Best of
We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change
Myles Horton - 1990
Throughout their highly personal conversations recorded here, Horton and Freire discuss the nature of social change and empowerment and their individual literacy campaigns. The ideas of these men developed through two very different channels: Horton's, from the Highlander Center, a small, independent residential education center situated outside the formal schooling system and the state; Freire's, from within university and state-sponsored programs. Myles Horton, who died in January 1990, was a major figure in the civil rights movement and founder of the Highlander Folk School, later the highlander Research and Education Center. Paulo Freire, author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, established the Popular Culture Movement in Recife, Brazil's poorest region, and later was named head of the New National Literacy Campaign until a military coup forced his exile from Brazil. He has been active in educational development programs worldwide. For both men, real liberation is achieved through popular participation. The themes they discuss illuminate problems faced by educators and activists around the world who are concerned with linking participatory education to the practice of liberation and social change. How could two men, working in such different social spaces and times, arrive at similar ideas and methods? These conversations answer that question in rich detail and engaging anecdotes, and show that, underlying the philosophy of both, is the idea that theory emanates from practice and that knowledge grows from and is a reflection of social experience.
The Long Haul: An Autobiography
Myles Horton - 1990
A major catalyst for social change in the United States for more than 70 years, this school has touched the lives of so many people, including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Pete Seeger. Filled with disarmingly honest insight and gentle humor, The Long Haul is an inspiring hymn to the possibility of social change. It is the story of Myles Horton, in his own words: the wise and moving recollections of a man of uncommon determination and vision.
Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English with Answers [With CDROM]
Raymond Murphy - 1990
Now in full colour, with new content and even more exercises, this updated edition retains all the key features of clarity and ease-of-use that have made the book so popular with students and teachers. This edition, with answers and CD-ROM, is ideal for self-study. The exciting and substantial brand new CD-ROM offers a wealth of extra practice material, covering all the language in the main book.
Mathematicians Are People, Too: Stories from the Lives of Great Mathematicians, Volume 1
Luetta Reimer - 1990
Volume Two dramatizes the lives of Omar Khayyam, Albert Einstein, Ada Lovelace, and others.
Reading Between the Lines
Gene Edward Veith Jr. - 1990
Gene Edward Veith presents basic information to help book lovers understand what they read–from the classics to the bestsellers. He explains how the major genres of literature communicate. He explores ways comedy, tragedy, realism, and fantasy can portray the Christian worldview. These discussions lead to a host of related topics—the value of fairy tales for children, the tragic and the comic sense of life, the interplay between Greek and Biblical concepts in the imagination, and the new "post-modernism" (a subject of vital importance to Christians).In the pages of this book, readers will meet writers, past and present who carry on a great literary tradition. By supporting worthy authors, Christians can exert a powerful influence on their culture."What a superb resource this is! It resonates with profound perceptions of how good literature works to enrich and illuminate us. Dr. Veith proves himself once again to be a knowledgeable guide through the landscape of the written word." —Luci Shaw, author of God in the Dark and Polishing the Petoskey Stone"Veith makes it clear that the joys of reading can be deep joys of the type which can enliven our souls. This book should raise significantly the cultural level of evangelicalism." --Dr. Edward E. Ericson, Jr., Calvin College"Reading Between the Lines is thoroughly readable and thoroughly literate--a magnificent blending of history, literature, and theology that will be welcomed by professionals and laity alike." --Dr. Wayne Martindale, Wheaton College"Ed Veith has written on important topics with his usual clarity, good sense, organizing ability, and comprehensiveness. The scope of the project is impressive." --Dr. Leland Ryken, Wheaton College
Handbook of Neurosurgery
Mark S. Greenberg - 1990
Thoroughly cross referenced and indexed, and with thousands of literature citations, this guide makes it easy to locate exactly what you need to know. In addition to updated coverage of the key clinical issues in neurosurgery, this new edition incorporates practice parameters derived from evidence-based medicine, including the management of cervical trauma and current guidelines for lumbar fusion derived from those recently established by the Joint Section of Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves of the AANS and the CNS.Key features:- Detailed coverage of critical topics in neurosurgery, everything from general care considerations, to how to manage infection, pain, tumors, head trauma, and spine injuries- Concise organization with hundreds of clinical applications, complete with etiology, treatment, and information for patients- Easy-to-reference discussion of differential diagnoses according to sign and symptom, or based on location- New sections on postoperative headache, ankylosing spondylitis, spontaneous intracranial hypotension, sacral fractures, Modic classification of vertebral body degenerative changes, and more- Updates on such topics as post-herpetic neuralgia, vein of Galen malformations, and cavernous malformationsWith its portable, pocket-sized format, Handbook of Neurosurgery is the definitive text to keep at hand for both reference and review.
Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses (Critical Perspectives on Literacy and Education)
James Paul Gee - 1990
It shows how contemporary sociocultural approaches to language and literacy emerged and: Engages with topics such as orality and literacy, the history of literacy, the nature of discourse analysis and social theories of mind and meaning Explores how language functions in a society Through the exploration of the notion of ‘Discourse’, it surveys the current state of the field with specific reference to cross-cultural issues in communities and schools. This new edition incorporates contemporary work on "new literacies", that is, meaning making that uses digital media, images, or "multimodal texts" which integrate words and images. This new perspective fully updates the book and its approach to language, learning, and literacy in society and culture.
Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Our Hope for the Future
Larry K. Brendtro - 1990
It challenges educators to see youth at risk through new eyes and offers compelling, concrete alternatives for reclaiming them.
Doesn't Anyone Blush Anymore?: Reclaiming Intimacy, Modesty, and Sexuality
Manis Friedman - 1990
The author explains how modesty, often dismissed as irrelevant, can become a powerful tool for forming lasting relationships. This book attempts to redirect our thinking about sexuality and refocus our ideas about intimacy.
Ready from Within: Septima Clark and the Civil Rights Movement
Septima Poinsette Clark - 1990
Born in 1898 in Charleston, South Carolina, she was a public school teacher until 1956, when she was dismissed for refusing to disavow her membership in the National Association for the advancement of Colored People. Subsequently, she worked for the Highlander Folk School, helping to set up Citizenship Schools throughout the South where Black adults could learn to read and prepare to vote. During the 1960s she worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was a close associate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. From 1978 to 1983 she served as the first Black woman on the Charleston School Board. This is a first-person narrative of her life in the context of the Civil Rights Movement. Her story constitutes a major thread in the tapestry of that movement.
Bass & Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research & Managerial Applications
Bernard M. Bass - 1990
This third edition reflects the growth and changes in the study of leadership since the 1981 edition. There have been shifts in both content and method. Senior managers, for example, have become an increasing subject of inquiry. Distinctly separate fields of inquiry, such as political science and psychology, have been joined in this edition to build a broader appreciation of the phenomenon of leadership. Throughout the "Handbook," the contributions from cognitive social psychology and the social, political, communications, and administrative sciences have been expanded.As in the second edition, Bernard Bass begins with a consideration of the definitions and concepts used, and a brief review of some of the better-known theories. Professor Bass then focuses on the personal traits, tendencies, attributes, and values of leaders and the knowledge, intellectual competence, and technical skills required for leadership. Next, he looks at leaders' socioemotional talents, interpersonal competencies, and the differences in these characteristics in leaders who are imbued with ideologies, especially authoritarianism, Machiavellianism, and self-aggrandizement. A fuller examination of the values, needs, and satisfactions of leaders follows, and singled out for special attention are competitiveness and the preferences for taking risks. In his chapters on personal characteristics, Bass examines the esteem that others generally accord to leaders as a consequence of the leaders' personalities. The more general examination of the personal factors associated withleadership has been extensively reorganized and expanded, and increased attention has been paid to knowledge, information, and intellectual ability, as well as to power and political tactics.The many developments in theory and research about charisma since 1974 have now made possible an entire chapter devoted to charismatic and inspirational leadership. Bass argues that a new paradigm of leadership -- transformational leadership -- has arisen that makes possible the inclusion of a much wider range of phenomena than when theory and modeling are limited to reinforcement strategies.Studies of women increased dramatically during the 1980s. Accordingly, Chapter 32 on women and leadership has been considerably expanded over the chapter in the second edition. Completely new to this edition are studies by European and Japanese investigators on the accelerating internationalization of management.Finally, a glossary has been included in this edition to assist specialists in a particular academic discipline who may be unfamiliar with terms used in other fields.
Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 1990
This informative and indispensable reference reviews fundamental information about fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base balance; identifies electrolyte, fluid, acid, and base imbalances; describes imbalances in major health problems and their consequences; and explains how to treat those imbalances—all in an easy-to-understand, comprehensive, enjoyable format.
Teach the Children: An Agency Approach to Education
Neil Flinders - 1990
Molder of Dreams
Guy Rice Doud - 1990
Its neighbor, Lake Wobegon seems to have grabbed the national spotlight. That doesn't deter Guy from regaling the reader with stories of what it's like to grow up in a town where the police are alerted to a problem by a light on top of the water tower. A master storyweaver, Guy recounts growing up in the warmth of love and freshly baked oatmeal revel cookies. But all wasn't sweetness and light in the Doud household. Both Guy's parents were alcoholics. While his mother quietly fought her addiction, his father's black moods disrupted and frightened the family. Even in grade school, Guy realized the many inadequacies of his life -- his family was too poor to take a vacation, he was obese, he wasn't a particularly good student, and his desk was always a mess. Guy was picked last for kickball. The encouraging and discouraging messages Guy received about himself taught him that we all mold one another's dreams. We all hold each others' fragile hopes in our hands. We all touch others' hearts.
To Think
Frank Smith - 1990
Frank Smith is one of the most influential writers in education today. His work on reading in particular has had a seminal effect on classroom practice throughout the English-speaking world. At the core of all his work has been this issue of the nature of thought. In this book, he analyses the language of thinking and then moves on to look at different aspects of the thinking process: everyday thought, creative and critical thought. Finally he looks critically at the various methods currently advocated for teaching children to think, arguing that learning to think is in the end less a matter of instruction than of experience and opportunity.
Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual!
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 1990
Based on the well-known Incredibly Easy! series, Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual!, Second Edition combines images and clearly written, concise text to make the complex concepts of hemodynamic monitoring easy to understand. Great for reference or review, it uses hundreds of detailed photographs, diagram, charts, and other visual aids to clarify essential cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology - and demonstrate the technical points and clinical applications of today's pressure monitoring systems, hemodynamic monitoring techniques, and circulatory assist devices.The latest edition offers:NEW! Updated to current Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice Centers for Disease Control requirements, and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Standards of PracticeNEW noninvasive cardiac output monitoring techniquesNEW revised content and images to provide the most up-to-date information Special sections to reinforce key points:-- Ride the Wave: waveform explanations-- On the Level: charts that outline normal and abnormal pressure readings.Visual mnemonics that help nurses understand and remember difficult concepts Foster a quick and thorough understanding of hemodynamic monitoring the Incredibly Visual way - with clear, logical content, written in conversational style, highly-detailed visual aids, and key highlights that help you recall what you've learned.
Signs for Me: Basic Sign Vocabulary for Children, Parents & Teachers
Ben Bahan - 1990
The authors introduce common household items, animals, family, verbs, emotions, safety, and other concepts. Each of the vocabulary words features a picture, sign illustration, and the English word. The American Manual Alphabet, number signs, and a list of different American Sign Language handshapes are included for handy reference.
Giants and Dwarfs: Essays, 1960-1990
Allan Bloom - 1990
In this book, current liberal theories of justice are criticized, the shortcomings of the modern university are analyzed and the works of Shakespeare, Swift and Plato are examined.
Teaching Children to Think
Robert Fisher - 1990
As well as the invaluable features of the previous edition, this new updated version contains: suggestions for practical ideas to start the day thinking; more on emotional intelligence, cognitive acceleration and the use of ICT in teaching thinking; new summaries for each chapter; and more on assessment, new resources and weblinks.
Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print
Marilyn Jager Adams - 1990
Drawing on a rich array of research on the nature and development of reading proficiency, Adams shows educators that they need not remain trapped in the phonics versus teaching-for-meaning dilemma. She proposes that phonics can work together with the whole language approach to teaching reading and provides an integrated treatment of the knowledge and process involved in skillful reading, the issues surrounding their acquisition, and the implications for reading instruction.A Bradford Book
Sanctification, Christ in Action: Evangelical Challenge and Lutheran Response
Harold L. Senkbeil - 1990
Together We're Better: Establishing Coactive Environments for Young Children
Bev Bos - 1990
Intermediate Communication Games
Jill Hadfield - 1990
This series offers a collection of communicative games and activities that require students to use the language in order to complete tasks successfully at three levels.Each book in the series features: -- A collection of 40 reproducible games-- Full teaching notes for each game-- Pair work, group work, and whole class activitiesActivities include information gap, guessing games, search and matching games, quizzes, board games, role play, and simulation.
Intellect: Mind over Matter
Mortimer J. Adler - 1990
Mortimer J. Adler argues that in the conflict between ancient and modern approaches to the study of the mind key insights have been lost that bear on contemporary psychology. According to Adler, the intellectual powers of the human mind have either been denied or neglected, or they have been reduced to the mind's sensitive powers--sense-perception, memory, and imagination. With that goes a further reduction of all psychological phenomena to the action of the sense-organs and the brain.Adler's thoroughgoing critique of both of the above reductions restores the intellect to its primacy in the understanding of the mind. He explains the intellect's uniqueness, its immateriality, the role it plays both in our sense-experience and in our knowledge of an independent reality, and how it functions as the source of meaning in our use of language.
Between Form and Freedom: A Practical Guide to the Teenage Years
Betty Staley - 1990
Teenagers' needs are explored in relation to family, friends, schools, the arts, and love. Issues such as stress, depression, drugs, alcohol, and eating disorders are included.
A Life Worth Living: The Selected Letters
John C. Holt - 1990
Holt findings and making his 'life worth living and work worth doing' and those that in some way look at the relation between struggling for an individual life worth living and a collective one, at what it means to see one's own life's work in terms of the larger world. Holt had an interest in schools, coming to understand what was wrong with schools, struggling to fix those wrongs, and finally realizing that some of the wrongs could not be fixed and that something entirely different was necessary.
Classics in the Classroom
Michael Clay Thompson - 1990
Also an extensive list of classic literature from across the globe and disciplines.
The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism and Empathy in Everyday Life
Alfie Kohn - 1990
This lively refutation of cynical assumptions about our species considers the nature of empathy and the causes of war, why we (incorrectly) explain all behavior in terms of self-interest, and how we can teach children to care.
Transforming Knowledge
Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich - 1990
It argues that the prevailing systems of knowledge, morality, and politics are rooted in views that are exclusionary and therefore legitimate injustice, patriarchy, and violence. That is, these views divide humans into different kinds along a hierarchy whose elite still defines the systems that shape our lives and misshape our thinking. Like the first edition of Transforming Knowledge, this substantially revised edition calls upon us to continue to liberate our minds and the systems we live within from concepts that rationalize inequality. developments in its allied fields (such as Cultural Studies, African American Studies, Queer Studies, and Disability Studies) to critique the deepest and most vicious of old prejudices. This new edition extends Minnich's arguments and connects them with the contemporary academy as well as recent instances of domination, genocide, and sexualized violence. Updated to consider recent scholarship in Gender, Multicultural, Postcolonial, Disability, Native American, and Queer Studies, among other fields of study; Revised to include an extended analysis of the conceptual errors that legitimate domination, including the construction of kinds (genders) of human beings; Revised to include new materials from a variety of cultures and times, and engages with today's contemporary debates about affirmative action, postmodernism, and religion
Glacier Travel & Crevasse Rescue
Andy Selters - 1990
Topics covered include: how glaciers form and how crevasses develop; basic principles of glacier travel; route finding; knots and harnesses; holding a fall; rescue techniques, including self-belay and what a victim should do; and glacier skiing and sled hauling. Sidebars feature descriptions of accidents and near-accidents to emphasize the importance of the techniques presented.
Nøkken : a garden for children : a Danish approach to Waldorf-based child care
Helle Heckmann - 1990
The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter
Vivian Gussin Paley - 1990
It is the dramatic story of Jason-the loner and outsider-and of his ultimate triumph and homecoming into the society of his classmates. As we follow Jason's struggle, we see that the classroom is indeed the crucible within which the young discover themselves and learn to confront new problems in their daily experience.Vivian Paley recreates the stage upon which children emerge as natural and ingenious storytellers. She supplements these real-life vignettes with brilliant insights into the teaching process, offering detailed discussions about control, authority, and the misuse of punishment in the preschool classroom. She shows a more effective and natural dynamic of limit-setting that emerges in the control children exert over their own fantasies. And here for the first time the author introduces a triumvirate of teachers (Paley herself and two apprentices) who reflect on the meaning of events unfolding before them.
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom
Judy Herr - 1990
Each theme contains a variation of the following content depending upon that theme: Curriculum Web, Theme Goals, Concepts for the Children to Learn, Vocabulary, Bulletin Board, Parent Letter, Music, Fingerplay, Science, Math, Dramatic Play, Arts and Crafts, Sensory, Large Muscle (Gross), Small Muscle (Fine), Field Trips, Social Studies, Group Time, Cooking, Transitions, Books, Multimedia, Recordings and Song Titles. The book sections at the end of each theme have been revised with older ones deleted and hundreds added. Over a hundred new activities have been added and many craft activities have been deleted. In addition, an accompanying back-of-book CD-ROM will contain important assessment tools, lesson plan forms, evaluation forms for documentation boards, and more.
Of Time, Passion, and Knowledge
J.T. Fraser - 1990
And while developing a theory of time as conflict, J. T. Fraser does offer many things indeed--an enormous range of ideas about matter, life, death, evolution, and value.
Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy
Max Van Manen - 1990
Rather than relying on abstract generalizations and theories, van Manen offers an alternative that taps the unique nature of each human situation.The book offers detailed methodological explications and practical examples of hermeneutic-phenomenological inquiry. It shows how to orient oneself to human experience in education and how to construct a textual question which evokes a fundamental sense of wonder, and it provides a broad and systematic set of approaches for gaining experiential material that forms the basis for textual reflections.Van Manen also discusses the part played by language in educational research, and the importance of pursuing human science research critically as a semiotic writing practice. He focuses on the methodological function of anecdotal narrative in human science research, and offers methods for structuring the research text in relation to the particular kinds of questions being studied. Finally, van Manen argues that the choice of research method is itself a pedagogic commitment and that it shows how one stands in life as an educator.
Poisoning & Drug Overdose
Kent R. Olson - 1990
The new edition of this trusted at-a-glance offers the latest advice needed for the effective diagnosis and treatment of poisoning and drug overdose.The Sixth Edition features: Critical insights into timely topics such as drug interactions, newly released drugs, and the latest blackbox and other warningsUpdated coverage of industrial chemicals, including the most recent regulatory exposure limitsSpecial pregnancy considerationsComprehensive index featuring generic, chemical, and brand names for nmany drugs and commercial productsThe authority of the California Poison Control CenterOrganized A-Z with only clinically-relevant information: Part I. Evaluation and Treatment Principles;Part II. Specific Poisons and Drugs;Part III. Therapeutic Drugs and Antidotes;Part IV. Environmental and Occupational Exposures.
Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore
Deborah A. Coulombe - 1990
Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore
The Politics of Disablement: A Sociological Approach
Michael Oliver - 1990
Further, it then analyses the possibilities for achieving political change within this current era of late capitalism and the significance of the emergent disability movement as part of this process of change.
Critical Thinking Activities in Patterns Imagery & Logic Grade K/3 Copyright 1991
Dale G. Seymour - 1990
Teachers need to recognize that thinking skills are basic and critical thinking activities should be considered indispensable to the education of every child.These books present activities to help students develop their thinking and problem-solving skills using strategies that can help solve non-routine math problems. Students will use more than one strategy to arrive at a solution, and some of these strategies require that students use skills such as thinking visually, recognizing patterns, using logical reasoning, and doing organized counting--all of which are elements of critical thinking in mathematics.Critical Thinking Activities can be used as a supplement to an existing math curriculum to introduce, reinforce, and elaborate on specific critical thinking skills. The pages are designed to be reproduced for students to use as individual worksheets or problem cards.To view sample lessons and pages, click on the appropriate ISBN # below.
Living Between the Lines
Lucy Calkins - 1990
Calkins has woven insights, practical suggestions, references, and anecdotes into this inspirational story of a community of educators who have pushed back the frontiers of what we know about teaching writing and reading. Personal in approach and comprehensive in presentation, this book includes: 08538the story of how writers' notebooks and a new attention to rehearsal have led to important revisions in many writing workshops major chapters on establishing courses of study in which children read and write memoir, nonfiction, and picturebooks a new look at the qualities of good writing and ways we can help children grow into them references to the best of children's literature and to ways these books can enrich our classrooms an invitation to pioneer new ideas about conferring, record keeping, mini-lessons, and organizational structures for the workshop.
Structuring Drama Work
Jonothan Neelands - 1990
A practical handbook for drama teachers and lecturers, youth leaders, theatre workers and anyone engaged in drama activity with people of all ages.
Caught'Ya!: Grammar with a Giggle
Jane Bell Kiester - 1990
Teachers of students in grades 3-12 save valuable planning time with these classroom-proven soap opera plots ready for the blackboard or overhead. One story each for elementary, middle, and high school, easily adapted to your own classroom. Includes machine-readable tests, keys, plot outlines, and spin-off activities.
Acts of Meaning
Jerome Bruner - 1990
Only by breaking out of the limitations imposed by a computational model of mind can we grasp the special interaction through which mind both constitutes and is constituted by culture.
Out of the Earth: Civilization and the Life of the Soil
Daniel J. Hillel - 1990
Out of the Earth is the culmination of the author's long career in conservation. This history of man's use and misuse of soil and water combines a description of the complex inner processes that form soil with a lyrical assertion of its powers and significance.
Talk about English: How Words Travel and Change
Janet Klausner - 1990
Traces the development of the English language from its earliest beginnings to modern English, explaining how individual words evolved as a result of events in English history, and through usage.
The Significance of Theory (The Bucknell Lectures in Literary Theory 2)
Terry Eagleton - 1990
This book reflects the breadth of his interests. It offers a view of his career to date, raising a number of central issues in literature, culture and politics.
Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide for Young Skeptics
Dan Barker - 1990
In this introduction to skeptical curiosity, young readers learn that they are capable of figuring out what to believe and of knowing when there isn't enough information to decide.
Maybe You Know My Kid: A Parents' Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Helping Your Child with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Mary Fowler - 1990
From an explanation of the newest theory about self-control and what it has to do with AD/HD to the failures of education, Fowler gives parents practical and necessary information from the most respected researchers and practitioners in the field.
The New Radicals in the Multiversity and Other S.D.S. Writings on Student Syndicalism (Sixties Series)
Carl Davidson - 1990
Cultural Writing.A spectre is haunting our universities-- the spectre of a radical and militant nationally co-ordinated movement for student power. --Carl Davidson. This is the second book from the Sixties Series of Charles H. Kerr, Publishers of Anti-Establishment Literature Since 1886. Davidson in these essays explored various analogies and connections between students and the working class, and outlined a theory of student syndicalism that characterized a critical phase in the development of SDS. Drawing not only on classical Marxism but also on IWW and anarcho-syndicalist ideas as well as on newer revolutionary currents such as the Dutch Provos and the French Situationists, these writings were among the most original and influential documents of the American New Left in its dynamic first decade. A quarter of a century later, Davidson's essays remain an unexcelled how-to manual for insurgent students seeking to gain some measure fo control over their lives. In a new Afterword, the author situates the rise of st
Everyone Wins!: Cooperative Games and Activities
Josette Luvmour - 1990
Encouraging collaboration over competition, activities such as “Spaghetti,” “Rope Raising,” and “Gyrating Reptile” foster team-building and positive group dynamics. With minimum effort and maximum fun, children (and adults) learn to recognize and appreciate each other’s special abilities and take pride in their own.All of the activities in Everyone Wins! have been thoroughly tested and are graded according to appropriate age level (age 1+ to adult), size of group, indoor or outdoor location, and activity level, and include special hints and variations for group leaders. Where extra materials or props are called for, they are always simple, readily available, and inexpensive.Brimming with ideas and written in a clear, easy-to-understand style, Everyone Wins! is perfect for educators, parents, group leaders, camp counselors, and anyone who works with children.Josette and Ba Luvmour created Natural Learning Rhythms, a family-oriented approach to human development, and are co-founders of EnCompass, the first holistic learning center for the whole family. They have written several previous books on family and childhood development, including Win-Win Games for All Ages.
Mapping Inner Space Learning
Nancy Margulies - 1990
Designed for teaching mind-mapping, this text uses a basis of structure, methodology and logical formats, which combine to increase progress and work rate.
Working Inside The Black Box: Assessment For Learning In The Classroom
Paul Black - 1990
Offers practical advice on using and improving assessment for learning in the classroom.
Learning Together: A History of Coeducation in American Public Schools
David Tyack - 1990
David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot explore the many factors that have shaped coeducation since its origins. At the very time that Americans were creating separate spheres for adult men and women, they institutionalized an education system that brought boys and girls together. How did beliefs about the similarities and differences of boys and girls shape policy and practice in schools? To what degree did the treatment of boys and girls differ by class, race, region, and historical period? Debates over gender policies suggest that American have made public education the repository of their hopes and anxieties about relationships between the sexes. Thus, the history of coeducation serves as a window not only on constancy and change in gender practices in the schools but also on cultural conflicts about gender in the broader society."Learning Together presents a rich and exhaustive search through [the] 'tangled history' of gender and education that links both the silences and the debates surrounding coeducation to the changing roles of women and men in our society....It is the generosity and capaciousness of Tyack and Hansot's scholarship that makes Learning Together so important a book." —Science
A 19th Century Railway Station
Fiona MacDonald - 1990
Each title provides the reader with a detailed glimpse of people and places during pivotal periods in time.
Children of the Dragon: The Story of Tiananmen Square
Orville Schell - 1990
Children of the Dragon will be the first book to tell the Chinese side of the story in the words of the student and pro-democracy leaders themselves. Three 16-page photograph inserts. 50 black-and-white photographs.
Lester M. Sdorow - 1990
This elegantly written and balanced introduction to Psychology is brimming with interesting examples that are inclusive with regard to gender and culture. With a strong historical context and an emphasis on the research that defines psychology,Sdorow provides faculty and students with a winning combination of content,readability,and interest. Sdorow,promotes critical thinking and an appreciation of psychology as a science by exploring the research that defines the discipline. Research processes are examined in depth in the "Anatomy of a Research Study" section in each chapter from 2 to 17. The book presents the major perspectives of the discipline in a balanced and scholarly manner,with attention to,but not excessive,detail and up to date coverage of major research studies .
Childhood's Future
Richard Louv - 1990
"A passionate call for rebuilding community and family life" (The New York Times Book Review ) that provides a concrete program of change to enable families to re-create their structural web.
Hopscotch, Hangman, Hot Potato, Ha Ha Ha: A Rulebook of Children's Games
Jack Macguire - 1990
Presented in quick-access format, this unique guide is ideal for parents, teachers, adult referees, grandparents, babysitters, and camp counselors. Featuring: * Games to play on grass, on pavement, on steps and stoops, inside houses for rainy days and parties, and while traveling * Step-by-step instructions and rules for each game, complete with clear diagrams and line drawings * Games for children of all ages and playing abilities * Multiple lists that make it easy for you to find the perfect game for a specific situation (by number of players, etc.) * The origins of games through interesting anecdotes * Tips on choosing sides, determining who goes first, selecting who is "It," and more HAVE FUN!
Earth Education: A New Beginning
Steve Van Matre - 1990
It is not true. The environmental movement has been led astray: + trivialized by mainstream education + diluted by those with other agendas + co-opted by the very agencies and industries that have contributed so much to the problems This book proposes another direction--an alternative that many environmental leaders and teachers around the world have already taken. It is called The Earth Education Path, and anyone can follow it in developing a genuine educational program made up of magical learning adventures. Earth education aims to accomplish what environmental education set out to do, but didn't: to help people improve upon their cognitive and affective relationship with the earth's natural communities and life support systems, and begin crafting lifestyles that will lessen their impact upon those places and processes on behalf of all the earth's passengers. If you care about the health of our troubled planet, then you should read what this internationally known educator has to say about how we lost a whole generation of teachers and leaders and what you can do to help them find their way again.
The Least You Should Know About Vocabulary Building: Word Roots
Carol E. Friend - 1990
They're Not Dumb, They're Different: Stalking the Second Tier
Sheila Tobias - 1990
First published in 1990 by Research Corporation for its membership of science professionals, it is now available to the general public by the author.
Toward Imagination
Rudolf Steiner - 1990
With wit and compassion, he vividly confronts us with the dead end to which materialism has brought modern civilization.Starting with a new look at the festival of Pentecost, Steiner shows how the chaos of his time� "and ours� "can be transcended by a shift or transformation of consciousness. Ranging over a wide variety of topics, he moves from a description of balance in life to a discussion of the twelve senses and their relationship to the cosmos, psychology, and art. In the process, he reveals the central importance of the development of Imagination.Contents: 1. The Immortality of the "I"2. Blood and Nerves3. The Twelve Human Senses4. The Human Organism through the Incarnations5. Balance in Life6. The Feeling for Truth7. Toward Imagination
Conversations on the Written Word: Essays on Language and Literacy
Jay L. Robinson - 1990
Three of Robinson's students, who are also his colleagues, contribute essays to the collection: Cathy Fleischer writes about a literacy project in an inner-city high school; Carol Winkelmann wonders about students on the margins in college writing; Patricia Stock joins with Robinson to write about language and learning and ways to think about learning, drawing upon experiences in remedial classes in the University of Michigan and in high school classrooms in an industrial city in Michigan. In Conversations, Robinson carries on his own conversation with his own learning and experience, varied as both have been. A Linguist in an English department who was trained as a medievalist; a chair of an English department in which the dominant interest was and is literature; director of a university-wide writing program; director of programs in education - Robinson brings diverse perspectives to the study of the issues. The essays treat: language and its various uses, literacy and its uses, the social and ethical implications of language use, the pragmatics and practicalities of language learning in secondary and collegiate classrooms.
Soldiers and Scholars: The U.S. Army and the Uses of Military History, 1865-1920
Carol Reardon - 1990
Historian Carol Reardon scrutinizes the Army's relationship to its own history and traces the Army's attempts, from the end of the Civil War through the Progressive Era, to lay claim to the discipline of military history.Owning military history was important to the Army, Reardon maintains. Not only was military history a cornerstone in the Army's emerging education system, but it carried with it a professional image and social respectability as well.As a result, the Army tenaciously defended the discipline from the incursions of civilian academics, arguing that military professionals should set the standards for the study of military history. The American Historical Association, on the other hand, countered that military history should not be left to amateurs.In this well-researched study Rearson argues that the lengthy, unresolved debate over proprietorship of military history was largely responsible for its demise as a discipline during the half century following World War I.
The Synopticon II: An Index to the Great Ideas (Great Books of the Western World, #3)
Mortimer J. Adler - 1990
Shaping Character: Moral Education in the Christian College
Arthur F. Holmes - 1990
Arguing that ethics is everybody's business, Arthur Holmes presents in this book a concise survey of moral education—its goals and methods—in the Christian college. Arising out of a three-year Christian College Consortium project, Shaping Character reflects the insights of a rich variety of experts, writers, and faculty members. Holmes first orients his readers to the present ethical climate, to theological dimensions and distinctive in ethics, and to moral development theory. He then poses three overall objectives of ethics education—forming the conscience, making moral decisions, and developing character—and fleshes out each objective with particular goals. Throughout the book Holmes makes suggestions about the role of faculty and staff, paying special attention to teaching methods and noting the context and dynamics of college life in general. The final chapter summarizes how the Bible functions in ethics. Shaping Character is meant for all Christian college teachers, professors, and administrators concerned about student values and the moral condition of our society. The book will serve as a valuable and practical guide for teaching ethics in every department.Richard J. Mouw (Fuller Theological Seminary): "Arthur Holmes has written a profound book on a timely topic. It ought to be widely read. More importantly, its wise insights and prescriptions ought to be put into practice wherever people care about faithful and effective Christian higher education."
The Plain English Approach to Business Writing
Edward P. Bailey - 1990
They're bombarding in-boxes with those long, confusing memos that colleagues don't have the patience to read--and bosses don't have the time to rewrite. They use words like commence or prior to instead of begin or before. They bury their main point somewhere in the last paragraph--and take two pages to get there. Everybody knows one of them; in fact, you may even be one of them. But now there's help for anyone who's ever fallen prey to businessese, academese, legalese, or any other ese when faced with a blank memo pad. In The Plain English Approach to Business Writing, Edward Bailey--who spent twenty years working in the bastions of bureaucratese--offers readers a powerful new communications tool. Written for busy professionals who want to improve the quality and clarity of their own (or their staff's) writing style, this no-nonsense guide is an indispensable office companion. Bailey's approach is 5urprisingly straightforward: just write as you would talk. Plain English is not only easier to read; it's also easier to write. And it's so effective that many large organizations are endorsing, if not demanding, its use in the work place. Pithy and entertaining, Bailey points out all the dos and don'ts of plain English. He then illustrates them with examples drawn from a wide array of sources, including business documents, technical manuals, trade publications like Consumer Reports, and the works of writers such as Russell Baker and John D. MacDonald. From the basics to the fine tuning, he offers practical advice on clarity and precision, organization, layout, and a host of other important writing topics. A delightful, down-to-earth guide, The Plain English Approach to Business Writing is for professionals of all backgrounds (government, military, legal, financial, technical, corporate) and staff at all levels (from the company CEO to the ambitious secretary). The Plain English Approach to Business Writing can be read in an hour--and used for the rest of one's life.
Black and White Racial Identity: Theory, Research, and Practice
Janet E. Helms - 1990
Moreover, theoretical perspectives that were originally developed to describe social fomentation have been updated and expanded to explain the role of racial identity in counseling dyads, social relationships, and groups. Measures for assessing racial identity are described. Original research addresses the relationship of racial identity to other personality characteristics such as value orientations, decision-making styles and counseling process variables such as satisfaction, counselor strategies, and client reactions.Part 1 presents basic racial identity theory and measurement issues as they pertain to individuals and intergroup functioning. Ideally this material will be useful to persons who are seeking a basic introduction to Black and White racial identity theory. Part 2 introduces empirical attempts to examine the correlates of racial identity. This section is primarily intended for the reader who is interested in generating research questions and/or evaluating some of those that already have been generated. Part 3 includes speculative and empirical chapters that study the influence of racial identity on everyday interactions. This material also describes the influence of racial identity attitudes on various kinds of counseling interactions. The final chapter presents models for promoting identity development. This book should appeal to anyone interested in the social and behavioral sciences, including psychiatry, social work, and cross cultural psychology; nursing and education.
Grammar and Meaning: A Semantic Approach to English Grammar
Howard Jackson - 1990
It provides an impressive survey of all the main areas of English grammar, from words through to sentences and texts. It introduces and explains the linguistic terms needed to talk about the ways in which language works, from simple terms like adjective to more complex terms like non-finite clause. To meet the needs of both students and scholars, Howard Jackson has produced an innovative approach to the study of English grammar. Instead of concentrating on the formal and theoretical discussion of grammar, as many introductions do, this original analysis examines the 'meanings' we want to express when we use language. Beginning with the question, What do we talk about?, it goes on to investigate how these meanings are structured in the grammar of English. These notions are closer to our ordinary understanding of what language is doing, and therefore the forms and structures of grammar are more easily grasped. The book is extensively illustrated with examples from real English. With analytical exercises in each chapter and a comprehensive glossary of terms, the book will prove and invaluable aid to students of English language, linguistics and English as a Foreign Language, whilst also being accessible to anyone who studies English grammar as part of their course.
On Catholic Universities: Ex Corde Ecclesiae
Pope John Paul II - 1990
Bellybuttons Are Navels
Mark Schoen - 1990
Cheerful artwork and gentle words frame this engagingly told story of two children taking a bath. As Mary and her brother Robert splash about and play, they not only discover that boys and girls have some of the same body parts, but also that boys and girls have some distinguishing features- that have accurate names. Today, when the USA has among the highest rates of teen pregnancy, HIV and STD rates in the western world it is clear that we need to begin prevention early. "Bellybuttons Are Navels" is a tool to help assure your child becomes a sexually healthy adult. "New parents should get this as a present when their first child is born." -Mary S. Calderone, M.D., M.P.H. "An easy, accurate introduction to anatomy to share with children." -Booklist "...fulfills the requirement virtually all sex educators stress: It names body parts" -Redbook "...a fine resource." -SIECUS Report
Engineering Drawing and Design
David A. Madsen - 1990
This fifth edition continues its twenty year tradition of excellence with a multitude of actual quality industry drawings that demonstrate content and provide problems for real world, practical application. The engineering design process featured in ENGINEERING DRAWING AND DESIGN, 5E follows an actual product design from concept through manufacturing, and provides readers with a variety of design problems for challenging applications or for use as team projects. Also included in this book is coverage of Civil Drafting, 3D CADD, solid modeling, parametric applications, and more.
The Uses of Literacy in Early Mediaeval Europe
Rosamond McKitterick - 1990
400 and c. 1000. The contributors set out to provide the factual basis for assessments of the significance of literacy in the early medieval world and analyze the significance of literacy, its implications, and its consequences for the various societies. In all cases, the studies represent new research and provide fascinating insights into the attitudes of early medieval societies toward the written word.
What Would You Do?
Linda Schwartz - 1990
Gives advice on what should be done in confusing, ambiguous, dangerous, or unexpected situations at home, school, or out on your own.
Games for Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. - 1990
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips
Melvin L. Silberman - 1990
The active training method--which turns the spotlight away from the instructor and put the emphasis on the learner--has emerged over time as a proven and reliable method for enhancing involvement, learning, and change. The third edition of Active Training, provides a thorough introduction to the core principles of active training design and delivery and includes a wealth of examples, tips, and techniques. The book has been revised to reflect the latest trends in workforce training and key sections, such as assessment and evaluation, have been thoroughly updated. In addition, a completely new chapter has been included to cover the design of active training for e-learning and online applications.
An Historical Introduction to American Education
Gerald L. Gutek - 1990
Using both a chronological and a topical frame-of-reference, Gutek's narrative describes the development of key institutions such as the common school, the high school, and the college and university. Spanning the colonial period to the present, this analysis provides an historical perspective on the evolution of American educational leaders, trends, and movements in their general political, social, intellectual, and economic contexts.
Black Students and School Failure: Policies, Practices, and Prescriptions
Jacqueline Jordan Irvine - 1990
This country's survival and strength will ultimately depend on the quality of education given to this important group that has been systematically and effectively excluded from the benefits of educational opportunity. Without these benefits, blacks and other minorities will never achieve economic independence, and the self-perpetuating cycle of poor school achievement, poverty, and teen parenthood will grind on relentlessly. This important study addresses the many facets of this complex problem by explicating its many roots, assessing strengths and weaknesses inherent in the present system, and proposing strategies for dynamic changes.Chapter 1 reviews various societal prescriptions regarding education and descriptive practices harmful to black students and uncovers a hidden curriculum. The focus of Chapter 2 is on cultural synchronization in style, language, and cognition and on how disappearing black educators increase the lack of synchronization. Chapters 3 and 4 detail the effects of teacher expectations in various contexts including grade level, subject, and time of year, and present a thorough research study of teacher-student interactions. The last two chapters outline strategies for change and implications for training and staff development exploring Afro-centric responses, parent involvement, relevant research findings, and various staff development competencies for policy development and prejudice reduction. The detailed introductory essay, the seven tables and five figures, and an appendix that provides supplemental information describing the research study methodology in Chapter 4 complete this valuable volume. Scholars and students of Afro-American and African Studies, as well as educational administrators and practitioners will find this work both timely and provocative.
A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children
Edwin E. Gordon - 1990
The Growing Classroom: Garden Based Science
Roberta Jaffe - 1990
Education & Social Transition in the Third World
Martin Carnoy - 1990
Current political patterns and leadership in these countries have emerged in the context of predominantly agricultural, industrially underdeveloped economies. Each state has played a major role in social transformation, relying on the educational system to train, educate, and socialize its future citizens. Discussing the similarities and differences among these states, the authors show the primacy of politics and the interaction of material and ideological goals in the process of social transition, and how shifting policies reflect and are reflected in educational change. This collection first examines critical analyses of education in capitalist societies, both industrialized and peripheral, and explores the utility of those perspectives in the political and educational conditions of the countries under study. Together these essays offer the first systematic explanation of how and why education in socialist countries undergoing rapid change differs from education in developing capitalist countries. Contributions to the study were made by Mary Ann Burris, Anton Johnston, and Carlos Alberto Torres
A Pocket Guide to Correct Grammar
Vincent Foster Hopper - 1990
That is the approach taken in this concise, comprehensive guide to the principles of good grammar and standard English word usage. A practical analysis of the parts of speech demonstrates how they work together in a correctly constructed sentence.
The Working Family's Cookbook
Irena Chalmers - 1990
Plus: advice on making up efficient supermarket shopping lists cooking for dieters transforming ordinary leftovers into chefs' delights using substitutions when recipe ingredients are unavailable mastering microwave oven cooking planning menus fixing imaginative snacks
Marva Collins' Way: Returning to Excellence in Education
Marva Collins - 1990
Working Class Without Work: High School Students in A De-Industrializing Economy
Lois Weis - 1990
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Rooftop Astronomer: A Story about Maria Mitchell
Stephanie Sammartino McPherson - 1990
Written in story format, these biographies also include inviting black-and-white illustrations.
Reaching the Stars
Ruchoma Shain - 1990
As her legions of students confirm in correspondence that spans three decades, Mrs. Shain's success in this area is indisputable and unequaled, and her positive influence on their lives continues despite the passage of time. Mrs. Shain's unique teaching style, combining humor, creativity and improvisation with a wealth of knowledge, contains what she views as the key to her success: sensitivity, or, in her words, the ability to "reach out" to others. Each of Mrs. Shain's students was a star in her firmament, and reaching every one of them, regardless of the effort required, was her goal. On countless occasions, schoolteacher became nursemaid, guidance counselor, or eve family social worker, as her lessons encompassed every aspect of life. Her tireless efforts bore a rich harvest: her students not only learned the curricular lessons she imparted, they learned from her superb example and grew to become sensitive,caring adults, many of them now teachers themselves and possessed of the outstanding middos instilled in them at a tender age by their loving mentor.With her aliyah to Israel in 1968, Mrs. Shain envisaged a quiet retirement, not quite knowing how she would fill her days or satisfy her yearning to teach. The problem was solved when she was invited to give a series of lectures to women of all ages at a Jerusalem seminary. Imbued with Mrs. Shain's inimitable sensitivity and warmth, these lectures proved exceedingly popular and she often found herself addressing a standing-room-only crowd. Once again, her lessons extended beyond the classroom, as she continued to reach out to her students and, in turn, was welcomed and drawn into their lives. For a born-teacher like Mrs. Shain, every encounter is an education opportunity. Through her teaching, she has reached hundreds; through her writing, tens of thousands! Publication of "All for the Boss" in 1984 resulted in reams of correspondence from every part of the globe. Young and old from near and far were inspired by her devoted daughter's fond tribute to her father, Reb Yaakov Yosef Herman, zt"l, and by his remarkable deeds. They wrote to share their thoughts with the author as she had shared hers with them; they wrote to relate how profoundly her book had affected them; they wrote because her words had touched a responsive chord in their hearts. This is the essence of "Reaching the Stars."
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Curriculum Unit
Janine Bina - 1990
Science Education: A Minds-On Approach for the Elementary Years
Eleanor Duckworth - 1990
As the debate continues over the failure of our public education system to properly educate children, this important work offers new methods to promote thinking processes, stimulate interest, and resolve problems encountered by teachers. It does so by proposing a theoretical framework for organizing lessons into more interesting, non-rhetorical formats.
Nerve Block For Common Pain
Richard E. Cytowic - 1990
The author deals only with nerve block for the most common pain syndromes that the average practitioner will encounter frequently. This option is highly effective, but often not used simply because oral analgesics and anti-inflammatories are more familiar methods. The clear writing style leads step-by-step to the appropriate nerve block procedure. The author also discusses succinctly practical psychological issues of pain, placebos, etc.
Sidney And Spenser: The Poet As Maker
S.K. Heninger Jr. - 1990
While they responded in individualistic ways to the cultural formation then prevailing, they set the course of literature in England for centuries to come. With these poets, allegory transmutes to fiction.Heninger's study is concerned centrally with this transformation, and with the historical circumstances that encouraged and sustained it. For English writers this change was largely effected by the adoption of Aristotelian imitation as the quiddity of the poetical art. As its distinctive feature, poetry no longer reflects heavenly beauty or echoes cosmic harmony--it isn't rhyming and versing that make a poet, Sidney says. Instead, literature becomes a depictive art, a narrative with semantic content.The new poetry created "speaking pictures," and it acquired this ability to address simultaneously both ear and eye by virtue of its medium. Language allows poetry to display aural and visual properties, allying it with music on the one hand and with painting on the other. So this study investigates Renaissance notions of how language engages a reader, with both musical and painterly effects.By assimilating the principles of Aristotelian mimesis, Sidney devises a poetics that assigns meaning to the verbal system itself. Writing is making.
Ring-A-Round-A-Rosy: Nursery Rhymes, Action Rhymes, and Lullabies
Priscilla Lamont - 1990
An illustrated collection of nursery rhymes, lullabies, and action rhymes such as This little piggy went to market..
How to Use Cooperative Learning in the Mathematics Class
Alice F. Artzt - 1990
Many teachers, teacher educators and researchers have studied and tried a variety of cooperative learning approaches-and much has been learned. This book introduces new ideas and techniques and includes a bibliography with new articles and books that have been published since the first edition.
Vocabulary & Spelling Success in 20 Minutes a Day
LearningExpress - 1990
With a minimal daily time commitment, users can take the whole course or customize their own study plan. Perfect for current students or adults who need to improve skills for jobs or continuing education. Each subject sold separately. Approx.