Driven: The Never-Give-Up Roadmap to Massive Success

Manny Khoshbin - 2018

The Tower

Chris Guillebeau - 2011
    What if life were like a video game? How can we incorporate creative work and the desire to build something into our routine? What truly matters?

Richard Branson: The Life and Business Lessons of Richard Branson

George Ilian - 2015
    It is not a text book nor a biography, but more of a cheat sheet for reading on the bus or in the bathroom, so that you can pick out the most significant points without having to carry around a bag of weighty tomes. You can read it all in one sitting, or look up specific case studies as and when you are looking for inspiration or direction. The key lessons outlined here are drawn from interviews Branson has given over his more than 40 years in business, from the numerous blogs and articles written by him and about him, and, most importantly, from the successes and failures of many of his commercial ventures. Though his theories and analysis are certainly important, and this book does indeed give them credence, the hardcore details of what worked and what didn’t, combined with the reasons why, are the most useful sources you have as a businessman, whether you are following in Branson’s footsteps as an entrepreneur, or contemplating his businesses from afar. Additionally You Get 2 Bonus Ebooks - 69 Ways to Make Money From Home - Bitcoins Beginner’s Guide

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint to Massive Success: Create An Exceptional Lifestyle While Doing Business On Your Terms

Peter Voogd - 2015
    No B.S. No fluff. No Sugar-coating. Are you driven to succeed so much it hurts? Are you tired of books which promise a sugar-coated tactic to overnight success, only to be left with disappointment? Do you want to live a life on your own terms? Then this book is for you… Do you know what the #1 regret of the dying is? “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” All of us start out with the desire and the potential to live a remarkable life. But along the way something happens… We start to accept mediocrity. But there is a way to live life on your own terms. And entrepreneur Peter Voogd wants to show you how… Peter started his first business when he was 15, and found himself broke, stressed and discouraged by the age of 22. By 23, he made his first 6 figure income, and by 27 his earnings were over 1 million. Through his own experiences and that of helping over 4,000 entrepreneurs with The Game Changers Academy and starting The Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle, Peter has identified the exact strategies young entrepreneurs can use to create a business so they can live a life on their own terms. In this book that is sure to be as big of a hit as 6 Months to 6 Figures, you’ll learn the 30 strategies you need to create the lifestyle of your dreams including: - The tactical tips, experience and mindset it will take to build your ideal lifestyle. - How to handle information overwhelm, and implement what you learn into your life and business for massive results. - How to drop your past and transform your future to see the change you want in your life. - The 6 “musts” to extreme achievement. - How to build a morning routine that’ll start you off energized and hungry to achieve your goals. "There are two types of people in this world. Those who will do whatever it takes to succeed… and everybody else. Choose wisely." - Peter Voogd Remember the number one regret of the dying? To have the courage to live a life true to themselves... Well do you have the courage? The courage to stand up and to create an exceptional lifestyle that’s true to who you are? If you do, get this book. Because with that courage, and Peter’s advice, you’re sure to get everything you want out of life. Just think… in 6 months you could be one of the entrepreneurs who isn’t just barely surviving, but thriving. Whichever one you become is up to you. To get free downloadable resources (PDF and audio files) from leading entrepreneurship authority Peter Voogd, visit: Tags: lifestyle entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, financial freedom, success, Peter Voogd, 6 Months to 6 Figures

Entrepreneur 5 pm to 9 am

Kanth Miriyala - 2013
    The book has a rich mix of illustrations and anecdotal stories that tells you how you can become an entrepreneur even if you are a student, home-maker or have a full time job and if you are risk-averse.Read this book if you are about to launch your first start-up, or if you’re thinking of doing so.The road-map explained here will:- Tell you how you can realize your dream of being an entrepreneur even if you have a full-time job- Provide you with a widely tested and proven methodology that will dramatically reduce your risk of failure- Help your offering to sell and be profitable before any significant investments are made- Rapidly increase the valuation of your start-up before you take outside funding- Help you create a start-up that YOU would enjoy building — one that’s aligned with your goals in life and leverages your personalstrengths

Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing

Jasper Ribbers - 2014
    If you have a home and an Internet connection, you have a solution: Airbnb hosting. Get Paid For Your Pad is the veritable blueprint on how to transform your home into a short-stay rental boon. Renting in the short-stay market, when done correctly, crushes the return from long-term tenants. Like hundreds of thousands of people, you can boost your profits by 2 to 3 times with the most well known short-stay marketplace in the world: Airbnb. This step-by-step guide to renting your home on the Airbnb platform teaches: • How Jasper went from making $24,000 per year to $60,000 from his house in Amsterdam • How to prepare your home like a 5-star hotel in a cost-effective manner • How to set up a dazzling and polished Airbnb listing from start to finish • How to communicate with guests in a professional and responsive way • How to scientifically calculate an optimal price point for profit maximization • How to catapult your search rank within the Airbnb platform The book comes with countless (1) tips, (2) examples, (3) real life stories from Airbnb hosts, (4) action points, and (5) easy-to-implement templates that can be employed to launch and optimize your Airbnb business right away!

Profit First for Ecommerce Sellers: Transform Your Ecommerce Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

Cyndi Thomason - 2019
    While the ecommerce industry presents incredible opportunities, these four areas can also present major pitfalls in the quest for success. Cyndi Thomason has taken the core concepts of the Profit First methodology, created by Mike Michalowicz, and customized them to address the specific needs of the ecommerce business. Profit First for Ecommerce Sellers addresses each of the four major struggles and provides clear and actionable guidance on how to overcome them, taking the online seller from simply getting by to becoming permanently profitable. This book is for every online seller who dreams of ecommerce prosperity.

The Starbucks Story

John Simmons - 2005
    You can get a cup at any caf, sandwich bar or restaurant anywhere. So how did Starbucks manage to reinvent coffee as a whole new experience, and create a hugely successful brand in the process? The Starbucks Story tells the brand's story from its origins in a Seattle fish market to its growing global presence today. This is a story that has unfolded quickly - at least in terms of conventional business development. Starbucks is a phenomenon. Unknown 15 years ago, it now ranks among the 100 most valuable brands in the world. It has become the quintessential brand of the modern age, built around the creation of an experience that can be consistently reproduced across the world. Originally published in 2004 as 'My Sister's A Barista: How they made Starbucks a home away from home', this new 2012 edition has been updated to bring the brand up to date.

The Blog Startup: Proven Strategies to Launch Smart and Exponentially Grow Your Audience, Brand, and Income without Losing Your Sanity or Crying Bucketloads of Tears

Meera Kothand - 2020
    It takes several years for that—more than a book and a couple of days of reading can promise.  But this gives you a plan for success before you even start. Think of it as a road map for your first 90 days!Now, you can start a solid blog with the potential to make money WITHOUT a $1,000+ blogging education! Here’s a snapshot of what’s packed into this how-to guide: Popular guru promises exposed! I expose the truth about popular revenue streams and why NOT ALL monetization options are right for you despite guru promises! The 2M (+1) strategy to help you hit your first $1K blogging. How to find YOUR unique angle, so you can stand out from the pack and attract the right kind of readers. The smartest ways to make critical website pages sticky—Make these pages shout out “YES, you’re in the right place!” and understand what you need and don’t need to include. Why some bloggers make the leap and others don’t. (It has everything to do with what they don’t do!) 3 MUST-ANSWER questions that will shape your blog’s journey. How to create a strategic blog launch plan and my answer to the question “How many posts do you need before launching?” (No more confusion or stress. Just an actionable plan for results.) AND MORE! Imagine knowing exactly what you need to focus on despite all the distractions pulling you in a million directions.Imagine if in a mere year you accomplish more than you ever thought possible, feel a sense of satisfaction, and actually make progress toward this larger vision of what you want your blog and business to do for you.You don't flinch, get panicky, or try different tactics hoping one sticks. You have a plan of action and every decision you make for your blog is calculated and intentional. That’s the power of the process and the promise behind The Blog Startup!Intrigued yet? Then scroll to the top and click or tap “Buy Now.”

A Hedge Fund Tale of Reach and Grasp: Or What's a Heaven for

Barton Biggs - 2010
    Told through the eyes of a fictional insider, this engaging story provides a detailed look at the hedge fund business in the late 1990s and through the first decade of the twenty-first century.A Tale From the Hedge Fund World chronicles the life of a poor boy who ends up amassing more wealth than he ever thought possible. From studying Wall Street charts while sitting on the sidelines of football practice to realizing how so much money can be made in a short period of time, this book provides a bird's eye view of the inner workings of Wall Street and what it takes to make it there.Puts the word of hedge funds in perspective and reveals the competitive and lucrative nature of this field Other titles by Biggs: Hedgehogging and Wealth, War & WisdomAlso describes the bursting of the mortgage bubble and the great financial crisis that followed No one knows more about the hedge fund world of the past twenty years than Barton Biggs. His new fable offers an entertaining look at this field and those who aspire to excel within it.

Paul Graham: The Art of Funding a Startup

Andrew Warner - 2011
    Thank you for your feedback and patience.From Andrew Warner:I first interviewed Paul Graham after I heard something shocking from Alexis Ohanian, a founder whose company was funded by Graham's Y Combinator. Alexis came to Mixergy to tell the story of how he launched and sold Reddit.If you're a founder, you know the kind of problems that founders have, right? Figuring out what product to create, how to build it, how to get users to try it, etc.Well Alexis didn't seem to have those problems, or at least they weren't as challenging for him as they were for most of the other 600 entrepreneurs I interviewed on Mixergy.Why? Because Paul Graham helped him launch his business.How did Graham make Reddit's launch easier and more successful than other companies' founding? How did he do the same for hundreds of other startups? And, more importantly, what can you learn from his experiences to grow your business?The book you're holding has those answers.Use what you're about to learn to build your successful startup. After you do, I hope you'll let me interview you so other founders can learn from your experience, the way you're about to benefit from Graham's.About Hyperink, the publisher:Hyperink is the easiest way for anyone to publish a beautiful, high-quality book.We work closely with subject matter experts to create each eBook. We cover topics ranging from higher education to job recruiting, from Android apps marketing to barefoot running.If you have interesting knowledge that people are willing to pay for, especially if you've already produced content on the topic, please reach out to us! There's no writing required and it's a unique opportunity to build your own brand and earn royalties.

How To Be A Landlord: The Definitive Guide to Letting and Managing Your Rental Property

Rob Dix - 2017
     By the author of the UK’s most popular property book, The Complete Guide To Property Investment. Please note that this book only covers letting and management of a property you already own. For a guide to buying the right property in the first place, you should buy ‘The Complete Guide To Property Investment’. Take a property, throw in a tenant and watch the money roll in. This seemingly simple formula has attracted nearly two million people in the UK to become landlords, but the reality is a whole lot more complicated. Did you know, for example, that if you forget to provide a certain piece of paper you might be unable to evict a tenant – even if they don’t pay the rent? Or that you could be fined for not checking your tenant’s immigration status? And don’t forget the inevitable broken boilers, mysterious leaks and various tenant complaints that always seem to happen at the most inconvenient time. How To Be A Landlord is a straightforward guide to everything involved in letting and managing a property – whether you’re an accidental landlord or an enthusiastic investor. In simple and entertaining language, it covers important steps like preparing the property to let, advertising for tenants, conducting viewings, doing all the paperwork, managing the tenancy, and dealing with any tricky situations that crop up (including the dreaded emergency repairs and evictions…). You’ll learn: • How to set yourself up for success when preparing a property to let • Where to find the perfect tenants for your property • The essential checks you must make to avoid a nightmare tenant • Everything you need to do when setting up a tenancy to avoid problems later • How to deal with the most common maintenance issues and repairs • The proper legal processes to follow when you have troublesome tenants • Top tips from experienced landlords for how to look after your tenants – keeping them happy, your property safe, and the rent rolling in Frequently updated and with contributions from over 50 experienced landlords, this is the most current and comprehensive book on the subject – and essential reading for anyone who wants a simple, profitable life as a landlord.

61 Ways to Sell More Nonfiction Kindle Books

Steve Scott - 2013

Advanced Accounting Part 2

Gloria J. Tolentino-Baysa - 2008
    Topics include discussions about Business Combination, Consolidated Financial Statements - On the date of acquisition, Subsequent to date of acquisition, Financially Distressed Corporations, Accounting for Foreign Exchange.

Big Al's MLM Sponsoring Magic: How to Build a Network Marketing Team Quickly

Tom Schreiter - 2013
    MLM is different than a regular job. Every new person in your business should have a copy of this book to guide them in the early days of their network marketing career. This book shows the beginner exactly what to do, exactly what to say, and does it through the eyes of brand-new Distributor Joe. "Big Al" teaches Distributor Joe a very basic system to get to 100 distributors fast. Using just a few contacts and a very simple, rejection-free appointment and presentation system, Distributor Joe learns by observing, and thus builds leadership skills instantly. The magic script to help every new distributor get his first network marketing distributor makes it easy to build deep. In a few words or examples "Big Al" brings to light the real answers to network marketing leadership challenges. You’ll find the same humor and directness that has endeared "Big Al" to his workshop audiences throughout the world. Published as Big Al Tells All (Sponsoring Magic) in 1979, and revised in 1985 and 1999, this latest revision includes updates to match the changes in the network marketing industry. It still retains the classic techniques that are essential to successful network marketing. Every new person deserves instant success in MLM, so why not use this easy system to get them started fast? Motivation, attitude, positive attitude and philosophy are great, but at some point, every new MLM distributor has to learn the skills of what to say and do. This is the book they need. Big Al’s MLM Sponsoring Magic How To Build A Network Marketing Team Quickly is a fun and fascinating network marketing system that every new distributor enjoys. What a great way to start off a new distributor's career, with this easy-to-read book. Order your copy now!