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Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction, [Book, CD & DVD]
Donald R. Bear - 1993
I use Words Their Way both in my first grade classroom and with college students as a way to implement word study. ""Kristi McNeal, CSU Fresno" Words Their Way's developmentally-driven, hands-on instructional approach has been a phenomenon in word study, providing a practical way to study words with students. The keys to this research-based approach are to know your students' literacy progress, organize for instruction, and implement word study. This streamlined book and the DVD and CD-ROM that accompany it gives you all the tools you need to carry out word study instruction that will motivate and engage your students, and help them to succeed in literacy learning. Ordered in a developmental format, Words Their Way complements the use of any existing phonics, spelling, and vocabulary curricula." ""Knowing Your Students"Streamlined Chapter 2 provides step by step guidelines for assessing students. NEW Words Their Way Word Study Resources CD: Assessment Planning and Additional Interactive Word Sorts contains computerized assessments to gauge students' developmental levels. Word Study with English Learner sections in each chapter help you organize and adapt instruction to meet the needs of students whose first language is not English. "Organizing for Instruction"NEW Words Their Way DVD Tutorial: Planning for Word Study in K-8 Classrooms reinforces and illustrates classroom organization and management, as outlined in Chapter 3. Word Study Routines and Management sections in every chapter give you practical guidance on managing and implementing word study in your classroom. NEW Tech Notes throughout chapters pinpoint opportunities for you to use the DVD and CD-ROM to prepare for instruction. "Implementing Word Study "Classroom-proven, research-driven activities end each developmental chapter, giving you the instructional practices to get your word study instruction up and running immediately. NEW Words Their Way Word Study Resources CD: Assessment Planning and Additional Interactive Word Sorts provides more than just assessments. You'll also find hundreds of additional word and picture sorts, games and templates, and an interactive Create Your Own section. The Appendix at the back of the book contains a comprehensive bank of word lists, word sorts, picture sorts, games and templates." ""The theory behind and practice for word sorts allows even the novice teacher to understand how to use the assessments to organize instruction. The organization of the last five chapters creates a useful resource for teachers. Each begins with a research-based description and moves into sound instructional practices, giving the teacher a complete understanding of how to meet the needs of students. ""Cathy Blanchfield, CSU Fresno "" ""Meet the Authors"Donald Bear is Director of the E.L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy at the University of Nevada, Reno, assessing and teaching students who experience difficulties learning to read and write. A former preschool and elementary teacher, Donald currently researches literacy development with a special interest in students who speak languages other than English, and he partners with schools and districts to consider assessment and literacy instruction. Marcia Invernizzi is Director of the McGuffey Reading Center at the University of Virginia exploring developmental universals in non-English orthographies. A former English and reading teacher, Marcia works with children experiencing difficulties learning to read and write in intervention programs such as Virginia's Early Intervention Reading Initiative and Book Buddies. Shane Templeton is Foundation Professor of Literacy Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. A former classroom teacher at the primary and secondary levels, he researches the development of orthographic and vocabulary knowledge Francine Johnston is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she teaches reading, language arts, and children's literature. A former first-grade teacher and reading specialist. Interested in extending your Words Their Way training? Learn more about the new Online Workshop at
Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground (Critical Studies in Russian Literature)
Richard Arthur Peace - 1993
A full bibliography is included.
The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach Advanced Reflections
Carolyn Edwards - 1993
Over the past forty years, educators there have evolved a distinctive innovative approach that supports children's well-being and fosters their intellectual development through a systematic focus on symbolic representation. Young children (from birth to age six) are encouraged to explore their environment and express themselves through many languages, or modes of expression, including words, movement, drawing, painting, sculpture, shadow play, collage, and music. Leading children to surprising levels of symbolic skill and creativity, the system is not private and elite but rather involves full-day child care open to all, including children with disabilities.This new Second Edition reflects the growing interest and deepening reflection upon the Reggio approach, as well as increasing sophistication in adaptation to the American context. Included are many entirely new chapters and an updated list of resources, along with original chapters revised and extended. The book represents a dialogue between Italian educators who founded and developed the system and North Americans who have considered its implications for their own settings and issues. The book is a comprehensive introduction covering history and philosophy, the parent perspective, curriculum and methods of teaching, school and system organization, the use of space and physical environments, and adult professional roles including special education. The final section describes implications for American policy and professional development and adaptations in United States primary, preschool, and child care classrooms.
Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and Other Bribes
Alfie Kohn - 1993
We dangle goodies (from candy bars to sales commissions) in front of people in much the same way we train the family pet. Drawing on a wealth of psychological research, Alfie Kohn points the way to a more successful strategy based on working with people instead of doing things to them. "Do rewards motivate people?" asks Kohn. "Yes. They motivate people to get rewards." Seasoned with humor and familiar examples, Punished By Rewards presents an argument unsettling to hear but impossible to dismiss.
The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children
Gloria Ladson-Billings - 1993
Through the stories and experiences of eight successful teacher-transmitters, The Dreamkeepers keeps hope alive for educating young African Americans. --ReverAnd Jesse L. Jackson, president and founder, National Rainbow Coalition In this beautifully written book Ladson-Billings illustrates the inspiring influence of a select group of teachers who keep the dreams alive for African American students. ?Henry M. Levin, David Jacks professor of Higher Education, Stanford University Ladson-Billing's portraits, interwoven with personal reflections, challenge readers to envision intellectually rigorous and culturally relevant classrooms that have the power to improve the lives of not just African American students but all children.
The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research
Stephen D. Krashen - 1993
Krashen also explores research surrounding the role of school and public libraries and the research indicating the necessity of a print-rich environment that provides light reading (comics, teen romances, magazines) as well as the best in literature to assist in educating children to read with understanding and in second language acquisition. He looks at the research surrounding reading incentive/rewards programs and specifically at the research on AR (Accelerated Reader) and other electronic reading products.
Shakespeare Set Free: Teaching Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth & Midsumr Night'
William Shakespeare - 1993
This text includes provocative essays written by scholars to refresh both teacher and student, successful and understandable techniques for teaching through performance, and teaching methods that engage students at all levels.
Acts of Teaching: How to Teach Writing - A Text, a Reader, a Narrative
Joyce Armstrong Carroll - 1993
While maintaining the best of Acts, Acts II moves the paradigm into the global age. Comprehensive, innovative, and practical, and with forewords by two of the most noted scholars in the field, Janet Emig and Edmund J. Farrell, this text offers educators a powerful approach to teaching writing. Rather than repetitive exercises, it focuses on engagement and interaction so students grapple with words and experiences to make meaning.In Acts II the writing process and assessment gain a new dimension. Recent research supports its content and strategies while cognitive development and neurological theories, early literacy, inquiry, and writing as a mode of learning across all disciplines and grade levels have been invigorated. Topics include students, shifts and skills for the global age, the writing process, and assessment, three chapters on how to teach grammar within the writing process, collaboration, post writing, and publishing. This book meets the needs of anyone writing or teaching writing. Grades PreK-12.
Reading Recovery
Marie M. Clay - 1993
Children entering the "Reading Recovery" program are those from ordinary classes who have the most difficulty in reading and writing after one year at school.Since the "Reading Recovery" program is different for every child, the implementation of a successful program requires thorough teacher training. Using the child's competencies as a starting point, the program advances toward what the child is trying to accomplish. The teaching, therefore, must be individually designed and individually delivered. Using the guidelines in this book, teachers learn how to provide each child with an intensive program of daily instruction which supplements the regular class instruction activities.The goal of "Reading Recovery" is to help children acquire efficient patterns of learning to enable them to work at the average level of their classmates and to continue to progress satisfactorily in their own school's instructional program. When recognized training accompanies the use of procedures contained in this book, success rates are consistently high and surprising.
The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward
Michael Lewis - 1993
THE LEXICAL APPROACH develops current thinking, synthesizing the best insights of previous theory, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and modern approaches to grammar.
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching, Learning, and Living
Mem Fox - 1993
The internationally acclaimed children’s book writer and educator offers her insights into the learning process, language education, and the pleasure, growth, and power that reading and writing can bring.
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
Marie M. Clay - 1993
It has introduced thousands of teachers to ways of observing children's progress in the early years of learning about literacy. It has also helped them determine which children need supplementary teaching. Now the revised Second Edition updates this important sourcework with new data, ideas, and implementations from U.S. and U.K. classrooms.
Exploring Orff: A Teacher's Guide
Arvida Steen - 1993
How can I form a curriculum that addresses my students' needs? How can I choose the best materials for my lessons from the abundance of materials avaliable? How can I plan lessons from the abundance of materials avaliable? How can I plan lessons that have a clear focus and are also open to frequent student contributions? "Exploring Orff" addresses these critical questions. Acknowledgements * Preface * Introduction * Planning your Curriculum * Lesson Planning * Kindergarten * First Grade * Second Grade * Third Grade * Fourth Grade * Fith Grade * Conclusion: Artistry in the Classroom * Appendices * Alphabetical Listing of Suggested Additional Resources * Indes * Sources
Bridging English
Joseph O. Milner - 1993
This book has been praised for its unique components: discussion of "four stages" of reading texts and "three phases" of teaching texts. The authors' many years of experience teaching English are obvious throughout the material, but nowhere more so than in their straightforward presentation of organization and planning for instruction and their firm stand on teaching grammar. This book covers the challenging and the controversial in English instruction and explores censorship, national standards, high-stakes testing, multi-lingual students, and multicultural literature. For professionals in the field of teaching.
Activities That Teach: Students Learn Best By Doing!
Tom Jackson - 1993
These activities cover topics such as alcohol and drug prevention, communication, problem solving, working together, decision making, self esteem, character, goal setting, anger management, stress management, peer pressure, etc. These activities have worked successfully with inner city, suburban and rural kids whether they are at-risk or gifted students. The activities are designed for grades three through twelve. The activities require very little in the way of preparation and materials. You won't spend a lot of time getting them together or a lot of money buying supplies. Feedback from those who work with kids has been extremely positive and kids love participating because they are non-threatening, safe and most of all fun. You won't find any worksheets or word search papers in this book. It is full of activities that will get them engaged in their own learning process and will help them internalize the concept you are teaching. Use the activities as stand-alone modules or to add some spice to lesson plans you already teach. The activities have been helpful for those in the classroom, after-school programs, camps, church groups, scouts, mental health centers, counseling groups, etc. Each activity comes with the teaching concept explained, materials needed, activity described and suggested questions listed. Most of the activities are from 5 minutes to 30 minutes in length. Enjoy! Show More Show Less
Materials and Methods in ELT
Jo McDonough - 1993
Offers a comprehensive and practical introduction to central themes in the principles and practice of Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language. Features a number of new sections, including task-based learning, the use of the internet, and teacher-research, as well as new samples from current teaching materials. Includes an appendix with a selected list of key websites for teachers and students. This second edition has been completely revised and updated.
Spitwad Sutras: Classroom Teaching as Sublime Vocation
Robert Inchausti - 1993
It provides a framework for stripping away the external and personal pressures that bleed intellectual content out of classroom teaching so that teachers may, in fact, experience their vocation as sublime. Written in the novelistic first-person narrative, it is a seasoned teacher's story of his initiation from graduate student at the University of Chicago to ninth-grade teacher in a Catholic high school where he manned the battle lines in provincial, petty, sometime even violent world of American secondary school. It is also the story of how a certain Brother Blake, a 67-year-old practitioner of the pedagogy of the sublime, passed on his vision of classroom teaching as a sublime vocation. A major contribution to the field by the acclaimed author of The Ignorant Perfection of Ordinary People.
May It Please the Court
Peter Irons - 1993
Rubenstein places reported cases and other legal readings in a historical framework, and complements the legal texts with selections ranging from fiction and poetry to psychology, sociology, theology, oral history, and journalism. An essential sourcebook for anyone interested in gay and lesbian issues.
The Peaceable Classroom
Mary Rose O'Reilley - 1993
For Mary Rose O'Reilley it was a question that would not go away; The Peaceable Classroom records one attempt to answer it. Out of her own experience, primarily as a college English teacher, she writes about certain moral connections between school and the outside world, making clear that the kind of environment created in the classroom determines a whole series of choices students make in the future, especially about issues of peace and justice.Animated throughout by the spirit of the personal essayist, The Peaceable Classroom first defines a pedagogy of nonviolence and then analyzes certain contemporary approaches to rhetoric and literary studies in light of nonviolent theory. The pedagogy of Ken Macrorie, Peter Elbow, and the National Writing Project is examined. The author emphasizes that many techniques taken for granted in contemporary writing pedagogy -- such as freewriting and journaling -- are not just educational fads, but rather ways of shaping a different human being. "Finding voice," then, is not only an aspect of writing process, but a spiritual event as well. To find voice, and to mediate personal voice in a community of others, is one of the central dialectics of the peaceable classroom.The author urges teachers to foster critical encounters with the intellectual and spiritual traditions of humankind and to reclaim the revolutionary power of literature to change things.
The Reservoir: Stories and Sketches
Janet Frame - 1993
A native of New Zealand, she is the author of eleven novels, four collections of stories, a volume of poetry, a children's book, and her heartfelt and courageous autobiography -- all published by George Braziller. This fall, we celebrate our thirty-ninth year of publishing Frame's extraordinary writing.
Sai Baba
Peggy Mason - 1993
This book recounts the biography and teachings of an enlightened master in India. This re-publication is written by a British couple who, late in life, found their lives transformed through meeting him.
Pre K-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide
Project Learning Tree - 1993
Birds and Worms. Pollution Search. These are some of the 96 hands-on interdisciplinary activities in PLT's PreK-8 guide. The PreK-8 Guide covers such topics as water and air quality, ecology, urban environments, and recycling. See the Topic Index from the PreK-8 Guide for a complete listing of activities that address various topics.Education ConnectionsThe guide is designed to meet the common components of national education reform by using the constructivist approach to learning, whole language teaching, cooperative learning, problem solving, and authentic assessments.In many states, the PreK-8 Guide and the secondary modules have been correlated to state learning standards. At the national level, the curriculum has been correlated to the National Science Standards, National Social Studies Standards, Excellence in EE Guidelines, and Girl Scout (badge) program activities.Before making the guide widely available, PLT commissioned a formal evaluation. The results confirmed that PLT is effective in helping students become more environmentally literate citizens.What's Inside the GuideThe activities are organized into five main themes: diversity, interrelationships, systems, structure and scale, and patterns of change.The guide is designed so you can use a single activity or many over the course of a quarter or school year. Each activity includes an overview, background content, a teachers' step-by-step guide, and provides: * Grade level recommendations * Incorporating subjects, such as math or language arts * Concepts, skills, and curriculum objectives * Needed materials, many of which are easy to obtain, free or low-cost * A timeline - how long it will take to prepare and conduct the activity * Related Activities * Assessment opportunities for students * Reproducible student pages (for most activities) that are also available in Spanish (for editions prior to 2006) * Reading Connections listed at the end of each activity * Technology Connections in most activities * Differentiating Instruction enhancements The PreK-8 Guide also featuers 16 Appendices that contain additional resources and other helpful information. One example includes advice for Teaching Controversial Issues.
Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook
Robert E. O'Neill - 1993
Professionals and students alike will appreciate the way the authors help readers learn to conduct functional assessments and develop their own intervention programs.
Approaches to Teaching Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre (Approaches to Teaching World Literature (Paperback))
Diane Long Hoeveler - 1993
Each volume surveys teaching aids and critical material and brings together essays that apply a variety of perspectives to teaching the text. Upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, student teachers, education specialists, and teachers in all humanities disciplines will find these volumes particularly helpful.
How to Reach and Teach Children with ADD/ADHD: Practical Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions
Sandra F. Rief - 1993
In addition, the book contains best teaching practices and countless strategies for enhancing classroom performance for all types of students. This invaluable resource offers proven suggestions for:Engaging students' attention and active participation Keeping students on-task and productive Preventing and managing behavioral problems in the classroom Differentiating instruction and addressing students' diverse learning styles Building a partnership with parents and much more.
Race, Identity, and Representation in Education
Cameron McCarthy - 1993
New chapters take into account the more current backdrop of globalization, particularly events such as 9/11, and attendant developments that make a reconsideration of race relations in education quite urgent.
Ready-To-Use Pe Activities Grades 5-6 Book 3
Joanne M. Landy - 1993
This sequential curriculum for grades K-9 boys and girls provides more than 1,600 activities (in 4 volumes) to improve physical fitness, promote sportsmanship, develop social skills, and build self-esteem.
Life Under a Cloud: American Anxiety About the Atom
Allan M. Winkler - 1993
This title delineates how fears of nuclear disaster have become a part of our culture. Tracing the debate over military and civilian uses of atomic power, it reveals the irony, anxiety, and official insanity of the atomic age.
Practical Plays
Pamela Marx - 1993
Easy to stage, memorize, rehearse, and perform!
Sometimes Gladness: Collected Poems 1954 1992
Bruce Dawe - 1993
This new edition brings Bruce Dawe's collected poems into the 1990s. It includes the best of the new poems written between 1987 and 1992, and while some earlier work has been omitted, all of the many poems which have established Dawe's unique reputation have been retained. The poems are arranged in chronological order, and indexes of themes and forms have again been included. Also available is a cassette tape of the poet reading and commenting on a selection of his poems,' all included in this edition. Bruce Dawe continues to write with those qualities of feeling, intelligence and humour which have brought him such widespread critical acclaim. In 1992 he was awarded the Order of Australia (AO) for services to Australian literature, particularly in the field of poetry.
Great Fundraising Ideas for Youth Groups: Over 150 Easy-To-Use Money-Makers That Really Work
David Lynn - 1993
This original book contains over 150 creative ways your youth group can raise money.
Beyond Leaf Raking: Learning to Serve/Serving to Learn (Essentials for Christian Youth! Series)
Peter L. Benson - 1993
Beyond Leaf Raking presents a foundation for youth service, shows how to integrate service-learning into youth ministry, and features stories and illustrations from congregations. In addition, this resource includes practical checklists, worksheets, surveys, guidelines for congregations, and a formal evaluation tool for measuring the impact of service of youth.