Best of
J. California Cooper - 1990
In this wise, beguiling, beautiful novel set in the era of the Civil War, an award-winning playwright and author paints a haunting portrait of a woman named Always, born a slave, and four generations of her African-American family.
Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color
Gloria E. Anzaldúa - 1990
New thought and new dialogue: a book that will teach in the most multiple sense of that word: a book that will be of lasting value to many diverse communities of women as well as to students from those communities. The authors explore a full spectrum of present concerns in over seventy pieces that vary from writing by new talents to published pieces by Audre Lorde, Joy Harjo, Norma Alarcón and Trinh T. Minh-ha."At one level or another, all the work in the collection seeks to find ways to understand and articulate our multiple identities and senses of place….Making Face/Making Soul is an exciting collection of dynamic, important writings that all women of color and white feminists will learn from, enjoy, and return to again and again and again."—Sojourner"...the pieces are stunning in what they risk and reveal..."—The San Francisco Chronicle
We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change
Myles Horton - 1990
Throughout their highly personal conversations recorded here, Horton and Freire discuss the nature of social change and empowerment and their individual literacy campaigns. The ideas of these men developed through two very different channels: Horton's, from the Highlander Center, a small, independent residential education center situated outside the formal schooling system and the state; Freire's, from within university and state-sponsored programs. Myles Horton, who died in January 1990, was a major figure in the civil rights movement and founder of the Highlander Folk School, later the highlander Research and Education Center. Paulo Freire, author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, established the Popular Culture Movement in Recife, Brazil's poorest region, and later was named head of the New National Literacy Campaign until a military coup forced his exile from Brazil. He has been active in educational development programs worldwide. For both men, real liberation is achieved through popular participation. The themes they discuss illuminate problems faced by educators and activists around the world who are concerned with linking participatory education to the practice of liberation and social change. How could two men, working in such different social spaces and times, arrive at similar ideas and methods? These conversations answer that question in rich detail and engaging anecdotes, and show that, underlying the philosophy of both, is the idea that theory emanates from practice and that knowledge grows from and is a reflection of social experience.
Clifford Irving - 1990
A twisting, relentless thriller, Trial follows Texas lawyer Warren Blackburn as he defends two accused murderers in two separate cases. One of his clients is a former beauty queen and brazen owner of a topless nightclub, who shot her multimillionaire doctor lover - she claims - in self-defense; the other is a homeless illegal alien accused of killing a man for his wallet. Without warning, the two cases merge and become one, and Warren's entire life and career are threatened. William Safire in The New York Times called this "the novel of the year."
The Long Haul: An Autobiography
Myles Horton - 1990
A major catalyst for social change in the United States for more than 70 years, this school has touched the lives of so many people, including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Pete Seeger. Filled with disarmingly honest insight and gentle humor, The Long Haul is an inspiring hymn to the possibility of social change. It is the story of Myles Horton, in his own words: the wise and moving recollections of a man of uncommon determination and vision.
Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two
Allan Bérubé - 1990
Here is a dramatic story of these people, revealing the history of the anti-gay policy pursued by the U.S. military authorities in World War II. Two 8-page photo inserts.
Prayers of the Cosmos: Reflections on the Original Meaning of Jesus's Words
Neil Douglas-Klotz - 1990
Reinterpreting the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes from the vantage of Middle Eastern mysticism, Douglas-Klotz, the Sufi Founder of the worldwide network of the Dances of Universal Peace, reveals a mystical, feminist, cosmic Christ. Prayers of the Cosmos is a spiritual revelation—and in the words of Science of Mind, “When you read this book, you will have no further doubt that God loves you infinitely and unconditionally.”
Believer's Bible Commentary
William MacDonald - 1990
The Believer's Bible Commentary is a friendly guide to exploring the deeper meanings of every biblical book.Features:Nelson's best-selling Bible commentaryBalanced approach to linguistic studies and useful applicationEasy to understand
Yearning: Race, Gender, and Cultural Politics
bell hooks - 1990
She values postmodernism's insights while warning that the fashionable infatuation with "discourse" about "difference" is dangerously detachable from the struggle we must all wage against racism, sexism, and cultural imperialism.
Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: How to Maintain, Repair and Improve Your Boat's Essential Systems
Nigel Calder - 1990
Written in a simple, accessible style, the Manual is aimed at helping the nonexpert solve problems in marine systems--think of it as a friendly mechanic. Author Nigel Calder explains how the systems work, helps you troubleshoot and identify problems, and presents clear and concise instructions on how to repair them. Best of all, Calder also offers helpful advice on how to prevent future system failure. Absolutely indispensable for boat owners. --M. Stein
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature
Donna J. Haraway - 1990
Although on the surface, simians, cyborgs and women may seem an odd threesome, Haraway describes their profound link as creatures which have had a great destabilizing place in Western evolutionary technology and biology. Throughout this book, Haraway analyzes accounts, narratives, and stories of the creation of nature, living organisms, and cyborgs. At once a social reality and a science fiction, the cyborg--a hybrid of organism and machine--represents transgressed boundaries and intense fusions of the nature/culture split. By providing an escape from rigid dualisms, the cyborg exists in a post-gender world, and as such holds immense possibilities for modern feminists. Haraway's recent book, Primate Visions, has been called outstanding, original, and brilliant, by leading scholars in the field. (First published in 1991.)
We, The Arcturians
Norma J. Milanovich - 1990
Norma Milanovich, who resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was living a quiet, quite normal existence when she began experiencing a series of extraordinary events. These events began with strange paranormal and psychic experiences and have escalated to her receiving transmissions via her microcomputer from other life forms who have identified themselves as Beings from the star Arcturus. With the support and assistance of two friends, Betty Rice and Cynthia Plosky, a book, WE, THE ARCTURIANS, has been produced which contains numerous messages transmitted from these Beings.The Arcturians, speaking through Norma, have sent Earthlings a gentle message regarding their purpose for being here. They claim they are here to assist Earth as it enters a New Age of spirituality. They cannot interfere with the free will or decision-making process of any Earthling, but are here to educate and help raise the vibrations of all who choose to journey to the new dimension the Earth is entering. They are also "commissioned" to help us understand the true nature of God, ourselves, and the universes.Who are these Beings and why are they here? Are they friends, foes or merely observers? The answer to these questions may come from the words of the Arcturians themselves :We wish only to be accepted on the Earth plane for the gifts and benefits that we bring. We try to do our jobs with total dedication to the Light and to the sisters and brothers of Earth, whom we serve.We would like for this document to be read as the comparison of two different worlds.We look for ways to belong. We do not wish to be considered separate in a universe that is only one.We are talking about a transit of time, over the next several years, that will transform the energy of the beloved Earth to a Garden of Eden in the galaxy.
Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact
Jacques F. Vallée - 1990
In Dimensions (1988), Vallee offered his basic UFO theory: that UFOs are not interstellar craft, but are unexplained consciousness-controlling mechanisms intruding from other dimensions. Here, he expands on that theory by reference to the cases he's explored during the past three decades, concluding that "UFOs represent a technology capable of harmful actions"--hence this book's provocative title rather than Whitley Strieber's more pacific Communion or Transformation. Before he details cases of UFO hostility, however, in order to erect a scientific framework for his findings he sifts thru cases that offer hard if inconclusive evidence about UFOs (sightings that have permitted readings of UFO megawatt output; manifestations that have left odd physical remnants in their wake), analyzes various UFO photos & reflects upon the ambiguous nature of UFO research. These discussions feature copious advice & suggested guidelines for fellow UFO researchers; of more interest to general readers will be his in-depth account of his '88 trip into the Amazon jungle to look into mass UFO sightings that involved "medical injuries," including deaths--e.g., that of hunter Raimundo Souza, allegedly seen by his companion to be caught in a UFO's beam, then found dead on the ground, his body covered with circular purple marks. He closes by presenting a series of relatively technical definitions, classifications & rating scales for future UFO research. A sort of personal appendix to Dimensions, partly slanted toward UFO investigators; &, as such, of limited appeal--tho his findings & speculations are a core curriculum for anyone with a serious interest in ufology.--Kirkus (edited)
Genesis Revisited
Zecharia Sitchin - 1990
. . or Knowledge of the Ancients? Space travel . . . Genetic engineering . . . Computer science . . . Astounding achievements as new as tomorrow. But stunning recent evidence proves that as these ultramodern advances were known to our forfathers millions of yrsterdays ago . . . as early as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ!In this remarkable companion volume to his landmark EARTH CHRONICLES series, author Zecharia Sitchin reexamines the teachings of the ancients in the light of mankind's latest scientific discoveries -- and uncovers breathtaking, never-before-revealed facts that challenge long-held, conventional beliefs about our planet and our species.
Character and Neurosis: An Integrative View
Claudio Naranjo - 1990
Compares the enneagram of personality types with other psychological character typing systems and discusses of the origins of each type.
Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Our Hope for the Future
Larry K. Brendtro - 1990
It challenges educators to see youth at risk through new eyes and offers compelling, concrete alternatives for reclaiming them.
Justice and the Politics of Difference
Iris Marion Young - 1990
It critically analyzes basic concepts underlying most theories of justice, including impartiality, formal equality, and the unitary moral subjectivity. Starting from claims of excluded groups about decision making, cultural expression, and division of labor, Iris Young defines concepts of domination and oppression to cover issues eluding the distributive model. Democratic theorists, according to Young do not adequately address the problem of an inclusive participatory framework. By assuming a homogeneous public, they fail to consider institutional arrangements for including people not culturally identified with white European male norms of reason and respectability. Young urges that normative theory and public policy should undermine group-based oppression by affirming rather than suppressing social group difference. Basing her vision of the good society on the differentiated, culturally plural network of contemporary urban life, she argues for a principle of group representation in democratic publics and for group-differentiated policies. This is an innovative work, an important contribution to feminist theory and political thought, and one of the most impressive statements of the relationship between postmodernist critiques of universalism and concrete thinking.... Iris Young makes the most convincing case I know of for the emancipatory implications of postmodernism. --Seyla Benhabib, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education)
James Paul Gee - 1990
It shows how contemporary sociocultural approaches to language and literacy emerged and: Engages with topics such as orality and literacy, the history of literacy, the nature of discourse analysis and social theories of mind and meaning Explores how language functions in a society Through the exploration of the notion of ‘Discourse’, it surveys the current state of the field with specific reference to cross-cultural issues in communities and schools. This new edition incorporates contemporary work on "new literacies", that is, meaning making that uses digital media, images, or "multimodal texts" which integrate words and images. This new perspective fully updates the book and its approach to language, learning, and literacy in society and culture.
Make Your Words Work
Gary Provost - 1990
He helps you learn to write well by, among other things, writing well himself. His warm, witty, entertaining instruction teams with solid examples as well as exercises. Get the good word now. This is the writing course to help you make your work more powerful, more readable, more salable.
Civilization and Transcendence
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1990
Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature
Sarah Iles Johnston - 1990
But from the Hellenistic age onwards, some Greek and Roman philosophers and magicians portrayed her quite differently, allotting to her such duties as ensouling the cosmos and the individual men within it, forming the connective boundary between the divine and human worlds, and facilitating such communication between man and god as could lead eventually to the individual soul's release. She was celestial and potentially beneficent, rather than chthonic and threatening.
The Call of the Horned Piper
Nigel Jackson - 1990
An exploration of the inner symbology, sacred cycles, working tools, incantations, spells & pathworking of the ancient Witchcraft. A practical grim
The Emotional Incest Syndrome: What to do When a Parent's Love Rules Your Life
Patricia Love - 1990
Patricia Love, a ground-breaking work that identifies, explores and treats the harmful effects that emotionally and psychologically invasive parents have on their children, and provides a program for overcoming the chronic problems that can result.
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
R.A. Torrey - 1990
Complete with over 500,000 Scripture references and parallel passages, this reference work contains the most exhaustive listing of biblical cross references available anywhere. For over a century this unique volume has been an essential tool--for the beginner wishing to be more biblically literate and for the scholar seeking greater depth and breadth of understanding. Comprehensive: - Reveals how Scripture interprets itself on every verse, topic and important word--from biblical promises, doctrines and historical issues to prophecies and their fulfillment- Supplies lists of verses that shed biblical light on the intent of each passage- Dates at the top of each page furnish a chronological framework for biblical people, places and events User-Friendly: - Organized according to the order of the books of the Bible, making it easier to locate any reference- With cross references located in one place, the Treasury is easier to use than Bibles with chain references- May be used with any Bible translation
Amazing Grace: 366 Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions
Kenneth W. Osbeck - 1990
Contains a portion of the hymn itself along with suggested Scripture readings, meditations, and practical applications.
Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression
Sandra Lee Bartky - 1990
She critiques both the male bias of current theory and the debilitating dominion held by notions of "proper femininity" over women and their bodies in patriarchal culture.
Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Christina Baldwin - 1990
In Life’s Companion, acclaimed author Christina Baldwin offers readers guidance and inspiration to this powerful way of expanding our inner horizons and opening our minds and spirits to a deeper relationship with the world and the people around us.Complete with enlightening quotations, exercises, sample journal entries, and techniques to nurture and encourage the writer and seeker within you, Life’s Companion will help you transform journaling into a powerful tool for self-growth, heightened awareness, and personal fulfillment.
The History of Black Catholics in the United States
Cyprian Davis - 1990
It should be read by all interested in the history and culture of Black Americans.
A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and Its Implications
Carl Sagan - 1990
24 color and black-and-white illustrations.
Deadly Doses: A Writer's Guide to Poisons
Serita Stevens - 1990
Never before has such specialized information been so thoroughly compiled and easily accessible to writers Each book is written by a professional in their respective field, providing the inside details that writers need to weave a credible -- and salable -- story.
Secret Survivors
E. Sue Blume - 1990
E. Sue Blume shows how incest is often at the root of such problems as depression, sexual and eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, and phobias and panic disorders. Using this information and the author's guidance, survivors can identify themselves, develop alternative, nondestructive survival techniques and begin again on a new path toward a rich and empowered life.
Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method: The Integrated Use of Mindfulness, Nonviolence, and the Body
Ron Kurtz - 1990
Hakomi work incorporates the idea of respect for the wisdom of each individual as a living organic system, organizing matter and energy to maintain its goals, and identity. It is written with clarity, humor and simplicity; sure to inspire and give insight to both therapists and laypersons.
Earthway: A Native American Visionary's Path to Total Mind, Body, and Spirit Health
Mary Summer Rain - 1990
A look at the environment, holistic health, dream and vision interpretation, and Native American culture presents age-old traditions and includes a complete guide to traditional Native American herbal healing.In Earthway, Mary Summer Rain interweaves the inspired teachings of No-Eyes with a veritable encyclopedia of rare knowledge, showing us how we can bring to vivid life the beauty and power of this natural way, giving us a new hope for the future.
Mrs. Sharp's Traditions: Reviving Victorian Family Celebrations of Comfort & Joy
Sarah Ban Breathnach - 1990
Sharp's Traditions." In this revised, redesigned edition of her charmingly illustrated Victorian style- and sourcebook, Sarah introduces to her legions of new readers the old-fashioned pleasures of family, customs, and home.
Embroidered Textiles: A World Guide to Traditional Patterns
Sheila Paine - 1990
Complete with a glossary, a guide to textile collections around the world, and advice on collecting and conserving textiles, this comprehesive survey will be invaluable to anyone interested in fashion, textiles, crafts, and design.Shelia Paine is a world expert on tribal societies and textiles.
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland
William Ian Miller - 1990
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking delves beneath the chaos and brutality of the Norse world to discover a complex interplay of ordering and disordering impulses. Miller's unique and engaging readings of ancient Iceland's sagas and extensive legal code reconstruct and illuminate the society that produced them. People in the saga world negotiated a maze of violent possibility, with strategies that frequently put life and limb in the balance. But there was a paradox in striking the balance—one could not get even without going one better. Miller shows how blood vengeance, law, and peacemaking were inextricably bound together in the feuding process. This book offers fascinating insights into the politics of a stateless society, its methods of social control, and the role that a uniquely sophisticated and self-conscious law played in the construction of Icelandic society. "Illuminating."—Rory McTurk, Times Literary Supplement"An impressive achievement in ethnohistory; it is an amalgam of historical research with legal and anthropological interpretation. What is more, and rarer, is that it is a pleasure to read due to the inclusion of narrative case material from the sagas themselves."—Dan Bauer, Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Serious Pleasures: the Life of Stephen Tennant
Philip Hoare - 1990
Out of Tennant's bizarre and outrageously eccentric life, Hoare has created a superb biography that reflects an age of intellect, indolence, narcissism, and pure style. 32 pages of photographs; 22 drawings.
Ready from Within: Septima Clark and the Civil Rights Movement
Septima Poinsette Clark - 1990
Born in 1898 in Charleston, South Carolina, she was a public school teacher until 1956, when she was dismissed for refusing to disavow her membership in the National Association for the advancement of Colored People. Subsequently, she worked for the Highlander Folk School, helping to set up Citizenship Schools throughout the South where Black adults could learn to read and prepare to vote. During the 1960s she worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was a close associate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. From 1978 to 1983 she served as the first Black woman on the Charleston School Board. This is a first-person narrative of her life in the context of the Civil Rights Movement. Her story constitutes a major thread in the tapestry of that movement.
The War Diary of the Master of Belhaven 1914-1918
Ralph G.A. Hamilton - 1990
From the cold and the mud to the omnipresent shelling, he paints a picture of devastating authenticity. At the Battle of Loos his battery scrambled in the sticky clay. At the battle of the Somme he fought bitterly at the infamous Delville Wood. At a town near Amiens he died. His batteries underwent constant bombardments from all types of guns but nothing was more feared than the silent landing of the gas shells. When not on the front lines, there was little to do but wait to be called into action. Yet even there, trips to divisional headquarters might see an errant shell or stray sniper’s bullet. Yet the Master of Belhaven remained upbeat. For Hamilton, as long as he could listen to his gramophone and his Wagner records, the war was bearable. ‘An extraordinarily painstaking and accurate picture of war … with not the tiniest detail unrecorded.’ — Captain Cyril Falls, MC. Ralph Hamilton (1883-1918), the Master of Belhaven, attended Eton and Sandhurst before serving as an officer in the British Army. In 1901 he joined Grenadiers, and later the King’s Own Hussars in India. In 1908 he joined a battery of the Royal Horse Artillery of the newly formed Territorial Force. By the outbreak of the First World War he had attained the rank of major and entered the Western Front in August 1914. For details of other books published by Albion Press go to the website at Albion Press is an imprint of Endeavour Press, the UK's leading independent digital publisher. For more information on our titles please sign up to our newsletter at Each week you will receive updates on free and discounted ebooks. Follow us on Twitter: @EndeavourPress and on Facebook via We are always interested in hearing from our readers. Endeavour Press believes that the future is now.
The New Ambidextrous Universe
Martin Gardner - 1990
. . and making them accessible to the interested but nontechnical reader. This is a special talent and no one has ever displayed it quite as well as he does." — Los Angeles Times"Absorbing; enlightening; lucid; witty; inventive. An exemplar of science writing at its very best." — American Mathematical MonthlyA substantial revision of Martin Gardner's earlier well-known work on mirror symmetry and asymmetry, The New Ambidextrous Universe takes readers on an extraordinary journey. With Gardner’s guidance, they explore the two fundamental scientific discoveries of the past century: the asymmetric DNA helix and the overthrow of parity (left-right symmetry) in particle physics. Along the way, students will find absorbing and thought-provoking treatments of some of the deepest mysteries in modern physics.Author of more than 60 books, Martin Gardner has influenced and inspired generations of scientists, scholars, and other readers, especially those with an interest in mathematics. He originated Scientific American's popular Mathematical Games column, which he wrote from 1956 until his retirement from the magazine three decades later. This republication of his revised edition of an earlier work features a new appendix of notes and corrections.
Nine Talmudic Readings by Emmanuel Levinas
Emmanuel Levinas - 1990
These essays are crucial to the interpretation of Levinas's work more generally, [and] Aronowicz's excellent introduction and occasional notes are very helpful in making this work accessible to those unacquainted with either Talmud or Levinas." --Religious Studies ReviewNine rich and masterful readings of the Talmud by the French Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas translate Jewish thought into the language of modern times. Between 1963 and 1975, Levinas delivered these commentaries at the annual Talmudic colloquia of a group of French Jewish intellectuals in Paris. Here Levinas applies a hermeneutic that simultaneously allows the classic Jewish texts to shed light on contemporary problems and lets modern problems illuminate the texts. Besides being quintessential illustrations of the art of reading, the essays express the deeply ethical vision of the human condition that makes Levinas one of the most important thinkers of our time.
Old and New Poems
Donald Hall - 1990
This volume contains the finest short poetry Donald Hall has written, poems of landscape and love, of dedication and prophecy, poems that have won thousands of readers, as well as various prizes and honors.
Giants and Dwarfs: Essays, 1960-1990
Allan Bloom - 1990
In this book, current liberal theories of justice are criticized, the shortcomings of the modern university are analyzed and the works of Shakespeare, Swift and Plato are examined.
The San Francisco Oracle: The Psychedelic Newspaper of the Haight Ashbury
Allen Cohen - 1990
In addition, on a separate DVD, is an interview with Allen Cohen, the founder and editor of The Oracle as well as the video Oracle Rising.
To Think
Frank Smith - 1990
Frank Smith is one of the most influential writers in education today. His work on reading in particular has had a seminal effect on classroom practice throughout the English-speaking world. At the core of all his work has been this issue of the nature of thought. In this book, he analyses the language of thinking and then moves on to look at different aspects of the thinking process: everyday thought, creative and critical thought. Finally he looks critically at the various methods currently advocated for teaching children to think, arguing that learning to think is in the end less a matter of instruction than of experience and opportunity.
The Red Machine: the Soviet Quest to Dominate Canada's Game
Lawrence Martin - 1990
Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context
Barbara Rogoff - 1990
The author, a leading developmental psychologist, views development as an apprenticeship in which children engage in the use of intellectual tools in societally structured activities with parents, other adults, and children. The author has gathered evidence from various disciplines--cognitive, developmental, and cultural psychology; anthropology; infancy studies; and communication research--furnishing a coherent and broadly based account of cognitive development in its sociocultural context. This work examines the mutual roles of the individual and the sociocultural world, and the culturally based processes by which children appropriate and extend skill and understanding from their involvement in shared thinking with other people. The book is written in a lively and engaging style and is supplemented by photographs and original illustrations by the author.
Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy
Max Van Manen - 1990
Rather than relying on abstract generalizations and theories, van Manen offers an alternative that taps the unique nature of each human situation.The book offers detailed methodological explications and practical examples of hermeneutic-phenomenological inquiry. It shows how to orient oneself to human experience in education and how to construct a textual question which evokes a fundamental sense of wonder, and it provides a broad and systematic set of approaches for gaining experiential material that forms the basis for textual reflections.Van Manen also discusses the part played by language in educational research, and the importance of pursuing human science research critically as a semiotic writing practice. He focuses on the methodological function of anecdotal narrative in human science research, and offers methods for structuring the research text in relation to the particular kinds of questions being studied. Finally, van Manen argues that the choice of research method is itself a pedagogic commitment and that it shows how one stands in life as an educator.
Astrology of the Seers
David Frawley - 1990
It possesses a precise predictive value as well as a deep interpretation of the movement of life, unfolding the secrets of karma and destiny. Astrology of the Seers, first published in 1990, is regarded as one of the classic modern books on Vedic astrology, covering all the main aspects of its philosophy, background and practice. The present edition has been thoroughly revised and updated.
Inventing the Feeble Mind: A History of Intellectual Disability in the United States
James W. Trent - 1990
But in the decade of the 1840s, a group of American physicians and reformers began to view mental retardation as a social problem requiring public intervention. For the next century and a half, social science and medical professionals constructed meanings of mental retardation, at the same time incarcerating hundreds of thousands of Americans in institutions and "special" schools. James W. Trent uses public documents, private letters, investigative reports, and rare photographs to explore our changing perceptions of "feeble minds." From local family matter to state and social problem, constructions of mental retardation represent a history of ideas, techniques, and tools. Trent contends that the economic vulnerability of mentally retarded people and their families, more than the claims made for their intellectual or social limitations, has determined their institutional treatment. He finds that the focus on technical and usually psychomedical interpretations of mental retardation has led to a general ignorance of the maldistribution of resources, status, and power so evident in the lives of the retarded. Superintendents, social welfare agents, IQ testers, and sterlizers have utilized these psychological and medical paradigms to insure their own social privilege and professional legitimacy. Rather than simply moving "from care to control, " state schools have made care an effective and integral part of control. In analyzing the current policy of deinstitutionalization, Trent concludes it has been more successful in dispersing disabled citizens than in integrating them into American communities. Inventing the Feeble Mind powerfully shatters conventional understandings of mental retardation. It is essential reading for social workers, psychologists, historians, sociologists, educator
Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings
John M. Swales - 1990
This book is a clear, authoritative guide to this complex area. He provides a survey of approaches to varieties of language, and considers these in relation to communication and task-based language learning. Swales outlines an approach to the analysis of genre, and then proceeds to consider examples of different genres and how they can be made accessible through genre analysis. This is important reading for all those working in teaching English for academic purposes and also of interest to those working in post-secondary writing and composition due to relevant issues in writing across the curriculum.
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
Carolyn Kisner - 1990
It covers isokinetics, soft tissue injury repair, surgical procedures, exercise rehabilitation, post-operative management and posture.
Laws of Media: The New Science
Marshall McLuhan - 1990
Works such as The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Mechanical Bride , From Cliche to Archetype , and Understanding Media have established his reputation throughout the world and have profoundly influenced our understanding of contemporary communication. In his later years McLuhan was working on a 'unified field' theory of human culture, an effort in which he collaborated with and was assisted by his son, Eric McLuhan. This book is the result of that collaboration. The McLuhans are retrieving another way of understanding our world, a way known to some ancient Greeks (but not Aristotle), to medieval thinkers, to Francis Bacon and Giambattista Vico, and to T.S. Eliot and James Joyce in this century. It is based on the use of words and the conseuqent power of the 'logos' to shape all the elements of culture - media - with which we surround ourselves. The authors explain how the invention of the alphabet led to the dominance of visual-space conceptualizations over those of acoustic space and its creative words (and word-plays). They consider the differences between the left- and right-hand sides of our brains, and use Gestalt theories of figure and ground to explore the underlying principles that define media. 'Media, ' the word so closely connected with Marshall McLuhan's thought, is here explored in its broadest meaning, encompassing all that has been created by humans: artefacts, information, ideas - every example of human innovation, from computer program to a tea cup, from musical arrangement to the formula for a cold remedy, from an X-ray machine to the sentence you're reading right now. All these are media to whcih can be applied the laws the McLuhans have developed. The laws are based on a set of four questions - a tetrad - that can be applied to any artefact or idea: What does it enhance or intensify? What does it render obsolete or displace? What does it retrieve that was previoulsy obsolesced? What does it produce or become when pressed to an extreme? Inherent in every human innovation is an answer to each of the questions of this tetrad; anything that does not contain answers to these four questions is not the product of human creation. The laws identified by the McLuhans consitute a new scientific basis for media studies, testable, and able to allow for prediction. It takes in all human activities and speech; it breaks down barriers and reconsiders them as mere intervals. In the McLuhan tradition, this New Science offers a while new understanding of human creation, and a vision that could reshape our future.
The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality
Menas Kafatos - 1990
These pho- tons originate from a single source and travel in opposite directions an equal distance halfway across the known universe to points where each will be measured or observed. Now suppose that before the pho- tons are released, one observer is magically transported to a point of observation halfway across the known universe and the second ob- server is magically transported to another point an equal distance in the opposite direction. -The task of the observers is to record or meas- ure a certain property of each photon with detectors located at the two points so that the data gathered at each can later be compared. Even though the photons are traveling from the source at the speed of light, each observer would have to wait billions of years for one of the photons to arrive at his observation point. Suppose, how- ever, that the observers are willing to endure this wait because they hope to test the predictions of a mathematical theorem. This theorem not only allows for the prospect that there could be a correlation be- tween the observed properties of the two photons but also indicates that this correlation could occur instantly, or in no time, in spite of the fact that the distance between the observers and their measuring instruments is billions of light years.
Glasgow Girls: Women in Art and Design, 1880 - 1920
Jude Burkhauser - 1990
While the "Glasgow Boys" group of painters has been widely written about, their female contemporaries have received far less attention. In this work, the editor redresses this imbalance, bringing together research from 18 scholars on the work of an astonishing number of female artists from this period.
Companions of Jesus: The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador
Jon Sobrino - 1990
In a moving memoir Jon Sobrino recalls years of work with each of the priests and celebrates the ideals they embodied.
Shattering: Food, Politics, and the Loss of Genetic Diversity
Cary Fowler - 1990
Now control over those very plants threatens to shatter the world's food supply, as loss of genetic diversity sets the stage for widespread hunger. Large-scale agriculture has come to favor uniformity in food crops. More than 7,000 U.S. apple varieties once grew in American orchards; 6,000 of them are no longer available. Every broccoli variety offered through seed catalogs in 1900 has now disappeared. As the international genetics supply industry absorbs seed companies—with nearly one thousand takeovers since 1970—this trend toward uniformity seems likely to continue; and as third world agriculture is brought in line with international business interests, the gene pools of humanity's most basic foods are threatened. The consequences are more than culinary. Without the genetic diversity from which farmers traditionally breed for resistance to diseases, crops are more susceptible to the spread of pestilence. Tragedies like the Irish Potato Famine may be thought of today as ancient history; yet the U.S. corn blight of 1970 shows that technologically based agribusiness is a breeding ground for disaster.Shattering reviews the development of genetic diversity over 10,000 years of human agriculture, then exposes its loss in our lifetime at the hands of political and economic forces. The possibility of crisis is real; this book shows that it may not be too late to avert it.
Golem: Jewish Magical And Mystical Traditions On The Artificial Anthropoid
Moshe Idel - 1990
This book is the first comprehensive treatment of the whole range of material dealing with creation of the golem beginning with late antiquity and ending with the modern time. The author explores the relationship between these discussions and their historical and intellectual frameworks. Since there was in the medieval period a variety of traditions concerning the golem, it is plausible to assume that the techniques for creating this creature developed much earlier. This presentation focuses on the precise techniques for creating an artificial human, an issue previously neglected in the literature. A complete survey of the conceptions of the golem in North European and Spanish literature in medieval time allows not only a better understanding of this phenomenon, but also of the history of Jewish magic and mysticism in the Middle Ages. The Jewish and Christian treatments of the golem in the renaissance are explored as part of the renaissance concern for human nature. Moshe Idel was Centennial Scholar in Residence at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Currently, he is Professor of Kabbalah in the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the author of The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia; Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah; and Language, Torah, and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia; all published by SUNY Press.
Past Due: A Story of Disability, Pregnancy and Birth
Anne Finger - 1990
The Encyclopedia of the Cat (Encyclopedias of Animal Breeds)
Michael Pollard - 1990
Text and illustrations combine to provide a comprehensive look at all aspects of the cat A one-stop reference guide to the main breeds, illustrated with 1,000 photographs and line drawings Easy-to -use icons provide information on size, coat care, and feeding Identification boxes list common name, other name, average height, and color variations Introductory sections give information about cat anatomy and history
The Church of Satan: A History of the World's Most Notorious Religion
Blanche Barton - 1990
An account of the many strange & sensational events that surrounded the Black Pope, Anton LaVey & his thousands of followers as they ushered in a new era of indulgence & carnality, based on pleasure instead of self-denial. Details the evenings spent with LaVey's Magic Circle, peopled with artists, writers & filmmakers whose names will be familiar, & points out de-facto Satanists throughout history, such as Benjamin Franklin & Mark Twain. Chapters include "Satan's Master Plan" & "How to Perform Satanic Rituals." Appendices list diabolically-inspired books, films & music, as well as a digest of letters the Church has received over the years. Debunks the many myths & misconceptions regarding Satanism that have been promulgated on the talk-show circuit. THE CHURCH OF SATAN is both a history & a handbook, written as a companion volume to LaVey's SATANIC BIBLE, whichoccult book merchants assert is "the all-time occult bestseller."
The Magnificent Mountain Women: Adventures in the Colorado Rockies
Janet Robertson - 1990
Janet Robertson recounts their exploits in a lively, well-illustrated book that measures up to its title, The Magnificent Mountain Women. Arlene Blum provides a new introduction to this edition.
The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the Ancien Régime
Daniel Roche - 1990
In it Roche discusses general approaches to the history of dress, locates the subject within current French historiography and uses a large sample of inventories to explore the differences between the various social classes in the amount they spent on clothes and the kind of clothes they wore.
As Thousands Cheer: The Life of Irving Berlin
Laurence Bergreen - 1990
Gleason Music Book Award, explores with precision and sensitivity Berlin's long, prolific career; his self-doubt and late-blooming misanthropy; and the tyrannical control he exerted over his legacy of song. From his immigrant beginnings through Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and Hollywood to his reclusive and bitter final years, this definitive biography reveals the man who wrote 1500 songs but could never quash the fear that, for all his success, he wasn't quite good enough.
Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Power
Dorothy E. Smith - 1990
The Encyclopedia of Monsters
Jeff Rovin - 1990
The Encyclopedia of Monsters is a complete guide to more than 1,000 beasts, specters, werewolves, and other monsters that have chilled the popular imagination -- from the Bible's Leviathan to Hollywood's Alien.
Jim Crow Guide: The Way It Was
Stetson Kennedy - 1990
. . . The Guide was [first] published in Paris in 1956 by Jean-Paul Sartre because the author could find no American publisher who was willing to issue the book. In this new edition, Kennedy has added an afterword that provides his impressions of contemporary ‘desegregated racism’."—Florida Historical QuarterlyJim Crow Guide documents the system of legally imposed American apartheid that prevailed during what Stetson Kennedy calls "the long century from Emancipation to the Overcoming." The mock guidebook covers every area of activity where the tentacles of Jim Crow reached. From the texts of state statutes, municipal ordinances, federal regulations, and judicial rulings, Kennedy exhumes the legalistic skeleton of Jim Crow in a work of permanent value for scholars and of exceptional appeal for general readers.
The Struggle Intensifies (Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Volume 2)
Robert Underwood Johnson - 1990
THis series was originally conceived in 1883 by the editors of Century Company, who set out to provide an accurate, unbiased account of the war. It was authored by the commanders and their subordinates from both the Confederate and Union forces who actually fought, planned or were eyewitnesses to the events they describe therein. Volume 2 opens with the siege and capture of Fort Pulaski, the capture of New Orleans, and a summary of operations in the far southwest. It covers the Peninsular Campaign, the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Manassas, and Seven Pines.
Experimental Design In Behavioural Research
K.D. Broota - 1990
It discusses the principles of experimental design, analysis of data, and interpretation of experimental results. With an emphasis on practical utility and ready understanding, the book presupposes a minimum of mathematical training and provides numerous examples of experimental design drawn from both actual research and hypothetical applications.
Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays
Mikhail Bakhtin - 1990
This book contains three of Bakhtin's early essays from the years following the Russian Revolution, when Bakhtin and other intellectuals eagerly participated in the debates of the period.
Vertebrate Palaeontology
Michael J. Benton - 1990
The third edition of this popular text has been extensively revised to incorporate the latest research, including new material from North and South America, Australia, Europe, China, Africa and Russia.*Highlights astonishing new discoveries including new dinosaurs and Mesozoic birds from China*features a new chapter on how to study fossil vertebrates*provides an increased emphasis on the cladistic framework with cladograms set apart from the body of the text and full lists of diagnostic characters*includes new molecular evidence on early mammal diversification*new features aid study including new functional and developmental feature spreads, key questions and extensive references to useful web sites*strong phylogenetic focus making it an up-to-date source of the latest broad-scale systematic data on vertebrate evolution
Wartime Diary
Simone de Beauvoir - 1990
At the same time, her account of completing her novel She Came to Stay at a time when Sartre had just begun Being and Nothingness questions the traditional view of Beauvoir’s novel as merely illustrating Sartre’s philosophy.Wartime Diary also traces Beauvoir's philosophical transformation as she broke from the prewar solipsism of She Came to Stay in favor of the postwar political engagement of The Second Sex. Beauvoir's emerging existentialist ethics reflect the dramatic collective experiences of refugees fleeing German invasion and life under Nazi occupation. The evolution of her thought also reveals the courageous reaffirmation of her individuality in constructing a humanist ethics of freedom and solidarity.This edition also features previously unpublished material, including her musings about consciousness and order, recommended reading lists, and notes on labor unions. In providing new insights into Beauvoir’s philosophical development, the Wartime Diary promises to rewrite a crucial chapter of Western philosophy and intellectual history.
Introduction to Lattices and Order
B.A. Davey - 1990
This book covers areas such as ordered sets and lattices. A key feature of ordered sets, one which is emphasized in the text, is that they can be represented pictorially. Lattices are also considered as algebraic structures and hence a purely algebraic study is used to reinforce the ideas of homomorphisms and of ideals encountered in group theory and ring theory. Exposure to elementary abstract algebra and the rotation of set theory are the only prerequisites for this text. For the new edition, much has been rewritten or expanded and new exercises have been added.
Owen Barfield on C. S. Lewis
Owen Barfield - 1990
S. Lewis, theologian and literary scholar, and Owen Barfield, philosopher and London solicitor, were longtime friends. G. B. Tennyson, editor of these papers by Barfield on Lewis, believes this relationship of "two immense intellects" "one of the most absorbing literary friendships of the twentieth century." Lewis called Barfield the "wisest and best of my unofficial teachers"; to Barfield, C. S. Lewis was "the absolutely unforgettable friend." They had been friends and disputants from their Oxford days after the First World War until Lewis's death forty years later. Barfield was his solicitor and trustee in the later years. This is vintage Barfield as well as an astute appraisal of C. S. Lewis's personality and beliefs. In essays, interviews, several poems, and a fragment of fiction, Barfield writes of "the individual essence" of C. S. Lewis, his brilliance, his "absolute honesty of mind," his lack of interest in collectivities-races, nations, movements-his interest only in the individual soul, his "irrepressible bent for comedy," his "keenness in pursuing any point of difference or doubt to its final conclusion." Barfield writes about himself, also, as a way of understanding his friend: "In an argument we always, both of us, were arguing for truth, not for victory, and arguing for truth, not for comfort." Both trusted the imagination, but they differed on its relation to knowledge-"[Lewis] was in love with the imagination" and "to search for any link between myth and fact was for him a crucial error." C. S. Lewis and Owen Barfield had in common an awareness "of the silliness and the triviality of the time" and the conviction that the contemporary loss of the idea of sin was a disaster. But they also disagreed from the first, as Barfield explains, especially about theology, about the nature of God, the process of history. Lewis saw revelation as finished; Barfield saw it as a "continuing process," as he did human history. Lewis considered hierarchy necessary and healthy; Barfield regarded it as an evolutionary phase. Although C. S. Lewis died in 1963, Barfield's reflections on their relationship and analysis of its meaning ended only with his own death, in his hundredth year, in 1997.
Between the Acts: Lives of Homosexual Men 1885-1967
Jeffrey Weeks - 1990
They can also be rich and passionate, at times lonely, at times exciting. Between the Acts reflects this in the life stories of fifteen gay men in the years when homosexual acts were illegal in the United Kingdom.The interviews give a vivid impression of gay male life when documentary evidence is limited. These memories and experiences allow us exceptional insights into how gay men made sense of their needs and desires, and fashioned for themselves manageable personal and social identities. These moving accounts of individual quests for identity and community will appeal to gay readers and to those with an interest in life during the earlier part of this century.
Religions of Mesoamerica: Cosmovision and Ceremonial Centers
Davíd Carrasco - 1990
Carrasco details the dynamics of two important cultures--the Aztec and the Maya--and discusses the impact of the Spanish conquest and the continuity of native traditions into the post-Columbian and contemporary eras. Integrating recent archaeological discoveries in Mexico City, he brings about a comprehensive understanding of ritual human sacrifice, a subject often ignored in religious studies.
A War Imagined: The First World War and English Culture
Samuel Hynes - 1990
England after the war was a different place; the arts were different; history was different; sex, society, class were all different.Samuel Hynes examines the process of that transformation. He explores a vast cultural mosaic comprising novels and poetry, music and theatre, journalism, paintings, films, parliamentary debates, public monuments, sartorial fashions, personal diaries and letters.Told in rich detail, this penetrating account shatters much of the received wisdom about the First World War. It shows how English culture adapted itself to the needs of killing, how our stereotypes of the war gradually took shape and how the nations thought and imagination were profoundly and irretrievably changed.
Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology
Kenneth L. Feder - 1990
Black and white photographs are provided. The fifth edition adds a chapter on a
The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader
Deborah Cameron - 1990
It serves both as a guide to the current debates and directions and as a digest of the history of twentieth-century feminist ideas about language.This edition includes extracts from Felly Nkweto Simmonds, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Luce Irigaray, Sara Mills, Margaret Doyle, Debbie Cameron, Susan Ehrlich, Ruth King, Kate Clark, Sally McConnell-Ginet, Deborah Tannen, Aki Uchida, Jennifer Coates and Kira Hall.
Satie The Composer
Robert Orledge - 1990
In this important new study Dr Orledge reveals what made Satie 'tick' as a composer, dealing with every aspect of Satie's complex career and relating his achievement to the other arts and to the society in which he lived. Almost every figure in contemporary art was involved with Satie in some way or another, from Matisse and Picasso to Apollinaire, Cocteau and Brancusi. This, however, is no mere life-and-works study but rather an exploration of the technique behind Satie's art, which foreshadowed most of the 'advances' of twentieth-century music from serialism to minimalism, and even muzak. As the book progresses Satie appears as far more than just the composer of the popular Gymnop�dies and Parade.
Clarence John Laughlin: Visionary Photographer
Keith F. Davis - 1990
Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Laughlin lived most of his life in New Orleans, He discovered the literature of Baudelaire and the French Symbolists in the mid-1920s and began writing poetry and Gothic fiction at that time. In 1934, influenced by the work of Stieglitz, Strand, Weston, Man Ray, and Atget, Laughlin took up photography. Devoted to the documentation of historic buildings and artifacts, Laughlin was at the same time committed to a highly personal application of photography to evoke the underlying mystery of the world. He used multiple exposures, theatrical arrangements, and lengthy captions to bridge the gap between the visible world and an allusive, metaphorical realm of intuition and fantasy. Laughlin's work seems particularly relevant today. The last decade of American photography has been characterized by an artistic focus on issues of theatricality, the tension between photographic truth and invention, and the linkage between world and pictures.
Inca Religion and Customs
Bernabé Cobo - 1990
Though parts of the work are now lost, the remaining sections which have been translated offer valuable insights into Inca culture and Peruvian history. Inca Religion and Customs is the second translation by Roland Hamilton from Cobo's massive work. Beginning where History of the Inca Empire left off, it provides a vast amount of data on the religion and lifeways of the Incas and their subject peoples. Despite his obvious Christian bias as a Jesuit priest, Cobo objectively and thoroughly describes many of the religious practices of the Incas. He catalogs their origin myths, beliefs about the afterlife, shrines and objects of worship, sacrifices, sins, festivals, and the roles of priests, sorcerers, and doctors. The section on Inca customs is equally inclusive. Cobo covers such topics as language, food and shelter, marriage and childrearing, agriculture, warfare, medicine, practical crafts, games, and burial rituals. Because the Incas apparently had no written language, such postconquest documents are an important source of information about Inca life and culture. Cobo's work, written by one who wanted to preserve something of the indigenous culture that his fellow Spaniards were fast destroying, is one of the most accurate and highly respected.
The Black Women's Health Book: Speaking for Ourselves
Evelyn C. White - 1990
A new section covers menopause, breastfeeding, non-Western/holistic healing, fibroids, diet evolution, skin color issues, teenage sexuality, and HIV.
Making Saints: How The Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes A Saint, Who Doesn't, And Why
Kenneth L. Woodward - 1990
Working from church documents, Kenneth Woodward shows how saint-makers decide who is worthy of the church's highest honor. He describes the investigations into lives of candidates, explains how claims for miracles are approved or rejected, and reveals the role politics -- papal and secular -- plays in the ultimate decision. From his examination of such controversial candidates as Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador and Edith Stein, a Jewish philosopher who became a nun and was gassed at Auschwitz, to his insights into the changes Pope John Paul II has instituted, Woodward opens the door on a 2,000-year-old tradition.
Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips
Melvin L. Silberman - 1990
The active training method--which turns the spotlight away from the instructor and put the emphasis on the learner--has emerged over time as a proven and reliable method for enhancing involvement, learning, and change. The third edition of Active Training, provides a thorough introduction to the core principles of active training design and delivery and includes a wealth of examples, tips, and techniques. The book has been revised to reflect the latest trends in workforce training and key sections, such as assessment and evaluation, have been thoroughly updated. In addition, a completely new chapter has been included to cover the design of active training for e-learning and online applications.
Invisibility Blues: From Pop to Theory
Michele Wallace - 1990
In this new book, Michele Wallace poses the historical and conceptual questions which an emergent black feminist theory address.The author begins with a consideration of the work of her mother, the artist Faith Ringgold, and moves on to recollections of her own early life in Harlem, and an account of her development as a writer in the 1970s. She examines the collective legacy with which black artists—from Zora Neale Hurston and Ntozake Shange, to Spike Lee and Michael Jackson—must contend in carving out a distinctive cultural practice.Wallace’s book marks a new departure in contemporary criticism, as she combines the flair of a popular journalist with the rigor of a committed scholar. Invisibility Blues is certain to become a landmark in cultural studies and a fundamental document in the history of black feminism.
At Home: The American Family 1750-1870
Elisabeth Donaghy Garrett - 1990
Book by Donaghy Garrett, Elisabeth
Courbet's Realism
Michael Fried - 1990
It allows us to reconstruct the keen eye, the commitment to perception, the gift of rapt concentration, the conviction that great paintings are not necessarily understood easily, and the further conviction that a great painter deserves to get from us as good as he gives. By drawing on these qualities, Fried achieves something out of reach for all but a handful of his colleagues. In his writing, art history takes on some of the character of art itself. It is driven by the same stubborn resolve to open our eyes."—Richard Wollheim, San Francisco Review of BooksCourbet's Realism is clearly a major contribution to the highly active field of Courbet studies. . . . But to contribute here and now is necessarily also to contribute to central debates about art history itself, and so the book is also—I hesitate to say 'more importantly,' because of the way object and method are woven together in it—a major contribution to current attempts to rethink the foundations and objects of art history. . . . It will not be an easy book to come to terms with; for all its engagement with contemporary literary theory and related developments, it is not an application of anything, and its deeply thought-through arguments will not fall easily in line with the emerging shapes of the various 'new art histories' that tap many of the same theoretical resources. At this moment, there may be nothing more valuable than such a work."—Stephen Melville, Art History
The History Of London In Maps
Felix Barker - 1990
Every map is accompanied by contemporary scenes and views, so that the reader obtains an unravelled picture of the city in all its stages of development. The text and captions provide an anecdotal commentary, full of unexpected and unfamiliar details for those who already know and love the capital, and with a clear outline of London's history for those new to the city.
Subversive Intent: Gender, Politics, and the Avant-Garde
Susan Rubin Suleiman - 1990
In this book Suleiman shows how the figure of Woman, as fantasy, myth, or metaphor has functioned in the work of male avant-garde writers and artists in the 20th century and in the process offers interpretations of major French avant-garde writers.
Atlas Of Skeletal Muscles
Robert J. Stone - 1990
It is designed for use by students of anatomy and physiology, physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, nursing, physical education, and other health-related fields. This concise, compact reference shows the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of all human skeletal muscles.
Playing The Game
Christine Poulter - 1990
Primarily written for directors, drama teachers and drama students, it will be of use to anyone who, in job interviews, committee meetings or any situation, needs these skills.
The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church
Marvin Rosenthal - 1990
Are any of them right-or does the Bible teach something else?
Art of the Imperial Cholas
Vidya Dehejia - 1990
Known as the Golden Age of Tamil Culture, the Chola period produced dynamic royal personalities who shaped the artistic activity of theirtimes. Art of the Imperial Cholas examines the dynasty's architectural and sculptural achievements, which stand among the masterpieces of India.
Making a Scene: New York Hardcore in Photos, Lyrics, and Commentary
Bri Hurley - 1990
Here, New York City's hardcore movement is represented in all of its outspoken, opinionated, and often contradictory variety. Participants are shown with friends, spouses, even children, performing, dancing, and hanging out. They also explain in their own words and lyrics to songs what they think hardcore is all about.From moments of quiet intimacy to the controlled mayhem of live shows, Making a Scene documents in a unique way this flourishing and often misunderstood underground style.Bri Hurley's photographs have appeared in the Village Voice, Jersey Beat, Teen Punk, and Maximum Rock 'n' Roll. She has also shot album covers and promotional photos for many of New York's hardcore bands.
The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society
Arthur J. Deikman - 1990
Deikman gives hair-raising examples of how cult-like behavior permeates our lives and threatens our freedoms.
Persuasion: Theory and Research
Daniel J. O'Keefe - 1990
Daniel J. O′Keefe includes a discussion of research on the production of persuasive messages as well as more traditional research on the study of message effects. The new edition contains more coverage of the theory of reasoned action, a new chapter on functional approaches to attitude, a new chapter on behavioral change, new material on persuasive campaigns, and updated research citations and examples.