Best of
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
Ronald L. Graham - 1988
"More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems."
Backstage Handbook: An Illustrated Almanac of Technical Information
Paul Carter - 1988
Its sturdy leatherette binding will stand up to years of constant use.The third edition updates this popular reference book with new terminology and materials, and adds dozens of new illustrations of grip hardware, film lighting equipment and painting tools. Backstage Handbook includes chapters on Tools, Hardware, Materials, Electrics, Shop Math, Architecture and Theatre. There are hundreds of illustrations, tables and charts which cover everything from the stock sizes and specs of wood screws, to safe working loads for several kinds of rope, to illustrations of twenty-two types of standard lamp bases.
Sound Reinforcement Handbook
Gary Davis - 1988
Sound reinforcement is the use of audio amplification systems. This book is the first and only book of its kind to cover all aspects of designing and using such systems for public address and musical performance. The book features information on both the audio theory involved and the practical applications of that theory, explaining everything from microphones to loudspeakers. This revised edition features almost 40 new pages and is even easier to follow with the addition of an index and a simplified page and chapter numbering system. New topics covered include: MIDI, Synchronization, and an Appendix on Logarithms. 416 Pages.
Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
William H. Press - 1988
In a self-contained manner it proceeds from mathematical and theoretical considerations to actual practical computer routines. With over 100 new routines bringing the total to well over 300, plus upgraded versions of the original routines, the new edition remains the most practical, comprehensive handbook of scientific computing available today.
Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals.
John B. Heywood - 1988
An illustration program supports the concepts and theories discussed.
The New Improved Poor Man's James Bond
Kurt Saxon - 1988
Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems
Henry Ott - 1988
An updated and expanded edition of this text on noise reduction techniques offers new chapters on controlling the emission from electronic systems, especially digital systems, and on low-cost techniques for providing electromagnetic compatibility.
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference
Judea Pearl - 1988
The author provides a coherent explication of probability as a language for reasoning with partial belief and offers a unifying perspective on other AI approaches to uncertainty, such as the Dempster-Shafer formalism, truth maintenance systems, and nonmonotonic logic.The author distinguishes syntactic and semantic approaches to uncertainty--and offers techniques, based on belief networks, that provide a mechanism for making semantics-based systems operational. Specifically, network-propagation techniques serve as a mechanism for combining the theoretical coherence of probability theory with modern demands of reasoning-systems technology: modular declarative inputs, conceptually meaningful inferences, and parallel distributed computation. Application areas include diagnosis, forecasting, image interpretation, multi-sensor fusion, decision support systems, plan recognition, planning, speech recognition--in short, almost every task requiring that conclusions be drawn from uncertain clues and incomplete information.Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems will be of special interest to scholars and researchers in AI, decision theory, statistics, logic, philosophy, cognitive psychology, and the management sciences. Professionals in the areas of knowledge-based systems, operations research, engineering, and statistics will find theoretical and computational tools of immediate practical use. The book can also be used as an excellent text for graduate-level courses in AI, operations research, or applied probability.
Software Engineering: A Beginner's Guide
Roger S. Pressman - 1988
This book serves as a cookbook for software engineering, presenting the subject as a series of steps that the student can apply to complete a software project.
The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
American Radio Relay League - 1988
The Amateur Radio Service offers a unique mix of public service, technology and experimenting with electronics all with an emphasis on fun. Some hams use their skills to provide communications during emergencies and disasters when all else fails. Others enjoy talking to people across the country and around the globe, participating in local contests and building experiments. The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual will guide you as you get started in the hobby as you select your equipment, set-up your first station and make your first contact.Easy-to-understand bite-sized sections. Use this book, and pass the 35-question Technician Class license test.Includes the latest question pool with answer key, for use through June 30, 2018.NEW! Use with ARRL s online Exam Review for Ham Radio.Designed for self-study and for classroom use. Intended for all newcomers, instructors and schoolteachers.Use this book to study for your license exam. Every page presents information you will need to pass the exam and become an effective operator. You'll cover small sections at a time:Welcome to Amateur RadioRadio and Signals FundamentalsElectricity, Components, and CircuitsPropagation, Antennas, and Feed LinesAmateur Radio EquipmentCommunicating With Other HamsLicensing RegulationsOperating RegulationsSafetyAt the end of the book, you'll find the entire Technician Question Pool.NEW FEATURE: Online Review and Practice Exams. As you complete each chapter of this book, use ARRL's online Exam Review for Ham Radio to help prepare you for exam day. This web-based service uses the question pool to construct chapter-by-chapter reviews. Once you've finished this book, use the online service to take practice exams with the same number and variety of questions that you'll encounter on exam day. You won't have any surprises on exam day!
Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
Douglas E. Comer - 1988
Discover how the basic TCP/IP technology has survived and evolved over two decades of exponential growth, and understand the TCP/IP protocols and technical advances. This edition explains emerging technologies such as Mobile IP, Virtual Private Networks, resource reservation with RSVP, and Ipv6. Comer reveals how to master TCP/IP and how the Internet works. The reader is required to have a modest background in the fundamentals of computer systems, but does not need sophisticated mathematics. As with previous editions, this edition provides an introduction to physical networks and then shows how they are combined to form an internet. It states design principles clearly, and discusses motivations and consequences. THIS NEW EDITION OF VOLUME 1: *Explains how voice and video are sent over IP internets and how IP Telephony operates *Describes Mobile IP (a technology that allows a computer to move fr
Applied Nonlinear Control
Jean-Jacques Slotine - 1988
Covers in a progressive fashion a number of analysis tools and design techniques directly applicable to nonlinear control problems in high performance systems (in aerospace, robotics and automotive areas).
The New Kornshell Command and Programming Language
Morris I. Bolsky - 1988
It provides a specification for the KornShell language, tutorial material for those new to ksh (the program that implements the KornShell language), and a comprehensive reference for all ksh users. Covers major new additions to the KornShell language ksh93 (including command completion and a key binding mechanism); provides tutorials for both of the functions of ksh (as an interactive command language, and as a programming language); contains numerous examples illustrating the features of ksh; and features a Quick Reference summary of the KornShell language with page references to the book. For both new users with little shell experience, and for experienced computer users who are familiar with ksh and/or other shells. ISBN of 1st Edition: 0-13-516972-02.
Applied Hydrology
Chow Ven Te - 1988
The text presents an integrated approach to hydrology, using the hydrologic/system or control volume as a mechnism for analyzing hydrologic problems.
Atomization and Sprays
Arthur H. Lefebvre - 1988
It explains the physical processes of atomization as well as guidelines for designing atomizers. In addition, it demonstrates how the importance of the size and velocity of a particle contributes to improved spray characterization. Coverage includes general considerations, drop size distribution of sprays, flow in atomizers, atomizer performance, external spray characteristics, drop evaporation, and drop sizing methods.
The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics
David Broek - 1988
Knowledge of (ignorance of) such basic input as loads and stresses in practical cases may cause errors far overshadowing those introduced by shortcomings of fracture mechanics and necessary approximations; this is amply demonstrated in the text. I have presented more than three dozen 40-hour courses on fracture mechanics and damage tolerance analysis, so that I have probably more experience in teaching the subject than anyone else. I learned more than the students, and became cognizant of difficulties and of the real concerns in applications. In particular I found, how a subject should be explained to appeal to the practicing engineer to demonstrate that his practical problem can indeed be solved with engineering methods. This experience is reflected in the presenta- tions in this book. Sufficient background is provided for an understanding of the issues, but pragamatism prevails. Mathematics cannot be avoided, but they are presented in a way that appeals to insight and intuition, in lieu of formal derivations which would show but the mathematical skill of the writer.
Instrumental Methods Of Analysis
Hobart H. Willard - 1988
Changes have been made to this 7th edition, including coverage of such topics as chemometrics, robotics, laboratory information management systems and the role of instrumentation in the overall analytical method. There is expanded treatment of graphite furnace AA, ICP and DCP, Fourier transform instruments, hyphenated methods, ion chromatography and photoacoustic spectroscopy. An illustrated discussion of the role of the computer in current instrumentation and laboratories is included.
Printed Circuits Handbook
Clyde F. Coombs Jr. - 1988
Now completely revised and updated, the Sixth Edition presents the latest information on lead-free manufacturing, including lead-free PCB design and fabrication techniques, lead-free materials, and lead-free reliability models. The new edition also explores best practices for High Density Interconnect (HDI), as well as flexible printed circuits.Written by a team of experts from around the world, the Sixth Edition of this renowned handbook contains cutting-edge material on engineering and design of printed circuits fabrication methods assembly processes solders and soldering test and repair waste minimization and treatment quality and reliability of printed circuit processes and much more. The updated "Printed Circuits Handbook" provides you with: Unsurpassed guidance on printed circuits_from design to manufacturing Over 500 illustrations, charts, and tables for quick access to essential data New to this edition: New coverage of lead-free PCB design and manufacturing techniques, lead-free materials, lead-free reliability models, best practices for High Density Interconnect (HDI), and flexible printed circuitsInside This State-of-the-Art Printed Circuits Guide Introduction to Printed Circuits Engineering and Design of Printed Circuits Fabrication Processes Assembly Processes Solders and Soldering Test and Repair Waste Minimization and Treatment Quality and Reliability of Printed Circuit Processes Flexible Circuits"
Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Development
David W. Rolston - 1988
Fast shipping with delivery ALL OVER INDIA with professional customer support for 100% customer satisfaction guarantee
Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with PROLOG
David Maier - 1988
The Scientific Companion: Exploring the Physical World with Facts, Figures, and Formulas
Cesare Emiliani - 1988
. . infuses into the reader the conviction that science is exciting and can be understood by everyone." --American Scientist This new edition of the critically acclaimed Scientific Companion offers a comprehensive introduction to the physical sciences: physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, meteorology, biology, atmospheric science, and oceanography. Emiliani traces the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present, explaining the nature of the galaxy, the Earth, inorganic and organic matter, and the development of scientific thought. More than 50 new illustrations appear throughout--from stunning aerial shots of Earth's topography to striking close-ups of the moon provided by NASA. Hundreds of additional photos, charts, maps, and diagrams, plus 35 tables of the most essential facts, figures, and formulas--from Planck's constant to the laws of thermodynamics, from quantum energy levels to Avogadro's number--make The Scientific Companion an ideal desktop reference. Written for the layperson, sufficiently detailed for students, it is the only book of its kind to bridge the gap between works of popular science and college textbooks.
Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal Computer Applications
Steven C. Chapra - 1988
The fundamentals of numerical analysis are introduced by emphasizing state-of-the-art personal computing techniques. The Second Edition continues to present extensive case studies and problems drawn from engineering practice.
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, First Edition (HP Technologies)
Tony Redmond - 1988
This revised edition features key updates based on two years of consulting practices from Exchange 2000 service packs and the new Exchange 2003 (code name Titanium) release. It also offers expanded coverage of performance and updated coverage of clustering issues. It has been cleared of out-of-date material and the coverage of basic introductory material has been streamlined. *Expanded coverage of SharePoint Portal server MS Office XP and .Net (Dot Net) issues *Revised and updated coverage of clustering issues *Streamlined coverage of basic introductory material
Functional Programming Using Standard Ml
Ake Wikstrom - 1988
Rule-Based Programming with Ops 5
Thomas Cooper - 1988
This practical guide provides a solid introduction to OPS5 for systems builders in development and research settings. The authors, a seasoned OPS5 programming expert and an experienced OPS5 industrial rtainer, have based the book on their own experiences and the expertise of OPS5 programmers who daily confront the practical problems of building successful, complex, real-world systems. Major topics include OPS5 syntax, programming techniques, control, debugging, efficiency, designing applications, building and testing OPS5 systems, and coding conventions. Exercises and programming examples enable the reader to apply ideas to real problems.
Between Quantum and Cosmos: Studies and Essays in Honor of John Archibald Wheeler
Wojciech Hubert ZurekKarel V. Kuchar - 1988
In this volume are gathered the six issues of the journal Foundations of Physics (February through July 1986) that celebrate his seventy-fifth birthday. Enlivened by Professor Wheeler's celebrated drawings, the book captures and illuminates his many contributions to physics, including his discovery of the scattering matrix and his elucidation, with Niels Bohr, of the mechanism of nuclear fission, his many contributions to Einstein's theory of gravity (for instance, the black hole), his deep insights into quantum theory and measurement (the elementary quantum phenomenon), and his efforts to explain the origins of the quantum postulate and quantum gravity (the meaning circuit and the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation).The majority of the papers reflect and build on Professor Wheeler's revolutionary ideas. Many scientists are convinced that his insights into the foundation of modern-day physics will induce a profound change in our perception of the universe. This book will appeal to scientists and philosophers who wish to look at one man's rendering of the "big picture" through the eyes of his colleagues. The work is prefaced by a compilation of quotes from Professor Wheeler, edited by Kip S. Thorne and Wojciech Zurek.Contents:John Archibald Wheeler : a few highlights of his contributions to physics / Kip S. Thorne, Wojciech H. Zurek --Early estimates of the strength of the nuclear spin-orbit force / H.H. Barschall, Louis Brown --Momentum projection of solitons including quantum corrections / Lawrence Wilets --An S matrix theory for classical nonlinear physics / J. Glimm, D.H. Sharp --Some generalizations of the virial theorem / Edward Teller --Does the topology of space fluctuate? / Arlen Anderson, Bryce DeWitt --Barrier penetration and initial values in Kaluza-Klein theories / Dieter R. Brill --Demianski --The geometrodynamic content of the Regge equations as illuminated by the boundary of a boundary principle / Warner Allen Miller --Canonical geometrodynamics and general covariance / Karel V. Kuchar --Boundary terms in the action principles of general relativity / James W. York, Jr. --Bianchi identities and the automatic conservation of energy-momentum and angular momentum in general-relativistic field theories / Friedrich W. Hehl, J. Dermont McCrea --The boundary of a boundary principle : a unified approach / Arkady Kheyfets --The gravitational field at spatial infinity / Matthew Alexander, Peter G. Bergmann --Gravitational radiation reaction on the motion of particles in general relativity / P.A. Hogan, I. Robinson --Equivalent Lagrangians in classical field theory / Sergio Hojman, L.C. Shepley --p-form electrodynamics / Marc Henneaux, Claudio Teitelboim --General covariance and quantum theory / Bahram Mashhoon --Steering the universe / James Isenberg --On observing the absence of an atom / R.H. Dickie --How to evade the confrontation with the uncertainty relations / V.B. Braginsky and F. Ya. Khalili --Are the quantum rules exact? : the case of the imperfect measurements / Bernard d'Espagnat --The problems in quantum foundations in the light of gauge theories / Yuval Neeman --Joint Wigner distribution for spin-1/2 particles / Leon Cohen, Marlan O. Scully --Wedges I / Cecile DeWitt-Morette [and others] --The measurement of quantum noise reduction in squeezed states / W.G. Unruh --Quantum mechanics without probability amplitudes / William K. Wootters --Quantum mechanical computers / Richard P. Feynman --Computability and physical theories / Robert Geroch, James B. Hartle --Computation and physics : Wheeler's meaning Deutsch-Existence of "free will" as a problem of physics / Asher Peres --On the nature and origin of complexity in discrete, homogeneous, locally-interacting systems / Charles H. Bennett.
Principles of Optimal Design: Modeling and Computation
Panos Y. Papalambros - 1988
This second edition takes account of these developments and brings the original text thoroughly up to date. The book now discusses trust region and convex approximation algorithms. A new chapter focuses on how to construct optimal design models. Three new case studies illustrate the creation of optimization models. The final chapter on optimization practice has been expanded to include computation of derivatives, interpretation of algorithmic results, and selection of algorithms and software.
Doug Lowe - 1988
You learn enough to get by...but then you stick to that. It's just too frustrating to try to put together a job using the IBM manuals. And too time-consuming to keep asking your co-workers for help...especially since they're often limping along with the JCL they know, too.That's why you need a copy of MVS JCL. It zeroes in on the JCL you need for everyday jobs, so you can learn to code significant job streams in a hurry. To be specific, you'll learn how to: compile, link-edit, load, and execute programs; handle all types of data sets; code JES2 and JES3 control statements; create and use JCL procedures; execute general-purpose utility programs like Iebgener, Iebptpch, Iebcopy, and the sort/merge; use the AMS utility for VSAM files; use TSO/ISPF to create and process jobs; manage generation data sets; and more!But this is more than just a JCL book. It's a complete guide to your MVS system. Whether you're working under ESA, XA, or MVS/370, it teaches you how MVS works so you'll know why you code the JCL you do for a given job...and how to code the parameters to make the best use of your system's resources.
The Waite Group's Microsoft C Bible
Nabajyoti Barkakati - 1988
Each routine is preceded by a practical tutorial and categorized by function. The compatability box feature is covered.
ASM Handbook Volume 14: Forming and Forging
S.L. Semiatin - 1988
Plus superplastic sheet forming and abrasive waterjet and laser cutting. Contents include: Forging Equipment and Dies; Forging Processes; Forging of Carbon Alloy, Stainless Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys; Forging of Nonferrous Metals; Cold Heading and Cold Extrusion; Other Bulk Forming Processes; Evaluation of Workability; Computer-Aided Process Design for Bulk Forming; Blanking and Piercing of Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate; Tooling and Lubrication for Forming Sheet, Strip, and Plate; Forming Processes for Sheet, Strip, and Plate Forming of Stainless Steel and Heat-Resistant Alloys; Forming of Nonferrous Sheet Materials; and much more.
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Formal System Specification, and Z
Darrel Ince - 1988
Poor specification often gives rise to severe problems in software and hardware installation. This textbook is an introduction toboth the theory and practice of formal specification, and this new edition includes two new chapters on Z, one giving a number of small examples in Z, the other covering design and Z. Prerequisites in this edition have been kept to a minimum since Professor Ince is at pains to develop the techniquesof requirement analysis and discrete mathematics that are needed. Throughout the book are numerous worked examples and exercises which include many real examples of software and computer systems.
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Marvin Marcus - 1988
Includes 16 sets of true-false quizzes and exercises — with worked-out solutions — a complete theory of permutations and much more.