Best of
Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black
bell hooks - 1988
bell hooks writes about the meaning of feminist consciousness in daily life and about self-recovery, about overcoming white and male supremacy, and about intimate relationships, exploring the point where the public and private meet.
A Burst of Light
Audre Lorde - 1988
Essays. 1989 Before Columbus Foundation American Book Award.
The Inhabited Woman
Gioconda Belli - 1988
She is sheltered and self-involved, until the spirit of an Indian woman warrior enters her being, then she dares to join a revolutionary movement against a violent dictator and—through the power of love—finds the courage to act.
In Search of Sisterhood: Delta Sigma Theta and the Challenge of the Black Sorority Movement
Paula J. Giddings - 1988
Founded at a time when liberal arts education was widely seen as either futile, dangerous, or impractical for blacks, especially women, DST is, in Giddings's words, a "compelling reflection of block women's aspirations for themselves and for society."Giddings notes that unlike other organizations with racial goals, Delta Sigma Theta was created to change and benefit individuals rather than society. As a sorority, it was formed to bring women together as sisters, but at the some time to address the divisive, often class-related issues confronting black women in our society. There is, in Giddings's eyes, a tension between these goals that makes Delta Sigma Theta a fascinating microcosm of the struggles of black women and their organizations.DST members have included Mary McLeod Bethune, Mary Church Terrell, Margaret Murray Washington, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, and, on the cultural side, Leontyne Price, Lena Horne, Ruby Dee, Judith Jamison, and Roberta Flack. In Search of Sisterhood is full of compelling, fascinating anecdotes told by the Deltas themselves, and illustrated with rare early photographs of the Delta women.
I Am Woman: A Native Perspective on Sociology and Feminism
Lee Maracle - 1988
A revised edition of Lee Maracle's visionary book which links teaching of her First Nations heritage with feminism.
The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects
Barbara G. Walker - 1988
Sticking out the tongue is still a polite sign of greeting in northern India and Tibet (see Body Parts).Cosmic Egg In ancient times the primeval universe-or the Great Mother-took the form of an egg. It carried all numbers and letters within an ellipse, to show that everything is contained within one form at the beginning (see Round and Oval Motifs).
Nervous Conditions
Tsitsi Dangarembga - 1988
An extraordinarily well-crafted work, this book is a work of vision. Through its deft negotiation of race, class, gender and cultural change, it dramatizes the 'nervousness' of the 'postcolonial' conditions that bedevil us still. In Tambu and the women of her family, we African women see ourselves, whether at home or displaced, doing daily battle with our changing world with a mixture of tenacity, bewilderment and grace.
Living by the Word: Essays
Alice Walker - 1988
She writes of our intimate connection with nature, focuses on racial questions, reports on trips to China, Bali, and Jamaica, and more.
Writing a Woman's Life
Carolyn G. Heilbrun - 1988
A woman's journey ended at the altar. Professor Heilbrun notes that the diversity of women's lives now makes it possible for women to dare to choose their own scripts.
Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays
Linda Nochlin - 1988
Women, Art, and Power—seven landmark essays on women artists and women in art history—brings together the work of almost twenty years of scholarship and speculation.
Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development
Vandana Shiva - 1988
In Staying Alive she defines the links between ecological crises, colonialism, and the oppression of women. It is a scholarly and polemical plea for the rediscovery of the ‘feminine principle’ in human interaction with the natural world, not as a gender-based quality, rather an organizing principle, a way of seeing the world.” —the Guardian In this pioneering work, Vandana Shiva looks at the history of development and progress, stripping away the neutral language of science to reveal third-world development policy as the global twin of the industrial revolution. As Shiva makes clear, the way this development paradigm is being implemented—through violence against nature and women—threatens survival itself. She focuses on how rural Indian women experience and perceive the causes and effects of ecological destruction, and how they conceive of and initiate processes to stop the destruction and begin regeneration. As the world continues to follow destructive paths of development, Shiva’s Staying Alive is a fiercely relevant book that positions women not solely as survivors of the crisis, but as the source of crucial insights and visions to guide our struggle. Vandana Shiva is the author of many books, including Staying Alive, Earth Democracy, and Soil Not Oil. She is a leader in the International Forum on Globalization (IFG) and the Slow Food movement.
Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women are Worth
Marilyn Waring - 1988
A pollution-free environment counts for nothing. Even some people - namely women - count for nothing. This is the case, at least, according to the United Nations System of National Accounts. Author Marilyn Waring, former New Zealand M.P., now professor, development consultant, writer, and goat farmer, isolates the gender bias that exists in the current system of calculating national wealth.As Waring observes, in this accounting system women are considered 'non-producers' and as such they cannot expect to gain from the distribution of benefits that flow from production. Issues like nuclear warfare, environmental conservation, and poverty are likewise excluded from the calculation of value in traditional economic theory. As a result, public policy, determined by these same accounting processes, inevitably overlooks the importance of the environment and half the world's population.Counting for Nothing, originally published in 1988, is a classic feminist analysis of women's place in the world economy brought up to date in this reprinted edition, including a sizeable new introduction by the author. In her new introduction, the author updates information and examples and revisits the original chapters with appropriate commentary. In an accessible and often humorous manner, Waring offers an explanation of the current economic systems of accounting and thoroughly outlines ways to ensure that the significance of the environment and the labour contributions of women receive the recognition they deserve.
What Paul Really Said About Women: The Apostle's Liberating Views on Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love
John Temple Bristow - 1988
Paul's epistles and sexism in today's church.
Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America
John D'Emilio - 1988
D'Emilio & Freedman give a deeper understanding of how sexuality has dramatically influenced politics & culture throughout history. "The book John D'Emilio co-wrote with Estelle B. Freedman, Intimate Matters, was cited by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy when, writing for a majority of court on July 26, he and his colleagues struck down a Texas law criminalizing sodomy. The decision was widely hailed as a victory for gay rights—& it derived in part, according to Kennedy's written comments, from the information he gleaned from D'Emilio's book, which traces the history of American perspectives on sexual relationships from the nation's founding thru the present day. The justice mentioned Intimate Matters specifically in the court's decision."—Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune "Fascinating...[they] marshall their material to chart a gradual but decisive shift in the way Americans have understood sex & its meaning in their lives."—Barbara Ehrenreich, NY Times Book Review "With comprehensiveness & care...D'Emilio & Freedman have surveyed the sexual patterns for an entire nation across four centuries."—Martin Bauml Duberman, Nation "Intimate Matters is comprehensive, meticulous & intelligent."—Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post Book World "This book is remarkable...bound to become the definitive survey of American sexual history for years to come."—Roy Porter, Journal of the History of the Behavioral SciencesAcknowledgmentsIntroductionThe reproductive matrix, 1600-1800Divided passions, 1780-1900 Toward a new sexual order, 1880-1930 The rise & fall of sexual liberalism, 1920 to the presentNotesSelected BibliographyIndex
Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism
Suzanne Pharr - 1988
Author Susanne Pharr poses the idea that homophobia is a construct used by the dominant system in our society.
I Never Called It Rape
Robin Warshaw - 1988
The classic book that broke new ground by thoroughly reporting on the widespread problem of date and acquaintance rape has now been completely updated to include recent studies, issues, current events, and controversies.
Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and Histories of Art
Griselda Pollock - 1988
Its introduction of a feminist perspective into this largely male-oriented discipline made shockwaves that are still felt forcefully today. Drawing upon feminist cultural theory previously little applied to the visual arts, Griselda Pollock offers concrete historical analyses of key moments in the formation of modern culture to reveal the sexual politics at the heart of modernist art. Crucially, she not only provides a feminist re-reading of the work of canonical male Impressionist and Pre-Raphaelite artists including Edgar Degas and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, but also re-inserts into art history their female contemporaries - women artists such as Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt. Casting her critical eye over the contemporary art scene, Pollock discusses the work of women artists such as Mary Kelly and Yve Lomax, highlighting the problems of working in a culture where the feminine is still defined as the object of the male gaze.Now published with a new introduction by Griselda Pollock, 'Vision and Difference' remains as powerful and as essential reading as ever for all those seeking not only to understand the history of the feminine in art but also to develop new strategies for representation for the future.
The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and the Problem of Domination
Jessica Benjamin - 1988
She reveals that domination is a complex psychological process which ensnares both parties in bonds of complicity, and shows how it underlies our family life, our social institutions, and especially our sexual relations, in spite of our conscious commitment to equality and freedom.
Back Rooms: Voices from the Illegal Abortion Era
Ellen Messer - 1988
Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. "Back Rooms" presents the moving testimony of womenand men - who cannot forget. This landmark oral history vividly conveys the stark choices women with unwanted pregnancies faced before abortion was legalized. Here are poignant stories of illegal 'back-room' abortions and harrowing accounts of self-induced miscarriages, as well as the testimony of women who were forced to give birth on society's terms, not their own. At a time when mounting pressure from anti-abortion activists increasingly challenges the Roe v. Wade decision, this book lends authority and moral clarity to the pro-choice position.
A History of Their Own: Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present Volume 1
Bonnie S. Anderson - 1988
A groundbreaking and controversial history of European women-- the first to give an original and revolutionary view of women's past as defined by gender and role.
The Women Who Knew Too Much: Hitchcock and Feminist Theory
Tania Modleski - 1988
In opposition to these positions, Modleski asserts that Hitchcock is deeply ambivalent towards his female characters. The Women Who Knew Too Much examines both the director's complex attitude toward femininity, and the implications of that attitutde for the audience. The book represents a significant contribution to the debates in film theory around the issue of gender and film spectatorship; in particular, it seeks to complicate the view that women's response to patriarchal cinema can only be masochistic, while men's response is necessarily sadistic.Applying the theories of psychoanalysis, mass culture, and a broad range of film (and) feminist criticism, Modleski offers compelling readings of seven Hitchcock films from various periods in his career.
Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy from Colonial Times to the Present (Revised Edition)
Mimi Abramovitz - 1988
This important book looks at the changes in AFDC, Social Security, and Unemployment Insurance, and welfare "reform." This new edition reveals how welfare policy scapegoats women more than ever to justify widespread retrenchment and to divert the public's attention from the real causes of the nation's mounting economic woes.
The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam
Fatema Mernissi - 1988
Convinced that the veil is a symbol of unjust male authority over women, in The Veil and the Male Elite, Moroccan feminist Fatima Mernissi aims to investigate the origins of the practice in the first Islamic community.
For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology
Sarah Lucia Hoagland - 1988
These essays from more than 70 contributors: novelists, musicians, poets, philosophers, academics and seriously, rowdy dykes document 20 years of lesbian activism.
Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory
Judith Butler - 1988
Surviving Sexual Violence
Liz Kelly - 1988
Yet this fact continues to be almost wholly ignored. This new study, based on in-depth interviews with 60 women, is the first to cover the experience of a range of forms of sexual violence over women's lifetimes. Drawing on feminist theory, developing a critique of male research and quoting extensively from the women interviewed, it developes feminist thought in several key areas: the similarities and differences between forms of sexual violence; the ways women define their experiences; and the strategies women use in resisting, coping with and surviving sexual violence. The author stresses the importance for all women of recognizing the incidents of sexual violence in their lives and seeing themselves and other women as survivors rather than victims. In highlighting the ways in which the media, the criminal justice system and even the "helping" profess ions contribute to the trivialization of sexual violence, she demonstrates the necessity of women organizing collectively to end this suffering.
Reflections on the Way to the Gallows: Rebel Women in Prewar Japan
Mikiso Hane - 1988
The extraordinary women whose memoirs, recollections, and essays are presented here constitute a strong current in the history of modern Japanese life from the 1880s to the outbreak of the Pacific War.
Out of the Doll's House: The Story of Women in the Twentieth Century
Angela Holdsworth - 1988
Publisher: BBC Date of Publication: 1988 Binding: soft back Edition: Condition: Good Description: 0563206314 corners slightly turned up on cover
Theory, a Sunday
Louky Bersianik - 1988
Twenty-five years after its first French language publication, THEORY, A SUNDAY (2013), a collaborative feminist poetics text, marks the first in Belladonna’s new Germinal Texts series. Written through Sunday meetings in Montreal, this volume gathers six women’s theoretical feminist texts, with a new introduction by Lisa Robertson and afterword by Gail Scott and Rachel Levitsky. Translators of this text include Erica Weitzman, Luise von Flotow, Popahna Brandes, and Nicole Peyrafitte.
Constance Markievicz: Irish Revolutionary
Anne Haverty - 1988
She was a child of Henry Gore-Booth, heir to the baronetcy of Lissadell, County Sligo, and of his wife, Georgina Hill of Tickhill Castle in Yorkshire, whose grandfather was Lord Scarborough. Shortly after her birth, Constance was brought to Lissadell Court in County Sligo. She went to Paris to study art, and in 1901 married a Polish widower, Count Casimir Dunin Markievicz. They moved to Dublin in 1903, where she became a committed socialist and (in spite of being born an Anglo-Irish) an increasingly fervent Irish nationalist. "She was one of the first women to face many of the problems associated with nationalist struggles and feminism which are still hotly debated today. Constance Markiewicz was also the first woman to be elected to the British Parliament and the first woman to become a Minister of State in any European government
Black Womanist Ethics
Katie Geneva Cannon - 1988
Beginning with a reconstructive history of the Afro-American woman's situation in America, Katie G. Cannon goes on to trace the emergence of the Black woman's literary tradition and explain its importance in expressing the moral wisdom of Black women. The life and work of Zora Neale Hurston are examined in detail for her unique contributions to the moral tradition of the Afro-American woman. A final chapter initiates a promising exchange between the works of Hurston and those of Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Spectacle of Women: Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign 1907-14
Lisa Tickner - 1988
In this comprehensive and pathbreaking study, Lisa Tickner discusses and illustrates the suffragist use of spectacle—the design of banners, posters and postcards, the orchestration of mass demonstrations—in an unprecedented propaganda campaign.
Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction
Rosemarie Tong - 1988
Besides providing up-to-date coverage of liberal, radical (libertarian and cultural), and Marxist-socialist schools of feminism, she covers psychoanalytic, existentialist, and postmodern feminism. All the chapters have been rethought and new chapters on ecofeminism and multicultural and global feminism have been added.In the clear-sighted and accessible style for which has become known, Tong guides the reader through the complexities of even the most notoriously difficult thinkers. Students will become familiar with many of the essential figures in the feminist tradition as well as some of the issues that have been of special concern to women (e.g., pornography, reproductive technology, housework, the environment, and militarism). Moreover, students are repeatedly urged to consider the many differences that separate women (class, race, ethnicity, age, nationality, religion) as well as the sameness that continue to unite women.Tong treats all views with respect and encourages the reader to think both sympathetically and critically about what feminism is and what relevance it has to their own lives. As valuable as the first edition of Feminist Thought, this second edition surpasses its predecessor in depth and breadth. Clearly, Tong believes that feminist thought is still developing even as it approaches the millennium.
not a book
NOT A BOOK - 1988
The cards in this extraordinary round tarot deck are gestalt circles of powerful symbols celebrating 30,000 years of women's culture throughout the world.
On Strike for Respect: The Clerical and Technical Workers' Strike at Yale University, 1984-85
Toni Gilpin - 1988
Members of Local 34, with a strong female majority, mobilized themselves and the public, breathing new life into the labor movement as they fought for and won substantial gains. A short update on current conditions concludes this volume.
Manhood and Politics: A Feminist Reading in Political Theory
Wendy Brown - 1988
Brown's book is challenging, provocative and...original; it does force us to question the degree to which gender controls our politics.'-THE REVIEW OF POLITICS
Early Grrrl: The Early Poems of Marge Piercy
Marge Piercy - 1988
In homage to a new generation of tough young feminists, Marge Piercy presents a gathering of poems that reveal the poet as an early 'Grrrl.' Comprising over ninety poems selected from four books now out of print; poems previously published in literary magazines but never before collected and very early poems never published, this volume presents the bold and passionate political verse for which Piercy is well known alongside poems celebrating the sensual pleasures of gardening and cooking and sex; funny poems about New Year's Eve and warring boom boxes; vulnerable poems in which a young working class woman from the Midwest takes stock of herself and the limits of her world. For longtime fans and those new to Piercy's early work, this volume is an indispensable addition to the oeuvre of one of America's best-known and best-selling poets.Marge Piercy is the author of fifteen novels and fifteen books of poetry, most recently The Art of Blessing the Day (Knopf, 1999) a selection of Piercy's Jewish-themed poems. What Are Big Girls Made Of?(Knopf, 1997) was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and selected as one of their Most Notable Books of the Year by the American Library Association. In October, 1999, she will be a featured poet on the Bill Moyers' PBS-TV poetry specials "Fooling with Words" and "The Sounds of Poetry" and her newest novel, Three Women will be published by William Morrow.TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface, .xiFrom THE TWELVE SPOKED WHEEL FLASHINGThe meaningful exchange, 4 Five thousand miles, 5 The summer invasion, and the fall, 6 Nothing you can have, 9 Archipelago, 12 The first salad of March, 15 Exodus, 16 Ask me for anything else, 18 What is permitted, 20 A gift of light, 22 Short season, 27 Ghosts, 29 The new novel, 31 Women of letters, 32From LIVING IN THE OPENThe token woman, 37 The clearest joy, 39 Make me feel it, 40 Sage and rue, 42 River road, High Toss, 44 Paradise Hollow, 45
Mother Madonna Whore: The Idealization and Denigration of Motherhood
Estela V. Welldon - 1988
The potential causes and consequences of these conditions, including maternal and paternal incest and its frequent aftermath, prostitution, are also discussed.
Writing Differences: Readings from the Seminar of Hélène Cixous
Susan Sellers - 1988
The Family Interpreted: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, And Family Therapy
Deborah Anna Luepnitz - 1988
Family therapists reproduce these problems by blaming mothers, protecting fathers, ignoring issues of race and class, and settling for superficial symptom relief. In The Family Interpreted, Deborah Anna Luepnitz proposes a new practice grounded in psychoana-lytic feminism. Since its publication in 1988, this intelligent, irreverent, and incorrigibly witty book has become a classic, admired by the therapeutic community and feminist scholars. Luepnitz's work has permanently altered the debate about families, culture, and psychological change.
Feminism and Foucault: Violence, Poverty, and Prostitution
Irene Diamond - 1988
This book fosters an unprecedented dialogue between Foucault and the fertile ground of contemporary feminism and explores the many ways these disparate approaches to cultural analysis converge and interact.