches.Today’s bestselling translation, the NIV, offers a unique combination of scholarly accuracy and contemporary readability. Its balance of the word-for-word and thought-for-thought approach to translation allows today’s reader to better understand and apply the intended meaning of the original Bible writers, accurately communicating what they meant. The word-for-word method of the King James Versions (KJV) lets you see an English rendering of early Bible manuscripts. The classic version has been beloved by Christians through the centuries for its majesty, poetic language, and timeless truths.The NIV/KJV Parallel Bible sets these two translations side-by-side for you to compare and contrast, making it easy to gain inspiration from the distinctive nuances of each translation. It’s an unbeatable format for Bible study. NIV and KJV concordances are included to help you find passages you’re looking for as you study key themes of Scripture. The features of this Bible comprise as excellent resource for students of God’s Word.Features include:Each page contains a complete Scripture portion from these versions:• New International Version• King James Version• Abridged NIV concordance• Abridged KJV concordance• Double-column format• Readable 8-point type• Ribbon marker
Ellen Gunderson Traylor - 1985
Only one man warned of the cataclysm to come. Noah as you never knew him! This may be the most unusual novel you will ever read! Hailed by critics for its daring theories of the pre-Flood world and the preacher of righteousness.
The Revised Grail Psalms: A Liturgical Psalter
The Grail Psalms - 1985
The Psalms are one of the most treasured books of sacred scripture and the unique character of the Grail Psalms is that they incorporate the rhythm of the original Hebrew text and are thus easily set to music. In the wake of the 2001 document "Liturgiam authenticam," which called for more literal translations of the scriptures and liturgical texts, the monks of Conception Abbey, under the direction of Abbot Gregory Polan, OSB, undertook the work of a new translation of the Grail Psalms. During the process, they conferred with Vatican and international sources in order to create a version that would meet the requirements of "Liturgiam authenticam" and be suitable for English speakers throughout the world. "The Revised Grail Psalms," designated to be the official English-language Psalter used in future Roman Catholic liturgical books published in the United States and throughout the world, will play an important part in the Church's liturgy for years to come.
The Master: A Life of Jesus
John Charles Pollock - 1985
You'll experience His unfolding story through the eyes of the disciple John--from the day he met Jesus, on to the Resurrection and the Day of Pentecost when he experienced Jesus in the fullest sense.andquot;This vivid retelling of the life of Jesus may well become a modern classic.andquot; - Billy Grahamandquot;I have been enormously blessed by John Pollock's magnificent historical works. Now he has given us the most important biography of all--a life of Jesus.andquot; - Charles W. Colson
Favorite Quotations from the Collection of Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson - 1985
The greatest of all faults . . . is to be conscious of none." (Thomas Carlyle)The above is only one of more than 900 quotes readers will find in Favorite Quotations from the Collection of Thomas S. Monson.Within the covers of this volume you will find thoughts, stories, poems, and proverbs by authors as diverse as Spencer W. Kimball and Vince Lombardi. President Monson of the First Presidency has selected has favorite quotations and arranged them into eight sections. As he says in the preface, "Over the years I have collected quotations . . . that have influenced me with their simple but eloquent messages. May these short but important messages give you as much pleasure as they have given me."
My Baba and I
John S. Hislop - 1985
And he comes with a similar message - to bring unity and love to a despairing world. Dr. John Hislop, professor and author, recounts his experiences with Sathya Sai Baba during the past 17 years abd tries to acquaint the reader with the depth and grandeur of Sai Baba's spiritual philosophy.nSai Baba has said that Dr. Hislop has had more face-to-face confrontations with him than any other Western person. In "My Baba and I," Dr. Hislop gives the reader a rare look into the life3, miracles, teachings, and writings of the most unique and powerful religious personage of the 20th Century - Sathya Sai Baba of India.
The Disease of the Health & Wealth Gospels
Gordon D. Fee - 1985
Perhaps no other issues more directly affect the lives of professing Christians as do the issues of health and wealth and their relationship to the will of God. In Disease of the Health & Wealth Gospels, Dr. Gordon Fee looks at the treatment of these two themes as frequently found in popular Christian teaching. Based on solid exegesis of the Scriptures, looking at each theme separately, this books suggests that there may be yet a "more excellent way" in viewing these emotionally charged issues. Gordon D. Fee is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, and an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God. Considered to be one of the foremost experts in textual criticism of the New Testament of the Bible, Dr. Fee was a member of the editorial board that composed both the New International Version (NIV) and Today's New International Version (TNIV) translations of the Bible. He is also the author of numerous commentaries and books on biblical interpretation, including the popular introductory work How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (co-authored with Douglas Stuart).
New Testament Recovery Version (large 9 1/4" x 6 1/4", black)
Anonymous - 1985
The translation, for the most part based on the 26th edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek text, is a literal yet readable rendition of the original language of the New Testament. Accompanying the text are extensive footnotes written by Witness Lee. Unlike typical study notes that focus on historical, geographical, and biographical background of the Bible, the footnotes in the Recovery Version New Testament stress the spiritual content of God's Word, opening up the revelation of the divine truth and pointing to the supply of life in the Scriptures. At the beginning of each book there is an outline that provides an in-depth abstract of the book. These outlines emphasize the spiritual meaning of the New Testament books and provide a new, fresh, and living view of every book.Throughout the text of the Recovery Version are cross references to other portions of the Bible that are similar not only in expression but also in the divine truth. These provide the reader a thorough examination of every major aspect of the truth and of every important experience of the proper Christian and church life.
Christianity Before Christ
John G. Jackson - 1985
All features and components of what is now known as Christianity were present ni mythologies that flourished before Jesus is alleged to have lived, and this book shows how those myths evolved into today's religion.
Come Before Winter and ... Share My Hope
Charles R. Swindoll - 1985
This bestseller could be God's answer when temptation tries to trap us in the dark, or our excitement for the Lord loses its edge. These writings from Chuck Swindoll—seasoned by experience—can help readers know God's nearness when the storms blow cold and strong.
On Schacht's Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence
Muhammad Mustafa al-ʿAzami - 1985
Azami's work examines the sources used by Schacht to develop his thesis on the relation of Islamic law to the Qur'an, and exposes fundamental flaws in Schacht's methodology that led to the conclusions unsupported by the texts examined. This book is an important contribution to Islamic legal studies from an Islamic perspective.
Maximus the Confessor: Selected Writings
St. Maximus the Confessor - 1985
During the seventh century when the monothelite heresy (belief that Christ had only one will-----a divine one) plagued the Church, Maximus eloquently demonstrated that Christ had both human and divine natures. Writing in the introduction to this volume Jaroslav Pelikan highlights the relevance of Maximus' writings for today: "It was the genius of Maximus Confessor that, in a measure that has been granted only to a few, he was fully bilingual, affirming by means of negation and speaking both the language of spirituality and the language of theology with equal fluency. From the looks of things within both Western and Eastern Christendom-------and beyond------that gift of being bilingual is one that people of faith will need more than ever in the years to come."
The Rajneesh Bible
Osho - 1985
It is as if he has drawn a sword and slices through the deceit of history. Man, his politics and so-called religions all come under the scalpel of Osho's master surgery. Responding to questions solely from his disciples, Osho exposes the psychology of all creeds based on the idea of "following" and takes apart the whole question of belief in God. He also answers questions such as whether he considers himself to be a messiah, and lambastes the attitude of traditional holy men towards women. He lets us in on his understanding of the political mind-set; how he feels about communism, why his sannyasins lead such a rich life and whether they are brainwashed or hypnotized, and much, much more.
The Path to No-Self: Life at the Center
Bernadette Roberts - 1985
The fact that a great deal has been written about the journey to this point means that many people have come this far. But what, we might ask, comes next? Looking ahead we see no path; even in the literature there seems to be nothing beyond an abiding awareness of oneness with God. Had this path been mapped in the literature, then at least we would have known that one existed; but where no such account exists, we assume there is no path and that union of self and God is the final goal to be achieved.The main purpose of The Path to No-Self is to correct this assumption. It verifies that a path beyond union does indeed exist, that the eventual falling away of the unitive state happens as the culmination of a long experiential journey beyond the state. The author shows that a path exists between the transcendence of the ego (self-center), which begins the unitive state, and the later falling away of all self (the true self), which ends the unitive state.As a first hand account, The Path to No-Self will be of interest to those with similar experiences, or those searching for a better understanding of their own spiritual journey. Since the journey is concerned with the effects of grace on human consciousness, the book will be of interest to those psychologists concerned with the transformational process.
Living by the Power of Faith
Gene R. Cook - 1985
I recall that we were very tired, having had few hours of sleep the night before. We were both delighted to have a few hours of rest in the airport. As I was drifting off to sleep, I had a very strong feeling that I should awaken and write down some ideas. The desire to sleep was strong, but the promptings of the Spirit were more powerful. I did write; in fact, I wrote for nearly three hours, solving some organizational problems I had struggled with for a number of years previously. I felt a great outpouring of the Spirit on that day and excitedly wrote down each inspired thought. The experience took most of the time of the delay. We were then off to La Paz, Bolivia. We were graciously met by President and Sister Chase Allred at the airport and driven in their van to the mission office. We left our luggage and briefcase in the locked van. Upon entering the office, the president was confronted with the difficult case of a woman whose husband was dying. While President Allred and I assisted with her needs, Sisters Cook and Allred left in a car for the mission home. When the president and I returned to the van, I realized immediately that all of our goods were gone but assumed that Sister Cook had taken them with her to the mission home. While we were driving toward the home, I discovered that the right front wind wing had been damaged and began to fear that our goods had been stolen. Arriving at the mission home, we found that our luggage had indeed been stolen. The loss of a substantial amount of money and all our clothing created an immediate but only temporary problem. More disheartening was the fact that my scriptures were in my briefcase along with the inspired ideas I had just received in Cochabamba. The overwhelming sensation of discouragement, anger, and inability to do anything about the situation was overpowering.
The Children's Bible in 365 Stories: A Story for Every Day of the Year
Mary Batchelor - 1985
Popular children's author Mary Batchelor retells old favourites as well as significant lesser-known stories. Evocative illustrations by John Haysom reflect the mood and content of each story. Words and pictures combine to make a classic which millions have already enjoyed. Ideal for a child to read alone or for an adult and child to read together through the year.
The Dawn Horse Testament Of The Ruchira Avatar: The Testament Of Divine Secrets Of The Divine World Teacher, Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Adi Da Samraj - 1985
It represents the fruit of Avatar Adi Da's Immense Work of Teaching and Revelation over more than three decades. An extraordinary Scripture, containing Avatar Adi Da's detailed Revelation of every aspect of the process culminating in Divine Enlightenment. Includes: *Avatar Adi Da's Divine Self-Confession *The nature of His Life and Work *His fundamental Teaching-Arguments *The True Nature of God *The characteristic philosophical faults of East and West *The three basic human personality types *How sexuality relates to Spiritual practice *What actually happens in the process of death and reincarnation *The nature of the ego and how it is utterly transcended *Detailed descriptions of all the practices Avatar Adi Da Gives to His devotees *What Divine Enlightenment really is, and how It is Realized
The Parables of the Kingdom
Robert Farrar Capon - 1985
Offering a fresh look at these parables in the light of their entire gospel and biblical context, Capon elucidates Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God.
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad
Leila Azzam - 1985
Passages from the Qur'an are used throughout to reinforce the stories. The material is authentic and the style lively and attractive. Although the book has been written for children of 10 to 15 years of age, it can be usefully read by anyone as an introduction because of its completeness and clarity. There are 32 colour illustrations although there has been no attempt to portray either the Prophet or his Companions. The illustrations are representative of traditional Islamic life as lived in many Arab countries and portray scenes that have occurred in those countries for over a thousand years.
Preaching In The Spirit: A Preacher Looks For Something That Human Energy Cannot Provide
Dennis F. Kinlaw - 1985
Kinlaw discusses the problems of ego that any preacher must face. He tells how he and other evangelists have wrestled with ambition and pride during their ministry. He also shows how he discovered that the Holy Spirit could change his heart. Now published in six languages, this book has revolutionized the ministry of pastors around the world.
The Great Tao
Stephen Thomas Chang - 1985
Happiness. Longevity. Wisdom. Spiritual evolution. The Great Tao, a thorough treatise on the philosophy of Taoism, is the only book that is filled with practical techniques for immediate life improvement. It is especially comprehensive concerning the knowledge of Herbology. Includes methods of self-diagnostics and easy utilization of miraculous healing herbal formulas and full illustrations of Accupressure healing are applied to oneself or others. In addition the truths behind evolution and immortality are revealed. Professionals, statesmen-everyone-everyone must have this life long reference book. Recipient of excellent reviews and testimonies throughout the years. This book also states the ingredients and importance of the herbal formulas along with their proper usage.
The Challenge of the Disciplined Life: Christian Reflections on Money, Sex, and Power
Richard J. Foster - 1985
Drawing upon practical examples, Richard J. Foster guides the reader in day-to-day ethical decision making while helping each of us determine "the proper place in Christian life of money, sex, and power."
The Works: Sermons 1-33 v. 1 (Sermons a)
John Wesley - 1985
It contains a detailed introduction as well as sermons 1-33 of Sermons on Several Occasions.Of all the genres in Wesley's prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. Outler's introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley. From this he ably sets the stage for a fuller understanding and appreciation of a major Christian heritage, a heritage which can at last be seen as a whole against the background of its sources. The four volumes contain 151 sermons, including a number recovered from Wesley's manuscripts. These constitute the core of Wesley's doctrinal teachings upon which his own evangelical movement was founded. Following Wesley's own ordering, Dr. Outler begins with the familiar Sermons on Several Occasions, which present Wesley's basic teachings on salvation and form the bulk of the first two volumes in the series. Outler masterfully demonstrates the significance of all the subsequent sermons since they exhibit Wesley's entire approach to the Christian life. Each volume is rich with footnotes that include the identification of quotations, elucidation of references, the tracing of key themes, and vital background information on each sermon. Representing the culmination of twenty years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church.
Sermons Not Spoken
Neal A. Maxwell - 1985
Other times, a talk has been prepared for which there was neither occasion nor audience.Whether the author simply needed the spiritual calisthenics which go with such added preparation, it now matters not. These "Sermons Not Spoken" are here printed for audiences unseen, but with no less desire that somehow, for them, they will prove helpful.As always, it should be said that this is not an official Church publication. The views expressed herein are those for which the author alone is solely responsible.Genuine appreciation is expressed to Daniel H. Ludlow and Roy W. Doxey for their review of and suggestions concerning this manuscript and to Susan Jackson for processing, so patiently, the flow of words.
The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary
Paul J. Achtemeier - 1985
Here is everything you need to know to fully understand the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament. An unparalleled resource, The "HarperCollins Bible Dictionary" explains every aspect of the Bible, including biblical archaeology, culture, related writings such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bible's influence on Western civilization, biblical history, theological concepts, modern biblical interpretations, flora nad fauna, climate and environment, crafts and industry, the content of individual books of the bible, and more.The "HarperCollins Bible Dictionary" features:- Contributions by 193 noted experts on the Bible and the ancient Near East- More than 3700 entries covering the Bible from A to Z- Outlines for each book of the Bible- 590 black-and-white photographs- 53 color photographs- An updated pronunciation guide- 72 black-and-white maps- 18 color maps- Dozens of drawings, diagrams, and tables
The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: On Our Lady (Volume II)
Francis de Sales - 1985
These 13 sermons, preached by that great yet gentle Doctor of the Church, St. Francis de Sales, were remembered and carefully written down by the Visitation Nuns to whom he spoke. The many beautiful Catholic insights in these sermons give a new and fresh perspective on the Christian virtues, leading the soul to a renewed resolution to follow Our Lady's example in the pursuit of that holiness which binds the Christian ever closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: On Prayer (Volume I)
Francis de Sales - 1985
Francis de Sales, is known throughout the Catholic world for his great gentleness and understanding of the human soul. During his lifetime, he converted and guided innumerable souls and reconverted thousands from Calvinism back to the Catholic Faith. Here St. Francis de Sales shows how prayer is the key to all holiness. In simple words and colorful imagery he explains the profoundest secrets of sanctity. He often quotes the words of Sacred Scripture, pointing out their hidden meaning as applied to the value and practice of prayer.
Questions and Answers: Fundamentals of the Esoteric Sciences
Manly P. Hall - 1985
Hall addresses a compendium of questions presented to him over a period of many years. His knowledge earned through extensive research of the Ancient Wisdom teachings enables him to give concise answers to reasonable doubts concerning creation, consciousness, miracles, death and after, mystical experiences, the fall of man, suicide, diet, the cabala, and more.
The Hymnal 1982: Basic Singers
Church Publishing - 1985
The normative edition for all who sing - choir and congregation alike - containing all hymns and service music.
Voice of the Voiceless: The Four Pastoral Letters and Other Statements
Oscar A. Romero - 1985
Offers brief profiles of a Salvadoran archbishop who had worked on behalf of the poor until his assassination, and shares his writings about the Church and its history and mission.
The Art of Biblical Poetry
Robert Alter - 1985
Continuing his explorations of the art of the Bible, Robert Alter provides an interpretation of the poetry of the Old Testament and an account of how biblical poetry works.
He Came Preaching Peace
John Howard Yoder - 1985
2:17). This collection of short, accessible studies of key biblical texts provides a wonderful point of entry into Yoder’s more difficult theological writings; it can also serve as a guide for a small group Bible study on the theme of Christian peaceableness.
Adrienne von Speyr - 1985
She discusses the moral and practical aspects of the sacrament in great depth. Some of the many areas covered include conversion, scruples, contrition, spiritual direction, laxity, frequency of confession, the confessions of religious and lay people, even the confessions of saints. One of the most complete spiritual treatises ever written on confession.
The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations
Howard Thurman - 1985
Features include the poem, "The Work of Christmas," "When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone...The Work of Christmas begins..."; and "I Will Light Candles This Christmas," "Candles of joy, despite all sadness, Candles of hope where despair keeps watch. Candles of courage for fears ever present, Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days...""I know that the experiences of unity in human relations are more compelling than the concepts, the fears, the prejudices, which divide. Despite the tendency to feel my race superior, my nation the greatest nation, my faith the true faith, I must beat down the boundaries of my exclusiveness until my sense of separateness is completely enveloped in a sense of fellowship. I will light the candle of fellowship this Christmas, a candle that must burn all the year long." - The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations by Howard Thurman
The Book for Children
Kenneth N. Taylor - 1985
Taylor. More than 170 stories, most of which have classic, full-color illustrations by Richard and Frances Hook, cover the entire message of the Bible. Stories will introduce children to God and his Word, teach about Jesus and God's people, and show how to love and obey God. A simple plan of salvation will help parents explain how to become a Christian. By reading five stories a week, a child will finish the Old Testament in five to six months and the New Testament in less than three months.
On the Invocation of the Name of Jesus
Lev Gillet - 1985
In the Orthodox Church it is known under the name of the "Jesus Prayer" and it is widely practiced, not only in monasteries -- for example, on Mount Sinai and Mount Athos -- but by lay people as well. The invocation of the Holy Name, however, has also been used by many generations of Western Christians. This form of prayer has a universal appeal -- to Orthodox and Romans, to Anglicans and Protestants, to all kinds of Christians of both Eastern and Western traditions.
The Works of John Wesley Vol 2: Sermons II (34-70)
John Wesley - 1985
This volume contains sermons 34-70 from Sermons on Several Occasions.Of all the genres in Wesley's prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. Outler's introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley. From this he ably sets the stage for a fuller understanding and appreciation of a major Christian heritage, a heritage which can at last be seen as a whole against the background of its sources.The four volumes contain 151 sermons, including a number recovered from Wesley's manuscripts. These constitute the core of Wesley's doctrinal teachings upon which his own evangelical movement was founded. Following Wesley's own ordering, Dr. Outler begins with the familiar Sermons on Several Occasions, which present Wesley's basic teachings on salvation and form the bulk of the first two volumes in the series. Outler masterfully demonstrates the significance of all the subsequent sermons since they exhibit Wesley's entire approach to the Christian life. Each volume is rich with footnotes that include the identification of quotations, elucidation of references, the tracing of key themes, and vital background information on each sermon. Representing the culmination of twenty years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church.
Fidel & Religion: Conversations with Frei Betto on Marxism & Liberation Theology
Fidel Castro - 1985
The talk is informal and far-ranging, and Betto's questions are often provocative (‘Does Cuba export revolution?’).”—Publishers WeeklyThe product of an intimate 23-hour dialogue between Fidel Castro and Brazilian liberation theologist Frei Betto, this was a Simon & Schuster bestseller in the 1980s. Here Castro speaks candidly about his views on religion and his education in elite Catholic colleges, offering an insight into the man behind the beard.Features a new translation and a unique selection of photos of Fidel as a boy.
Islamic Spirituality I: Foundations
Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1985
This book discusses the foundations of Sufism, including the Qur’an, the Hadith, pilgrimage, and prayer, as well as a study of the rise of Islam. The companion book Islamic Spirituality: Manifestations delves more deeply into the different ways that Sufism is lived out around the world, with attention to the various sects and their writings.
Fresh Bread
Joyce Rupp - 1985
A collection of prose, poetry and prayer to help readers reflect upon and rejoice in the world around them.
African American Religious History: A Documentary Witness
Milton C. Sernett - 1985
The documents—many of them rare, out-of-print, or difficult to find—include personal narratives, sermons, letters, protest pamphlets, early denominational histories, journalistic accounts, and theological statements. In this volume Olaudah Equiano describes Ibo religion. Lemuel Haynes gives a black Puritan’s farewell. Nat Turner confesses. Jarena Lee becomes a female preacher among the African Methodists. Frederick Douglass discusses Christianity and slavery. Isaac Lane preaches among the freedmen. Nannie Helen Burroughs reports on the work of Baptist women. African Methodist bishops deliberate on the Great Migration. Bishop C. H. Mason tells of the Pentecostal experience. Mahalia Jackson recalls the glory of singing at the 1963 March on Washington. Martin Luther King, Jr. writes from the Birmingham jail. Originally published in 1985, this expanded second edition includes new sources on women, African missions, and the Great Migration. Milton C. Sernett provides a general introduction as well as historical context and comment for each document.
Handmaid of the Lord
Adrienne von Speyr - 1985
She shows how Mary's assent to God's will, as personified in her fiat, "let it be done to me according to thy word", is what defines and sanctifies every aspect of her life. New insights into Mary's holiness, suffering, prayer, and her role of spiritual motherhood for all mankind.
My Life for the Poor: Mother Teresa of Calcutta
José Luis González-Balado - 1985
In this inspiring book, one of the world's most famous women tells her own story: her childhood, her family, and her early years in Albania; her work and religious training as a nun; her years teaching in India; her call to leave her order to serve the poor; the establishment of her Missionaries of Charity; and the growth of her order, including their life together and the work they have done.
Praying Shapes Believing: A Theological Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer
Leonel L. Mitchell - 1985
This in-depth look at The Book of Common Prayer systematically gives a theological answer to the question, What does it mean that we act and speak these particular words of liturgy?
The Supreme Sign: Observations Of A Traveller Questioning Creation Concerning His Maker
Bediüzzaman Said Nursî - 1985
Future Poetry
Sri Aurobindo - 1985
Not content simply with dissolution into a transcendental, other-worldly God-consciousness, nor with concentration on the outer life and its powers to the exclusion of anything other or higher, Sri Aurobindo has created the teachings of a Divine Life on Earth.The poetry of the future will be unlike that of the past in one very important circumstance, that in whatever languages it may be written, it will be more and more moved by the common mind and motives of all the human peoples.
The Oxford Book of Prayer
George Appleton - 1985
It includes Christian prayers from the Bible and from the saints and mystics of the past, as well as prayers from Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Iranian, Shinto, Classical Greek and Latin, native American, and Bah�'� religions, and also contemporary prayers from different parts of the world. The cooperation of many advisers has ensured that the choice of prayers is ecumenical in the widest sense of the word.The prayers are arranged under headings such as Prayers from the Scriptures, Prayers of Christians, personal and occasional, Prayers of the Church, and Prayers from other traditions of faith, but there is also a subject index to guide the user to prayers for particular occasions, and an index of authors and sources. The book may thus be used for browsing or for more structured prayer, for private meditation or for public worship.
Questions to a Zen Master: Political and Spiritual Answers from the Great Japanese Master
Taisen Deshimaru - 1985
True religion is the highest Way, the absolute Way: zazen."Here, Deshimaru, the author of True Zen, offers practical suggestions for developing unitary mind-body consciousness through the principles of zazen (translated literally as "seated meditation"). Advice is given on posture, breathing, and concentration, and concepts such as karma and satori are clearly explained.
Living Water: Daily Readings With St. Teresa Of Avila
Teresa de Jesús - 1985
The New World
Frederick Turner - 1985
2376.Originally published in 1985.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Without God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America
James C. Turner - 1985
But atheism emerged as a viable alternative to other ideologies. How and why it became possible is the subject of this cultural revolution.
Sustaining and Defending the Faith
Joseph Fielding McConkie - 1985
Theologians Under Hitler
Robert P. Ericksen - 1985
Ericksen examines the work and attitudes of three distinguished, scholarly, and influential theologians who greeted the rise of Hitler with enthusiasm and support. In so doing, he shows how National Socialism could appeal to well-meaning and intelligent people in Germany and why the German university and church were so silent about the excesses and evil that confronted them. "This book is stimulating and thought-provoking....The issues it raises range well beyond the confines of the case-studies of the three theologians examined and have relevance outside the particular context of Hitler's Germany....That the book compels the reader to rethink some important questions about the susceptibility of intelligent human beings to as distasteful a phenomenon as fascism is an important achievement."—Ian Kershaw, History Today"Ericksen's study...throws light on the kinds of perversion to which Christian beliefs and attitudes are easily susceptible, and is therefore timely and useful."—Gordon D. Kaufman, Los Angeles Times "An understanding and carefully documented study."—Ernst C. Helmreich, American Historical Review"This dark book poses a number of social, economic and cultural questions that one has to answer before condemning Kittel, Althaus and Hirsch."—William Griffin, Publishers Weekly"A highly competent, well written book."—Tim Bradshaw, Churchman
Epistles of Maimonides: Crisis and Leadership
Maimonides - 1985
These letters represent Maimonide’s response to three issues critical to Jews in his day and ours; religious persecution, the claims of Christianity and Islam and rational philosophy’s challenge to faith.
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures--The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text: Torah Nevi’im Kethuvim
Anonymous - 1985
No markings. Pages are clean and bright.
Jesus, Teacher and Healer: From White Eagle's Teaching
White Eagle - 1985
This work discusses Jesus as a spiritual being, the working of divine law, the sayings and parables of Jesus, and his teaching. It looks at the age to which Jesus' teaching is leading - the Aquarian Age.