How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing

Paul J. Silvia - 2007
    Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule.This revised and updated edition of Paul Silvia's popular guide provides practical, light-hearted advice to help academics overcome common barriers and become productive writers. Silvia's expert tips have been updated to apply to a wide variety of disciplines, and this edition has a new chapter devoted to grant and fellowship writing.

Social Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches

W. Lawrence Neuman - 1991
    It provides dozens of new examples from actual research studies are used to provide illustrations of concepts and methods. Key terms are now called out and defined in boxes at the bottom of the pages where they appear, for easier study and review. In chapter 1, there are now separate descriptions and examples of the steps in the research process for quantitative and qualitative approaches, to underscore some of the fundamental differences. Chapter 2 has new discussions of participatory action research, instrumental and reflexive knowledge, the various audiences for social research findings, and researcher autonomy when research is commissioned. The discussion of social theories in Chapter 3 now covers levels of abstraction, and relationships among concepts

Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action

Stephanie Harvey - 2009
    It's about combining what we know about the research process, about thinking, and about people working together to create a structure that consistently supports kids to build knowledge that matters in their lives." -Stephanie Harvey and Harvey "Smokey" DanielsListen to a podcast with Smokey and two master teachers who use inquiry circles Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action occurs at the intersection of comprehension, collaboration, and inquiry and serves as a guide for teachers who want to realize the benefits of well-structured, student-led, cross-curricular projects. Stephanie Harvey (Strategies That Work and The Comprehension Toolkit series) and Harvey "Smokey" Daniels (Literature Circles and Mini-Lessons for Literature Circles): - lay the foundation for inquiry circles by chronicling the current research and practices behind comprehension instruction and classroom collaboration - explain nine fundamental classroom conditions needed for active, small-group learning - provide 26 practical lessons in comprehension, collaboration, and research - offer how-to instructions for four types of inquiry circles-mini-research projects; curricular inquiries; extensions of literature circles; and open inquiry projects - address characteristic management concerns, such as how to use the Internet for research and how to assess and monitor student achievement. Throughout, chapters offer a mix of materials for you to grab and go as well as some big ideas to think through as you customize inquiry circles for your students. It is time for another stronger, more intentional era of education. Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action will serve as your companion and provide a guiding light on this important endeavor.

Psychology Applied to Teaching

Jack Snowman - 1971
    "Psychology Applied to Teaching "takes complex psychological theories demonstrates how they apply to the everyday experiences of in-service teachers. The Eleventh Edition combines fresh concepts and contemporary research with long standing theory and applications to create a textbook that speaks to today' s teachers and students."New! "Chapter 9: Social Cognitive Theory has been added in response to reviewer suggestions and the many recent developments in cognitive research. No other educational psychology book currently offers a separate chapter on this topic."New! ""Take a Stand!" features give the author an opportunity to spotlight issues such as inclusion, school violence, or high-stakes testing, and encourages debate on critical issues in education. Also accessible on the textbook web site with additional resources and pedagogy and in the Eduspace course with online chats."New! "Coverage of key national standards including PRAXIS and INTASC has been added and referenced throughout the text. A convenient correlation table highlighting text coverage is located on the inside covers for students and professors, with additional suggestions for instructor use in the IRM."Case in Print" exercises in every chapter use recent news articles to demonstrate how basic ideas or techniques are being applied by educators from the primary grades through high school. Each article is followed by several open-ended questions to encourage reflection. This feature can also be found on the textbook Web site."Suggestions for Teaching in YourClassroom" sections include detailed descriptions of how to apply the information and concepts discussed in the chapter to the classroom. These features are intended to be read while the book is used as a text and to serve as a reference for in-service teachers later on.Journal entries help students to prepare and use a Reflective Journal. Entries appear in the margins of the text and encourage readers to consider their own personality, style, and teaching situation in establishing personal guidelines for teaching. A guide for setting up a Reflective Journal is included in Chapter 16--students can use their journals as a reference before and during their teaching experience.Eduspace is a customizable, powerful Interactive platform that provides instructors with text-specific online courses and content in multiple disciplines. Eduspace gives an instructor the ability to create all or part of their course online using the widely recognized tools of Blackboard and quality text-specific content from HMCo. Instructors can quickly and easily assign homework exercises, quizzes, tests, tutorials and supplemental study materials and can modify that content or even add their own.

Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief

David Starkey - 2008
    How can students with widely varied levels of literary experience learn to write poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama — over the course of only one semester? In Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief, David Starkey offers some solutions to the challenges of teaching the introductory creative writing course: (1) concise, accessible instruction in literary basics; (2) short models of literature to analyze, admire and emulate; (3) inventive and imaginative assignments that inspire and motivate.

Practical Research: Planning and Design

Paul D. Leedy - 1974
    Written in uncommonly engaging, lucid, and elegant prose, this text is an understand-it-yourself, do-it-yourself manual designed to help research students in any discipline understand the fundamental structure of quality research and the methodical process that leads to genuinely significant results. It guides the reader, step-by-step, from the selection of a problem to study, through the process of conducting authentic research, to the preparation of a completed report, with practical suggestions based on a solid theoretical framework and sound pedagogy. Suited for the core text in any introductory research course or even for self-instruction, this text will show students two things: 1) that quality research demands planning and design; and, 2) how their own research projects can be executed effectively and professionally.

50 Instructional Routines to Develop Content Literacy

Douglas Fisher - 2010
    Every teacher needs to use instructional routines that allow students to engage in all of these literacy processes. Classroom examples from science, social studies, English, math, visual and performing arts, and core electives ensure that all middle and high school teachers will find useful ideas that they can implement immediately. This book provides readers with examples of fifty evidence-based instructional routines that can be used across content areas to ensure that reading and writing occur in all classes. Evidence-based-a clear research base is presented with every instructional routine, helping you further understand when and why a particular approach should be used. Practical examples-for each instructional routine presented, a practical example is provided that illustrates ways this routine has been used in today's classrooms. Quick reference -- instructional routines are arranged alphabetically, and an index on the inside front cover specifies the literacy focus for each strategy and whether the strategy is meant to be used before, during, or after reading. Instructional routines- recommended actions a teacher can take to foster comprehension, such as thinking aloud, using Question-Answer Relationships, and teaching with word walls.

Life-Span Human Development

Carol K. Sigelman - 1991
    Each chapter focuses on a domain of development such as physical growth, cognition, or personality and traces developmental trends and influences in that domain from infancy to old age. Within each chapter, you will find sections on four life stages: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood. This unique organization enables students to comprehend the processes of transformation that occur in key areas of human development. This new edition includes a clear focus on the complex interactions of nature and nurture in development, more integrated coverage of culture and diversity, and an exciting new media package for both students and instructors.

Leading from the Library: Help Your School Community Thrive in the Digital Age

Shannon McClintock Miller - 2019
    One essential role librarians play is that of a leader who works collaboratively to build relationships, mold culture and climate, and advocate for the needs of students and the community. In this book, a librarian and an education leader team up to reflect on the librarian's ability to build connections in two ways. First, they discuss the benefits of bringing the outside world into the library through the use of social media, videoconferencing and other tools that allow librarians to partner with others. Then they expand upon these connections by addressing how librarians can lead in the greater educational community by sharing resources and strategies, and partnering with school leaders to tell the story of the school community. Through this book, librarians will discover the influence they can have on the school community as the library becomes the heart of the school, a place where problems are solved, content is explored, connections are made and discovery happens.

Teach With Your Strengths: How Great Teachers Inspire Their Students

Rosanne Liesveld - 2005
    Now, they will be able to buy a version of this national bestseller written specifically for teachers.What do great teachers do differently? What separates the top teachers from all the rest? As educators — and American society in general — continue to struggle with how to improve schools in the U.S., these questions become more pressing than ever before. At the heart of any education system — beyond principals, administrators and school boards — is the teacher. Their role is so essential that Gallup has, for decades, directed some of the leading thinkers in education and psychology to uncover what makes a teacher great. Written by two educators with a combined 70 years of experience in both classroom teaching and consulting with leaders of America’s schools, Teach With Your Strengths reveals the essential truths Gallup’s research has uncovered. But it zeroes on these monumental findings: While their styles and approaches may differ, all great teachers make the most of their natural talents. And, great teachers don’t strive to be well-rounded. They know that “fixing their weaknesses” doesn’t work — it only produces mediocrity. Worse, it diverts time and attention from what they naturally do well. In Teach With Your Strengths, readers will hear from great teachers — what they do differently, how they handle problem students, how they battle intractable school bureaucracies, and how they break through and inspire even the most troubled young people. The book also shows that the best teachers take unorthodox approaches to education that are sure to stir controversy and attention — especially among other educators. Teach With Your Strengths includes access to Gallup’s online CliftonStrengths assessment that reveals the reader’s top five strengths, and the book explains how they can put those strengths to work in the classroom. As America’s educators read this groundbreaking book, they’ll discover their own innate talents as teachers. And they’ll learn how to liberate those talents to inspire the next generation of students.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Ellen Notbohm - 2005
    Framed with both humor and compassion, the book defines the top ten characteristics that illuminate the minds and hearts of children with autism. Ellen's personal experiences as a parent, an autism columnist, and a contributor to numerous parenting magazines coalesce to create a guide for all who come in contact with a child on the autism spectrum. Don't buy just one of this book- buy one for everyone who interacts with your child! Give the gift of understanding. Helpful chapters include:My sensory perceptions are disordered Distinguish between won’t and can’t I am a concrete thinker. I interpret language literally Be patient with my limited vocabulary Because language is so difficult for me, I am very visually oriented Focus and build on what I can do rather than what I can’t do Help me with social interactions Identify what triggers my meltdowns

Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning

Doug Buehl - 1995
    Yet our curricula are largely print-based, and students must develop effective reading behaviours to be successful in school. This book provides middle school and high school educators with the resources they need to meet this challenge: literacy development strategies that emphasize effective learning in content contexts.

Hacking School Libraries: 10 Ways to Incorporate Library Media Centers into Your Learning Community (Hack Learning Series Book 20)

Kristina A. Holzweiss - 2018
    They are places for research, refuge, and reflection--where students create, collaborate, communicate, and develop skills in critical thinking and compassion. Learn 10 ways to create the library learning environment that every child deserves. In Hacking School Libraries, 2015 School Librarian of the Year, Kristina A. Holzweiss, and 2017 Sensational Student Voice Award finalist, Stony Evans, bring you 10 practical hacks that will help you create a welcoming and exciting school library program. They show you how to rethink your library to become the hub of the school community, whether you are a veteran librarian or just beginning your career. Hacking School Libraries isn't just for librarians. It's for any educator who wants to learn how to transform your learning space provide hands-on learning opportunities empower your students bring curriculum to life differentiate instruction effectively raise funds advocate for modern school libraries establish global connections celebrate reading What the experts say: "When I learned that Kristina and Stony were writing a book to fit into one of my favorite series, I was so excited and couldn’t think of a better duo to do so! School librarians will find Hacking School Libraries such an amazing read and resource in so many ways. The hacks found in this book are terrific for any grade level and will help guide librarians to make a difference in their library, school, and community!" -Shannon McClintock Miller, Teacher Librarian and Iowa Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson "Authors Kristina Holzweiss and Stony Evans are two of the most respected thought leaders and practitioners in the school library field. Their book, Hacking School Libraries, is an essential resource for any modern-day library media specialist. It is filled with actionable tips and strategies that anyone can easily implement tomorrow." -Laura Fleming, Library Media Specialist, bestselling author of Worlds of Making and The Kickstart Guide to Making Great Makerspaces Grab Hacking School Libraries today, and incorporate library media centers into your learning community tomorrow.

Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction, [Book, CD & DVD]

Donald R. Bear - 1993
    I use Words Their Way both in my first grade classroom and with college students as a way to implement word study. ""Kristi McNeal, CSU Fresno" Words Their Way's developmentally-driven, hands-on instructional approach has been a phenomenon in word study, providing a practical way to study words with students. The keys to this research-based approach are to know your students' literacy progress, organize for instruction, and implement word study. This streamlined book and the DVD and CD-ROM that accompany it gives you all the tools you need to carry out word study instruction that will motivate and engage your students, and help them to succeed in literacy learning. Ordered in a developmental format, Words Their Way complements the use of any existing phonics, spelling, and vocabulary curricula." ""Knowing Your Students"Streamlined Chapter 2 provides step by step guidelines for assessing students. NEW Words Their Way Word Study Resources CD: Assessment Planning and Additional Interactive Word Sorts contains computerized assessments to gauge students' developmental levels. Word Study with English Learner sections in each chapter help you organize and adapt instruction to meet the needs of students whose first language is not English. "Organizing for Instruction"NEW Words Their Way DVD Tutorial: Planning for Word Study in K-8 Classrooms reinforces and illustrates classroom organization and management, as outlined in Chapter 3. Word Study Routines and Management sections in every chapter give you practical guidance on managing and implementing word study in your classroom. NEW Tech Notes throughout chapters pinpoint opportunities for you to use the DVD and CD-ROM to prepare for instruction. "Implementing Word Study "Classroom-proven, research-driven activities end each developmental chapter, giving you the instructional practices to get your word study instruction up and running immediately. NEW Words Their Way Word Study Resources CD: Assessment Planning and Additional Interactive Word Sorts provides more than just assessments. You'll also find hundreds of additional word and picture sorts, games and templates, and an interactive Create Your Own section. The Appendix at the back of the book contains a comprehensive bank of word lists, word sorts, picture sorts, games and templates." ""The theory behind and practice for word sorts allows even the novice teacher to understand how to use the assessments to organize instruction. The organization of the last five chapters creates a useful resource for teachers. Each begins with a research-based description and moves into sound instructional practices, giving the teacher a complete understanding of how to meet the needs of students. ""Cathy Blanchfield, CSU Fresno "" ""Meet the Authors"Donald Bear is Director of the E.L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy at the University of Nevada, Reno, assessing and teaching students who experience difficulties learning to read and write. A former preschool and elementary teacher, Donald currently researches literacy development with a special interest in students who speak languages other than English, and he partners with schools and districts to consider assessment and literacy instruction. Marcia Invernizzi is Director of the McGuffey Reading Center at the University of Virginia exploring developmental universals in non-English orthographies. A former English and reading teacher, Marcia works with children experiencing difficulties learning to read and write in intervention programs such as Virginia's Early Intervention Reading Initiative and Book Buddies. Shane Templeton is Foundation Professor of Literacy Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. A former classroom teacher at the primary and secondary levels, he researches the development of orthographic and vocabulary knowledge Francine Johnston is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she teaches reading, language arts, and children's literature. A former first-grade teacher and reading specialist. Interested in extending your Words Their Way training? Learn more about the new Online Workshop at

The Systematic Design of Instruction

Walter Dick - 1978
    The new edition covers the impact of critical new technologies and the Internet. The book also addresses current design processes used in instructional settings and delivery systems across many curriculum and business areas including Internet-based distance education.