Best of
Life Application Study Bible: NIV
Anonymous - 1988
- Book Introductions use timelines, overviews, and outlines to prepare you to hear and respond to the book's truths. - Character Sketches spotlight key Bible figures and the lessons you can learn from their lives.- In-Text Charts and Maps help you locate key places and grasp difficult concepts at a glance. - Dictionary-Concordance developed specifically for the NIV Life Application Study Bible.- Red Letter Edition with the words of Christ printed in red.
The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions: The Official Story of the Abbey Road Years 1962-1970
Mark Lewisohn - 1988
Over 350 color black & white photographs and illustrations, including rare photos by Linda McCartney and the first facsimile reproductions of Abbey Road recording sheets, tape boxes, album sleeve roughs, memos, contracts, press releases and much more.
Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals
Jamie Sams - 1988
now, revised and expanded to include eight additional cards, this unique and powerful divination system draws upon ancient wisdom and tradition to teach the healing medicine of animals. Medicine Cards and found its way into the hearts and hands of many, guiding the way to healing the body, emotions, mind, and spirit, and providing insight into and understand of one's unique purpose in life.
Permaculture: A Designers' Manual
Bill Mollison - 1988
It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order. Permaculture design is a system of assembling conceptual, material, and strategic components in a pattern which functions to benefit life in all its forms. The philosophy behind permaculture is one of working with, rather than against, nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless action; of looking at systems in all their functions rather than asking only one yield of them; and of allowing systems to demonstrate their own evolutions.
The Way Things Work
David Macaulay - 1988
Full-color illustrations.
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
Ronald L. Graham - 1988
"More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems."
The People of Pern
Robin Wood - 1988
A book illustrating various characters for the Anne McCaffrey crafted world of Pern
Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting
Alice Starmore - 1988
A designer from the region, Alice Starmore explores the history and techniques of the art and provides instructions for over 15 of her own knitwear designs. 100 color photos.
The Garden Primer
Barbara Damrosch - 1988
The new edition has gone 100% organic, which in Barbara Damrosch's hands also means completely accessible. It reflects the latest research on plants, soils, tools, and techniques. There is updated and expanded information on planning a garden, recommended plants, and best tools. Ecological issues are addressed much more extensively, covering lawn alternatives, the benefits of native species, wildlife-friendly gardens, and how to avoid harmful invasive species. More attention is paid to plants appropriate to the South, Southwest, and West Coast, while cold-climate gardeners are given detailed advice on how to extend the growing season. Simply put, the book is a richer and fuller compendium than ever before, with more text, more illustrations and garden plans, expanded plant lists, and gardener's resources. But Barbara Damrosch's core of practical, creative ideas and friendly style remain—she is still an "old-fashioned dirt gardener" at heart.
The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need
Malcolm S. Thaler - 1988
It is an ideal reference for medical students in ICM courses, house officers, or anyone directly involved in patient care, whether student, teacher, or practitioner.The book features more than 200 facsimiles of EKG strips and numerous case studies and clinical examples. This Fifth Edition includes updated information on pacemakers and myocardial infarction treatment and more practice EKGs.
Bare Bones: Conversations on Terror with Stephen King
Tim Underwood - 1988
They do, however, reveal some interesting things about his insomnia and persistent fears (he hates darkness), his literary sources, work habits (he writes two hours a day, seven days a week) and how his scary novels are linked to his childhood insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. The interviews, conducted by various journalists over the past decade, originally ran in media ranging from Penthouse to the Baltimore Sun. Shrugging off critics who dismiss his work as derivative, King explains his fascination with the horrific and calls himself a good writer, not a great one. His comments on his novels and their movie adaptations are often astute, as when he interprets Carrie as a parable of women's consciousness or pans Stanley Kubrick's frigid direction of The Shining.
Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival
Mors Kochanski - 1988
With clear instructions, extensive use of diagrams and a color photo supplement, this comprehensive reference includes all the practical skills and knowledge essential for you to survive and enjoy the wilderness: * Lighting and maintaining a fire * Chopping wood and felling a tree * Creating a shelter and keeping warm * Safe use of the axe and bush knife * Plants and animals important for survival * Food, water and outdoor cooking * Wilderness first aid. * This bestseller should be required reading for hikers, campers, hunters, foresters, backwoods adventurers, scouts, youth groups--anyone with a passion for the outdoors.
Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies
Richard Gerber - 1988
More than 125,000 copies sold. Explores the actual science of etheric energies, replacing the Newtonian worldview with a new model based on Einstein's physics of energy. Summarizes key points at the end of each chapter to help the serious student absorb and retain the wealth of information presented. Vibrational Medicine has gained widespread acceptance by individuals, schools, and health-care institutions nationwide as the textbook of choice for the study of alternative medicine. Trained in a variety of alternative therapies as well as conventional Western medicine, Dr. Gerber provides an encyclopedic treatment of energetic healing, covering subtle-energy fields, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, radionics, crystal healing, electrotherapy, radiology, chakras, meditation, and psychic healing. He explains current theories about how various energy therapies work and offers readers new insights into the physical and spiritual perspectives of health and disease.
The Complete Book of Herbs: A Practical Guide to Growing and Using Herbs
Lesley Bremness - 1988
Revealing the enormous potential of herbs, this sourcebook includes information on planting, growing, and harvesting herbs, as well as the main uses of herbs. It also offers an exhaustive identification guide, recipes, ideas for gifts, and much more.
Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information
Paul Carter - 1988
Its sturdy leatherette binding will stand up to years of constant use.The third edition updates this popular reference book with new terminology and materials, and adds dozens of new illustrations of grip hardware, film lighting equipment and painting tools. Backstage Handbook includes chapters on Tools, Hardware, Materials, Electrics, Shop Math, Architecture and Theatre. There are hundreds of illustrations, tables and charts which cover everything from the stock sizes and specs of wood screws, to safe working loads for several kinds of rope, to illustrations of twenty-two types of standard lamp bases.
The New Age Herbalist: How to Use Herbs for Healing, Nutrition, Body Care, and Relaxation
Richard Mabey - 1988
"The New Age Herbalist" is a compendium of healthy alternatives, an indispensable guide for contemporary natural living. Created by a team of experts, it offers: A full-color illustrated glossary of more than 200 herbs, describing their properties, active ingredients, and traditional uses around the worldA guide to using herbs for scent, for decoration, and even as chemical-free housekeeping aidsTips on using herbs for skin care and beauty, by making natural shampoos, lotions, soaps, and cosmeticsA review of culinary herbs, with some unusual recipes that use familiar herbs in delightful new waysAn examination of the growing science of herbal healing, discussing herbal remedies -- including stress relievers -- and the scientific research that validates themA complete herb gardening plan, with advice on choosing symbiotic herbs, designing and scheduling plantings, and preserving the harvest by freezing and dryingFascinating, authoritative, packed with information presented in a stunning visual style, "The New Age Herbalist" will be the home herb user's bible for years to come.
Merriam-webster's Dictionary And Thesaurus
Merriam-Webster - 1988
You can set this dictionary as your default Kindle dictionary and look up words while reading. The default setting is The New Oxford American Dictionary included on your Kindle, but you have the option to change your default setting to this compatible dictionary after purchase.
Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American Birds
Paul R. Ehrlich - 1988
The Birder's Handbook is the first of its kind: a portable library of fascinating information not included in your identification guide. For each of the 646 species of birds that breed in North America, The Birder's Handbook will tell you at a glance: * Where the bird nests, and which sex(es) build(s) the nest;* How many eggs the bird lays, what they look like, which patent incubates and for how long, and how the young are cared for;* Food preferences and foraging habits.You will also find information about displays and mating, wintering, conservation status, and much more. In addition, The Birder's Handbook contains some 250 short essays covering all aspects of avian natural history.
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects
Barbara G. Walker - 1988
Sticking out the tongue is still a polite sign of greeting in northern India and Tibet (see Body Parts).Cosmic Egg In ancient times the primeval universe-or the Great Mother-took the form of an egg. It carried all numbers and letters within an ellipse, to show that everything is contained within one form at the beginning (see Round and Oval Motifs).
René Magritte - 1988
In the search for the ""mystery"" in which things and organisms are enveloped, Magritte created pictures which, taking everyday reality as their starting point, were to follow a different logic from that to which we are accustomed. Magritte depicts the world of reality in such unsecretive superficiality that the beholder of his pictures is forced to reflect that the mystery of it is not evoked by some sentimental transfiguration, but rather by the logic of his thoughts and associations. Magritte thus invented an inimitable pictorial language which he uses to question our usual comprehension of pictures. In this book, Jacques Meuris traces Magritte's artistic development from its beginnings until the end of his life, and in doing so underlines the originality of this great Belgian Surrealist.
Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract
Bill James - 1988
Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body
Johannes W. Rohen - 1988
Photographs of actual cadaver dissections along with numerous schematic drawings aid the student in anatomic orientation. Chapters are organized by region, in order of a typical dissection. Each chapter contains two sections: a description and illustration of organs, and a depiction of those organs within the regional anatomy. New to this edition is an increase of MRI pictures, approximately 30 schematic drawings made even more precise, and an updated text where appropriate.A Brandon-Hill recommended title.
The Little Office Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Catholic Church - 1988
For many people the Gregorian chant of the Little Office offers an introduction to the beauty of the Church's traditional liturgical heritage. This volume will help you sing all the Hours of the Little Office.Our edition includes a commentary on the rubrics and ceremonial by "A Master of Novices" (which was first published in the early twentieth century), and also includes a description of the indulgences with which the recitation of the Little Office has been enriched by Holy Mother Church.The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a shorter form of the Divine Office in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has long been the Church's daily liturgical prayer to Our Lady, and these hours of praise have been used by Priests, religious and the laity throughout the centuries. Lay people used to flock to the great Cathedrals to publicly recite The Little Office during the Middle Ages, and during the great persecution, when the practice of the Catholic Faith was illegal in Great Britain, Bishop Challoner commended The Little Office to his flock.Through its psalms, antiphons, readings, responsorials, and prayers the Little Office stresses the role Our Lady played in salvation history, and how through her fiat the divine Word took flesh in her womb and achieved salvation for us all; and how Our Lord granted her the first fruits of the general resurrection in her holy and glorious assumption.All Catholics are called to a consistent prayer life. For those who do not feel called to recite the Divine Office, but still wish to participate in the liturgical prayer of the Church, or for those who have a particular devotion to the holy Mother of God, there is no finer form of prayer than the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Features include:Based on an edition published just after the Reform Act in 1850 (allowing English Catholics to openly practice the Faith).English translation uses traditional language – with scripture taken from Bishop Challoner's version of the Douay-Rheims Bible.Fully updated to comply with the editio typica of the Breviary (1961) permitted by the Holy Father's Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.The first ever edition to include the complete Gregorian chants for the Little Office.Meditations before each hour from the mediaeval Mirror of Our Lady.Preface by the Very Reverend Fr. Berg, superior of the FSSP.Latin-English, red and black text.Psalms from the Vulgate.Flexible leather cover with stitched edge, gold gilding, 2 ribbons.
Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
John G. Kruis - 1988
Revised and expanded.
Be Daring (Acts 13-28): Put Your Faith Where the Action Is
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1988
Wiersbe skillfully explains the book of Acts to the layperson and the pastor alike.
Readers travel through dungeon prisons, see the ancient world as if it were today, and witness the marvelous work God can do through a few souls fully surrendered to His purposes. They witness Paul's conversion and spot his imperfections, yet still they enter his successes as the Lord uses him to preach Good News to the lost and dying. Because there are hardships today, places where God is unwelcome, and people whose hearts are unreceptive, both young and old will benefit from knowing that Paul's God is their God—the God of the ages.
Sound Reinforcement Handbook
Gary Davis - 1988
Sound reinforcement is the use of audio amplification systems. This book is the first and only book of its kind to cover all aspects of designing and using such systems for public address and musical performance. The book features information on both the audio theory involved and the practical applications of that theory, explaining everything from microphones to loudspeakers. This revised edition features almost 40 new pages and is even easier to follow with the addition of an index and a simplified page and chapter numbering system. New topics covered include: MIDI, Synchronization, and an Appendix on Logarithms. 416 Pages.
More of the Straight Dope
Cecil Adams - 1988
His first book amazed millions. Now he returns with another incomparable compendium of fantastic facts, insouciant information, and delicious data on every subject of import to personkind: Is it true Thanksgiving was invented by the editor of HARPER'S BIZARRE...? Why do your fingers wrinkle in the bathtub...? and hundreds more burning questions explained at last!
The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson
Ezra Taft Benson - 1988
Instruction, counsel, and guidance from the prophet-invaluable reading for every member.
Mark Kistler's Draw Squad
Mark Kistler - 1988
Mark Kistler's Draw Squad gathers all his zany, effective shortcuts to basic drawing skills into a book that will delight would be artists of all ages. Like his TV show, the thirty lessons in this book are peppered with jokes, tips, and slogans, and organized in easy-to-follow steps. "Warm-up" exercises generate enthusiasm; the "Key Drawing Words" develop specific skills; practice pages are provided for hands-on participation; and the Commander's own lively sketches and "contests" invite you to add your own creative touches. His bubbling energy, flashes of whimsy, and talent as a teacher make learning to draw fun and easy -- even for those who swear they can't draw a straight line!
Van Gogh: Avenel Art Library
Vincent van Gogh - 1988
Discover the tragic genius of Vincent van Gogh with this beautiful and highly informative guide, which tells the fascinating story of his life and work. Superb specially commissioned photographs show the methods and materials van Gogh used to create his masterpieces, while art expert Bruce Bernard offers a rare "eyewitness" view into the painter's distinctive canvases, and the complex character behind them. See van Gogh's striking use of color and texture, the originality and expressiveness of his techniques, the masters that inspired him, and the work he produced during his madness. Learn of young Vincent's painful unrequited love, how poverty and illness added to his despair, how we won Monet's praise and influenced Toulouse-Lautrec, and about van Gogh's interest in Japan. Discover the astonishing speed at which van Gogh painted, the crisis that caused him to cut off part of his ear, his friendships with other artists, including Paul Gauguin, and much, much more.
A Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Trees: Eastern United States and Canada, Including the Midwest
George A. Petrides - 1988
 This field guide features detailed descriptions of 455 species of trees native to eastern North America, including the Midwest and the South. The 48 color plates, 11 black-and-white plates, and 26 text drawings show distinctive details needed for identification. Color photographs and 266 color range maps accompany the species descriptions.
Learning to See Creatively: Design, Color & Composition in Photography
Bryan Peterson - 1988
Learning to See Creatively helps photographers visualize their work, and the world, in a whole new light.Now totally rewritten, revised, and expanded, this best-selling guide takes a radical approach to creativity. It explains how it is not some gift only for the "chosen few" but actually a skill that can be learned and applied. Using inventive photos from his own stunning portfolio, author and veteran photographer Bryan Peterson deconstructs creativity for photographers. He details the basic techniques that went into not only taking a particular photo, but also provides insights on how to improve upon it--helping readers avoid the visual pitfalls and technical dead ends that can lead to dull, uninventive photographs.This revised edition features the latest information on digital photography and digital imaging software, as well as an all-new section on color as a design element. Learning to See Creatively is the definitive reference for any photographers looking for a fresh perspective on their work.
Cult Movies 3: 50 More of the Classics, the Sleepers, the Weird, and the Wonderful
Danny Peary - 1988
An invaluable reference source.
Chambers Dictionary of Etymology
Robert K. Barnhart - 1988
This fascinating dictionary explores the development of meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of over 25,000 English words. Over 30,000 detailed entries trace words back to their Proto-Germanic or Indo-European roots, and include words borrowed from other languages, as well as the sources and dates of their first recorded use. For many years academics, wordsmiths, crossword lovers, and language enthusiasts of all stripes have turned to this celebrated volume as their reference of choice in lexical matters. First published as the Barnhart Etymological Dictionary, the Chambers Dictionary of Etymology offers a unique combination of approachability and authoritativeness in an accessible single-volume format, making it an essential etymological resource for the expert, and a fascinating reference for the general reader. Sample entry from the Chambers Etymological Dictionary: blarney n. flattering, coaxing talk. 1766, Lady Blarny (for Blarney), a smooth-talking flatterer in Goldsmith's the Vicar of Wakefield, her name being a literary contrivance in allusion to Blarney Stone, a stone in a castle near Cork, Ireland. Anyone kissing the stone is supposed to become skillful in flattering and coaxing. The word is used in its general sense in a letter of Sir Walter Scott (1796).
Whiskey: The Definitive World Guide
Michael Jackson - 1988
Discover the secrets of whiskey's aromas and flavors, the stories behind great distilleries, and expert tasting notes in this updated edition originated by one of the most highly respected commentators in the whiskey world, Michael Jackson.From grain to glass, Whiskey tells you everything and anything you'll ever want to know about whiskey, from storing and serving whiskey, to whiskey cocktails, to pairing whiskey with food.In addition to a refreshed design, this updated edition includes the recent names in whiskey today, a new section devoted to American craft distilleries, and the addition of new distilleries from across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.This beautiful coffee table book makes a high-quality gift or self purchase.
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - 1988
It is in the family that people first learn the virtues of living a God-centered life.  Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers contains prayers that have marked the joys, sorrows, and daily routines of many generations. Included in this volume are chapters on basic prayers, daily prayers, a useful calendar of saints, and blessings for all the seasons of the year. Also, included in this compendium are prayers to the Virgin Mary; the Liturgy of the Hours; prayers upon waking, at mealtime and before retiring for the night; prayers and blessings for feast days and holidays; prayers during times of anger, forgiveness, sickness, loss, grief, thanksgiving, conflict; as well as prayers for the Church and lay people alike. A wonderful gift idea for people of all ages, this handsome book will inspire you and your loved one to enter more deeply into God’s love.
Maine Atlas & Gazetteer
DeLorme Mapping Company - 1988
Beautiful, detailed, large-format maps of every state. Perfect for home and office reference, and a must for all your vehicles. Gazetteer information may include: campgrounds, attractions, historic sites & museums, recreation areas, trails, freshwater fishing site & boat launches, canoe trips or scenic drives. Categories vary by state
Be Compassionate (Luke 1-13): Let the World Know That Jesus Cares
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1988
And His heart is the same today. As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, and extend His extravagant love to a broken world. Based on the book of Luke, this study examines the very heartbeat of our Savior, and explores how Jesus connected with hurting people in an authentic and powerful way. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s best-selling “BE” commentary series, BE Compassionate has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A respected pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe explores the compassionate life of Jesus. Filled with moving examples of Christ’s ministry to people of all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, this study will inspire you to share His love with the world around you.
The Theory of Industrial Organization
Jean Tirole - 1988
Rigorously analytical and filled with exercises coded to indicate level of difficulty, it provides a unified and modern treatment of the field with accessible models that are simplified to highlight robust economic ideas while working at an intuitive level. To aid students at different levels, each chapter is divided into a main text and supplementary section containing more advanced material. Each chapter opens with elementary models and builds on this base to incorporate current research in a coherent synthesis.Tirole begins with a background discussion of the theory of the firm. In part I he develops the modern theory of monopoly, addressing single-product and multi-product pricing, static and intertemporal price discrimination, quality choice, reputation, and vertical restraints.In part II, Tirole takes up strategic interaction between firms, starting with a novel treatment of the Bertrand-Cournot interdependent-pricing problem. He studies how capacity constraints, repeated interaction, product positioning, advertising, and asymmetric information affect competition or tacit collusion. He then develops topics having to do with long-term competition, including barriers to entry, contestability, exit, and research and development. He concludes with a "game theory user's manual" and a section of review exercises.
Cascade-Olympic Natural History: A Trailside Reference
Daniel Mathews - 1988
Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim: A Personal Manual for Prayer and Ritual
Edward Hays - 1988
Morning and evening prayers for each of the four seasons, as well as rituals and contemporary psalms for sacred seasons and a wide variety of occasions.
Mary Day by Day
Charles G. Fehrenbach - 1988
With an introduction by Rev. Charles G. Fehrenbach, C.SS.R. Printed in two colors with over 300 illustrations. Includes ribbon marker.
Horror: The 100 Best Books
Stephen Jones - 1988
Creators of horror (Stephen King, Clive Barker and Peter Straub etc) write about their favourite works.
Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region
Sally Wasowski - 1988
This book also includes 21 landscaping design plans that are sure to inspire even the most traditional homeowner to go native.
Shorter Christian Prayer: Four-Week Psalter Of The LOH Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer With Selections For The Entire Year
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - 1988
The AWK Programming Language
Alfred V. Aho - 1988
In 1985, a new version of the language was developed, incorporating additional features such as multiple input files, dynamic regular expressions, and user-defined functions. This new version is available for both Unix and MS-DOS. This is the first book on AWK. It begins with a tutorial that shows how easy AWK is to use. The tutorial is followed by a comprehensive manual for the new version of AWK. Subsequent chapters illustrate the language by a range of useful applications, such as: Retrieving, transforming, reducing, and validating data Managing small, personal databases Text processing Little languages Experimenting with algorithms The examples illustrates the books three themes: showing how to use AWK well, demonstrating AWKs versatility, and explaining how common computing operations are done. In addition, the book contains two appendixes: summary of the language, and answers to selected exercises.
Mosby's 2007 Nursing Drug Reference
Linda Skidmore-Roth - 1988
It includes a concise, A-Z organization of the drugs, and includes information on 21 newly-approved drugs. More than 1,300 generic drugs and 4,500 trade names are included, as are over 800 new nursing guidelines.
Song of the Paddle
Bill Mason - 1988
Written by the acclaimed paddler and outdoorsman, Bill Mason, the book leads readers on a journey of exploration and discovery. Mason writes from an intensely subjective viewpoint and the advice is practical and sound. He emphasizes the difference in perception between camping (rough) and outdoor living (comfort). Each page is packed with hard-won tips and tricks for enjoying the great outdoors. No detail is ignored -- from keeping campfire smoke out of your eyes to ensuring children are safely occupied around the campsite. Chapters include:
Traveling solo, in groups and with family
Campsites, tents and camping gear
Camp fires, fireplaces and stoves
Cooking in the wild
Outdoor clothing options
Packing equipment and food
Survival tips and first aid
Canoes for wilderness tripping
Paddling and portaging skills
Mason's personal accounts and details of memorable expeditions are certain to kindle the reader's sense of adventure. Abundantly illustrated by photographs and sketches, novice campers and seasoned paddlers alike will get more out of their outdoor experience thanks to Song of the Paddle.
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses
Judith Hopfer Deglin - 1988
It includes even more new monographs and the latest FDA approvals. This updated edition is a book that students can count on with vital information for Peds, as well as precautions for all vulnerable populations. From pediatrics to geriatrics and from pregnancy to breast feeding considerations, "Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses" addresses the entire lifespan.
Mark Wilson's Complete Course in Magic
Mark Wilson - 1988
Provides diagrams and detailed instructions for performing more than three hundred magic tricks, including tricks with cards, money, ropes, handkerchiefs, and cups and balls.
Wildflowers of Texas
Geyata Ajilvsgi - 1988
This latest edition contains information on 482 of the most common species found in the state’s major vegetation zones. Each entry includes a full-color photograph of the flower on the page facing the entry, bloom period, range and habitat, and botanical description. A special note in each entry explains the plant’s therapeutic, culinary, and other traditional uses, such as landscaping value. A color map of Texas shows the state’s major vegetation zones, corresponding to the range codes used in the text. Other supplementary material includes a glossary of botanical terms, an illustrated glossary of plant parts, and a selected bibliography for future reading.
Tamara de Lempicka 1898-1980 (Taschen Basic Art)
Gilles NĂ©ret - 1988
Her love for beautiful women, elegant automobiles and the modern metropolis provided not only motifs for her pictures, but also influenced her artistic style. Simultaneously with her career as artist, Tamara de Lempicka pioneered a new image of life on the screen, evident in the new, self-confident woman and the changing aspects of femininity and masculinity. The same sense of style was reflected in a futuristic cult of speed, domestic design forms promulgated by the Bauhaus, and the dandyism of a George Brummell. Tamara de Lempicka's best-known painting, Self-Portrait, or Tamara in a Green Bugatti, presents the artist as a female dandy brimming with cool elegance. Whether as an Art-Deco artist, a post-Cubist or a Neoclasissist, de Lempicka struck the taste of a cosmopolitan (and wealthy) public that found its own image reflected in her work.
Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance
Stephen Herrero - 1988
Creatures that fear little, bears compete for survival with the only other animals that can threaten their existence: Humans. Bear Attacks is a thorough and unflinching study of attacks made on humans. This is the sometimes horrific, yet always instructive, story of Bear and Human, written by the leading scientific authority in the field. This book is for everyone who camps, hikes, or visits bear country -and for anyone who wants to learn more about these fearsome but always fascinating wild creatures.
The Home Planet
Kevin W. Kelley - 1988
Prepared under the aegis of the Association of Space Explorers and in cooperation with the Soviet agency Mir, The Home Planet conveys as no book ever has the human dimension of space exploration, and the deeply personal response to our terrestrial home which space travel awakens.
Matthew 16-23: New Testament Commentary
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1988
As the King's ambassadors, Christians today will find in Matthew great motivation for heartfelt worship and service.Join John MacArthur as he explains each verse of Matthew 16–23 in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical. Taking into account the cultural, theological, and Old Testament contexts of each passage, MacArthur tackles interpretive challenges and fairly evaluates differing views, giving the reader confidence in his conclusions.The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series comes from the experience, wisdom, and insight of one of the most trusted ministry leaders and Bible scholars of our day. Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture
The NIV Harmony of the Gospels
Stanley N. Gundry - 1988
The classic Robertson/Broadus Harmony of the Gospels, newly revised for students of the New International Version.
Joseph T. DiPiro - 1988
Now in its sixth edition, this classic text continues its long-standing tradition of offering unparalleled guidance in the development of pharmaceutical care plans. The book provides a unique process of thinking about pharmacotherapy the process which uses evidence-based approaches to the drug treatment of diseases. Features: *FREE Online Resource Center for professors and students - study materials, web chapters, questions and answers, and updates *NEW Key Concepts begin each chapter *Excellent use of algorithms, tables, and charts - provides clear recommendations *"Clinical Controversies" in the treatment sections of disease-oriented chapters
Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
William H. Press - 1988
In a self-contained manner it proceeds from mathematical and theoretical considerations to actual practical computer routines. With over 100 new routines bringing the total to well over 300, plus upgraded versions of the original routines, the new edition remains the most practical, comprehensive handbook of scientific computing available today.
Trans-Siberian Handbook: Seventh Edition of the Guide to the World's Longest Railway Journey (Includes Guides to 25 Cities)
Bryn Thomas - 1988
A trip across Siberia on the longest continuous railway track in the world is undoubtedly the journey of a lifetime. It's also a convenient way to reach China, Mongolia, or Japan. Tickets are not expensive or difficult to arrange. Readers can now travel almost anywhere they want in Siberia: we tell them how to organize a trip, where to get tickets, and where to go.>Kilometer-by-kilometer route guide -- covering the entire routes of the Trans-Siberian, Trans-Manchurian, and Trans-Mongolian railways with thirty-eight strip maps in English, Russian, and Chinese: readers can see where they are as they travel>Siberia and the railway -- the detailed history of Siberia, the construction of the railway and the running of the Trans-Siberian today are of great interest not only to visitors but also to armchair travelers>City guides with maps -- the best sights, places to stay, and restaurants for all budgets: Moscow, St Petersburg, Ulan Bator, Beijing, and twenty-three towns in Siberia>Nutshell information on Minsk, Berlin, Baltic Republics, Helsinki, Hong Kong, and Tokyo>Rail fares and timetables>Seventh edition includes seventy maps>Plus Russian and Chinese phrases
The London Mapguide
Michael Middleditch - 1988
Featuring colorful, informative, easy-to-handle maps that require no unfolding, the guide gives a comprehensive overview of what to see and do in and around England's capital city. * Updated with information on all special millennium events, including a section on the Millennium Dome in Greenwich, and new developments such as Barkside * Includes special features on Wren's London, Docklands, Hampstead Heath, and the British Museum * Has everything you'll need to know about London museums, theaters, markets, jazz clubs and cabarets, parks, river and canal trips, tourist information centers, and selected restaurants, cafes, and pubs * Lightweight and pocket-sized, with a complete street index-perfect for on-the-go travelers.
Williamsburg Before and After: The Rebirth of Virginia's Colonial Capital
George Humphrey Yetter - 1988
He traces the deterioration that followed when the capital moved to Richmond in 1780 and concludes with the exciting story of how Williamsburg's past was saved. Old photographs, daguerreotypes, watercolors, sketches and maps capture "pre-restoration" Williamsburg. Lovely color "after" photographs show that the vision and dream has been fulfilled. 116 color photographs, 133 duotones, 14 black and white illustrations.
The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook
Louise Hagler - 1988
Talented cooks from The Farm, a vegetarian community in Tennessee, present a great collection of plant-based recipes. These tasty, nutritious, and economical meals are cholesterol-, egg- and dairy-free.
30 Days to Understanding the Bible in 15 Minutes in a Day
Max E. Anders - 1988
Proven effective by over 200,000 readers, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible helps you learn to position key Bible characters, places, and events in chronological order so that you can "think your way through" the entire Word of God. Through interesting, memory-enhancing exercises, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible acquaints readers with the core teachings of Scripture in just 15 minutes a day!
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
American Radio Relay League - 1988
The Amateur Radio Service offers a unique mix of public service, technology and experimenting with electronics all with an emphasis on fun. Some hams use their skills to provide communications during emergencies and disasters when all else fails. Others enjoy talking to people across the country and around the globe, participating in local contests and building experiments. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual will guide you as you get started in the hobby as you select your equipment, set-up your first station and make your first contact.Easy-to-understand bite-sized sections. Use this book, and pass the 35-question Technician Class license test.Includes the latest question pool with answer key, for use through June 30, 2018.NEW! Use with ARRL s online Exam Review for Ham Radio.Designed for self-study and for classroom use. Intended for all newcomers, instructors and schoolteachers.Use this book to study for your license exam. Every page presents information you will need to pass the exam and become an effective operator. You'll cover small sections at a time:Welcome to Amateur RadioRadio and Signals FundamentalsElectricity, Components, and CircuitsPropagation, Antennas, and Feed LinesAmateur Radio EquipmentCommunicating With Other HamsLicensing RegulationsOperating RegulationsSafetyAt the end of the book, you'll find the entire Technician Question Pool.NEW FEATURE: Online Review and Practice Exams. As you complete each chapter of this book, use ARRL's online Exam Review for Ham Radio to help prepare you for exam day. This web-based service uses the question pool to construct chapter-by-chapter reviews. Once you've finished this book, use the online service to take practice exams with the same number and variety of questions that you'll encounter on exam day. You won't have any surprises on exam day!
Hokusai: Prints and Drawings
Matthi Forrer - 1988
His exquisite compositions and dynamic use of color set him apart from other printmakers, and his unequalled genius influenced both Japanese and a whole generation of Western artists. Now available for the first time in paperback, this book reproduces the artist's finest works in plates that convey the full variety of his invention, each of which is provided with an informative commentary.In his introduction, Hokusai expert Matthi Forrer traces the artist's career and defines his place in relation to his contemporaries and to the history of Japanese art. Examining all genres of the artist's prolific output -- including images of city life, maritime scenes, landscapes, views of Mount Fuji, bird and flower illustrations, literary scenes, waterfalls and bridges -- Hokusai, Prints and Drawings provides a detailed account of the artist's genius.
A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters: All the Kanji Characters Needed to Learn Japanese and Ace the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Kenneth G. Henshall - 1988
As useful as it is fascinating, it's a book any new or aspiring Japanese language scholar will visit over and over. In clear, large-sized entries, A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters details each of the General Use Characters In clear, large-sized entires, A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters details each of the General Use Characters—the 1,945 characters prescribed by the Japanese Ministry of Education for everyday use. Both Japanese readings and English meanings are given, along with stroke-count and stroke-order, examples of usage, and suggestions for memorizing. The components of each character are detailed. The Japanese kanji are graded according to Ministry of Education guidelines, allowing the student to prioritize them and track progress. It will appeal to students seeking to learn kanji as well as Japanese language enthusiasts who want to know the history and etymology of Japanese kanji. This book includes:Origins and meanings of over 2,000 characters.Beautifly hand–drawn kanji.Additional compound characters for each featured character.valuable suggestions and mnemonic devices for memorizing characters.All the standard characters official designed for common use.Comprehensive and clear, A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters makes Japanese writing accessible to everyone wishing to learn Japanese.
The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science
Corinne Stockley - 1988
This great study aid has topics arranged thematically so that words are explained in context, with a fully integrated system of cross-referencing plus a comprehensive index.
The Golden Game: Alchemical Engravings Of The Seventeenth Century
Stanislas Klossowski de Rola - 1988
By the 17th century, the complex pictorial language of symbols which encoded its theories and secrets had reached a highpoint of elaboration and sophistication. With the spread of printing, the iconography of alchemy began to flower as never before.
Henri Nouwen: Writings Selected with an Introduction
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1988
""Touching, inspirational, thought-provoking.""--Senator Mark O. Hatfield
Florida's Fabulous Seashells: And Other Seashore Life
Winston Williams - 1988
One of the Best Books ever published on Florida's Seashells. Fantastic Color Photographs.
Napkin Notes: On the Art of Living
G. Michael Durst - 1988
Although countless self-help books have been written, none have been able to translate psychological theory into practical, day-to-day application as well as this one does. By integrating Eastern and Western philosophy with science and religion, Napkin Notes provides a concise, easy-to-read guide for living. Dr. Durst promotes the concept that we are 100% responsible for everything in our experience and for our reactions to life's events. This focus provides not only increased knowledge, but also the impetus to change. In so doing, it directs us to greater insight, satisfaction and fulfillment.
Williams-Sonoma Collection: Bread
Beth Hensperger - 1988
Whether it's a traditional whole-wheat loaf, a crusty baguette, or tender blueberry muffins, the delicious taste and aroma of home-baked bread appeals to all of our senses. Best of all, delectable baked goods will delight friends and family alike. Williams-Sonoma Collection Bread offers more than 40 delicious recipes, from traditional yeast breads to convenient quick breads, including breakfast treats such as muffins and scones. Whether you are in search of a savory sourdough loaf to serve with soup, simple dinner rolls to enhance the holiday table, or classic banana bread for an afternoon snack, this book includes recipes for every occasion. In addition, a final chapter on international breads, such as Italian focaccia or French brioche, rounds out this essential collection for the home baker. Enticing photographs of each recipe make it easy to choose which bread to bake, and photographic side notes give insight into each recipe. Including all the techniques essential to mastering the art of making bread -- from mixing and kneading to rising and baking -- here is everything you need to bake the perfect loaf.
S. Petersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters: A Field Observer's Handbook of Preternatural Entities
Sandy Petersen - 1988
Lovecraft, With Augmentations for Today Accurate and Complete Over Two Dozen Often-Met Creatures Quick-Reference Monster ID Key 27 Evocative Full-Page Paintings 50+ Illustrations and Silhouettes Uniform Presentation of Data Special Size Comparison Charts Habitat, Distribution, and Life Cycle Notes How to Distinguish Similar-Seeming Entities Latest Hyper-Geometric Scholarship Specialized Observer Warnings as Needed Full Bibliography Faithful to Lovecraft
Medical Terminology For Health Professions
Ann Ehrlich - 1988
The See and Say pronunciation system makes pronouncing unfamiliar terms easy. Because word parts are integral to learning medical terminology, mastery of these "building blocks" is emphasized in every chapter. Organized by body system, chapters begin with an overview of the structures and functions of that system so you can relate these to the specialists, pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures that follow. Learning Exercises in each chapter offer a variety of formats that require written answers. Writing terms reinforces learning and provides practice to help master spelling and enhance comprehension.
The New Oxford Guide to Writing
Thomas S. Kane - 1988
Many, once you have an idea, show you how to express it clearly and elegantly. And many handbooks offer reliable advice on the use of commas, semicolons, and so forth. But The New Oxford Guide to Writing does all three, so that no matter where you find yourself in the writing process--from the daunting look of a blank page, to the rough draft that needs shaping, to the small but important questions of punctuation--you will find what you need in one handy volume.Highlighted by numerous examples of successful prose--including marvelous, brief excerpts from Mark Twain, Joan Didion, H.L. Mencken, E.B. White, and Annie Dillard--this stimulating volume covers the entire subject step-by-step, clearly and authoritatively.Whether you write for business or for pleasure, whether you are a beginner or an experienced pro, The New Oxford Guide to Writing is an essential addition to your reference library, providing abundant assistance and encouragement to write with more clarity, more color, and more force.
Aromatherapy An A-Z: The most comprehensive guide to aromatherapy ever published
Patricia Davis - 1988
It explains the properties of essential oils and the health conditions that benefit from them. There is also advice on hazardous oils. There are recipes and formulae for baths, creams and tonics. All the entries are comprehensive, fluently written and provide an easy-to-understand introduction to a wide range of topics.'The simple fact that the a-z has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide since it was first published speaks for itself. It has earned and kept its place amongst the handful of indispensable reference books on aromatherapy ... this book has been justly subtitled 'the aromatherapist's Bible' - Aromatherapy Quarterly'... one of the most thoroughly researched books written on aromatherapy' - The International Journal of Aromatherapy
MacMillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals: A Visual Who's Who of Prehistoric Life
Dougal Dixon - 1988
Covers fish, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, mammals, and extinct creatures.
Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
Douglas E. Comer - 1988
Discover how the basic TCP/IP technology has survived and evolved over two decades of exponential growth, and understand the TCP/IP protocols and technical advances. This edition explains emerging technologies such as Mobile IP, Virtual Private Networks, resource reservation with RSVP, and Ipv6. Comer reveals how to master TCP/IP and how the Internet works. The reader is required to have a modest background in the fundamentals of computer systems, but does not need sophisticated mathematics. As with previous editions, this edition provides an introduction to physical networks and then shows how they are combined to form an internet. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. THIS NEW EDITION OF VOLUME 1: *Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates *Describes Mobile IP (a technology that allows a computer to move fr
Morning and Evening Meditations
Louise L. Hay - 1988
Hay, is a bestselling audio program that has been on the Hay House top-ten for years. Your customers will buy it over and over to give to friends and family. Morning & Evening Meditations is an uplifting CD that will help you start your day with a positive outlook and end your day with gratitude.
Predatory Dinosaurs of the World: A Complete Illustrated Guide
Gregory S. Paul - 1988
Filled with new information from the forefront of paleontology and hundreds of evocative, precisely detailed drawings, Predatory Dinosaurs of the World is the first dinosaur book for every kind of reader. Gregory S. Paul provides an extensive species-by-species catalog of all the predatory dinosaurs known to have existed, from the weasel-sized Lagosuchus to the gigantic Tyranosaurus rex. Dispelling old myths, Paul reveals the surprising capacities of the dinosaurs, including their quickness, adaptability, and agility. And he shows the enormous power of these amazing beasts, bringing them to life once more as they hunt, roam, and pillage through their strange prehistoric worlds from tropical deserts to the polar snows.Predatory Dinosaurs of the World explains how the animals lived and how they interacted with each other and the life around them. Paul details the awesome hit-and-run hunting techniques of the dinosaurs. He explains the varying features of their anatomies and physiologies and compares the ways in which different species evolved through time. He also provides skeletal restorations for many species and thousands of little-known facts. Here is an engrossing exploration of the lost kingdom of the predatory dinosaurs. Rarely has science been so lively, so entertaining--or so much fun.
London A-Z
Hunter Publishing - 1988
Continuously updated, this is the best-selling street atlas of the city, with all maps in color for easy reading. Over 40,000 streets, lanes and mews shown and indexed -- down to the smallest alleys.
Mary Ellen Mark - 1988
Meet Tina, a 13-year-old prostitute with dreams of diamonds and furs; Rat and Mike, 16-year-olds who eat from dumpsters; and Dewayne, a 16-year-old boy who hanged himself in a juvenile facility when faced with the prospect of returning to the streets. 57 duotone photographs.
Using French
Anthony Bulger - 1988
It will enable users, in only half an hour a day, to perfect their French easily and effectively, progressively reinforcing vocabulary, grammatical competence and overall fluency. The lessons and exercises will familiarise users with different voices and accents, as well as acquainting them with the ways of life and culture of the French people.
A Coming Christ in Advent: Essays on the Gospel Narratives Preparing for the Birth of Jesus: Matthew 1 & Luke 1
Raymond E. Brown - 1988
Father Brown reflects here not only on those annunciations of Jesus' forthcoming birth in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but also on the beautiful canticles, the Magnificat and the Benedictus, and on the origins of Jesus as given in the first words of the New Testament.
The Mystical, Magical, Marvelous World of Dreams
Wilda B. Tanner - 1988
This book shows how to recognize dreams which contain teaching and encouragement from your Higher Self. Along with a comprehensive, cross-referenced index for easy use, it contains an extensive encyclopedia of dream symbols and how to find the meanings that are right for you.
Past Worlds: The Times Atlas of Archaeology
Christopher Scarre - 1988
As well as examining the well known classical civilisations, it looks at the obscure and mysterious, such as the pyramid temples of the Yucatan.
Christian Community Bible (Catholic Pastoral Edition)
Bernard Hurault - 1988
Translated, presented and commented for the Christian Communities of the Philippines and the Third World; and for those who seek God.Special Features:* Easy to understand contemporary language* Faithful translation from the Hebrew and Greek texts* Explanation and introduction of every book* Summary and dates of Sacred History* Concordance based on Biblical Teachings* Pastoral commentaries on important biblical texts
The Marine Aquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder
Martin A. Moe Jr. - 1988
This updated and expanded edition describes the basic types of marine aquarium systems, with an emphasis on the traditional under gravel filter. Tank construction and selection, saltwater collection and makeup, filters and filtration, physics and chemistry, setup and maintenance, disease and treatment, foods and feeding, captive breeding Everything you need to know to set up and maintain a successful saltwater aquarium.
The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
E.D. Hirsch Jr. - 1988
Now in this newly revised and updated edition, the authors provide a comprehensive look at cultural literacy for the nineties. New entries reflect suggestions from hundreds of readers. The dictionary takes into account the growing consensus over the specifics of multiculturalism, the political and geographic changes in the world, and the new ideas and terms that flow constantly from scientific research and technological development. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy challenges us to find out more about what we know and helps us make sense of what we read, hear, and learn. It is a "must have" book for every home.
Testament: The Bible and History
John Romer - 1988
So splendid are its phrases that many have taken them to be the unmediated word of god. Since its texts were gathered together the book has been venerated & enshrined, execrated & burned. But whether we are believers or not the Bible still remains our heritage. It's provided the West with a sense of the sacred & a sense of historical destiny. Testament describes the making of the Bible, the creation of both the Old & New Testaments, charting its survival thru the centuries of its life. This is a unique book: no other single volume tells the story of the Bible's journey from the ancient East to the heart of the modern West. Romer uses his experience of the worlds of art history & archeology to advantage as he unravels the story of the making & the use & misuse of the West's most influential book. With a sure touch he sets the historical scene & brings to life the Bible's creators.List of Illustrations & MapsForewordGenesis Chronicles & KingsThe making of the Old TestamentJesus & the New Testament Deo Gratia: by the grace of God Darkness & Illuminations Paradise lostSelect BibliographyAcknowledgmentsIndex of Bible ReferencesGeneral Index
New Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs
Walt Disney Company - 1988
This magnificent 6th edition coffee table collection is a Disney lover's dream come true! It is a guided tour through the many legendary years of Disney music, from "Minnie's Yoo Hoo" in 1930 up through "We're All in This Together" from High School Musical . The book begins with an extensive musical history of Disney, followed by beautiful piano/vocal arrangements of 68 Disney classics. Printed on deluxe stock with more than 100 stunning full-color illustrations accompanying the text and music, The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs is a keepsake to treasure for years to come! Songs include: The Bare Necessities * Beauty and the Beast * Breaking Free * Circle of Life * Go the Distance * It's a Small World * Look Through My Eyes * Mickey Mouse March * Reflection * Some Day My Prince Will Come * Under the Sea * When You Wish upon a Star * A Whole New World * Winnie the Pooh * You've Got a Friend in Me * You Are the Music in Me * Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah * and more.
Ivan Albright
Courtney Graham Donnell - 1988
Organized by The Art Institute of Chicago, which holds the largest collection of Albright's work, the exhibition is also appearing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
3 Star Chef
Gordon Ramsay - 1988
And the book itself, rather like its controversial author, represents something new in cookery books. Ramsay has, of course, made a reputation for himself not just for his considerable abilities as a chef, but as a short tempered martinet, tearing into his luckless students with expletive-filled rage. But that spleen is crucial to the man's philosophy (born out of a desire for perfection), and it is conveyed between the delicious-looking recipes presented here (cooking, as Ramsay forcibly reminds us, can't be made up as you go along -- you've got to work, work, work). The recipes themselves look absolutely amazing, such as pan-roasted fillet of John Dory with Cromer Crab, crushed new potatoes and a basil vinaigrette (and it should be noted that Quentin Bacon's beautiful photographs are a massive asset to the book, doing full justice to the visual appeal of the food). In deserts, too, the aspirational appeal here is impressive -- perhaps most of us would not be able to turn out (without trial and error) a raspberry, lemon and basil millefeuille with milk ice cream that looks quite as breathtaking as it does here, but Ramsay's book is calculated to inspire us. Perhaps reading Chef is the perfect way to help us try to cook like Gordon Ramsay; for most of us, a spell in his restaurant kitchen would mean blood on the floor -- here we can learn from his cookery genius without having to put up with the tirades. What more could any aspiring chef want? --Barry Forshaw
Mountain Record of Zen Talks
John Daido Loori - 1988
Addressing issues relevant to twentieth century practitioners, in context of a Buddhist tradition spanning 2500 years, Mountain Record of Zen Talks is a collection of teachings both very modern and universal. Based on dharma talks given by John Daido Loori, Roshi, the book explores areas of training that are the focus of practice at Zen Mountain Monastery: meditation, face-to-face study with the teacher, liturgy, precepts, academics, art practice, body practice, and work practice.Daido Roshi gives special attention to unraveling the enigma of the koan through discussion of sevral classical Zen texts. He also comments on martial arts, illness and healing, and the importance of egalitarian principles in Western Zen, where women and men, monks and lay practitioners, train together as equals. The presentations in this volume are an expression of vigorous Zen flourishing on American soil.
Hiroshige: Birds and Flowers
Israel Goldman - 1988
Endlessly experimenting with design, composition, and color, Hiroshige captured in these paintings, as no where else in his work, his poetic and idyllic sense of nature.