A Microsoft Life

Stephen Toulouse - 2010
    Enjoy a journey through the eyes of a geek working at one of the most important companies in the world as he walks you through events both large and small. Just don't get caught in the Redmond reality distortion field! What others are saying about "A Microsoft Life": "Any self-respecting geek needs to read this book. Stepto provides an enjoyable and entertaining insight of life inside Microsoft." - Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox LIVE "Anyone who lived through the adolescent years of the computer revolution will alternate between laughing and crying (from laughing) at these great stories from inside the monolith. - Ken Denmead, NYT Bestselling Author, and editor of Geekdad.com

Brand Strategy 101: Your Logo Is Irrelevant - The 3 Step Process to Build a Kick-Ass Brand

Michael R. Drew - 2013
    No really, it is. Let me explain.It turns out that drooling dogs and ringing bells are far more important than a logo (thank you Pavlov).Sure, successful businesses have logos--easily recognizable logos. Playboy, McDonald's, Coke. But there's far more to their success than bunny ears, golden arches or a certain shade of red. Stripped of all the marketing lingo, branding is pretty simple: Your brand is all the associations that come to mind when your potential customers see or hear your name.Whether your focus is on personal branding or on branding your company culture--you've got to have more than a fancy logo and edgy color scheme to create brand stickability (you know, a brand your customers can't get out of their heads).Well, there’s a process to capturing attention and getting your foot in the door of your customers’ minds. Here's a taste of some of the personal branding advice you'll find in this book:You must become the first solution your customer thinks of when they have a problem you can solve. How?The first step is to figure out what your audience cares about. What keeps them up at night? What problems can you help them solve? From there, you need to apply these three steps:1) Frequency2) Repetition3) AnchoringIn this e-book, we’ll show you how to figure out what your customers really want. Then we will show you how to apply these three steps to help you become the trusted resource that comes to mind first when your customer’s itch needs to be scratched.Is real and authentic branding going to happen overnight? Probably not. But ask yourself this: Do you want short-term results that lose effectiveness? Or are you willing to invest a bit more time and effort to create long-term results that get better and better?If you're looking for a branding book that promises a quick fix, this isn't the book for you. But if you want to create a brand that sticks like superglue--read this book!Go ahead and let the wimps and whiners have the get-rich quick schemes that fizzle and fall flat like a wet firework. You want to ignite a branding bonfire.

How to be The Startup Hero: A Guide and Textbook for Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Tim Draper - 2017
    To make that move. To fulfill your vision. I want to take you closer to your goal, whether that be starting a billion-dollar unicorn, building a revolution, or just helping you better understand that change of any kind starts with you. You can be the Startup Hero. Startup Heroes are the ones that drive progress, and whether you bring us to another planet or make your neighborhood a nicer, happier place, you can become a Startup Hero. This book is the first step. It helps you take that first step. The step will be different for everyone. It might be to call that customer. It might be to draw up a design concept. It might be to talk to your boss. With this book, I hope to guide people to think big, drive change and go full speed ahead. I am giving them a pledge to do their work for good, and I am giving them some of the tools they need to accomplish their goals. This book is hard. It takes you through a variety of activities, questions, stories and challenges (even puzzles and poems) working both the right and left side of your brain and all the parts in between. The activities I propose are challenging and sometimes even embarrassing. The questions I ask are probing and provoking. The stories I tell are used as examples to guide you toward what I call Startup Heroism. So, why would you read this book? Well, I have worked for 30 years for entrepreneurs. I have supported, funded and coached Startup Heroes all my working life. And I have tested the concepts of this book on the students at Draper University and they have come out to be some of the most interesting, dynamic, and motivated people the world has ever seen. In fact, we have had about 1000 students from over 60 different countries come through the program at this writing, and they have started more than 300 companies! I wrote this book so that some of the thinking that I applied to Draper University could be spread wider, in hopes that these messages would reach other potential Startup Heroes (maybe you) who might make an impact on the world, be proactive about their work, or at the very least, improve their lives. So, I implore you. Read this book, try this book, do this book, play this book, absorb this book, experience this book. It might surprise you. It might thrill you. It might drive you. It might kill you. At the very least, I hope it will give you a perspective on how real progress is made, and at the very best, it might just change your life.

The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Pages: There's an Amazing Story Behind Every Amazing Story (Entrepreneur Education Series)

Patrick Bet-David - 2016
    Many people have passion and a burning desire to achieve something more but need direction and assistance focusing their energy. In this book, I have outlined six key points on the path to experience the life of an entrepreneur. These points will become your personal “compass” and will help you point the way to setting a vision that is uniquely yours as you pursue your dreams. You will also get a glimpse into the lives of several very successful entrepreneurs along the way. The key points are: 1. The Truth – Accepting Reality 2. Vision – Looking Forward 3. Commitment – Staying with Your Vision 4. Resiliency – Recovering from Setbacks 5. Validation – Experiencing Confirmation 6. Drifting or Driving – The Challenge! My hope is that this book motivates you to action and you personally discover the satisfaction of the life of an entrepreneur.

Rich Dad Advisors: Run Your Own Corporation: How to Legally Operate and Properly Maintain Your Company into the Future

Garrett Sutton - 2012
    Now what do I do?"All too often business owners and real estate investors are asking this question. They have formed their protective entity -- be it a corporation, LLC or LP -- and don't know what to do next.Run Your Own Corporation provides the solution to this very common dilemma. Breaking down the requirements chronologically (i.e. the first day, first quarter, first year) the audiobook sets forth all the tax and corporate and legal matters new business owners must comply with. Written by a Rich Advisor Garrett Sutton, Esq. who also authored the companion edition Start Your Own Corporation, the audiobook clearly identifies what must be done to properly maintain and operate your corporation entity.From the first day, when employer identification numbers must be obtained in order to open up a bank account, to the fifth year when trademark renewals must be filed, and all the requirements in between, Run Your Own Corporation is a unique resource that all business owners and investors must have.

SEO 2019 Learn Search Engine Optimization With Smart Internet Marketing Strategies: Learn SEO with smart internet marketing strategies

Adam Clarke - 2018
    First, let me tell you a little secret about SEO marketing...Most search engine optimization advice on the Internet is wrong!If you've sifted through search engine optimization advice online, you may have noticed two things: - Most published SEO advice is either outdated or just dead-wrong.- Google's constant updates have made many popular SEO optimization strategies useless.Why is this so? Google's constantly evolving. Recent changes: 1. August, 2018 - Google releases an industry changing update, with some sites showing up to 50% decreases or increases in traffic, later titled the "Medic Update" or "Your Money or Your Life Update."2. July, 2018 - Google announce's Speakable markup, making it easier to target voice search results.3. March, 2018 - Google's game-changing "Mobile First Index" is rolled out, completely overhauling how search results are calculated.SEO 2019 is now updated covering new changes to Google's algorithm, walks you through major updates and how to use them to your advantage. This book also reveals industry secrets to stay ahead of Google's algorithm, and potential Google changes coming up in 2019. With this best-selling SEO book, learn SEO from a fundamental level, achieve top rankings, and generate a wave of new customers to your site.Discover powerful link building techniques experts use to get top rankings and generate massive trafficLink building is the strongest factor for ranking high in Google. Unfortunately, most widely-used methods suck! This chapter walks you through new and powerful techniques that won't get you in hot-water with Google. Now expanded with more link building strategies and extra tips for advanced readers.You will also discover: 1. Important SEO concepts, from beginner to advanced.2. Sneaky tricks to get local businesses ranking high with local SEO.3. The inner workings of Google's algorithm and how it calculates the search results.4. How to find "money" keywords that will send customers to your site.5. Basic and advanced link building strategies for pushing your rankings up higher.6. Six insider sources to get expert SEO or Internet marketing advice worth thousands of dollars, for free.7. How to use social media and web analytics to multiply your results.8. 25+ powerful tools top Internet marketing experts use to automate search engine optimization, saving weeks of time and creating bigger results.Sidestep the 2019 Google updatesContrary to Internet marketing gossip, problems caused by Google updates are rarely irrecoverable-but you need the right knowledge. This book reveals: - Inner mechanics of Google's algorithm, and how to rank your site at the top.- Recent Google updates-Mobile First Index, Google Speed update, Google Hawk update, Google FRED update, and more...- Potential updates coming up in 2019.- Steps to recover from Google penalties.And read the special bonus chapter on pay-per-click advertisingIn this bonus, learn to quickly setup pay-per-click advertising campaigns with Google AdWords and send customers to your site overnight, literally.One of the most comprehensive SEO optimization books ever published-updated and expanded-of all best-selling SEO books, this is the only one with everything you need.Scroll up, click buy, and get started now!

Failing to Succeed: The Story of India’s First E-Commerce Company

K. Vaitheeswaran - 2017
    Vaitheeswaran co-founded India’s first e-commerce company. Yet, years later, when e-commerce was exploding in India—despite enjoying first-mover advantage—Indiaplaza shut down. What went wrong? Lack of funding? Wrong strategies? Or was it ‘something else’?For the first time ever, Vaitheeswaran reveals that it was indeed something else—a set of inexplicable events that destroyed what could have been a profitable business (an extreme rarity among technology start-ups). He bares his extraordinary trials and tribulations while dealing with business failure and the impossible pressures that can threaten entrepreneurs in India. Coming at the back of stories of young start-ups raising billions of dollars in funding and creating unicorns in just a few years, as well as the recent setbacks in the e-commerce industry, Failing to Succeed delves deep into the dark side of starting up and its myriad pitfalls.Filled with interesting anecdotes, tongue-in-cheek observations, amazing customer insights, hard-hitting predictions and behind-the-scenes industry happenings, this book is an extraordinary unravelling of the challenges facing technology start-ups in India. It is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs, investors, industry professionals or business school students, and anyone interested in India’s start-up ecosystem.A powerful narration, Failing to Succeed is eventually about finding ways to move forward and succeed despite failures...

Fit For Success: Lessons On Achievement And Leading Your Best Life (Renaissance Periodization Book 12)

Nick Shaw - 2020

Often Wrong, Never in Doubt: Unleash the Business Rebel Within

Donny Deutsch - 2005
    It is a philosophy to live by. It's Donny Deutsch's motto. And it is the secret possessed by every person with the right stuff—the one-in-a-hundred who gets to the top of their team, their company, their business, their industry.If there is an assignment or a promotion up for grabs, a client or account looking for new answers, do you know how to go for it? Donny Deutsch built a billion-dollar media business asking himself the basic question, "Why Not Me?" Once the reader asks—and answers—that question, a world of opportunity opens up. It is a tool to motivate people, build a business, and create a business culture.Often Wrong, Never in Doubt is an inspirational book from one of America's most colorful and exciting entrepreneurs. It's Donny's story. In a fun conversation with the reader, Donny lays out the core principles that propelled him to create tremendous wealth, build a huge and influential business, and become a national personality. Using inside stories of the media, the advertising industry, and a youth spent growing up on the streets of New York, Donny gives the commonsense bottom line that he has learned along the way, broken down into real, relevant, and inspiring lessons that will be useful to everyone from the front-line salesperson to the middle manager to the successful corporate executive. (It's also a useful guide for dating.)

Against All Odds: A Story Of Courage, Perseverance And Hope

Dhirubhai Ambani

The 5 Love Languages/Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married Set

Gary Chapman - 2010

Made to Stick (Chapter 4: Credible): Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Chip Heath - 2008
    Offer people the chance to test your ideas themselves–a “try before you buy” philosophy. People want to believe your ideas, so give them a reason to. Examples include the Nobel-winning scientist no one believed, flesh-eating bananas, and the human-scale principle.

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint to Massive Success: Create An Exceptional Lifestyle While Doing Business On Your Terms

Peter Voogd - 2015
    No B.S. No fluff. No Sugar-coating. Are you driven to succeed so much it hurts? Are you tired of books which promise a sugar-coated tactic to overnight success, only to be left with disappointment? Do you want to live a life on your own terms? Then this book is for you… Do you know what the #1 regret of the dying is? “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” All of us start out with the desire and the potential to live a remarkable life. But along the way something happens… We start to accept mediocrity. But there is a way to live life on your own terms. And entrepreneur Peter Voogd wants to show you how… Peter started his first business when he was 15, and found himself broke, stressed and discouraged by the age of 22. By 23, he made his first 6 figure income, and by 27 his earnings were over 1 million. Through his own experiences and that of helping over 4,000 entrepreneurs with The Game Changers Academy and starting The Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle, Peter has identified the exact strategies young entrepreneurs can use to create a business so they can live a life on their own terms. In this book that is sure to be as big of a hit as 6 Months to 6 Figures, you’ll learn the 30 strategies you need to create the lifestyle of your dreams including: - The tactical tips, experience and mindset it will take to build your ideal lifestyle. - How to handle information overwhelm, and implement what you learn into your life and business for massive results. - How to drop your past and transform your future to see the change you want in your life. - The 6 “musts” to extreme achievement. - How to build a morning routine that’ll start you off energized and hungry to achieve your goals. "There are two types of people in this world. Those who will do whatever it takes to succeed… and everybody else. Choose wisely." - Peter Voogd Remember the number one regret of the dying? To have the courage to live a life true to themselves... Well do you have the courage? The courage to stand up and to create an exceptional lifestyle that’s true to who you are? If you do, get this book. Because with that courage, and Peter’s advice, you’re sure to get everything you want out of life. Just think… in 6 months you could be one of the entrepreneurs who isn’t just barely surviving, but thriving. Whichever one you become is up to you. To get free downloadable resources (PDF and audio files) from leading entrepreneurship authority Peter Voogd, visit: TheEntrepreneurBreakthrough.com Tags: lifestyle entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, financial freedom, success, Peter Voogd, 6 Months to 6 Figures

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together: How to Run Your Business Without Letting it Run You

Sherry Walling - 2018
     You run a business. And running a business is hard. It can ruin your health. It can ruin your relationships. It can ruin your life. But only if you don’t equip yourself for the journey. The burden of responsibility, the weight of stress and the loneliness of running your business are a far cry from your friends who work salaried jobs. The stress and loneliness are real. Sometimes too real. The path of least resistance is to let the stress and isolation of starting, running and growing a business infiltrate most aspects of your life. Trust us, we’ve seen it. Over and over we’ve watched our fellow entrepreneurs succumb to the mental toll and chaos of running a business. We’ve also experienced it firsthand as we’ve launched and grown our own businesses. Odds are good that you’ve been overwhelmed at some point. Maybe you’ve tried talking to your spouse. That can work for a while… but your spouse is not your therapist. And placing them in this role inevitably leads to misunderstandings, fatigue and arguments. Maybe you’ve talked to friends. But if they aren’t entrepreneurs, they likely don’t understand what you’re going through. Or maybe you’ve read self help books only to find that books about stress management typically don’t take into account the unique experience of entrepreneurs. Or they’re ‘lifehacks’ written by a blogger with no formal training or credentials, offering advice based on anecdotes, not science. Why do I need this book? You want to invest in yourself (and consequently, your business). You want to learn proven strategies, tactics and techniques to overcome the challenges that cause you heartburn and headaches. You want to get off the treadmill of stress, anxiety and isolation that entrepreneurship brings. You want to prevent burnout, depression, isolation, and the emergence of damaging coping strategies and self-sabotaging choices. Every aspect of this book is a pairing of psychological expertise with decades of entrepreneurial experience. Here are just a few things you will take away from this book: New ways to deal with the freedom, responsibility and existential fear that go along with being an entrepreneur How to overcome the single biggest challenge every entrepreneur faces How a single shift in mindset can make a lifelong difference in your success, happiness and fulfillment Why knowing yourself and where you came from is crucial to your success How to succeed as an entrepreneur no matter your personality type How to keep stress from ruining your life and relationships Identifying and dealing with depression, anxiety, burnout, ADHD and other common psychological burdens How to get more things done – and faster – by dealing with procrastination, distraction and muddled priorities Staying connected with your significant other, friends and key colleagues How to deal with overwhelming success and (seemingly) massive failures How to find personal calm in the midst of chaos And much more...

SUMMARY: ATOMIC HABITS: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (Lesson Learns from JAMES CLEAR's book Book 1)

Key Notes - 2019
    It will not take you more than an hour to benefit from the wisdom of the work. This book makes it possible for you to have a blueprint to change your habits for the better. Read this book to be more disciplined and successful in life.