Best of
Life Application Study Bible: NIV
Anonymous - 1988
- Book Introductions use timelines, overviews, and outlines to prepare you to hear and respond to the book's truths. - Character Sketches spotlight key Bible figures and the lessons you can learn from their lives.- In-Text Charts and Maps help you locate key places and grasp difficult concepts at a glance. - Dictionary-Concordance developed specifically for the NIV Life Application Study Bible.- Red Letter Edition with the words of Christ printed in red.
The Attributes of God
Arthur W. Pink - 1988
Without understanding God's attributes, we have a skewed perception of him--often one cast in our own image. We need more than just a theoretical knowledge of God in order to worship him as he desires. This classic work of Arthur W. Pink invites readers to discover the truth about seventeen attributes of God, including his sovereignty, immutability, patience, love, faithfulness, and much more. Pink shows readers a God who is alive, all-powerful, and active in his creation. The perfect introductory text, The Attributes of God also has enough depth and meat to satisfy the more experienced reader.
Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II
Darlene Deibler Rose - 1988
Never to see her husband again, she was forced to sign a confession to a crime she did not commit and face the executioner's sword, only to be miraculously spared.
The Gospel According to Jesus: What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Follow Me"?
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1988
MacArthur states clearly that there is no eternal life without surrender to the lordship of Christ.
The Path of Loneliness: Finding Your Way Through the Wilderness to God
Elisabeth Elliot - 1988
In The Path of Loneliness she gives hope to the lonely through reflections on God's love and his blessings.
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
Jerry Bridges - 1988
And as you come to know Him better, you'll find yourself trusting Him more completely.
Charity & Its Fruits
Jonathan Edwards - 1988
The concluding chapter is on heaven as a world of love.
David: A Man of Passion and Destiny
Charles R. Swindoll - 1988
Yet in other ways he was a most ordinary man-often gripped by destructive passion, rocked by personal tragedy, and motivated by political gain. Yet, he is the one character the Bible describes as a "man after God's own heart." In this first volume of the "Great Lives" series Charles Swindoll shows how David proved his love for God many times over in an extraordinary life that left an enduring legacy of faith.
Plans Purposes & Pursuits
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1988
The Body of Christ is in the shallow waters of a new beginning of God's glory manifested in the earth, but that new wave of God's blessing can only occur as the Body of Christ gets the brass out of the temple!
The Signature of Jesus
Brennan Manning - 1988
With passion and boldness, author Brennan Manning invites readers to risk living life as Jesus lived--committed to simplicity, purity of heart, and obedience to the gospel.As a radical alternative this book is offered to Christians who want to live by faith and not by mere "religion," for those who recognize that many of the burning theological issues in the church today are neither burning nor theological; who see Christianity neither as a moral code or a belief system but as a love affair; who have not forgotten that they are followers of a crucified Christ; who know that following him means living dangerously; who want to live the gospel without compromise; who have no greater desire than to have his signature written on the pages of their lives. "Behold," Jesus proclaims, "I stand at the door and knock." You may have already met him at the door...but do you truly know him? Have you been transformed by His furious, passionate, unexplainable love? Join Brennan Manning, the bestselling author of The Ragamuffin Gospel, on a personal journey to experience Christ's love and live with His passion.
Lord, Heal My Hurts: A Devotional Study on God's Care and Deliverance
Kay Arthur - 1988
The pain runs deep, the scars never seem to fade, the memories torment us. As a result, our growth is stunted, our walk crippled, our relationships infected. Will relief never come?Yes -- when you put yourself in the hands of Jehovah-rapha, the God who heals! No matter what you've done or what's been done to you, He wants to be your refuge. He loves you. And He offers healing for your deepest wounds. Discover how God can turn your sorrow into joy in Lord, Heal My Hurts. Let Kay Arthur guide you through the Scriptures so you can be set free from past hurts by the power of God. This powerful, insightful study will minister to you in deeply restorative ways. And these are truths you will want to share with others.
Handle with Prayer: Unwrap the Source of God's Strength for Living
Charles F. Stanley - 1988
This modern-day classic is a must-read for anyone craving a rich, intimate prayer life that produces results. God longs to communicate with His children. He desires to move in our lives, help us through difficulties, and unveil the unseen. Yet few of us would claim to have a satisfying prayer life. So why is it that so many Christians struggle to open God’s precious gift of prayer? This revised and refreshed edition features new artwork, an enhanced study guide, and updated content to connect with today’s readers. With over 250,000 copies sold, Handle With Prayer continues to inspire believers of all backgrounds to revive their time of prayer with God.
God's Revelation to the Human Heart
Seraphim Rose - 1988
Seraphim Rose, an Orthodox Christian monk from the mountains of northern California, during a lecture he gave at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1981. The contents of this lecture comprise God's Revelation to the Human Heart. Drawing from a variety of sources -- the Holy Scriptures, patristic writings, the lives of both ancient and modern saints, and accounts of persecuted Christians behind the Iron Curtain -- Fr. Seraphim goes to the core of all Christian life: the conversion of the heart of man, which causes it to bum with love for Christ and transforms one into a new being.
The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey
Henri J.M. Nouwen - 1988
With simplicity and honesty, he describes how the experience changed his attitudes and enriched his spiritual life. Here Nouwen recounts the struggles and self-doubts he faced along this rocky road to a new vocation as he introduces us to the people of L'Arche and many others whose impact on him was deep and life-lasting. Such was the impact of this experience that he chose to say yes to the call to go to L'Arche Daybreak Community in Toronto and make it his permanent home and ministry.Rich in insights and sparkling with touching and inspiring anecdotes, The Road to Daybreak invites the reader to join this renowed spiritual writer on his journey to a deeper understanding of God and the human family.
Tell Them I Love Them
Joyce Meyer - 1988
God loves you as if you were the only person on Earth. The problem is that, like most people, you may not understand it...or if you know it with your head, you may not feel it with your heart. Now you can. The powerful message in this inspiring book will show you: * How to Recognize God's Love Inside You * How to Stop Wondering If You're Good Enough for God * How You can Experience an Amazing Revelation of God's Love * How to Find God Even During Life's Painful Circumstances * How God's Love will Change You Forever. Sharing her insights and the revelation that transformed her own life, Joyce Meyer brings you Scripture and other words of wisdom that can open up the window to God's love...and let its light shine on you, personally
Whistling in the Dark: A Doubter's Dictionary
Frederick Buechner - 1988
"I think of faith as a kind of whistling in the dark, because in much the same way," writes Buechner, "it helps to give us courage and to hold the shadows at bay."
Christian in Complete Armour Volume 2
William Gurnall - 1988
David Wilkerson (author of The Cross and the Switchblade) writes: 'No Christian leader, teacher, pastor, evangelist, or Christian worker should be without it.'
Pleasing God
R.C. Sproul - 1988
With clarity and insight, Sproul shows how essential it is for Christians to seek after righteousness and how God delights in those who do.
Be Daring (Acts 13-28): Put Your Faith Where the Action Is
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1988
Wiersbe skillfully explains the book of Acts to the layperson and the pastor alike.
Readers travel through dungeon prisons, see the ancient world as if it were today, and witness the marvelous work God can do through a few souls fully surrendered to His purposes. They witness Paul's conversion and spot his imperfections, yet still they enter his successes as the Lord uses him to preach Good News to the lost and dying. Because there are hardships today, places where God is unwelcome, and people whose hearts are unreceptive, both young and old will benefit from knowing that Paul's God is their God—the God of the ages.
Hearing God
Peter M. Lord - 1988
Here is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to two-way communication with God.
Soul Ties
Frank Hammond - 1988
My wife and I dealt with soul ties, through the ministry of deliverance, long before we had much understanding of them. In fact, long before someone introduced the designation "soul ties," we referred to them as "unholy alliances" or "perverse relationships." Through the deliverance ministry, soul ties are encountered regularly and their power over individuals' lives needs to be broken. Yes, soul ties are real, but what are they? What is the scriptural basis for understanding soul ties? How are they formed? Are they always demonic? What danger is there in soul ties? How can they be broken? In this booklet, Frank Hammond explains the root causes of these ties and how to distinguish between Godly and demonic soul ties.
Be Compassionate (Luke 1-13): Let the World Know That Jesus Cares
Warren W. Wiersbe - 1988
And His heart is the same today. As believers, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, and extend His extravagant love to a broken world. Based on the book of Luke, this study examines the very heartbeat of our Savior, and explores how Jesus connected with hurting people in an authentic and powerful way. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s best-selling “BE” commentary series, BE Compassionate has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A respected pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe explores the compassionate life of Jesus. Filled with moving examples of Christ’s ministry to people of all backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, this study will inspire you to share His love with the world around you.
The Character of God's Workman
Watchman Nee - 1988
God made covenants with His people. He deals with themaccording to the covenants He made with them. Today weare under God's New Covenant. For all God's dealings with usin addition to our dealings with God will be governed by thisNew Covenant. We are therefore called to have New CovenantLiving as well as New Covenant Ministry. It is hence extremelyessential for us to be sure that our living and ministry are ofthe New Covenant way.
The Saving Life of Christ and the Mystery of Godliness
W. Ian Thomas - 1988
Ian Thomas combines in one volume The Saving Life of Christ, which examines the implications of Christ's life and death, and The Mystery of Godliness, an exploration of the fact that godliness is a mystery. "God did not die just to save us from the consequences of a bad past or past failure, but to 'clear the decks' for divine action in our lives." The Saving Life of Christ contains a warning that our response to Jesus Christ will determine our condition "in the sights of God . . . redeemed or condemned." The Mystery of Godliness offers old and new considerations about the nature of godliness in thought-provoking discussions such as How to Do the Impossible and How Much are You Worth?
Winning the War Within: Facing Trials, Temptations, and Inner Struggles
Charles F. Stanley - 1988
Charles Stanley talks about temptation, the enticements that trip us up, the protections God provides to help us stay clear of Satan's traps, and the escape route God makes available if we go too far.Winning the War Within is a Bible-based examination of relevant questions: What's the problem? Who's to blame? How can we defend ourselves? How can we escape? What happens if we fall?Clarifying the distinction between a test or trial?which may come from God?and a temptation?which never comes from God, Dr. Stanley explains God's solutions for coping with trials, triumphing over temptations, and recognizing the diffrence."As long as you are on this earth in its present condition, you will be faced with temptation. The more "spiritual" you become, the more of a target you become. As your spiritual maturity and responsiblility increase, so must your sensitivity to and dependence on the Holy Spirit." ?Charles Stanley
Misguided Faith
Norvel Hayes - 1988
This simple dynamic message directs the believer to trust in God--not man. God wants you to look to Jesus for help. Norvel Hayes shares how to avoid the major hindrances to receiving from God. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8
Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to Be With God
Bill Hybels - 1988
The 10th-anniversary edition of this popular book challenges you to take time to pray, to listen to God, to respond to what God is saying to you, and to overcome prayer barriers.
The Collected Works of Billy Graham: Three Bestselling Works Complete in One Volume (Angels, How to Be Born Again, and The Holy Spirit)
Billy Graham - 1988
Here in one volume for the first time are three individual titles - Angels, How to Be Born Again, and The Holy Spirit - from Billy Graham, the foremost evangelist of our time who has reached more people with the Gospel than any other person on earth.
Pulling Down Strongholds
John Osteen - 1988
Pastor and television evangelist John Osteen teaches on spiritual warfare and the pulling down of demonic strongholds in personal lives, institutions, cities, and nations.
The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ
Gary R. Habermas - 1988
Have you ever tried to talk with an unbeliever about Christ? Jesus was a real historical figure, and his claims have real proof attached to them. Gary Habermas has researched and compiled the information for you in this fascinating book. Using archaeological, textual and extra-biblical evidence, The Historical Jesus builds a convincing foundation for the existence and deity of Jesus.
A Coming Christ in Advent: Essays on the Gospel Narratives Preparing for the Birth of Jesus: Matthew 1 & Luke 1
Raymond E. Brown - 1988
Father Brown reflects here not only on those annunciations of Jesus' forthcoming birth in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but also on the beautiful canticles, the Magnificat and the Benedictus, and on the origins of Jesus as given in the first words of the New Testament.
The Broken Body: Journey to Wholeness
Jean Vanier - 1988
Jean Vanier examines the roots of brokenness withing the Jewish and Christian traditions and the meaning of the Good News of Jesus for our twentieth-century world.
A Navpress Bible Study on the Book of Hebrews
The Navigators - 1988
Faced with hostility, the loss of jobs, and worse, many were tempted to hide their faith in Christ. Then a trusted mentor reminded them in a strong, clear letter that Christ is far superior to anything Judaism offers. This Bible study on the book of Hebrews explores all aspects of this fascinating letter. - Personal study between meetings- 19 sessions- Includes study aids and discussion questions
Secret Strength For Those Who Search
Joni Eareckson Tada - 1988
In this reflective daily devotional, Joni guides us toward God, who waits tenderly to reveal Himself and give us secret strength.
The Midnight Bride
Richard Wurmbrand - 1988
Using stories of the persecuted and drawing on his own experiences, Pastor Wurmbrand delves into the riches of God's love for us. Each daily devotional entry ends with a probing question. The holy message of this book will change you.
Everyman Today Call Rome/Includes Study Guide
Charles A. Coulombe - 1988
The Nature and Character of God
W.A. Pratney - 1988
Designed to help readers think through and apply to their lives what they believe concerning the person of God.
One Hundred Bible Lessons
Alban Douglas - 1988
More than 400,000 copies have been sold, and the book continues to be an OMFLit bestseller. It features comprehensive outlines of major Christian doctrines and key themes to Christian life today. One Hundred Bible Lessons is an excellent reference for group and personal Bible studies, sermon preparation and Sunday school classes.
The Cross: The Vindication of God
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1988
Above all else, the cross of Christ is a vindication of the character of God.
Every Good Gift: Sufficient Grace in Time of Need
Linda Baker Kaahanui - 1988
God showed himself to be all they needed when all else was stripped away.
If I Had Long, Long Hair
Angela Elwell Hunt - 1988
Loretta ponders both the good and bad things that might happen if she had long, long hair, hair long enough to flow around her like royal robes but also long enough for hamsters to nest in.
Living & Praying in Jesus' Name
Dick Eastman - 1988
This book is helpful in understanding the nature and character of Jesus.
Free Indeed
Tom Marshall - 1988
Every day, more and more Christians are experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in the light of God's Word. For a Church thirsting for renewal, Gospel Light introduces a new line of books called Renew. Serving the fastest growing segment of the Church worldwide -- those experiencing awakening and renewal with an expectancy for revival -- Renew brings you biblically sound resources from a publisher you trust. Take part in the renewal God is bringing to His Church with Renew Books from Gospel Light.Experience the fullness and freedom of life in the Spirit, which God intends for all believers. Tom Marshall shows how biblical truth applies to the whole man -- body, soul and spirit -- providing the means for victorious living.
In Search of Holiness
Loretta A. Bernard - 1988
These truths will come alive in your studies and excite you with fundamental principles of holiness as taught in the Scriptures.
Prayer That Moves Mountains
Gordon Lindsay - 1988
This book contains the essence of Gordon Lindsay's teaching on prayer, and is regarded by many in the charismatic world as a classic work on this vital subject.
Manifest Presence: You Can Live Within the Veil
Don Nori Sr. - 1988
He will hide me in His [holy] tent. Or, He will protect me on a tall mountain (Psalm 27:5 PEB).
There is only one hiding place, one place of true covering and security-the Manifest Presence of God.
Your religion will not protect you. Your doctrines will not deliver you from evil. Your denomination will not save you. Your degree will not heal you.
The Scriptures and history have proven time and again the Manifest Presence of the Lord is our only hiding place, our only deliverer, our only healer. As King David found, "The Always-Present One is my Rock, my place of safety, and my Savior. My God is my Rock. I can run to Him for safety. He is my Shield and my Saving Strength, The Always-Present One is my High Tower" (Ps. 18:2 PEB).
For the past 37 years, author Don Nori has been a persistent advocate for the Presence of Jesus within the heart of every believer. His personal experience and his keen insights are evident in this incredibly revealing book.
In Manifest Presence, you will find:
Abiding, interactive relationship with God. A refuge from the coming storm. The place where genuine worship touches God. How the constant miraculous is a daily experience. His fullness manifested in your heart.
Move from the constraints of Christless religion and the recklessness of random spiritualism to the place where Manifest Presence genuinely rules your heart. The truths in this book will change your life forever.
Those who go to the Most High for safety will be protected by God Almighty (Psalm 91:1 PEB).
A Navpress Bible Study on the Book of John
T.W. Hunt - 1988
Throughout the centuries, the portrait of Jesus that John paints has drawn men and women into committed belief and intimate relationship with the Son of God. • Personal study between meetings• 22 sessions• Includes study aids and discussion questions
Clare of Assisi: The Lady
Regis J. Armstrong - 1988
The first section presents Clares Letters, Testament, and Blessing. The second section includes the papal texts that prompted Clare to write her own Form of Life. The third section contains biographical writings about Clare beginning with Cardinal Hugolinos 1220 letter and ending with the Legend of Saint Clare. The book concludes with a dossier of documents, many translated into English for the first time, from the papacies of Honorius III, Gregory IX, and Innocent IV.
The Life of Smith Wigglesworth: A Pioneer of the Pentecostal Movement
Jack Hywell-Davis - 1988
This rendition is vey informative and compelling. I expereienced the fire of the Holy Spirit while reading it"......Fr. Michael Scanlan, President, The Franciscan.
Israel's Law and the Church's Faith: Paul and His Recent Interpreters
Stephen Westerholm - 1988
Beginning with an unusually mature account of the debate that is currently raging over Paul's understanding of the law, Westerholm has provided an analysis of his own that will certainly claim the attention of all student's of Paul the theologian." - J. Louis Martyn"This is the most clearly written and understandable treatment of the debate over the law in Pauline thought that I have seen." - Robert Jewett"Westerholm has produced an illuminating, engaging, and refreshing book. He sets forth the views of major interpreters of Paul with clarity and candor, engages them, and then makes proposals of his own, which are both well considered and instructive. The book is both interesting and informative, a reader's delight." - Arland J. Hultgren
Don't Waste the Pain: Learning to Grow Through Suffering
David Lyon - 1988
But how we handle it and what we do with it makes all the difference.In Don’t Waste the Pain, you'll see how two people dealing with life-threatening illnesses and the loss of a child found joy and peace in the midst of their suffering.Through intimate journal writings and personal reflections, you will learn that faith and spiritual growth can come out of brokenness, pain, and grief.
Hebrews: A Call to Commitment
William L. Lane - 1988
As an exposition of encouragement and exhortation, Hebrews addresses the central concerns of our contemporary church as well: the felt absence of God, a climate of uncertainty and insecurity, the tension between secular conformity and spiritual maturity and the treat of societal perversion and materialism to a Christian commitment. Christians are called upon to express a faith that is rooted in the future and to continue this life of pilgrimage with a radical new view of reality, which is based on sure confidence in the intervention of God in daily life. Tracing the writer's development thought by thought, rather than verse by verse, careful attention is paid to the cultural and historical background. This work is useful as a study guide for groups and individuals, or for any reader who wishes a mature understanding of the book of Hebrews.
Conquest Through Prayer
Denzil Holman - 1988
The first chapter, "The Privilege of Prayer," sets the tone for the entire book and makes the reader want to stop and refresh himself in praise and prayer.
We Travel an Appointed Way
A.W. Tozer - 1988
"We travel an appointed way!" -- a way ordered by the secret script of God's providence. Learning to discern and identify His ways while cultivating a disciplined and obedient walk with God will instill a faith based on certainty, not chance.