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The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding: The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised
Arnold Schwarzenegger - 1985
Plus, all the features that have made this book a classic are here: -Arnold's tried-and-true tips for sculpting, strengthening, and defining each and every muscle to create the ultimate buff physique -The most effective methods of strength training to stilt your needs, whether you're an amateur athlete or a pro bodybuilder preparing for a competition -Comprehensive information on health, nutrition, and dietary supplements to help you build muscle, lose fat, and maintain optimum energy -Expert advice on the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries -Strategies and tactics for competitive bodybuilders from selecting poses to handling publicity -The fascinating history and growth of bodybuilding as a sport, with a photographic “Bodybuilding Hall of Fame” -And, of course, Arnold's individual brand of inspiration and motivation throughout Covering every level of expertise and experience, The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding will help you achieve your personal best. With his unique perspective as a seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title and all international film star, Arnold shares his secrets to dedication, training, and commitment, and shows you how to take control of your body and realize your own potential for greatness.
The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Nonsmokers Using the Easyway Method
Allen Carr - 1985
Allen Carr’s innovative Easyway method—which he discovered after his own 100-cigarette-a-day habit nearly drove him to despair—has helped millions kick smoking without feeling anxious and deprived. That’s because he helps smokers discover the psychological reasons behind their dependency, explains in detail how to handle the withdrawal symptoms, shows them how to avoid situations when temptation might become too strong, and enables them to stay smoke-free. Carr discusses such issues as nicotine addiction; the social “brainwashing” that encourages smoking; the false belief that a cigarette relieves stress; the role boredom plays in sabotaging efforts to stop; and the main reasons for failure. With this proven program, smokers will be throwing away their packs for good.
Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
Susun S. Weed - 1985
A confirmed favorite with pregnant women, midwives, childbirth educators, and new parents. Packed with clear, comforting, and superbly helpful information.Beginning with the two months before pregnancy, herbs are enlisted to provide safe, effective birth control, or to help ensure pregnancy, even in the most difficult of situations. A special list of teratogens, including herbs to avoid before pregnancy, is included, as is a section on herbs to improve the father's fertility and reduce the risk of birth defects.Once pregnancy has occurred, herbs are safe and beneficial allies in reducing the distress of pregnancy, including hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, morning sickness, emotional changes, anemia, muscle cramps, bladder infections, and preclampsia. Tasty recipes and clear directions make use easy and fun.Herbs take a starring role in labor and delivery -- whether initiating labor, increasing energy, diminishing pain, or staunching postpartum bleeding -- and in postpartum care of the mother's perineum, breasts, and emotions, and the infants umbilicus, skin, scalp, digestive system, and immune system.Humorous, tender, and detailed, this classic text is supported by illustrations, references, resource lists, glossary, and index.Includes herbs for fertility and birth control. Foreword by Jeannine Parvati Baker.
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
Robert O. Becker - 1985
Becker, M.D., a pioneer in the field of bioelectric science, presents a fascinating look at the role electricity plays in healing, challenging the traditional mechanistic model of the body. Colorful and controversial, this is a tale of engrossing research, scientific and medical politics, and breakthrough discoveries that offer new possibilities for fighting disease and harnessing the body's healing powers.
The Potent Self: A Guide to Spontaneity
Moshé Feldenkrais - 1985
This monumental, foundational book fully explains the theory behind the author's revolutionary techniques for improving the functions of the human motor system.
Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile Six Healing Sounds
Mantak Chia - 1985
The meditation technique of the Inner Smile teaches you how to get in touch with your inner organs, feel love for them and smile to them, so that stress and negative emotions are transformed into creativity, learning, healing and peak performance energy.Here is also the Taoist way of the Six Healing Sounds, which help to cool down the system, eliminate trapped energy, clean toxins out of the organs, and make it possible for organs to be in peak condition.Along with these ways, you are taught how to freely circulate your Chi energy throughout your Microcosmic Orbit. These are the Taoist foundations of true success, power and health.
Muscle Wars: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of Competitive Bodybuilding
Rick Wayne - 1985
The Great Tao
Stephen Thomas Chang - 1985
Happiness. Longevity. Wisdom. Spiritual evolution. The Great Tao, a thorough treatise on the philosophy of Taoism, is the only book that is filled with practical techniques for immediate life improvement. It is especially comprehensive concerning the knowledge of Herbology. Includes methods of self-diagnostics and easy utilization of miraculous healing herbal formulas and full illustrations of Accupressure healing are applied to oneself or others. In addition the truths behind evolution and immortality are revealed. Professionals, statesmen-everyone-everyone must have this life long reference book. Recipient of excellent reviews and testimonies throughout the years. This book also states the ingredients and importance of the herbal formulas along with their proper usage.
Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine
Jeanne Achterberg - 1985
In Imagery in Healing, Jeanne Achterberg brings together modern scientific research and the practices of the earliest healers to support her claim that imagery is the world's oldest and most powerful healing resource. The book has become a classic in the field of alternative medicine and continues to be read by new generations of health care professionals and lay people. In Imagery in Healing, Achterberg explores in detail the role of the imagination in the healing process. She begins with an exploration of the tradition of shamanism, "the medicine of the imagination," surveying this time-honored way of touching the nexus of the mind, body, and soul. She then traces the history of the use of imagery within Western medicine, including a look at contemporary examples of how health care professionals have drawn on the power of the imagination through such methods as hypnosis, biofeedback, and the placebo effect. Ultimately, Achterberg looks to the science of immunology to uncover the most effective ground for visualization, and she presents data demonstrating how imagery can have a direct and profound impact on the workings of the immune system. Drawing on art, science, history, anthropology, and medicine, Imagery in Healing offers a highly readable overview of the profound and complex relationship between the imagination and the body.
Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking: For Health, Harmony, and Peace
Aveline Kushi - 1985
. . . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . . creates our day-to-day health and happiness." -from The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health Even in medical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds of them now offer courses in complementary healing practices, including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution is macrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whose health benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate by researchers around the world. Now in this marvelous guide, they give us the basics of macrobiotic eating and living, and explain how to use this powerful source of healing to become healthier and happier, to prevent or relieve more than two hundred ailments, conditions, or disorders-both physical and psychological. This encyclopedic compendium of macrobiotic fundamentals, remedies, menus, and recipes takes into account the newest thinking and evolving practices within the macrobiotic community. The authors integrate all the information into a remarkable A to Z guide to macrobiotic healing-from AIDS, allergies, and arthritis, to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. They also clearly explain what we need to know to start eating a true macrobiotic diet that will provide us with a complete balance of energy and nutrients. Living as we all do in environmental and climactic circumstances that are largely outside our personal control, it is vital that we follow a healthy lifestyle, including a flexible diet that we can adjust to meet our own individual needs. The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health gives us precisely the tools and the understanding we need to achieve this goal. Use it to build a strong, active body and a cheerful, resourceful mind.
The Benham Book of Palmistry
William G. Benham - 1985
This is an older edition. Career Press updated this book in 2006 with Rita Robinson as editor. See new edition.
Chinese Tonic Herbs
Ron Teeguarden - 1985
It gives the fundamental principles of the oriental health philosophy and discusses the major tonic herbs, such as ginseng, licorice, cinnamon and red dates. In discussing each of the incredible herbs used in the Chinese tonic system, the author describes the properties of the herb both in traditional and modern terms. There are traditional tonic recipes, modern tonics, and advice on mixing.
Breastfeeding Matters: What We Need To Know About Infant Feeding
Maureen Minchin - 1985
Mind and tissue: Russian research perspectives on the human brain
Raymond Peat - 1985
Basic Macrobiotics
Herman Aihara - 1985
The roles of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are clearly presented in an easy-to-understand manner.
Amino Acids in Therapy: A Guide to the Therapeutic Application of Protein Constituents
Leon Chaitow - 1985
Includes information on: Amino acid profiles Why individual requirements differ Amino acids and protein Amino acids and the body cycles Disorders of amino acid metabolism Conditions suitable for amino acid therapy
The Destroying Angel: Sex, Fitness & Food in the Legacy of Degeneracy Theory: Graham Crackers, Kellogg's Corn Flakes & American Health History
John Money - 1985
A study of the historical genesis and present-day persistence of antisexualism in American healthcare and social/legal policy.
A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy-And the Medical Scandal It Caused
Michael Gold - 1985
On October 4, 1951, a young black woman named Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer. That is, most of Henrietta Lacks died. In a laboratory dish at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, a few cells taken from her fatal tumor continued to live--to thrive, in fact. For reasons unknown, her cells, code-named "HeLa," grew more vigorously than any other cells in culture at the time.Long-time science reporter Michael Gold describes in graphic detail how the errant HeLa cells spread, contaminating and overwhelming other cell cultures, sabotaging research projects, and eluding detection until they had managed to infiltrate scientific laboratories worldwide. He tracks the efforts of geneticist Walter Nelson-Rees to alert a sceptical scientific community to the rampant HeLa contamination. And he reconstructs Nelson-Rees's crusade to expose the embarrassing mistakes and bogus conclusions of researchers who unknowingly abetted HeLa's spread.
Collected Essays on Public Health & Epidemiology (2 volume set)
Rudolf Virchow - 1985
Light, Radiation, and You: How to Stay Healthy
John Nash Ott - 1985
Hoosier Home Remedies
Varro E. Tyler - 1985
Tyler has collected and transcribed some 750 folk remedies still alive in the memories of more than 175 Hoosier-area correspondents. The pharmacologist, who has thirty years of experience with natural-product remedies, fears these cures will soon be forgotten, since modern medicine usually writes them off as hoax, and those who practice them are becoming fewer and fewer. For Tyler, however, folk medicine is worthy of scientific research; after all, scientists discovered morphine from opium poppy, digoxin from foxglove, and ergotamine from ergot fungus by observing the efficacy of these ancient folk remedies. By suggesting further investigation of some remedies, warning readers against downright dangerous cures, and noting the constitutive ingredients of those proven effective, Tyler invites further illumination of this shady region between superstition and science while entertaining his reader with much fascinating medical tore. Hoosiers, folklore followers, physicians, and pharmacologists will appreciate the meticulous clarity of Tyler's scientific commentary on folk medicines.
Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine
Barry Halliwell - 1985
There is expanded coverage of isoprostanes and related compounds, mechanisms of oxidative damage to DNA and proteins (and the repair of such damage), the free radical theory of aging and the roles played by reactive species in signal transduction, cell death, human reproduction, and other important biological events. Greater emphasis has also been placed on the methods available to measure reactive species and oxidative damage (and their potential pitfalls), as well as the importance of antioxidants in the human diet.This book is recommended as a comprehensive introduction to the field for students, clinicians and researchers, and an invaluable companion to all those interested in the role of free radicals in the life and biomedical sciences.
Life Energy: Using the Meridians to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Emotions
John Diamond - 1985
This power, our LIFE ENERGY, specifically determines our mental and physical states. By showing you how to release this energy, Dr. John Diamond will teach you how to:Lead a more productive, creative, and happy life Achieve your fullest potential Deal positively with mental and physical stress Reduce negative emotional states (hatred, anger, jealousy, etc.) and increase positive emotions (love, faith, courage, etc.) Prevent and overcome illness and maintain good health Look younger as you learn to erase the lines of self-doubt and unhappiness from your faceDr. Diamond's approach to releasing LIFE ENERGY is based on his discovery that each of the twelve acupuncture meridians relates to a specific emotional state. By learning to assess these emotional states by using the simple muscle test described in this book, you can determine your present emotional state or anyone else's. By practicing the short daily meditational program, you will keep your emotions and meridians balanced so that you can achieve heightened LIFE ENERGY and maintain mental and physical well-being and harmony every day of your life.
The Use of the Self
Frederick Matthias Alexander - 1985
In his twenties, he became a professional reciter of dramatic pieces. After almost completely losing his voice, he pioneered a method of improving the “use” of his body musculature in all positions and movements, curing his vocal problems without medical aid. Alexander came to realize that most people stand, sit, and move in a defective manner and that the incorrect “use of the self” might be the cause of much human suffering. He moved to London and established a school, publishing several books and achieving international success. Alexander died in 1955, but his technique of mind and body re-education lives on through the work of the many teachers of his method. The Use of the Self is the foremost text on Alexander’s revolutionary technique.
Everyday Health Tips: 2000 Practical Hints for Better Health and Happiness
Prevention Magazine - 1985