Best of
Man & Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Pope John Paul II - 1985
A Preface by Cardinal Schönborn, a Foreword by Christopher West, a comprehensive index of words and phrases, a Scriptural index, and a reference table for other versions of the papal texts are included. Recipient of a CPA Award!
Romans: Exposition of Chapter 1 - The Gospel of God
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1985
To few chapters did Dr. Lloyd-Jones give more thought or more emphasis. He viewed it as the supreme demonstration of the necessity for the gospel, the announcement of divine truths worthy of the attention of the whole world
Open Letter to Confused Catholics
Marcel Lefebvre - 1985
Covers the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc., and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands; certain to become a classic.
The Eucharist: Sacrament of the Kingdom
Alexander Schmemann - 1985
The crowning achievement of Fr Schmemann's work, reflecting his entire life experience as well as his thoughts on the Divine Liturgy.
The Hungering Dark
Frederick Buechner - 1985
The Hungering Dark towers as one of Fredrick Buechner's best statements on contemporary belief challenged by doubt.Drawing on texts from the Old and New Testaments, The Hungering Dark invites us to discover the hidden face of God, the manifestation of his grace, revealed in stillness, in unexpected places, often "through a glass, darkly." It invites us to say yes to "the possibility of God", and to recover "this fantastic hope that the future belongs to God...that holiness will return to our world."
Whatever Happened to Worship?: A Call to True Worship
A.W. Tozer - 1985
Our entire life and attitudes must be directed toward worship of God if we are to fulfill God's design for creation.
Ratzinger Report: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church
Benedict XVI - 1985
Cardinal Ratzinger speaks candidly and forcefully about the challenges of the Church in the Post-Vatican II era.Here is the complete text of a meeting many have called a "historical turnabout" in the Church. The roots of the crisis that has troubled Catholics in the twenty years since the Council are analyzed with forthright clarity by one of the most authoritative voices in the Vatican. This is a clear and uncompromising report on the dangers that threaten the Faith, from one who every day receives the most reliable information from every continent.Yet Ratzinger's observations are as hopeful and balanced as they are clear-sighted, forcefully re-affirming the immense and positive work of Vatican II, whose genuine fruits this book provides a guideline for achieving.
A Heart for God
Sinclair B. Ferguson - 1985
In a popular, readable style it draws us to an awareness of the character of God and the nature of His relationship to His people.In these pages, Sinclair B. Ferguson guides us, step-by-step, to see the greatness of God in His majesty and creating power; to sense the tenderness of His care and the marvel of His love. A Heart for God is 'practical, pastoral and profound' (J.I. Packer). It unfolds the grace of God with a simple clarity which should lead each reader to pray (with John Calvin, the reformer): 'I offer my heart to You, Lord, eagerly and earnestly.'
Commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism
Zacharias Ursinus - 1985
Ursinus, upon the Heidelberg Catechism, it is presumed no apology is necessary, at least as far as the German Reformed Church is concerned. Considering the character of Ursinus, his acknowledged ability, and relations to the whole Reformed interest it is a matter of great surprise, that some one has not IOllg since been. found to undertake the arduous and difficult task which we haye vel'y imperfectly accomplished. Many other works greatly inferior to this, have been favored with translations, whilst no pains have been spared to give them an extensive circulation, and yet no attempt has been made of lato years to place these lectures in the handd of the English roader. And what is stranger still, is the fact that the name of Ursinus himself, than. whom no one is more worthy of grateful and honorable recollection, is in a great measure unknown, We have, therefore, been led to undertake...
Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament and New Testament
John F. Walvoord - 1985
Now with updated contemporary covers, this classic series will reach a new generation of readers. With maps, charts, cross-references, bibliographies, book introductions, and helpful historical background, The Bible Knowledge Commentary Series addresses readers’ deepest questions as it draws them into the truth and power of Scripture.
How to Study the Bible
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1985
As such, studying the Bible is crucial to the life and growth of every believer.In this revised work, John MacArthur examines various Scripture passages in the Old and New Testament to answer both the “why” and the “how” questions of Bible study.How to Study the Bible can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study.Features revised content and study questions
The Christian Priest Today
Arthur Michael Ramsey - 1985
In this essential classic the Archbishop offers counsel on ordination and ministry in the life of the church.
The Works: Sermons 1-33 v. 1 (Sermons a)
John Wesley - 1985
It contains a detailed introduction as well as sermons 1-33 of Sermons on Several Occasions.Of all the genres in Wesley's prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. Outler's introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley. From this he ably sets the stage for a fuller understanding and appreciation of a major Christian heritage, a heritage which can at last be seen as a whole against the background of its sources. The four volumes contain 151 sermons, including a number recovered from Wesley's manuscripts. These constitute the core of Wesley's doctrinal teachings upon which his own evangelical movement was founded. Following Wesley's own ordering, Dr. Outler begins with the familiar Sermons on Several Occasions, which present Wesley's basic teachings on salvation and form the bulk of the first two volumes in the series. Outler masterfully demonstrates the significance of all the subsequent sermons since they exhibit Wesley's entire approach to the Christian life. Each volume is rich with footnotes that include the identification of quotations, elucidation of references, the tracing of key themes, and vital background information on each sermon. Representing the culmination of twenty years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church.
Vision for Missions
Tom Wells - 1985
Human need is not the starting place. The gospel is a call to know and worship God.
The Works of John Wesley Vol 2: Sermons II (34-70)
John Wesley - 1985
This volume contains sermons 34-70 from Sermons on Several Occasions.Of all the genres in Wesley's prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. Outler's introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley. From this he ably sets the stage for a fuller understanding and appreciation of a major Christian heritage, a heritage which can at last be seen as a whole against the background of its sources.The four volumes contain 151 sermons, including a number recovered from Wesley's manuscripts. These constitute the core of Wesley's doctrinal teachings upon which his own evangelical movement was founded. Following Wesley's own ordering, Dr. Outler begins with the familiar Sermons on Several Occasions, which present Wesley's basic teachings on salvation and form the bulk of the first two volumes in the series. Outler masterfully demonstrates the significance of all the subsequent sermons since they exhibit Wesley's entire approach to the Christian life. Each volume is rich with footnotes that include the identification of quotations, elucidation of references, the tracing of key themes, and vital background information on each sermon. Representing the culmination of twenty years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament: Abridged in One Volume
Gerhard Kittel - 1985
Focusing on the theological meaning of each word, the abridgment contains English keywords for each entry, tables of English and Greek keywords, and a listing of the relevant volume and page numbers from the unabridged work at the end of each article or section.
He Came Preaching Peace
John Howard Yoder - 1985
2:17). This collection of short, accessible studies of key biblical texts provides a wonderful point of entry into Yoder’s more difficult theological writings; it can also serve as a guide for a small group Bible study on the theme of Christian peaceableness.
Lazarus, Come Forth!: Meditations of a Christian Esotericist on the Mysteries of the Raising of Lazarus, the Ten Commandments, the Three Kingdoms & the Breath of Life
Valentin Tomberg - 1985
The power of these meditations is that they reflect the author's personal spiritual journey into the depths of God's kingdom within--within the soul, within personal relationships, within nature and the cosmos. Part one of
Lazarus, Come Forth!
--"The Miracle of Raising Lazarus in World History"--looks at an encounter with the Father through the miracles of Creation and the Fall and through Moses and the Old Testament Covenant and the Ten Commandments. Part two, "The Ten Commandments: The Revelation on Mt. Sinai," is a meditation on the seven miracles of Christ as described in the Gospel of St. John, culminating in the raising of Lazarus, the miracle of being raised from forgetfulness, sleep, and death to remembrance, wakefulness, and resurrection. Lazarus thus becomes a paradigm for understanding the spiritual and cultural history of humanity. In part three, "Thy Kingdom Come: The Three Kingdoms of Nature, Humanity, and God," we consider the encounter with the Holy Spirit and living out the life of Christ through the Church. We are asked to reflect on the three kingdoms of God, humankind, and nature, which give natural order and meaning to the Christian life.The union of love and prayer in the Spirit is the focus of the first section of part four, "The Breath of Life," in which we are invited to see our natural breathing as breathing the breath of God. And part four ends with "Natural and Supernatural Images of the Holy Trinity," which discusses the message of the starry heaven at night, the message of the setting Sun, and the message of the birth of a new day. This volume should not be missed by anyone with a serious interest in esoteric Christianity or who merely wishes to go more deeply into the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. A previous edition of this work was titled Covenant of the Heart. It is a translation of Lazarus, komm heraus. The translation has been fully revised.
Maximus the Confessor: Selected Writings
St. Maximus the Confessor - 1985
During the seventh century when the monothelite heresy (belief that Christ had only one will-----a divine one) plagued the Church, Maximus eloquently demonstrated that Christ had both human and divine natures. Writing in the introduction to this volume Jaroslav Pelikan highlights the relevance of Maximus' writings for today: "It was the genius of Maximus Confessor that, in a measure that has been granted only to a few, he was fully bilingual, affirming by means of negation and speaking both the language of spirituality and the language of theology with equal fluency. From the looks of things within both Western and Eastern Christendom-------and beyond------that gift of being bilingual is one that people of faith will need more than ever in the years to come."
Life Out of Death: Meditations on the Paschal Mystery
Hans Urs von Balthasar - 1985
They are self-evident and at the same time cannot be grasped by reason alone - they are ordinary, and yet so incredible. In these meditations, the acclaimed theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar investigates this great mystery. He asks about the contradiction, inherent in all men, of wishing to achieve something imperishable in transitoriness and gives an answer culled from the Scriptures and from the Church Fathers.In looking at this contradiction that appears to be irreconcilable from a purely human perspective, Balthasar tries to find something in the human existence that the Christian solution can take up, for if there was nothing, one would not see how Christianity could connect to our existence at all. This starting-point becomes fully visible and effective only when the Christian interpretation itself becomes evident, otherwise it remains open to dangerous misinterpretations.The emphasis lies in the word mystery. The reader must meditate on these profound ideas which are demanding both in language and contents - then the reading will inspire him with insights and prospects that will, while not resolving the paradox that everything earthly is inscribed on the sand of transitoriness, will anchor it in the Christian faith, which claims that man is eternal and that God himself became man in the person of Jesus Christ to help us attain to that eternal life.
Adrienne von Speyr - 1985
She discusses the moral and practical aspects of the sacrament in great depth. Some of the many areas covered include conversion, scruples, contrition, spiritual direction, laxity, frequency of confession, the confessions of religious and lay people, even the confessions of saints. One of the most complete spiritual treatises ever written on confession.
Living Water: Daily Readings With St. Teresa Of Avila
Teresa de Jesús - 1985
On the Invocation of the Name of Jesus
Lev Gillet - 1985
In the Orthodox Church it is known under the name of the "Jesus Prayer" and it is widely practiced, not only in monasteries -- for example, on Mount Sinai and Mount Athos -- but by lay people as well. The invocation of the Holy Name, however, has also been used by many generations of Western Christians. This form of prayer has a universal appeal -- to Orthodox and Romans, to Anglicans and Protestants, to all kinds of Christians of both Eastern and Western traditions.
Arminius: A Study In The Dutch Reformation
Carl Bangs - 1985
It is a complete research, a must for any scholar or lay reader interested in the life, background and theology of one the greatest Dutch thinkers that ever lived.
Principles of Union with Christ
Charles Grandison Finney - 1985
FinneyThough Charles Finney is most often associated with evangelism and revival, his heart yearned over the Christian who, though forgiven of past sins, still lived in bondage to sinful habits.L.G. Parkhurst has carefully selected thirty brief but powerful readings from Finney, showing how freedom comes to a Christian only through a relationship with Christ.Chapter titles include:• Jesus My King• Jesus My All in All• Jesus My Strength• Jesus My Hope• Christ My RockThis new book is similar in format to Finney's Principles of Prayer, also edited by Parkhurst.
The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations
Howard Thurman - 1985
Features include the poem, "The Work of Christmas," "When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone...The Work of Christmas begins..."; and "I Will Light Candles This Christmas," "Candles of joy, despite all sadness, Candles of hope where despair keeps watch. Candles of courage for fears ever present, Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days...""I know that the experiences of unity in human relations are more compelling than the concepts, the fears, the prejudices, which divide. Despite the tendency to feel my race superior, my nation the greatest nation, my faith the true faith, I must beat down the boundaries of my exclusiveness until my sense of separateness is completely enveloped in a sense of fellowship. I will light the candle of fellowship this Christmas, a candle that must burn all the year long." - The Mood of Christmas & Other Celebrations by Howard Thurman
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with Psalms and Proverbs
Anonymous - 1985
Biblical Studies, Religious Studies
The Parables of the Kingdom
Robert Farrar Capon - 1985
Offering a fresh look at these parables in the light of their entire gospel and biblical context, Capon elucidates Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God.
The Trinity (Trinity Paper, #8)
Gordon H. Clark - 1985
Dr. Clark, who never attended seminary but taught at several, clearly explains the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing it from Scripture, and comparing Scripture to what theologians have said through the centuries. He offers his own contribution to the doctrine by suggesting a definition of "person," something no church council had bothered to do. The sole authority in this discussion is the Word of God, and the pronouncements of all councils and creeds are judged by that authority. This is perhaps the best book that has yet been written on the Trinity.Contents: Introduction; Preliminary Scripture; Sabellianism; The Deity of Christ; Athanasius; Three Intermediates; More on Terminology; Augustine; The Athanasian Creed; The Incomprehensibility of God; Hodge and Berkhof; Bavinck and Van Til; Individuation; Eternal Generation; Philosophical Elucidations; The Holy Spirit; Index; Scripture Index.
Challenge to the Church: A Theological Comment on the Political Crisis in South Africa: The Kairos Document
The Kairos Theologians - 1985
The Messiah in the Old Testament in the light of Rabbinical writings
Risto Santala - 1985
It is the first study written in modern Hebrew by a gentile scholar. ... The writer is stepping into the lion's den of the Rabbis and into the fiery furnace of the liberal theologians. But he hopes that others will follow him and promote a similar dialogue in the spirit of tolerance and spiritual democracy." (back cover of book)
Be My Witnesses: The Church's Mission, Message, and Messengers
Darrell L. Guder - 1985
What is the church's mission in the world? What message does it proclaim, and who is to proclaim it? The mission, says Darrell Guder in this book, is to complete the work of salvation that God began in the incarnation of his son Jesus Christ. The message is the gospel — the good news of the incarnate Christ. And the messengers are the Body of Christ — the church — who have been called to be his witnesses. Only as we understand Christ's incarnation and the church's role in proclaiming its meaning, according to Guder, can we understand our calling to be witnesses of God's salvation. Written out of Guder's wide-ranging experience as a minister and professor in the United States and Europe, and especially his work with the Fuller Seminary Institute of Youth Ministries and with Young Life, this book will challenge students and educated laypersons to grapple with serious theology about the church as it relates to what Christians are doing daily about their faith.
Handmaid of the Lord
Adrienne von Speyr - 1985
She shows how Mary's assent to God's will, as personified in her fiat, "let it be done to me according to thy word", is what defines and sanctifies every aspect of her life. New insights into Mary's holiness, suffering, prayer, and her role of spiritual motherhood for all mankind.
The Believer's Secret of Living Like Christ
Andrew Murray - 1985
Andrew Murray provides us with a month of classic devotional readings about reflecting the image of Jesus in the world.
Voice of the Voiceless: The Four Pastoral Letters and Other Statements
Oscar A. Romero - 1985
Offers brief profiles of a Salvadoran archbishop who had worked on behalf of the poor until his assassination, and shares his writings about the Church and its history and mission.
The Sovereign Spirit: Discerning His Gifts
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1985
The Travail of Nature
H. Paul Santmire - 1985
This is why it is appropriate to speak of the ambiguous ecological promises of Christian theology.
John Ruusbroec: The Spiritual Espousals, the Sparkling Stones, and Other Works
Jan van Ruusbroec - 1985
The Christian Century John Ruusbroec: The Spiritual Espousals, The Sparkling Stones, and Other Works translated and introduced by James A. Wiseman, O.S.B. preface by Louis Dupre God's interior stirring and touch make us hunger and strive, for the Spirit of God is pursuing our spirit. The more there is of the touch, the more there is of the hunger and striving. This is a life of love at the highest level of its activity. John Ruusbroec (1293-1381) The fourteenth century in Europe has been called the age of adversity. It was a time when medieval society was racked by the Hundred Years' War, the Black Death, and peasant turmoil of the age, saw the decline of its mendicant orders, the Babylonian Captivity of the papacy in Avignon, and the rise of wide-ranging heretical movements such as the Free Spirit heresy that disparaged the Church and its sacraments in favor of an immediate experience of God. In this context John Ruusbroec (1293-1381) lived as a monk in the duchy of Brabant and produced a corpus of works on the spiritual life that has made him the most important Flemish mystic in an age of such greats as John Tauler, Julian of Norwich, and Birgitta of Sweden. For the first time in English, four of Ruusbroec's most influential writings have been collected in one volume: The Spiritual Espousals, A Mirror of Eternal Blessedness, The Little Book of Clarification, and The Sparkling Stone. This new translation by James Wiseman offers a fresh, contemporary rendering of Ruusbroec's brilliant discourses that caused Abbot Cuthbert Butler to comment that in all probability...there has been no greater contemplative; and certainly there has been no greater mystical writer. +
The Resurrection And Modern Man
Patriarch of Antioch Ignatius IV - 1985
This awareness "should lead us, in our inter-Church relations, to recenter everything on the Church as the great sacrament, and to search for ways to overcome the divisions which still exist in our communion of faith."
A Way of Working: The Spiritual Dimension of Craft
D.M. Dooling - 1985
Craft is considered as a "sort of ark" for the transmission of real knowledge about being, and about our deep creative aspirations. The book includes contributions from D. M. Dooling, Joseph Cary, Paul Jordan-Smith, Michael Donner, Harry Remde, Jean Kinkead Martine, Jean Sulzberger, Chanit Roston, and P. L. Travers. This group of authors write not as individuals but as members of a community — a guild effort. As one chapter heading put it: the alchemy of craft.
Mary: A History of Doctrine and Devotion
Hilda Graef - 1985
Thomas A. Thompson, S.M. It remains an essential reference text for anyone interested in Marian studies.
Beyond Doubt: Faith-Building Devotions on Questions Christians Ask
Cornelius Plantinga Jr. - 1985
comes this book of flesh-and-blood Christian meditations with a theological spine.Building on the success of two earlier editions and now splendidly updated, Beyond Doubt unpacks the deep truths of the Christian faith by raising basic questions like What is God like? Why pray? What is the shape of the godly life? If the Lord is with us, why do we suffer? How do we face death?Plantinga addresses such questions through short, vivid meditations, all written in the graceful, polished prose that he is celebrated for. Thoughtful and challenging throughout, the meditations each start with a Bible verse and end with a brief edifying prayer.
Letters of Francis A. Schaeffer: Spiritual Reality in the Personal Christian Life
Francis A. Schaeffer - 1985
Schaeffer's work comes shining through so clearly. Each of us will find here something of ourselves, our frailty and our human need, but also something of what we might become through the transforming presence of Jesus Christ in our lives.
Diversity And Communion
Yves Congar - 1985
Strasberg's Method as Taught by Lorrie Hull: A Practical Guide for Actors, Teachers, and Directors
S. Loraine Hull - 1985
Authors: Loraine S.; Foreward By Susan Strasberg HullPublisher: Ox Bow PrKeywords: hull, lorrie, taught, method, strasbergPages: 358Published: 1985-09Language: EnglishCategory: Reference, Performing Arts, Arts & Photography,ISBN-10: 0918024390 ISBN-13: 9780918024398Binding: PaperbackList Price: 25.00 USD
God's Fierce Whimsy: Christian Feminism and Theological Education
Mud Flower Collective - 1985
Here is the written record of seven feminists' commitment to practice what they preach.
Lonergan and Spirituality: Towards a Spiritual Integration
Tad Dunne - 1985
Theologians Under Hitler
Robert P. Ericksen - 1985
Ericksen examines the work and attitudes of three distinguished, scholarly, and influential theologians who greeted the rise of Hitler with enthusiasm and support. In so doing, he shows how National Socialism could appeal to well-meaning and intelligent people in Germany and why the German university and church were so silent about the excesses and evil that confronted them. "This book is stimulating and thought-provoking....The issues it raises range well beyond the confines of the case-studies of the three theologians examined and have relevance outside the particular context of Hitler's Germany....That the book compels the reader to rethink some important questions about the susceptibility of intelligent human beings to as distasteful a phenomenon as fascism is an important achievement."—Ian Kershaw, History Today"Ericksen's study...throws light on the kinds of perversion to which Christian beliefs and attitudes are easily susceptible, and is therefore timely and useful."—Gordon D. Kaufman, Los Angeles Times "An understanding and carefully documented study."—Ernst C. Helmreich, American Historical Review"This dark book poses a number of social, economic and cultural questions that one has to answer before condemning Kittel, Althaus and Hirsch."—William Griffin, Publishers Weekly"A highly competent, well written book."—Tim Bradshaw, Churchman
Israel's Holy Days in Type and Prophecy
Daniel Fuchs - 1985
In this concise presentation the author examines the seven annual sacred feasts of Jerusalem -- their history, present celebration, and prophetic fulfillment.
The End Of The Ages Has Come: An Early Interpretation Of The Passion And Resurrection Of Jesus
Dale C. Allison Jr. - 1985
Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition
Jordan Aumann - 1985
The well-known author gives a complete overview and history of Catholic spirituality from the Apostles to the present day.
Christian Origins
Christopher C. Rowland - 1985
An account of the beginnings of the Christian movement: a third of it on the Judaism of the first century, a third on Jesus, and a third on Paul and the development from messianic sect to Christian religion.
Metaphor and Religious Language
Janet Martin Soskice - 1985
The author argues that what is needed is not a more literal theology, but a better understanding of metaphor. Soskice offers here an account of metaphor and religious language that not only illuminates the way in which theists speak of God, but also contributes to our understanding of the workings of metaphor in scientific theory and other disciplines.