Best of
The Mystical City of God (4 Volume Set)
Mary of Agreda - 1990
Pope Clement XI and Benedict XIV gave like decisions.
Prayers of the Cosmos: Reflections on the Original Meaning of Jesus's Words
Neil Douglas-Klotz - 1990
Reinterpreting the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes from the vantage of Middle Eastern mysticism, Douglas-Klotz, the Sufi Founder of the worldwide network of the Dances of Universal Peace, reveals a mystical, feminist, cosmic Christ. Prayers of the Cosmos is a spiritual revelation—and in the words of Science of Mind, “When you read this book, you will have no further doubt that God loves you infinitely and unconditionally.”
The Fifty Miracle Principles of 'A Course in Miracles'
Kenneth Wapnick - 1990
These principles introduce students to concepts central to the Course's thought system. Based on a workshop, this study of the fifty miracle principles provides a clear summary of the teachings of A Course in Miracles, and includes questions from the group, allowing for further discussion of the principles and related ideas.
No Way: A Guide for the Spiritually 'Advanced'
Ram Tzu - 1990
and less! Blending paradox, wit, satire and insight, Ram Tzu creates a view of spirituality that is truly unique. One minute we are howling with laughter, the next squirming in self-conscious recognition as Ram Tzu holds up a perfect mirror and then points out we aren't wearing any clothes.
A Vast Illusion: Time According to A Course in Miracles
Kenneth Wapnick - 1990
Yet there is a plan behind appearances that does not change. The script is written. When experience will come to end your doubting has been set. For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by. (Workbook Lesson 158) The concept of time is central to the thought system ofA Course in Miracles, from a metaphysical point of view as well as our experience in the everyday world. And yet time is clearly the most difficult area in the Course to understand. This is so not only because of the subject matter, but because the Course for the most part refrains from an in-depth discussion of a concept that is beyond the comprehension of a temporal-spatial mind. However, in one passage Jesus specifically states that to understand the Atonement plan, one must understand the concept of time that the Course sets forth. This book therefore discusses the various aspects of time that are the foundation for the Course's teachings of forgiveness.
Delicious Laughter: Rambunctious Teaching Stories from the Mathnawi
Rumi - 1990
Included here are the notorious "Latin Parts" that Reynold Nicholson felt were too unseemly to appear in English in his 1920s translation. For Rumi, anything that human beings do--however compulsive or ludicrous--affords a glimpse of the inner life.
Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in Medieval Religion
Caroline Walker Bynum - 1990
It is also a study of gender, that is, a study of how sex roles and possibilities are conceptualized by both men and women, even though asymmetric power relationships and men's greater access to knowledge have informed the cultural construction of categories such as "male" and "female," "heretic" and "saint." Finally, these essays are about the creativity of women's voices and women's bodies.Bynum discusses how some women manipulated the dominant tradition to free themselves from the burden of fertility, yet made female fertility a powerful symbol; how some used Christian dichotomies of male / female and powerful / weak to facilitate their own imitatio Christi, yet undercut these dichotomies by subsuming them into humanitas. Medieval women spoke little of inequality and little of gender, yet there is a profound connection between their symbols and communities and the twentieth-century determination to speak of gender and "study women."
Fire in the Heart: Healers, Sages, and Mystics
Kyriacos C. Markides - 1990
Markides explores the amazing world of a master healer and spiritual teacher on the Isle of Cyprus.
The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation Into Channeling and Spirit Guides
Joe Fisher - 1990
Today, the practice of channeling spirit guides through hypnotized mediums is hotly debated. This strange phenomenon is either dismissed as a dubious parlor trick, or regarded as a form of communication between this world and the next. Many view "the guides" as a source of love and wisdom...but are they? For five years, Joe Fisher painstakingly investigated the claims of channelers and the mysterious voices that speak through them. The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts is his gripping journey into a realm of darkness and deception.
The Sun and the Serpent
Paul Broadhurst - 1990
It literally maps the Michael and Mary ley lines (which originate in Cornwall in the South West of England) in the finest detail, and takes you on a journey through ancient history to present day. Not only will you discover where the ley lines criss-cross the English countryside but you will find out how the ancients used the ley lines to locate their sacred sites and activate their energies at key times of the year to promote fertility and harmony in the landscape and the people.
Like This
Rumi - 1990
Pithy quatrains, ecstatic odes, and long rambles through the Mathnawi (including animal fables, jokes, and stories of human orneriness and innocence), all saturated with Rumi's deep teachings and images of his spiritual surrender.
Golem: Jewish Magical And Mystical Traditions On The Artificial Anthropoid
Moshe Idel - 1990
This book is the first comprehensive treatment of the whole range of material dealing with creation of the golem beginning with late antiquity and ending with the modern time. The author explores the relationship between these discussions and their historical and intellectual frameworks. Since there was in the medieval period a variety of traditions concerning the golem, it is plausible to assume that the techniques for creating this creature developed much earlier. This presentation focuses on the precise techniques for creating an artificial human, an issue previously neglected in the literature. A complete survey of the conceptions of the golem in North European and Spanish literature in medieval time allows not only a better understanding of this phenomenon, but also of the history of Jewish magic and mysticism in the Middle Ages. The Jewish and Christian treatments of the golem in the renaissance are explored as part of the renaissance concern for human nature. Moshe Idel was Centennial Scholar in Residence at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Currently, he is Professor of Kabbalah in the Department of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the author of The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia; Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah; and Language, Torah, and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia; all published by SUNY Press.
The Ways of the Spirit
Evelyn Underhill - 1990
In these writings, Underhill takes up some of the timeless themes of spiritual life: the call of God, sanctity, inner grace, and our purpose in life.
Where the Spirits Ride the Wind: Trance Journeys and Other Ecstatic Experiences
Felicitas D. Goodman - 1990
It may serve as a good introduction to the nature and appeal of the shamanic revival in modern Western cultures." --Theological Book Review..". a case study in experiential anthropology that offers a unique mix of autobiography, mythology, experiential research, and archaeological data to support a challenging thesis--that certain body postures may help induce specific trance states." --Shaman's Drum"This is a spellbinding and exceptionally readable book by an extraordinary woman." --Yoga Journal"And suddenly the understanding of my own vision washed over me like a mighty wave... For life or for death, I was committed to that mighty realm of which I was shown a brief reminder, the world where all was forever motion and emergence, that realm where the spirits ride the wind." --from the PrologueGoodman reexamines our notions of the nature of reality by studying the ritual postures of native art assumed by her subjects during trance states. For readers desiring to discover this world of ancient myths, she has included a practical guide on how to achieve such ecstatic experiences.